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QP. Code: A214 f 10 ‘Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and ‘Technology (An Autonomous Institution Afiiated to Anna Universit Karaikudi - 630 003. B.E, DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2021 Fourth Semester 19MEE12 — PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Mechanical Engineering (Regulation 2019) Duration: 3 Hour LL Max. Marks: 100 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS QNo. ‘Questions Mars BL |CO|PO] PI | Code PART-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 7] State any two importance of Product development. 2 [R i 2} Draw the basic process flow chart for Product Design and 2 | U 1 Development. J] List the sources for identifying the customer needs for new y |ul2 ft | ies product development 1 What are the puidelines adopted to interpret raw datainterms | 2 | R | 2 | 4 1A. r| of customer needs? | Differentiate between metric and value in concept generation | 2 | U | 3 | 1 144 of the product | Draw the flowchart for concept selection. 2_ |v 7_| Define product architecture. 2_|R $ | List out the need for component standardization. 2 |R ‘9 _ | List the main categories involved in DFM. 2 |[R 10 _| Give the importance of patent transfer 2 U PART-B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) Tia] (p Give the important Characteristics of successful product 8 | Uy i jaz) isa development. 2A (i Explain the organizational policies for product planning, 8 |u| i | i2 | 14a and improvement of product. 24A OR Ub i) List ‘out the mission statements for a screw driver project 8 U 1 | 12) 141 including the description and proposition 2A ii) Develop the processes for evaluate and prioritize projects 8 Uli | iz] 14d in product development process. 214 Ia Construc i = i) ict the process for collecting and documenting raw 8 [Ap] 2 [12 14.1QP. Code: A2141 ——Tdaia from customers for developing existing laptop. 212 Ti Describe the input methods for obtaining information from Ap 4,2 | 141 customer, using suitable illustrations. 2.1.2 a ‘OR “Gb | WPropose the design process for setting up final Ap 12 | 141 | specifications of the multiple laptop charger 242 ——TidList the important issues considered in establishing the final ‘Ap 12 | 141 specifications of the product 2412 [aa] ) How a company should align with the concept generation, AP 13 | 141 selection and testing process, when a CNC job is outsourced 3.1.6 to do a better design consultancy. ii) Generate 8 different concepts for the sub problem “prevent Ap 13 | 141 the paper jam in a laser printer” as part of a laser printer 3.1.6 design. OR 3b | ) Consider the task of generating new concepts for the Ap 13 | 14.1 problem of dealing with leaves ona lawn. What would be 3.1.6 manufacturer’s assumptions and problem decomposition to generate the new concept for solving the above problem?. ii) How can the concept selection methods be used to Ap 13 | 141 benchmark existing products. Perform a study for any one 3.16 automobile components. J4a_] i) Coordination with Engineering, Manufacturing, and AL Ts | 14a External Vendors are essential for Industrial Design. 21.2 ‘Analyze the above statement and give your justifications. ii) List and explain the various features of products helped to AL iz | 140 develop a strong corporate identity. WAZ OR T4b |) Explain the importance of product's manufacturing cost in AL i2 | 144 cause-and-effect mechanism of Industrial Design category 2A2 iUnder what situations, would Industrial Design increase or AL 12 | 144 decrease the manufacturing cost of the product 242 15a] )How international patent law does is useful to our Indian ‘Ap 1 | 14a scenario. Explain the procedure involved in that process? ij/Explain the procedure involved in obtaining patent and Ap 1 | 14a ‘ownership OR 15b_| (Today there are several technologies able to create physical Ap 12 | 140 parts directly from 3D CAD files (e.g., stereolithography and 2A2 selective laser sintering). How might a team use such rapid prototyping technologies during the concept development phase of the product development process? Might these technologies facilitate identifying customer _needs, establishing specifications, generating product concepts, selecting product concepts, and/or testing product concepts? ii) A furniture manufacturer is considering a line of seating Ap products to be fabricated by cutting and bending a recycled AQP. Code: A2141 Plastic material available in large sheets. Create a prototype of at least one possible chair design by cutting and bending a sheet of paper or cardboard. (You may wish to design the | chair with a sketch first, or just start working with the sheet directly.) What can you learn about the chair design from | your prototype? JebQP. Code: A21111 & (10 1g and Technology Alin to A Univer) ~~ 630 003. P.T.B.E. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2021 Fourth Semester 19MEC71 — Engineering Metrology and Measurement MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (Regulation 2019) Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS QNo. ‘Questions Marks | BL |CO|PO| PI Code PART-A (10 x2 = 20 Marks) 1_| Define Repeatability 7 [i [oor 2 | Differentiate between sensitivity and range with sutable|~ 2 | L2 [CO¥ example J [List out any four angular measuring instrument used in| 2 | Li | COB metrology F [State any four advantages of reed type mechanicall 2 [L3 | COz ‘comparator. 3 _| Define Drunken thread. 2_| 4a [eos 6_| What is gear runout? 