Yu 2020
Yu 2020
Yu 2020
Abstract: In recent years, with the development and application of big data, deep learning has received more and more attention.
As a deep learning neural network, convolutional neural network plays an extremely important role in face image recognition. In
this paper, a combination of micro-expression recognition technology of convolutional neural network and automatic music
recommendation algorithm is developed to identify a model that recognizes facial micro-expressions and recommends music
according to corresponding mood. The facial micro-expression recognition model established in this paper uses FER2013 with a
recognition rate of 62.1%. After identifying the corresponding expression, a content-based music recommendation algorithm is
used to extract the feature vector of the song and a cosine similarity algorithm is used to make the music recommendation. This
research helps to improve the practicality of the music recommendation system, and the related results will also serve as a
reference for the application of the music recommendation system in areas such as emotion regulation.
Key Words: Deep learning, Facial micro-expression recognition, CNN, FER2013, CB, Music recommendation algorithm
1 Introduction
With the advent of the information age, deep learning is
widely used in image recognition, image processing, and
especially facial expression recognition. Face recognition
has become a research hotspot in the field of
human-computer interaction, but it still has limitations on
the application of image processing results. Image research
often focuses on improving the accuracy of recognition, and
the data in the image lacks the use of secondary processing,
that is, in the actual production and life process, the image
information has not been completely and efficiently used
.In this paper, a deep learning method is used to design and
train a convolutional neural network expression recognition
model. The results of image processing are combined with a
music recommendation algorithm, and the music that
adjusts the mood is recommended by judging the mood
shown by the person. Music data sets are created by
crawling the playlists and manual annotations of major .
music websites. The scope of application of image
Figure 1: Flow Chart of Micro-expression Recognition
processing results has been appropriately expanded.
2.1.1 Image Pre-processing
2 Facial Micro-expression Recognition Based on
CNN Neural Network An important step in the facial micro-expression
recognition system is the pre-processing of facial images.
2.1 Basic Steps for Micro-expression Recognition Due to various factors, the quality of the input image (size,
The basic process of facial micro-expression recognition pixels, gray value, etc.) is not uniform, and the image cannot
is as follows: be directly used in the subsequent face recognition process,
which greatly affects the recognition performance.
1. Obtain micro facial expression images of human faces
Therefore, the image pre-processing has standardized and
and pre-process the images;
unified standards, which can eliminate the impact on the
2. Perform micro-expression detection and related feature recognition performance in terms of size, posture, brightness
extraction; and darkness. Minimize the interference of irrelevant
3. Perform micro-expression classification. information as much as possible, thereby maximizing the
recognition rate of micro-expressions. There are many
preprocessing methods, such as histogram equalization,
median filtering, grayscale stretching, homomorphic
1. Project 201910145145 Supported by National Training Program of filtering, nearest neighbor algorithm, bilinear interpolation,
Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates. etc [2-4]. Different micro-expression recognition systems
2. Supported by “the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central require different image sources and recognition algorithms,
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and different pre-processing methods. This paper uses the extraction of image features is completed in this part; output
FER2013 facial micro-expression data set to eliminate the is classified by the fully connected layer is the other part [7].
image preprocessing process. Convolutional layer: several convolutional units make it,
2.1.2 Micro-expressions and Feature Extraction and the parameters of each convolutional unit are optimize
d by back propagation algorithm. The convolution layer per
Feature extraction is a vital part of micro-expression forms a convolution operation on the original image and a s
recognition. An effective feature extraction method can pecific feature filter. During multiple convolution processe
obtain complete and accurate feature information for s, each operation uses a different filter to map different feat
distinguishing different types of objects. It can also reduce ures.
the dimensionality of data and avoid the interference of Pooling layer: Pooling is a form of down sampling.
irrelevant information. The micro-expression recognition Through the function of the pooling layer, the space size of
model in this paper uses the deep feature extraction method. the data will be reduced continuously, and the number of
With the popularization and development of big data, parameters and calculations will also decrease. To some
deep learning technology has gradually entered our field of extent, it also controls overfitting.
vision, and at the same time, deep learning networks are also Fully connected layer: After flattening the previous
of great significance to achieve micro-expression results, each node is connected to all nodes in the previous
recognition. Traditional facial expression recognition layer, which is used to integrate the features extracted
algorithms have poor robustness and insufficient expression before.
feature extraction capabilities. Convolutional neural
network-based facial expression recognition algorithms can 2.3 Model Design
make up for these shortcomings [5]. What this article uses is a Based on the training data volume and training category
feature extraction algorithm based on a convolutional neural information of facial micro-expression tasks, this paper
network. Convolutional neural networks can represent designs an 8-layer small CNN model with 4 convolutional
learning, and can perform translation-invariant layers, 2 pooling layers, and 2 fully connected layers. The
classification of input information according to the model design is based on the improvement of AlexNet. It
hierarchical structure of the input information. uses a convolution method of two convolution layers
2.2 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) followed by a pooling layer to improve the feature
extraction capability of the CNN network, and performs
CNN neural network refers to convolutional neural feature dimensionality reduction to improve the model
network, more complex features of the image can be training speed. Add Relu as the activation function after the
extracted and learnt by it . It is similar to other neural layer, and finally pass the two fully connected layers and the
networks in that it uses forward propagation to input data Softmax classifier to map the extracted features into the
and activate the hidden layer; backpropagation loss values classification probability.
