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To: Anna

From: Joan Pujol

Subject Potential M&A targets for Worldwide Brewing

Hi Anna,

Below are my descriptions and recommendations for potential M&A targets for worldwide

Company Description Relevance to WorldWide Recommendation


HappyHour HappyHour Co. is the It has similar operations to Recommend

Co. largest player in WorldWide Brewing
Singapore and Malaysia, across the same segments
in the segments of beer, and is the leading player in
spirits and non-alcoholic Singapore and Malaysia,
beverages. Its suggesting the potential
operations include for strategic benefits and
manufacturing facilities, synergies. It has solid
distribution and direct financial results and an
sales and it has ownership structure that
demonstrated strong is owned by 3 families,
growth in EBITDA in rendering a potential
FY2020 which was up acquisition relatively
20% pcp and amounted simple and feasible.
to US$300mm. HappyHour Co. would be
appropriate to share.
Spirit Bay Spirit Bay is the second Its segments and Recommend
largest player in operations would be
Singapore and Malaysia appropriate strategically.
and largest player in The relatively distributed
Indonesia in segments ownership with 60% of the
of beer, spirits and non- company owned by Global
alcoholic beverages. It Sponsor and 40% owned
operates manufacturing by employees would
facilities and engages in reduce simplicity but it
distribution and direct would still be appropriate
sales and its EBITDA to share given its market
grew by 40% pcp to position in Singapore,
US$400mm in FY2020. Malaysia and Indonesia
and exceptional financial
Hipsters' Ale has An acquisition of Hipsters' Recommend
locations in Singapore, Ale would make sense
Indonesia, Japan, Korea strategically and
and Cambodia and financially, given its
Hipsters' focuses on beer and relevant. Segments and
Ale spirits. Its operations operations as well as solid
include manufacturing financial performance. Its
facilities, distribution ownership by 30
and direct sales and the independent breweries
company experienced may affect feasibility,
EBITDA growth of 15ft though given the
pcp to reach suitability otherwise, it
USH200mm (FY2020). would still be appropriate
to share.
Brew Co. is the largest It would not be a good fit Not Recommend
alcohol manufacturer in from a strategic expansion
Malaysia. Its operations perspective, given it is
Brew Co. include manufacturing Malaysia focused and
facilities only and operates manufacturing
although it had an facilities only. It is listed on
EBITDA of US1800mmin the Malaysian stock
FY2020, this was down exchange which
5f pcp. wouldIncrease the
complexity of a potential
acquisition given its
dispersed ownership. As
such, Brew Co. would not
be appropriate to share.
Bevy's Direct has It has locations spanning Recommend
locations in Malayisa, across Asia-Pacific and its
Bevy's China, Indonesia, Japan, segments are Let me know
Direct Korea, Cambodia, if you have any questions
Australia and New or if can help with
Zealand and is a anything else appropriate
wholesale distributor in to share. aligned with
beer, spirits and non WorldWide Brewing. This
alcoholic beverages. It may make sense from a
reported an EBITDA of strategic viewpoint for a
USff250mm which was vertical acquisition and
up 20 pcp. would be simple and
feasible given it is owned
by one family. Bevy's
Direct would be
appropriate to share.

Let me know if you have any questions or if can help with anything else.

Kind regards,

Joan Pujol

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