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International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100190

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International Journal of Information

Management Data Insights
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Growth of digital brand name through customer satisfaction with big data
analytics in the hospitality sector after the COVID-19 crisis
Damianos P. Sakas a, Dimitrios P. Reklitis a, *, Marina C. Terzi a, *, Niki Glaveli b
BICTEVAC Laboratory Business Information and Communication Technologies in Value Chains laboratory, Department of Agribusiness and Supply Chain Management,
School of Applied Economics and Social Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens, 11855, Athens, Greece
Department of Business Administration, University of the Aegean, 82100, Chios, Greece


Keywords: This study examines the best practices for the optimization of the corporate digital brand name by taking into
Digital brand name consideration customers’ behavioral big data and web analytics. In the first stage of the study, customers’
Customer satisfaction satisfaction big data have been extracted with the assistance of a web scrapping tool from TripAdvisor for 189
Big data
hotels in Hubei province, and behavioral data from Hubei province hospitality websites have been gathered with
Web analytics
User engagement
the assistance of web analytics platforms for 5.7 million website visitors for the last 18 months. In the second
Tourism stage of the research, those data have been statistically analyzed including descriptive, correlation, and
regression analysis. Then, a fuzzy cognitive map has been created to present the intercorrelation between the
parameters and two optimization scenarios have been developed for digital brand name and customer satis­
faction. Finally, an Agent-based model has been created in order to simulate the customers’ behavior in the
corporate website and TripAdvisor. The results indicated that hotels in Hubei province need to invest less in
social media advertisements than search engine advertisements in order to achieve a competitive advantage and
improve their digital brand name. Additionally, hotels need to develop their websites with more engaging
content to maintain the customer on the corporate website for more time in order to optimize customer satis­
faction in contrast to healthcare and libraries websites.

Introduction Covid-19 pandemic, people perceptions are more likely to be influenced

by situational cues, rather than personality traits. Although the research
The COVID-19 pandemic forced all destinations to introduce travel is geographically limited in one country, it is an important outcome
restrictions, with airplanes on the ground and hotels, restaurants and which further supports the research of Moya et al., (2020) regarding
travel agencies closed, making the Hospitality, Travel and Tourism customers’ extensive behavioral change as a consequence of crisis situ­
(HTT) sector one of the worst affected with tremendous economic losses ations. As the public opinion has changed throughout the stages of the
(Obembe et al., 2021). The World Tourism Organization has released the pandemic (Mahdikhani, 2022), so does the digital behavior of online
11th and last one report on travel restrictions on 26th November 2021 users (Sakas et al., 2022a), pushing companies over the technology
(UNWTO, 2021), stating that 98% of all destinations have some kind of tipping point (Nasir et al., 2022). Especially for the HTT ecosystem,
travel restrictions in place. As of 2 November 2022, where there have tourist behavior has been changed due to travel and mobility limita­
been 628.035.553 confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally (WHO, 2022), tions, psychological and economic factors (Marques Santos et al., 2020).
most countries have lifted their travel bans. This new situation, while it Cognitive, personality, and affective factors would predict travel
offers a pandemic relief, it simultaneously provokes the public opinion behavior and travel preferences during the COVID-19 pandemic (Morar
to be split over this policy (Stoeckel et al., 2022). Given the great et al., 2021).
number of confirmed cases, this dichotomy raises concerns on how risk Acknowledging online users’ needs is no longer enough since cus­
perception contributes to the adoption of new patterns of behavior after tomers have changed their information-seeking process and expect a
severe outbreaks familiarity (Sakas et al. 2021). high-quality digital experience that combines all brand’s touchpoints
Zajenkowski et al., (2020) state that during novel crisis, such as the (Vannucci & Pantano, 2020). With the advancement of technology, HTT

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail address: drekleitis@aua.gr (D.P. Reklitis).


Available online 25 July 2023

2667-0968/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
D.P. Sakas et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100190

