Textual Vocab.
Textual Vocab.
Textual Vocab.
Textual Vocab
Vocabulary First Year Text Books
Words Urdu Synonyms
1. Aide(N) اسیھت Assistant, advisor, secretary, supporter, helper, adjutant ,right-hand
man, attaché, deputy, second, second in
command, lieutenant, wingman, acolyte, auxiliary, companion, confidante
short for aide-de-camp.
2. Appetite (N) وھبک a desire for food or drink: craving, longing, voracious, covetous, yearning,
longing, hankering, gusto, zest, avidity, ardour
3. Agony (N) رپاشیین extreme physical or mental suffering:
Affliction,pain, hurt, suffering, torture, torment, anguish, affliction, trauma
6. Acrid (Adj.) زیت Pungent, harsh, bitter, tart, sour, choking, caustic, unpleasant,
vinegary, acerbic, acetic, acetous;
7. Auspicious (Adj.) ابمرک Propitious, favorable, lucky, opportune, good,
َ ي promising, bright, rosy, good, optimistic, hopeful, encouraging;
ُن گ
شون ک
8. Amble اواچنیئ stroll, saunter, wander, meander, ramble, dawdle, promenade, walk, go
(Verb/Noun) for a walk, take a walk, roam, traipse, stretch one's legs, get some
exercise, get some air, take the air
9. Amiably (Adv.) وخشزماج Affably, genially, pleasantly, cordially,
10. Assortment درہجدنبی Synonyms: 179.Cumulative,400.Integrated,
Patchwork, Collection, Hodgepodge, Pastiche, Any Collection Of Diverse
Things, Tableau
11. Aghast وخزفدا horrified, appalled, astounded, amazed, dismayed, thunderstruck, stunne
d, shocked, shell-shocked, in
اکہاکب shock, flabbergasted, staggered, takenaback, speechless, awestruck, ope
n-mouthed, wide-eyed;
12. Alight (Verb) Verb: past tense: alighted; past participle: alighted
get off, step off, get down;
وہانانزِل Burning, blazing, flaming
13. Bluff (Noun/Verb) رفبیدانی Noun: an attempt to deceive someone into believing that one can or is
going to do something.
رمگاہرکان deception, subterfuge, pretence, sham, fake, show, deceit, false
show, idle boast, feint, delusion, hoax, fraud, masquerade, charade;
Verb: try to deceive someone as to one's abilities or intentions.
pretend, sham, fake, feign, put on an act, put it
on, lie, hoax, pose, posture, masquerade, dissemble, dissimulate;
14. Brutality وایشحہن savagery, cruelty, bloodthirstiness, viciousness, ferocity, barbarity, wickedness, mu
bloodedness, hard-heartedness, harshness; More
اظمل antonyms: gentleness, kindness
15. Benevolent دمدرکےنواال Benign, compassionate, kind, munificent, generous,
16. Blurted ي Ejaculated, divulged, exclaimed, cried, revealed, announced, uttered,
17. Bovril (Noun) ڑبے وگتش اک Meaning: a concentrated essence of beef diluted with hot water to make a
رعق Synonyms: extract, beef tea, infusion.
18. Beret (Noun) وفیجوٹیپ Meaning: a round flattish cap of felt or cloth.
Synonyms: boater, bowler, beanie, bonnet
19. Buster ےنٹھپاوروٹےنٹواال 1. used as a mildly disrespectful form of address to a man or boy.
2. 2. a person or thing that stops or gets rid of a specified thing.
3. a notable or impressive person or thing.
4. Synonyms: Breaker
20. Bewildered (Adj.) ریحان baffled, mystified, bemused, perplexed, puzzled, confused, nonplussed, a
t sea, at a loss, thrown off balance, disorientated, taken aback;
21. Conjecture ایقس Meaning: an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete
ادنازہ guess, speculation, surmise, fancy, notion, belief, suspicion, presumption,
وصتر assumption, theory, hypothesis, postulation, supposition;
22. Campaign مظنموکشش Noun: military operation(s), manoeuvre (s);
(Noun/Verb) Verb:crusade, fight, battle, work, push, press, strive, struggle, agitate;
23. Catastrophe ابتیہ 1. an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a
2. the denouement of a drama, especially a classical tragedy.
Synonyms:disaster, calamity, cataclysm, crisis, holocaust, ruin, ruinatio
n, tragedy, blow, shock;
24. Curtly انوخوگشار Rudely brief or abrupt, short, brief, tersely, offhandedly, briskly, snappily
25. Credence ک کي
يرانھک acceptance, belief, faith, trust, confidence, reliance, traction
26. Conscientiousnes رفضانشس Definition: the quality of wishing to do one's work or duty well and
s (Noun) thoroughly.
27. Calamity تبیصم Disaster, catastrophe, mishap, misfortune, tragedy, blow,
cataclysm, devastating
crisis, adversity, blight, tribulation, woe, affliction, evil;
28. Compel وبجمررکان Coerce, oblige, compel, constrain, Force, induce, require,
29. Clamour اگنہہم din, racket, loud
noise, uproar, tumult, babel, shouting, yelling, screaming, baying, roaring,
وشر blaring, clangour;
34. Clippers (Noun) ابابغینیچنیق 1. (n.) A machine for clipping hair, esp. the hair of horses.
2. (n.) A vessel with a sharp bow, built and rigged for fast sailing.
