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EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS Joint Action-Contributions To

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Proceeding Paper

EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS Joint Action—Contributions to

European Public Health Preparedness and Response at Points
of Entry †
Varvara A. Mouchtouri 1, *, Lemonia Anagnostopoulos 1 , Mauro Dionisio 2 , Martin Dirksen-Fischer 3 ,
Janusz Janiec 4 , Elina Kostara 1 , Nikolaos Bitsolas 1 , Jan Heidrich 5 , Kristina Militzer 5 , Brigita Kairiene 6 ,
Doret de Rooij 7 , Corien Swaan 7 , Leonidas Kourentis 1 , Eleni P. Christoforidou 1 , Peter Otorepec 8 ,
Nina Pirnat 8 , Rita Ferrelli 9 , Raquel Duarte-Davidson 10 , Tom Gaulton 10 , Christos Hadjichristodoulou 1
and The EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS Partnership ‡

1 Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly, 41222 Larissa, Greece
2 Directorate General for Health Prevention, Ministry of Health, 00144 Roma, Italy
3 Hamburg Port Health Center, Institut für Hygiene und Umwelt der, 20539 Hamburg, Germany
4 The National Institute of Public Health—National Institute of Hygiene, 00-791 Warsaw, Poland
5 Institute for Occupational and Maritime Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,
20459 Hamburg, Germany
6 National Public Health Centre under The Ministry of Health, LT-92138 Klaipeda, Lithuania
7 National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, RIVM, 3721 MA Bilthoven, The Netherlands
8 National Institute of Public Health, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia
9 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, 00161 Roma, Italy
10 Chemicals and Environmental Hazards (CRCE), UK Health Security Agency Chilton, Didcot OX11 0RQ, UK
* Correspondence: mouchtourib@uth.gr
† Presented at the Public Health Congress on Maritime Transport and Ports 2022: sailing to the post-COVID-19
era, Athens, Greece, 21–22 October 2022.
Citation: Mouchtouri, V.A.; ‡ Group Authors: the EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS partnership: Martin Anthony Williams, Máirίn Boland,
Anagnostopoulos, L.; Dionisio, M.; Snjezana Brckalo, Lovro Bucić, Despena Andrioti Bygvraa, Natalia Caterinciuc, Miguel Dávila Cornejo, Iveta
Dirksen-Fischer, M.; Janiec, J.; Dubrovova, François Esmyot, Radosveta Filipova, Sarah Gradl, Pavle Jelicic, Tomi Jormanainen, Jorrit Kabel,
Kostara, E.; Bitsolas, N.; Heidrich, J.;
Antonis Kantonis, Irene Kaszoni-Rueckerl, Galina Kokosharova, Angel Kunchev, Areti Lagiou, Indra Linina,
Antonios Michaelakis, Dockha Mihailova, Iratxe Moreno, Paul Pardon, Martina Pilkova, Jelena Rjabinina,
Militzer, K.; Kairiene, B.; et al. EU
Hilde Skagestad, Daniel Spirgi, Aura Timen.
Action—Contributions to European
Public Health Preparedness and
Abstract: The joint action EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS (EUHG) aimed to support cooperation and
Response at Points of Entry. Med. Sci. coordinated action of MS to improve their preparedness and response capacities at PoE, for preventing
Forum 2022, 13, 17. https://doi.org/ and combating cross-border health threats from the transport sector. The aim of this study is to
10.3390/msf2022013017 present how EUHG supported strengthening of core public health capacities at ports during routine
operations and the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods used included surveys, literature reviews, in(tra)-
Academic Editor: Volker Harth
action reviews, focus and expert working groups, site visits, exercises, inspection grading system
Published: 1 December 2022 methodology. In addition, the EU Common Ship Sanitation Database (EUSIS) was used as a tool
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
to collect information on health conditions on board and to share information about public health
with regard to jurisdictional claims in events. EUHG network established the EUPOENET and implemented the European passenger
published maps and institutional affil- ship inspections programme implementation where 558 inspectors in the EU SIS recorded 33,184
iations. Ship Sanitation Certificates, followed up >80 public health events via the port communication
form out of which 22 were COVID-19 related, and recorded > 4600 hygienic deficiencies. EUHG
developed a web-based, searchable catalogue of best practices, SOPs for mosquito surveillance and
control, a model MoU describing cooperation among authorities at ports, a tool was produced for
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
development/assessment of contingency plans (ports), a tool serving group-based discussions about
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
what defines risk at port level. EUHG conducted training courses and European level multi-sectorial
This article is an open access article
TTE. The EUHG network of experts supported EU’s COVID-19 response by developing 16 technical
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
guidance documents, provided >40 expert consultations and conducted three site visits and short
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// seminars, two national level IAR and a European level meeting using IAR methodology and produced
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ over five scientific publications. The JA’s network contribution to the pandemic has been globally

