Chap 1 Ethics & Professionalism
Chap 1 Ethics & Professionalism
Chap 1 Ethics & Professionalism
Teacher details
Lecturer name : Mohamed Salah
Room No. : B111
Email :
Course Code ENGR3105
Semester FL23 - AY 2023-2024
Pre - Requisite ENCH2101
Co – Requisite Nil
Type of Course Mandatory
Language of Instruction English
Credit Hours 1 (1 Lecture/0 Tutorial)
Course Assessment
Assignments 10%
Quiz 10%
Other recourses
Introduction:#‘Professional ethics and Human
values’ is a very relevant subject of today’s
environment of conflicts and stress in the profession,
with obligations to be met by one person in many
# A formal study will certainly improve one’s
ability and judgment and refine one’s behavior,
decisions, and actions in performing the duty to the
family, organization, and to the society.
o Exposes the student to the general issue of ethics and morality
o Emphasizes their responsibility to their organization and to the society
o Analysis and understanding of relevance of professional ethical codes
of engineering professional institutions
o Learning the implications and meanings of professional independence
o Using the independence to guide others in an organization or alert the
public when necessary
o Develop communication skills in oral or written forms through
description of the concepts and cases described in the course.
Lecture Slide Dr. Baskaran.K
Moral Values Values
Lecture Slide Dr. Baskaran.K
Moral Values
A ‘moral value’ is a universally accepted ethical principle that
governs the day to day living of life. These principles are
important in maintaining unity, harmony and honor between
people. Moral values are usually communal and shared by the
public in general, thus if there is no agreement among
community members no moral values will be established.
Moral values define the principles and standards which determine the
extent to which human action or conduct is right or wrong.
Some examples of moral values are patience, generosity, kindness, and
LAW Offers guidance on
Creates rules to guide
conduct Addresses situations in
which competing values
Punishes conduct that clash
is “illegal” through
formal structures
What is that?
Engineering Ethics– some concepts
Social Responsibility:
One main connection between ethics and engineering
comes from the impact that engineered products &
processes have on society
ABET: “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs”
Engineering programs must demonstrate that their students attain:
1. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
2. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
3. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
4. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
5. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
6. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
7. an ability to communicate effectively
8. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context
9. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
10. a knowledge of contemporary issues, and
11. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
How Ethics Fits into
Engineers . . .
But renewable sources must be balanced with the amount of energy needed to produce
and maintain them and consequent environmental hazards. Currently, for example, the
energy required to manufacture and install solar energy systems comes from fossil fuels.
Direct Aim:
To increase one’s ability to deal effectively with moral complexity in
Strengthens one’s ability to reason clearly and carefully about moral
To increase moral autonomy (be independent)
1. Moral Awareness
2. Moral Reasoning
3. Moral Coherence
4. Moral Imagination
5. Moral Communication
6. Moral Reasonableness
7. Respect for Persons
8. Tolerance of Diversity
9. Moral Hope
10. Integrity
Micro and Macro Issues Responsible
Conduct and
Myriad Moral Reasons Preventing
Generate Ethical Dilemmas Wrong Doing
– ethical dilemmas or moral dilemmas are situations in which moral
reasons come into conflict ( obligations, rights, goods, ideals)
There are some difficulties in arriving at the solution to the problems, in dilemma. The three
complex situations leading to moral dilemmas are:
1. The problem of vaguenessغموض: One is unable to distinguish between good and bad (right or
wrong) principle. Good means an action that is obligatory. For example, code of ethics
specifies that one should obey the laws and follow standards.
Refuse bribe or accept the gift, and maintain confidentiality
2. The problem of conflicting reasons: One is unable to choose between two good moral
One has to fix priority, through knowledge or value system.
3. The problem of disagreement: There may be two or more solutions and none of them
mandatory. These solutions may be better or worse in some respects but not in all aspects.
One has to interpret, apply different morally reasons, and analyze and rank the decisions.