organizations have less opportunities to create strong emotional bonds shopping memories, that will in turn lead to higher levels of customers’
with online users and improve customers satisfaction levels, since the engagement (Myoung-a & Sang-Lin, 2020).
human-touch aspect in services is absent during the customer digital Multiple researches have been devoted to psychological principles in
journey (Kandampully & Solnet, 2020). The success of HTT organiza­ an attempt to facilitate the digital customer journey. The analysis of
tions relies on the optimization of the digital journey as the cornerstone behavioral attitudes within the HTT ecosystem based on the Zeigarnik
of an efficient multichannel communication strategy (Hu & Olivieri, effect seem to have raised the interest of the academia (Sasaki et al.,
2021), having a human-centered perspective (Bonfanti et al., 2021). The 2020). Bauer et al. (2022) analyze the Zeigarnik effect, in which cus­
industrial revolution 5.0 offers deep insights on how to understand, tomers tend to remember more their unfinished actions than the finished
evaluate and predict customers’ online behavior, which in turn affects ones. By using this effect, customers are effectively motivated to proceed
brand positioning and marketing activities (Pillai et al., 2021). to task completion through progress bars, gamification and rewards
Ward (2020) state that social theory is able to explore the implica­ (Tokmak, 2019).
tions of Covid-19, recommending futures studies on social media and Nowadays, customers’ digital journey is much more complex, with
other platforms. Based on Sahed et al. bibliometric analysis (2021), numerous touchpoints and channels, from the awareness to the loyalty
social media marketing is the second-largest research cluster of digital stage, making the decision-making process of marketing managers a
marketing literature. To this end, the current paper focus on analyzing tough task (Yachin, 2018). Customers’ online behavior has changed
the behavior of online users, focusing on Hubei province hospitality during Covid-19 and the overwhelming information makes users’
websites metrics and Tripadvisor’s reviews for the optimization of the experience even more complicated (Baharom et al., 2020). Proctor and
corporate digital brand name. Branding in the HTT sector has been the Schneider (2018) investigate Hick’s Law, in which the amount of time
point of several researches (Vila et al., 2021;). The tourism and hospi­ that the users need in order to make their decision depends on the
tality sector in Wuhan has been extensively researched within the number of options available. In essence, the more the options, the longer
academia (Zhang et al., 2022). However, the digital transformation of for users to decide. The authors encourage more researches on
the HTT sector heavily relies on customers’ behavior in response to a human-computer interaction using new technologies. Roetzel (2019)
potential crisis (Sigala, 2020). In this vein, the current paper attempts to further states that the in-depth analysis of online users’ information
analyze customers’ digital behavior on Wuhan’s hospitality sector based search, selection, processing and evaluation plays an important role in
on big data and web analytics with the intention to offer guidelines on their decision-making process. In this regard, Ismaili (2020) suggests
how to develop a solid brand communication strategy that will perform graphical representations of mental models to improve the overall
efficiently during crisis situations. comprehension level of online users and simplify their decision-making
The novelty of the paper relies on the employment of a dual statis­ process.
tical analysis of users’ online behavior, based on websites’ user The literature review further reveals the psychological principal of
engagement metrics and Tripadvisor’s reviews, in an attempt to predict Miller’s Law, in which the human mind can only handle seven pieces of
trends but also to collect emotions and capture sentiments via the use of information when it comes to memory and processing, making visuali­
web analytics on social media (Chatterjee, 2020). This will enable zation of marketing data a solution for marketing managers (Umesh &
companies within the HTT ecosystem to understand customers’ online Kagan, 2015). Consumers may have the power and access to a wide
behavior through their interaction with the website and measure cus­ spectrum of information and online reviews but the improvement of
tomers’ satisfaction via the analysis of reviews. their decision-making process comes via reducing information overload
The paper proceeds as follow: First, the theoretical background is (Hu & Krishen, 2019). Moreover, an interesting study has been con­
presented. In this section, the related literature leads to the research ducted by Mufti et al. (2018) in which the Von Restorff effect proves to
hypothesis and the development of the conceptual framework. The have an extensive impact on customers’ behavior and purchasing
paper then analyzes the materials and methods used along with the intention, implying that among similar objects, the one that stands out
results of the estimation techniques used. Moreover, the discussion due to its color, 3D animations and other characteristics is more likely to
section analyzes in depth the finding of the study to follow the conclu­ be remembered by users.
sion of the study including the various implications of the findings. Ultimately, information overload damages decision quality (Peng
Finally, the research limitations and future research recommendations et al., 2021) and by extension their online purchasing behavior, a fact
are presented. that raises concerns on how companies should develop their brand
communication strategy. Flowing too much information to users has a
Conceptual framework tremendous impact on their pre-travel behavior (Tan & Kuo, 2019).
Online users evaluate negatively the explosion of information (Magnini
Behavioral psychology in e-commerce customer journey & Dallinger, 2018), a fact that opens new avenues on how the HTT sector
will gain from fostering excellent user experience while simultaneously
Having its roots in digital psychology, understanding customers’ retaining strong emotional relationships during the current digital ex­
psychological behavior is currently a rapidly growing field that shapes plosion of Industry 5.0. The analysis and investigation of behavioral
an organization’s brand reputation and credibility (Mustapha et al., psychology principles greatly contributes to the advancement of the
2022). Especially after the widespread of the pandemic, which has existing knowledge on major corporate issues, such as why people
forced users to employ creative methods in order to cope with stressful behave in a certain way while shopping online, how behavior can be
situations, leaving psychological scars (Ansar & Goswami,2021), har­ predicted, changed or even prevented.
nessing the power of psychology creates both challenges and opportu­
nities for marketers. Unlike automated systems, whose functioning is User experience & customer satisfaction in the htt sector: the big data
programmed on strict logical lines, customers’ digital purchasing challenge
intention and referrals are greatly influenced by the psychological
customer engagement (Bozkurt et al., 2022). In order to utilize social The recovery process for the HTT sector has already started with
psychology and provide the emotional touch needed during the devel­ most countries to currently developing measures so as to build a post
opment of an effective brand communication strategy, managers need to Covid-19 resilient tourism industry (Škare et al., 2021), as a digital
understand the concept behind design psychology as well as the transformation pioneer (Padro & Ladeiras, 2020). The new economic
phycological principles that affects the digital user journey (Kuehnl development embraces the advancement of technological trans­
et al., 2019). The analysis of customers’ psychological processes will formations and Industry 5.0 towards human centricity (Zizic et al.,
enable marketing managers to create, reinforce and maximize valuable 2022), making the HTT industry one of the early adapters of new

