Silverprint 2002
Silverprint 2002
Silverprint 2002
phers maximum choice in materi-
als. We stock all the major manu- WATERLOO
facturers ranges along with some THE CUT
special imports and other rare or
unusual products. This includes film
stock, printing paper, processing VIC
chemistry (including raw chemi-
cals) and storage/presentation
materials. We are happy to advise TINE P
where possible, and everyone
from the new beginner to the pro-
fessional should find plenty of
interest in our extensive range. We Silverprint - X marks the spot
are now keeping a wide range of
inkjet materials, concentrating
particularly on art papers.
● Opening hours are from 9.30 AM
to 5.30 PM, on weekdays only (not
Saturdays) with no lunch closing.
We are located a little south of
Blackfriars Bridge, not very far from
the South Bank Arts complex, and
next door to the specialist black
and white laboratory Downtown
Darkroom. The map opposite
should help, the location being on
the crosswires.
‘museum weight’- most other papers use 240g ‘double 9.5x12 50 17 473 31 982 31.75 37.31
weight’. This results in a robust print with a ‘quality’ feel.
12x16 10 7 539 23 415 13.61 15.99
Polywarmtone is an exceptionally malleable material with all the qualities of 12x16 50 7 541 23 427 51.40 60.39
traditional chloro-bromide papers and can be developed to give a very
warm colour using a warm developer such as Kodak D163 or Agfa Neutol 16x20 10 7 600 23 441 21.17 24.87
WA, especially if it is substantially over-exposed and the development cur- 16x20 50 7 625 ✖ 78.60 92.36
tailed. Conversely it can be overdeveloped to give a cooler image, and to 20x24 10 9 259 28 167 30.93 36.35
increase the contrast. As might be expected it tones extremely well and
20 x 10m 16 033 28 531 39.29 46.17
fast, giving a very good split tone in selenium. Available in semi-matt and
40 x 10m 938 30 528 78.60 92.36
gloss surfaces with the former comparable to a cross between the surfaces
of Oriental Portrait and Kodak Ektalure. We carry sizes from 5x7" upwards, FORTE BROMOFORT FB
as well as rolls.
A neutral to cold fixed grade paper with a bright white base,
Glossy S/Matt Net +VAT
available in glossy and dead matt surfaces. The latter gives a
5x7 100 23 478 23 509 19.52 22.94
very attractive result if lith developed, and is being used by
8x10 25 57 815 28 459 12.10 14.22 many as a replacement for Oriental ‘Seagull’ for continuous
8x10 100 30 497 1 684 41.58 48.86 tone lith printing. The image is capable of further enhance
9.5x12 50 11 882 6 166 31.75 37.31 ment with gold toning.
Glossy Matt Net +VAT
12x16 10 85 433 25 728 13.61 15.99
9.5x12 50 ✖ 17 461 33.76 39.67
12x16 50 79 244 16 544 51.40 60.40
12x16 10 7 566 7 593 14.68 17.25
16x20 10 6 213 27 450 21.17 24.87 12x16 50 7 580 7 676 55.77 65.52
16x20 50 76 286 48 451 78.60 92.36 16x20 10 7 649 7 688 22.02 25.87
16x20 50 7 652 7 708 80.70 94.83
20x24 10 16 569 4 168 30.93 36.34
40 x 10m ✖ 16 058 76.31 89.67
20 x 10metres. 15 668 41 638 39.29 46.17
40 x 10 metres 86 786 1 562 78.60 92.36 FORTE POLYGRADE RC
FORTE POLYWARMTONE 17 NATURAL Resin-coated VC paper at special prices, in glossy or
semi-matt. This is the equivalent emulsion to that used on
An important new enlarging paper from Forte, this uses the Polygrade FB, yielding a clean neutral to blue/black image. As
same high quality warm-tone emulsion as standard polywarm with the FB equivalent, it will give beautifully rich tones when
tone, but is coated onto a specially warm tinted base, and has processed in a warm working developer such as Agfa Neutol
an ‘off-gloss’ finish, which we are terming ‘Natural’. The paper WA, or the Forte warm-working print dev.
is visually similar to the long discontinued Oriental ‘Portrait’,
Glossy S/Matt Net +VAT
(although much faster, for those that remember it!) It should
8x10 100 16 352 21 722 22.00 25.85
also prove a good replacement for Kodak Ektalure, now stocks 9.5x12 50 22 500 22 513 16.50 19.39
of that are virtually gone. 12x16 10 22 537 22 549 6.60 7.76
Code Net +VAT
8x10 25 33 549 13.31 15.64 FORTE POLYWARMTONE RC
8x10 100 33 564 45.74 53.74
Resin coated warm-tone VC paper, emulsion the same as the
9.5x12 50 33 588 34.93 41.04 FB equivalent. This, as far as we know, is the only RC paper
12x16 10 33 611 14.97 17.59
with a genuine traditional chlorobromide emulsion, giving
12x16 50 33 635 56.54 66.43
superb warm tones, and responding well to toners such as
selenium. Surfaces are normal RC glossy and semi-matt.
16x20 10 33 647 23.29 27.37
16x20 50 33 650 86.46 101.59
Glossy S/Matt Net +VAT
20x24 10 33 564 34.02 39.97
8x10 100 2 561 2 573 22.00 25.85
9.5x12 50 2 585 2 598 16.50 19.39
FORTE FORTEZO MUSEUM 12x16 10 22 552 22 564 6.60 7.76
ural’ matt finish. 12x16 50sh 90 552 19 263 8 675 64.95 76.32
8x10 25 ✖ 2 671 2 683 ✖ 12.71 14.93
8x10 100 ✖ 2 696 2 716 ✖ 41.38 48.62
20x24 10 64 578 34 219 23.58 27.71 AGFA BLACK & WHITE PAPERS
40 x 30 28 811 ✖ 43.89 51.57
POLYMAX FINE ART C Agfa’s answer to everything in fibre-base, this is a fibre-based
New variety, a double weight VC fibre-base paper with cream base and lus- doubleweight variable contrast paper, that replaced the
tre finish. previous family of Record Rapid and Portriga Rapid. Mid-
warm colour, about intermediate between Ilford MGFB stan
Code Net +VAT
dard & MG Warmtone. GLOSSY is the most popular finish,
8x10 25 27 777 10.45 12.28
while FILIGRAN MATT is the alternative, the same surface
11x14 50 27 836 34.26 40.26 used on the original Portriga-Rapid warm tone graded paper.
16x20 50 28 639 72.02 84.62 Glossy F.Matt Net +VAT
5x7 100 1 107 ✖ 17.37 20.41
20x24 10 4 714 24.30 28.55
8x10 25 1 134 3 196 11.82 13.89
8x10 100 1 146 4 583 39.59 46.52
9.5x12 50 1 159 4 616 28.41 33.38
Fast variable contrast black & white paper on RC base. A wide contrast
12x16 50 1 173 1 731 46.79 54.98
range, with neutral black image colour.
Size Sheets Glossy F Lustre E S/Matt N Net +VAT 16x20 10. 1 205 14 062 18.78 22.07
5x7 100 11 455 45 493 91 732 9.81 11.53 16X20 50 4 391 4 388 68.21 80.15
8 x 10 100 3 908 45 512 87 417 20.85 24.50 20x24 10 1 218 12 395 29.18 34.29
9.5 x 12 100 87 844 45 524 87 857 30.74 36.12 127cm (50 ) x 30.5m roll 19 833 11 915 354.05 416.01
12 x 16 50 81 145 45 536 26 780 25.29 29.72
Colour papers do not vary in choice to anything like the gamut available in
black and white. In essence two main choices exist - surface type and con- KODAK ULTRA ENDURA PAPER
trast level - and in both these respects the options are few. Paper surfaces Ultra has reciprocity characteristics suited to longer exposure
available are high-gloss, gloss, semi-matt, and lustre. Lustre has a slightly times, and also features somewhat higher contrast, (mainly in
more textured surface than semi-matt. Contrast levels vary from the slightly the shadows). It is therefore especially suited to large prints
higher-contrast materials like Kodak Ultra II or Ilford Polyester High Gloss, (or small prints from dim light sources). Kodak claim that when
(both particularly intended for display or exhibition work), to medium level the effect of increased flare on shadow areas is taken into
contrast materials like Kodak Supra, Fuji FA4MP and Agfa Signum (for account an Ultra print at a long exposure will be essentially
more general use), and lower contrast papers such as Portra etc. which are the same as a short exposure Supra print. Available in sheet
suggested by the manufacturers for portraiture. In practice the latter catego- sizes from 8x10" to 20x24", and a wide range of roll sizes. Surfaces are
ry are hardly used in the UK, being formulated largely for the pastel shades glossy (F) and semi-matt (N)RA-4 Process, higher contrast & reciprocity
favoured by the American social photography market. characteristics balanced for longer exposure. Available in F - Glossy & N -
Permanence has long been an issue for colour materials and not one the Semi-matt. The Lustre (E) surface is only available in wide rolls.
manufacturers now ignore (though some have required a little prompting).
F N Net +VAT
Whilst none would go so far as to claim their product will have the proven 8x10 100 62 083 42 275 20.79 24.42
permanence of a correctly processed black and white fibre print, all insist 9.5x12 100 13 012 10 916 29.51 34.67
that their print materials will last a reasonable length of time. (So long as 12x16 50 22 650 46 075 24.96 29.32
sensible precautions are adhered to - limited exposure to sunlight, 16x20 50 18 555 ✖ 41.58 48.85
formaldehyde etc.). However for maximum permanence in standard com- 20x24 50 11 151 ✖ 62.47 73.40
mercial print materials Ilfochrome is the best current choice. It should also
be noted that permanence is a function of paper and chemistry employed
and some ‘convenience’ kits, which don’t use standard developing agents, FUJICOLOUR SFA 4MP NEG PAPER
jeopardise dye permanence. Fuji’s latest version of a paper that has achieved outstanding
results in independent artificial ageing tests. A rich, colourful,
AGFACOLOR SIGNUM !! NEGATIVE PAPER general purpose material, with a smooth gradation appropriate
to portraiture. Colour balance neutrality is maintained from
Signum is an RA4 process (Agfa equivalent AP94) colour RC
highlights to shadows. Available in glossy sheets (from 5x7" to
paper offering high quality at a competitive price. In its most
20x24") and rolls (4" x 84m, 4" x 175m, 5" x 175m, 8" x 84m),
recent formulation it is supposed to be particularly robust, with
& matt & lustre sheets from 8x10" to 20x24".
a high resistance to mechanical damage whether wet or dry.
Agfa claim it to be the sharpest paper on the market. Surfaces Glossy S/Matt Lustre Net +VAT
are glossy (310) and semi-matt (312). Paper sizes from 5x7" 5x7 100 15 617 ✖ 22 369 8.88 10.43
6.5x8.5 100 15 682 ✖ 15 950 13.68 16.07
to 20x24" and rolls from 4" to 24"
8x10 10 17 277 ✖ ✖ 2.97 3.48
310 312 Net +VAT 8x10 100 15 766 15 849 15 947 19.74 23.19
5x7 100 4 679 4 740 13.85 16.27 10x12 50 15 778 15 852 15 999 14.88 17.48
8x10 25 4 809 ✖ 7.31 8.59 12x16 10 21 482 21 526 ✖ 7.14 8.38
8x10 100 4 812 4 836 29.25 34.37 12x16 50 15 837 15 864 15 935 23.76 27.91
9.5x12 50 4 863 4 875 21.48 25.24 16x20 50 15 118 15 876 21 384 39.42 46.31
12x16 50 4 887 4 890 35.50 41.71 20x24 50 20 287 20 290 21 869 59.34 69.72
16x20 50 4 910 4 922 58.58 68.83
20x24 50 4 934 4 946 87.84 103.21 4 x 175m roll 15 888 ✖ ✖ 49.56 58.23
5 x 175m roll 15 908 ✖ ✖ 61.68 72.47
AGFACOLOR PORTRAIT NEGATIVE PAPER 5 x 83m roll 15 059 ✖ ✖ 29.52 34.68
8 x 84m roll 20 307 ✖ ✖ 47.16 55.41
Portrait has lower contrast and reduced saturation compared to Agfa
Signum. Available in Lustre as well as Glossy and Semi-matt. TETENAL COLORTEC RA4 PROFESSIONAL NEG PAPER
319 310 312 Net +VAT A good general purpose material. Tetenal offer Colortec in
5x7 100 - ✖ ✖ 13.85 16.27 smaller packs as well as boxes. Surfaces are glossy (310)
8x10 100 - 4 812 4 836 29.25 34.37
and semi-matt (312). Paper sizes from 8x10" to 24x36".
