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Week 3 - More Gravity

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A planet of mass M and radius R rotates so rapidly that loose material at the equator just
remains on the surface. What is the period of rotation of the planet?

G is the universal gravitational constant.

A 2π

B 2π

C 2π

D 2π
(Total 1 mark)

Q2. g is the strength of the gravitational field at the surface of the Earth; R is the radius of the
Earth. The potential energy lost by a satellite of mass m falling to the Earth’s surface from a height
R above the surface is

A 4mgR

B 2mgR

(Total 1 mark)

Q3. When two similar spherical objects of radius R are touching, the gravitational force of attraction
between them is F. When the gravitational force between them is F/4, the distance between the
surfaces of the spheres is


B 2R

C 4R

D 6R
(Total 1 mark)

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The diagram below (not to scale) shows the planet Neptune (N) with its two largest
moons, Triton (T) and Proteus (P). Triton has an orbital radius of 3.55 × 108 m and that of
Proteus is 1.18 × 108 m. The orbits are assumed to be circular.

(a) Explain why the velocity of each moon varies whilst its orbital speed remains



(b) Write down an equation that shows how Neptune’s gravitational attraction provides
the centripetal force required to hold Triton in its orbit. Hence show that it is
unnecessary to know the mass of Triton in order to find its angular speed.


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(c) Show that is approximately 5.2.

(Total 8 marks)

(a) The graph shows how the gravitational potential varies with distance in the region
above the surface of the Earth. R is the radius of the Earth, which is 6400 km. At the
surface of the Earth, the gravitational potential is −62.5 MJ kg–1.

Use the graph to calculate:

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(i) the gravitational potential at a distance 2R from the centre of the Earth,


(ii) the increase in the potential energy of a 1200 kg satellite when it is raised from
the surface of the Earth into a circular orbit of radius 3R.




(b) (i) Write down an equation which relates gravitational field strength and
gravitational potential.


(ii) By use of the graph in part (a), calculate the gravitational field strength at a
distance 2R from the centre of the Earth.








(iii) Show that your result for part (b)(ii) is consistent with the fact that the surface
gravitational field strength is about 10 N kg–1.








(Total 9 marks)

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(a) Explain what is meant by gravitational field strength.




(b) (i) The Earth’s gravitational field strength (g) at a distance (r) of 2.0 × 107 m
from its centre is 1.0 N kg–1. Complete the table with the 3 further values of g.

g/N kg–1 1.0

r/107 m 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0


(ii) Below is a grid marked with g and r values on its axes. Draw a graph showing
the variation of g with r for values of r between 2.0 × 107 m and 10.0 × 107 m.


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(iii) Estimate the energy required to raise a satellite of mass 800 kg from an orbit
of radius 4.0 × 107 m to one of radius 10.0 × 107 m.

(Total 8 marks)

Communications satellites are usually placed in a geo-synchronous orbit.

(a) State two features of a geo-synchronous orbit.





(b) Given that the mass of the Earth is 6.00 × 1024 kg and its mean radius is 6.40 × 106

(i) show that the radius of a geo-synchronous orbit must be 4.23 × 107 m,






(ii) calculate the increase in potential energy of a satellite of mass 750 kg when it
is raised from the Earth’s surface into a geo-synchronous orbit.




(Total 8 marks)

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(a) (i) Explain what is meant by the gravitational field strength at a point in a
gravitational field.




(ii) State the SI unit of gravitational field strength.


(b) Planet P has mass M and radius R. Planet Q has a radius 3R. The values of the
gravitational field strengths at the surfaces of P and Q are the same.

(i) Determine the mass of Q in terms of M.

(ii) The figure below shows how the gravitational field strength above the surface
of planet P varies with distance from its centre. Draw on the diagram the
variation of the gravitational field strength above the surface of Q over the
range shown.

