This micro-project proposal outlines a plan to design an analog clock to add interactivity and educational value to a webpage. The analog clock will enhance the user experience, capture attention, and potentially increase engagement. Developing the clock will address outcomes like HTML/CSS skills and problem-solving through calculating clock hand positions based on time. The methodology includes defining goals, setting up structure, applying styles, programming functionality, and thorough testing. An action plan details the timeline for researching, implementing, testing, and submitting the project, with one student responsible for completion. Required resources are a computer system running Windows with VS Code for development.
This micro-project proposal outlines a plan to design an analog clock to add interactivity and educational value to a webpage. The analog clock will enhance the user experience, capture attention, and potentially increase engagement. Developing the clock will address outcomes like HTML/CSS skills and problem-solving through calculating clock hand positions based on time. The methodology includes defining goals, setting up structure, applying styles, programming functionality, and thorough testing. An action plan details the timeline for researching, implementing, testing, and submitting the project, with one student responsible for completion. Required resources are a computer system running Windows with VS Code for development.
This micro-project proposal outlines a plan to design an analog clock to add interactivity and educational value to a webpage. The analog clock will enhance the user experience, capture attention, and potentially increase engagement. Developing the clock will address outcomes like HTML/CSS skills and problem-solving through calculating clock hand positions based on time. The methodology includes defining goals, setting up structure, applying styles, programming functionality, and thorough testing. An action plan details the timeline for researching, implementing, testing, and submitting the project, with one student responsible for completion. Required resources are a computer system running Windows with VS Code for development.
This micro-project proposal outlines a plan to design an analog clock to add interactivity and educational value to a webpage. The analog clock will enhance the user experience, capture attention, and potentially increase engagement. Developing the clock will address outcomes like HTML/CSS skills and problem-solving through calculating clock hand positions based on time. The methodology includes defining goals, setting up structure, applying styles, programming functionality, and thorough testing. An action plan details the timeline for researching, implementing, testing, and submitting the project, with one student responsible for completion. Required resources are a computer system running Windows with VS Code for development.
An analog clock provides users with real-time information about the current hour, minute, and second, enhancing the user experience. It can make a web page more engaging and interactive, capturing the user's attention and potentially increasing user engagement. Analog clocks can be used for educational purposes, helping users learn to read analog time. They can add a touch of aesthetics and style to a web page, especially if the design is well-crafted.
2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed
understanding of HTML structure and CSS styling, including positioning, sizing, and customizing elements. Developing a functioning analog clock involves problem-solving, as student need to calculate and update the clock hands' positions based on the current time. I will work on UI/UX design principles to create an user-friendly clock interface. Understanding and working with date and time objects in JavaScript is a critical skill for various web development projects. 3.0 Proposed Methodology Define the project's goals and objectives. Start by setting up the basic HTML structure. Apply CSS to style the clock elements. Write JavaScript functions to handle the clock's functionality Test the analog clock thoroughly. 4.0 Action Plan
Sr. no Details of the Plan start Plan finish Name of
activity date date the responsible team member 1 Searching and 26/07/2023 02/08/2023 Vishal choosing the Dilip topic for micro- Mahadik project 2 Searching the 09/08/2023 23/08/2023 Vishal information on Dilip the topic Mahadik 3 Implementing 30/08/2023 13/09/2023 Vishal the Actual code Dilip of the project Mahadik 4 Finding and 20/09/2023 04/10/2023 Vishal correcting the Dilip errors in Mahadik program code 5 Making the 04/10/2023 11/10/2023 Vishal changes as per Dilip required Mahadik 6 Submission Of 18/10/2023 18/10/2023 Vishal Project Dilip Mahadik 5.0 Resource Required
S. No. Name of Resource Specifications Qty. Remark