D.P. Sakas et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100190

technology and platforms (Okafor et al., 2022). The pandemic has on social media platforms after severe virus outbreaks (Lv et al., 2022).
accelerated the transition to more sustainable models of tourism. Men­ To this end, the current paper focuses on users’ behavioral attitude from
sah and Boakye (2021) propose that the sustainability of the tourism 5.7 million Hubei province hospitality websites visitors, based on their
industry should be based on the use of digitalization and social media. online attitude as well as their reviews on Tripadvisor. The objective is
As these two factors are able to propel the travel experience and cus­ to identify the impact of online user experience on their levels of satis­
tomers satisfaction in a way that contributes to sustainability, the faction and provide fruitful information of how to develop an optimal
tourism industry will revitalize and recover in a faster pace (Gagan et al., communication strategy for the benefit of corporate branding.
The digital boom has greatly evolved the customer journey by adding
new touchpoints, such as websites, blogs, social media, chatboxs and Web analytics KPIs and hospitality websites visibility and ranking
others (Mele & Russo-Spena, 2022). This is important considering that
brands now have a better control on customers’ experience by building a Various previous researcheshave revealed that the extraction and
muti-channel approach that supports personalization (Sakas et al., analysis of web analytics are essential in order to improve corporate
2022a). Given that the HTT industry is at the forefront of Industry 5.0 visibility and brand name (Saura, 2021). If properly processed and
Revolution, with personalized service and the use of big data for analyzed, big data can provide valuable insightsinto trends, behaviors
up-to-date information of customer preferences to be some of the key and prospects so as companies to harness the best value from this in­
elements (Pillai et al., 2021), the hospitality sector need to be adapted to vestment. However, successfully converting these insights into action­
the existing technology so as to provide flexible and resilient services. able items greatly depends on implementing them on a real-time basis
The growing attention of e-tourism represents a new approach to the (Kushwaha et al., 2021). This is crucial for hospitality companies since
kind of experience delivered to online users and manifests along all the competition is huge and growing (Sakas et al., 2022a). Studying
stages of the digital customer journey (Pencarelli et al., 2021). HTT users’ behavior on a website or social media is what is known as web
companies need to go the extra mile to meet the expectations of online analytics (Saura et al., 2017). In order to extract and analyze the Web
users by investing in digital channels as a way to disseminate the analytics, a standardization process is needed (Saura et al., 2017).
multichannel communication strategy adapted. Bharwani and Mathews Hence, scholars perceive the Web analytics metrics as Key performance
(2021) acknowledge the need for contactless guest interface and further indicators (KPIs) (Chaffey & Patron, 2012; Kirsh & Joy, 2020; Fagan,
highlight the use of technology tools to enhance guest experience and 2014). KPIs can be defined as measurable metrics of performance over
thus customers’ satisfaction through personalization. However, how can time for a certain goal (Chaffey & Patron, 2012). In this study, the
hospitality companies measure the success of their digital communica­ behavioral KPIs are gathered from the web scrapping tools. Table 1, il­
tion strategy? The onus relies on HTT organizations that are able to use lustrates a detailed presentation of the behavioral KPIs.
the available data in order to filter out the most valuable information
based on customers’ online fingerprints (Thomas & Chopra, 2019), in Table 1
favor of brand optimization (Sakas et al., 2022b). Web Analytics (WA) KPIs.
Global searches for “where to travel” have reached their highest level Key Performance Description of the Key Performance Indicators
in 2022 (Google Trends, 2022). This fact demonstrates that there is a Indicators
strong desire to travel and therefore online users are seeking for infor­ Organic Traffic Users that visitthe corporate website through unpaid
mation pertaining their next trip. The evolution of social networking channels referred to as organic traffic (Baye et al., 2015).
sites takes travel planning one step further, since online users tend to Social Media Traffic The WA KPI Social Traffic is generated when a visitor is
employ a social experience sharing behavior, which greatly impacts forwarded from the corporate social media page to the
hotel’s website (Semrush, 2019).
consumers’ psychology and behavior (Kitsios et al., 2022).Yet, while the
Paid Traffic This KPI refer to visitors that are landed on the
HTT ecosystem woks toward delivering strong user experience, there is hotel’swebsites through paid advertisement, for
still room for improvement (Godovykh & Tasci, 2020). Travel com­ example, google ads (Blake et al., 2015; Semrush, 2019).
panies can leverage the behavioral data already at their disposal, along TripAdvisor Rating This rate is referred to a visitor’s total satisfaction level
and is provided after the check-out process (
the end-to-end journey, with the use of modern digital systems that
Martin-Fuentes et al., 2018; Taecharungroj &
measure and predict consumer behavior (Mariani, 2020; Yallop & Ser­ Mathayomchan, 2019).
aphin, 2020). TripAdvisor Service Rate This KPI is referred to the overall service satisfaction
Taking into consideration the psychological processes that online level reported by the customer after checking out and
users undertake while searching online for travel experiences is funda­ involves the hotel employees (Limberger et al., 2014)
TripAdvisor Value for This KPI is referred to the rating given by visitors
mental for companies (Oliveira et al., 2020). Strategic communication is
Money Rate regarding their perceptions on the balance between the
evolving as technologies are evolving. Without understanding customer hotel’s service and paid rates(Soltani-Nejad et al., 2022).
decision-making process, all communication efforts will fall flat. Iden­ According to previous researchesthis is one of the main
tifying customers’ purchasing behavior is the future of eCommerce metrics of hospitality competitiveness (Cunningham
branding, profitability and growth (Mohseni et al., 2018). In this et al., 2010).
Global Rank This KPI is created by incorporating the websites’ overall
ever-changing landscape, travel organizations that give priority to user traffic (organic, social, and sponsored traffic) and
experience can gain brand loyalty and company resilience (Lee et al., behavioral metrics such as average time spent on site.
2018). This allows online users to perceive the brand as a trustful source The lower the rank, the more well-known the website is
and solidify a perceived value that will lead them to purchases. The since a website ranked 2nd gets a better rating than a
website ranked 12th (Sakas et al., 2022a; Vyas, 2019).
employment of Big Data tools is crucial for strategic business goals,
Average Time on Site This metric is refered to the amount of time that a user
especially for customer journey improvement, since this analysis is spends on a website(Semrush, 2019).
closely associated with customer behavior and interactions (Buhalis & Pages per Visit The "Pages per Visits" WA KPI determines how many
Volchek, 2021). Crucially, it can be used within the fields of both pre­ pages are viewed by users when they visit a hospitality
dictive and behavioral analytics, aiming at identifying key trends of website (Semrush, 2019).
User Engagement This KPI is created by adding all behavioral web
behavioral patterns, in favor of brand optimization. analytics (average time on site, pages per visits and total
Multiple studies have been devoted in the HTT ecosystem based on visits) (Drivas, Kouis, Kyriaki-Manessi, &
big data analytics (Mariani, 2020; Yallop & Seraphin, 2020). The au­ Giannakopoulou, 2022; Sakas & Reklitis, 2021)
thors in one of the latest review papers clearly state that further atten­ Total Visits This WA KPI measures how many people visit a hotel
website daily (Semrush, 2019).
tion need to be addressed on the HTT sector based on the data generated

