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CG 2d Trans

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• Rigid Body Transformations - transformations that do
not change the object.
• Translate
– If you translate a rectangle, it is still a rectangle
• Scale
– If you scale a rectangle, it is still a rectangle
• Rotate
– If you rotate a rectangle, it is still a rectangle
• A translation moves all points
in an object along the same
straight-line path to new
• The path is represented by a ?
vector, called the translation or
shift vector.
• We can write the components: ty=4
x' = x + tx
y' = y + ty (2, 2) tx= 6
• or in matrix form:
P' = P + T
x’ y’ = x y + tx ty
Q. Translate the polygon with coordinate A(2,5) , B(7,10)
and C(10,2) by 3 units in x direction and 4 units in y

Q. Translate the polygon with coordinate A(12,15) ,

B(-17,10) and C(10,21) by 5 units in x direction and 7

units in y direction .
• Rotation - Repositions
an object along a
circular path
• Rotation requires an
and a pivot point
• First, we’ll assume the
pivot is at the origin.
• Review Trigonometry
=> cos = x/r , sin = y/r
• x = r. cos , y = r.sin
P’(x’, y’)

=> cos ( + ) = x’/r

•x’ = r. cos ( + )
•x’ = r.cos cos -r.sin sin y’ P(x,y)
•x’ = x.cos – y.sin r y

=>sin ( + ) = y’/r x’ x
y’ = r. sin ( + )
Identity of Trigonometry
•y’ = r.cos sin + r.sin cos
•y’ = x.sin + y.cos
• We can write the components:
x' = x cos – y sin
y' = x sin + y cos

P’(x’, y’)
• or in matrix form:
P' = R • P
• can be clockwise (-ve) or
counterclockwise (+ve as our
example). y’
• Rotation matrix
r y
cos sin
sin cos x
• Default direction of rotation is
anticlockwise direction.
x’ y’ = x y cos ө sinө
-Sinө cosө
• A point (4,3) is rotated counterclockwise by
an angle of 45° . Find the rotation matrix
and resultant point.
• Scaling changes the size of an
object and involves two scale
factors, Sx and Sy for the x-
and y- coordinates P’
• Scales are about the origin.
• We can write the components:
x’ = sx • px
Y’ = sy • py
or in matrix form:
P' = S • P
Scale matrix as:
sx 0
0 sy
• If the scale factors are in between 0
and 1  the points will be moved
closer to the origin  the object
will be smaller.
• Example :
•P(2, 5), Sx = 0.5, Sy = 0.5
P(2, 5)
•Find P’ ?

• If the scale factors are in between 0
and 1  the points will be moved
closer to the origin  the object
will be smaller.
• Example :
•P(2, 5), Sx = 0.5, Sy = 0.5
P(2, 5)
•Find P’ ?
•If the scale factors are larger than 1
 the points will be moved away P’

from the origin  the object will be

• Example :
•P(2, 5), Sx = 2, Sy = 2
•Find P’ ?
• If the scale factors are the
same, Sx = Sy  uniform
• Only change in size (as
previous example)
•If Sx Sy  differential
scaling. P(1, 2)

•Change in size and shape

•Example : square  rectangle
•P(1, 3), Sx = 2, Sy = 5 , P’ ?
Homogeneous coordinates
• To fit the picture in to proper position many time we required to
perform sequence of transformation i.e. translation , rotation and

• We have a general transformation of a point:

P' = P M1 + M2

• When we scale or rotate, we set M1, and M2 is the additive identity.

i. e. zero matrix

• When we translate, we set M2, and M1 is the multiplicative identity

.i.e. identity matrix

• To combine multiple transformations, we must explicitly compute

each transformed point.
Homogeneous coordinates
• In order to combine sequence of transformation we have to eliminate
the matrix addition associated with translation term in M2.

• To achieve this we have to represent M1 as 3X3 matrix instead of 2 X 2

by introducing dummy coordinate called Homogeneous coordinate

• Homogeneous coordinate is represented by the triplet (Xw , Yw W )


X= Xw / W , Y=Yw / W

• For 2D transformation W can be any positive value but we take W= 1

• Each 2D position can be represented ith homogeneous coordinate as

( x , y , 1)
Homogeneous coordinate for translation are:

1 0 0
X’ Y’ 1 = X Y 1
0 1 0
tx ty 1

= X+tx Y+ty 1
Homogeneous coordinate for rotation are:

