IFY Maths (Science) Syllabus 23-24
IFY Maths (Science) Syllabus 23-24
IFY Maths (Science) Syllabus 23-24
Assessment .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Resources .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Recommended minimum teaching hours 120 (4 hours per week for 30 weeks)
To develop student’s key knowledge, understanding, skills and application of mathematics appropriate
for entry to a degree course at an NCUK University.
General Aims
To develop abilities to think logically, to recognise incorrect reasoning and to express ideas clearly.
To develop an enthusiasm for the subject and the skills required to apply the knowledge to both
the further study and application of mathematics.
To develop in students an understanding of how theory and application work together.
To develop students’ skills in modelling and the interpretation of results.
To develop the necessary English mathematics vocabulary and terminology to use their
mathematics knowledge effectively in an NCUK University.
To encourage students towards a level of independence in both the planning and organisation of
their studies.
To assist the development of competence and confidence of the students as learners, taking
responsibility for their own learning through directed reading and study.
Specific Aims
To revise basic skills and develop further skills in algebra.
To demonstrate basic skills in trigonometry and coordinate geometry.
To differentiate and integrate, including the selection and use of appropriate rules and techniques,
and the application of calculus.
To develop concepts in probability and statistics relevant to scientific experiments.
To be confident and competent with the operations of a scientific calculator and its use.
To apply mathematical techniques to simple “real life” problems.
Statistical Distributions
What is Assessed? Topics A-H
2 hours 10 minutes
End of
Semester 1 Total Marks 100
Test Approximately 13 compulsory questions of varying
Contribution to
Overall Grade
2 hours 40 minutes
Final Total Marks 125
Approximately 15 compulsory questions of varying
Contribution to
Overall Grade
Teachers should take every opportunity to use case study and data response or practice material to
develop the ability of students to apply their knowledge and develop their skills of handling and evaluating
information. Tutorials should involve both group and individual activities, with a strong emphasis on
applying knowledge from lectures and independent study to problem-solving. It is important for all
students to have opportunities to speak in English during each tutorial. Suggested activities include
students being encouraged to explain in English their answers in pairs or small groups, students providing
answers to the whole class whilst standing at the front of the group, student-led presentations, and group
activities that require discussion and debate.
Students will have different backgrounds in the subject and it will be necessary to provide opportunities
for directed independent study, so as to allow each student to develop at their own pace to reach the
required level for the assessments. Activities (homework) for independent study should be set weekly. It
is advisable to also consult with EAP teachers when planning homework as there may be subject tasks
which can support the development of academic English (and vice-versa).
Below are suggested examples of ideas which could be used to encourage independent learning:
A fear of failure or making mistakes can be a significant obstacle which prevents learners from being
independent. It is therefore important to acknowledge the benefits of failure w ith regard to learning early
in the module delivery. This could be explored in more depth through practical examples and calculations
in which failure leads to success. Teachers should ensure that students are also praised, particularly
through formative feedback, and encourage learners to demonstrate development from their past
Classroom Reversal
A demonstration of possible student-led tasks and activities can be a useful way to introduce this concept
within the classroom. A clear schedule for student-led sessions can also help to make it routine. Sessions
could be led by groups initially before asking students to lead them individually when they have grown in
Many learners can find it reassuring to revisit past assessments to support their preparation for formative
and summative assessments. A selection of past Coursework, End of Semester 1 Test and Final Examination
papers are available for this purpose via the NCUK Teachers’ Hub. It is important that students are guided
to sections and questions which will support the meeting of current learning outcomes or that past
assessments are appropriately adapted to ensure their fit to the current syllabus.
While classroom time can be allocated to the review of and use of past papers, students should also have
the opportunity to make use of these for independent study. Teachers should work with colleagues to
decide which papers may be kept aside for use in formative assessment or class time and which to release
to students for independent study.