D.P. Sakas et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100190

Hypotheses development Methodology

Since the hospitality sector is one of the most competitive environ­ Data gathering and statistical analysis
ments globally (Hossain et al., 2020), the examination of the industry
through big data analytics provides tangible results for decision-makers, An alternative research methodology has been implemented in this
marketers and developers (Sakas et al., 2022a). By reviewing hospitality article in order to examine the effects of customers satisfaction metrics
websites and customer satisfaction data and incorporating them into a of Hubei province hospitality industry on the digital brand name. At
larger marketing strategy to strengthen the firm’s digital brand, first, behavioral analytics were gathered from 5.7 million users in5
decision-makers can optimize digital resources (Inanc–Demir & Kozak, hospitality websites for a period of 180 days, a sample which demon­
2019). Additionally, by adding those big data into their communication strates customers’ activity and ratings that have been gathered from 189
strategy, hospitality marketers can create competitive differentiation hotels in Hubei province. This methodology has been selected since the
(Schuckert et al., 2015). The next hypotheses were created to investigate authors attempt to identify the behavioral cause-and-effect relationships
the effects of behavioral data extracted from hospitality websites and the between website activity and ratings by suppressing any possible
effects of customer reviews on the digital brand name of the hospitality cognitive bias (Rao et al., 2018; Merendino et al., 2018).The website
firms. behavioral data has been gathered from Semrush.com and the Tri­
pAdvisor ratings have been extracted from the web scraping tool named
H1. The hospitality websites’ “Organic Traffic” metric is affected by the
Octoparse.com. Behavioral metrics that have been gathered from Sem­
total “Paid Traffic” metric and the websites’ “Total Visits” metric.
rush include: “Bounce Rate”, “Social Traffic”, “Average Time on Site”,
The organic traffic metric is one of the most crucial web analytics and “Global Rank”, “Pages per Visit”, “Paid Traffic”, “Organic Traffic”, and
one of the main predictors of the digital brand name (Vyas, 2019). “Total Visitors”. The data extracted from Octoparse include TripAdvi­
Therefore, it is crucial for a marketer to examine the effects of paid sor’s “Rating”, “Service Rate” and “Value for Money Rate”. The web
advertisement and the total number of users visited a website on the scraping tools adopted in this research are presented with the intention
organic traffic metric. to be examined on future studies by other researchers. The main pre­
requisite of the extraction is based on the full record of data. For
H2. The website’s “User Engagement” metric is affected by the “Average
instance, the reviews of all 189 hotels satisfy all customers’ metrics
Time on Site” metric, the “Pages per Visits” metric and the website’s
(Rating, Service Rate, and Value for Money rate). That was crucial in
“Organic traffic”.
order to proceed to the statistical analysis. The statistical analysis in­
According to previous researches from the libraries to the logistics cludes descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations between the examined
sector (Drivas, Kouis, Kyriaki-Manessi, & Giannakopoulou, 2022; Sakas metrics, and regression analysis. The authors seek to focus on their
& Reklitis, 2021), the behavioral metric of user engagement is an ac­ research approach in order to incorporate better objectivity in the
curate estimator of the user activity on a corporate website. This hy­ outcome through rigor in the process (Kar & Dwivedi, 2020; Kar et al.,
pothesis attempts to examine the effects of the behavioral web analytics 2023; Miranda et al., 2022; Singh et al., 2022).
pages per visit, average time on site and organic traffic on the user
engagement metric. Agent based model
H3. The total “Rating” metric is affected by the “User Engagement”
The aim of a microscale ABM is to seek explanatory knowledge into
metric, the “Service Rate” metric and the “Value for Money” Metric.
the group behavior of agents following predefined guidelines (Giabba­
The authors attempt to examine the correlation of hospitality web­ nelli et al., 2017).The agent-based models have been widely used in a big
sites’ activity on customer satisfaction. According to previous studies variety of disciplines, such as in crisis management in order to simulate
(Banerjee & Chua, 2016; Orea-Giner et al., 2022), TripAdvisor’s civilian behavior in a crisis (Hoertel et al., 2020; Silva et al., 2020).
customer satisfaction “Rating” metric is the main metric of customer According to previous researches, predictive ABMs are useful for mar­
satisfaction, and much effort has been given into how this metriccould keting managers since they can reproduce and mimic customers’ activity
be optimized. In this study, the focus has been placed on the effects of on a website(Bell & Mgbemena, 2017). This is crucial for marketers
the hospitality websites’ user engagement metric as well as the other since they can explore and identify the root cause of consumer behavior
two dominant (Cunningham et al., 2010; Zaman et al., 2016),) customer and create adaptive digital communication strategies without investing
satisfaction metrics “Service Rate” and “Value for Money” rate on the funds in other costly technics such as marketing focus groups (Bell &
total “Rating”. Mgbemena, 2017; Rand & Rust, 2011; Sakas et al., 2022a).
H4. The “Global Rank” metric is affected by the “Rating” metric, the
“Service Rate” metric and the “Value for Money” Metric.
This hypothesis attempts to examine the effects of customer satis­ Statistical analysis
faction analytics on hospitality websites’ digital brand name. According
to previous researches the main identifier of a website’s digital brand Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics of the study. The metrics
name is the global rank metric (Labrecque et al., 2020; Mir-Bernal et al., are based on the data extracted from Semrush, and TripAdvisor. In order
2017; Sakas et al., 2022a). The outcome can be valuable for marketers to better display the overall findings for the hospitality industry, the
since has emerged as an unresponded riddle in the past years that has obtained data were combined by category.
never been studied before via big data analysis. This question has been Table 3 highlights the significant Pearson’s correlations between the
examined before with customers’ verbal or written opinions and ques­ examined metrics. More specifically, positive correlations were found
tionnaires (Azizan & Yusr, 2019; Khajeh Nobar & Rostamzadeh, 2018) between organic traffic, paid traffic, and total visits with ρ = 0.728 ∗ ∗
but not on a basis of extracted behavioral big data. The extracted data and ρ = 0.909 ∗ ∗ respectively. Additionally, a significant positive cor­
can present the customer’s pure activity by partially eliminating any relation has been found between total visits and paid traffic with ρ =
possible cognitive bias (Merendino et al., 2018; Rao, et al., 2018). 0.814 ∗ ∗. This finding highlights the importance of paid advertisements
in search engines and their positive effect on the website’s traffic and
visibility. The first hypothesis’ regression analysis is presented in
Table 4. P-values less than 0.05 can determine the model’s significance.
This significant regression with R2=0.827 indicates that for every 1%