Med. Sci. Forum 2022, 13, 17. https://doi.org/10.3390/msf2022013017 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/msf

Med. Sci. Forum 2022, 13, 17 2 of 4

acknowledged, recognized and demonstrated, with the network immediately activated to support
EC and MS requests, and transport restart operations in 2020–2021.

Keywords: points of entry; health; port; disease; cross border health threats; preparedness; transport;
travel; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2

1. Introduction
The Joint Action (JA) entitled EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS (EUHG): “Preparedness
and action at Point of Entry (PoE) (ports, airports, ground crossings)” united 38 authorities
(including Ministries of Health and Transport, national public health institutes, universities)
from 29 countries and the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control. Initially planned for three
years (2018–2021) and extended until April 2022, EUHG aimed to support cooperation
and coordinated action of MS to improve their preparedness and response capacities at
PoE, for preventing and combating cross-border health threats from the transport sector.
With the emergence of COVID-19 in January 2020, EUHG switched from operating in
inter-epidemic mode to emergency mode and continued operating in emergency mode
until its completion. EUSIS as a tool to collect information on health conditions on board
and to share information about public health events. Our aim is to present how EUHG
strengthened core public health capacities at ports during routine operations and the
COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Materials and Methods

Surveys for best practices identification, literature reviews and in(tra)-action reviews
were conducted. Over 10 focus and expert working groups were formulated to support
development of preparedness and response guidance documents, Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) and model Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) and tools for ports
supporting contingency planning and risk profiling. Site visits were conducted to facilitate
situation analysis and exchange of visits between countries were conducted to exchange
knowledge, experience and skills. The European Point of Entry Network (EUPOENET)
was established with experts assigned by EU MS. Table-top exercises were conducted
to test guidance documents and template documents and suggested TTE scenarios were
developed to support the conduct of TTEs at national level. Training needs assessment
surveys for infectious disease management at major European PoE and reviews of highly
effective education and training interventions for infectious disease control, with emphasis
on cross-border settings, were conducted to support the development of training materials
for online and face-to-face training courses. An inspection grading system methodology
was developed, pilot-tested (2018), and applied as of 2019, for inspections conducted against
the European Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Diseases Surveillance
system. The EU Common Ship Sanitation Database (EUSIS) was used as a tool to collect
information on health conditions on board and to share information about public health

3. Results
The EUPOENET development, including a registry of > 180 public health experts at
PoE from European countries, facilitates rapid communication and notification for cross-
border health threats at PoE and exchange of knowledge, information and good practices
among experts in public health, competent authorities and other stakeholders. Experts
in public health and PoE can be drawn from the network to provide training and ad hoc
advice. The network is available for use now and in the post-COVID-19 era for routine
operations and during future public health emergencies.
EUHG implemented a European passenger ship inspections programme using a target
factor and audits where 31 countries and 12 ports participated. Since 2019, 57 passenger
Med. Sci. Forum 2022, 13, 17 3 of 4