(Total 8 marks)

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For an object, such as a space rocket, to escape from the gravitational attraction of the
Earth it must be given an amount of energy equal to the gravitational potential energy that
it has on the Earth’s surface. The minimum initial vertical velocity at the surface of the
Earth that it requires to achieve this is known as the escape velocity.

(a) (i) Write down the equation for the gravitational potential energy of a rocket
when it is on the Earth’s surface. Take the mass of the Earth to be M, that of
the rocket to be m and the radius of the Earth to be R.


(ii) Show that the escape velocity, v, of the rocket is given by the equation


(b) The nominal escape velocity from the Earth is 11.2 km s–1. Calculate a value for the
escape velocity from a planet of mass four times that of the Earth and radius twice
that of the Earth.


(c) Explain why the actual escape velocity from the Earth would be greater than the
nominal value calculated from the equation given in part (a)(ii).





(Total 7 marks)

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(a) Define the gravitational potential at a point in a field.





(b) The table shows how the gravitational potential varies for three points above the
centre of the Sun.

distance from centre of Sun/108 m gravitational potential/1010 J kg–1

7.0 (surface of Sun) –19

16 –8.3

35 –3.8

(i) Show that the data suggest that the potential is inversely proportional to the
distance from the centre of the Sun.


(ii) Use the data to determine the gravitational field strength near the surface of
the Sun.


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(iii) Calculate the change in gravitational potential energy needed for the Earth to
escape from the gravitational attraction of the Sun.

mass of the Earth = 6.0 × 1024 kg

distance of Earth from centre of Sun = 1.5 × 1011 m


(iv) Calculate the kinetic energy of the Earth due to its orbital speed around the
Sun and hence find the minimum energy that would be needed for the Earth to
escape from its orbit. Assume that the Earth moves in a circular orbit.

(Total 13 marks)

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(a) Define gravitational field strength at a point in a gravitational field.



(b) Tides vary in height with the relative positions of the Earth, the Sun and the moon
which change as the Earth and the Moon move in their orbits. Two possible
configurations are shown in Figure 1.

Configuration A

Configuration B

Figure 1

Consider a 1 kg mass of sea water at position P. This mass experiences forces FE,
FM and FS due to its position in the gravitational fields of the Earth, the Moon and
the Sun respectively.

(i) Draw labelled arrows on both diagrams in Figure 1 to indicate the three
forces experienced by the mass of sea water at P.

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(ii) State and explain which configuration, A or B, of the Sun, the Moon and the
Earth will produce the higher tide at position P.




(c) Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational force experienced by 1 kg of sea water
on the Earth’s surface at P, due to the Sun’s gravitational field.

radius of the Earth’s orbit = 1.5 × 1011 m

mass of the Sun = 2.0 × 1030 kg

universal gravitational constant, G = 6.7 × 10−11 Nm2 kg−2

(Total 9 marks)

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Mark schemes




(a) direction changing, velocity vector


(b) Newton’s law equation


centripetal force equation


cancel mass of Triton


(c) ω = 2πf or ω = 2 π/T


ω2r3 = constant or ω2 =


or statement of Kepler III for B3

= 5.2(2)


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(a) (i) –31 MJ kg–1 (1)

(ii) increase in potential energy = mΔV (1)

= 1200 × (62 – 21) × 106 (1)
= 4.9 × 1010 J (1)

(b) (i) g=– (1)

(ii) g is the gradient of the graph = (1)

= 2.44 N kg–1 (1)

(iii) g∝ and R is doubled (1)

expect g to be = 2.45 N kg–1 (1)

[alternative (iii)

g∝ and R is halved (1)

expect g to be 2.44 × 4 = 9.76 N kg–1 (1)]


(a) force per unit mass (allow equation with defined terms)

(b) (i) evidence of gr2 being used

values of 0.25, 0.11, 0.06(25)
no s.f. penalty here unless values given as fractions

(ii) points correctly plotted on grid (e.c.f.)