3. (n.) One who clips; specifically, one who clips off the edges of
Synonyms: Shears, scissors, razors
35. Colossal (Adj.) ڑبےدقاک Prodigious, Huge, massive, enormous, gigantic, very big, very
large, great, giant, mammoth, vast, cosmic, immense, tremendous, might
اشدنار y, stupendous, monumental, epic, mountainous, monstrous, titanic, toweri
ng, elephantine, king-sized, king
size, gargantuan, Herculean, Brobdingnagian;
36. Conjoin (V) الموہا join; combine, abut, adjoin, fringe, skirt, next to, adjacent,
37. Contemptuous اقحرتآزیم scornful, disdainful, disrespectful, insulting, insolent, full of contempt;
38. Concord مہآگنہوہان agreement, harmony, accord, consensus, concurrence, unity, unanimity,
unison, oneness;
39. Clotted دمجنم coagulate, set, congeal, cake, curdle, thicken, solidify, harden, dry, stiffen,
40. Culinary اھکاناکپان of cook. bend, color, distort, falsify, fudge, garble, misinterpret, misrelate,
misrepresent, misstate, pervert, slant, twist, warp, misdescribe, misspeak,
اکپےنےکقلعتم mistranslate. belie, camouflage, disguise, dissemble, gloss (over), mask,
veil, whitewash.
41. Camphor کشموپر Meaning: a white volatile crystalline substance with an aromatic smell and
bitter taste, occurring in certain essential oils.
42. Delirium (N) ذینہاشفلخر derangement, dementia, dementedness, temporary madness/insanity;
گ ق ecstasy, rapture, transports, wild
ُ احلاک گ
عَمول ذینہ emotion, passion, wildness, excitement, frenzy, feverishness, fever;
43. Disheveled آہتفشاحل Meaning: make (a person's hair or clothes) untidy.
Unkempt, wild, ruffled, scruffy, unruly, messy
44. Dismay وخفزدہرکان alarm, shock, surprise, consternation, concern, perturbation, disquiet, disq
uietude, discomposure, distress, upset, anxiety, trepidation, fear
45. Drab ےکلہرگناکڑپکا colourless, grey, greyish, dull, dull-coloured, washed
out, neutral, pale, muted, lacklustre, lustreless, muddy, watery
46. Decree ہلصیف order, edict, command, commandment, mandate, proclamation, dictum, fi
at, promulgation, precept;
47. Dispatch رواہنرکان deal with, finish, dispose of, conclude, settle, sort
out, discharge, execute, perform;
48. Dandy وخشابلس fop, beau, man about town, bright young thing, glamour boy, rake
excellent, very good, superb, outstanding, magnificent, of high quality, of
the highest quality, of the highest
standard, exceptional, marvellous, wonderful, sublime, perfect, eminent, p
re-eminent, matchless, peerless, supreme, first-rate, first-
class, superior, superlative, splendid, admirable, worthy, sterling, fine;
49. Destitute سلفم penniless, impoverished, poverty-
stricken, poor, impecunious, indigent, down and out, pauperized, without
اندار a penny to one's name, without two farthings/pennies to rub together;
50. Deserted وریان Forsaken, abandoned, empty, derelict, desolate, isolated, uninhibited,
51. Delirious(Adj.) وخوگشار ecstatic, euphoric, elated, thrilled, overjoyed, beside oneself, walking on
air, on cloud nine/seven, in seventh heaven, jumping for joy, in transports
of delight, carried away, transported, rapturous, in
65. Furore وجشورخوش : commotion, uproar, outcry, disturbance, hubbub, hurly-burly, fuss, upset, tumult, b
do, pother, turmoil, tempest, agitation, pandemonium, confusion;
66. Furrow (N/V) زنیمرپلہالچےن wrinkle, line, crease, crinkle, crow's foot, cleft, indentation, corrugation;
67. Flimsy (Adj./N) insubstantial, slight, light, fragile, breakable, frail, shaky, unstable, wobbly,
tottery, rickety, ramshackle, makeshift;
Noun: a document, especially a copy, made on very thin paper.
68. Fleck (N/V) داغ spot, mark, stain, dot, speckle, bespeckle, freckle, stipple, stud, bestud, bl
otch, mottle, smudge, streak, splash, spatter, bespatter, scatter, sprinkle;
69. Fragile زمکور tenuous, nebulous, breakable, easily
broken, brittle, frangible, smashable, splintery, flimsy, weak, frail, insubsta
انزک ntial, delicate, dainty, fine;
70. Fissure دحیلعہ،اگشف،اقشق opening, crevice, crack, cleft, cranny, chink, slit, groove, gap, hole, breach
, aperture, vent, interstice;
71. Ghettos اتیلقہلحم Noun: a part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority
group or groups.
o Verb: put in or restrict to an isolated or segregated area or group.