ships were graded with “A” grade and 16 with Grades B, C or D. Overall, the 558 inspectors
in the EU SIS recorded 33,184 Ship Sanitation Certificates, followed up > 80 public health
events via the port communication form out of which 22 were COVID-19 related, and
recorded > 4600 hygienic deficiencies.
Consortium members identified and compiled best practices implemented at their
designated ports into a web-based, searchable catalogue and developed SOPs for mosquito
surveillance and control. A model MoU was produced describing cooperation among
authorities at ports that must be involved in response to public health events. A European
level 3-day face-to-face training course on public health preparedness and response at ports
and on ships was conducted where 15 facilitators trained 35 participants from 19 EUMS
and 9 from non-European countries. Training resources developed were used in eight
national-level courses.
A tool was produced for development/assessment of contingency plans (ports) con-
sisting of: (i) template of generic public health emergency contingency plan (PHECP) for
designated ports; (ii) Cruise Restart Process Map (CRPM)—outlines path, process and
procedures to be followed by port/local authorities for cruise ships to be able to safely visit
the port; (iii) explanatory notes on CRPM and (iv) template of adapted COVID-19-specific
PHECP for ports.
EUHG designed and conducted a European level multi-sectorial TTE where 63 ob-
servers and 30 players from 5 EUMS and 2 shipping companies tested the guidelines for
inter-country communication and information flow in public health outbreak investigations
on ships. The exercise identified lack of clear international communication, as channels
were not always clear and depended on local/national conditions.
A tool serving group-based discussions about what defines risk at port level was
developed targeting professionals involved in preparedness and response to infectious
diseases at ports.
The EUHG agile network of experts supported EU’s COVID-19 response by rapidly de-
veloping 16 technical guidance documents out of which 11 were applicable to the maritime
sector. Advice documents were widely used (>50,000 downloads and referenced by EC,
WHO and industry). The maritime transport industry adopted and promoted the EUHG
advice documents with CLIA Europe and MedCruise organizing wide-reaching webinars
(500 participants, 30 European and 25 non-European countries). The network provided
> 40 expert consultations and conducted three site visits and short seminars to ports of
non-EU MS where (i) experiences, practices and lessons learned during the pandemic were
exchanged and (ii) existing port protocols, procedures and plans in relation to European
guidance and EUHG advice documents were reviewed. Over five scientific publications
have been produced exploring the experiences, challenges, and needs of European PoE and
lessons learned from managing the COVID-19 outbreak. A PoE interview study conducted
in 2020 interviewed 24 national and local professionals from PoE from 11 countries and
identified experiences on preparedness actions, response operations and best practices
from the COVID-19 pandemic. EUHG partners conducted two national level IAR focused
on COVID-19 public health response at ports and a European level meeting using IAR
methodology to update EUHG COVID-19 advice.

4. Discussion and Conclusions

Past public health events and the current COVID-19 pandemic have shown the critical
role PoE play in the cross-border spread of disease. Given the unprecedented challenges
faced by public health authorities and the transport sector in responding to COVID-19, the
importance of common protocols, procedures and coordinated action by MS to improve
their preparedness and response capacities at PoE has been highlighted. EUHG represents
over a decade of work, that has brought together a diverse European network of experts
specialized in transport public health. The JA’s network contribution to the pandemic
has been globally acknowledged, recognized and been demonstrated, with the network
immediately activated to support EC and MS requests, and transport restart operations
Med. Sci. Forum 2022, 13, 17 4 of 4

in 2020–2021. The JA’s focus on exchange of knowledge and experiences, promoting and
facilitating the uptake of best practices, and the multiplier effects of training and exercise
activities have supported the integration of activities into national frameworks. Experiences,
lessons learned and infrastructure developed must form the foundation of best practices
and be exploited to improve preparedness and response capacities at POE for future public
health events. The EUHG General Assembly agreed it is essential that activities and results
are implemented, operated and maintained in both the short-term, and over the long-term
and determined a roadmap for continuation of EUHG activities.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.H. and V.A.M.; methodology, C.H. and V.A.M.; software,
L.K. and N.B.; writing—original draft preparation, L.A. and E.K.; writing—review and editing,
J.J., E.K., L.A., V.A.M., M.D., M.D.-F., J.H., K.M., B.K., D.d.R., C.S., E.P.C., P.O., N.P., R.F., R.D.-
D., T.G.; supervision, V.A.M.; project administration, V.A.M. and E.K.; funding acquisition, EU
HEALTHY GATEWAYS partnership. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was co-funded by the European Commission’s Consumers, Health, Agri-
culture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) EU’s Third Health Programme (2014–2020) in the
framework of the 2017 Work Programme, grant number 801493.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy issues.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The content represents the views
of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of
the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency
(CHAFEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do
not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

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