2 | 14 | C03 7 | What are the different types of geometrical tests conducted on [2 | L3 | COs machine tools? _| What are the main spindle errors? 2_| 12 [608 9_| Explain SEM. 2 | 14 [cos 10 | What is the principle involved in fluid expansion] 2 | L3 | COS thermometer? PART-B G x 16 = 80 Marks) Tia [Explain the need for measurement. 8 [12 [cor Differentiate between precision and accuracy with 8 [12 [cor suitable examples. OR Tib |} Explain the purpose of calibrating the instrument and] 8 | L2 | Cor discuss the primary and secondary calibration. ii) Briefly explain the various types of input signals, a lis [oor ‘T2a_]i) With a neat diagram explain the construction and worki principle of depth micrometer? eateg [f7, "] 12 | coeQu. Code: A211] [a wy are sine bars not used for measuring large angle? — = + OR i oe Tab [i Explain with a schematic sketch the working principle of | 8 | 1.2 a solex pneumatic comparator iENplain the working principle of autocollimator and briefly | 8 | L2 €or explain its application Jaa | How to check the composite errors of the gear using @ 16 | L3 [Cos Parkinson gear testing machine? Explain it in detail Ht OR T3b | Draw the set up and explain the measurement of effective] 16 | L2 | CO diameter of a screw thread using three wires. Tia] Explain the working principle of DC LASER interferometer | 10) L2 Cos TyWhat is Coordinate Measuring Machine? What are its basic | 6 | L4 Cos clements? OR Tab] Wite briefly about the various stages involved in Machine | 16 | L4 cor Vision “35a [With neat diagrams explain the working principle of | 16 | L2 | COs rotameter and_pitot_tube. _ a OR — c 15b | DExplain the working principle ‘of an electrical r L2 | Cos | thermometer. / ii)What are thermocouples? State s applications. 8 13 | Cos nana:A21421 Reg. oot gp. Cote No. [Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technolosy (An AttonmousIstittion Afiatd to Anta Universi) Karaikudi - 630 003. B.E/P-T.B.E. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2021 Semester I 11CS107 - FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTING AND PROGRAMMING COMMON TO ALL BRANCHES (Regulation 2011) ‘Duration: 3 Hours ‘Max. Marks: 100 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Part=A (10x = 20 Marks) 7] List out the characteristics of digital waveform "Write the binary equivalent of hexadecimal number 6AC Differentiate volatile and non-volatile memory Draw the flowchart to find the maximum among three numbers 2. 3 %. _ | List out the different types of Software q 6 [&_| Write & © program to Tead four digits number through the Keyboard and calculate the sum of the | | digits Declare the union in C with an example inter 7. 8 Defi 9, | List out the various File handling function in C 110, | Waite code in C for ereating and opening a File | Part=B (5x 16=80 Marks) Tay] Mhsarate the basic Togie operations AND, OR and NOT with truth tables and outline the Digital Integrated Circuits (16) (OR) TD) [t TEaptain in detail the baste components of a computer system with neat diagram Tre) 2a) [| Elaborate the different input and output devices used in computer in detail (OR) (6)je: A21421 cod % ria [o [es a short note on Digital Subscriber Link and Cable Modem connections joer = fhe number is U6) a[o | Wate the Algorithm, Program and draw the Flowchart to check whether the prime or not (OR) [| Waite a C program using the while loop, which prints The sam of every fifth number 16) from 0 to 500 (including both 0 and 500) am for | [16] i.) each Tilustrate call by value and call by reference in ‘detail with an example progr (OR) D TO | Waite @ C program for accessing structure member through pointer usi memory allocation ing dynamic | [16] iS) {() | Write a C Program to read the content of @ file and display it in reverse 116) (OR) 1 [@ | Discuss about file handling modes in C with an example program Te ssRes. No. 4 Cheitiar Government College of Engineering and Technology Mason Ata Aa Unisess9) ‘Karaikudi ~ 630 003. AMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2021 RERTB.E. DEGREE EY Semester IV 11MTE404 — ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND METALLURGY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (Regulation 2011) Derston: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Part=A (10x 2=20 Marks) T_ [ Distentiate berwcen substitution and interstitial solid solutions. Z| Waite the classification of steel [| Mention a few applications of induction hardening 4 _ | Define CCR. S| Write the difference between Slip and Twinning, €_ | Differentiate between Brittle fracture and ductile fracture 7. | What is meant by maraging steel? Z| What are the properties required for a good tool steel? F. ] Differentiate between Thermoplastic and Thermosetting plastics. To. | Define enginecring ceramics, Write any four engineering ceramics materials, art-B (5x 16=80 Marks) TD ]@ [What are the micro constituents of iron carbon alloys? Explain the general characteristics of each? 8] Draw Troniron carbide equilibrium diagram and mark on it all salient 8] |__| temperatures and composition fields. (OR) }) | @ | Draw the microstructure of any four types of cast iron? and discuss their properties. | (8) (i | Explain the following invariant reactions with reference to a phase diagram | (8) with an example, (a) Eutectic reaction (b) Eutectoid reaction.QP, Code : A21250 TH |@ | Whatis TIT diagram? Draw o Gaal sketch of Wt for eutectoid steel and abel the | [8] regions. Zip | What is meant by hardenability? Describe a method of measuring hardenability | [8] of alloy steel. (OR) Hy | @ | Enumerate Martempering and Austempering. {8] Gi | What is nitriding? Discuss the advantages of nitriding over carburizing. 