D.P. Sakas et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100190

Table 2
Descriptive Statistics for 180 days.
Mean Min Max Std. Deviation

Organic Traffic 21,168,106.44 2304,851.00 51,121,311.00 14,138,967.18

Social Traffic 82,743.23 1458.00 232,244.00 64,864.51
Paid Traffic 763,330.70 29,167.00 3117,139.00 788,476.85
TripAdvisor Rating 39.70 25.00 50.00 4.97
TripAdvisor Service Rate 39.25 20.00 50.00 5.35
TripAdvisor Value for Money Rate 38.65 25.00 50.00 5.12
Global Rank 24,814.77 787.00 84,408.00 31,917.69
Average Time on Site 449.32 228.00 623.00 104.12
Pages per Visit 3.38 2.135883 4.327859 0.69
User Engagement 13,409,233.57 827,523.00 33,327,199.00 8485,329.73
Total Visits 22,997,296.42 1293,200.00 57,915,806.00 15,162,202.80

Table 3 Table 6
Pearson’s Correlations for the first hypothesis. Regression analysis for the second hypothesis.
Organic Traffic Paid Traffic Total Visits Variables Standardized R2 F p Value
Organic Traffic 1
Paid Traffic 0.728** 1 Constant (User – 0.781 36.866 <0.001
Total Visits 0.909** 0.814** 1 Engagement)
** Average Time on Site 0.100 .507
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Pages per Visits 0.071 .448
Organic Traffic 0.767 <0.001

Table 4
Regression analysis for the first hypothesis.
Table 7
Variables Standardized R2 F p Value
Pearson’s Correlations for the third hypothesis.
Rating User Service Value for Money
Constant (Organic Traffic) – 0.827 76.334 <0.001
Engagement Rate Rate
Paid Traffic − 0.034 .789
Total Visits 0.937 <0.001 Rating 1
User Engagement 0.624** 1
Service Rate 0.665** 0.218 1
rise in organic traffic an increase can be observed in total visits by 93.7% Value for Money 0.569** − 0.002 0.535** 1
and a decrease in paid traffic by 3.4%.
Table 5 highlights the significant Pearson’s correlations between the **
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
metrics. More precisely, positive correlations have been identified be­
tween the user engagement metric and the average time on site metric ∗∗, the service rate with ρ = 0.665 ∗ ∗ and the value for money rate with
with ρ=0.760, the pages per visits metric with ρ = 0.760 ∗∗, the pages ρ = 0.569 ∗ ∗ . Additionally, non-significant correlations have been
per visits metric with ρ = 0.423 ∗ ∗ and the organic traffic metric with ρ found between user engagement and the service rate with ρ = 0.218 and
= 0.880 ∗ ∗ . Additionally, positive significant correlations have been the value for money rate with ρ = − 0.002. The main interesting
found between average time on site and pages per visit with ρ = 0.349 ∗ outcome of this hypothesis relies on the fact that user engagement highly
and organic traffic with ρ = 0.827 ∗ ∗ respectively. Finally, a positive affects the total “Ranking” metric but not the service rate and the value
correlation can be observed between organic traffic and pages per visit for money metric while “Rating” is highly affected by all metrics.
with the ρ = 0.413∗. This finding illustrates the crucial role of those Finally, the significant regression presented in Table 8, with R2 = 0.423
parameters in user engagement. The second hypothesis’ regression indicates that for every 1% rise in Rating an increase can be observed in
model is presented in Table 6.With P<0.05 the model is significant. This user engagement by 57.4%, in service rate by 23.5%, and a decrease in
significant regression with R2 = 0.781 indicates that for every 1% rise in value for money rate by 4%.
user engagement an increase can be observed in pages per visit by 7.1%, Table 9 illustrates the Pearson’s correlations between the examined
an increase in average time on site by 10% and an increase in organic metrics. More specifically, non-significant negative correlations were
traffic by 76.7%. found between the total “Rating” and the global rank with ρ = − 0.233 .
Table 7 highlights the significant Pearson’s correlations between the This is beneficial for global ranking since ranking in place 150 is worse
parameters. More specifically, positive significant correlations were than a global ranking in place 3. Consequently, when the global rank is
found between total “Rating” and the user engagement with ρ = 0.624 getting lower values, it means that the website is going higher in
ranking. Additionally, negative significant correlationshave been
observed between global rank and the total visits ρ = − 0.471 ∗ ∗, the
Table 5 social media traffic metric with ρ = − 0.415∗ and the paid traffic metric
Pearson’s Correlations for the second hypothesis.
User Average Time Pages per Organic
Engagement on Site Visits Traffic
Table 8
User 1 Regression analysis for the third hypothesis.
Variables Standardized Coefficient R2 F p Value
Average Time 0.760** 1
on Site Constant (Rating) – 0.423 7.561 <0.001
Pages per Visits 0.423* 0.349* 1 User Engagement 0.574 <0.001
Organic Traffic 0.880** 0.827** 0.413* 1 Service Rate 0.235 .195
** Value for Money Rate − 0.004 .471
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