72. Gad about آوارہرگدیرکان Meaning: go from place to place in the pursuit of pleasure.
gallivant, jaunt around, flit around, run around, travel around, roam
73. Giddy سجاکرسرکچاراہوہdizzy, light-headed, faint, weak, weak at the
knees, unsteady, shaky, wobbly, off balance;
74. Gagged ربجاًہنمدنبرکان stop up, block, plug, clog, stifle, smother, muffle;
retch, heave, dry-heave, convulse, almost vomit, feel nauseous, queasy,
75. Gong (N/V) ڑھگایل Alarm, bell, carillon, chime, cymbal, signal, medal, decoration, award,
distinction, title,
76. Gilt وسنرگنعملم Definition: covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint.
Golden, gilded, gay, braze, adorn
77. Glimpse (N/V) کلھج Noun:brieflook, quicklook; glance, peek, peep; sight, sighting; coup d'œil;
Verb: catch sight of, catch/get a glimpse of, see briefly, get a sight
of, notice, discern, spot, spy, sight, note, pick out, make out;
78. Grumble اکشتیرکان complaint, moan, groan, whine, muttering, grievance, objection, protest, p
rotestation, cavil, quibble, criticism, charge, accusation;
گِلہ گکران
79. Gesture ااشرہ signal, signalling, sign, signing, motion, motioning, wave, indication, gestic
80. Gallows ہتختدار gibbet, scaffold; hanging, being hanged, the noose, the rope,
81. Havoc ابتیہ Chaos, messy, mayhem, destruction, disorder, devastation,
82. Hamlet (N) وھچاٹاگؤں Village, settlement, community, colony, homestead,
83. Hysterically Meaning: with wildly uncontrolled emotion.
84. Hysteria (N) frenzy, wildness, feverishness, irrationality;
85. Holler انخیچ Bellow, yell, shout, cry, shriek, howl, cry, cry out, call, call
out, roar, howl, bellow, bawl, bark, shriek, scream, screech, bay, wail, wh
الچان oop, boom, thunder,
88. Intrigue اسزش interest, be of interest to, fascinate, be a source of fascination to, arouse
someone's curiosity, engage someone's
attention, attract, draw, lure, tempt, tantalize;
plot, hatch a plot, conspire, take part in a conspiracy, make secret plans, lay
plans, scheme, manoeuvre, connive, collude,
89. Incredulous نیقیہنرکےنواال disbelief, incredulousness, lack of belief, unbelief, lack of
credence, doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiousness, lack of
conviction; skeptical;
90. Indemnity رہاجہن insurance, assurance, protection, security, indemnification, surety, endors
ement, guarantee, warranty, safeguard;reimbursement, compensation, re
التیف compense, repayment, restitution, payment, remuneration, requital, redre
اتوان ss, absolution, exoneration;
91. Interposition (N) دماتلخرکان Conflict, intrusion, hindrance, hamper, trespass, chock,
92. Imposter داغابز impersonator, masquerader, pretender, deceiver, hoaxer;
93. Imitation (V) لقنرکان emulate, copy, take as a model, model oneself on, take as a
ق pattern, pattern oneself on/after, follow the example of, take as an
تگقلی کدرکان example, take as a role model, take after, follow, follow in someone's
94. Jauntily زدنہدیلےس cheerful, cheery, happy, merry, jolly, joyful, gleeful, glad;
95. Jangling (V) رُپوشرانتزہع clank, clink, jingle, tinkle, ding, ping, clang, clash, clatter, rattle, vibrate, rin
g, chime; irritate, disturb, assault, fray, rasp, put/set on edge, shred,
96. Lean انکھج depend, rely,
intimidate, coerce, domineer, browbeat, bully, tyrannize, pressurize, threat
املئوہان en, compel, pressure, put pressure on, force, drive, impel, constrain;
99. Luminosity روینش Blaze, flare, flash, flicker, light, fluorescence, incandescence,
luminescence, burnish, gloss, polish, sheen, shine, shininess, fire, flame,
glare, glow, flash, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glitter, scintillation,
shimmer, sparkle, twinkle.
100. Lantern (N) النیٹل a lamp with a transparent case protecting the flame or electric bulb, and
typically having a handle by which it may be carried or hung.
