Ray Optics Previous Year Jee Questions
Ray Optics Previous Year Jee Questions
Ray Optics Previous Year Jee Questions
Tbpicwise Physics
(a) B and COnly (b) B and D Only 07 Car B overtakes another car A at a relative speed of
(c) A, C and D Only (d) A and D Only 40 ms-'. How fast will che image of car B appear to
40 ms ms
(a)4 ms-l (b) 0.2 ms (c) (d) 0.1
images formed by the mirror is
(2023, I Feb Shif-II] 08 The incident ray, reflected ray and che outward
(a) 60cm (b) 40cm drawn normal are denoted by the unit vectors a, b
160cm (d) 100cm the corect relation
and c, respectively. Then, choose
05 Two plane mirrors M,and M, are at right angle to for these vectors. 2021,26Feb Shit-I]
cach other shown.A point source P is placed at a and (a) b=a+ 2c (b) b=2a +c
The b=a-2(a-c)e (d) b=a-c
2a meter awayfrom M, and M2, respectively. (c)
A short straight object of height 100
central axis of a spherical mirror,
cm lies before 15 If two mirrors are kept at 60° to cach other, then the
(AIEEE 2002/
whose focal number of images formed by them is
length has absolute value f=40cm. The image of (a) 5 (b) 6
obiect produced by the mirror 7 (d) 8
is 25 cm and
of height (c)
Where, symbols have their usual meanings. pole of mirror. The length ofthe image formed by
the mirror will be x |3
cm. The value of x is ....
11 mirror for face viewing has focal length of
Aconcave (2023, 1 Feb Shif-I
(a) 75° (b) 90° (c) 60° (d)45° system of two plane mirrors M, and having an M,
inclination angle 75°berweenthem (as shown in
with a convexside-view mirror of
13 Acar is fitted
21 A point source of light S,placed at a distance 60 cm 27 A microscope is focussed on an object at the bottom
in front of the centre ofa plane mirror of width 50 of abucket. If liquid with refractive index 5 /3 is
cm. hangs vertically on a wall. A man walks in front poured inside the bucket, chen microscope have to be
of the mirror along a line parallel to the mirror at a raised by 30 cm focus the object again. The height
distance 1.2 m from it (see in the figure). The of the liquid in the bucket is (2023, 31 Jan Shif-ll]
refracted into a denser medium, then
which ofthe following 27June Shift-I)
Topic 2 Refraction, TIR and Prism is true?
interfaceare 45° and 30° respectively, then the ()Wavelength, speed and frequency increases.
and frequency v, of the refracted wave
31 Consider a light travelling in air is incident into a
[2023, 6April Shift-l]
a, = y,v, =\2v, (b) a, =2h,, V, =V, medium ofrefractive index 2n.The incident angle
1 1
istwice that of refracting angle. Then, the angle of
(c) az= incidence will be [2022, 27June Shi-]
(a) 5x 10' m/s (b)2.12x 108 m/s 32 Light enters from air into a given medium at an angle
(c) V2 x 10 m/s (d) 3.12 x 10 m/s of45° with interfaceof the air-medium surface. Afer
refraction, the light ray deviated through an angle
25 An ice cube has a bubble inside. When viewed from is
of the following
Which statement is correct? 40 The expected graphical representation of the variation
0. If the ray suffers total internal reflection,then
(2022, 29 June Shift-II]
(c) <sin (d) > sin surface as shown. The maximum value of angle
inner depth of 17.5 cm is kept diamond is 2.42and that of air is 1. Choose the
38 A glass tumblerhaving
water (u =4/3) Shif-l
on a table. A studentstarts pouring
(2021, 25.July
correct option.
at the surface ofwater from is24.41°
into it while looking (a) Angle of refraction
is half filled,
that the tumbler (b)Angle of refraction is 30°
above. When he
water. to what height,
Up (c) Refraction is not possible
prismn for
The refractive indices of the material ofthe
1.42 and
red, green and blue wavelength are 1.27,
of the ray(s) emerging
1.49, respectively. The colour
2021, 18 March Shif-I)
tan(sin ) out of the face PR is
prism is ,
50 Monochromatic light is
an angle
the face
on a glass prism of
of the material of the
on the face AB
ACof the
JEE Main 2015)
B. the refracted ray inside the prism becomesparallel to
its base
D.angle of emergence is double the angle of incidence
Choose the correct answer from the options given - 1
(a) 0>sin sin 4-sin -!
(2021, 16 March Shift-I]
(a)Statements (A), (B) and (C) are true.
(c) Only statements (A) and (B) are true.
(d) Statements (B) and (C) are true.
