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August - September 2022

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Roll No.

8500 50/50/30/40

August - September 2022

Master of Business Administration (MBA)Examination
(Full Time)(New) Second Semester
Time 3 Hours] [Max.Marks 80

Note : Attempt any two questions in Section A. Each question carries 16 marks. Attemp an
three questions in Section B. Each question carrics 16 marks.
Section A
1. (a) Describe systems aspect of Production and Operations Management, by giving suitable
examples (use neat and clean diagram).
(b) Discuss various waysof improving Productivity. Howproduction function helps in achieving
it ? Explain.
What are the factors affecting Plant Location ? Explain the use of Break-Even Analysis for Plant
Location Decision.
3. (a) Explain merits and demerits of Process Layout and Product Layout.
(b) Discuss the principles of Material Handling.
4 Write short note on any two of the following:
(a)TÌM (b) Quality Circles (c) Motion Study.
Section B
5 Alpha Industry needs 15,000 units/year of a bought out component which willbe used in its main
product. The ordering cost is Rs. 12.5 per order and the carrying cost per unit per year is 20% of the
purchase price per unit which is Rs. 75. Find:
(a) Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
(b) Number of Order Per Year
(c) Time between Successive Orders.
6. An organization has seven plants in different locations, whose coordinates in kilometer are :
(100, 300), (200, 500), (300, 600, (600, 400), (500, 300), (300, 200) and (200, 100). The company
wants locate another plant from which the quantity of materials transported to the plants in tones
are : 1000, 2500, 1000, 2700, 1500, 1200 and 1800, respectively. Find the optimal location for the
new plant.
7. Find the schedule which will minimize the mean flow time, if the number of parallel identical
machines is 2 for the given n-jobs parallel identical machines problem as :
2 3 4 6 7
Job )
4 6 3 7 2 1
Procèssing Time (t;)
8 The forecast for a group of items manufactured in a firm as :
-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Demand 370 320 570 670 550 370 350 480
The firm estimates that it costs Rs. 200 per unit to0 increase the production rate, Rs. 250 per unit to
decrease the production rate, Rs. 75 unit per quarter to carry the items on inventory and Rs. 125 per
unit if subcontracted. Compare the cost incurred if the following pure strategies are followed:
(a) Varying the Workforce Size
(b) Changing the Inventory Levels
(c) Subcontracting.

8500 50/50/30/40
July 2021
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Examination
(Full Time) (New) Second Semester
Max. Marks 80
Snecial Note : Word limit for answer of each
question is 250 to 300 words.
Note Attempt any two questions in Section A, Each auestion carries 16
three questions in Section B. Each question marks. Attempt any
carries 16 marks.
Section A
1. Explan characteristics, nature, applications , obiectives, functions and features of Production and
Operations Management. What is the role of Productions and Operations ManageT n ay
manufacturing organizations ?
2. Discuss in brief various Quantitative and Qualitative Models in Facility Planning with examples.
3. Explain difference between any three of the following: (with examples)
(a) Product Layout and Process Layout.
(b) Jonson's Rule and Aker's Algorithm.
(c) Work Study, Method Study and Motion Study.
(d) Process Design and Service Design.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following : (with examples)
a Aggregate Production Planning.
(b) Materials Requirement Planning.
(0) Philosophy ofVarious Quality Guru's.
(d) Productivity and its types.
Section B
5 The following is a tentative Master Schedule for four weeks :
Week ’
Product 1 2 3 4
A 3000 4000 1200 2500
B 2000 1500 3000 3500
1200 1800 2500 2000
The Bill of Labour in key work-centres for the company's three major products A, B and C is given
Product ( in Hrs)
Department A B
0.20 0.05 0.10
Y 0.08 0.15 0.20
0.11 0.08 0.05
Determine separately the load on each Department X, Y, Z in next four weeks.
ABill of Material is desired for Bracket (Z 100) that is made up of Base (A 10), two Springs (B 11)
and four Clamps (C 20). The Base is assembled from one Clamp (C 20) and two Housings (D 21).
Each clamp has one Handle (E 30) and each housing has two Bearings (F 31) and one Shaft (G 32):
(a) Design a product tree structure that includes the level coding informatio.
(b) Show the data in the form of an Indented Bill ofMaterial.

