Learning English As A Second Language
Learning English As A Second Language
Learning English As A Second Language
Salwa Nuriska
Department of Mathematics
English is an international language which is used officially all around the world. English
can connecting society with the world in various aspects. Anybody who wants to make
connections with the world should learn English. We as a society with English is not the
main language in our country, it is necessary to learn English in order to reach the
outside world. The outside world which has saved a lot of progress can’t be separated
from the role of English as a means of communication that can lead to that progress. As
an Indonesian which is English is not the main language, it is necessary to make English
for the second language in Indonesia in order to reach the progress of the outside world.
Learn English can be from anywhere, learn English from college, internet, English
tutoring, and social media too. To make English as a second language in our life, we need
to understand the basic of English and appropriate learning strategy.
In this global era, English has successfully placed its position as a language in
multicultural and communication, as a language in international business communication,
and as a language in the international language of research (Rintaningrum, 2016). As the
most popular used language in the world, in various forms, English is estimated spoken
by 400 million people as a mother tongue and an additional 2 billion as a second and/or
foreign language (Demont-Heinrich, 2007). Related to that, now, there will be more
developments happening in this country. Starting from free trade, more and more foreign
companies are established in Indonesia, so that the use of international language, English,
is increasingly widespread, of course for prospective entrepreneurs and job seekers it has
become a must to be able to master English in order to master English. By mastering
English, we can improve ourselves both in academic and life skills that the outside world
needs right now.
Based on the explanation above, even though Indonesian is the mother tongue,
English must also be taken into account as a second language in everyday life. However
it should be noted that English should not completely replace Indonesian, because speak
Indonesian properly and correctly in everday life in Indonesia is one form of nationalism.
However this is also not an excuse to shut yourself off from the develpoment of the
outside world, including not wanting to learn English. So, Indonesia needs to apply
English to become a second language to face the development of the outside world. Then,
what is the meaning of learning English as a second language? Why should we learn
English as a second language? What are the obstacles that make us, Indonesians citizens
still not able to apply English as a second language ? And the last what are the strategies
for learning English as a second language? This will be explained later in the discussion.
3. The factors that make Indonesians citizens still not able to apply English as a Second
In this modern era, mastering English has become a necessity. We as a
Indonesians who are born with different mother tongue, there may be some obstacles
in learning English as an effort to apply English as a second language in Indonesia.
In cases, when spoken English in everyday life, the answers are still stammered,
nervous, or may not relate to English conversations. So, here are some factors that
make Indonesians citizens still not able to apply English as a Second Language :
✓ Environment factor
Unwittingly, environment factor cause English to be more difficult to
apply as a second language in Indonesia. Sayings from the environment such
as “Don’t act like a foreigner” or “Don’t speak English pretentious”, these
words make learners who already wants to learn English becomes down and
afraid to be ridiculed by their peers. This ridicule and innuendo made their self-
confidence lower and they were reluctant to continue learning English. So, this
one of the factors that makes English difficult to apply in Indonesia.
✓ Lack of motivation to learn English as a second language
Using Indonesian is often used as an excuse to delay learning English. This
happens because of a lack of motivation to learn English, so Indonesian citizens
are lazy to learn English, even though English is very much needed to deal with
the outside world which is growing rapidly.
✓ Too monotonous learning model
Currently, technology has developed rapidly, so we can access various
kinds of information, including accessing information about learning English.
However, most of us only learn English from books and don’t apply English in
everyday life (rarely speak in English), even though, there are many other
learning media to learn English, such as internet, English tutoring on youtube,
and social media too. So, this one of the factors that makes English difficult to
apply in Indonesia.
✓ There are some English materials that are difficult for some people where the
mother tongue is not English
English is difficult for some people where the mother tongue is not English
because mostly due to its unpredictable spelling and tricky to master grammar.
In addition, there are many words in the English language that supposedly
mean the same thing, of course this can seem confusing or difficult for some
people where the mother tongue is not English. Furthermore, beyond spelling
and meaning lies pronounciation, which can also cause confusion those
learning English. Therefore, appropriate and fun learning strategies are needed
in learning English as a second language.
Hashim, H. U. (2018). English as a Second Language (ESL) Learning: Setting the Right
Environment for Second Language Acquisition. E-Journal, 3.