Ravenloft 3rd Edition Errata
Ravenloft 3rd Edition Errata
Ravenloft 3rd Edition Errata
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Ravenloft Errata
Here are some errata and mistakes from 3rd edition products.
Some are labelled as such, i.e. ‘errata’, as they have been corrected by the authors of the various Ravenloft books (either by the
precise and mighty pen of Azalin on the Kargatane ‘Ask Azalin’ board, or by the authors themselves on the various Ravenloft
boards. We warmly thank them for these inputs).
Others are mistakes spotted by fans. Those haven’t been corrected as fans (or the FoS) can’t propose canon corrections to fix these
mistakes. “DM’s prerogative”, I guess!
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If you spot other mistakes (or have errata if you are an author), please send them at joel@FraternityOfShadows.com
Please use these three rules while considering sending errors you spotted:
• Do not send me about typos that are unimportant and do not change the text meaning!
• Do not send me about a difference of opinion with the author on a subject!
• In order to make it useful and comprehensive, please provide the justifications for your corrections!
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Pg. 112 The Core, 2nd paragraph: change “east” to “west” and change “West” to “East”. (Errata)
RLPHB Pg. 129
Pg. 112 Change Barovia total population to “27,700” (not 27,7000)>(Errata)
Pg. 115 Borca. Change "Von Ziyden" to "Vor Ziyden">(Errata)
RLPHB Pg. 132
Pg. 116 The correct population percentages for Darkon are: “Humans 70%, Halflings 14%, Dwarves 6%, Elves
RLPHB Pg.134 5%, Gnomes 3%, Half-Elves 1%, Other 1%.(Errata)
Pg. 118 The “Other” population percentage of Dementlieu should be 3%>(Errata)
RLPHB Pg.135
Pg. 119 At end of ‘character’ section: change “Weapon Finesse (pistol, rapier)” to “Weapon Focus (pistol,
RLPHB Pg.137 rapier)”. (Errata)
Pg.132 “The Nocturnal Sea” landscape section, 1st paragraph: change “west” to “east”, and “western” to
RLPHB Pg.150 “eastern”. (Errata)
Pg.181 ‘rank five’ second paragraph: change “living beings” to “living or undead beings”. (Errata)
RLPHB Pg.202
Pg.185 Magic Mimicry: change sentences 4 and 5 to: “The lich does not need to know the spell, but it can mimic
RLPHB Pg.210 only those spells found on its own spell list. A lich who is an 11th-level wizard cannot mimic a cleric or
druid’s spells, for example.”. (Errata)
Pg.186 Poison aura: change “magical aura” to “magical (necromantic) aura”. (Errata)
RLPHB Pg.210
Pg. 190 Change the Spider Climb special quality from “(Su)” to “(Ex)”(Errata)
RLPHB Pg.215
Pg. 191 Change “Advancement: As base construct.” to “Advancement: By character class (fighter, rogue,
RLPHB Pg. 219 commoner, expert, or warrior only).” (Errata)
Pg. 192 Regeneration (Ex) should read: “The dread golem gains Regeneration 5. Two relatively common varieties
RLPHB Pg. 219 of damage must be selected that deal normal damage to the golem. Dread flesh golems, for example, are
frequently unable to regenerate fire or acid damage. As a construct, the dream golem remains immune to
attacks that would normally inflict subdual damage. The dread golem cannot regrow lost body parts, but it
can reattach severed body parts instantly by holding them against the stump.”. (Errata)
Pg. 201 Corruptive Aura: add special quality “(Su)”. (Errata)
RLPHB Pg. 234
Pg. 204 Curses, 5th paragraph: change “a bonus” to “an insight bonus”. (Errata)
RLPHB Pg. 239
Pg. 208 Manusa tribes, 2nd paragraph: change “sorcerer class” to “wizard class” and “sorcery” to “wizardry”.
RLPHB Pg. 243 (Errata)
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Pg. 40 To be coherent with the description of Markov, Markov's bite attack should be stricken from the stat block
Pg. 41 In Frantisek Markov's stats, it is written: "He is a talented painter..." Yet in his stats, he doesn't have such
skills. That does appear to be a slight oversight. Azalin suggested a quick fix: take 1 rank from his Sense
Motive skill and 1 rank from his Wilderness Lore skill, and give him 2 ranks in Perform (painting). That
all works out as Perform +1, Sense Motive +9, Wilderness Lore +9. (precision given by Azalin)
DeepShadow adds: I agree with most of these changes, but IMO the Akikage should have all good
saves because it's based in part on a monk.
Stygian Inquirer: Can incorporeal creatures grapple other incorporeal creatures? That might explain
the grapple entry (incorporeal creatures apply their Strength modifier to damage against other incorporeal
creatures so would there be a problem with grappling) Here is what the Wizard's website says in their
Rules of the Game article about incorporeality: "Because an incorporeal creature cannot exert any
Strength and its body (such as it is) passes through material objects, an incorporeal creature cannot use
bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, sunder, or trip attacks against corporeal creatures or objects. Some of
these attack forms are possible against other incorporeal creatures." "Grappling: You can resolve grapple
attempts using the rules on pages 155-157 of the Player's Handbook, except that an incorporeal creature
uses its Charisma modifier instead of its Strength modifier when it makes a grapple check. Remember that
grappling combat begins with an initial grab attempt, not a grapple check. When one incorporeal creature
tries to grab another, it makes a melee touch attack and uses its Dexterity modifier for the attack."
DDr Pg. 11-13 All samples of the Ancient Dead use the “8d12 + class HD” formula for hit points. It is astonishingly
wrong, as the template suggests changing the hit point dice to d12, and that’s it (as all undead templates).
