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NCP Abdominal Pain

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“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction, research and extension service

VISION COLLEGE OF NURSING programs at all educational levels as its monumental contribution to national and global
“MABINI COLLEGES shall cultivate a CULTURE of EXCELLENCE in And MIDWIFERY growth and development.
Education.” Specifically, it transforms students into:
Governor Panotes Avenue, 1. God – fearing,
2. Nation – loving,
Daet, Camarines Norte 3. Law abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive,
6. and Locally and Globally competitive persons


Assessment Diagnosis Objectives Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Data: Acute abdominal pain Short term objectives: Independent: Independent: Short term:
1. Assess the degree of 1. Differentiation of After 8 hours of nursing
“Sumasakit ang tiyan ko” as After 8 hours of nursing pain by using verbal verbal and nonverbal interventions the goals
verbalized by the patient. interventions, the patient and nonverbal indicators may be a were met, the patient was
will be able to demonstrate indicators. source of clues to the able to demonstrate
Objective Data: relaxation techniques to 2. Assess the patients’ severity of the pain, relaxation techniques to
➢ Appeared weak mitigate pain and reports a current knowledge the necessity for, and mitigate pain and reports a
➢ Vital signs taken as minimized discomfort by a of obstetric pain the effectiveness of minimized discomfort by a
follows: pain scale rating of 3/10. control measures. interventions. pain scale rating of 3/10.
BP: 120/80 3. Monitor time, 2. To develop a more
HR: 102 Long term objectives: frequency, intensity, personalized care and Long term:
RR: 22 and duration of the teaching plan. After 2 days of nursing
T: 36.5 After 2 days of nursing abdominal pain. 3. Monitor the labor interventions the goals
02 Sat: 98% interventions the patient 4. Routinely assess the progress and provide were partially met, the
Pain scale: 8/10 will be able to: patients’ pain level information for the patient was be able to
• Report a relief of 5. Provide back rubs to client. report a relief of pain by a
pain by a pain scale the patient ad 4. Monitor treatment pain scale rating of 1/10,
rating of 1/10 or comfort measures. progress. but wasn’t able to restore
less. 6. Check the anxiety maximum health status.
levels of the patient
“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction, research and extension service
VISION COLLEGE OF NURSING programs at all educational levels as its monumental contribution to national and global
“MABINI COLLEGES shall cultivate a CULTURE of EXCELLENCE in And MIDWIFERY growth and development.
Education.” Specifically, it transforms students into:
Governor Panotes Avenue, 1. God – fearing,
2. Nation – loving,
Daet, Camarines Norte 3. Law abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive,
6. and Locally and Globally competitive persons

• Will be able to and implement 5. Promotes relaxation

report a restored interventions to and enhances feeling
maximum health reduce it as needed. of well-being.
status. 7. Educate and assist 6. This will help ease
the patient in the condition and
breathing and improve pain
relaxation reduction.
techniques. 7. To promote
8. Encourage client to relaxation and pain
void every 1-2 reduction.
hours. 8. To avoid bladder
9. Offer distention and
encouragement to promote comfort.
the patient by 9. Provides emotional
updating her support, which
regarding her reduces fear and
condition and anxiety levels, and
positive help minimize pain.
reinforcement. 10. Enhances coping by
10. Provide diversional refocusing attention
“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction, research and extension service
VISION COLLEGE OF NURSING programs at all educational levels as its monumental contribution to national and global
“MABINI COLLEGES shall cultivate a CULTURE of EXCELLENCE in And MIDWIFERY growth and development.
Education.” Specifically, it transforms students into:
Governor Panotes Avenue, 1. God – fearing,
2. Nation – loving,
Daet, Camarines Norte 3. Law abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive,
6. and Locally and Globally competitive persons

Dependent: Dependent:
11. Administer 11. To be able to
medication as promote quality care
ordered. for the patient and
provide the patient
with an immediate
pain relief solution
before the pain
becomes severe.

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