D.P. Sakas et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100190

Table 9 organic traffic. Those traffics present the main sources of a corporate
Pearson’s Correlations for the fourth hypothesis. website. For instance, the customer can visit the website through google
Global Rating Total Social Media Paid or social media advertising or by typing directly the company’s url due
Rank Visits Traffic Traffic to his familiarity with the brand. The traffic is illustrated with yellow
Global Rank 1 boxes, despite the fact that potential visitors may choose to stay or
Rating − 0.233 1 abandon the website. The white box and the metric bounce rate Illus­
Total Visits − 0.471** 0.651** 1 trate their intention to leave the website after viewed only a single page.
Social Media − 0.415* 0.707** 0.836** 1 When a user visits a website, two main categories are being produced:
Paid Traffic − 0.567** 0.645** 0.926** 0.816** 1
the rating category (green boxes) and the user engagement category
(purple boxes). Finally, the user engagement of the corporate website
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). and the TripAdvisor rating produce the corporate websites’ global
ranking (Brand name).
with ρ = − 0.567∗∗. All the above correlations indicate a beneficial The outcomes of the population allocation over a 6 month period are
impact on the corporate digital brand name through global ranking. A shown in Figs. 2a and 2b. Fig. 3a depicts the ninth day of the simulation,
second observation can be located in the “Rating metric” in correlation with the gray agents are the potential tourists and the yellow agents for
to the paid traffic from search engines with ρ = 0.645∗∗ and the traffic the webpages’ traffic coming from social, paid, or organic sources. The
from corporate social media with ρ = 0.707∗∗. It seems that is beneficial simulation is shown in Fig. 3b at the end of the 89th day, and it shows
for hospitality companies to invest both in social media and in search that more purple agents, which represent the user engagementvariables,
engine advertisements in order to improve customer satisfaction. are formed, along with more blue agents, which representthe the global
Furthermore, positive significant correlations can be observed between rank. This is to be expected as blue agents, who stand in for the global
the number of total visitors with the social media traffic (ρ = 0.836∗∗) rank, start to appear after 70 days. This outcome could be predicted
and with the paid traffic (ρ = 0.926∗∗). Finally, the regression presented since brand name is being established after the 70th day.The cyan agents
in Table 10reveals that for every 1% rise in global rank, an increase can also represent the rating variables.
be observed in total “Rating” by 21,4%, and a decrease in total visits by The time chart in Fig. 3, illustrates the progression of the contribu­
5.3%, in social media traffic by 28.2%, and paid traffic by 39,6%. tion of the examined metrics based on the correlation analysis and the
regression analysis. While the user engagement parameter, which is
rather erratic, can be observed in a spike in the global ranking on day 5,
Agent based simulation model from the moment that the advertisement is displayed and specifically on
the 20th day, there is a spike on the ratings. There is also, a negative
In order to create the ABM the Anylogic software 8.7.12 has been spike on the date 92 for both global ranking and ratings and this is A fact
used and programmed with the assistance of the “Java” programming that can be justified due to the seasonality of the HTT sector of the
language. To give a micro-scale examination of the problem, an ABM seasonality of the tourism sector. An interesting outcome is that an in­
was used (Giabbanelli et al., 2017). Since it simulates real-world sce­ crease in global ranking and ratings is observed after the 120th day.
narios and analyzes user behavior to derive practical digital marketing However, from the 170th day and beyond, there is a greater increase in
approaches, its deployment is advantageous for businesses in order to both variables due to the fact that the company’s brand name has
optimize their marketing strategies (Rand & Rust, 2011).Furthermore, already been established. This outcome fully aligns with previous re­
by utilizing ABMs, businesses are able to fully understand the benefits searches into HTT websites (Sakas et al., 2022a), however it comes in
that big data offers in terms of how users interact with their webpage contrast with previous studies on different sectors, such as logistics,
and social media platforms and their potential for expansion (Negahban healthcare, and libraries (Corritore et al., 2012; Drivas, Kouis,
& Yilmaz, 2014; Rand & Rust, 2011).Predictive modeling is used to Kyriaki-Manessi, & Giannakopoulou, 2022; Sakas et al., 2022a) and
capture tourists’ sentiments, as they emerge from their online interac­ clothing industry (Goldsmith & Flynn, 2004).
tion on social networking platforms, and goes beyond the static users’
behavioral knowledge to the dynamic comprehension of their expecta­ Discussions
tions and perceptions (Agrawal et al., 2022). The model represents the
typical actions of a visitor to a tourism and hospitality website. The The major objectives of this study are to explore how users’ online
white top box, in particular, shows the starting position of an agent. The behavioral attitudes that affect the visibility of TripAdvisor’s rating and
model mimics every step of the procedure, from the customer’s website the digital development of the tourism websites’ brand as well as to offer
visit via paid, organic, or social media traffic to the Improvement of the concrete guidelines on communication optimization strategies with the
global rank (brand-name). Variables (V) towards the bottom of the intention to strengthen corporate branding. More specifically, the first
figure in Fig. 1 represent the potential responses to the necessary hypothesis (H1) is accepted and it is in full alignment with previous
changes. As a result, the agents begin to move, and the ABM shows this researches (Baye et al., 2015; Sakas & Reklitis, 2021; Simonov et al.,
movement as black arrows. The Poisson distribution was chosen for this 2018). The paid traffic has beneficial effects on the improvement of the
model because it allows the statistical analysis shown in Section 4.1 to total traffic in tourism websites. The second hypothesis (H2) is also
be incorporated into the model (Giabbanelli et al., 2017; Hoertel et al., accepted. This interesting finding is important for the HTT sector since it
2020). verifies the outcomes of previous studies within the same industry,
The simulation begins from the top white box, where a potential however it does not confirm the outcomes of previous researches in
visitor is distributed between the paid traffic, the social traffic, and the different sector, such as the logistics, healthcare, and libraries (Corritore
et al., 2012; Drivas, Kouis, Kyriaki-Manessi, & Giannakopoulou, 2022;
Table 10 Sakas et al., 2022a). Customers in the logistics, health care, and libraries
Regression analysis for the fourth hypothesis. sector prefer to use parcel tracking, or doctor tracking information, or a
Variables Standardized Coefficient R2 F p Value book title search without any distractions and leave the website as soon
Constant (Global Rank) – 0.288 3.029 .033 as possible. In the case of the hospitality industry developers needs
Rating 0.214 0.343 incorporate into their websites more engaging content including photos,
Total Visits − 0.053 0.894 mini-games, and live simulation of the living area in order to optimize
Social Media Traffic − 0.282 0.380 engagement (Ali, 2016; Lu & Stepchenkova, 2014; Xu & Schrier, 2019).
Paid Traffic − 0.396 0.159
This third hypothesis (H3) is accepted, and it is in full alignment with