18) Ta.) | @ | Discuss the tensile test and different mmechanical properties obtained in tensile testing 8) Gip | Draw the S-N curve for mild steel and aluminum and explain the features. (8) (OR) } | @ | Explain the testing procedure for Vickers hardness test and give its limitations. is] (i) | Draw a typical creep curve and explain. (8) Tha 1 | Classify cast irons and discuss the composition, properties, application of any two of | [8] them. Gi | Discuss the composition, properties and typical ‘application of any two copperalloys. | {8] (OR) BD TO | Classify alloy steels and discuss their properties ‘and applications. io} Gi | Using the Al-Cu alloy system as an example, explain the concept of precipitation | [8] hardening. 15a) }@ | What is polymerization? Differentiate between addition polymerization and | [8] condensation polymerization. @) | Give examples for thermoplastics and List the properties and the typical | [8] applications of any four of them. (OR) D [@ ]What are fibre reinforced plastics? explain their properties, advantages and | [8] applications. Gp | Write short notes on: () Urea Formaldehyde and (ii) Phenol Formaldehyde (8) seeRee 1 No. Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology ‘Can Awtonomos Insti Afilatedt9 Ana UsiversiCy) Karaikudi - 630 003. QP. Code :A21362 B.E/P-T.B.E. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2021 Semester V 11MIES06— ENGINEERING METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (Regulation 2011) Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Part = (10 x2-=20 Marks) T._] Give any four methods of measurement. 2, _| Define Repeatability. 3. ] What are the various types of linear measuring instruments? 4. | What are comparators? $_ | Name the various methods for measuring pitch diameter. 6 _| Define Roundness. 7, ] List the various geometrical checks made on machine tools. ‘Write some features of CMM software. 9, _| What are load cells? 10, | What is thermopile? art-B (5x 16 = 80 Marks) Ta) | @ | Explain the need for measurement. a Gi | Differentiate between precision and accuracy with suitable examples. 8] (OR) }) | @ | Explain in detail various types of errors that may arise in engineering measurements. | [16] 12.a) |(@ | Explain with a neat sketch the construction and of working Sigma comparators. (16) (OR) >) | (| Explain with a neat sketch how a Vernier caliper is used for linear measurements. (8)2p. Code: A21362 Ne Alagappa Chettii Reg. | l ar Government College of Engineering and Technology (Un Autonomous nsitton Aiated to Anta University) Karaikudi - 630 003. B.E/P.T.B.E. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2021 Semester V 11MES06— ENGINEERING METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (Regulation 2011) Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Part-A — (10x2=20 Marks) Give any four methods of measurement. Define Repeatability. “What are the various types of linear measuring instruments? What are comparators? ‘Name the various methods for measuring pitch diameter. Define Roundness. List the various geometrical checks made on machine tools. Write some features of CMM software. ye] 2} a} af el ale] What are load cells? What is thermopile? Part=B (5x 16= 80 Marks) Ta) @ Explain the need for measurement, (8) Gi) Differentiate between precision and acouracy with suitable examples. [8] (OR) ») @ Explain in detail various types of ervors that may arise in engineering measurements. (16) 12.) @ Explain with a neat sketch the construction and of working Sigma comparators. (16) (ORY » @ Explain with a neat sketch how a Vernier caliper is used for linear measurements. (8)QP. Code : A21362 Gi) | Why is sine bar not suitable for measuring angles above 45°? (8) 3.a) | (i) Describe with a neat sketch the measurement of pitch of internal and external screw [8] threads using a pitch measuring machine. (ii) | Explain the constant cord methods of measuring the tooth thickness in gears. (8) (OR) Dy 1@ | Explain with suitable sketches the measurement of straightness using Autocollimator. | (16) 42) [@ | Explain the construction and working principle of laser interferometer. (16) | (OR) Te [Explain the construction and working of various bridge Coordinate Measuring | 16] Machines. ple With neat diagrams explain the working principle of rotameter. @ With neat diagrams explain the working principle of pitot tube. a (OR) Wih aneat diagram explain the working of bimetallic strip. i With a neat diagram explain the working of thermocouple. 8] aeenestLTT TT Alageppa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology (Aa Autsconan einen Acai As Karaikudi - 630 003. f B.E DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2021 Semester V 15MEC14 ENGINEERING METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (Regulation 2015/2015A) | Duration: 3 Hours ‘Mex. Marks: 100 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Part-A (10x2=20 Marks) T._ | How ean environmental error be reduced? ‘What is the necessity of calibration in instrumer ‘Classify the comparator according to the principles used for obtaining magaitication. Why is Sine bar not suitable for measuring angles above 45 “State any one method fo measure surface finish ‘What is meant by interferometer? 2. 3 4 5, | Mention the significance of floating carriage micrometer. 6 7 a “Mention the three important fields of machine vision system. "What is the principle involved in a bimetallic strip?, How will you measure torque? art-B (5x 1680 Marks) Ta) Distinguish between (epBror and conection (systematic and random ens is iy | Whar are the statis characterises of instruments? 