101. Latch ڑکپو fastening, catch, fastener; bolt, bar, secure
102. Matted ااھجلوہا tangled, tangly, entangled, knotted, knotty, natty, tousled, dishevelled, unc
ombed, unkempt, felted, ratty, greasy, dirty
103. Marrow (N) زغم Meaning: a long white-fleshed gourd with green skin, which is eaten as a
Essence, core, nucleus, pith, kernel, heart, centre, soul, spirit, quintessen
ce, gist, substance, sum and substance, meat, nub, stuff;
104. Melancholy اداسنیگمغ desolation, sadness, pensiveness, woe, sorrow, melancholia;
(N/Adj.) sad, sorrowful, desolate, melancholic, mournful, lugubrious, gloomy, pensi
105. Magnitude ڑبامجح immensity, vastness, hugeness, enormity, enormousness, expanse;
breadth, mass, volume
106. Mangled وصرتاگبڑدانی mutilate, maim, disfigure, damage, injure, crush, crumple; mess up,
107. Mumbo- nonsense, gibberish, claptrap, rubbish, balderdash, blather, blether
108. Muster اجکینوہاجان assemble, bring together, call together, marshal, mobilize, rally, round
up, raise, summon, gather, gather together, mass, collect, convene, call
up, call to arms, recruit, conscript, draft;
109. Mite ذرہ hoot, iota, nibble, bite, taste, mote, nubbin, granule, molecule,
110. Mutter آہتسہانہک grumble, moan, complain, grouse, carp, whine, bleat; talk under one's
breath, murmur, mumble, whisper, speak in an undertone,
111. Muffled زابندنبیرکان Muted, whispered, muttered, subdued, stifled,
117. Prowl (N/V) اکشرایولٹیکالتش Movestealthily, slink, skulk, steal, nose, pussyfoot,
sneak, sidle, stalk, creep; scavenge, stalk, lurk,
118. Plague اطوعن afflict, bedevil, cause suffering
to, torture, torment, trouble, beset, dog, curse, rack
infestation, epidemic, invasion, influx, swarm, multitude, host
119. Parable اثمل allegory, moral story, moral tale, fable, lesson, exemplum;
120. Pacify انماقمئرکان placate, appease, calm, calm
down, conciliate, propitiate, assuage, mollify, soothe, tranquillize, content,
still, quieten, silence, relax, compose
121. Prodigious ریغومعمیل Phenomenal,Extraordinary,impressive,enormous, huge, colossal, immens
e, vast, great, massive, gigantic, mammoth, tremendous, considerable, su
ریحتازیگن bstantial, large, sizeable, inordinate, monumental, mighty, gargantuan;
122. Pomp داھکوا ceremony, ceremoniousness, ceremonial, solemnity, ritual, display, spect
acle, pageantry, pageant;
123. Pungent اتھبچوہا strong, powerful, pervasive, penetrating, suffocating, stifling;caustic, biting
, trenchant, cutting, acerbic, sardonic, sarcastic, scathing, acrimonious, po
دنتوزیت inted, barbed, acid, sharp, keen, tart, stinging, astringent, incisive, devast
ating, piercing, penetrating, rapier-
like, razoredged, critical, bitter, polemic, virulent, vitriolic, venomous, wasp
ish, corrosive, mordant, stringent;
124. Preliminary ادتبایئ preparatory, introductory, initial, opening, prefatory, prior, preceding, lead-
in, initiatory, precursory; prelude, preparation,
125. Palanquin اپیکل Meaning: (in India and the East) a covered litter for one passenger,
consisting of a large box carried on two horizontal poles by four or six
126. Precarious رفیض uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, unpredictable, undependable, risk
y, hazardous, dangerous, unsafe, hanging by a thread, hanging in the
ےباقَمم balance, perilous, treacherous, on a slippery slope, on thin ice, touch-and-
go, built on sand, doubtful, dubious, delicate, tricky, problematic;
127. Primitive ادتبایئ ancient, earliest, first, prehistoric, antediluvian, antique, primordial, primev
al, primal, primary, lower, original,
دقمی crude, simple, rough, basic, elementary, rough-
hewn, rudimentary, undeveloped, unrefined, unsophisticated, rude, rough
and ready, makeshift;
128. Prior اسقب earlier, previous, preceding, foregoing, antecedent, advance, preparatory,
preliminary, initial;
129. Presume رفضرکانیل assume, suppose, dare say, imagine, take
it, expect, believe, think, surmise, guess, judge, trust, conjecture, speculat
e, postulate, posit, hypothesize, deduce, divine, infer, conclude, presuppo
se, venture, dare, impertinent, arrogant;
130. Reconnoiter survey, make a reconnaissance of, explore, scout (out), make a survey
of, make an observation of;
131. Repress دابوہا Curb, block, suppress, inhibit, stifle, smother, quell, quash, subdue, put
down, put an end to, crush, squash, extinguish, stamp out, put a stop
طبضدشہ to, stop, end, nip in the bud; muffle
132. Reiterate درہاان repeat, say again, restate, retell, recapitulate, go over (and
over), iterate, rehearse, belabour, dwell on, harp on, hammer away at;
133. Rakish امتشنیب Casual, stylish, dashing, jaunty, dapper, dashing, debonair, sporty,
134. Relish ذلت condiment, accompaniment, sauce, dressing,
flavouring, seasoning, dip
دنسپرکان Meaning: enjoy greatly
enjoy, delight in, love, like, adore, be pleased by, take pleasure in, rejoice
in, appreciate, savour, revel in, luxuriate in, glory in
135. Rummage قیقحت Delve, hunt, dig, hunt, search, dive, plunge, reach, explore, sift
through, rifle through, scour, ransack, turn over;
136. Ripple (N/V) رہل Wave, swell, undulate, current, flow, lap, purl, babble, wavelet,
137. Sojourn Chand Roza stay, visit, stop, stopover, residence;
holiday; vacation, halt
Qiyam Karna
138. Scowl ویتریڑچاھان frown, glower, glare, grimace,
139. Sordid ایٹھگ Base, disreputable, disgusting, repugnant, despicable, ignoble, wretched,
sleazy, seedy, seamy, unsavoury, shoddy, vile, foul, tawdry, louche, chea
p, base, low, low-
minded, debased, degenerate, corrupt, dishonest, dishonourable, disreput
able, despicable, discreditable, contemptible, ignominious, ignoble, sham
eful, wretched, abhorrent, abominable, disgusting;