D.P. Sakas et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100190

Fig. 1. Agent based model.

Fig. 2. (a). The distribution of the population in a 180-day simulation using 10,000 agents. Day 9. Fig. 2(b). The distribution of the population in a 180-day
simulation using 10,000 agents. Day 89.

Fig. 3. The timeline shows the progression of the contribution of the TripAdvisor Rating, the Global Ranking and the User Engagement.

previous researches in hotels and museums (Fernández-Hernández study were successfully put into action with the development of theAMB
et al., 2020; Han & Anderson, 2022). More specifically, the TripAdvi­ model, indicating that the improvement of the corporate brand name is
sor’s Rating is highly affected by the customer activity of the tourism achieved through the development of websites with more engaging
website as well as from other rating metrics such as service rate and content. Finally, in order to optimize organic traffic and lead generation
value for money rate. Fig. 4 to the tourism websites, marketers need to widen the pool which will
The final hypothesis (H4) is also accepted and aligns with previous lead to a better conversion rate and geometrically improve customer
researches (Labrecque et al., 2020; Mir-Bernal et al., 2017; Sakas et al., retention rate.
2022a), but generalizations must be made carefully as R2 (0.288) is
rather constrained. This finding suggests to marketeers that in order to Theoretical implications
improve the digital brand name needs to invest more in social media
advertisements and google advertisements. The findings of the current The present study clearly demonstrates the user engagement metrics

D.P. Sakas et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100190

Fig. 4. Conceptual model that illustrates the visualization and validity of the research.

that impact consumers’ online behavior during online shopping, on the 2022a).
post-COVID-19 era in the context of HTT organizations. This outcome Recent advances in data-driven decision-making analytics focus on
co-aligns with Sajid et al., and Haider (2022) study in which the shift ensuring companies sustainability (Suha & Sanam, 2023), which reflects
toward digital services is well-established. The purchasing behavior of their link to optimize process and drive business growth (Unhelkar et al.,
users is constantly changing, not only due to the explosion of technology 2022).As the HTT industry move towards greater sustainability,
that Industry 5.0 offers, but also due to unforeseen circumstances that considering psychology principles could successfully contribute to the
could not be predicted 3 years ago (Terzić et al., 2022). This online development of an effective corporate brand communication strategy.
digital growth and penetration is expected to persist after the pandemic The new challenge for the industry is to take psychology out of the lab
is over (Jiang, 2020). and into the hospitality field, by unlocking the dynamics of big data
Rather than striving to automate absolutely everything in the HTT analytics. Thanks to the vast opportunities the online world provides,
ecosystem (Ivanov, 2020), the current research suggests that there big data offers HTT companies a behind-the-scenes view into their
should be a shift to value. Given the importance of psychology behav­ customers perceptions and sentiments (Mehraliyev et al., 2022). The
ioral principles, analyzed in the literature review, the balance between tough task for companies is to link up satisfaction across all touchpoints
customers’ expectations and perceived users’ experience will be met if and have clear indications of the levels of customers satisfaction across
providing online customers with fewer opportunities to explore thus the overall customer journey. In essence, the challenge is to master the
minimize information overload so as to simplify processes and steer digital journey.
users along a better journey. For example, websites should provide To sum up, measuring the travel experience is hard to make. With the
fruitful content to maintain customers for a longer period of time on-site, use of big data analytics, the HTT sector can measure trends and predict
however, this content has to rely on minimalist guidelines and be based behaviors (Mariani & Baggio, 2022). However, solely relying on the
on authentic users generated content (UGC). Travel planning is greatly behavioral attitude of websites users is no longer enough for digital
affected by UGC (Mendes-Filho et al., 2018) since it cultivates corporate brand optimization. For perception scales to deliver fruitful information,
trust and brand empowerment (Bakshi et al., 2021), leading to increased deeper analysis is required on the factors that affect the online buying
conversion rates and positive e-Word-of-mouth communication (Kim & behavior. The authors of the current study suggest deeper analysis on
Jonshon, 2016). As travel reviews are perceived as a validating factor for reviews and ratings in order to overcome implicit data and collected
travel inspiration (Siegel & Wang, 2019), UGC is considered as an reliably emotions or senses. Since sensing customer feedback
empowerment factor that motivates travel experiences (Sakas et al., throughout the entire journey is one of the most important indications of