9.5x12 50 ✖ 4 863 4 875 21.48 25.24
12x16 50 - 4 887 4 890 35.50 41.71
16x20 50 - 4 910 4 922 58.58 68.83
20x24 50 - 4 934 4 946 87.84 103.21
Glossy S/Matt Net +VAT
KODAK SUPRA PAPER 8x10 30 35 198 35 269 8.19 9.62
8x10 100 - - 24.48 28.76
Medium contrast paper designed for general use, Ektacolor 9.5x12 20 28 654 - 7.29 8.57
Supra offers high colour saturation and good highlight detail, 9.5x12 50 3 169 10 624 16.74 19.67
combined with excellent speed, a neutral upper scale and 12x16 20 35 205 35 271 12.29 14.44
enhanced D-min. It has minimal latent image keeping 12X16 50 56 685 15 061 28.35 33.31
changes, and reciprocity characteristics optimised for short 16x20 20 35 220 35 296 20.34 23.90
exposures. Available in sheet sizes from 5x7" to 20x24" and 20x28 20 35 244 35 303 35.60 41.83
rolls. Surfaces are glossy (F), Lustre-Lux (E) - (like Ilford 24x36 20 - - 56.21 66.05
Pearl)- and semi-matt (N).Colour negative paper compatible with the RA4
F E N Net +VAT Softer and lower saturation than standard RA4 papers, the detailed shadow
5x7 100 12 123 12 245 ✖ 9.98 11.72 and highlight redition being particularly good for skin tones.
8x10 100 25 256 10 431 21 470 20.91 24.56
Net +VAT
9.5x12 100 56 622 3 923 84 390 27.61 32.44
9.5x12 50 19.35 22.74
11x14 100 22 234 22 222 ✖ 36.87 43.32
12x16 20 13.14 15.44
12x16 50 49 411 70 133 20 275 25.36 29.79
12x16 50 32.72 38.45
16x20 50 53 251 23 174 56 575 40.67 47.78
16x20 20 23.27 27.34
20x24 50 12 135 12 233 12 162 62.35 73.26
20x28 20 38.25 44.94
Forte Special Matt uses a photographic fibre base with a The new sheet inkjet papers from Ilford, ‘instant drying’, a
unique smooth dead matt finish, and is available in 2 weights. heavy photo weight and available in a choice of two gloss and
The general feel is that of a conventional dead matt FB paper, two pearl surfaces.
such as Ilford Multigrade FB Matt. Below that are listed the
two new Forte heavy weight papers.
Net +VAT
Net +VAT
34 395 Galerie Inkjet Smooth Gloss A4 25sh 8.14 9.56
35 051 5x8 100sh 18.35 21.56 34 402 Galerie Inkjet Classic Pearl A4 25sh 8.14 9.56
- Galerie Inkjet Smooth Pearl A4 25sh 8.14 9.56
26 409 A4 20sh 8.75 9.81
- Galerie Inkjet Classic Gloss A4 25sh 8.14 9.56
36 522 A4 50sh 17.50 20.56
36 327 Galerie Inkjet Smooth Gloss A3 25sh 16.28 19.13
26 412 A3 20sh 16.70 19.62
36 341 Galerie Inkjet Classic Pearl A3 25sh 16.28 19.13
36 534 A3 50sh 33.40 39.25
- Galerie Inkjet Smooth Pearl A3 25sh 16.28 19.13
--- A3+ 20sh 21.21 24.92 - Galerie Inkjet Smooth Gloss A3 25sh 16.28 19.13
26 424 A2 20sh 33.40 39.25
--- Galerie Inkjet Smooth Gloss A3+ 25sh 28.04 32.95
31 527 36 x 15m Roll 87.22 102.48
--- Galerie Inkjet Classic Pearl A3+ 25sh 28.04 32.95
--- 44 x 15m Roll 106.64 125.30
--- Galerie Inkjet Smooth Pearl A3+ 25sh 28.04 32.95
--- Galerie Inkjet Smooth Gloss A3+ 25sh 28.04 32.95
FORTE PRO PHOTO GLOSSY 270 gsm Agfa’s Photo Glossy is a standard ‘RC feel’ product, although
35 619 A4 20 sh 9.05 10.63 quite warm in colour compared to other photo. glossies on this
35 621 A4 50 sh 18.10 21.27 page such as Ilford. The ‘2 in 1’ is unusual, offering a similar
35 731 A3 20 sh 22.65 26.61 high gloss on one side and a satin finish on the other. Paper
35 770 A3 50 sh 45.30 53.23 weight of this is 195 gsm.
‘High Quality’ paper is 120 gsm and has a smooth matt finish
--- A3+ 30 sh 37.01 43.49
to the printing side.
--- A2 20 sh 51.40 60.40 Net +VAT
--- A2 20 sh 51.40 60.40 AGFAJET HIGH QUALITY PAPER 120 gsm Smooth Matt
--- A4 100sh 8.50 9.99
--- A3 50sh 17.04 20.02
K.Tapestry, has a similar finish to ‘Document Art’, and 29 692 Mixed Assortment 5 Photo Gloss 4x6 + 5 2in 1 A4 + 20sh HQ A4 5.95 6.99
K.Classic, which has a surface close to ‘Art Classic’. Both are
in a heavy 240 gsm weight. K.ProJet is a 160 gsm material
with a smooth matt finish, giving photo realistic images with SOMERSET ENHANCED INKJET PAPER
good definition and accurate colour rendition. K.CrystalJet is Made by St Cuthberts mill, Somerset Enhanced is a 225gsm
instant drying, waterproof, and compatible with dye and mould made, 100% cotton, acid free paper, this is pigment
pigment inks. coated on one side to 5 gsm for inkjet use. This results in an
Net +VAT art surface delivering an exceptionally good maximum density
K.CRYSTALJET 180gsm White Glossy, photo base with delicacy of separation in higher tones. Roll sizes are
--- A4 25 sh 7.80 9.17 available to order. There are three finishes; Velvet has slightly more texture,
--- A4 50 sh 17.55 20.62 while Satin is the ‘hot pressed’ equivalent with a smoother surface. The
--- A3 25 sh 15.60 18.33 new ‘Textured’ surface has a natural wire embossing. For reasons best
--- A3 50 sh 35.10 41.24 known to themselves, St Cuthberts have discontinued A3 size - we can get
--- A2 25 sh 31.20 36.66 this cut specially, but a minimum quantity may apply, and the paper will not
--- A2 50 sh 70.20 82.48 be supplied in ‘official’ packaging.
K.PROJET 160gsm White Glossy, cast coated Net +VAT
--- A4 25 sh 6.66 7.83
--- A4 50 sh 12.93 15.19 3 475 A4 25sh 12.13 14.25
--- A3 25 sh 13.33 15.66 35 489 A3+ 25sh 25.22 29.63
--- A3 50 sh 25.85 30.37 93 119 A2 25sh 44.47 52.25
--- A2 25 sh 26.65 31.31 30 846 10m x 33cm roll 34.00 39.95
--- A2 50 sh 51.71 60.76
K.TAPESTRY (textured art surface ) 31 079 A4 25sh 12.13 14.25
23 233 A4 25 sh 18.97 22.29 32 663 A3+ 25sh 25.22 29.63
23 245 A3 25 sh 37.95 44.59 31 385 A2 25sh 44.47 52.25
--- A2 25 sh 75.89 89.17
K.CLASSIC (smooth art surface) --- A4 25sh 12.13 14.25
28 103 A4 25 sh 18.97 22.29 --- A2 25sh 44.47 52.25
28 096 A3 25 sh 37.95 44.59
--- A2 25 sh 75.89 89.17
36 781 A4 20sh 10.67 12.53
36 791 A3+ 20sh 22.18 26.06
Tetenal, as a major wholesaler, are able to source excellent Matt, double sided inkjet paper - a baryta coated paper, mak -
materials from all areas of the market, and offer one of the ing it highly absorbent and very cheap to produce. Unbeatable
widest ranges of inkjet materials. Consequently they have value for money, although friction between adjacent sheets
papers ranging from ‘DUO’, a baryta paper offering excellent may tend to cause feed problems with some printers.
quality while being cheap enough for proofing, to the
High Gloss 240 gsm material.
Net +VAT
Net +VAT
29 944 A4 200sh 17.00 19.98
GLOSSY PAPER 160g 28 960 A3 100sh 20.00 23.50
59 216 A4 20sh 7.00 8.22 29 932 A3+ 100sh 25.00 29.38
66 784 A4 50sh 15.75 18.50 29 971 A2 100sh 40.00 47.00
1 743 A3 20sh 15.00 16.62
37 754 A3+ 20sh 16.50 19.38
HIGH GLOSS PAPER 264 gsm Matt, single sided inkjet paper. The Perfect Print Paper 120 g
as well as the double sided Duo Print Paper 130 g are matte
The High Glossy Paper Special 264 g is the premium paper of coated materials and lend themselves especially to high
the SpectraJet line, whose distinctive features are its heavy quality text or graphics, but also photo-realistic printing. An
weight and the special PE (polyethylene) coating as well as its ultra-white material, which can absorb a high amount of ink
intense white base and brilliant colour reproduction, giving the and dries very quickly. Excellent value for money.
paper a look and feel that makes it virtually undistinguishable
Net +VAT
from photographic paper. With ultra-fine cavity technology, ink
37 837 A4 200sh 15.50 18.21
is accepted quickly and evenly, but water is rejected. After
37 852 A3 100sh 16.50 19.38
only a few seconds, the paper is smear proof. ICC profiles are also avail-
37 864 A3+ 100sh 19.75 23.20
able for this paper for selected printers. 37 911 A2 100sh 32.50 38.18
Net +VAT
28 921 A4 10sh 8.30 9.75
30 166 A4 20sh 13.00 15.28
28 933 A4 50sh 27.50 32.31 Aquarell Paper 230 g is a deckle-edged art paper, designed
30 141 A3 10sh 14.00 16.45 for outputing photo-realistic images. A special ink jet coating
37 475 A3+ 10sh 16.50 19.39 preserves the look and feel of the materials' as an art paper.
37 487 A3+ 50sh 66.50 78.14 Gives a strong colour rendering, high colour differentiation and
30 031 A2 10sh 30.70 36.07 high definition.
Net +VA
Net +VAT
- A4 10sh 8.00 9.40
34 732 A4 20sh 15.00 17.62
35 048 A4 50sh 31.50 37.01 Net +VAT
34 744 A3 10sh 16.00 18.80 38 006 A4 10sh 26.50 31.14
37 448 A3+ 10sh 19.00 22.32 38 019 A3 10sh 55.00 64.63
38 021 A3+ 10sh 60.00 70.50
38 033 A2 10sh 95.00 111.63
The Portrait Paper 240 g is especially designed for the render CREATIVE SET
ing of high-quality portraits as well as for professional proofs. Consisting of 2 sheets of each of mould-made ink jet paper and inkjet can-
Its matte surface and the excellent white base, achieved vas materials.
through a special PE support material, make it difficult to dis Net +VAT
tinguish it from a conventional portrait photo. In addition, the - Creative Set 4sh 7.00 8.23
material is water-repellant and smear-proof. For the Portrait
Paper, ICC profiles are available. TEST SET
Net +VAT
A mixed range of 8 sheets of Tetenal photo quality inkjet papers in a sam-
37 490 A4 20sh 13.00 15.28
ple set. Each includes: 2 x High Glossy Paper 264gsm, 2 x Portrait Paper
37 506 A4 50sh 27.50 32.31
240 gsm, 2 x High Glossy paper DC 210 gsm, 2 x Glossy Paper 160 gsm.