7 (OR) BT] One manufacturer of CMM has indicted is aeearacy a ‘oD (three sigma accuracy + 0,003mm) ‘20( accuracy + 0.002mm) 10 (accuracy + 0.001mm).What do you understand by this statement? {8} alli,ap. Code 121342 | Td | Distinguish between | repeatability and reproducibility (b)resolution and range _ 72a) | @_| Describe in detail about Vernier Bevel Protracton, Ti (ii) | Mention the advantages and disadvantages of Mechanical comparator. [8] (OR) How do we use Vernier Calliper for linear measurements? . [8] Explain how slip gauges are checked for quality. (8) Bao Derive an expression for estimation of best size wire. (8) Gi) | Write short notes on the various aspects for deciding the limits on the limit gauges. | [8] Why unilateral tolerances preferred over bilateral tolerances? f (OR) b) | @ _| Discuss the different methods to measure the roundness . 8] (ii) | Illustrate neatly Parkinson gear tester 1s) 14a) |@_| Why is Laser used in Metrology? i] Gi) _| With a neat sketch explain the working of AC Laser interferometer. [8] (OR) b) | G@_ | Hlustrate in detail about the method of Liat ici using CMM. {8} Ta Highlight the ‘applications of machine vision system in Metrology [8] reste Sesaribe the parpose end operating principle ofa venturimeter with aneat diagram. | (16) Ei fo (OR) Hy T@_] Wate in detail about sleatial ae thermometer. 1) Gi _| Siate the different Taws of thermocouple, Tl eee[Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology (an Avlonorous Inston ite wo Anna Unie) Karaikudi - 630 003. P.T.B.E. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR J MAY 2025 Semester -I PTCS103 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTING Common to All Branches (Regulation 2009) Duration: 3 Hours ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Part=A (10x 2 =20 Marks) “Who is the father of computers? Why do we call him 50? | 1 | Mention the advantages of Hexadecimal number [ (5._[ Compare Software and Hardware [ E_| Specify the importance of Software Testing Justify: Writing a computer program is very easy Mention the advantages of GUI Justify: C Program is a Middle level Language. ‘Compare Short and long Integers. Compare Single and Multi dimensional arrays. 10. [Wate program Tn C to Print our country name in Reverse. Part=B (5x 16=80 Marks) Discuss the Application of Computers in Education 5 of Computers (OR) @ ‘Write the important Classifications of Computers Tapia the Organization of Computers wih neat diagram Discuss the various Computer Codes and its Imnportance Enplain the various Binary Arithmetic OperationsLLCO r | ES peer ee ro | vy lo] Plaborate the various types of Softwares ‘with Example. : is) “3 {8} D Write the planning steps for writing a Computer Program. a Gi | Compare Algorithm, Flowchart and Pseudocode with an example, ++ (OR) 1) }@ | Discuss the various Charts and graphs available in a spreadsheet. How will you create? {8] (i) | Compare the advantages of Word processing and Powerpoint Applications. {8] Za) |_| Discuss the various Operators in C. (8) “i | Write the Input and Output statements in C for the various Data Types with example. | [8] (OR) [@ | Write a program in C to print the Mark Sheet for your Class. 18) Gp | Explain the Looping Statements in C? with example. ie Sa) |(@ | Write a program in C for Matrix Multiplication. zi @| Discuss about String Processing in C. 7 a om (8] ') | @ | Distinguish between Structure and Union in detail. (i) | Write about the Pointers with an example. ie (8] teeniesWes \ QP CODE : A19017 REGISTER NUMBER : ALAGAPPA CHETTIAR GOVT. COLLEGE OF ENGG. & TECH., KARAIKUDI — 630 004 B.E DEGREE EXAMINATIONS — APR/ NOV 2019 VII SEM - EEE - R 2015 ISEEE07-PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN VALUES Time: 3 Hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL Questions Part — A (10 x 2= 20 Marks) . Define moral values with example? . What is honesty? Where it is essentially required ? . What are the merits of moral autonomy? . What do you mean by self-interest? Who has to impart ? |. What do you mean by engineering as experimentation? . How does the law ensures ethics in engineering? . Compare and contrast safety and risk. . Define ‘collective bargaining’. Where it is gainful ? . What is IPR? 10. List out the merits of MNC’s to the host country. eer anwawn PART -B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. @) Explain in detail about the scope and importance of professional ethics in engineering. (16) (OR) (©) What do you mean by Spirituality? What are the spi itual practices to be recommended for the excellence of an organization? Explain in detail. (16) 12. (@) Explain the Gilligan’s theory of moral autonomy in detail, (OR) (©) What is professionalism? List out the motives for professional plain the models for professional engineers, (16) lism and (16)Q CODE : A19017 REGISTER NUMBER : 13. (2) With suitable examples, compare and contrast engineering experiments. (16) (OR) (©) What are the necessities for the codes of ethics? Explain in detail. (16) 14. (2) Discuss the testing strategies for safety with suitable examples. Mention the difficulties in assessing the personal risk. (16) (OR) (b) Discuss in detail about the employee rights and its role in the organizations. (16) 15. (a) Explain in detail about the moral and ethical issues involved in the use of computers. (16) (OR) iscuss th i i (b) Discuss the ethical role of engineers ag the consulti : examples. ing engineers with suitableQP. Code: A19045 [ea no| cy | | £ College of Engineering and Vee Hae ea Ea oes Karaikudi - 630 004. XAMINATIONS ~ APR/ MAY 2019 ‘Alagappa Chettiar G (An A PT B.E. DEGRE! 