smooth curve of high quality at least to 10 × 107 m, no intercept on r axis

(iii) attempt to use area under curve

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evidence of × 800 kg
(4.3 – 5.3) × 109 J
use of equation for potential ΔEG = m(g1r1 – g2r2)
evidence of × 800 kg
(4.7 – 4.9) × 109 J
max 2 if assumed values of G and M used

allow calculation of GM from graph followed by substitution into ΔEG =

MG(m / r1 – m / r2) for 3 marks

(a) period = 24 hours or equals period of Earth’s rotation (1)
remains in fixed position relative to surface of Earth (1)
equatorial orbit (1)
same angular speed as Earth or equatorial surface (1)
max 2

(b) (i) = mω2r (1)

T= (1)


(gives r = 42.3 × 103 km)

(ii) ΔV = GM (1)

= 6.67 × 10–11 × 6 × 1024 ×

= 5.31 × 107 (J kg–1) (1)

ΔEp = mΔV (= 750 × 5.31 × 107) = 3.98 × 1010 J (1)

(allow C.E. for value of ΔV)


calculation of (6.25 × 107) or (9.46 × 106) (1)

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or calculation of (4.69 × 1010) or (7.10× 109) (1)

calculation of both potential energy values (1)

subtraction of values or use of mΔV with correct answer (1)]

(a) (i) force per unit mass/force per kg


(ii) N kg−1 not m s–2 alone


(b) (i) GM/R2 seen


GMQ/(3R)2 seen


mass of Q = 9M


(ii) passes through (3R, g) and falls off in curve


two further points checked e.g., (6R,g/4) (12R, g/16)


overall line quality – single smooth line (both Ms for this)



(a) (i) g.p.e. = must be equation (condone “V =”)


(ii) equate with k.e. must be seen


cancelling correct m must be seen

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(b) correct ratios taken ( )


v = 15.8(4) km s–1


(c) mention of air resistance


k.e. of rocket → internal energy of rocket and atmosphere/

work is done against air resistance


(a) the work done per unit mass
A test mass should not be taken to be a unit mass.


In moving from infinity to the point


(b) (i) appreciation that potential x distance from centre of sun =

or calculation of Vr for two sets of values (1.33 × 1020)
or uses distance ratio to calculate new V or r


calculation of all three + conclusion

or uses distance ratios twice+ conclusion
conclusion must be more than ‘numbers are same’
(condone ‘signs’ and no use of powers of 10)


(ii) V = GM/r and g = GM/r2


g = V/r (no mark for E or g= V/d or E = V/r )


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substitution of one set of data to obtain GM (1.33 × 1020)
or 19 × 1010/7 × 108 seen


271 N kg−1 (m s−2) (J kg−1 m−1)


(iii) potential energy of the Earth = (−)GMm/r

or potential difference formula + r2 =∞
or potential at position of Earth = −8.87 × 108 J kg−1
(from Vr =1.33 × 1020)


correct substitution (allow ecf for GM from (ii))

potential energy = potential x mass of Earth


change in PE = 5.32 × 1033 J (cnao)

Fd approach is PE so 0 marks


(iv) speed of Earth round Sun = 2πr/T or

or 3.0 × 104 m s−1

or KE=


KE of Earth = ½ 6 × 1024 × their v2 (2.68 × 1033J)


energy needed = difference between (iii) and orbital KE

(2.64 × 1033 J)

or KE in orbit = half total energy needed to

escape (−1 for AE)


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(a) force acting per unit mass or g = F / m or g = with terms defined


(b) (i) direction of FE correct in each diagram


direction of FM correct in each diagram


direction of FS correct in each diagram


FS must be distinguished from FM

penalty of 1 mark for any missing labelling

(ii) sun and moon pulling in same direction / resultant of FM and FS is

greatest / clear response including summation of FM and FS

configuration A

(c) F = GMm / R2

correct substitution

(5.95 or 5.96 or 5.9 or 6.0) × 10−3 N kg−1


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