Cos Θ sin Θ 0
R =
-Sin Θ cos Θ 0
0 0 1

Cos Θ sin Θ 0
X’ Y’ 1 = X Y 1 -Sin Θ cos Θ 0
0 0 1

xCos Θ- ysin Θ xSin Θ+ycos Θ 1

Homogeneous coordinate for scaling are:

Sx 0 0
S =
0 sy 0
0 0 1

Sx 0 0
X’ Y’ 1 = X Y 1 0 sy 0
0 0 1

= x s x y sy 1
Q. Give 3 x 3 Homogeneous coordinate transformation

matrix for each of the following translation :

1. Shift the image right to 3 unit

2. Shift the image up 2 units

3. Move the image down ½ unit and right 1 unit

4. Move the image down 2/3 unit and left 4 units

Q. Find transformed matrix that transform the given

square ABCD to half its size with center till remaining at

the same position . The coordinates of the square are

A(1,1) , B (3 , 1) C (3 , 3) D (1, 3) and center at (2 ,2 ) also

find resultant coordinates of square.

1. Translate the square so that its center coincides with
2. Scale the square with respective the origin
3. Translate the square back to the original position.

tx = ty = 2 sx =sy = 0.5
Q. find transformation of triangle A(1,0) B(0 , 1) C(1,1) by

1. Rotating 45° about the origin and then translating 1

unit in x and y direction

2. Translating 1 unit in x and y direction and then

rotating 45° about the origin
Composite Transformation
• We can represent any sequence of transformations
as a single matrix.

• Composite transformations:
– Rotate about an arbitrary point – translate, rotate,
– Scale about an arbitrary point – translate, scale,
– Change coordinate systems – translate, rotate, scale
Order of operations
So, it does matter. Let’s look at an example:
1. Translate 1. Rotate
2. Rotate 2. Translate
Composite Transformation Matrix
General Pivot- Point Rotation

Operation :-
1. Translate (pivot point is moved to origin)
2. Rotate about origin

3. Translate (pivot point is returned to original position)

T(pivot) • R( ) • T(–pivot)
Composite Transformation Matrix
1 0 0 cos sin 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 . -sin cos 0 . 0 1 0
-tx -ty 1 0 0 1 tx ty 1

cos sin 0 1 0 0
-sin cos 0 . 0 1 0
-tx cos + ty sin -tx sin - ty cos 1 tx ty 1

cos sin 0
-sin cos 0
-tx cos + ty sin +tx -tx sin - ty cos +ty 1
Q. Perform counter clockwise 45° rotation of

triangle A(2,3 ) B(5,5) C(4,3) about point (1 , 1)

Composite Transformation Matrix
• Example
– Perform 60 rotation of a point P(2, 5) about a
pivot point (1,2). Find P’?
Composite Transformation Matrix
General Fixed-Point Scaling
Operation :-
1. Translate (fixed point is moved to origin)
2. Scale with respect to origin
3. Translate (fixed point is returned to original position)

T(fixed) • S(scale) • T(–fixed)

• Find the matrix that represents scaling of an
object with respect to any fixed point?

• Given P(6, 8) , Sx = 2, Sy = 3 and fixed

point (2, 2). Use that matrix to find P’?
Other transformations
Reflection: It is a transformation that produce mirror
image of an object relative to an axis of reflection

x-axis 1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Other transformations
Reflection: about y axis


1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Other transformations
Reflection: about origin

1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Other transformations
Reflection: about y=x

0 1 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
Other transformations
Reflection: about y= -x

0 1 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
Other transformations
Shear : Transformation that slant the shape of an object .
X shear: preserve the y coordinate but change x value which

causes vertical line to tilt right

1 0 0
shx 1 0
0 0 1
Other transformations
y shear: preserve the x coordinate but change y value
which causes horizontal line to transform in to lines
which slope up or down

1 shy 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Inverse Transformation

• When we apply any transformation to point

P(x,y), we get a new point (x’ , y’).

• Sometimes it may require to get undo the applied


• In this case we have to get original point ( x , y)

from (x’ , y’).

• This can be achieved by inverse transformation

• If the inverse of matrix T is T-1 then ,
TT-1=T-1T=I , Identity matrix
• The elements of inverse matrix can be
calculated from the elements of T as ,

tij -1 =[ (-1) i+j det Mij ] / det T

Determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix is ;
det t11 t12 = t11 t22 - t12 t21
t21 t22
• Inverse of homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix
can be given as ,

a d 0 -1 1 e -d 0
b e 0 = ------- -b a 0
c f 1 ae-bd bf-ce cd-af ae-bd

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