37 519 A3 20sh 28.00 32.90
37 521 A3+ 20sh 33.00 38.78 Net +VAT
37 533 A2 20sh 56.00 65.80 29 957 Test Set 8sh 2.50 2.94
Net +VAT
Net +VAT
31 153 Standard Fine Art Paper A4 / 20 20.50 24.09
31 821 Epson Plain Paper SO41214 A4 / 250 2.80 3.29
31 165 Standard Fine Art Paper A4 / 50 41.00 48.18
EPSON PHOTO PAPER 31 209 Standard Fine Art Paper A3 / 20 41.00 48.18
31 943 Epson Photo Paper SO41134 Photo 4x6 4.55 5.35 31 192 Standard Fine Art Paper A3 / 50 82.00 96.35
30 689 Epson Photo Paper SO41140 A4 / 20 6.58 7.73 35 134 Standard Fine Art Paper A3+ / 50 119.00 139.82
31 042 Epson Photo Paper SO41142 A3 18.28 21.48 31 515 Standard Fine Art Paper A2 / 20 82.00 96.35
33 978 Epson Photo Paper SO41143 Super A3 / 20 20.43 24.00 32 869 Standard Fine Art Paper A2 / 50 164.00 192.70
28 265 Photo Quality Inkjet Paper SO41061 A4 / 100 7.98 9.38 21 248 Soft Fine Art Paper A4 / 20 20.10 23.61
27 364 Photo Quality Inkjet Paper SO41068 A3 / 100 25.43 29.88 31 275 Soft Fine Art Paper A4 / 50 40.20 47.23
34 370 Photo Quality Inkjet Paper SO41069 Super A3 / 100 33.00 38.77 31 290 Soft Fine Art Paper A3 / 20 40.20 47.23
37 267 Photo Quality Inkjet Paper SO41079 A2 / 30 25.65 30.14 31 310 Soft Fine Art Paper A3 / 50 80.40 94.47
- Soft Fine Art Paper A2 / 20 80.40 94.47
EPSON PHOTO QUALITY GLOSSY PAPER - Soft Fine Art Paper A2 / 50 160.80 188.94
28 277 Photo Quality Glossy Paper SO41126 A4 5.91 6.94
30 712 Photo Quality Glossy Paper SO41125 A3 16.32 19.18
33 978 Photo Quality Glossy Paper SO41143 Super A3 / 100 21.22 24.93 32 710 Rough Fine Art Paper A4 / 20 18.50 21.74
- Photo Quality Glossy Paper SO41123 A2 35.54 41.76 33 927 Rough Fine Art Paper A4 / 50 37.00 43.48
32 722 Rough Fine Art Paper A3 / 20 37.00 43.48
EPSON GLOSSY PAPER - PHOTO WEIGHT - Rough Fine Art Paper A3 / 50 74.00 86.95
- Glossy Paper - Photo Weight SO41349 A4 / 20 8.31 9.76 - Rough Fine Art Paper A2 / 20 74.00 86.95
32 501 Glossy Paper - Photo Weight SO41350 A3 / 20 22.81 26.80 - Rough Fine Art Paper A2 / 50 148.00 173.90
32 514 Glossy Paper - Photo Weight SO41347 Super A3 / 20 27.95 32.84
EPSON PREMIUM GLOSSY PHOTO PAPER - Professional Photo Gloss A4 / 20 13.95 16.39
31 055 Premium Glossy Photo Paper SO41287 A4 / 20 9.67 11.36 - Professional Photo Gloss A4 / 50 29.95 35.19
31 067 Premium Glossy Photo Paper SO41315 A3 / 20 24.41 28.68 - Professional Photo Gloss A3 / 30 39.95 46.94
31 968 Premium Glossy Photo Paper SO41316 Super A3 29.90 35.13 - Professional Photo Gloss A2 / 30 79.95 93.94
MUSEUM CLASSIC 310 gsm Warm tone heavyweight 100% cotton ‘linen’ fabric, inkjet prepared on one
Smooth white mould-made art paper, inkjet coated one side. The most pop-
--- Belgian Linen A4 / 10 20.38 23.95
ular paper in the range alongside Portrait Classic
--- Belgian Linen A3 / 10 39.96 46.95
33 383 Museum Classic 50212 A4 / 20 20.38 23.95
--- Belgian Linen A3+ / 10 62.09 72.95
--- Museum Classic A4 / 50 39.96 46.95
--- Belgian Linen A2 / 10 80.81 94.95
33 428 Museum Classic 50222 A3 / 20 40.81 47.95
--- Belgian Linen 36 Roll / 10m 204.21 239.95
--- Museum Classic A3 / 50 79.96 93.95
--- Museum Classic A3+ / 20 59.53 69.95 INSTANT DRY 271 gsm GLOSS
--- Museum Classic A3+ / 50 134.43 157.95 High gloss surface, instant dry and water resistant. UV protection micropore
--- Museum Classic 50242 A2 / 20 81.66 95.95 supercoat
--- Museum Classic 24 Roll / 12m 76.55 89.95
33 298 Instant Dry 271 Gloss A4 / 25 11.02 12.95
--- Museum Classic 36 Roll / 12m 106.34 124.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Gloss A4 / 50 21.23 24.95
--- Museum Classic 44 Roll / 12m 140.38 164.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Gloss A4 / 100 39.96 46.95
PARCHMENT CLASSIC 285 gsm 33 455 Instant Dry 271 Gloss A3 / 25 22.09 25.95
Highly calendered art paper, white surface --- Instant Dry 271 Gloss A3 / 50 42.51 49.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Gloss A3 / 100 82.51 96.95
33 318 Parchment Classic A4 / 20 20.38 23.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Gloss A3+ / 25 29.74 34.95
--- Parchment Classic A4 / 50 36.55 42.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Gloss A3+ / 50 55.28 64.95
33 416 Parchment Classic A3 / 20 39.96 46.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Gloss A2 / 25 51.02 59.95
--- Parchment Classic A3 / 50 73.15 85.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Gloss A2 / 50 97.83 114.95
--- Parchment Classic A3+ / 20 62.09 72.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Gloss 24 Roll / 20m 85.06 99.95
--- Parchment Classic A3+ / 50 62.09 72.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Gloss 36 Roll / 20m 127.62 149.95
--- Parchment Classic A2 / 20 79.96 93.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Gloss 44 Roll / 20m 157.40 184.95
--- Parchment Classic 24 Roll / 12m 74.00 86.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Gloss 50 Roll / 20m 178.68 209.95
--- Parchment Classic 36 Roll / 12m 102.09 119.95
--- Parchment Classic 44 Roll / 12m 136.13 159.95 INSTANT DRY 271 gsm OYSTER
Semi-matt/lustre surface, instant dry and water resistant. UV protection
micropore supercoat
White art paper with pronounced texture
--- Instant Dry 271 Oyster A4 / 25 11.02 12.95
33 065 Papyrus Classic A4 / 20 22.09 25.95 --- Instant Dry 271 Oyster A4 / 50 21.23 24.95
--- Papyrus Classic A4 / 50 42.51 49.95 --- Instant Dry 271 Oyster A4 / 100 39.96 46.95
33 467 Papyrus Classic A3 / 20 44.21 51.95 --- Instant Dry 271 Oyster A3 / 25 22.09 25.95
--- Papyrus Classic A3 / 50 85.06 99.95 --- Instant Dry 271 Oyster A3 / 50 42.51 49.95
--- Papyrus Classic A3+ / 20 68.04 79.95 --- Instant Dry 271 Gloss A3 / 100 82.51 96.95
--- Papyrus Classic A2 / 20 88.47 103.95 --- Instant Dry 271 Oyster A3+ / 25 29.74 34.95
--- Papyrus Classic 24 Roll / 12m 91.02 106.95 --- Instant Dry 271 Oyster A3+ / 50 55.28 64.95
--- Papyrus Classic 36 Roll / 12m 136.13 159.95 --- Instant Dry 271 Oyster A2 / 25 51.02 59.95
--- Papyrus Classic 44 Roll / 12m 170.17 199.95 --- Instant Dry 271 Oyster A2 / 50 97.83 114.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Oyster 24 Roll / 20m 85.06 99.95
--- Instant Dry 271 Oyster 36 Roll / 20m 127.62 149.95
Slightly warmer than Museum Classic, same smooth art finish, one of the --- Instant Dry 271 Oyster 44 Roll / 20m 157.40 184.95
most popular papers in the range --- Instant Dry 271 Oyster 50 Roll / 20m 178.68 209.95
--- Portrait Classic A4 / 20 22.09 25.95
--- Portrait Classic A4 / 50 42.51 49.95
--- Portrait Classic A3 / 20 44.21 51.95 Water resistant, instant dry double sided lustre finish paper with UV protect-
--- Portrait Classic A3 / 50 85.06 99.95 ed micropore supercoats both sides.
--- Portrait Classic A3+ / 20 68.04 79.95 --- Double sided Lustre 285 A4 / 25 21.23 24.95
--- Portrait Classic A3+ / 50 153.15 179.95 --- Double sided Lustre 285 A4 / 50 40.81 47.95
--- Portrait Classic A2 / 20 88.47 103.95 --- Double sided Lustre 285 A3 / 25 42.51 49.95
--- Portrait Classic 24 Roll / 12m 91.02 106.95 --- Double sided Lustre 285 A3 / 50 84.21 98.95
--- Portrait Classic 36 Roll / 12m 136.13 159.95
--- Portrait Classic 44 Roll / 12m 170.17 199.95
Totally clear film with high capacity ink receiving layer, can be used to make
enlarged negatives for contact prints.
--- OHP Film - 100 micron A4 / 10 14.43 16.95
--- OHP Film - 100 micron A3 / 10 28.89 33.95
HAHNEMUHLE INKJET PAPERS 31 637 Torchon A4 / 20 16.20 19.04
34 563 Torchon A4 / 50 32.40 38.07
A range of art inkjet papers that, as in so many papers of this 37545 Torchon A3 / 20 32.40 38.07
genre, has its origin in papers that have been in production for 34 587 Torchon A3 / 50 64.80 76.14
many years. In this case, over 400 years! Designed for critical 37 560 Torchon A3+ / 50 --- ---
users, the Hahnemuhle papers work equally well with both --- Torchon A2 / 50 --- ---
dye and pigmented base inks on a wide variety of printers,
providing a colour intensity and crispness not possible with
non coated art papers. 37 597 William Turner A4 / 20 18.00 21.15
36 604 William Turner A4 / 50 36.00 42.30
Net +VAT
37 617 William Turner A3 / 20 36.00 42.30
GERMAN ETCHING 310 gsm 37 682 William Turner A3 / 50 72.00 84.60
31 625 German Etching A4 / 20 18.00 21.15 --- William Turner A3+ / 50 --- ---
34 509 German Etching A4 / 50 36.00 42.30 --- William Turner A2 / 50 --- ---
31 750 German Etching A3 / 20 36.00 42.30
34 493 German Etching A3 / 50 72.00 84.60
31 625 German Etching A3+ / 20 51.55 60.57 31 613 Albrecht Durer A4 / 20 14.10 16.57
35 036 German Etching A3+ / 50 107.40 126.20 34 524 Albrecht Durer A4 / 50 28.20 33.14
37 255 German Etching A2 / 50 133.85 157.27 --- Albrecht Durer A3 / 20 28.20 33.14
34 512 Albrecht Durer A3 / 50 56.40 66.27
PHOTO RAG 188 gsm --- Albrecht Durer A3+ / 50 --- ---
34 634 Photo Rag A4 / 50 26.10 30.67 --- Albrecht Durer A2 / 50 104.00 122.20
34 607 Photo Rag A3 / 50 52.70 61.92
35 110 Photo Rag A3+ / 50 80.50 94.59
ARKONA 335 gsm- Natural White Mould Made EPSON 2100 INK CARTRIDGES
36 696 PHOTO BLACK T0341 8.80 10.34
31 649 Arkona A4 / 20 20.00 23.50
36 730 CYAN T0342 10.36 12.17
- Arkona A4 / 50 47.00 55.23
36 755 MAGENTA T0343 10.36 12.17
- Arkona A3 / 20 39.00 45.83
36 779 YELLOW T0344 10.36 12.17
32 417 Arkona A3+ / 20 70.00 82.25
36 742 LIGHT CYAN T0345 10.36 12.17
- Arkona A3 / 50 96.00 112.80
36 767 LIGHT MAGENTA T0346 10.36 12.17
36 728 LIGHT BLACK T0347 10.36 12.17
36 703 MATTE BLACK T0348 8.80 10.34
The current budget
photo quality A3+
printer from Epson. It
improves on its pre-
decessor, the 1270,
by doubling the reso-
lution, now an amaz-
ing 2880 x 720 dpi.
The printer embodies
the Epson Variable
Sized Droplet technol-
Perhaps the first desktop inkjet dye system that offers an even handed ogy, which enables
approach, only pay for the dyes you use! Compatible with the new Canon production of 8 ink
A3+ S9000 as well as the Canon A4 S800. dot sizes, including
Net +VAT the minute and virtu-
--- Canon BCI-6Y Yellow Ink Tank 7.45 8.75
ally invisible four
--- Canon BCI-6C Cyan Ink Tank 7.45 8.75
picolitre dot.
--- Canon BCI-6PC Photo Cyan Ink Tank 7.45 8.75
--- Canon BCI-6M Magenta Ink Tank 7.45 8.75 The ink system is the
--- Canon BCI-6PM Photo Magenta Ink Tank 7.45 8.75 usual Epson arrange-
--- Canon BCI-6BK Black Ink Tank 7.45 8.75 ment, a black cartridge used in conjunction with a single 5-colour cartridge,
containing cyan, light cyan, magenta, light magenta and yellow.
Borderless prints can be produced up to A3.
FERRANIA INKJET INKS The ‘Intellidge’ cartridges feature an integral IC chip which stores accurate
information about the ink available - part used cartridges can now be
High quality replacement cartridges for the Epson branded removed and finished at a later date.
products, which on our own tests have been problem free and Cartridge life: The black cartridge (T007) will print approxi-
virtually identical in colour values to Epson. mately 540 A4 text pages
The colour ink cartridge (T009) will print approxi
mately 330 pages at 25%(5% for each colour).
