Becharef Ines Group B L3 Civilization
Becharef Ines Group B L3 Civilization
Becharef Ines Group B L3 Civilization
Group B L3
Queen Elizabeth I not only changed the course of history but was also a hero to
the people of England. After overcoming what was a complex, and even a
difficult way to grow up, she still managed to have a great reputation, and
defend herself, along with her country and everyone in it.
Queen Mary, the monarch of England and Ireland since 1553, dies and is
succeeded by her 25-year-old half-sister, Elizabeth.
The two half-sisters, both daughters of King Henry VIII, had a stormy
relationship during Mary’s five-year reign. Mary, who was brought up as a
Catholic, enacted pro-Catholic legislation and made efforts to restore the pope
to supremacy in England. A Protestant rebellion ensued, and Queen Mary
imprisoned Elizabeth, a Protestant, in the Tower of London on suspicion of
complicity. After Mary’s death, Elizabeth survived several Catholic plots
against her; though her ascension was greeted with approval by most of
England’s lords, who were largely Protestant and hoped for greater religious
tolerance under a Protestant queen. Under the early guidance of Secretary of
State Sir William Cecil, Elizabeth repealed Mary’s pro-Catholic legislation,
established a permanent Protestant Church of England, and encouraged the
Calvinist reformers in Scotland.
Elizabeth I had to clean up the big mess that was left by her sister Mary’s five
year reign. Mary had abruptly changed the national religion from Protestantism
to Catholicism, and she was not going to hear any objections. She mercilessly
hunted down and executed Protestants who refused to convert. After Elizabeth I
took the throne, she switched back to Protestantism and, as Miriam Greenblatt
says, “restored religious order in England”. Greenblatt continues to say that
“under Elizabeth I, religion and nationality were almost the same”.
She tried to unite her people, by insisting that they are all English. This worked
well most of the time, and the people developed a sense of national pride.
Her first act as Queen was to form a loyal government: she replaced the Privy
Council with qualified advisors such as nobles, lawyers, and businessmen.
Although she had an excellent board of advisors, she did not allow them to
dominate her decisions. Elizabeth was determined to set up a safe and stable
In foreign affairs, Elizabeth practiced a policy of strengthening England’s
Protestant allies and dividing her foes. Elizabeth was opposed by the pope, who
refused to recognize her legitimacy, and by Spain, a Catholic nation that was at
the height of its power. In 1588, English-Spanish rivalry led to an abortive
Spanish invasion of England in which the Spanish Armada, the greatest naval
force in the world at the time, was destroyed by storms and a determined
English navy.
With increasing English domination at sea, Elizabeth encouraged voyages of
discovery, such as Sir Francis Drake’s circumnavigation of the world and Sir
Walter Raleigh’s expeditions to the North American coast.
The long reign of Elizabeth, who became known as the “Virgin Queen” for her
reluctance to endanger her authority through marriage, coincided with the
flowering of the English Renaissance,
The English Literary Renaissance consists of four subsets: The Elizabethan
Age, the Jacobean Age, the Caroline Age and the Commonwealth Period.
The Elizabethan era saw a great flourishing of literature, especially in the field
of drama. The other major literary style was lyric poetry. Many of the most
important dramatists of the period were also excellent poets. associated with
such renowned authors as William Shakespeare.
By her death in 1603, England had become a major world power in every
respect, and Queen Elizabeth I passed into history as one of England’s greatest