140. Seethe اابانل
boil, bubble, simmer, foam, froth, rise, ferment, fizz,
وجشدانی effervesce
154. Sentimental ذجابیت nostalgic, tender, emotional, dewy-eyed, misty-eyed, affectionate, loving,
mawkish, over-
sentimental, overemotional, cloying, sickly, saccharine, sugary,
155. Stoop انکھج bend down, bend, lean over, lean down, kneel, crouch down, squat
down, hunker down, hunch down; descent, resort, sink, acquiesce,
156. Sneer یسنہاڑاان Meaning: a contemptuous or mocking smile, remark, or tone:
Scorn, deride, jock, mock, jeer, smirk, snigger, censure, chastise,
وتنیہرکان castigate, diatribe, tirade,
157. Slam زورےسامران Meaning 1: shut (a door, window, or lid) forcefully and loudly.
bang, shut/close with a bang, shut/close noisily, shut/close with a
crash, shut/close with force, fling shut
Meaning 2: criticize severely.
criticize, find fault
with, censure, denounce, condemn, arraign, attack, lambaste, pillory, disa
pprove of, carp at, cavil at, rail against, inveigh against, cast aspersions
on, pour
scornon, disparage, denigrate, deprecate, malign, vilify, besmirch,
158. Stake وچب reinforce,post, pole, stick, spike, upright, support, prop, strut, stave, pale,
paling, picket, pile, piling, stanchion, shaft, cane, beanpole, rod, mast;
159. Throb (N/V) pulsation, beat, beating, pulse, pulsating, palpitation, pounding, thud, thud
ding, thump, thumping, hammering, drumming, thrum, thrumming, reverb
eration, vibration, pit-a-pat, pitter-patter, quivering
161. Tyrant اظمل Dictator, bully, despot, autocrat, despot, tormenter, persecutor, martinet,
162. Trifling ادٰینیس trivial, unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, petty, minor, of little/no
account, of little/no consequence, not worth mentioning, not worth
bothering about, light, footling, fiddling, pettifogging, incidental;
163. Unctuous رنیمواال Sycophantic, obsequious, groveling, smug, phony, slimy, smarmy,
164. Unbidden ریغبمکحایالبوےےک uninvited, unasked, unrequested, unsolicited,
spontaneous, unprompted, voluntary, unforced, uncompelled, unplanned,
165. Unruly رسشک disorderly, rowdy, wild, unmanageable, uncontrollable, disobedient, disrup
tive, attention-
seeking, undisciplined, troublemaking, rebellious, mutinous, anarchic, cha
otic, lawless, insubordinate, defiant, wayward, wilful, headstrong, irrepres
sible, unrestrained, obstreperous, difficult, intractable, out of
hand, refractory, recalcitrant;
166. Undulant رہلاےنواال Rolling, waving, rippling, surging, heaving,
167. Versatile فلتخماکمرکےنیک Nifty, adaptable, flexible, all-
(Adj.) round, multifaceted, multitalented, multiskilled, many-
الصتیح sided, resourceful, protean;