It should be:
1. 5d12 = 33 HP
2. 7d12 = 45 HP
3. 9d12 = 58 HP
4. 10d12 = 65 HP
5. 12d12 = 78 HP
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DDa Pg. 16 Teg: Teg can cast Animal cleric domain spells as a 5th-level cleric. (Errata)
DDr Pg. 26
DDa Pg. 16 Teg: The Teg’s DR should be listed as having "DR 15/+2 and gold" (Errata) Please note that in DenDr, all
arak’s DR have been reduced to 5 instead of 15, and teg now have "DR 5/gold" (DM’s prerogative, I
DDr Pg. 42 The hit points of the Bruja should be 36 HP (Error spotted by fan, easily corrected)
DDa Pg. 42 Stygian Inquirer the sample Dhampir fighter's hit dice are wrong. It should be "8d12+16 ( 68 )" as it
is in Denizens of Dread. Also the AC should read "23" not 3.
DDa Pg. 31 Carrionette: The carrionette's attacks should read: Attacks: Straight razor +3 melee; or silver needle +5
DDr Pg. 44 ranged. In addition, in the skills, it should receive a +10 racial bonus to Climb checks (netting the same
final +8 score) (Errata)
DDa Pg. 52 / DDr Mangrum: mist elemental. Here's the corrected version in my monster collection:
Pg. 67
Infuse Evil (Su): With a successful a touch attack, a mist elemental can attempt to enter a living
creature’s lungs and permeate the victim’s very being with evil. To use this attack, the elemental must
enter the target’s space, but this does not provoke attacks of opportunity if the elemental is in diffuse form
(see below). If the subject is breathing normally, it automatically breathes in the vapors. If the subject is
holding its breath, it must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC varies by the elemental’s size; see below) to
resist. Creatures that do not breathe (such as constructs and undead) are not subject to this attack. The
save DC is Constitution-based.
A creature that breathes the elemental’s vapors must succeed on a Will save (DC varies by the elemental’s
size; see below) or be infused with evil, suffering a temporary, involuntary alignment change to chaotic
evil with a duration of 2d6+1 minutes. The elemental warps an infused victim’s perceptions as well as its
morality; any creature that has concealment against the target (due to fog, darkness, or any other factor)
becomes a half-glimpsed, ominous shadow in the mind’s eye of the target. An evil-infused target
completely ignores the mist elemental, instead focusing its attention on slaying these “monsters” to
protect itself. Regardless of the success or failure of the saving throw, that mist elemental cannot infuse
that target with evil again for 24 hours.
When the effect’s duration ends, the target must make a second Will save (same DC). On a failure, the
altered perceptions return to normal, but the temporary alignment change becomes permanent. An
atonement, remove curse, or break enchantment spell can restore the target to its true alignment. Having
suffered an involuntary alignment change, a recovered victim who kills an ally or otherwise causes lasting
harm while under the elemental’s influence may be subject to a Madness save (see pg. # of Lands of
This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. The Will save DCs are Charisma-based.
Diffuse Form (Su): The elemental can disperse its essence, transforming itself into a bank of fog once
every 10 minutes and remaining in that form for 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In this form, the elemental
can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed.
The fogbank fills a space equal to the elemental’s HD × 5 feet (see the table below) and is 10 feet tall.
Alternatively, the elemental can increase its height to 40 feet by halving its space (with the elemental’s
standard space as a minimum).
While in diffuse form, a mist elemental’s damage reduction value increases by 10. For example, a Small
or Medium mist elemental gains damage reduction 10/—, while an elder mist elemental gains damage
reduction 20/—.
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A mist elemental in diffuse form has no (—) Strength score. It cannot make slam attacks or grapple
checks and does not threaten the area around it. Its movement while in diffuse form does not provoke
attacks of opportunity, even if the elemental enters the space another creature occupies. Likewise, other
creatures can enter spaces occupied by the diffuse elemental without provoking attacks of opportunity.
The spaces occupied by a diffuse mist elemental are filled with a thick vapor that obscures vision,
including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss
chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use
sight to locate the target).
The elemental assumes its normal form again as a move-equivalent action, and can reform in any squares
currently filled by its diffuse form.
DeepShadow adds: The table of saves is good, but I calculated the Will save for a Large elemental to
be 16 (8HD, 15 Cha; 10+4+2=16). Where am I missing this?
Construction: As described in the Monster Manual, a golem’s creator must first supply the
golem’s body and a specially prepared workroom. If the creator uses magic to grant life to
her creation, then the standard creation process applies. Golems of obsession do not cost
exorbitant sums or require untold magics to construct, however. The creator of a dread
golem must personally construct the golem’s body (requiring specific skills), and expend
the requisite costs in gold pieces (body only), XP and time. The creator need not cast any
spells or possess any craft item feats. A golem created through this method automatically
gains the “dread golem” template (see Chapter Five of the Ravenloft core book).
Bone Golem: A bone golem’s body must be constructed from the bones of skeletal
undead. Only 10% of any one skeleton can be used in the creation of the golem, so bone
golems often incorporate bones collected from 20 or more creatures. The golem costs
25,000 gp, including the scant 100 gp needed for the construction of the body. Assembling
the body requires one month and a successful Knowledge (anatomy) or Heal check (DC
12). The creator must be 18th level and able to cast arcane spells. Completing the ritual
drains 1,400 XP from the creator and requires animate dead, symbol (fear), binding and
Doll Golem: A doll golem costs 15,000 gp to create, though only 10 gp of this represents
the cost of constructing the body. Assembling the body requires two weeks and a
successful Craft (carpentry or sewing) check (DC 15). The creator must be 15th level and
able to cast divine spells. Completing the ritual drains 1,100 XP from the caster and
requires animate objects, bless, holy word (or blasphemy), prayer, and Tasha’s hideous
laughter (which must be cast by an arcane spellcaster).
Gargoyle Golem: A gargoyle golem’s body is carved from a single slab of granite
weighing at least 2,000 pounds. The golem costs 75,000 gp to create, including 1,000 gp
for the body and 15,000 for special vestments, which can be reused. Assembling the body
requires two months and a successful Craft (sculpting or stonemasonry) check (DC 17).
The creator must be 16th level and able to cast divine spells. Completing the ritual drains
1,200 XP from the creator and requires holy word (or blasphemy), prayer, stone shape, and
flesh to stone (which must be supplied by an arcane spellcaster).