Net +VAT Resolution: 2880 x 720 dpi
--- Ferrania Optijet T007 Clone Cartridge 8.50 9.99 Print Speed: Mono text 2.9 pages/minute
--- Ferrania Optijet T008 Clone Cartridge 10.20 11.99 Photo A4 up to 0.3 page/minute
--- Ferrania Optijet T009 Clone Cartridge 12.76 14.99
Interface: USB and Parralel
No. of print nozzles: 288
Dimensions: (W) 609 x (D) 311 x (H) 175 mm
It’s been a while com- --- Epson Stylus 1290 WEBSITE / CALL
ing, but Canon’s
answer to Epsons vir-
tual domination of the
photo inkjet market is
out in February. The 2100 introduces
Capable of handling a new approach
up to A3+ paper of all from Epson which is
types, this is the large particularly beneficial
format version of the to those producing
A4 format Canon monochrome
S800, which has been images. The head
out for some months. contains two black
If it performs and han- inks which can be
dles like the S800 it interchanged for dif-
should prove excellent ferent printing media
- we have been using types. The standard
an S800 for doing all ‘Photo Black’ is suit-
our inkjet paper tests, able for all materials
and found it hard to including glossy,
fault. A very large plus is that the six inks are supplied as separate car- while the ‘Matte
tridges, thus avoiding the waste of the Epson system. If you are producing Black’ cartridge pro-
a run of prints with a dominant colour bias, you will only need to replace duces superior out-
those cartridges , or ‘tanks’ that empty first. The printer driver software mon- put on art papers. Further enhancements include an additional light black
itors the state of the ink supply, and gives early warning when replacement cartridge as standard, which acts to improve gradation in both colour and
is needed. For archival work, Lyson supply compatible cartridges. The car- monochrome images, widening the colour gamut to improve greyscale and
tridge life is also excellent, all giving a quoted life of 270 A4 pages with 5% colour tonal gradations.
coverage. Very quiet operation. Very high resolution. Will produce border-
less prints up to A3. One interesting pointer to the specification and quality The seven cartridges contain individual inks, similarly to the Canon 9000,
is that it employs no less than 5 motors for line feed, carriage movement, so inks need only be replaced when completely exhausted. In addition the
sheet feed, maintenance and paper discharge. cartridges contain resealable valves, so can be removed and stored before
Resolution: 2400 x 1200 dpi being fully exhausted. Continuous media printing and finishing is possible
Print Speed: Mono Text A4 - up to 6 pages/minute with the use of the standard roll paper holder and auto cutter, whilst a
Photo A4 - up to 1 page/minute in high res. simultaneous paper load feature allows easy switching between cut sheet
Interface: USB only. and roll media. There is also a facility for printing directly onto CD faces.
No. of print nozzles: 3072 Resolution is the highest so far achieved in photo-realistic inkjets, 2880 x
Dimensions: (W) 573 x (D) 334 x (H) 196 mm 1440 dpi.
Lyson Small Gamut Inksets
LYSON LONG LIFE INKSETS The latest product from Lyson is the ‘Small Gamut’ inkset,
which uses a replacement for the colour cartridge with differ-
Fotonic Colour Cartridges ent hues of neutral colour dyes in each channel. Small levels
of magenta, yellow and cyan dyes are used in combination
Lyson is an independent inkjet cartridge manufacturer offering
with monochrome inks to yield a wide range of colour control.
replacement cartridges for most Epson printers. Colour accu -
By using simple colour adjustments in the image creation soft
racy and permanence are very high for this type of print repro-
ware, a full range of toning effects can be achieved. The
duction, and print life expectancy comparable with chro-
image can be printed in many different shades, such as warm tone sepia, in
mogenic colour prints if a suitable print media is used. The
true neutral black, in selenium colour, or colour can be adjusted in specific
Lyson papers, page 11 are Lysons recommended media for
areas. At the time of writing, only one Small Gamut cartridge is available,
high permanence; all aging tests by Lyson have been based
for Epson 740 series, but cartridges for other Epson models are due to
on combinations of these papers with Lyson inksets.
become available during 2002.
Lyson Quad-Black Inksets Cleaning Cartridges
Apart from permanence, another innovation from Lyson is
Cleaning cartridges are available for most models, enabling a
control of black and white printing by the use of special car-
thorough clearout of the printer when changing between
tridges (Quad & Hex Black Inksets) which replace the normal
inksets. It is preferable, though, to keep separate dedicated
colour cartridge. These allow an additional four or six chan-
printers for colour and monochrome work.
nels of archival ink.As each channel can be set to varying
densities (100% black, dark grey, mid grey, light grey etc.) a
much wider tonal range can be reproduced, without the colour
casts found with a standard colour cartridge. As well as neutral cartridges,
Neutral Warm (sepia) and Cool (selenium) sets are available. Indoor display
life of 100 years is now specified
Epson Stylus Fotonic Colour Small Gamut Quad-Black Neutral Quad-Black Warm Quad Black Cool Cleaning Cartridges
Color Printer Black Slot Colour Slot Colour Slot Black Slot Colour Slot Black Slot Colour Slot Black Slot Colour Slot Black Slot Colour Slot
3000 45.00 52.88 45.00 52.88 53.00 62.28 45.00 52.88 45.00 52.88 45.00 52.88 45.00 52.88 45.00 52.88 45.00 13.00 15.28 13.00 15.28
--- QT7NK
850/860 15.95 18.74 19.95 23.44 22.00 25.85 15.95 18.74 19.95 23.44 15.95 18.74 19.95 23.44 15.95 18.74 19.95 21.09 10.95 12.87 16.50 19.39
1160/1520/900 32746 8EFK 32 734 8EFT 10 609 E8SGT 32 707 Q8NK 10 589 Q8NT 20 346 Q8WK 11 001 Q8WT 20 652 Q8CK 9 151 Q8CT 8 955 8ECK 32 798 8ECT
Epson Stylus Fotonic Colour Small Gamut Hex-Black Neutral Hex Black Warm Hex Black Cool Cleaning Cartridges
Color Printer Black Slot Colour Slot Colour Slot Black Slot Colour Slot Black Slot Colour Slot Black Slot Colour Slot Black Slot Colour Slot
9000/7000/7500 45.00 52.88 45.00 52.88 53.00 62.28 45.00 52.88 45.00 52.88 23.95 28.14 23.95 28.14
--- ---
5000/5500 45.00 52.88 45.00 52.88 18.00 21.15 18.00 21.15
EX/700/750 17.95 21.09 16.95 19.92 TBA 16.95 19.92 17.95 21.09 16.95 19.92 17.95 21.09 16.95 19.92 17.95 19.92 9.50 11.16 15.50 18.21
30 885 EPHFK 29 638 EPHFT 32 191 QPHNK 35 394 QPHNT 34 454 QPHWK 10 039 QPHWT 8 883 QPHCK 30 530 QPHCT 30 905 EPHCK 11 442EPHCT
1200 17.95 21.09 19.95 23.44 22.00 25.85 16.95 19.92 19.95 21.09 16.95 19.92 19.95 23.44 16.95 19.92 19.95 21.09 9.50 11.16 15.50 18.21
30 885 EPHFK 30 859 E12FT 32 191 QPHNK 32 208 Q12NT 34 454 QPHWK 34 441 Q12WT 8 83 QPHCK 23 466 Q12CT 30 905 EPHCK 30 918 E12CT
790/870/875/890 16.95 19.92 16.95 19.92 20.00 23.50 17.95 21.09 16.95 19.92 9.50 11.16 14.50 17.04
33 902 ET7FK 34 415 ET8FT 34 150 QT7NK 34 427 QT8NT
1270/1290/2000P 16.95 19.92 19.95 23.44 22.00 25.85 17.95 21.09 19.95 21.09 9.50 11.16 14.50 17.04
33 902 ET7FK 33 895 ET9FT 34 150 QT7NK 34 174 QT9NT
6000/6100/6500 7.95 9.34 7.95 9.34 7.95 9.34 7.95 9.34 7.95 9.34
5 886 FP4+ 120 WEBSITE dard gel filter holders, and a Cokin mounted filter
13 296 FP4+ 5x4 25sh 11.92 14.00 - SFX Filter A size 58mm sq. 3.26 3.83
20 334 FP4+ 5x4 100sh 45.26 53.18 26 682 SFX Filter P size, 75mm sq. 2.57 3.02
- SFX Filter P size, Cokin gel filter holder 6.95 8.17
62 336
3 230
FP4+ 4.75x6.5 25sh (1/2 plate)
FP4+ 5x7 25sh
FP4 & HP5
91 828 FP4+ 8x10 25sh 40.13 47.15 Triple packs
4 998 FP4+ 35mm Control Strips 33.89 39.82
@ 5.88
Kodak TMax P3200
Kodak B&W FIlm Fuji B&W Film
The ultimate in speed with existing
Kodak Tri-X technologies, not produced in 120 Neopan 100
as apparently cosmic radiation
Very popular 400 ISO film, basically would fog it without the protection of A special import from the USA, this
unchanged for decades. The classic a metal cassette! 35mm format only, 100 ISO version of Neopan is not
photojournalists’ film. Enormously relatively fine grain considering the phenomenal normally sold in the UK, for reasons
flexible in processing. Prints with a speed, with the grain having a very sharp, attrac- unknown. The fine grain, latitude
distinc tive punchy snappiness. It tive character. Can be pushed to 50,000 ISO (try and Fuji quality one would expect.
was feared some time ago that it would be setting that on your meter). Only in 35mm 135-36 at present.
dropped in favour of the TMax 400, but it seems
quite secure now. Available in all common for- 646 P3200 135-36 WEBSITE - Neopan 100 135-36 2.98 3.50
UP 25+
colour temperature, outstanding reciprocity char-
acteristics, good multiple exposure performance,
Agfa Transparency
UP25 is a panchromatic ISO 25 film and enhanced storage characteristics.
in 35mm and 120 formats, which is a Agfachrome RSX II 50, 100, & 200
close replacement for Agfapan 25, 21 306 ASTIA RAP 135-36 WEBSITE
The RSX range of films are matched for neutral
21 319 ASTIA RAP 135-36 / 5 pack WEBSITE
discontinued some years ago. colour balance and high colour saturation. They
38 227 UP25+ 135-36 2.30 2.70 21 345 ASTIA RAP 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE
have a unique colour quality distinguishing them
--- UP25+ 135-36 x 10 21.00 24.67 21 360 ASTIA RAP 5x4 10 sh WEBSITE from Fuji and Kodak materials.
38 156 UP25+ 120 1.50 1.76
--- UP25+ 120 x 10 13.80 16.22 Provia 100F (RDPIII) RSX II 100
Fuji’s answer to Kodak 100VS, a Medium speed transparency film ‘for
UP 100+
superbly saturated vivid new film, challenging applications’ say Agfa,
A panchromatic 100 ISO films in
excellent sharpness, which unoffi- meaning it is the preferred film in
35mm, 120 and a wide variety of
cially is tipped as the answer to the the range for fashion, advertising
sheet formats, including 5x4”, 8x10”,
same firms 100D, deleted a few and portraiture. A full range of for-
10x12”, 11x14”, 12x16” up to 20x24”
years ago to much chagrin. Good pushing capa- mats, including 35mm & 120, with 5x4” and 10x8”
in packs of 10. Also available to special order in
bility, 2 stops push is hardly noticeable. sheet formats. RSX 100 was voted European
wide rolls. Also, Baby Rollei owners note, in 127
Colour Slide Film of the Year 95/96 by the EISA
format. 19 114 Provia RDP111 135-36 WEBSITE Photo Awards Panel.
38 170 UP100+ 135-36 x 1 1.70 2.00 29 763 Provia RDP111 135-36 / 5 pack WEBSITE
29 898 Provia RDP111 120 WEBSITE 30 971 RSX11 100 135-36 4.91 5.77
- UP100+ 135-36 x 10 16.56 19.46
30 017 Provia RDP111 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE 71 837 RSX11 100 120 2.82 3.31
- UP100+ 127 2.20 2.59
75 917 Provia RDP111 5x4" 10 sh WEBSITE 7 860 RSX11 100 120 / 5 pack 14.09 16.56
38 239 UP100+ 120 x 1 1.25 1.47
1 866 Provia RDP111 5x4 50 sh WEBSITE 79 976 RSX11 100 5x4 10 sh 15.13 17.78
- UP100+ 120 x 10 11.30 13.28
96 517 RSX11 100 10x8 10sh 57.14 67.14
- UP100+ 5x4 10sh 3.50 4.11
UP 400+ RSX II 50
RHP is a flexible high speed (ISO
A panchromatic 400 ISO film based Slow, ultra-sharp & fine grain film,
400) daylight colour reversal materi-
on cubic grain technology. most suited to still life and where
al especially suited to low light situa-
tions. Reciprocity and push-pro extreme enlargement is required.
cessing characteristics are excellent, Formats catered to are 35mm and
38 182 UP400+ 135-36 x 1 1.70 2.00
and make RHP an ideal material for a wide range 120 with sheet film in 5x4”.