168. Vendor داکندار Seller, merchant, retailer, dealer, hawker,
salesperson, dealer, trader, tradesman, retailer, shopkeeper, shopman, s
ےنچیبواال hop girl, shop boy, sales
assistant, assistant, wholesaler, merchant, trafficker, purveyor, supplier, st
ockist, marketer, marketeer,
169. Vexing اتسایوہا Adjective: causing annoyance, frustration, or worry.
Annoying, worrying, disturbing, troublesome, difficult, puzzling,
170. Vague ریغواحض indistinct, indefinite, indeterminate, unclear;
imprecise, inexact, rough, approximate, inexplicit, non-specific, loose, ill-
defined, generalized, ambiguous, equivocal, hazy, woolly;
171. Visage وصرت Mien, look, appearance, form, face, expression, countenance,
172. Wrath تخسہصغ anger, rage, fury, annoyance, indignation, outrage, pique, spleen, chagrin,
vexation, exasperation, dudgeon, high dudgeon, hot temper, bad
بضغ temper, bad mood, ill
Stars Academy Lahore Multan Campus Textual Vocab
P a g e | 10
گقر humour, irritation, irritability, crossness, displeasure, discontentment, disg
runtlement, irascibility, cantankerousness, peevishness, querulousness, c
rabbiness, testiness, tetchiness, snappishness;
173. Wretched miserable, unhappy, sad, brokenhearted, heartbroken, grief-
stricken, grieving, sorrowful, sorrowing, mourning, anguished, distressed,
desolate, devastated, despairing, inconsolable, disconsolate, downcast, d
own, downhearted, dejected, crestfallen, cheerless, depressed, melancho
ly, morose, gloomy, glum, mournful, doleful, dismal, forlorn, woeful, woeb
egone, abject,
despicable, contemptible, beyond
contempt, reprehensible, base, low, vile, mean, scurvy, abominable, loath
some, hateful, detestable, odious, disreputable, depraved, debased, infa
mous, villainous, ignoble, shameful, shabby, worthless
174. Wallow الغتظںیمرانہ Flounder, stumble, stagger, lurch, reel, welter
175. Whirl رگدشرکان rotate, turn, turn round, go
round, revolve, circle, wheel, orbit, pivot, swivel, gyrate, spin, roll, twirl, pir
ouette, swirl,
176. Woeful اانملک sad, unhappy, miserable, woebegone, doleful, forlorn, crestfallen, glum, gl
oomy, dejected, downcast, disconsolate, downhearted, despondent, depr
essed, despairing, dismal, melancholy, broken-
hearted, heartbroken, inconsolable, grief-stricken;
177. Wail روانانٹیپ howl, weep, cry, sob, moan, groan, keen, lament, yowl, blubber, snivel, w
himper, whine, squall, bawl, shriek, scream, yelp, caterwaul,
178. Withstood (V) اقمہلبرکان resist, hold out against, stand firm against, stand/hold one's ground
against, bear up against, hold the line against, persevere in the face
of, stand up to, fight, combat, grapple
with, oppose, face, confront, defy, brave
179. Whiff وھپکن Noun: faint smell, brief smell, trace, sniff, scent, odour, aroma
Verb:puff, gust, blast, rush, flurry, gale, breath, draught, waft
204. Perverted Lead away, debased, distorted, wayward elevated, ennobled, uplifted
205. Bluffers cheaters, deceivers, blunt, snippy square shooters, shooters
206. Drift stray, ramble, saunter, rove flounder, struggle
207. Cold world cruel, callous, merciless world fervid, fiery, glowing, hot,
208. Diagnostic symptomatic, stably, diligently atypical, uncharacteristic
209. Grind Work hard, grate, crush, smash, labor fun, play
210. Abundant Plentiful, ample, exuberant, profuse, lavish bare, minimal, scant, spare
211. Fierce savage, vivacious, furious, aggressive, intense gentle, mild, unaggressive
212. Dismal depressing, gloomy, doubtful, churlish cheering, cheery, glad, happy
213. Grim unpleasant, dismal, concerned, worried benign, benignant, gentle, mild
214. Attic dome, a room of upper floor, garret ineloquent, low, undignified
215. Funeral gloomy, dismal, worried disinterment, exhumation,
216. Ominous threatening, portentous, forbidding, minatory unthreatening
217. Tread Walk, step, trample, pace, march, tramp
218. Damnation punishment, condemnation, tarnation absolution, forgiveness,
219. Anticipation Expectation, prediction, forecast, prevision doubt, question
220. Respites intervals of rest, leisure time, interlude, spell clamor, din, noise, racket
221. Luxuriously sumptuously, lavishly, magnificently, richly austere, humble, no-frills,
222. Felicity happiness, joyous, cheerfulness, bliss calamity, ill-being, misery
223. Relish enjoyment, taste, flavor, glee, delight aversion, disfavor, disgust
224. Strenuous laborious, industrious, taxing, toilsome nonassertive
225. Longed desire, wish, yearn, hanker after, dream of sustained, tolerated, took
226. Glorious superb, wonderful, noble, stunning humble, unimposing
227. indigestible tough, bluffing, tricky comestible, eatable, eating
228. Reluctant unwilling, hesitate, opposed, coy disposed, inclined
229. Heir Inheritor, beneficiary, successors, legatee
230. Scaffold platform for executions, gallows, gibbet
231. Accumulated pile, amass, hoard, mass, run up contract, decrease, diminish,
232. Alternative substitute, other, second, reverse, back up contract, decrease, diminish,
233. Tenancy estate, house, residence, occupancy, dispossession, ejection
234. Consign Transport, send to, confine in, hand over hold, keep, retain
235. Improvised Invent, innovate, devise, extemporize arranged, laid, prepared, readied