Glass Golem: A glass golem’s body is meticulously crafted from hundreds of pieces of
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stained glass in a thin iron framework. The golem costs 100,000 gp to create, including
10,000 gp for the construction of the body. Assembling the body requires three months and
a successful Craft (glassworking) check (DC 18). The creator must be a 14th-level
spellcaster; due to the spells required, these golems are usually created by arcane and
divine spellcasters working in concert. Completing the ritual drains 1000 XP (which can be
divided between multiple creators) and requires animate objects, prismatic spray, rainbow
pattern and miracle.
Zombie Golem: A zombie golem’s body must be constructed from the ruined corpses of
former zombies. Only 10% of any one zombie can be used in the creation of the golem, so
zombie golems often incorporate parts collected from 20 or more creatures. The golem
costs 50,000 gp, including the 100 gp needed for the construction of the body. Assembling
the body requires one month and a successful Craft (leatherworking) or Heal check (DC
13). The creator must be 16th level and able to cast arcane spells. Completing the ritual
drains 1,200 XP from the creator and requires bull's strength, control undead, limited wish,
polymorph any object and stinking cloud.
DDr Pg. 95 Dread Flesh Golem: Hit points are listed as 12d10 (49 hp). However, with the average hit points
(5.5/level x 12), it should be 66. But in addition, from the monster manual Core Book, constructs gain
bonus hit points according to size. As large creatures, Dread Flesh Golems should have +30. So the entry
should read: Hit Dice: 12d10+30 (96 hp). (Error spotted by fan, easily corrected).
DDa Pg. 83 Assassin Imp: Add the Mists subtype. (Errata)
DDr Pg. 118
DDa Pg. 97 Lycanthropes: The canon-wise suggested chemical banes for the new lycanthropes:
DDr Pg. 137 Lycanthrope Chemical Bane
Werejackal Fennel
Werejaguar Cocoa
Wereleopard Mercury
Wereray Water Lily
Wereraven Unknown
Wererat Varies
Mangrum adds: It's also distinctly inferior to the Strahd undead template that had already been
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published in Gaz I. To this day I wonder whether the developers were aware that they, personally, had
already published that monster elsewhere.
DDa Pg. 144 Tenebris: Descriptors correct as presented. These creatures do have reality wrinkles (precision given by
DDr Pg. 192 Azalin)
DDa Pg. 157 Dwarven Vampire: Under “Slaying a Dwarven Vampire”: change the sentence “Exposing a Dwarven
vampire disorients it” to “Exposing a dwarven vampire to sunlight disorients it” (Errata)
DDa Pg. 158 When an elven vampire creates a new vampire or spawn, what is the new vampire or spawn's CHA score?
DDr Pg. 209 Like the cerebral vampire, the change to undeath should "reset" the drained ability to its original score
(i.e., whatever it would be if not for the vampiric drain) (Errata)
DDr Pg. 218 Vampyre Level Adjustment is too high. LA is added to the Hit Dice to show its equivalent level in the
base race and classes. A vampyre, a CR 4 monster, is not equivalent to a level 16 character. (Error spotted
by fan, no errata yet)
DDr Pg. 219 The sample Vorlog’s Level Adjustment is 1 too high (6+8=14, not 15) (Error spotted by fan, easily
DDr Pg. 219 Vorlog’s “Attack” column is a reprint of “Full Attack” (Error spotted by fan, easily corrected)
DDa Pg. 111 NeoTiamat: Paka. Something is decidedly off.
DDr Pg. 158
1. The Paka is listed as a Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Shapeshifter), and the description clearly
mentions the ability to shapeshift twice "Shedding its human pretense" and "Paka in human form...In their
true form". And yet, there is nothing that states how the Paka accomplish this. No Change Shape, no
Disguise Self, nothing.
Fairly obviously an oversight, but a severe one (A shapeshifter should be able to shift shapes, yes?)
2. This is more of an opinion based question, but is it my imagination or do Paka have a rather low Level
Adjustment for their power? They get -2 Str, +10 Dex, +6 Int, +4 Cha, SR 16, Pounce, Natural Attacks
and Scent and several minor abilities including a wild empathy variant and a heal, all for +2 LA and 3 HD
which aren't actually that bad (good saves, full AB, and decent HP).
Mangrum: In my personal 3.5 retweaking of the paka, it has the Change Shape special quality:
Change Shape (Su): At will, as a standard action, a paka can subtly alter its appearance to appear fully
human. In human form, the paka loses its natural attacks. A paka can remain in human form until it
chooses to change to its true form. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but a paka reverts to its true
form when killed. A true seeing spell or ability reveals its natural form. The transformation is not major
enough to affect a paka’s clothing or armor.
I also tweaked the rest of its abilities a bit and upped its LA to +3.
DDr Pg. 208 Cure : The dwarven vampire example, under Special Qualities: shouldn't the Resistance to cold and to
electricity be 10 instead of 20?
Mangrum : In my revised/corrected 3.5 notes, a dwarven vampire (hulzurdan) has resistance to cold 10
and electricity 10, yes. (errata)
DDa Pg. 116 / Scipion Emilien : The Bloodrose has a DR/bludgeoning. So I'm curious as to why? Any explanation?
DDr Pg. 160
Mangrum : In my own revised/corrected 3.5 files, it's DR 5/slashing. (errata)
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Q: The entry for Moon Silver states that it acts as scroll of protection from lycanthropes.
I'm not sure, but I cannot find this spell in any of my books. What actually this spell do?
A: The protection from lycanthropes spell is identical to the protection from evil spell, but
applies to lycanthropes, not evil-aligned entities. (This is something CoD should have
Q: Regarding the moon ring's permanent cure for lycanthropy - is the character still
considered a shapechanger, or has his curse completely been removed when he wears this
A: The description of the item is muddled, to say the least. The "rare" variety of moon
silver is essentially identical to a silver amulet of the beast (see Van Richten's Arsenal).
