Optimization of Transmission Line Measurement (TLM) Structures Fo
Optimization of Transmission Line Measurement (TLM) Structures Fo
Optimization of Transmission Line Measurement (TLM) Structures Fo
Sidhant Grover, Rochester Institute of Technology1,1 , Department of Electrical & Microelectronic Engineering1
Low resistance ohmic contacts are of extreme importance to modern semiconductor devices. As device sizes continue to
shrink, it implies a reduction in the specific contact resistance ρc . There are various methods for the measurement of
ρc , however the Transmission Line Model (TLM) is most popularly used to determine the specific contact resistivity for
Integrated Circuits (IC) and Silicon Photovoltaics (PV) applications. Inconsistencies have been observed in literature
between IC and PV devices as ρc determination may depend on dimensions. Therefore, TLM test geometries need to
optimized in order to minimize error. Optimimum values of TLM widths were fabricated and tested and systematic
error was compared with that from simulations.
Keywords: Sheet Resistance, Contact Resistance, Transmission Line Model (TLM), Specific Contact Resistivity,
Ohmic Contacts, Error Analysis, Optimization
34th Annual Microelectronic Engineering Conference, May 2016 2.4 Error Analysis
2.4. Error Analysis
There are two categories that are used to classify the
error propagation. These are: Random Error and System-
Slope = RSH /Z
atic Error. The difference between a single measurement
of a parameter and the mean determined by a large num-
ber of trials is the Random Error. The consistent shift of
means due to taking larger numbers of data points is the
0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d
Systematic Error. The uncertainty in measurement of the
specific contact resistivity ρc is taken into account in this
(a) Plot used to extract Contact Resistance Rc analysis.The equation for the relative uncertainty due to
systematic error is given by the equation below.
Bare Si
Z W δρc W RSH
d1 d2 d3
= √ δR + δd + δW (7)
ρc ρc RSH ρC W
34th Annual Microelectronic Engineering Conference, May 2016 4.1 Optimization Results
5. Conclusion
Chosen value of L
It can be observed from figure (8) that for a transfer Determine LT at Wopt
length extracted from a TLM measurement smaller than
the length of the contact, the long contact approximation
is to be used ans the short contact approximation for trans- LT > 2L LT < 1.5L
fer lengths significantly greater than the length of the con-
tact in order to accurately determine the specific contact Short Contact Limit Long Contact Limit
Figure 10: Suggested process flow to accurately determine ρc
6. Future Work
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