- UP400+ 135-36 x 10 16.56 19.46
of photographic uses. 93 669 RSX 50 135-36 4.74 5.57
Cube 400 1 756 Provia PH 135-36 WEBSITE
28 179 RSX 50 120 2.71 3.18
Designed for exceptionally high 1 893 Provia PH 120 WEBSITE
sharpness. Unusual film construc- 1 900 Provia PH 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE RSX II 200
tion, in that the antihalation coating is The fastest film in the range now,
on the front, rather than the reverse PROVIA 1600 (RSP) suitable for subjects where speed is
of the base, and the emulsion coating is 10 of the essence, as where move
microns. The base is 100 micron light blue tinted This is an ultra high speed (1600
ISO) daylight colour reversal film ment is involved, and some compro-
polyester. Best results are obtained using the mise of quality is acceptable. In roll
dedicated LP-CUBE XS developer. giving a speed of ISO 1600 when
push-processed in E6 chemistry. formats 35mm and 120 only.
- UP100+ 135-36 x 1 2.70 3.17 RSP is suitable for a wide range of 64 471 RSX 200 135-36 5.38 6.32
- UP100+ 135-36 x 10 25.00 29.38 adverse lighting situations and combines good 59 545 RSX 200 120 3.08 3.62
- UP100+ 120 x 1 2.60 3.06 colour saturation for its speed, with relatively fine
- UP100+ 120 x 10 23.80 27.97 grain. Available only in 35mm.
54 274 Provia PS 135-36 WEBSITE
Ektachrome 64, 100 (EPR, EPN) Ektachrome E200 Ektachrome Infrared Film
Closely matched films which can be Reversal film with similar character- Colour transparency film that pro-
push-processed with minimal loss of istics to EPN. Pushes well. Available duces modified colours, with sub-
quality. Normal colour saturation. in all formats and therefore the jects reflecting much infra-red radia-
The films of choice for accurate fastest available sheet transparency tion appearing red/magenta, e.g.
colour rendition. EPN in particular, film. foliage. To get a good colour differen-
has a sharp infra-red cut-off and hence will be tiation some form of filtration is necessary, and
60 007 E200 135-36 / 5 pack WEBSITE
much less likely to record anomalous reflections the usual starting point is to use a deep yellow fil-
63 807 E200 135-36 WEBSITE
that diverge from visual perception. Standard E6 - E200 35mm x 100ft 70.68 83.05
ter (Wratten 12).
process, available in all formats inc. sheets. 16 946 E200 120 / 5 Pack WEBSITE 15 813 Ektachrome Infrared Film (IE) 9.47 11.13
17 020 E200 120 WEBSITE
Ektachrome Slide Duplicating Films
96 850 EPR 135-36 / 5pack WEBSITE Ektachrome EPL 120
92 645 EPR 120 / 5pack WEBSITE When making transparency duplicates, unless
80 782 EPR 6117 5x4 /10 WEBSITE The older generation 400 ISO high speed daylight you are making a quantity of copies, and have a
film in the Kodak range. Particularly good for range of correction filters available to fine-tune
cross processing. the colour balance, it is probably better to dupli-
98 649 EPN 135-36 / 5 pack WEBSITE
3 864 EPN 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE 62 142 EPL 135-36 / 5 WEBSITE cate onto a normal camera film. These specialist
83 726 EPN 7058 5x4 / 10 WEBSITE 68 198 EPL 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE duplication films, require several ‘setting-up’ tests
with adjustments of filtration to obtain best results.
Ektachrome 100 PLUS (EPP) Ektachrome P800/1600X (EPH) 32 538 EDUPE 5044 135-36 4.50 5.28
A 100 ISO medium speed film with Designed specifically for push processing with 28 128 EDUPE 7044 5x4 10sh 12.10 14.21
minimum loss of quality, this daylight-balanced - EDUPE 7044 5x4 50sh 58.56 68.80
extended colour saturation. Less
colour reversal film needs a 1 stop push for 800 52 EDUPE 5044 35mm x 100 34.49 40.53
technically accurate than standard
Ektachrome, but a favourite choice ISO, 2 stops for 1600 ISO. 35mm format only.
for ‘larger than life’ images in edito- 24 925 EPH 135-36/5 Pack 42.49 49.90
rial work, advertising etc. Saturation between
EPN and EP100 SW. Kodak anticipate that they
Ektachrome 64T Tungsten (EPY)
may withdraw this film if demand for it falls off as
photographers switch to EP100 SW. Standard E6 A tungsten balanced 64 ISO film,
process, available in all formats, inc. sheets. which has replaced the older 50T,
with improved reciprocity character-
65 928 EPP 135-36 / 5 pack WEBSITE istics for speed consistency and
4 961 EPP 35mm x 100 68.24 80.18
colour balance in the 1/10 to 100
40 582 EPP 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE
second range, and little loss of speed when
83 726 EPP 6105 5x4" 10sh WEBSITE
exposed over times longer than 5 seconds. All
2 425 EPP 6105 5x4 50sh WEBSITE
standard formats including sheets, standard E6
8 208 EPP 6105 8x10 10sh WEBSITE
Ektachrome E100 S 67 304 EPY 135-36 / 5 pack WEBSITE
33 320 EPY 135-36 WEBSITE
Kodak’s new most richly saturated
12 659 EPY 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE
film, with a neutral colour balance.
82 279 EPY 6118 5x4" 10sh 16.64 19.55
Excellent for advertising and general
commercial work where strong --- EPY 6118 5x4 50 sh 40.00 47.00
vibrant colour is required. Very fine
grain, high sharpness, good gray scale balance.
Ektachrome 160T Tungsten (EPT)
12 439 E100S 135-36 WEBSITE A fast tungsten film, pushable one
12 427 E100S 135-36 / 5 pack WEBSITE
stop to 320 ISO with minimal loss of
12 454 E100S 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE
quality, higher with some loss.
12 478 E100S 5x4" 10sh WEBSITE
35mm and 120 formats.
18 497 E100S 35mm x 100 67.59 79.42
--- E100S 5x7 10 sh 15.00 17.63
31 735 PORTRA 800 135-36 / 5 pack WEBSITE 44 001 NPL 120 WEBSITE
OPTIMA II 100 200 & 400
31 723 PORTRA 800 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE 13 NPL 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE High but natural colour saturation,
2 050 NPL 5x4" 10sh WEBSITE the choice for average subjects
PORTRA 100T 57 048 NPL 8x10" 10sh WEBSITE under normal contrast lighting.
Replacing VPL, this has improved General purpose, versatile film.
reciprocity characteristics, grain & NPC 160
sharpness, with good contrast and A new higher contrast professional
colour, and is tungsten balanced for colour negative film. 47 618 Optima 100 135-36 3.17 3.72
3200°K. Recommended exposure 51 788 Optima 100 120 2.35 2.76
range between 1/10,000 sec. and 10 seconds is 992 Optima 100 120 / 5 pack 10.00 11.75
8 002 Optima 100 5x4" 12.63 14.84
100 ISO, and between 10 secs and 120 seconds
37 629 Optima 200 135-36 3.35 3.94
is 50 ISO.
33 481 NPC 135-36 WEBSITE 3 617 Optima 200 120 2.13 2.50
30 567 PORTRA 100T 135-36 WEBSITE - NPC 120 WEBSITE 90 344 Optima 400 135-36 3.46 4.07
19 094 PORTRA 100T 120 / 5 Pack WEBSITE 33 494 NPC 120/5 Pack WEBSITE 10 211 Optima 400 120 2.20 2.59
32 274 PORTRA 100T 5x4 10 sh WEBSITE - NPC 5x4" 10sh WEBSITE
PORTRA ULTRA COLOR REALA New formulation of the original high
New high saturation and ultra fine Exceptionally sharp and fine grained saturation colour negative film, and
grain colour negative film which film of slightly lower contrast. with a higher 100 ISO speed - unfor
promises to open new horizons in Incorporates ‘Fourth-Layer tunately 120 format has not
film-based image capture, perform Technology’ (see NPS 160). Higher materialised yet. Claimed as the
ing akin to transparency film in satu- colour saturation than NPS, highest saturation material in the world! Special
ration and granularity. lower contrast than Superia 100. price to launch the new film.
--- PORTRA ULTRA COLOR 400 135-36 WEBSITE 51 886 Reala 135-36 / 5 pack WEBSITE --- Ultra 100 135-36 2.13 2.50
--- PORTRA ULTRA COLOR 400 120 WEBSITE 5 181 Reala 135-36 WEBSITE
34 992 Reala 120 x 5 WEBSITE
ROYAL 85 070 Reala 120 WEBSITE Konica Colour Neg
Successor to Kodak Ektar, offering Now the only 50 ISO colour nega -
exceptionally fine grain with high NPH 400 & NHG800
tive film in production. since Kodak
colour accuracy, 35mm formats only. Exhibits similar characteristics to and Agfa discontinued their prod-
NPS but with higher speeds. ucts. Very fine grain, and particularly
Excellent professional available light accurate in blue values.
--- ROYAL 100 135-36 WEBSITE materials that push exceptionally
--- ROYAL 200 135-36 WEBSITE well. 26 778 Konica Impressa 50 135-36 3.40 3.99
--- ROYAL 400 135-36 WEBSITE 13 438 Konica Impressa 50 120 2.39 2.81
87 164 NPH 400 135-36 WEBSITE
5 277 NPH 400 135-36 / 5 pack WEBSITE
SUPRA 100, 400 & 800 95 447 NPH 400 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE
Matched set of daylight films aimed
at reportage use, and the 400 ISO
21 648 NHG11 800 120 / 5 pack WEBSITE
films are unique among colour neg. SUPERIA 1600 LAUNCH
films in being pushable up to 2 Ultra high speed available-light
stops without curves crossing. material, an enhancement of the
Similarly, the 1600 ISO film can be pushed to ‘Super G’ material.
6400 ISO with minimal loss of quality.
16 450 PJ100 135-36 / 5 Pack WEBSITE
4 408 PJ400 135-36 / 5 Pack WEBSITE 30 029 GRF1600 SG135-24 WEBSITE
989 PJ800 135-36 / 5 Pack WEBSITE 52 712 GRF1600 SG135-36 WEBSITE
£2.50 / roll inc. VAT
Polaroid Colour Print Instant Film
All these types are suitable for image transfer Polaroid SX70
techniques, offering a way of producing unique
colour prints on a paper base of your choice, This is the original encapsulated instant print
while doing your bit to rescue Polaroid by con- material that was launched in 1973, incorporating
suming vast quantities of film packs. 10 prints and integral battery.
15 046 SX70 Single 11.49 13.50
Type 669 54 164 SX70 Twinpack 18.71 21.98
Cartridges of 10 exposures, for
medium format cameras fitted Polaroid 600+
with adaptor backs, available in Encapsulated instant print
the usual glossy, and also in material evolved from the original
Silk. Supplied as twinpacks. Type slower SX70 material.
Polaroid Black & White 669 is more stable to variations in
processing temperature than the
newer Pro films. Particularly good
for image transfer.
Clean neutral black and white,
33 148 Type 669 Twinpack 20 sh 23.10 27.14
normal contrast, no coating
required. Packs of 10 exposures 70 327 600+ Single 9.36 11.00
for medium format cameras with Polacolor 679 70 315 600+ Twinpack 18.71 21.98
Available as 500 ml and 5 litre packs, and incor- between 1+40 and 1+80. Supplied as a 1 litre 123 Glanzol 1l. 12.35 14.51
porates an indicator. Dilution of 1+39 for use. concentrate.
63 859 Agfa Aditan 1l. 4.70 5.52
Antistatic Spray
20 578 Ilfostop Stopbath 500m 2.86 3.36
▼71 340 Ilfostop Stopbath 5l. 19.05 22.38 Aerosol product produced by Tetenal, can be
Other Hardeners Stocke d used for removal and prevention of static elec-
Tetenal Indicet tricity on metal, glass and plastics on film and
Kodak Professional Repro Fixer Part B 5.29 6.22 machinery.
This is excellent value if you need an indicator
24 051 Fotospeed RH100 Hardener 500ml 2.85 3.34
stopbath. A 1 litre pack of approximately 70% Tetenal Hardening Solution 1l. 4.35 5.11
19 578 Tetenal Antistatic Spray 400ml 4.95 5.82
acetic acid, incorporating indicator, used at 1+39.
Anti Newton Spray
24 379 Indicit Stopbath 100ml 2.80 3.29
24 367 Indicet Stopbath 1l. 6.75 7.93
Cleaners For eliminating Newtons rings when using film in
glass enlarger carriers, on scanner plates, etc. In
Acetic Acid Speedibrews Speedicleaner a 200ml aerosol can, The film is sprayed at a
distance of about a foot, dried for a minute, and
The most economical route but with no indicator Speedicleaner Kit contains 2 packs
can then be immediately used.
care should be taken to ensure that the bath of solids each of which makes a
does not become exhausted.’Glacial’ acetic acid 500ml stock solution to be com 46 782 Tetenal Anti-Newton Spray 4.50 5.29
is sometimes specified in formulae, this being bined and diluted 1+4 when need
the highest concentration; this freezes solid at ed. This working solution can be Film Cleaner Aerosol
16° C, however, so more dilute forms are gener- used in two ways: either to clean
Tetenal product, 400ml aerosol, sprayed from a
ally supplied. silver and silver stains from photographic equip-
distance of about 12”, followed by rubbing the
ment, or to remove unwanted silver and stains
▼867350 Agfa - 60% Acetic Acid, 5l. 8.79 10.33 film with a suitable cleaning cloth, recommended
from prints very much like a ‘Farmers’ solution.