modify the parameters of the hidden layer. The activation of
the hidden layer depends on the activation function, which 2.3.1 Model Structure
introduces non-linear factors so that the neural network can The facial micro-expression CNN model structure
arbitrarily approach any non-linear function.The difference designed in this paper is shown in Figure 2.
between CNN and other neural networks is that it is a deep
Among them, 48 * 48 represents the grayscale image data
neural network. After several convolutional layers and
with the input of the network as 48 * 48 pixels, and 64 & 48
pooling layers are alternately connected, the fully connected
* 48 represents the output of the first convolution layer as 64
layer is connected, thereby replacing the hidden layer within
feature map data with the size of 42 * 42 pixels. The output
the network [6]. However, as the number of network layers
of the accumulation layer and pooling layer are also multiple
and learning parameters increase, the risk of fitting during
feature map data. The last two fully connected layers
the training process will increase, and the generalization
indicate that the number of neurons in this layer is 512 and 7,
ability of the model will become worse. Two important parts
respectively. The model parameter settings are shown in
exist in CNN: one is the convolution pooling layer, and the
Table 1.
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Table 1. CNN Model Parameter Settings Practice has proved that the ReLU activation function can
well solve the problem of disappearance of gradients in
Layer Type Core Size Output
backpropagation and can accelerate the convergence speed
Input Layer 48*48 [10]
.After the neural network has performed convolution,
Convolutional Layer 1 64&3*3 64&42*42 activation, and pooling operations for many times, the
Convolutional Layer 2 128&3*3 128&36*36 output of the final forward propagation can be expressed by
Pooling Layer 1 128&2*2 128&18*18 the following formula:
Convolutional Layer 3 256&3*3 256&12*12
Convolutional Layer 4 256&3*3 256&6*6
y Softmax( wx b) (3)
Pooling Layer 2 256&2*2 256&3*3 Among them, x is the neuron input, y is the neuron output,
Fully Connected Layer 1 512 w is the weight matrix, and b is the bias matrix. The Softmax
Fully Connected Layer 2 7 function in TensorFlow is used to assign probability to
different objects.
2.3.2 FER2013 Data Set
The back-propagation phase is mainly used to calculate
This model uses FER2013 data set for model training. the model error loss, and then the error is back-propagated
The FER2013 data set consists of 35886 facial expression and the optimizer is used to optimize the error. This paper
pictures. Among them, there are 28708 training pictures, selects the cross-entropy loss(Cross Entropy , CE)as the
3589 public test pictures and 3589 private test pictures. Each model's loss function [11], and its formula is as follows:
picture is composed of a grayscale image with a fixed size of
48 * 48, which is a pose. And unposed avatars, there are a
Loss y_ * log(y) (4)
total of 7 expressions, corresponding to the number tags 0-6, Where y_ represents the known label and y represents the
the specific expressions corresponding to the tags and predicted value. To optimize the loss value, this article uses
Chinese and English are as follows: 0 Angry; 1 Disgust; 2 the mini-batch gradient descent (Mini Batch Gradient
Fear; 3 Happy; 4 Sad; 5 Surprise; 6 Neutral [8]. Among them, Descent, Referred to as MBGD) method. The idea is to use
happy mood is the most common. batch__size (the amount of data for each batch during
2.3.3 Model Training training) to update the parameters for each iteration. The
optimization method mainly has 2 Advantages: Through
CNN is a feed-forward neural network, so the training of matrix operations, optimizing neural network parameters on
CNN is divided into two processes of forward propagation one batch at a time is not much slower than a single data;
and back propagation [9]. During the forward propagation using one batch each time can greatly reduce the number of
process, each neuron in each convolution kernel of the iterations required for convergence, and at the same time can
convolutional layer and the forward the local and local make convergence to The results are closer to the effect of
visual fields of the input feature map of the layer are gradient descent [12]. The entire model training process is to
connected, and the convolution operation is performed to iteratively extract features, calculate losses, and optimize
extract the features of this part. After adding a bias, the losses in batches until the model reaches the optimization
result is passed through the activation function as an output stop condition.
to form the neurons of the current layer. These neurons
constitute the current layer. Multiple feature maps for 3 Music Recommendation Algorithm
different features. The calculation method of the 3.1 The Establishment of Song Library
convolution layer is as follows:
Use Python to crawler music website to store song files
N jl1
and song information. The song information is stored in
y f ( w i,j x il-1 ) b lj , j 1,2,..., M (1)
j Excel form. Based on the seven kinds of emotions(anger,
i 1 dispute, bear, happy, sad, secure, neutral) that can be
Among them, l is the current layer number, l - 1 is the recognized by the emotion recognition model, the emotion
previous layer number, y j is the j-th feature map of the analysis and classification are carried out for the crawled
songs, and then the song library corresponding to different
l 1
current layer, N j is the number of feature maps of the emotions is established.