1SEM— MECH = R 2011 11CS 107 — Fundamental of Computing and Programming Duration: 3 Hours Max, Marks: 100 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Part-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) What is the use of integrated circuits? L What is logical operation? Why do you prefer Modem in data communication? List out the different types of software? Differentiate flowchart and algorithm. What is variable and constant? Canyou create your own data type? How does pointer variable differ from normal variable? What is the necessity of files? Whats the use of fprintf? Part-B (5x 16=80 Marks) Draw a block diagram of a computer and describe the various functional units. 16 (OR) () With suitable example describe the digital and analog quantifiers 8 _ G_ Mlustrate the purpose of logical levels and its waveforms. 8 Demonstrate the working principles of any two input and output devices. 16 (OR) Mh : : lustrate the various steps involved in software development. : 8 Tdenti i entify the different hardware used in network media. Bs ablCade: ATOMS nator With gyi u - neh ope! ator with, Styl ay Desert © Jy yattes oa C lant {What are ade operators we OE von and multiplica shal addition Ae PUeaijy| example pers and perfor wnberts = “= “I Nu mY m to get OW a © progr operation, (oR) a 5 SIZC. arious data types and its $ , I mark is more than 60 print as fits otherwise print as fail. pe: 2} With suitable example describe the ¥ ' i) Write a C program to get the inputas marl class, if it is 50 to 59 print as second ch ) Write a C program to read set of numbers and display the same using array. ) Demonstrate the purpose of call by value and call by address with an example. (OR) Ilusrate the basic principles of structure and union with suitable example Consider Bank operations which consist of customer address and amount. Write a C program to perform depo: to user input using file. hame, account number, sitand debit with respect (OR) How do you handle file in C? What are the access mode cay yor ' Set for file . each access mode with an example, for file and specil A file consists of subject code, subject name and number Of cred edits, Wri » Write aC py to read the content of the file and display on the sereen, SEO HO OR IOap. Code | A19047 Alagappa Chettiar Government College of (An Autonomous tition AMtat [R Karaikudi - 630 003. B.E. DEGRE ~ puration: 3 Hours ANSWER A Define Timing diagram. Draw the AND logic function. When di Write different types of primary storages List common types of networks. List any four preprocessor directives. ‘What is meant by dynamic memoi ‘What is the function used to open the file (ii) Explain Digital Integrated Circuit (i) Describe different types of software wom ; lustrate structuring of networks: Gi) Di Discuss modem operations 1 Semester ~ CB, ME 11CS107 - FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTING A QUESTIONS Differentiate while loop form do... while loop. ‘Define constant. List different types of constant. How will you find the end of file? Give example. and close the file? (i) Explain the components of computer system. (OR) (i) Describe Digital and Analog quantities, (i) Mlustrate different data transfer methods with example, (Explain different types of Storage devices (OR) meme gineering and Technology na Niniversity) AMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2019 2011 ND PROGRAMMING Max, Marks: Part-A — (10x2 = 20 Marks) jocs it produce HIGH output? ry allocation? Give example. Part-B (5x 16= 80 Marks) 1 \ 100 {10} [ol (6) (s] [8]QP. Code : A19047 13.a) b) 14.2) b) 15.) b) @ di) @ Gi) @ Gi) @ Gi) @ Gi) @ (i) the given number. reverse Draw the flow chat to revel sag onnet i is pri Write algorithm to check the given number iS P’ (OR) Illustrate different types of operators available in C Explain decision making statements with example. Explain call by value and call by reference with example. Write program to search the elements in an array. (OR) How will you declare, initialize and access the pointer variable with < vith Illustrate structure with example Write a program to write student information into file Describe error handling functions. and read the fil Explain diffe a (OR) Explain different file handling function wj n With exam, ‘xample, Describe different file opening modes, SO Gkettiar Govt. College of Engineering and Technology {an Autonomous Institution AMiiated 10 Anna Univesity) Karaikudi - 630 003. poe Alagappa Ch E./P TB. E DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR/ MAY 2019 VII/V SEM — CIVIL —R 2011 (04 -PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN VALUES 11CE 7! Max. Marks: 100 on: S uration: ne ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Part-A (10 x 2 =20 Marks) ‘What is meant by empathy? Mention the differences between morality and ethics? What are moral dilemmas? ‘when do consensus and controversy occur in any profession? Listany two characteristics of a valid consent. what do you mean by autonomy and accountability? What do you understand by acceptability of risk? Give any four rights of an employee. When is a corporation called an MNC? "Write briefly about professional pluralism. PART -B (5 X 16 = 80 MARKS ) ) () What is Honesty? What are the factors in the contemporary society that make professionals deviate from honesty? (8 Gi) Explain the expected confidentiality