59 475 Champion 80% Acetic Acid 1l. 3.47 4.08 being Tetenal cleaning cloth no. 101313.
Speedicleaner will also bleach many colour dyes
29 323 Tetenal 60% Acetic Acid 1l. 4.00 4.70
in colour slides. Experimental effects can be 27 129 Tetenal Film Cleaner Aerosol 400ml 4.95 5.82
obtained on otherwise reject slides. May work as
Citric Acid a total bleach for underexposed trannies. Film Cleaner Spray
This mild acid is completely odourless in solution
21 707 Speedicleaner Kit 500ml 1.39 1.63 Hand primed film cleaner spray, otherwise same
and can be used as a substitute for proprietary
specification as the aerosol, applied to the film
acetic acid stopbaths if the odour is irritating. Agfa Algezid II with a cleaning cloth (Tetenal product no.
Use at a rate of approximately 20g per litre of
According to Agfa, the most effective algae killer 101313 is recommended). 500ml container,
known.Supplied as a 1 litre liquid diluting at the requiring a nozzle which is purchased as a sepa-
97 971 Citric Acid 500g 6.06 7.12 rate of 2ml per 10 litres water. rate item, Tetenel product 2245.
82 059 Algezid 5l 25.30 29.73 90 175 Tetenal Film Cleaner Spray 500ml 4.60 5.41
Tetenal Odourless Stopbath 40 680 Tetenal Spray Nozzle 2.05 2.41
Fotospeed Blue Toner 31 664 Speedibrews Chestnut Toner 1l. 2.98 3.50
Speedibrews Cyan Toner
- Speedibrews Chestnut Toner 5l. 9.80 11.52
Two bath toner, supplied as powder. The cyan Similar product to the Tetenal toner, but in a
hue obtained is dependant on the type of paper, wider variety of packings. Again, a 3 part set of Speedibrews Sienna Toner
and in general, fibre-based chloro-bromide liquids, one part containing oxalic acid.
A new toner, SIENNA offers a new brown hue
papers, monochrome negatives and slides will 13 991 Fotospeed Blue Toner 150ml (1.2l.) 8.00 9.39 and is a safe and effective substitute for conven-
be most suitable. Each 1l. pack will fully tone 49 388 Fotospeed Blue Toner 500ml (4l.) 15.11 17.75 tional sepia, offering the same degree of con-
about the equivalent of 12 8x10" prints.
trol.Separate bleach and toning baths are used.
21 538 Speedibrews Cyan Toner 1l. 2.98 3.50 With the same chemical structure as
21 054 Speedibrews Cyan Toner 5l. 9.80 11.52 Speedibrews ‘Prussian Blue’ and ‘Chestnut’, it
can be used in combination with them for split
effects. Supplied as powders.
31 708 Speedibrews Sienna Toner 1l. 2.98 3.50
- Speedibrews Sienna Toner 1l. 9.80 11.52
P allette Toner
Brown Toners Specialist Toners A Fotospeed product, comprising
Also a valuable protective agent for archival four toners that can be used in
FSA Universal combination with each other to give
treatment, and can be used as an option to sele-
nium toner for this purpose. Polysulphide The FSA stands for ‘Formamidine a wide variety of effects. Each
toners convert silver to silver sulphide very fast, Sulphinic Acid’, hence the abbre- colour is supplied as a concentrate diluting 1 + 9
in tests Viradon has converted 65-75% of the sil- viation, while the Universal indi- with water, and Activator is added to the working
ver image within 30 seconds. This is not depen- cates that it will work effectively on solution at the rate of 25ml per litre. The intensi-
dent on density, so will not ‘split’ like selenium. any type of photographic material. fier can be added to blue and red toner solutions
The protective mechanism is present, even if the Unlike most toners, which for a to increase saturation. Additionally, and not sup-
stage of colour shift is not reached, and a time of colour operate by converting the plied in the kit, table salt and sodium thiosul-
one minute in Viradon at 1+50 can be consid- silver into another compound, with FSA the silver phate are required. Within each colour there are
ered a satisfactory permanising treatment. The is retained, but in a highly divided form which many hues obtainable, adjusted by altering ton-
colour change is related to the paper type; an gives rise to a variety of colour effects. The ing time and toner combinations. Three toners
inherently warm chloro-bromide type will tend to colour is influenced mainly by the composition of can be used as primary colourants, the prints
shift the most, and the colour change on bro- bleach used, and the Speedibrews Red / Orange being placed in the toners for varying times, cre-
mide & RC papers is likely to be weak. One suc- kits include ferricyanide bleach with potassium ating a colour mix in the final print. Washing
cessful combination is with Ilford fibre-base bromide which will tend to give a rich chestnut between consecutive toners is essential. The
warm-tone, which changes relatively quickly with brown. Two new kits, the FSA COLD and FSA working solutions can be rebottled for further
brown toning, as opposed to its relatively slow SEPIA include different bleaches, producing use, apart from the blue, which will last for one
reaction with selenium toning. colour variations. One unusual aspect of the session only. All the toners and additives are
toner is that it actually intensifies the image- available separately.
Agfa Viradon there is no need to overprint as with standard
23 855 Pallette Kit 2.5l 25.49 29.95
sepia toners. Stability is not a principal feature -
Single solution brown toner based the finely divided silver is more reactive than a
24 063 Pallette 2.5l Red 6.55 7.70
on potassium sulphide, which does normally processed print, and some protection is
24 173 Pallette 2.5l Blue 6.55 7.70
not use bleaching. The toner works 24 198 Pallette 2.5l Titanium Yellow 6.55 7.70
called for, eg use of Agfa ‘Sistan’. 24 205 Pallette 2.5l Vanadium Yellow 6.55 7.70
progressively, gradually converting
the image into silver sulphide. 3 487 FSA Universal 1l. (COLD) 5.00 5.88 24 218 Pallette Toner 2.5l Activator 6.55 7.70
24 220 Pallette Toner 2.5l Intensifier 6.55 7.70
Consequently the image will 3 506 FSA Universal 5l. (COLD) 15.00 17.63
remain a more restrained ‘dark - FSA Universal 1l. (RED/ORANGE) 5.00 5.88
chocolate’ brown, rather than the - FSA Universal 5l. (RED/ORANGE) 15.00 17.63
more ginger tones that a bleach &
tone sepia toner may produce. Supplied as a
- FSA Universal 1l. (SEPIA) 5.00 5.88 I m age Stabilisation
- FSA Universal 5l. (SEPIA) 15.00 17.63
125ml bottle of liquid concentrate, Viradon Apart from the use of Gold, Selenium and
dilutes 1+50. Polysulphide toners, various compounds can be
Tetenal Multitoner
79 146 Agfa Viradon 125ml 2.86 6.73
used which do not change the colour of the
This is a chromogenic toner, which image in any way, principally based on thiourea.
produces a coloured image by Only one is marketed in the UK;
Gold Toners colour development. Single and
multiple toning can be carried out. Agfa Sistan
Tetenal Gold Toner In addition to this kit a standard Available in a 500ml bottle of stock
colour developer is required, such as the Tetenal solution, and used at high dilution.
Does not give a gold Mono PK RA4 Developer. A bleach-fix bath may
colour, but deposits The principal action is one of stabil-
also be required for some of the possible effects. ising migratory silver ions, minimis-
gold metal onto the Contents of the Multitoner package;
silver of the image. ing the movement of silver which
Bleach bath: bag with powder to mix 1 litre of normally results in tarnishing of the
With an otherwise working solution. Only applied for the indirect
untoned print this will print in normal ageing.
toning of developed B/W materials.
produce a subtle Toner solutions: colour formers for yellow, 21 208 Agfa Sistan 500ml 3.74 4.39
enhancement as with magenta and cyan, 100ml of each, which will
selenium toner, but to a bluish hue. Permanence mix at least 1 litre of each colour. These colour
will also be improved, although selenium has the coupler concentrates are also available sepa-
edge on it in this respect. Improperly processed rately. Total capacity of the kit as supplied is 1.5
prints are very likely to show stains after a few sq. metres, which equates to about 30 8x10’’
years storage. On a print that has been previ- prints.
ously sepia toned, a range of colours from an
orangey gold to a pink or rusty-red colour will be 8 078 Tetenal Multitoner kit 23.85 28.02
produced. This will depend upon paper and
developer combination but also whether the Bleach Etch Chemistry
sepia tone was more yellow or brown. A more This is a process for graphic images, using high
yellowy sepia will tend to gold tone in a more contrast RC paper, in which areas of emulsion
orangey or golden yellow fashion and a more with high silver density are physically removed
brown sepia will tend towards red. down to the base. If the print is then dyed in a
Gold toning is also an intrinsic part of silver- water based dye, this dye will only be accepted
based alternative processes, and has always by the ‘highlights’. The result is a reversed
been used with printing-out paper (POP), as well image, with white on a coloured background.
as salt printing and kallitype to strengthen and Generally used commercially for making display
permanise the image. There is no way around posters etc, but could have other interesting ‘cre-
the expense - even mixing it from formula uses ative’ possibilities.
1 gram of gold salt per litre, and will probably be 11 089 Bleach Etch for 4 litres wkg soln. 15.78 18.54
less stable and with a lower yield than the pre-
pared toners. These are supplied as a one litre Tetenal Fotografik Kit
working solution, which contains approximately
The Fotografik posterisation kit
0.5g of gold. With care to avoid contamination
yields unusual ‘creative’ effects by
this can be used repeatedly until exhausted. The
softening and removal of gelatin in
rate of exhaustion will depend largely on the
certain areas, producing pseudo-
degree of density of the print, a low key print
solarisation effects. High contrast
locking up considerably more gold metal.
resin coated paper is specified.
6 178 Tetenal Gold Toner 1litre. 20.95 24.62
68 220 Fotografik Kit 11.90 13.98
4 544 Fotospeed AU20 Gold Toner 1litre. 20.42 23.99
Agfa Rodinal Ilford LC 2 9 Speedibrews Celer Stellar
A long-running favourite since Concentrated fine grain liquid one- Unusual developer, originally
1891, based on Para-amidophenol. shot developer used at 1+29. designed to produce highest possi
Highly concentrated, very sharp Active, will give bright results with ble emulsion speed, while main
working, useful properties in standard development, take care taining fine grain, and without
matching negative to subject con not to overdo it. Ideal if processing developing excessive contrast.
trast. Most suitable for slow and films only occasionally, as it has Alteration of apparent film speed is
medium speed films. Dilution 1:10 better than normal keeping proper- made by changing development
to 1:100. Higher dilutions are used ties, and will last longer in a half full bottle than dilution, not time. Celer-Stellar gives negatives
for specialist applications – details on request. other developers. with a low gamma, which accommodate a wide
exposure range. Particularly recommended for
71 365 Rodinal 125ml 2.49 2.93 81 380 LC29 250ml concentrate 4.60 5.41
use at high dilutions for pictorial work with
20 858 Rodinal 500ml 6.47 7.60
Technical Pan, where it is very economical, and
Ilford ILFOT E C D D X should yield higher sharpness than other low-
Agfa Studional Ilfords new technology developer, equating to contrast developers.
Concentrated fine grain developer TMax dev, and designed to complement the
91 480 Celer-Stellar 500ml 1.70 2.00
designed for deep tank use at a Delta films. High film speed and sharpness.
36 047 Celer-Stellar 2.5l. 3.50 4.11
dilution of 1+15, but can also be Dilution of 1+4 for most applications.
5 473 Celer-Stellar 5 x 300ml (1 shot) 2.81 3.30
used at higher dilution as a one-
28 312 ILFOTEC DDX 1l. 8.90 10.45
shot developer at 1+30.
Celer Mono *NEW P RO D U C T *
K odak HC110 A new negative developer from
7 030 Agfa Studional 8.73 10.26 Fine grain, sharp working formula Speedibrews in the same family as
supplied as syrupy liquid concen- Celer Stellar and 422, designed to
Ilford ID11 trate. Good enough for Ansel produce negatives like the old M&B
Adams! A developer using several Promicrol, good density but
Classic fine grain formula. Supplied
‘designer’ chemicals patented by relatively low contrast, ideal for
as metol-based powder formula in
Kodak, allowing a ‘D76’ type devel scanning.
two sachets. Gives full emulsion
oper to be packed into a high con
speed, and fine grain. 27 097 Celer Mono 600ml 4.04 4.75
centration. The 1l. highly concen-
2 437 ID11 1l. 2.76 3.24 trated form is the best buy, diluting 1+31 Speedibrews 422
4 681 ID11 2.5l. 4.05 4.76 for dilution B, the dilution used for most camera A modified form of Celer-Stellar,
85 689 ID11 5l. 5.55 6.52 film applications. The 500ml bottle dilutes 1+9 specifically designed for working in
10 8839 ID11 10l. 10.99 12.91 for dilution B, get this if you are testing it, or only low light, where reciprocity failure is
60 793 ID11 13.5l. (3 gallons) 14.09 16.56 processing a few films.