There are a number of ways past assessments can be used to support learning in addition to recalling
knowledge. These include:
An exploration of incorrect or incomplete answers which could highlight gaps in understanding and
help to inform future teaching and learning
Identifying whether the correct structure is being used to answer extended answers
Practicing answers to certain questions within particular time constraints
Distinguishing different command words, such as ‘explain’, ‘describe’ and ‘evaluate’
Allowing students to notice weaknesses in their own knowledge or answers by allowing them to
self-mark with the assessment criteria
Allowing students to establish a greater familiarity with the assessment criteria and what they are
expected to do to achieve a certain grade
When students are introduced to new vocabulary in class, ensure that these words are not introduced in
isolation, but in a chunk or phrase within a wider understood context. As an example, if students were
given the following extract from the Economist (2021), they may be unfamiliar with the word ‘ailments’:
The cholera pandemic of the early 1830s hit France hard. It wiped out nearly 3% of Parisians in a
month, and hospitals were overwhelmed by patients whose ailments doctors could not explain.
If this word was then to be explored and recorded, it would be better to loo k at this chunk:
…hospitals were overwhelmed by patients whose ailments doctors could not explain.
By giving students a clear context, it is easier to initially discern meaning while also making it more
memorable for revision. By keeping the word within a larger chunk, there are also a number of grammatical
and lexical relationships which can be established by learners:
Although it should not be expected that this level of exploration is conducted within a subj ect module,
highlighting new vocabulary in chunks does give language learners a greater opportunity to notice features
of language at their own speed. It also provides a grammatical template which students can build on when
writing their own answers.
One way to support the development of students spoken fluency and overall rhythm is to draw attention
the stressed syllable within key, subject-specific vocabulary. This can be done very simply on the board in
a number of ways and you may wish to discuss this with the EAP/RCS teacher(s) at your Study Centre in
order to align your preferred method(s). As you may be students’ main model for how to pronounce
subject-specific vocabulary, it is essential they have a clear record which they can refer to during
independent study.
When completing written and spoken tasks, such as group discussions or the presentation of ideas within
class, you may wish to encourage students to use functional or discursive language that will help them to
structure and explain their ideas with greater coherence and clarity. For instance, this may include language
Asking students to take out, look at and use language explored for this purpose within their EAP
classes. Collaboration with the EAP teacher(s) to decide when in the module particular language
will be covered and for what purpose will greatly support students’ language development.
Make functional and discursive language relevant to your subject available in the classroom for
students to use. Adding useful language to walls or ‘vocabulary mats’ on desks can remind students
of language available to them while also encouraging independence.
Although some students may be reluctant to speak in class, it is also important to remember that less
proficient speakers require time to construct utterances and may need some time to prepa re themselves.
While silence in a classroom can sometimes feel awkward, try to avoid filling this silence with teacher talk
time, particularly when you are expecting answers from students. You may want to prepare students to
speak by giving them advance warning, for example, by giving the class time to make notes before being
asked to speak. Alternatively, you may wish to select students to answer particular questions in advance.
It is important that students are given the opportunity to engage in and submit formative assessments
and receive feedback on this work. Formative assessment should be designed to inform students of their
progress and enable them to develop and practice coursework and examination skills.
In order to assist teachers in setting formative assessment, NCUK provides the following for this module:
Exemplar assessments – a full set of exemplar assessments with mark schemes (End of Semester
1 Test, Coursework and Final Examination) are downloadable from the Teachers’ Hub. These can
be used as mock assessments for students throughout the academic year.
Past exam questions – a set of past examination questions is accessible for teachers via the
Teachers’ Hub. Teachers can generate their own papers for use as practice exams, pick out
specific questions to work through with students in class, or set as homework.
In addition to the above, teachers should set regular homework tasks that allow students to u nderstand
their strengths and weaknesses and should provide advice to students on how to improve in areas of
Beyond developing students’ skills, the crucial element of formative assessment is the feedback provided
by the teacher. In some instances, it may also be appropriate for students to provide feedback on each
other’s work in a group setting.