Apply Jonson's Rule, so that minimized and find suitable sequence of

Jobs; from following data : processing time (in Hrs) is
(a) Given :
Estimated Processing Time (hrs)
Job WC WCz
A 2.0 1.0
4.0 2.25
C 0.75 2.5
1.5 3.0
2.0 4.0
F 2.0 3.5
(b) Given:
Processing Time (hrs) on Machines
Job MË M2 M3
A 12 10
B 6 8
7 5 6

8. From the following information, draw graph between % of total annual usage of items versus % ot
totalnumber of Inventory items using A, B, C Analysis of Inventory Management. Show the areas
ofA, Band C items on the same graph. (Use Graph Paper)
Inventory Item: 110
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
(B) (A) (A)
Annual Usage : (Rs) 3,00,000
3,000 40,000 2,000 10,000 5,000 4,00,0007,000 9,000 8,000
Inventory Item : 116 117 118 119 120
111 112 113 114 115
(B) (B) (B)
Annual Usage : (Rs)
11,000 9,000 5,000
1,000 50,000 15,000 20,000 90,000 8,000 7,000
given below taking 3 sigma limits :
9. Draw 'np' chart for 10 samples (each of size 100) 6 7 10
2 3 4 5
Sample Number : 1
Number of 3 1 2 3 1 2
2 0 4
or not after drawing `np' chart on Graph Paper.
and determine whether the process is in control
8000 NOSBO3ÖJ48 N-502

June - July 2019

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Examination
(Full Time) (New) Second Semester
Time3 Hours) Max. Marks 80

Note Attempt any four questions from Section A, Section Bis compulsory"
Section A
1. (a) T a company is a technology leader' what trategic support would 1t
operations function. Discuss.
(b) (i) What are the difficulties in measuring
productivity ? Discuss.
(u 1s total factor productivity à sum of all partial productivities ? Explain your answer.
2. How do the location problems for a manufacturing industry, a government hoSpital, a se
and a higher education institution differ from one
3. (a) How does a good plant layout help to improve productivity ?
(b) Enlist the merits and demerits of process layout.
4. (a) How could a good Management Information System Contribute to production planning and
(b) What is the importance of forecasts in production planning and control ?
5. What are the scheduling problems in line production and services ?
6. IsTotal Quality Management more applicable in manufacturing industry as compared to service
industry ? Discuss.
Section B
7. ABC Limited's product, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI go through operations
Preparation and Finishing at the respective two places and in that order. The operation times
at there work-centres are given as :
Preparation (hr) Finishing (hr)
4 2
WED 5 4
2 5
3 7
rule, so that the total completion
How should the above items be sequenced by Johnson's
time is minimized ?
are four
Agri-Products company has two factories, one at Tiruchi and other at Meerut. There locating
8. are sent. The company is thinking ofdetails of
major warehouses to which the finished products
Kanpur. If the following matrix gives the
an additional factory either at Indore or and warehouse requirements, how would you gO
costs, manufacturing capacities
the shipping proposed locations. Suggest an
about choosing between the two
Shipping Costs (Rs. / Unit) Ahmedabad Chandigarh Factory Capacity
Guwahati Nagpur 20 200
Tiruchi 25 5 400
8 6
Meerut 10 10 200
2 3
Indore 15 5 200
5 7
Kanpur 150 300 250
Units Required 100
Roll No. BA-02
5000 30/30/25/
June 2018
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Examination
(Full Time) (New) Second Semester
Time 3 Hours]
[Max. Marks 80
Note : Attempt any four questions from
Section A, Section B is compulsOry"
L. DXplain the significance,role ofproduction and operation
each components of production functions and its Environment explaining
2. Discuss Productivity. Explain its type. What
factors effect productivity and how productivity or
manufacturing industry can be improved ?
3. Explain difierent quantitative and qualitative
decision of a plant. models for facility planning w. r. t. to location
4. As aproduction and operations manager how wilIl you pan for different
How will you handle the capacity resource requirements?
of a plant ?
5. What is aggregate production planning? Discus
and Control (PPC). different strategies to handle Production Planning
6. Explain the concepts of TQM and philosophies of
types of control charts in SPC? different Quality Gurus ? Also discuss different
Section B
7. Construct a control chart for mean and range for the following data on the
samples of 5 being taken every hour (each set of 5 has been basis of fuses,
of the magnitude): arranged) in the ascending order
Given, for n = 5, A, =0.58, D,= 2.11, D, = 0 where A and D are
the production process seems to in control or not ?
constants. State whether
Data :
42 42 19 36 42 51 60 18 15 69 64 61
65 45 24 54 51 74 60 20 30 109 90 78
75 68 80 89 57 75 72 27 39 113 93 94
78 72 81 77 59 78 95 42 62 118 109 109
87 90 81 84 78 132 138 60 84 153 112 136
Roll No. A-02
5500 40710/50Ö