98 968 ID11 Rep. 2.5l. 4.05 4.32
likely to be a problem. It gives low
28 776 HC110 500ml (1+9) 7.58 8.91 contrast negatives, counteracting
Ilford Perc eptol 96 654 HC110 1l. (1+31) 15.30 17.98 the high contrast usually encoun
49 973 HC110 Replenisher 500ml 6.00 7.05 tered in these conditions, produc-
Ultra fine grain formula, supplied as ing negatives with a high optical density making
powder. Exceptionally fine grain K odak D76 printing on standard grade papers relatively
and high sharpness, with some easy.
penalty in terms of emulsion speed. Powder fine grain formula generally
Very good combination with the new Fuji similar to Ilford ID11, but now 59 668 Speedibrews 422 Developer 500ml 2.50 2.94
ACROS, which has been likened to results from reformulated to a single powder
Tetenal Ultrafin
the old Agfa APX25. using Phenidone, needing hot mix
ing. Previously French made in Highly concentrated fine grain developer with
24 465 Perceptol 1l. 2.76 3.24 tins, now a USA packing in foil high acutance and sharpness. Used between
sachets. 1+10 and 1+30 depending upon film & subject
Ilford Microphen contrast.
21 857 D76 3.8l. 4.45 5.22
Long established high speed for 31 774 D76 Replenisher 5l. 10.21 12.00 94 365 Ultrafin 100ml 2.75 3.23
mula based on Phenidone, giving 95 714 Ultrafin 250ml 4.75 5.58
approximately 50% increase in K odak XTO L 64 322 Ultrafin 1 litre 7.40 8.70
effective film speed without special
processing. Supplied as powder, A new powder film developer from Tetenal Ultrafin Plus
same range of sizes as ID11 Kodak uses ascorbic acid, and is New developer from Tetenal designed on the
aimed as a substitute and same lines as TMax developer.
5 071 Microphen 1l. 2.76 3.24 enhancement of D76, providing
33 939 Microphen 2.5l. 4.05 4.76 higher speed and finer grain. This 64 165 Ultrafin Plus Developer 200ml 3.95 4.64
41 386 Microphen 10l. 10.99 12.91 should produce a 10% larger 54 785 Ultrafin Plus Developer 1l 11.15 13.10
image for a given granularity with a 1/3 increase Tetenal Neofin Blue & Re d
Ilford Ilfosol-S in speed. The powder mixes very easily, far
more so than D76. The litre size is now deleted. High acutance, compensating one-
One-shot fine grain liquid concen-
shot developer, useful when work
trated developer, used at a dilution 18 944 XTOL 5l. pdr 5.72 6.72 ing with extended subject bright
of 1+ 9. Not, perhaps the sharpest 6 347 XTOL 50l. 45.74 53.74 ness range. Designed for slow &
of developers, but a convenient liq-
medium speed film. Neofin Red is
uid substitute for ID11 or D76. K odak TMax Developer a modified version of Neofin Blue for high speed
New liquid concentrate developer films.
designed to give TMax films a 5 568 Neofin Blue (5x300-700ml) 4.35 5.11
42 405 Ilfosol-S 250ml conc. 2.00 2.35
shove at the bottom of the curve 5 582 Neofin Red (5x300-700ml) 4.35 5.11
where they need it most. Useful
Ilfotec HC (High Concentration) Promicrol
fine grain developer for general
Highly concentrated, fine-grain, liq- purpose work with all films, and for New replacement for the famous
uid developer. Like HC110 , it uses speed increasing with extended old fine grain high speed formula
various designer chemicals to get a development. A replenishable form discontinued in the eighties. A cult
very high concentration in a small of this developer is also available, developer in its time, it will be inter
package. Very suitable for press- in 5 and 25 litre working solution quantities. esting to see if this new slant on
type applications where full speed the old name can achieve the
and fine grain are required. 96 057 TMax Developer 1l. 3.64 4.28
6 419 TMax Developer 5l. 10.29 12.09 same reputation.
73 130 Ilfotec HC 1l. 13.42 15.77 ▼41 969 TMax RS Developer & Rep. 25l. 65.24 76.66
xxx Promicrol 1l. 4.96 5.83
1 937 TMax RS Developer Rep. 5l. 16.51 19.40
2 B ath D evelopers L ow-Contrast D evs High Activity Devs
Not to be confused with 2-bath print develop- Designed for use with the very fine grain and Celer Finish
ment, these can also be termed ‘divided devel- resolution, but inherently high contrast document
opers’, as they are basically a conventional fine films, including Technical Pan and Agfaortho, Unusual rapid-access developer designed to
grain developer separated into two components, when using them for pictorial purposes. Many produce an image on film in the shortest possi-
one containing the developing agents, and the other standard developers will work in this situa- ble time, originally developed for racecourse
other part the activator. The film is immersed in tion if sufficiently diluted, inc. Rodinal. photo-finish recording.
the dev. agent bath for a certain time, and then 43 538 Celer Finish 5.51 6.47
moved into the activator bath. Usually the same Te chnidol
time is used for both baths.
Supplied as small bottles of liquid
concentrate. Extremely fine grain & High Contrast Devs
high resolution, maximum emulsion
1 very high compensating effect, useful in condi- speed. Designed for use with
tions of very high subject contrast. It is not possi- Technical Pan in all formats, when Tetenal Dokulith
ble to overdevelop- the highlight development used for pictorial work. Not a true lith developer, but a very
shuts off as the developing agent exhausts, 50 117 Technidol 4 x 600ml 8.18 9.61
high contrast developer in liquid
while the shadows are continuing to build in den- form. Useful to have around to
sity. Neofin Doku inject a bit of whelly when, for
2 effectively a high film speed - Tetenal claim a example processing copy
2-stop increase, but it is best to base speed on Not precisely the same formulation negatives or internegatives, and a
your own tests in your own conditions. as Technidol. Development times conventional developer like PQ is
3 as very little is taken out of the baths, they can are supplied for both Technical not quite reaching the contrast
be used over an extended period with high Pan. Each bottle can be required.
throughput. used to process 1 or 2 35mm or
120 films depending on dilution & timing 30 861 Dokulith 1l. 5.55 6.52
4 there is considerable tolerance to temperature
and agitation variations, as the negative is 62 348 Neofin Doku 5x300ml. ampoules 6.75 7.93 Speedilitho
always being developed ‘to finality’.
Pack designed for small scale procesing of lith
Celer Stellar & 422 film, supplied as 2 tubs of powder making 1 litre
Tetenal Emofin
These Speedibrews developers are of working solution.
Available in powder and liquid packings of the
eminently suitable for Technical
same composition, and with instructions that 89 992 Speedilitho 1l. 3.55 4.17
Pan, when correctly diluted, and
comprehensively cover the use of the developer
are likely to yield slightly higher
with virtually every film on the market.
contrast, but greater sharpness M o n o b ath D evs
82 424 Emofin Liquid 1+1 litres wkg soln. 7.55 8.87 than Technidol. A large part of the
43 501 Emofin powder 1+1 litres wkg soln. 5.55 6.52 instructions included apply to this Incorporate both developer & fixing agent, which
film. See standard film developers for more act simultaneously to rapidly process film. Most
R esofine 2B details useful, probably, in a teaching situation, when a
A 2 bath developer designed by Ron Spillman, result is needed quickly. In this situation, it can
91 480 Celer Stellar 500ml 1.70 2.00
and now produced by Speedibrews in a 1 litre 36 047 Celer Stellar 2.5l 3.50 4.11
even be used ‘in-cassette’, immersing the entire
powder packing. High capacity. 59 668 Speedibrew 422 2.50 2.94 film and cassette into the solution, and agitating
by rotating the inner spool (short lengths of film,
12 720 Resofine 2B 2 x 1l 6.26 7.36 max. 20 exposures). Tolerance to temperature
variation is good. The drawbacks; relatively high
Produced by MACO, for pictorial grain, and no control over contrast, which will
contrast with high contrast film
B&W Reversal such as ORT 25 and Technical
always be at a fixed level for a particular type of
Involves the same sequence of steps as colour Pan.Yield is 20 films per 1 litre
bottle. 8 360 Tetenal Monotenal, 250ml 4.50 5.29
film reversal processing, producing a negative,
and then bleaching, fogging & re-developing to
invert the image. The process is best suited to
slow and medium speed films, preferably with a - LP-DOCUFINE 6.75 7.93
plied by Joes Basement (see page 16), and in A small revival is under way for a
35mm, 120 and 5x4” formats. developing technique that goes
back to the dawn of photography,
Speedibrews Celer-Reverser and was used extensively by lumi-
naries such as Edward Weston.
Uses combined bleach-fix to
The main feature of pyrogallol
using short-cuts to reduce the number of baths, completed in a time of 28 seconds. - C.TEC C41 Colour Developer 15l. 26.85 31.54
but the highest quality and permanence of result 27 474 Colortec RA4 1 litre 11.95 14.04
- COLORTEC C41 MULTI (C41/E6) Blix 41.40 48.64
will be obtained with the full number of baths. 27 447 Colortec RA4 2.5 litre 15.95 18.74
- C.TEC C41 MULTI (C41/E6) Stabiliser 5.75 6.75
There are several other manufacturers codes for 27 569 COLORTEC C41 Negative Kit (3 bath) 69.55 81.72
27 462 Colortec RA4 Pro.Kit RT 2.5 litre 19.95 23.44
the process, notably Agfa AP44 and Fuji CR56.
27 423 Colortec RA4 Pro Kit RT 5 litre 27.95 32.84
Agfa Process 70
Tetenal Colortec E6 3-Bath Kits 27 486 Colortec RA4 Pro Print Kit Rapid 8l. 44.00 51.70
C41 compatible range of chemistry, featuring
Simplified version of the original separate bleach and fix steps. The small
process. The 500ml kit has capaci Speedibrew s R A 4
Hobbykit includes 500ml of all solutions. Bulk
ty of 6 135-36 films and includes 3 A powder RA4 kit designed for good storage and packs for laboratory use also available.
baths plus stabilising bath all sup convenient mixing. Refill packs of chemistry util-
plied as liquid. There is a popular ising the original bottles are also available. 74 905 Process 70 500ml kit 9.58 11.26
5 litre version of this 3 bath 31 496 Process 70 Colour Developer 5 l. 10.53 12.37
7 711 Speedibrews RA4 Kit for 5 litres 13.48 15.84 37 098 Process 70 Bleach Starter 5 l. 18.00 21.15
process, with a capacity of 60
- Speedibrews RA4 Dev 5 litres 7.48 8.79 ▼1 220 Process 70 Fixer 5 l. 10.11 11.88
films. Bulk 15l. packs of all solutions available.
- Speedibrews RA4 BLIX 5 litres 7.48 8.79 ▼33 234 Process 70 CD-R 2 x 25 l. 56.80 66.74
43 857 Tetenal Colortec E6 500ml kit 8.65 10.16 - Speedibrews RA4 Stop 5 litres 2.13 2.50 ▼54 540 Process 70 BL-R 40l 128.98 151.55
68 355 Tetenal Colortec E6 5l. kit 44.00 51 .70 ▼18 638 Process 70 BL-J 6 x 50 l. 132.33 155.49
1 220 Process 70 FI 100 l. 10.51 12.35
Tetenal Colortec E-6 6 Bath Kit C41 Chemistry
A 5 litre kit containing the full 6 bath E6 process.
Supplied as liquid, so it is possible to mix smaller Speedibrews Speedi-41
Ilfo chrome Chemistry
quantities. Speedi-41 is a new concept in colour negative Process P-30 is designed to
62 945 Tetenal E6 kit 5l. 47.55 55.87 processing. The minimum detection level built process all ILFOCHROME
into the film by its maker is not changed by CLAS SIC materials, and is a
Agfa Process 44 much, but Speedi-41 does improve the colour 3-bath process comprising a devel-
densities generated by a considerable amount. oper, bleach and fixing bath. the materials can
E6 compatible chemistry, available in large be processed at temperatures varying from 20 to
This improves the printability and appears to
range of professional packings, and one small 30° C, with a corresponding time adjustment,
give a speed increase. The kit can also be used
packing for lower throughput. The Hobbykit is althought the recommended processing temper-
with any reversal film to produce a high speed
entirely liquid, and contains 5 baths, including ature is 24° C. Process 3 is the laboratory equiv-
negative film without the orange mask.
stabiliser. alent, a replenishable chemistry system supplied
38 505 Speedi 41 Kit 6.15 7.23
11 207 Agfa Process 44 Hobbykit (0.5 litre) 14.53 17.07 in large laboratory packs.