D.P. Sakas et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100190

corporate performance (Kim et al., 2020),the shift to value, which so as to accomplish their goal, for instance via personalized recom­
hospitality companies need in order to achieve a competitive advantage mendation applications (Sharma, Rana & Kumar, 2021).
and higher levels of customers’ satisfaction, is also found on the b) Marketers: The outcomes of the current study culminate with a set of
personalization of online services, as the basis of a multichannel four critical actions for marketers so as to understand the digital
communication strategy (Sakas et al., 2022a), by further adding the customer journey and develop an effective brand communication
human input (Mourtzis et al., 2022). strategy. First, during the “dreaming” stage, the company’s goal is to
Understanding the value and contribution of different psychological generate human-level connection, though content marketing (Lopes
principles that influence human behavior during their customer journey et al., 2022). The analysis of big data will make travel companies
is of paramount importance for HTT organizations. Travelers are willing understand their customers as microsegments, and thus help them
to adopt new patterns of behavior when high-risks are associated, which create the relevant engaging content, though blogs and websites, so
highlights the interconnection between customers’ overall risk percep­ as to grab the attention of their personas. Second, as the customer
tion and their decision-making process conformation (Terzić et al., enters the “researching” stage, HTT companies have all the data they
2022). Therefore, as tourists attempt to bridge the zone of tolerance need to acknowledge customers’ wants, needs, feelings, actions and
between their expectations and the actual perceived experience during aspirations, by studying users’ engagement metrics from both web­
crisis situations (Chen, 2014; ), they are motivated to search for more sites and social media platforms. Therefore, companies could design
information regarding travel-related decisions, formulating a new thoughtful customer-experience interventions by asking for cus­
information-seeking process (Meng et al., 2021). tomers’ engagement (Liu et al., 2021). For example, ask them to
While psychology principles gain the attraction of businesses for the download “how-to” guides, provide them with testimonials or
reason that they study a variety of perspectives on customers’ recipro­ inspiring photos and videos of the services on offer. Third, during the
cation on information searching, purchasing behavior and brand selec­ “booking” and “pre-travel” phase, customers’ need to feel safe with
tion (Ozuem et al., 2021), there is still room for improvement by taking their choice and therefore, marketers should keep them engaged
advantage of the vast opportunities the online world provides so as to with emails and newsletters that will contribute to the enjoyment of
build a bridge between consumer online behavior and customer journey their upcoming trip. Last, during the “post-travel” phase, marketers
(Buhalis & Volchek, 2021). When customers search online from the need should encourage customers to express their feelings by testifying
to the purchase phase, they create unconsciously behavioral data as an their opinion, sharing photos on social media, and tagging the brand
aftermath of their attitude in a service eco-system (Boone et al., 2019). since this action will make them feel valuable and part of a brand
Interesting marketing opportunities can be found at the intersection of community (Touni et al., 2020). For example, HTT companies should
behavioral psychology and customer-experience journey. The more a give their clients more opportunities for discussion, collaboration,
company digs into consumer psychology, the more opportunities will be and engagement through social media platforms. This is an excellent
revealed so as to achieve higher conversion rates and strengthen the opportunity for companies to track the online behavior of existing
current relationships. Capitalizing on the availability of data from and new users and datafy users’ online behavior so as to acknowl­
diverse sources, for example both websites and social media platforms, edge trends and identify potential failure points in their brand
should be seen as a pivotal strategic imperative to uncover behavioral communication strategy.
patterns and make predictions. c) Decision makers: The present study suggests to decision makers to
employ customer journey mapping as they provide visualizations of
Practical implications the variables that greatly affect the behavior of online users (Umesh
& Kagan, 2015). With the employment of ABM model, they will be
The authors of the current study provide several guidelines to spe­ able to understand the cause-and-effect connections between the
cific target groups on how to overcome information overload and put user engagement metrics, identify their impact on users experience
into action the communication practices suggested. It is evident that and take the appropriate decisions so as to lead customers through
mapping the travel customer journey can help HTT companies to un­ the sales funnel.
derstand how consumers go through the sales funnel, so as to employ the
suitable actions that would improve customers’ overall experience Research limitations and future recommendations
(Reklitis et al., 2017). As we live in the era of personalization (Sakas
et al., 2022a), customers demand special attention that could only be The main focus of this paper is to acknowledge the importance of
delivered if walking in their shoes. For example, forcing customers to using big data analytics on users’ online behavior on both hospitality
buy on the early stage of their journey will definitely lead to increased websites and reviews, in an attempt to predict trends and to offer con­
bounce rates.Rather, adopting a hyper-personalization marketing crete guidelines so as to develop a solid brand communication strategy.
strategy, empowered by big data insights, throughout the early stage of However, the findings of this study must be seen in the light of some
the digital customer journey,goes further than traditional segmentation limitations. First, although the sample of the current study is big enough
and builds a competitive advantage (Saheb et al., 2021; Sharma, Kumar to provide fruitful information on users’ online behavior, it has
& Chuah, 2021). Companies should evaluate the behavioral psychology geographical limitations. Data from of Hubei provincehospitality web­
principles throughout the entire customer journey in an attempt to avoid sites has been gathered and analyzed, leaving room for future studies to
such failures and to deliver high users’ experiences. investigate the same parameters on a larger scale.
In addition, while data from Tripadvisor’s reviews has been collected
a) Website developers: The first and fundamental aspect for website and evaluated in an attempt to collect sentiments, it would be of much
developers is to understand design psychology so as to improve user research interest to employ a qualitative analysis so as to determine the
experience (Kuehnl et al., 2019). By taking into consideration psy­ variables that affect customers’ online behavior before, during and after
chological principles such as Hick’s Law, Miller’s Law and the sale by using perceptions scales.
Von-Restorff Effect, will inevitably contribute to the development of Last, since customers’ motivations, preferences, and decisions are
websites that offer seamless experiences, increase customers’ able to affect the development of brand communication strategies, more
engagement and boost their interaction, satisfaction and ultimately insights into neuromarketing would elucidate the physiological and
conversion rates. For example, hospitality websites with more neural signals of customers and open new avenues into online cus­
engaging content, with 3D animations, would attract the attention of tomers’ behavior.
users. However, in order to avoid information overload, they should
narrow down the options offered to users precisely to those they need

D.P. Sakas et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100190

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