The breakdown of summative assessment for this module and the rubrics for each component are given
on page 3 of this document. All summative assessments are provided by NCUK.
The End of Semester 1 Test will cover topics from Semester 1 only and will take place under examination
conditions. Teachers at the Study Centre will be responsible for marking the End of Semester 1 Tests in
accordance with the NCUK issued mark scheme.
The examination will cover topics from both semesters. Teachers at the Study Centre will be responsible
for marking the Examination in accordance with the NCUK issued mark scheme.
An NCUK approved calculator is permitted in the examination ( refer to NCUK policy ‘Calculator
It is the Study Centre’s responsibility to provide the following materials for the End of Semester 1 test
and Examination:
Graph Paper
Formula Booklet (refer to Appendix C of this syllabus)
Supporting Documents
It is essential that coursework and examinations are administered in accordance with NCUK regulations.
Please refer to the following sections of the NCUK Academic Handbook for details :
Coursework Administration and Regulations
Centre Marking and Recording Results
Academic Misconduct Policy
Examination Administration
CGP Books (2018), AS and A level Further Maths for Edexcel Complete Revision
and Practice, Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP)
Core Textbooks
Further Reading
Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching A-level Course Material:
For students and teachers to pose or answer any maths problem at any level:
NCUK Teacher’s Hub – accessible via the NCUK learning and assessment
platform – please contact your Study Centre Academic Manager for access.
Teacher Resources
The table below details the topics and sub-topics to be covered. A set of specific learning outcomes (SLOs)
are given for each topic.
The equation of a line, parallel and A1 Find the equation of a straight-line using co-
perpendicular lines. ordinate geometry.
Solving pairs of simultaneous equations
using elimination, substitution and A2 Find parallel and perpendicular lines and sketch
graphical methods. appropriate graphs.
Define probability, use sample space B1 Find the probability of a single event.
diagrams to help calculate probabilities.
B2 Recognise that 𝑃(𝐴) and 𝑃(𝐴′) mean the
Combining probabilities and using tree
probabilities of event 𝐴 occurring and event 𝐴
not occurring respectively.
(Knowledge of conditional probability
such as 𝑃(𝐴|𝐵) is not expected in this B3 Find, for two events 𝐴 and 𝐵, the probabilities of
module.) both 𝐴 and 𝐵 occurring, and the probabilities of
(The use of the symbols ∩ and ∪ will not either 𝐴 or 𝐵 occurring.
be expected in this module)
B4 Construct and use a tree diagram.
Laws of Indices for all rational exponents. D1 Use and apply the equivalences
Exponential function: 𝑥 𝑎 × 𝑥 𝑏 ≡ 𝑥 𝑎+𝑏 ,
o exponential function and its graph 𝑥 𝑎 ÷ 𝑥 𝑏 ≡ 𝑥 𝑎−𝑏 ,
o introduction to rates of growth (𝑥 𝑎 )𝑏 ≡ 𝑥 𝑎𝑏
o solution of equations involving 𝑥 −𝑛 ≡ 𝑥 𝑛 ,
exponential functions 𝑥𝑎⁄𝑏 ≡
√𝑥𝑎 .
Logarithmic function:
D2 Express solutions in exact form.
o rules and manipulation of logarithms
o logarithmic function and its graph D3 Use a calculator to evaluate exponential and
o relationship between exponential / logarithmic expressions.
logarithmic functions
D4 Sketch the graphs of 𝑦 = 𝑒 𝑥 , 𝑦 = 𝑒 −𝑥 and
o solution of equations involving 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 .
either exponential or logarithmic
functions D5 Apply exponential functions to problems.
Angles (degree/radian measure). F1 Convert from radians to degrees and vice versa.
Trigonometric ratios, trigonometric
F2 Recognise exact values of the trigonometric
functions (sine, cosine, tangent) and their
functions of 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 degrees and
their radian equivalents.