Q: The entry says that ring cannot be "borrowed", but can be given as permanent gift. Can
two characters (who totally trust each other) effectively swap this ring between each other
constantly, each time giving it as "permanent gift"?
A: That rule is so puzzling and peculiar -- for the very reason you address -- that I
recommend simply ignoring it.
(suggestions by Azalin)
Pg. 30 A Nightlord gain the Frightening Aura at 3rd level and the Horrifying Designs power at 4th (Table 1-10 is
right, write-up isn’t). (Errata)
Pg. 35 In “Weapon and Armor Proficiency”, replace the “proficient in exotic melee and ranged weapons” by
“Exotic Weapon Proficiency (whips)” at first level. (Whips, scourges and cat o' nine tales are similar
enough to be covered under one proficiency.) (Errata)
Pg. 37 The Studied Foe ability of the Solitary Outcast isn’t explained. The ability appears to be an attempt to
replicate the "studied foe" ability of the witch-hunter (see SotDR pg. 5); use the mechanics found there.
(suggestion by Azalin)
Pg. 41 Replace the following in the description of the feat Death's Favor:
Benefit: Spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts to gain a +2 sacred bonus to a
single saving throw against any Necromancy spell or against any divine spells of the Death
or Repose cleric domains (Errata)
Pg. 43 cure remarked: according to the description of the Feral Raised feat, the individual with it has for his
type: animal. Hence we have the racial bonus to Animal Empathy and Handle Animals. But what are the
other consequences of this change of type? Low-light vision as per the animal type description, probably
necessary for running with wolves or any animal of the night? Immunity to charm person, resistance to
Tasha's Hideous Laughter, susceptibility to charm animal and hide from animals spells, since we are
dealing with racial bonuses right? Perhaps even full access to certain skills (hide, spot, jump, etc.) that
would otherwise be cross-classed, although only those that are possessed by the animal type that raised
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Ravenloft: 3rd Edition Errata https://fraternityofshadows.com/TheVault/RL_Errata.html
the individual? Perhaps even, although I think not if I am reading the rules correctly, initially good
fortitude and reflex saves that animals typically receive.
gonzoron added: I would probably handle it like a 3.5 template. From the SRD (Improving monsters):
"Unless a template indicates otherwise, the new creature has the traits of the new type but the features of
the original type" And also: "Note that if a creature acquires a character class, it improves according to its
class, not its type."
• Low-light vision.
• Alignment: Always neutral, according to the SRD. Well, it's up to the DM, I guess. there's no
reason he couldn't have had an alignment shift after leaving the woods.
• Proficient with its natural weapons only. A noncombative herbivore uses its natural weapons as a
secondary attack. Such attacks are made with a –5 penalty on the creature’s attack rolls, and the
animal receives only 1/2 its Strength modifier as a damage adjustment. Proficient with no armor
unless trained for war. (this becomes irrelevant as soon as he takes a class).
Pg. 78 Jander Sunstar is missing nine feats. He has enough feats to account for those gained from his levels but is
missing all of his fighter bonus feats. (Error spotted by fan, no errata yet)
Pg. 78 Jander Sunstar's alignment should be listed as chaotic neutral (Errata)
Q:Heroes of Light mentions a special quality called "Virtue's Challenge" - what is this?
A: The mentions of the "Virtue's Challenge special quality" found in the Introduction
appear to be a slightly mangled reference to the Test of Virtue feat presented on pg. 47. In
short, ignore everything the book says about Virtue's Challenge. Just follow the options
laid out under the Blessed feat on pg. 45
(suggestion by Azalin)
Pg. 14-17 For anchorite inquisitor and anchorite wanderer, ignore all the bits about pick-and-choosing cleric
domains and simply add "Access to the Mists cleric domain" as a requirement (Errata)
Pg. 16 The death ward spell doesn't require a powers check to begin with, making it a non-ability. Change the
ability to read as follows:
Death Ward (Sp): Starting at 9th level, the anchorite inquisitor can create a Death ward, as the spell,
once per day. (Suggestion by Azalin)
Pg. 20 The HD for the Black Powder Avenger is not mentioned in the book. The board concensus was d10.
(Error spotted by fan, possible correction suggested)
Pg. 30 The Detective class lists under Investigative Feats: Sharp-Eyed. This feat is found in the D20 Star Wars
and Call of Cthulhu RPGs. Why a Ravenloft book is referencing these books? Azalin suggested to simply
removing this from the list. (Suggestion by Azalin)
Ruike suggests that there is a feat called "Sharp Eyes" in Legacy of the Blood (2004, two years after the
release of HoL). The feat is listed in the Boritsi family feats and it provides a +2 bonus to all search and
spot checks.
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The Detective prestige class can detect good/evil alignment. This directly contradicts Ravenloft. (error
reported by John W Mangrum)
Pg. 34 The Knight Errant's mount appears to be a dread companion, but this is never stated. (Inconsistency
reported by John W Mangrum)
Pg. 36 The Detective class lists under Investigative Feats: Sharp-Eyed. This feat is found in the D20 Star Wars
and Call of Cthulhu RPGs. Why a Ravenloft book is referencing these books? Azalin suggested to simply
removing this from the list. (Suggestion by Azalin)
Pg. 35 The metaphysician requirements says that he must have the Trustworthyfeat. This feat isn’t in any
Ravenloft book. The Trustworthy feat is in the book Song and Silence. Replace the requirement with the
Hope feat. (Suggestion by Azalin)
Pg. 37 Change the Metaphysician’s Astral Projection, as astral projection normally fails utterly in Ravenloft.
Change the ability so that the metaphysician can project himself through the Mists (à la the Astral) into
other domains (à la other planes). Essentially, the metaphysician would be using it as a powerful
teleportation spell. (Suggestion by the very patient Azalin)
Pg. 43 Here's the fixes for all of the white arcanist's abilities. Use the following:
Spells: The white arcanist learns spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list, albeit with a few
restrictions after 1st level. He also gains one level of sorcerer spellcasting ability per two
levels of white arcanist. If the character also has class levels as a sorcerer, the new
spellcasting levels stack. Example: A Sor5/WhA3 casts spells as a 7th-level sorcerer.