to be maintained by the Engineer while he shifts to [8] another organization similar in service as the previous one. 4 (OR) ()_ How does Yoga practice reduce the stress? _() Whatis integrity? Explain integri j ‘i tegrity? Explain integrity as maintenance of identity and as a virtue. {8] Explain the level ls of moral develo, pment proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg. Write the [8] . Arawbacks of the theory also’ ohlberg. Write the ) What are th : \e professional roles to be played by an Engineer? (OR) [8]QP. Code: A19153 b) (i) What is the importance of codes of ethics? Give a brief account on fous « codes of ethies by an international standard or associates. -s and conceptual enquiries with examples. (i) Explain normative enqu 13.a) (i) _ Engineering as an experimentation plays a vital role in the design process, Discuss, (ii) What are the limitations of codes of ethics? b) (i) Whatare Industrial standards? List their purposes giving suitable examples. (ii) What are the different roles and functions of codes of ethics? 142) (i) Discuss the concept of confidentiality with respect to professional ethics. Gi) Write short notes on: personal risk and public risk, (OR) 5) @ Explain what safety measures are to be taken by an engineer working in a deep ground mine, Gi) Explain risk benefit analysis, 15.a) (i) What are the ethical issues that may arise in an environmental protection? Gi) Waite short notes on: (a) hacking (b) computer virus, b @ Explain how weapons development in military technology to be considered and important global issue, GH) What is meant by a ‘hired gun"? When do Engineers become hired guns? HeeYaron wet Piri | || Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology (A Government Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Anna University) Karaikudi - 630 003. Pp.T.B.E. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2019 V Semester - MECH — R 2011 J1ME506 - ENGINEERING METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS on: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 ion: 3 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Part-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) _pitfereniate between sensitivity and range with suitable example. What isthe need of inspection? ow do you calibrate the slip gauges? List out any four angular measuring instrument used in metrology. Define the effective diameter of thread. "What are the various methods used for measuring the gear tooth thickness? “Describe the features of a flexible inspection system. ‘Name the different types of interferometer? " Whatis the working principle behind strain gauges? | What is thermopile? ; Part-B (5x 16= 80 Marks) Draw the block diagram of generalized measurement system and explain different [8] stages with examples, \s) Distinguish between Systematic and random errors. {8} (OR) _ list various types of measuring instruments and explain each one of them. [8] _Pistinguish between Repeatability and reproducibility. [3] ‘plain with the help of neat sketches, the principle and construction of an Angle [8] decker, "Splein the working principle of mechanical comparator with neat sketch (8) (oR)Qp. b) 13.a) b) 14) b) 15.) b) Code : A19205 @ Gi) @ Gi) @ Gi) @ Gi) @ Gi) @ Gi) Gi) Give a brief note on slip gauges and What are the safely precaution 10 be followed j ive a brief note 0! the use of slip gauge blocks. ; if / Explain the working principle srautocolimator and briefly explain its aplication, How to measure the specifications of the sere’ thread by using the toolmal microscope? Discuss in detail. nologies related with serew thread. (OR) Define various termi Explain Gleason Gear Testing Machine. Explain the various methods by which roundness is measured. How are CMMs classified with respect to constructional features? Sketch and stat their main applications, merits and demerits Explain the use of laser interferometer in angular measurement, (OR) Define machine vision. Name the four types of machine vision system Explain the construction and working of Gear tooth vernier. transducers. Explain in detail about the characteristics of fluid flow and measuremet velocity (OR) Briefly explain various methods of measuring force. List out different types of thermocouples and the materials used. State and laws governing thermocouples. eeap. coe: 15316 rene] TLILLI hettiar College of Engineerin, ikudi ig and Technology, Karaikudi ~ 630 004 B.E. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2019 V ~ Semester ~ MECH ~ R 2015 15MEC14 -ENGINEERNG METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS son: 3 HOS 7 Max. Marks: 100 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Part-A 10 = rl pefine Precision and Accuracy, (10.x2.=20 Marks) ‘Alagapp2 C What is meant by reliability of a measuring instrument? What is the use of feeler gauges? Define metrology. |What are the various methods used to calculate the roundness error? Draw the surface roughness symbol and indicate the features. ‘What are tough trigger probes? ‘Why monochromatic light sources are used in LASER applications? What is thermopile? What is the working principle of thermocouple? Part-B (5x 16=80 Marks) What is error? Explain in detail about various possible sources of error in measurements? (16) (OR) Write the difference between precision and accuracy. 