Select the best suitable, under the existing and the most probable conditions
Lecture Slide Dr. Baskaran.K
Steps in resolving ethical dilemmas
“Ethical or Moral Dilemma”
moral reasons – obligations, right, goods, ideals come into conflict
(applications ‘unclear’)
Clarity – about which moral values are at stake and how they pertain to the
situation or precision in using the key concepts (ideas) applicable in the
situation (conceptual clarity).
Informed – knowing and appreciating the implications of the available facts
that are morally relevant or being aware of alternative courses of action
Well –reasoned – good judgment is exercised in integrating the relevant moral
values and facts to arrive at a morally desirable solution.
5. “CODES” any?
“Most directly affected are the local farmers, but the dangerous chemicals could affect more
persons as lead and arsenic are drawn into the food chain ”
Exactly how we articulate the relevant values reflects our moral outlook?
i.e. talking with colleagues (who can help to know what is at stake in the situation?)
moral frameworks (stating what the ethical dilemma is?)
professional codes (useful resource in identifying ethical dilemmas)
Note: Codes by AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers)
1. To be honest – issue statements or present informations in an truthful manner
2. Responsibility to the employers – to avoid conflicts of interest and never breaching confidentiality
3. Responsibility to the public
4. Protect the environment
As a employee
think of; what is good for the corporation in the long run?
having short term view that could harm the long-term interests of
the corporation
hold paramount the safety, heath & welfare of the public
NSPE – it didn’t put any ban in signing the secrecy provision
- it does in fact require engineers to hold paramount
the public safety
After signing, the engr is obliged to maintain the secrecy, if any, say, the
land has environmental effects, that may affect the public safety - ---
Now ‘dilemma’ comes into effect.
Now what you will do?
“if dangers to the public are discovered and if the client refuses to
remedy them, the engr would be obligated to notify proper
An engineering student like you questioned: what will happen when the
wind loading is oblique?
Calculations should show that in Case (c) the resultant force is 40% larger.
4. “CODES” any?
What are Professions?
Advanced Expertise
Self-Regulation Forms of
Public Good work
Much engineering has been embedded in corporations – how? (see below)
The development of engineering as a Profession during the 19th century were in
2 stages (identified by engr, historian, Edwin T.Layton, Jr.,)
1st stage – growth took place (public resources – rail roads, canals) – who can
undertake? Only large MNC’s
2nd stage – demand for engineers exploded
# Advanced expertise
# Self regulation
# Service to public good
# Advanced expertise
Professions require;
# Public Good
Serving by maintaining high ethical standards in well-
being, safety & health
Let us analyze two corporations having the theme “profit & not-for-profit
Quickie Designs
Enron – sells natural gas & whole sale electricity (later involved in bankruptcy
due to its wrong morality)
Pay attention towards: “efforts to be in touch with its customers” by inviting heart
patients to the plant so they may share and perhaps alleviate their concerns while
employees working on the pacemakers develop a heightened awareness of their
responsibilities to turn out ‘high-quality product’
Morale: even under normal economic conditions, some corporations are more
committed to quality, safety, and ethics than others
All the above social related issues are discussed in “Stakeholder Theory” – ‘Attention
towards product quality, well-being of workers, wider community, & the environment’,
explained by a ‘social responsibility movement’ also in 1960.
Lecture Slide Dr. Baskaran.K
Responsible Professionals & Ethical Corporations
Nobel Laureate Economist ‘Milton friedman’ attacked the ‘social responsibility
movement’ by quoting
“the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits”
“responsibility of management is to satisfy the desires of stockholders who entrust
corporations with their money in order to maximize return in their investment”
“the responsibility of managers is to conduct the business in accordance with their
(stockholders) desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible while
conforming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those
embodied in ethical custom”
Accountable مسئولية
Conscientiously وعي
Ex: Titanic ship sideswipes the iceberg damaging the 300 feet Hull and sank in the sea losing
more than 1500 lives
Brittle fracture of the Hull Steel
High Impact Loading – Ship was travelling at high speed when impact with iceberg
– High oxygen content lead to increased ductile to brittle transition temperature i.e. 25 to 60o C But modern steels
–High Sulphur content disrupts the grain structure by forming magnesium sulphide which act as highways for
crack propagation