[Table 1-13 should list the spells granted at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level as "+1 to
sorcerer level"]
Necromantic Focus (Ex): The white arcanist may continue to cast spells he knew before
he gained levels in this prestige class, but upon reaching 2nd level as a white arcanist, any
further spells he learns must either come from the school he chose for his Spell Penetration
ability or the school of Necromancy. This restriction applies only to powerful spells of 2nd
level or higher; the white arcanist can still draw cantrips and 1st-level spells from the full
sorcerer/wizard spell list.
Gentle Repose (Sp): [Gained at 2nd level] If the white arcanist is Blessed, he can cast
gentle repose on other Blessed characters at will.
The two Major Arcana entries could be condensed into one easily enough, but that's not a
rules issue.
Pg. 45 Bestial Conscience: This feat and Discompassionate Companion from Champions of Darkness appear to
be overlapping, incompatible versions of the same feat. (Inconsistency reported by John W Mangrum)
The Conscience feat allows a character to modify the results of a powers check, which R3E explicitly
forbids. (Inconsistency reported by John W Mangrum)
Pg. 48 The Search for Knowledge sidebar is a different, incompatible system for library searches that competes
with that presented in the earlier Van Richten's Arsenal. (Inconsistency reported by John W Mangrum)
Pg. 48 Mangrum, about the wealth feat here : When I went through and created a master feat document for
myself, I fixed a number of feats from CoD and HoL -- sometimes by rewriting them from scratch -- but
in the case of this one, I simply left it out entirely. Dubious concept, bad execution.
Pg. 57 The name of the founder of the Noble Brotherhood of Assassins does not reflect the domain's French
culture. (Thematic inconsistency reported by John W Mangrum)
In addition, this secret society was apparently formed 200 years ago to destroy Dominic d'Honaire, a man
who is currently about 58 years old! (error reported by John W Mangrum)
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Ravenloft: 3rd Edition Errata https://fraternityofshadows.com/TheVault/RL_Errata.html
Pg. 92 Ignore the three NPC male Vistani sight ability (it would make them Dukkars!). (Errata).
Gazetteer 1 (2002)
Pg. 124-127 Stygian Inquirer: The Fortitude and Will saves for the Dire Raven are off. It should
be +3 for the Will save (+3 Wis, +0 base because animals do not have a good Will
save) and +4 for the Fortitude save (+2 Con, +2 Base as animals have good
Fortitude and Reflex saves). Also, the hit points for the Dire Raven are wrong. They
are listed as: 1d8 (4) but the Dire Raven has a Constitution of 14 so it should be
1d8+2 (6).
Pg. 126 The Reflex and Will saves are off for the Silver Fox. They should be +6 Reflex (+4 Dex, +2 base) and +2
Will (+2 Wis, +0 base)
Pg. 122 The Reflex save for the Undead Lake Serpent is off by two. It should be 5 not 7 (-1 Dex, +6 Base)
Pg. 150 Stygian Inquirer: Strahd's ranged and melee attacks are wrong. He has a higher ranged than melee
attack, but his Strength is greater than his Dexterity and he wields a weapon magic weapon too. I have
done the math the the attacks should look like this:
Atk +20 melee (1d6+8 and energy drain, slam) or +25/+20/+15 melee (1d10+14, +4 bastard sword) or
+19/+14/+9 ranged (1d8+6, +2 mighty composite longbow); I got these number via the following. The
BAB for a Ftr 4/Nec 16 is 12/7/2. For the melee attack, you add +8 for STR mod, +4 for the bastard
sword and +1 for weapon focus (bastard sword). For the ranged attack, you add +5 for DEX mod and +2
for the bow.
Also the 3.5 DR would be 25/silver and magic as per the RL:PHB entry per an 'ancient' vampire.
Gazetteer 2 (2003)
Pg. 50 The Giamarga: in the stats for Martira Bay there is one Harbor Watchmaster Hoelgar Arnutsson Brd8.
I just found in my 1992 Trading card set a Hoelgar Arnutsson 10th level Ftr (Berserker). So I suppose Brd
is a typo and should mean Brb, which makes more sense for a Watchmaster. (Error spotted by fan,
possible correction suggested)
Pg. 106 Replace Vladimir Ludzig's level by “Ftr6”. (Errata)
Pg. 12 On the map, change the name of the Mountains of “Madness” to Mountains of “Misery” (errata)
Pg. 36 Beryl Silvertresses's influence over her branch of the Kargat is described in these terms: "broad, but
deep." It should read, "broad, but not deep." (error spotted by cure, confirmed by Mangrum)
Pg. 133 Azalin is the inventor of the bone and zombie golems. And presumably he has made other golems too.
Thus he must have the Craft Construct feat (as he is not crafting golems of obsession after all). But it's not
in his stat block. (error spotted by cure)
Gazetteer 3 (2003)
Pg. 26 Josephine Chantreaux can’t qualify for the Pistoleer prestige class as she is a 4th level Aristocrat with a
BAB +3 only. Ignore this PrC. (Errata)
12 of 20 10/8/23, 4:47 PM
Ravenloft: 3rd Edition Errata https://fraternityofshadows.com/TheVault/RL_Errata.html
Pg. 16 Shaded text, "Skeletal" entry. The text makes reference to the Dust-tongue feat. John W Mangrum: Dust
Tongue is a feat, like Improved Control Shape in the 3.0 Monster Manual, that's so simple it requires only
a sentence of description, rather than a full feat entry. If you're a skeleton, Dust Tongue restores your
ability to speak. There isn't any more to it than what the book says. (precision)
Pg. 101 Pg. 101, the date of 737 BC is a typo: replace by 757. (Minor errata)
Gazetteer 4 (2003)
pg. 36 praesidius levin postoya’s abbreviated statistics are missing. levin postoya is a ln male human clr6 of
ezra/aom5. (anchorite of the mists prestige class, found in van richten's arsenal.) (errata)
Also Vital Venom doesn't recreate a spell effect so it is technically not a potion. Suggested Correction: a)
alter the required feat from Brew Potion to Craft Wondrous Item. or b) add a new spell (up to 3rd level
and of Nostalia's own creation) to the item's crafting prerequisites.