previous layer connected to the j-th feature map of the The analysis method of song emotion in this paper can be
divided into two steps: lyrics data mining and song emotion
current layer, w i,j is the j-th feature map of the current analysis.
layer Convolution kernel of the feature map and the i-th
3.1.1 Data Mining of Lyrics
feature map of the previous layer, x il1 is the i-th feature
The steps of data mining for lyrics[13] are as follows (take
map of the previous layer, b is the offset of the j-th feature
j Chinese songs as an example, the same treatment for
map of the current layer, M is the number of feature maps of English songs):
the current layer, and f is a non-linear activation function, a.Word segmentation
the ReLU activation function is used in this paper, and its In this paper, we use the open-source Chinese word
formula is as follows: breaking system Jieba as a tool to segment the lyrics.
b.Comparison with emotional lexicon
0, x 0
f ( x) (2)
x, x 0
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In this paper, we draw lessons from the lexicon the existence of the recommended songs cannot relieve
established by others — — a Chinese emotional lexicon negative emotions or promote The role of positive emotions,
integrated with HowNet and Sogou as a comparison model. so the original random recommendation algorithm was
In the lexicon, words are first divided into two sets with improved to a content-based recommendation algorithm.
opposite meanings, that is, the set containing positive 3.2.1 General Steps of Content-based Recommendation
emotional words (such as "happy", "happy", "warm", etc.)
and the set containing negative emotional words (such as The general steps of content-based recommendation are
"degenerate", "abandonment", "despair", etc.). In order to as follows:
distinguish the emotion of words more accurately, this paper 1. Item Representation:Some features are extracted for
integrates emotion words, degree words (such as "good" in each object (in this paper, each song) to represent the object;
"good happiness") and negative words to compare the lyrics 2. Profile Learning:The feature data of several objects
and find the emotional characteristic values in the lyrics. that the user likes is used as the user's preference feature;
3.1.2 Emotional Analysis of Songs 3. Recommendation Generation : By comparing the
This paper uses SVM model in emotion classification. characteristics of users and candidate objects obtained in the
The general principle of SVM is as follows (schematic previous step, Recommend the most relevant objects for
diagram is shown in Figure3): users.
We need to classify the black and white points in the The algorithm flow chart applied in this paper is shown in
graph. SVM will find the boundary between the plane where Figure 4:
the black point is and the plane where the white point is,
such as the dark line in the graph. The two light lines are
used to indicate the distance w between the points and the
black line in the two planes, and the goal of SVM is to find
the black line with the largest distance Max (w). This paper
uses LIBSVM (Chang et al.,2011), a SVM tool set
developed by Professor Zhiren Lin of Taiwan University,to
classify the training with R language.
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n loss value of each batch. Figure 6 shows the training set
(a b )
i i
recognition accuracy curve, the horizontal axis Epoch
γ cos i 1
represents the number of training iterations, and the vertical
n n
ai2 bi2 axis Accuracy represents the batch recognition accuracy. It
can be seen from the training curve that the network training
i 1 i 1
The larger the final calculation result is, the higher the process eventually stabilizes, the model converges well, the
similarity is, indicating that the song is more suitable for final loss value approaches 0.65, and the training set model
users' current emotions. All songs corresponding to different recognition accuracy rate is above 77%.
emotions in the song library are calculated and recommend
-ed according to the order of similarity from high to low.
4 Experiment and Result Analysis
This experiment is carried out on the platform of
TensorFlow deep learning framework, and the experimental
data set is FER2013 [15] public data set.
4.1 Experimental Results Analysis of CNN Model of
Facial Micro-expression
The number of training rounds is set to 500, and the
learning rate is 0.0001. After several parameter adjustment
experiments, the CNN model of facial micro expression gets
62.1% recognition rate on FER2013 data set. Looking up the
related literature [16-17], we found that most of the accuracy is
about 60%. The visualization operation after network
training is shown in the following figure:
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(1)There are wrong labels in FER2013 and its image results are shown in Table 3: (’1’ means the song contains the
resolution is low(48*48pixels). The accuracy of human eyes label, ‘0’ means not ).
in this data set is also only 65% ± 5%[18].
Table 3. Typical Songs and Labels
(2)As can be seen from Figure 7-Figure 9, the similarity
between ‘Disgust’ and ‘Angry’ is very high. The number of Label Absolute
Cheerful Wild Keyboard Interenet
‘Disgust’ in the training set is the least and ‘Fear’ has the Songs Music
problem of low recognition, so the training effect is not very Back wave 1 1 1 1 1
good. Rise 0 0 1 1 1
Lanterns 1 0 1 1 1
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