236. Gleams Flashes of light, rays, glimmer, beams, signs Dullness
237. Solitary Single, alone, reclusive, isolated, lonely accompanied
238. Swag Booty, stolen goods, pillage, loot, prize distend, stiffen
239. Furtive Stealthy, evasive, secretive, sneaky, shift open, overt, public
240. Acquit Release, discharge, exonerate, assoil criminate, incriminate
241. Implications Effects, inference, hint, involvement, consideration, determinant
242. Revealed Show, disclose, unveil, uncover distort, falsify, garble, twist
243. Fervently Passionately, excitedly, intensely, ardently algid, arctic, bitter, bone-chilling,
244. Rumination Deep thought, consideration, brooding, disregarding, ignoring
245. Tramp Wanderer, vagabond, vagrant, drifter lose (to)
246. Gruff Hoarse, rough, harsh, grasping benign,benignant,gentle
247. Sneering Mocking, ridiculing, jeering, sarcastic laughing,smiling,snickering,
248. Strayed Walk aimlessly, wonder, go, astray, drift forgave, justified
249. Quailing Showing fear, torture, anguish, suffering advancing, approaching
250. Hasten Hurry, accelerate, quicken, rush crawl, creep, poke
251. Hesitate Reluctant, unwilling, shrink, avoid decide, budge, stir
252. Turning point Critical moment, decisive moment, crisis, crucial
253. Savagely Fiercely, sternly, wildly, madly, viciously clemently, gently, leniently
254. Contemptible Hateful, disdain able, abhorred, mean decent, presentable, respectable
255. Forlorn Lonely, isolated, neglected, desolate
256. Stray Roam, wanderer, ramble, tramp, drifting forgive, justify, pardon
257. Sticking out bulge, swell, overhang, hanging outside decline, dismiss, refuse, reject,
258. Slime Mud, moist, substance, ooze, goop
259. Opaque Not clear, muddy, misty, thick accessible, clear, nonambiguous
260. Patent Obvious, clear, specific, plain, evident, overt ambiguous, clouded,cryptic
261. Extraordinary Unusual, odd, remarkable, striking, unique unexceptional
262. Impelled Driven forward, forced, compelled, exhorted allowed, let, permitted, argued
263. Virulent Poisonous, extremely, harmful, toxic, injurious benevolent, benign, benignant,
264. Diagnosis Analysis, finding, detection, identification deadlock, draw, halt, stalemate
265. Sensations Feelings, impressions, thoughts, perceptions classic, standard
266. Indolently Lazily, idly, aimlessly, sluggishly, inactively arduously, assiduously
267. Distemper a contagious disease, acute, serve calm, compose, quiet, settle
268. Devastating Destructive, disastrous, catastrophic, shocking nondestructive
269. Premonitory Cautionary, warning, monitory, precursory
270. Listlessness Irresolution, indifference, lethargy, lassitude energy, vitality, brawniness
271. Acute Serious, grave, severe dire, drastic feeble, weak, shallow, superficial
272. Modified Changed, adjusted, altered, moderate, tempered broadened, expanded, widened
273. Plod labour, toil, trawl, plow, wade, slog avoid, eschew, shun
274. Malady Disease, sickness, illness, ailment, disorder health, wellness
275. Invidious Unpleasant, awkward, detrimental, deleterious unenvious
276. Grasping Greedy, selfish, mean, cheap, grabby misapprehending, misconceiving
277. Malignant Serve, deadly, virulent, invasive compassionate, good-hearted
278. Pondered Thought about, considered, review, contemplate disregard, ignore, overlook
279. Acquisition Accomplishment, possession, attainment, gain lose
280. Examine Check, inspect, scrutinize ,study, probe, sift skim, glance (at or over)miss
281. Induced Persuaded, convinced, influenced, prompted deter, discourage, dissuade,
282. Crawl Creep, amble, drag, grovel to, wriggle fly, race, speed, whiz
283. Decrepit Frail, worn out, dilapidated, feeble, derelict brand-new, fresh, new
284. Wreck Ruined, destroyed, demolished, defaced build, construct, erect, put up
285. Clutch Grip, seize, grasp, hold, clasp, clench drop, give, hand, unclasp,
286. Cowardly Lack of courage, timidly, chicken boldly, bravely, courageously,
287. Prescription Prescribed remedy, medication, instruction
288. Hampers Stop, hinder, impede, obstruct, retard aid, assist, facilitate, help
289. Directions Instructions, command, order, prescription aid, assist, facilitate, help
290. Rattled Nervous, frightened, upset, confused, tense calmed, comforted, consoled,
291. Shambled Shuffle, wayward, amble, drag breeze, coast, glide, slide
292. Solemnly Seriously, gravely, soberly, sadly flighty, frivolous, giddy, goofy
293. Timidly Cowardly, chicken, hearted, nervously, shyly
294. Clutched Grip, a tight grasp, clasp, seize, catch, hold dropped, gave, handed,
295. Crumpled Screw up, crush, squeeze, rumple, crinkle flatten, iron out, smooth
296. Interruption Disturbance, disruption, intrusion continuation, continuity
297. Detective Spy, investigator, recruit, agent
298. Imply Signify, hint, indicate, suggest, infer announce, declare, proclaim
299. Rival Opponent, challenger, competitor, enemy Friend,
300. Relieved Soothe, ease, alleviate, lessen, pacify harmed, hurt, impaired
301. Whisper Murmur, mumble, mutter, utter inarticulate, mute,
302. Poked Pushed, thrust, threw, punched, stabbed barreled bolted, careered
303. convulsive Jerky, uncontrollable, violent, spasmodic nonviolent, peaceable, peaceful