Solutions of simple trigonometric
equations. F3 Find sin, cos and tan of any angle and sketch
The identity cos2 𝑥 + sin2 𝑥 ≡ 1. their graphs.
sin 𝑥
tan 𝑥 = cos 𝑥. F4 Use the area of a triangle formula
𝑎𝑏 sin 𝐶.
Product, quotient and chain rules I1 Apply the product rule, quotient rule and chain
(composite functions). rule.
Implicit differentiation.
I2 Find
of an implicit function and apply to
inverse trigonometric functions e.g.
y = sin −1
(ax + b) .
I3 Recognise the result
𝑎 𝑥 = 𝑎 𝑥 ln 𝑎.
Mean, mode, median, range, variance and K1 Carry out sampling and collect data in a Science
standard deviation. context.
Correlation: scatter graphs. Calculation
and interpretation of the coefficient of K2 Distinguish between continuous and discrete
correlation. data.
Linear Regression: calculation of the K3 Evaluate mode, median, mean and range.
equation of a least-squares linear
regression line. K4 Understand what “standard deviation” means.
2 1 B - Simple Probability For two events 𝐴 and 𝐵, work out the probability of both
happening, and of either happening. (Set notation is not
required at this level – neither will candidates be
expected to be aware of mutual exclusivity). Construct a
tree diagram and use it to work out combined
probabilities. (Mostly L)
1 C - Quadratic Functions Carry out a completing the square process and be able to
and Equations sketch the graph of a quadratic function. (L/E)
1 C - Equation of a Circle The form (𝑥 − 𝑎)2 + (𝑦 − 𝑏)2 = 𝑟 2 . Find the radius and
coordinates of the centre of a circle given its equation
and vice versa. Know that the radius of a circle is
perpendicular to a tangent.
1 E - Progressions Use the relevant formulae to find the 𝑛th term and the
sum of the first 𝑛 terms of an AP and a GP. (L/E)
1 G - Differentiation Use
and 𝑓 ′ (𝑥) and be able to differentiate any
polynomial and any power of 𝑥. (L/E)
17 1 I - Further Differentiation 𝑑𝑦
Find 𝑑𝑥 of an implicit function which could involve use of
the product rule. (L/E)
1 K – Statistical Methods Draw a scatter graph and the line of best fit. Obtain
(Correlation) some idea of sign and strength of correlation. (L/E)
Unless there are very few pairs of readings, the data will
normally be presented in summary form in an
1 K – Statistical Methods Use the equation to estimate values but be aware of the
(Linear Regression) reliability of estimates. The equation will normally be in
the form 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏 and candidates will be expected to
know what 𝑎 and 𝑏 represent, and to recognise if their
values make sense.
1 L - Further Probability and Be familiar with set notation (knowledge of the following
Set Theory symbols will be expected: ∩, ∪, ∅, ∈ and ′). (L/E)
1 L - Further Probability Construct and interpret Venn diagrams. Use them to find
and Set Theory probabilities. (E)
1 L - Further Probability and Combine probabilities using tree diagrams and Venn
Set Theory diagrams. (L/E)
1 L - Further Probability and Use the laws of probability (these are in the formula
Set Theory booklet). (L/E)
29 4 Revision
∞ Infinity
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑎𝑛 𝑎1 + 𝑎2 + ⋯ + 𝑎𝑛
the derivative of 𝑦 with respect to 𝑥
the second derivative of 𝑦 with respect to 𝑥
∫𝑎 𝑦 𝑑𝑥 the definite integral of 𝑦 with respect to 𝑥 between the limits 𝑥 = 𝑎 and 𝑥 = 𝑏
𝑥 sample mean
𝑠2 sample variance
𝜇 population mean
σ² population variance
𝐻0 Null hypothesis
𝐻1 Alternative hypothesis
χ² chi-squared
ν degrees of freedom
It is the centre’s responsibility to print “clean” (new) copies of the Formula Booklet for the End of Semester
1 Test and Final Examination.
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