8] Enumerate the desirable characteristics of a measuring instrument. {3} Describe the constructional detail of an Angle Decker and explain how itis usedto [16] measure the angle. (OR) State the main requirements of slip gauges. How the slip gauges are manufactured? [8] Why ratchet mechanism is provided in micrometer? With a neat diagram explain its [8] function. Derive the gear tooth thickness and depth of a gear by base tangent method. (8) Explain any two reference circle methods used to analysis roundness error. (8) (OR) With a neat sketch explain the working principle of perthometer surface finish tester. [16] With a neat diagram explain the working principle of touch trigger probe, (8) List the advantages of CMM. (8) (oR) With a neat sketch explain how CMM table X, Y, Z axis are calibrated, (16) Explain the working of rotameter in flow measurement, (8) Discuss the working principle of a tube pressure gauge, [3] R) i i ing are 16 Explain the construction and working principle of any two instruments used © (6) temperature measurements, tenesQP. Code: 419426 ‘Alagappa Chettiar Govt. College of Engineering and Technology,Karaikudi-4 B.E. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2019 IV Semester ~ ECE-R 2015 & 154 15ECH02 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN VALUES Duration: 3 Hours ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Max.Marks: 100 Part—A (10 x2= 20 Marks) What are ethical values? What is courage as a value? ‘What is meant by consensus? Mention the models of professional roles. What is the need to view engineering projects as experiments? Comment on the importance of learning from the past. using Titanic disaster, as an example? Differentiate between Risk analysis and Risk benefit analysis State the significance of Event Tree Analysis(ETA) ‘What is meant by Value-Neutral Analysts? What is Global cyber business? Part-B (5x 16 = 80 Marks) Explain integrity and honesty in ethics. {s] Write a detailed note on work ethics. {s] (OR) Explain character and spirituality and their importance in ethics. {s] Gi) Explain commitment and empathy. Is] Explain in detail about Professional and Professionalism. is] Gi) Explain in details the various ethical theories and their uses. is] (OR) Explain in detail the traits of Self Interest, Customs and Religions. Is] (ii) Discuss in detail the various types of Moral issues is] What is the important code of ethics? Give brief account on ethics quoted by international standard or association, [16] (OR) Explain with help of examples of that engineers would learn not only from theit earlier design and operating results. but also from those of those of engineers of other engineers. oe | ‘canons of codes of fe) Discuss the significance of Intellectual Property rights. Also explain the lewistert Laser 0 explain the legislation (OR) oe ‘ample of risk analysis, Is} stle blowing Is Justify Engineers as Expert witness and Advisors with su r on Explain in dels about th (OR) SMinble examples “ plain in details about the Management of conn} Satta Bement of conflicts and the Principles of [lo] Heescoe Q.P. Code : AS24L ‘nginecring and Technology tn A Unley) Alogappa Chettiar College of Me awermnent Anon fst Karaikudi = 630 004, BE. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APRIL / MAY 2013 Fith Semester Q9MESOS — Engineering Metrology and Measurements (Mechanical Engineering) (Regulations 2009) Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Part-A (10x 2=20 Marks) 1. What are the important elements of measurements? 2, Differentiate between precision and accuracy. 3, What are the considerations while manufacturing the slip gauges? 4, State any four advantages of reed type mechanical comparator. 5. What are the applications of toolmaker's microscope? 6. Whatare the factors affecting surface roughness? 7. List out the three important fields of machine vision system. 8. Write some features of CMM software. 9. Give the principle of hot wire anemometer. 10. Mention few materials used in binding of strain gauges. Part-B (Sx 16=80 Marks) Me Describe the different types of errors in measurements and its causes. {16} (OR) 12, Briefly discuss on calibration of temperature measuring devices with suitable examples, 1 13, (i) How the displaceme 1s are measurement using, laser interferometer? Explain in detail. [4] Gi) Explain the working principle of Electrical comparator with a neat sketch. 2] (oR)QP. Code: 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 0} Gi) @ Gi) @ Gi) @ Gi) 5241 What are the characteristic of sine bar? (4 With the help of neat sketches, describe the principle and construction of an Angle decker. 12) Explain the method used in the measurement of surface finish and flatness. 116} (or) Describe any one roundness measuring method in detail. 3] Discuss the construction of a screw measuring machine and how it is used in measuring the minor diameter of a screw thread. (3] Write a detailed note on computer aided inspection. [3] Explain the construction and working principle of any two types of Bridge type CMM. [8] (OR) With a neat sketch explain in detail above the construction and working principle of AC interferometer. 16) List the types of temperature measuring instruments. Explain any two types of temperature measuring instrumet (8) Describe the construction detail of electric dynamometer. [10] (or) Briefly explain various methods of measuring power, [8] Explain the hot wire Ancmometer at constant temperature mode with neat sketch, {8}Karaikudi - 630 003. B.E. