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Experiment No 3

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Determination of Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregates
Referenced Standard:
ASTM C127-88 AASHTO T85-91

Basically, specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of a given volume of material
to the weight of an equal volume of water. The variations of the definitions of specific
gravity depend upon the material and its purpose. In concrete work the term specific
gravity customarily refers to the density of the individual particle, not to the aggregate
mass as a whole. The most common definition of specific gravity in aggregate in
concrete is specific gravity in the saturated-surface-dry condition (SSD). The bulk (oven
dry) specific gravity and apparent specific gravity are used to a lesser degree.

Absorption, according to STM C127 and C1280, is a measure of the total pore
volume accessible to water. The absorption capacity of an aggregate is determined by
finding the weight of an aggregate under the SSD condition and the oven-dry sample
weight is the absorption capacity. Coarse aggregates are considered to be saturated
surface dry when have been wiped fee of visible moisture film with a cloth after the
aggregates have been soaked in water for 24 hours.


1. To perform and understand the procedure for determining the specific gravity
and absorption of course aggregates.
2. To understand the importance of SSD in determining the absorption capacity
of aggregate
3. To determine the following properties of a coarse aggregate sample:
a. Apparent specific gravity
b. Bulk specific gravity in the SSD condition
c. Bulk specific gravity in the oven dry condition
d. Absorption


Coarse aggregate sample Balance sensitive to 1.0 gram

Wire mesh basket Oven

Sieve Sample container


1. Prepare the sample of course aggregates obtained from Experiment 1. Refer

to Table 1 for prescribed quantities according to sample size. Perform the
sampling procedure of Experiment 1 if new test samples are to be tested.
2. Soak the test sample clean water for approximate 24 hrs. Specific gravity and
absorption of aggregates not oven-dried before soaking may be higher than
aggregates dried at room temperature.
3. Dry the aggregate sample to its saturated-surface-dry condition (SSD) by
wiping its surface dry using a towel.
4. After wiping its surface dry, weigh the test sample in air (B) to the nearest 1.0
gram. Do this quickly to prevent evaporation of moisture from the aggregate.
5. Place the weighed test sample in a wire mesh sample and dip it in water at a
temperature of 23± 1.7℃. Removed entrapped air in the aggregates by
shaking. Measure the weight of the sample in the basket while dipped in
( C ).
6. Removed the sample from the basket and allow to try in the oven at 110±5℃
to a constant weight (A).
7. From the values obtained above, calculate the specific gravities and
absorption of the aggregate.

Table 1

Minimum Requirements for Test Samples

Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregates Minimum Mass of Test Sample

<12.5 mm (1/2”) 2Kg
19.0 mm (3/4”) 3kg-
25.0 mm (1”) 4kg
37.5 mm(1 ½) 5kg
50 mm (2”) 8kg
63 mm(2 ½) 12kg
75 mm(3”) 18kg
90 mm(3 ½) 25kg
100 mm(4”) 40kg
Source: Marotta & Ilerubin (1997)



C. D.


Quantity 1

Mass of the empty basket in air, g 368g
Mass of the wire basket + SSD sample in air, g 4774g
Mass of the SSD sample in air, g 4406g
Mass of the basket +sample in water, g 3490g
Mass of the empty container (used for oven-drying) in air, g 351g
Mass of the container + oven-dried sample in air, g 4665g
Mass of the oven-dried sample in air, g 4304g

Data Analysis:

1. Apparent Specific Gravity

Ga = Mo ÷ [Mo - Mw]

2. Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD)

Gssd = Mssd ÷ [Mssd – Mw]

2. Bulk Specific Gravity

Gb = Mo ÷ [Mssd – Mw]

3. Absorption
A = {[Mssd – Mo] ÷ Mo} x 100% Where:
Mo = oven-dry mass of sample
Mssd = SSD mass of sample
Mw = mass of sample in water


Aggregate: Coarse Aggregate Nominal Size: 1 inch

Measure 1
Mass of the SSD sample in air 4406g
Mass of SSD sample in water 3122g
Mass of oven-dried ample in air 4304g

Property Ave. value

Apparent specific gravity 3.641
Bulk specific gravity 3.352
Bulk specific gravity SSD 3.431
Absorption 2.37%

Discussion of Results:

The results were derived using the provided formulas, based on data collected
from three different samples: the SSD sample in air, the SSD sample in water, and the
oven-dried sample in air. These datasets were used to calculate the apparent specific
gravity, bulk specific gravity, bulk specific gravity in SSD condition, and absorption. The
resulting values obtained were as follows: 3.641 for apparent specific gravity, 3.352 for
bulk specific gravity, 3.431 for bulk specific gravity in SSD condition, and 2.37% for


We possess the capacity to measure specific gravity across a range of aggregate

conditions and can also calculate absorption percentages, providing valuable insights
into aggregate properties and their implications. This knowledge is not only
instrumental in the formulation of concrete designs but also holds significant relevance
for guiding and informing future experiments and research initiatives. Understanding
these aspects is pivotal for advancing our comprehension of aggregates and their
behavior in various contexts.

Post-lab Questions:

1. Define hygroscopic moisture.

Hygroscopic moisture refers to the moisture content present within a material
that readily absorbs or adsorbs water vapor from its surrounding environment,
primarily due to its affinity for water molecules. This type of moisture is
characterized by its ability to fluctuate with changes in humidity levels, as it
continuously seeks equilibrium with the moisture in the air. Hygroscopic materials
can absorb water vapor even in conditions of relatively low humidity, and their
moisture content tends to increase when exposed to higher humidity environments.
Understanding and managing hygroscopic moisture is important in various
industries, such as food preservation, pharmaceuticals, and materials science, as it
can impact the stability, quality, and performance of products and materials.

2. A 3.0-kg sample has a moisture content of 12%. Determine its dry weight.

Mass of Sample − Dry Weight

M oisture Content=
Dry Weight
3.0 − Dry Weight
Dry Weight

Dry Weight =2.6786 kg


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