45 Red light differs from blue light as they have (c) 0> cos-1 sin A +sin
(2021, 16 March Shift-]
(a) different frequencies and different wavelengths
(b) different frequencies and same wavelengths (d) < cosu sin A+sin
(c) same frequencies and same wavelengths
(d) same frequencies and different wavelengths
46 The critical angle of a medium for a specific
key The ray will get transmitted through face
idea AC, if iAc < ic
wavelength, if the medium has relative permittivity 3
and relative permeability 4 /3 for this wavelength,will
be (2020, 8Jan Shift-I
51A green light is incident from the water to the
(a) 45° (b) 60° (c) 15° (d) 30° air-water interface at the critical angle (0).Select the
Correct statement.
47 In figure, the optical fibre is =2m long and has a
(JEE Main 2014]
(a) The entire spectrum of visible light will come out ofthe
of2/N3.It is surrounded by air. A light ray is above the water surface in centimeters is
incident at the mid-pointof one end (My =4|3) ... (2023, 6April Shift-IJ
of the rod as
shown in the figure. 60 A fish rising vertically upward with a uniform
The incident angle for which the light ray grazes 4/3,then the actual velocity of the diving bird to pick
along the wall of the rod is [AIEEE2009] the fish, will be ms [2023, 13 April Shift-I]
55 The refractive index of glass is 1.520 for red light and having thickness /3 cm and refractive index v2. The
1.525 for blue light. Let D, andD, be angles of angle of incidence of a ray is equal to the critical
minimum deviations for red and blue light angle for glass-air interface. The lateral displacement
respectively in a prism of this glass. Then, AIEEE 2006) of the ray when it passes through the plate is
(a) D, <D, x 10 cm, (Given, sin 15°=0.26) 2022, 25 Jan Shift-IJ
of this
below the water surface, the radius
(AIEEE 2005]
(in cm) is
(a) 36/7 (b) 36/N7 (c) 36/5 (d) 4/5
incident perpendicular to one face of
57 A light ray is
reflected at the
90° prism and is totally internally P,
If che angle of reflection is 45°, we
glass-air interface.
58 Which is used in optical fibres ? the prism angle. The time taken by
of the following [AIEEE 2002]
light to travel from (mid-point P
(b) Scattering of BC) to A is ...,x 10-10 S. B
(a) Total internal reflection
(d) Refraction
JEE Main Ghapterwige Topicwise Physics
n, and n, depend on
according to the relation
10.8 x 10-14
the wavelength of ,
index n, and another prism of
index n, are stuck together (as shown in the
dioptre for
of power 2.0dioptres.
(a) 50 cm
72 A
(b) 30 cm
(c) 10 cm
n =12 + and n, =145 + L8 x 10-14 along its principal axis. Further one piece (out of the
two halves) is cut into two halves perpendicular to the
The wavelength for which rays incident at any angle principal axis (as shown in figure). Choose the
on the interface BC pass through without bending at incorrect option for the reported pieces.
that interface will be .. nm. (2021, 27 July Shift-I] (2022, 27 June Shift-I)
B 2
67 A
(c) Power of L =P2 (d) Power of L =P
ray of light pasing through a prism (u=43) suffers
minimum deviation.It is found that the angle of 73 The power of a lens (biconvex) is 1.25 m in
incidence is double the angle of refraction within the particular medium. Refractive index of the lens is 1.5
prism. Then,the angle of prism is (in and radii of curvature are 20 cm and 40 cm,
degrees). (2021, 22 July Shift-II| respectively. The refractive index of surrounding
medium (2022, 28 July Shift-II]
kev lfu is refractive index of material of prism, then (a) 1.0 (b) 9/7 (c) 3/2 (d) 4/3
from Snell's law
idea 74 An object is placed at the focus of concave
sini sin(A + Sm y2 lens
will be the (c) 40 cm from the convergent lens, twice the size of the
length of this lens if it is placed in a
respectively) (2021, 16 March Shift-II] 84 The graph showshow the magnification produced m
R,R, by a thin lens with image distance v. What is
(a) 1 (b) Infinite (c) (d) Zero
the focal length of the lens used? 2019, 10April Shift-l]
R - R,
79 For a concave lens of focal length f, the relation
between object and image distances w and v,
(a) (b) (c)
(a) (b)
R each and f =2f,, then and
10 Jan Shift-I]
(a) 34 -2u, =1 (b) 2 42 -)=1
(c) 2 -H2 =1 (d) H, +, =3
80A thin lens made of glass (refractive index =1.5)of 86An object is at a distance of 20 m from a convex lens
focal length f=16 cm is immersed in a liquid of of focal length 0.3 m. The lens forms an imageof the
refractive index 1.42. If its focal length in liquid is fi object. If the object moves away from the lens at a
then the ratio f / fis closest to the integer speed of 5 m/s, the speed and direction of the image
[2020, 7Jan Shif-Il| willbe [2019, 11 Jan Shift-I
(a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 9 (d) 17 (a) 3.22 x 10- m/s towards the lens
81 A convex lens(of focal length 20 cm) and a concave (b) 0.92 x 10 m/s away from the lens
mirror, having their principal axes along the same (c) 2.26 x 10 m/s away from the lens
are kept 80 cm apart from each other. The
lines, (d) 116 x 10- m/s towards the lens
concave mirror to the right of the convex lens.