Tobias Blackburn adds: I believe that Ivana is capable of creating any poison she wants. If Nostalia
was making suggestions and aiding her she would have still been able to make it.
Gazetteer 5 (2004)
Pg. 11 Cure: it states that the Dommark (the Plain of Judgement) is West of the Kesjermark. It should instead be
East: the Kesjermark is West of the Prince's Road, joining Bergovista and Kantora, and is delimited by the
Shadow Rift. Nothing in Nova Vaasa can be West of it. East of it between the Ivlis and the Sydligdnar
(South Darn River) are the hellishly dry and hot Dommark that receives no rains from the prevailing West
winds. (Error spotted by fan, possible correction suggested)
Pg. 33 The authors working on Sir Tristen Hiregaard / Malken's background must be suffering from a curse!
Tristen was born in 664 (pg 154). However, on page 33, we can read that his father did suicide in 671
"when Tristen was 11" (so he was born in 660?). (Error spotted by fan, easily corrected)
Pg. 45 In the “Tepest at a Glance” sidebar, replace the line “Population: 15,500” by “Population: 15,500.
Approximately 3,000 goblins” and “Races: 98% human 99%, 1% goblin, 1% other; various breeds of fey
and shadow fey” by “Races: Human 99%. Other 1%”. (Errata)
Pg. 108 Under "appearance", 1st paragraph of right colum, S refers to waffs. Since it might be difficult to make
the link, a Waff is a Shadow dryad from VRGttSF, pg 123. (Precision)
Pg. 136 The XP cost of making Hag's Blessing permanent: Minimum caster level 9th, 500 XP. (Errata)
13 of 20 10/8/23, 4:47 PM
Ravenloft: 3rd Edition Errata https://fraternityofshadows.com/TheVault/RL_Errata.html
Pg. 151 Gwydion's saves (Fort +36 Reflex +34 Will +35) does not seem correct. He’s an outsider, so his base
saves are 2+HD/2 = 2+24=26. Now add his ability modifiers (Co 29 (+9); Dex 17 (+3) and Wis 35 (+9))
and you get Fort +35, Ref +29, Will +35 (Error spotted by fan, possible correction suggested)
Pg. 134 The Weave Domain lists the spell Turn the Seasons as a domain spell but this spell has been accidentally
omitted from the book (Error spotted by fan, no errata yet)
pg. 32 Under Bolshnik, Stonegard, the Bolshnik family castle, is stated as being on the north bank of the Dnar
River just opposite Kantora. But the Dnar river doesn't have a north bank, since it runs south and meets
the Vaughn Dnar river just east of Kantora.
The easy correction then is that Stonegard sits on the Vaughn Dnar River which runs just north of Kantora
and hence has a north bank. (error spotted by cure)
pg. 128 change the sentence "The Bindings and Scrutiny domains are unique to clerics of the Lawgiver" to "The
Bindings domain is unique to clerics of the Lawgiver.", as the Scrutiny domain is also available to other
churchs. (error spotted by cure)
Response: The Metaphysician is a variant class of the Adept class (p. 54). With the variant
classes, we mainly discuss the DIFFERENCES between them and the parent class. Every
five levels, the Metaphysician gets the Skill Focus (Knowledge [Science]) feat in a
different a different science specialty. This is because metaphysicians see magic as a
science and their spells, to them, are scientific in nature.
Example: 5th Level Metaphysician: At fist level I take the Skill Focus feat for Knowledge
(Science [Chemistry], and at 5th level I take the Skill Focus feat for Knowledge (Science
Response: The Occultist should get a bonus feat from the metamagic spell list. (Errata by
Jackie Cassada)
Pg. 62
Athlete: Is Jump not a class skill for athletic characters?
Response: Jump should have been included in the class skills. Feel free to alter the class
skills if you feel they need to be altered. You may find a reason to include a skill that
seems logical to you. In this case, we omitted Jump by mistake.
14 of 20 10/8/23, 4:47 PM
Ravenloft: 3rd Edition Errata https://fraternityofshadows.com/TheVault/RL_Errata.html
Pg. 77 The Mystic class, both here and in Chapter Five, neglects to give the rules on gaining new domains. The
rules for gaining domains were accidentally omitted from the book. The following has been explained by
the authors:
A Mystic and all the sub-classes can either learn a new domain or master one the currently
posses at each level including first. The Message Boards member Igor coined the term
‘domain slots’ to describe the acquisition of new domains. One slot is gained at each level
and grants minor access to a domain while spending a second slot permits major access.
Additionally each Mystic class gains a free minor access to a bonus domain. These bonus
domains bend the normal rules restricting when they can be improved and major access
can be gained after first level.
Response: Since there are not cleric or druid classes, there are no "cleric" or "druid" spells.
There are lists of domain spells beginning on page 160. Each mystic decides for herself
which domain is most appropriate for her. She must progress from minor to major access
in a domain before adding a domain or else she cannot get major access to the first domain.
You are correct in that the explanation of domains is not as clear as it should have been. As
I see it, all mystics begin with the All domain. She should also select a special "domain"
that relates to her mystic philosophy.
Example: Angelique, a mystic, begins with minor access to the All domain. She feels an
affinity for nature so she also takes minor access to the Plant domain. As she advances in
level, she chooses whether or not to stay with the Plant domain or change to another one. If
she abandons the Plant domain before she gains major access to its spells, she may not
return to that domain to learn major spells. She may continue to cast the spells she already
knows. So, Angelique starts out with All and Plants. At 1st level, she has 3 0-level spells
and one 1st level spell from All and one from Plant (her domain). At 2nd level, she has 4
0-level spells and 2+1 first level spells. This means that she can have three 1st level spells
if one of those spells is from the Plant domain.
