of International Social
Looking beyond
Introducing our
study programme
igration, climate change, pandemics, In this programme, you do not only look beyond
economic instability and international borders in your studies, but also become part of
crime – these are all examples of an international network of peers.
international social challenges that local,
national and international organisations in the In most courses plenary lectures are combined
public sector face and try to manage. with interactive sessions or tutorials. This means
In this bachelor programme, you will learn that in addition to the lectures, you for example
how to research, analyse, and contribute to participate in a simulation, attend a Q&A session,
managing these challenges. give a presentation, provide feedback to your
peers, or discuss your research paper.
In this programme we focus on social
challenges that are: Career opportunities
• Multi-disciplinary: they have political, The programme provides you with an excellent
economic, legal and social aspects; basis for an international career as a policy
• Multi-level: they involve actors and networks advisor, consultant, researcher, or civil servant
at the international, national, regional and at for example the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
local level. The United Nations, European Parliament,
• International: they surpass geographical or consultancy firms. Upon graduating you
and administrative borders. will receive a Bachelor of Science in Public
Administration. This degree will allow you to
The programme is diverse. You will take courses enrol in a master’s programme in a related field
in for example public policy, political science, at Erasmus University Rotterdam or elsewhere.
economics, international law and management.
This will enable you to analyse social challenges Admission and application
from different perspectives and understand You are eligible to apply for this programme
the various roles, perceptions and interests if you have obtained or will obtain a vwo
of involved actors. Research method courses diploma or its foreign equivalent. To be able
will provide you with the skills and knowledge to participate in the programme, a good
you need for researching international social command of English is essential. You therefore
challenges and their management. have to prove your proficiency in English in your
application. In the application you also have to
The Management of International Social report your academic performance, and submit
Challenges programme is also a truly international a C.V. and letter of motivation.
programme. It is taught exclusively in English to
a diverse student body from all over the world.
‘MISOC will provide you with
the expertise and skills
needed to understand and
manage the greatest social
challenges of the 21st century.
Yours will be a challenging but
rewarding journey.’
Year 1
Block 1 Block 2
Global Challenges International Law
Sociology Organisation & Management
Block 3 Block 4
Designing Social Research Public Policy
Political Science Economics
The curriculum may be subject to change. No rights may be derived from this information.on.
Studying abroad
Studying abroad is a unique opportunity
for personal development and getting to
know other societies. It also allows you
to compare different educational and
academic cultures. We currently have 84 Erasmus Honours Programme
partner universities in 33 countries. We Besides the regular programmes, the EUR
therefore encourage you to study outside annually offers two exclusive programmes
the Netherlands in your third year. to talented bachelor students: the Erasmus
Honours Programme and the ESSB Honours
Class. The EUR Honours programme
enables excellent students to encounter
fascinating and current themes from other
fields of study in the Grand Challenges
programme. Renowned scholars from
several disciplines challenge honours
students to look beyond the boundaries of
their own field. The ESSB Honours Class
You can also opt for a minor in your
enables 75 excellent students from the ESSB
third year. Each year, Erasmus University
faculty to, amongst others, gain experience
Rotterdam offers almost 100 minors.
with conducting academic research under
This includes nearly 40 broadening minors
supervision of an ESSB faculty member.
and several deepening minors. The Erasmus
University also offers a range of joint,
multidisciplinary minors together with TU
Delft and Leiden University, which allows you
to experience what it is like to study at other
universities in the Netherlands.
Life in the Netherlands and Rotterdam
You might know the Netherlands for its
tulips, cheese and wooden shoes, but there’s
so much more to tell! The Netherlands
has around 17 million inhabitants, but it’s a
small country. Yet, it has one of the most
important and most innovative economies
worldwide. Many internationals say the
Netherlands is a well-organised country with
open-minded people. Most of the country’s
35,000 kilometres of bicycle paths are in the
province of South Holland, where Rotterdam
is located. And nice to know: in the
Netherlands you don’t have to speak Dutch.
Most people will switch to English for you.
Studying in Rotterdam
Rotterdam, also nicknamed “World Port
City” or the “Gateway to Europe”, is a
cosmopolitan city and hosts many multi
national organisations. You might get to
know your future employer during your
studies, for example by doing an internship.
BSc of Public
Administration 160
students per year
Start in
in 2021
taught in English
Deadline for
April 1
students in 2021