CFC FCL Talk 5 - Overcoming The World
CFC FCL Talk 5 - Overcoming The World
CFC FCL Talk 5 - Overcoming The World
Participant’s Handout
A. Introduction.
1. What is it?
a) A Christian community, such as ours in CFC, is a group of people who openly
proclaim the lordship of Jesus and declare their love of God by sharing their
lives with other Christians.
b) Members of a Christian community gather together in order to live an explicitly
Christian life operating by the patterns of relationships, values and ideas of the
kingdom of God.
c) The Christian community is God's family.
1. In CFC we can become free from bondage to the world. But CFC has another
purpose, ultimately more central to God's plan of salvation.
a) Jn 17:15-16. Jesus wants us to be in the world still, though not of the world.
b) CFC has two purposes: 1- to free men from their bondage to the world, and also
2- to be a source of life for the world.
2. Thus a Christian community does not stand isolated from the world, but instead
stands in the world as a visible, tangible witness to the love of God.
a) Expressed in love and unity among our members, in service to others, and in our
work of evangelization and renewal.
b) We in CFC are to love the world but combat its ways. We are to help liberate
men from worldly bondage but call on them to return to serve in the world.
E. Conclusion.
1. If you want to become a new person, commit yourself to our Christian community,
to your covenant, to the life and mission of CFC. Make these your priority.
2. Jesus wants to free us from bondages. We can grow in a new life in the Spirit. CFC
is our help and God's gift to us.