Response: Other classes must pay experience to gain a new craft or profession. The
Tradesman receives a bonus craft or profession as if it were a bonus feat, i.e., without
paying anything for it. It's a result of advancing a level.
Response: If the profession or craft is a class skill, you use Skill points to buy them, just as
in D&D. If it is a cross-class skill, you spend twice as many Skill points, just as in D&D.
You don't spend Experience points to gain an additional class, you spend Skill points. I
don't know if I can say this more clearly, but if it is still unclear, please tell me how it is
unclear and I'll try again.
15 of 20 10/8/23, 4:47 PM
Ravenloft: 3rd Edition Errata https://fraternityofshadows.com/TheVault/RL_Errata.html
Response: The Exorcist receives extra turning as well as the ability to cast dismissal as he
progresses in the class. Masque of the Red Death uses the term "spirit" for all evil ethereal
creatures, be they ghost or demon.
Response: You must take each Skill specialization separately. If you have a specialization,
you can still answer questions in related skills. The DC is up to the DM.
Response: First Aid is a skill that anyone can take as either a class or cross class skill.
Anyone with First Aid can attempt to stabilize a mortally wounded character. Doctors and
nurses receive +2 bonuses on their First Aid checks.
Response: Called Shot is a feat that applies specifically to firearms. If you want it to apply
to melee combat, you could do so, but I would suggest that you make each a specific feat
(Called Shot: Firearms and Called Shot: Melee) since each uses different skills. You don't
place a bullet the same way you place a sword strike.
Response: You should use the damage tables from the Players Handbook for equivalent
weapons. Our weapons table is admittedly small. We wish we could have made it bigger,
but we had to pack a lot of information into the space we had available.
Response: You choose another domain when you advance a level, but if you do not have
major access in the old domain when you choose the new one, you cannot go back and
receive higher level spells in your old domain. Mystics do not have nearly as many choice
in Red Death as in regular Ravenloft or D&D. Magic is just plain harder. And more
16 of 20 10/8/23, 4:47 PM
Ravenloft: 3rd Edition Errata https://fraternityofshadows.com/TheVault/RL_Errata.html
Response: First, I think it's a little too restrictive to limit starting mystics to JUST the All
domain. (See question 4 above.) If you choose a new domain at 8th level, you would
receive the list up to 4th level spells (the level spell you can cast at 8th level). You cannot,
however, gain access to higher level spells from your 1st domain.
In Gaz IV: Sulo is the stapan of Levkarest and is portrayed as living in Marsav Hall, official seat of the
Borcan government, acting as his sister's closest advisor, and, if you read between the lines, probably
doing much of the nuts-and-bolts daily governance of the country's economy.
Legacies of Blood has him relocating to Nova Vaasa before the Grand Conjunction and possibly since
moving on to Armeikos in Liffe. (Error spotted by John W Mangrum)
Pg. 21 Under Story hook, 2nd line after title. Change the alignment of Lollar Boritsi to LG (there are no Neutral
Good cleric of Ezra). (Error spotted by fans, no errata yet though we can assume the author meant LG)
Pg. 31 Remove the bullet at the end of the “Claiming membership” paragraph. This information is a reprint of
the same in the next section, “D’honaire family traits” (Error spotted by fan, easily corrected)
Pg. 71 Table 5-3. Change “Smite Controller” to “Smite Dominator” (Error spotted by fan, easily corrected)
Pg. 91 Create Device>: Reference to “power supply” should be changed to “power source” (item explained on
Pg. 101). (Error spotted by fan, easily corrected)
Pg. 91 Superior Alchemy, table. The “b” next to 20 for “Oil of agony” should be deleted (Error spotted by fan,
easily corrected)
Pg. 93 Bedside Manner>: Change the mention of “9th level” to “7th level”, as in table 7-1 next page (Error
spotted by fan, easily corrected)
17 of 20 10/8/23, 4:47 PM
Ravenloft: 3rd Edition Errata https://fraternityofshadows.com/TheVault/RL_Errata.html
Pg. 112 Inspiring Oratory: While table 8-1 and parts of the text refers to a “diplomacy check”, the text once refers
to “Perform (oratory)” (second column, second paragraph). We assume Diplomacy is the correct skill?
(Error spotted by fan)
Pg. 116 Rat Eyes: Change “Saving Throw: Yes” (useless information) to “Saving Throw: Will negates” (Error
spotted by fan, possible correction suggested).
Also add the [mind affecting] descriptor to it. (Error spotted by fan, possible correction suggested).