304. Conjuring Magical, mystic, illusion, visionary hinting, implying, intimating
305. Ghastly Terrible, grim, gruesome light, moderate, soft
306. Vibrating Shaking, trembling, exciting, lively, alive, be at rest.
307. Invalid Unsound, sick, illogical, false healthy, well
308. Reckless Careless, non serious, thoughtless responsible
309. Wretched Unhappy, distressed, unlucky great, marvelous ,wonderful
310. Echo Resounding, repetition, reiteration, sound damp, dampen, deaden
311. Striving Struggling, making effort, attempting, essaying dropping, giving up, quitting
312. Exodus Departure, migration, flight, escape deluge, flood, inundation
313. Intensive Acute, ghastly, rigorous, meticulous light, moderate, soft
314. Oriented Adapted, adjusted, acclimatize, settle
315. Decentralized Dispersed, distributed, scattered, center, centralize, compact
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373. Yielded Submit, gain, profit, relinquish, succumb held off, resisted
374. Magnificence Splendid, majestic, glorious, splendor austerely, humbly, modestly
375. Excavated Dig, unearth, delve, bore, burrow, sink hill, mound, rise
376. Aristocracy Elite, upper-class, gentry, peerage proletarians, proletariat
377. Sovereignty Supremacy, ascendancy, dominion, authority confusion, disintegration, disorder
378. Sagacity Wisdom, discernment, intelligence, agility
379. Proclamation Decree, order, command, declaration
380. Penetrated Pierce, puncture, perforate, enter, prick depart, exit, leave
381. Embossing Adorn, decorate, embellish, stamp blemishing, defacing, disfiguring
382. Thrive Flourish, proper, develop well, blossom fail
383. Extensive Large, sizeable, immense, boundless, ample narrow
384. Patronize Sponsor, support, back, finance, fund baffle, foil, frustrate
385. Endowments Donation, grant, gift, financing, award disability, handicap, inability
386. Magnitude Enormity, expanse, vastness, size, extent slightness, smallness, triviality
387. Ransack Search, explore, quest, pursuit hide, abandon, lose
388. Invariably Unchangeable, constant, perpetually ne'er, never
389. Fancied Desire, imagine, fondness, keen on, like abhorred, abominated, detested
390. Partial Based, one side, had taste for prejudice allergic, averse, disinclined
391. Prevail Win, conquer, dominate, surpass, rule fail, fizzle, give out, go out
392. Discernment Sagacity, wise judgment, perceive differently
393. Blot Sport, marks, smudges, stains, patches award, credit, honor
394. Smudges Spots, dots, blotches, clean, cleanse
395. Usher Examiner, invigilator, checker follow, trail
396. Foolscap Writing paper, paper size, full size paper
397. Unpretentious Plain, unostentetion, unassuming affected, artful, artificial
398. Parsing Analyze, point out, grammatical description skim glance (at or over)miss,
399. Distinction Difference, distinguish, separation, discernment deficiency, demerit, disvalue
400. Pithy Compact, concise, precise, condensed circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse
401. Epigrams Maxim, saying, proverb, phrase
402. Whip Flog, torture, lash, thrash, trounce success, triumph, victory, win
403. Agonizing Painful, anguish, misery, torturing, excruciating gratifying, pleasing, sweet
404. Steadily Gradually, continuously, stably, persistently feebly, gently, softly, weakly
405. Remotest Slight, farthest, distant, not close inmost, innermost, nearest
406. Uncanny skill Unusual skill, exceptional skip, extraordinary sill
407. Spin Rotate quickly, revolve, twirl, motion alertness, levelheadedness
408. Dragged Pull along the surface, sledge, puff, draw drive, propel, push
409. Fascinating Pretty, gorgeous, captivating, riveting repelling, repugnant, repulsive,
410. Collapse Faint, swoon, pass out, black out click, come off, deliver
411. Desperate Disappoint, despair, hopeless, beaming hopeful, optimistic
412. Rub Press and move hand on something, scratch rough (up),roughen, ruffle
413. Luxuriant Abundant, exuberant, plentiful, ample barren, leafless
414. Triumph Conquer, overpower, prevail, defeat, win no achievement
415. Encroaching Intrude, invade, seize, infringe, trespass
416. Tightening Drawing together, tied, fasten, constrain loosening, slackening, slacking
417. Strangle-hold Grip, intertwine, suppress, squeeze, kill advantage, asset, edge, plus
418. Fences Barrier, enclosure, guard, back stop assail, assault, attack
419. Clumsy-looking Looking bad, awkward, ungraceful, untoward coordinated, graceful
420. Staggered Reel, wobble, stumble, lurch, flounder decided, budged, stirred
421. Encampment Campsite, old, antique ejected, evicted
422. Formidable Fearful, dangerous, difficult, impressive cheap, effortless, facile
423. Endured Tolerate, bear, stand, suffer cease, close, conclude,
424. Replenish Refill, renew, fresh quantity, restock lighten, deplete, drain, eliminate,
425. Parched dry, baked, scorched, damp, dank, humid, moist, wet
426. Unappetizing Tasteless, ill smelling, insipid, dull, vapid banal, boring, commonplace
427. Instinctively Naturally, automatic, involuntary, intuitively artificially, unnaturally
428. Crouch Bend down, stoop, bow, squat face
429. Drastic Violent, extreme, radical, intense, severe Nice, calm, collected
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