July 2017
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Examination
(Full Time) (New) Second Semester
Time 3 Hours] [Max. Marks 80
Note : Attempt any four questions from Scction A. Section Bis compulsory. Each qucstion
in Scction A carrics 15 marks. Soction B
carrics 20 marks.
Section A
1. What do you understand by Productivity ?Discuss the methods for improving productivity.
2. Enumerate the various factors
determining facility location.
3. What is Capacity Planning ? Discuss its significance in manufacturing industry.
4. Explain the Johnson's rule for scheduling of Jobs on
5. Explain Total Quality Management. What is Acceptance Sanmpling ?
6. Write short notes on any two of the
following :
(a) Business Process
(b) Quality Circles.
(c) Aggregate Production Planning.
7. Read the following case and answer the questions :
Aprivately owned company was founded in the middle of the nineteenth century, on a site at the end
of Parkway, Little Town near the centre of Calcutta. The company made stcady but slow progress untl
the Second World War, when it became a sub-factory for one of the larger aircraft company. In 1955 it
reverted to its original toy making purpose, and continued to advance steadily, but, with the increase
in generalprosperity, rather more rapidly than previously. The objective of the company with regard
to its products was put by the Chairman.
We belicve that toys deserve the best of workmanship, material, design. They must be strong, lasting,
able to stand up tovery rough treatment, and they must be sold at moderate prices'.
Úpon this foundation the company progressed, and its reputation for excellent, albeit conservative, toys
Europc, and 10%
grew. A drive to export was made. And now some 40% of its products are sold in
exported to the U. S. A.
some sccond hand
The company originally made only wooden toys but the purchase after the war of
market a range
injcction moulding machines at very reasonable prices enabled it to manufacture and who felt that
by some of the older cmployees
of plastic toys. This branch of activity was not welcomed
plastic toy were 'newfangled' and 'gimmicky'. The sales manager defendodallthese toys vigorously and
eventually oust wooden toys.
was frequently header to prophesy that plastic toys would
Currently, the total number of employces, all located in buildings onitthe original site, is about 250. The
shape since has been acquired by a serics of
site, approximately l acre in area, is inconvenient in some of which were existing
purchases over the last 90 years. This piecemeal acquisition of buildings, Car parking space is not
buildingswhich had been modified and others which have been specially built. the extremcly heavy traffic
available, and the loading and unloaing of vans is difficult, particularly with
in the neighbourhood.
inconvenience of the present site should be
Last week. theChairman decided that it was timne that the at which he said.
senior executives,
dealt with and he called a meeting of his
present location to somne much more convenient
Gentlemen. Ifeel it is time that we should move from ourmatter
your views on this ?
position. Would you please give me
move ?
(a) Why should the company teatures are required in a new plant location 2
(b) Assuming that a move a desirable what
Roll NOiAÖ83}

July August 2016

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Examination
(Full Time) (New) Second Semester
([Max. Marks 80
Time 3 Hours)

Note : Attempt any four questions from Section A. Section B is compulsory"

Section A

1. (a) What are various types of Production Systems ?Which types of production systems sue
for : (Give reasons)
(i) Ship-Building.
(ii) Pharmaceutical Formulation.
(b) What are various types of productivity ? How can labour productivity be enhanced
2. (a) Discuss importance of customisation of services with an example.
(b) What are principles of a good plant layout ?
will you consider
3. (a) being a project manager of a new manufacturing organisation what factors
before deciding capacity ?
(b) Describe the significance of Six Sigma Quality in present world scenario.
4. (a) "Appropriate technology or process should be preferred over the latest." their importance.
(b) What are various sequencing rules for single machine n-jobs ? Discuss
5. (a) "Learning curve is useful especially in long-term purchasing." Discuss.
(b) Explain Business Process Re-Engincering with a real life example.
6. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Material Handling Equipments.
(b) Control Charts for Attributes.
(c) OCC (Operating Characteristic Curve).
Section B

of workstations if company has to produce 24

7. Draw the precedence diagram and minimum no.rate
units in a shift. What is maximum production if activities cannot be sub-integrated ?
Activity B D,E C, D
Precedence Act A A, B
10 4 5 4 7 8
Duration (Min.) 6
next 6 months :
8. RSSCL forecast demand for
March April May June July Aug
Month 300 350 400 150
Demand 200 250
300 7 unit / month. Shortages are not allowed.
The cost of holding inventory is Rs.
stock required is 200 units.
stock is 100units and closing
Determine :
(a) Production rate month.
(b) Cost of Aggregate


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