87 What
an object is kept at a distance of 30 cm to
the is the position and nature ofimageformed by
left of the convex lens, its image remains at the same lens combination shown in figure? (where,
even if the concave mirror is removed.
The fandf,re focal lengths) 2019, 12 Jan Shift-]
88Formation of real imageusing a biconvex lens is 93 Anobject 2.4 m in front of a lens formsa sharp
shown below. If the wholc sct up is immerscd in image on a film 12 cm behind the lens. A glass plate
positions, what will one observe on the screcn? between lens and film with its plane faces parallel to
(2019, 12 Jan Shift-1I) the film. At what distance (from lens) should object
shifted to be in sharp focus on film? (AIEEE 20121
(a) 7.2 m (b) 2.4 m (c) 3.2 m (d) 5.6 m
94When monochromaticred light is used instead of blue
2f light in aconvex lens, its focal length will (AIEEE 2011|
89 A
(d) Erect
H, radius
lens (focal
curvature R)
lens (focal
fits exactly
length f,
f, refractive
into a
adjusted to get a clear imageof the object. A graph
between theobject distance u and the imagedistance
from the lens, is plotted using the same scale for
the two axes. A straight line passing through the
origin and making an angle of 45° with the x-axis
H, radius curvature R). Their plane surfaces are
meets the experimental curve at P. The coordinates
parallel to each other. Then, the focal length of the Pwill be [AIEEE 2009)
combination will be (2019, 12 Jan Shifi-II)
R (a) (2f, 2f) ()(4f,4f)
(a) f-f (b)
material of lens is 2x 10* m/s, the focal length of the power of -5Din air. Its optical power in a liquid
Numerical Value Type Questions 106An object is placed on the principal axis of convex
100Two transparent media having refractive indices 1.0 lens of focal length 10cm
as shown.
and 1.5 are separated by a spherical refracting surface A plane mirror on the other side oflens at a
is placed
of radius of curvature 30 cm., The distance of 20 cm,The image producedby the plane
centre of curvature
of surface is towards denser medium and a point mirror is 5 cm inside the mirror. The distance of the
object is on the principle axis in rarer medium
placed object from the lens is .....cm. (2023, 25Jan Shif-II]
104 A biconvex lens of focal length 10 cm is cut in two 109An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm from a
parts along a plane perpendicular to the
convex lens. A convex mirror of focal length 15 cm is
placed on other side of lens at 8 cm as shown in the
principal axis. The power of each lens after cut is
D. [2023, 13 April Shift-II) figure. Image of object coincides with the object.
111 The distance between on object and a scren is100 observed at infinite distance with a total
cm. A lens can produce real imageof the object on magnification double the carlier using an eyepiece
the screen for two different positions between the along with the given lens and a tube of length 0.6 m,
screen and the object. The distance between these if the focal length of the eyepiece is equal to
two positions is 40 cm. If the power of the lens is cm. (2021, 20July Shift-J
N 118 In a compound
D, where N
close to microscope, the magnified virtual
is an integer. Then, the
100 image is formed at a distance of 25 cm from the
value of N is ... ...... (2020, 4 Sep Shift-II) eye-piece. The focal length of its objective lens is 1
cm. If the magnification is 100 and the tube length of
Topic Optical Instruments artso eye-piece lens (in cm) is (2020, 4 Sep Shifr-i]
and hence, it subtends a large angle. In the light of the 46 (d) 47 (d) 48 (c) 49 (a) 50 (a)
abovestatements, choose the most appropriate answer 51 (b) 52 (a) 53 (b) 54 (d) (a)
from the options given below. (2021, 26 Feb Shift-II] 56 (b) 57 (b) 58 (a) 59 (50) 60 (3)
115 The magnifying power of a telescope with tube 86 (d) 87 (b) 88 (c) 89 (b) 90 (d)
length 60 cm is 5. What the focal length of its is 91 (b) 92 (c) 93 (d) 94 (b) 95 (a)