Pg. 123 Commanding Gaze has Piercing Gaze as a prerequisite. It should note a “C” as its source (feat from
Champions of Darkness) (Error spotted by fan, easily corrected)
Pg. 123 Blood Spell>: It is assumed that the damage you take for Blood Spell doesn’t force you to make a
Concentration check. (Error spotted by fan, possible correction suggested)
Pg. 138 Stygian Inquirer: in the Rodjan Dilisnya entry, Stage 2 of the Path of the Demon ability states:
"Rodjan has a +2 bonus to Dexterity and +2 to Charisma but a -2 on all charisma based skill checks" I
think that the +2 bonus to Charisma may be a typo because in the Stage 1 entry it states that he is gaining
a demonic appearance and also, that means that his charisma checks would only have a net -1. I think the
author might have meant +2 to Constitution instead? (Error spotted by fan, no errata yet)
Pg. 147 cure: the birth date of Louise Renier, and hence of her twin Jacqueline, is given as 719 BC. Immediately
before this we are told that she is nearly 70, but does not look it. This would put us in the year 787 BC or
778 BC instead of 758 BC or 759 BC. Further we know that Jacqueline killed Claude Renier in 726 BC
and became darklord. She was not 6 at the time. An age of nearly 70 would almost work with Mangrum's
proposed birth date of 688. (Error spotted by fan, possible correction suggested)
Pg. 149 Talena’s typically prepared spells are missing. (Error spotted by fan)
Pg. 150 Andrez’ hit points should be 58, not 57 (9d10+9=9*5.5+9=9*6.5=58.5) (Error spotted by fan, easily
VRG tt Mists
Pg. 15 Cure: Bluestpur is described as formerly being at the heart of the realm next to Falkovnia. The reference
should be to G'Henna. It cannot be that Falkovnia was mistaken for Kartakass since Kartakass is on the
edge rather than near the heart of the Core. (Error spotted by fan, possible correction suggested)
Pg. 27 Deepshadow: Resonance fluid. How does this stuff work? It makes ghosts and mists creatures
corporeal, so they can be hit by corporeal weapons and can't go through walls and whatnot, fine, but do
they get a strength score? If they had the ability to fly, can they still do so? What about other abilities of
the incorporeal type? It's not a template; it can't just be removed to expose a preexisting character
underneath. Not that that helps in the case of ghosts: if we just remove the template, are they still immune
to critical hits? (Error spotted by fan, no errata yet)
Pg. 69 cure: Bleak Road Mistway – it should not read Southern Barovia but rather Southern Nova Vaasa. (Error
spotted by fan, possible correction suggested)
Pg. 70 cure: VRGttM introduces to the list of known Mistways The Serpent’s Coils (Moderate Reliability, Two-
Way) linking Eastern Nova Vaasa and Central Zherisia. The problem is that there is no such thing as
Central Zherisia. There is downtown Paridon and there is presumably a center of Timor. A place central to
both creates all kinds of problems, among them no (obvious) permanent bank of mists (for the return trip
at least). (Error spotted by fan, no errata yet)
18 of 20 10/8/23, 4:47 PM
Ravenloft: 3rd Edition Errata https://fraternityofshadows.com/TheVault/RL_Errata.html
Shriek (Su) should read as follows: "...must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or be paralyzed with fear
for 2d4 rounds or until the monster attacks them, goes out of range, or leaves their sight..."
Dire Maggots have been errata'ed to huge size. These here should be " baby dire maggots". This affects
also page 46.
Pg. 39 Ghasts should have Move Silently +8.
Pg. 41 Danovich has a scroll of Circle of Death but this does not appear on his class lists. Recommend change of
his evil domain to undeath domain, reducing the CL of animate dead and death knell to 5th and giving
him Extra Turning as a bonus feat. Alternatively, you can turn this scroll to a one-use item. (Too many
errors in this chapter. Bruce, this adds insult to injury for Complete Psionic too)
Pg. 72 – 73 The DL on the map is the Drowned Lady. In the Features of the Area sidebar, under Runestone, it says
"This stone, near where the deathlock is standing...". It should not read Deathlock but Drowned Lady.
Pg. 74 Sir Urik's Lay on Hands should change to 8 points/day.
Pg. 82 Varikov's stats should read as follows: Melee hand axe +8 Ranged heavy cross +8
Pg. 87 Baba Zelenna's Tactics should read "or weakness +15 touch"
Pg. 91-92 A spot check and a Reflex save for avoiding the green slime could be useful. I recommend a Spot DC 20
to notice, with a synergy from Knowledge (dungeoneering), and a Reflex DC 18 to avoid.
Pg. 100 K37 Study. Erase in the second paragraph the sentence "Jumping into the river extinguishes the flames".
The river is far too far unless you use dimension door and then run for 1-2 rounds on the grass, putting it
into fire, too.
Pg. 110 Stairs K83A go to K37 instead of K437.
Pg. 115 Emil's hit points. Lycanthropes in 3.5 don't change hit points from one form to another anymore. The
correct score for both forms is 62
Pg. 126 K86, treasure. The "gory" word shouldn't be in italics.
Pg. 145 K39 and K40 should have half the width, according to the map in page 101.
Pg. 151 Christofor, when having drunk a potion of cat's grace also gets a +2 to his sickening blast attack. His
ability scores should be should be Dex 14 (18 ), Con 13.
Pg. 163 Tactical map shows two entrances into the Troll Stalker Den, one a secret door, the other an obvious door
right next to the secret door. Either remove the obvious door or make it a fake door instead, just another
reasons for the characters to step on the trap.
19 of 20 10/8/23, 4:47 PM
Ravenloft: 3rd Edition Errata https://fraternityofshadows.com/TheVault/RL_Errata.html
Pg. 190 That's the worst stat block in the book, I don't know who's to blame, certainly the editor too. Here's a
complete rework (strangely, she doesn't have any magic items): Sasha Ivliskova, Vampire CR 7
HP 31
Female undead human sorcerer 5
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60ft., Blind-Fight; Listen +11, Spot +11
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 + mage armor + dodge + mobility
HD, Fh, DR, Immunities and Resistances remain the same.
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +5
Weaknesses, Speed, Melee, Base Atk, Grp, Special Actions remain the same.
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 5th):
2nd (5/day) - blur, flaming sphere (DC 17)
1st (8/day) - cause fear (DC 16), mage armor, magic missile, sleep (DC 16)
0 (6/day) - daze (DC 15), ghost sound (DC 15), mage hand, ray of frost, read magic, touch of fatigue (DC
Abilities Str 16, Dex 18 Con -, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 20
SQ remain the same
Feats Alertness*, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes*, Dodge*, Improved Initiative*, Lightning Reflexes*,
Mobility, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +14, Concentration +7, Hide +13, Knowledge (arcane) +6, Listen +11, Move Silently +13,
Search +9, Sense Motive +9, Spot +11, Spellcraft +6
Abilities remain almost the same but Domination's DC raises to 17 and each slam does two negative
Seeing that she has no familier, I propose her gaining "metamagic specialist" from PHB II, it will be
pretty useful for her future progression (if she survives the PCs )
Pg. 201 Knights of the Raven should state that they gain no new Weapon and Armor Proficiencies.
Also, many monster miss original monster book references. Please get them here: http://homepage.mac.com/jedwhite
If you spot other mistakes (or have errata if you are an author), please send them at joel@FraternityOfShadows.com
Back to Ravenloft
20 of 20 10/8/23, 4:47 PM