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2018 'V Semester — Mech — R-2015 {5MEP24 — PROFESSIONAL ETHICS FOR ENGINEERS Max. Marks: 100 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS, Part-A (10 x 2=20 Marks) js the view of Leo Tolstoy on human values? the term ‘Self realization’. What is Engineering ethics? “How does code support Engineers? _ Write the necessity of Risk Benefit Analysis. ‘What is Environmental ethics? (5x 16 = 80 Marks) Part-B [8] “(Discuss the views of any two Indian Philosophers on human value. {8} ) Explain the truth about altruism for real leadership. (OR) Describe how yoga and meditation could be introduced for Professional Excellence and [16] Stress Management. What ig moral autonomy? What are the skills to be possessed to become morally [8] , : autonomous? Gi) Discuss in detail about types of Ingiires. [8] (OR)> aie: AUSSTS @ Dos elsborately on ethical theory of Right Action. @ Waensson () Self interest (2) Consensus and Controversy. ) ‘What is the importance of Codes of ethics? Give 4 brief account on 4 canons of co of ethics quoted by Tnternational Standard. (OR) ) Give justifications on how the challenger disaster could have been avoided with a of a case siady. ) Explain why engineers are regarded as responsible experimenters. (OR) | 3 - Ped Discuss the expected confidentiality to be maintained by an Engineering while he s i his job on career advancement. ) in the i Explain the role of Engineers as Consultants and Expert Witnesses. : : (OR) ) Discuss in detail about Codes of Ethics in ASME. eeeArs410 Alagappa Chettiar College g bes T TOP f Engineers (4 Goverment tonomes Ins MC and Tech, Sraikudi ~ 639 993° Uaveriy B.E. DEGREE EXAMINATIONg IV Semester - , «fp cole APR/ MAY 2018 ECE~R 2015 15ECHO2 ~ PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN VALUES ‘Hours ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Max. Marks: 100 (10.x2=20 Marks) pat do you understand by the term ‘Empathy’? a brief note on self interest, hat is meant by moral dilemma? What is moral leadership? ‘When does an expert witness engineer become a hired gun? Part-B (6 x 16 = 80 Marks) Write briefly about (a) Morals (b) Respect for others (©) Civie virtue (d) Honesty. (16) (OR) What are Values? Explain in detail the classification of human values. 16) are Values’ com the basic features of different ethical theories of Kohlberg and Gilligan. ud ompare sic ° (OR) ae . : : duty 015) . ical theories available for right action, self interest an‘ What are the different ethical ethics? z Discuss on Engineers as Responsible ‘Experimenters. (OR)Code : A18410 Give justifications on how the challenger disaster could have been avoideg engineers. (i) _Elucidate the moral responsibility of engineers towards safety and risk. Gi) Illustrate a case study on The Three Miles Accident. (OR) Write a detailed account on (i) Intellectual property rights (IPR) and (ii) Conflicts interest. What is the importance of computer ethics? Discuss the functioning of anonymit Privacy as (i) helpful (ii) undesirable in computer aided activities with suitabl example. (OR) What are the functions of various sample codes of ethics? Explain any one in detail. ende (reno | | J Lb 1 E a Chettiar Go ‘alagaPP: (An aie College of Enginceri stitution Affilate to Anna Unite ro ‘Technology niveraty Karaikudi-630 004, B.E DEGREE E pt i E EXAMINATIONS, APR / MAY 2018 emester - CE & KE—R 2009 pTCS103 - FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTING Max.Marks: 100 Hours ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS, Part-A (10 x 2=20 Marks) set out the. characteristics of Computer. et the (69-625)i0 into Binary number. iply (101. 10):and (1011)2using Binary arithmetic. ate System software and Application software. algorithm to find the biggest among two numbers. vite an some application software packages, jg Temary operator? Give an example. write the syntax for and do while }o0P- structure and union in C. ‘the purpose of #define and Hinclude. (x 16 = 80 Marks) st out the technologies used, Part-B Explain the generations of eoiePuters in detail. Also Ii png and Kimo for sh generations. a Convert (127.75)x into binary and hexadecimal number syste a ‘ A (OR), 2 1 out the Basic Organization of computers with a neat diagram. {10} {6) 1 number systems. binary and octal as of computer sofware axl explin then with two [10] nples each. subtract 110100112 from 1001 02usine complementary method, (1 (oR) rc development process, Also explain them with a neat sketch, [10] (6) steps in softwar i 1012.QP. Code: A18485 13.2) (Draw the flowchart to check whether the number is palindrome or not, Z ' a lait (i) Explain some standard toolbar icons in MS Word and explain the steps i 9 followi A. Saving the document B, Formatting the document C. Add page number to the document D. Cut and Paste the content of the document from one place to another (OR) (Write the pseudo code to print the Fibonacci series from up to 100, Gi) Explain the steps to perform the following actions in Spreadsheet: ‘A. Compute the sum of values present in the cell range Al:A10 B. Sort the numbers present in the column B in ascending order dy C. Change the type of a column from number to currency D. Insert the chart 14.2) (@ List the different kinds of operators in C and explain them with an example, i) Write a C program to get 3 values as the input and print the maximum and among them. (OR) @ Explain in detail about branching statements in C with its purpose, syntax and exam Gi Waite ac rogram to print the following pattgm using aay looping statements: 12 : 1 123 1234... upton rows - 15.a) ® Explain in details about any 4 string handling functions in C with an example i ) Write the C program to add two matrices of order 3 X 3 and print the resultant a
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