RA4 Print Chemistry The Celer 41 Kit is a C-41 kit for colour negative
processing using a ‘Blix’ (combined bleach-fix) Fotospeed Colour Chem.
for speed and economy. Conventional in compo-
Agfa Process 94 sition and use, all baths are supplied as pow-
- 3 Bath E6 Process Kit 11.46 13.47
RA4 Compatible chemistry. Agfa ders, giving long shelf life and safe transporta-
primarily supply laboratory and tion. Four 36 exposure films should be regarded - CKRA4 RA4 Kit 35¡ C 2.5l. 15.11 17.75
minilab packs, but include one as the limit for the 600ml kit. Twice as many (or - CKRA4/RT mono RA4 room temp 1l. 11.06 13.00
small user pack, illustrated here, the equivalent of 4 120 films) can be processed - CKRA4/RT mono RA4 room temp 3l 17.01 19.99
the AP94 5 litre kit. in the 1 litre kit. Developer and bleach-fix are - CKR3/RT makes CKRA4/RT into R3 1l. 7.45 8.75
available as separate packs. - CKR3/RT makes CKRA4/RT into R3 3l. 16.13 18.95
14 963 AP94 Process Kit 5l. 22.78 25.73
19 418 Speedi Celer 41 Kit 600ml 7.50 8.81 - PKC41 C41 Neg Process Kit 900ml 8.88 10.43
▼12 796 AP94 Colour Dev. Starter 100l 14.85 17.45 - Speedi Celer 41 Dev 3.92 4.61 - PKC41 C41 Neg Process Kit 3l. 21.95 25.79
▼17 390 AP94 Pro XA Colour Dev Rep 4x10l 44.57 52.37 - Speedi Celer 41 BLIX 3.92 4.61
▼20 359 AP94 Pro XA Stopbath/Blix 4x10l. 75.21 88.37 - CPS100 Colour Print Brightener 1l. 8.47 9.95
▼15 392 AP94 Colour Dev Rep RT 2x20l. 35.01 41.14 ▼ CPS100 Colour Print Brightener 5l. 33.87 39.80
K odak Flexicolor (C41) - CKFP Univ. Colour Chem. Kit 2.5l. 20.80 24.44
▼17 407 AP94 BX-MR Blix Rep RT 2x20l. 41.50 48.76
▼20 361 AP94BX Blix Anti Oxidant Additive 5l. 19.41 22.81 Apart from lab. size packs of C41, Kodak pro-
duce smaller packs of concentrates to make 1
Champion Mydoprint US gallon working solutions. These are suitable
for small tank use, and also unusual in that sep-
Professional RA4 chemistry produced in labora-
arate bleach and fix steps are provided, which
tory scale packages, excellent capacity and sta-
should yield the highest colour quality.
bility. Tends to be the first choice when buying
paper and chemistry independently, ie when not - Flexicolor Developer 3.8 litres 6.23 7.32
locked into a package deal from a photo paper 34 273 Flexicolor Developer 20l. 32.04 37.65
manufacturer. - Flexicolor Bleach 111 3.8 litres x 2 31.29 36.77
34 260 Flexicolor Bleach 11 A 20l. 20.42 23.99
20 593 Mydoprint RA Starter 1l. 9.96 11.70 34 304 Flexicolor Bleach 11 B 20l. 48.74 57.27
▼20 600 Mydoprint RA Prof. Rep. 6 x 10l. 61.30 72.02 29 640 Flexicolor Bleach 111 Regen. 20l. 12.74 14.97
▼28 752 Mydoprint RA BLIX for 50l 53.55 62.92 - Flexicolor Fixer & Rep 3.8 litres 2.47 2.90
20 613 Mydoprint RA BLIX Additive 1l. 6.98 8.20 26 118 Flexicolor Stabiliser & Rep 3.8 litres 2.84 3.34
Light Star Pin-Register Frames Bromoil Video
Useful if not essential whenever it is required to The roots of the process can be traced back to the early
precisely register a piece of film with the paper 1800’s, but it was not until the early 20’th century that the
upon which it is being printed. The punch hole technique was perfected, reaching its zenith of popularity in
diameter and spacing is that of the a standard 4- the 1920’s and 1930’s. The late Norman Gryspeerdt made
hole stationary paper punch. As these vary slight- bromoil pictures for over 50 years, and was one of the most
ly from one punch to another, the pins are set to a significant exponents of this technique world wide.In this video
specific punch which is supplied mounted onto he describes and demonstrates the technique, so that by
the frame. The accurately turned pins are set into a water-proof and easily following the various steps the photographer will quickly obtain
cleaned plastic coated wooden base, and after the film and paper are seat- a working knowledge of the process and be ready to commence making
ed they are brought into full contact by covering with the supplied glass. pictures. Available in VHS, duration approx. 70 mins. Not in NTSC format.
The smallest format supplied is 12x12”, where contact is maintained by 4 21 883 Gryspeerdt Bromoil Video 16.96 19.93
clips, placed at each corner. The larger format advanced frames (as picture)
use an ingenious pressure system to maintain register across the larger for- Fotospeed Alternative Process Kits
mat. Fotospeed produce an excellent set of 3 kits intr-
20 917 Precision Register Frame 12x12 54.00 63.45 oducing the alternative processes. Two are
75 821 Precision Register Frame A3 90.00 105.75 based on Mike wares chemistry, the silver
1 426 Precision Register Frame 16x20 150.00 176.25 Argyrotype, and the new version of Cyanotype.
A bromoil kit is now available in the range. Refill
Register Pins packs of chemistry and inks are available.
If you want to produce your own pin-register sys
tem, these precision turned brass pins can be
9 430 Argyrotype Kit 34.00 39.95
purchased separately, either in disc form, for
16 532 Argyrotype Sensitiser 50ml [included in kit] 18.68 21.95
mounting onto a flat surface, or as pegs for fit
ting into a drilled surface. These are the correct 15 670 New Cyanotype Kit 28.00 32.90
diameter for any standard 2 or 4 hole stationery 75 872 New Cyanotype Sensitiser [included in kit] 11.02 12.95
punch. Bear in mind that these punches vary in --- Gum Bichromate Kit 34.03 39.98
spacing slightly from unit to unit, so always purchase the punch first, and 23 842 Bromoil Kit 34.00 39.95
set the pin spacing to this specific punch. 27 694 Black Ink 30ml 4.00 4.70
27 701 Yellow Ink 30ml 4.00 4.70
14 912 Set of 2 Register Pins 7.50 8.81
27 726 Magenta Ink 30ml 4.00 4.70
27 738 Cyan Ink 30ml 4.00 4.70
Bromoil Brushes
27 740 Bromoil Chemical Pack 4 l. 8.50 9.99
These are British made to original specifications,
and are produced in 2 qualities. Both are avail SE1 Emulsion
able in a range of 5 sizes.
SE1 Emulsion is made for us by one of the main
These are basic quality, ie without copper wire photographic manufacturers in this country, this
tying, set in plain metal ferrule. is a normal contrast bromide emulsion which is
versatile and easy to use. Contrast: reasonably
hard grade 2. The high silver content allows a
12 816 No 2 Bromoil Brush 2.98 3.50 certain degree of dilution with water in many
22 442 No 6 Bromoil Brush 3.39 3.98 cases. If applying to a transparent medium use
22 479 No 8 Bromoil Brush 4.32 5.08 full strength, but on opaque surfaces such as
22 481 No 10 Bromoil Brush 5.40 6.35 paper do tests using 1 + 1 and 1 + 2 dilutions
22 494 No 12 Bromoil Brush 6.35 7.46 with water. SE1’s substantial concentration of
high bloom gelatin yields good adhesion to many
Coating Rods surfaces, often without subbing beforehand.
The preferable alternative when using some sen Processing is as for normal paper- the emulsion
sitisers, particularly platinum and palladium, is quite robust, and does not usually need hard-
where a substantial amount of very expensive ening, or the use of slow fixing agents. The image colour is neutral to slight-
sensitiser can be left unrecoverable in the brush. ly warm-black, and it reacts well to toners of all types including selenium,
A syringe is used to lay a line of sensitiser onto even lith. development. A separate subbing solution is available for optional
the paper, and the rod is then touched down use when coating smooth surfaces such as glass. Please note we always
onto the paper at this point. It can then be drawn cold store emulsion- avoid buying it from any outlet that does not fridge it.
down the paper, pulling with it the reservoir of The book ‘Silver Gelatin’, is now reprinted by Aurum Press and in stock
liquid. The amount of sensitiser should be calculated to be absorbed after again. This book goes through the use of emulsion in great detail, with
about 5 passes, and the result will be a carefully metered application of interviews and portfolios from users of the material.
sensitiser over the selected area. However, the only choice over coating 67 607 240ml SE1 15.32 18.00
width is the width of the rod, and for this reason several are offered.. All 50 890 1 litre SE1 45.00 52.88
are made from thick gauge glass tubing, turned at the end to provide han- 61 630 5 litre SE1 160.00 188.00
15 560 Subbing / Hardening Solution, powders to make 1l. 2.00 2.35
13 697 11 Coating Rod 8.51 10.00
13 660 8 Coating Rod 7.35 8.64 Black Magic Emulsions
13 658 4 Coating Rod 6.63 7.79
Made by the Hamburg based MACO company, this
Jiaban Brushes range introduces some new variations into emul-
sion usage. Black Magic VC allows contrast con-
These Chinese made goats hair brushes are trol, using normal Multigrade yellow and magenta
ideal for use with most alternative processes filters. Black Magic Hard is an extra high contrast
because a) they contain no metal parts and b) emulsion, particularly useful with large works. A
are very inexpensive. Especially suitable for standard contrast emulsion is also
applying liquid emulsions. However in some available. Also in the range are photographic
cases, particularly platinum/palladium processes, gelatin for use as subbing agent, and a hardening
the use of a coating rod may be preferable, as a additive.
brush retains a significant amount of the significantly expensive sensitiser
--- Black Magic Normal 500ml 21.50 25.26
34 575 Jiaban Brush 2 2.50 2.94
--- Black Magic Hard 500ml 21.50 25.26
30 516 Jiaban Brush 2.5 3.50 4.11
--- Black Magic VC 500ml 21.50 25.26
45 233 Jiaban Brush 3 4.00 4.70
--- Black Magic Photo Gelatin 250g 10.75 12.63
18 790 Jiaban Brush 4.5 5.00 5.88
--- Black Magic Hardening Additive 1l. 10.75 12.63
The listing on this page contains ITEM QTY CODE NET +VAT
most of the raw chemicals
used in commonly used formulae. Kodalk - see Sodium metaborate
Some chemicals not listed are Magnesium sulphate 500g 27 156 3.41 4.01
possibly stocked or can be
Metol 25g 94 389 2.37 2.78
ordered. Some toxic chemicals,
Metol 100g 98 593 7.86 9.24
(such as mercury salts) we are
unable to supply, or any chemical Oxalic acid 100g 84 434 6.01 7.06
interpreted as being used for ille- Phenidone 25g 24 185 3.52 4.14
gal activity (such as drug refining). Phenidone 100g 23 219 11.76 13.82
Some chemicals cannot be sent Phenylenediamine 25g 98 030 5.88 6.91
outside the UK without special & Potassium aluminium sulphate 500g 1 414 4.05 4.76
expensive packaging and shipping. Potassium bromide 100g 76 526 1.80 2.11
Potassium bromide 500g 65 636 7.66 9.00
Potassium carbonate 500g 4 603 3.06 3.59
Potassium citrate 100g 76 027 3.94 4.63
Potassium citrate 500g 2 779 16.42 19.29
Potassium dichromate 100g 46 854 2.36 2.77
Potassium dichromate 500g 56 783 9.80 11.52
Acacia (gum arabic) 100g 16 117 4.50 5.29
Potassium ferricyanide 100g 48 183 2.59 3.04
Amidol (diaminophenol dihydrochloride) 25g 85 249 10.50 12.34
Potassium ferricyanide 500g 23 480 10.93 12.84
p-Aminophenol 25g 23 108 2.62 3.08
Potassium ferrocyanide 100g 59 656 6.73 7.91
Ammonium alum 100g 56 123 2.67 3.14
Potassium hydroxide 500g 22 993 6.95 8.17
Ammonium alum 500g 16 131 11.51 13.53
Potassium iodide 25g 57 401 2.08 2.44
Ammonium bromide 100g 65 663 3.23 3.80
Potassium iodide 100g 75 361 7.02 8.25
Ammonium carbonate 100g 2 605 4.20 4.94
Potassium metabisulphite 500g 21 080 3.14 3.69
Ammonium carbonate 500g 54 871 18.18 21.36
Potassium nitrate 25g 36 023 1.35 1.59
Ammonium citrate 100g 67 108 7.48 8.79
Potassium oxalate 100g 29 056 8.11 9.53
Ammonium chloride 100g 20 541 1.27 1.49
Potassium permanganate 100g 2 632 2.70 3.17
Ammonium chloride 500g 16 300 5.23 6.14
Potassium sulphide 100g 91 575 6.82 8.01
Ammonium dichromate 25g 38 215 1.90 2.23
Potassium thiocyanate 100g 29 082 4.61 5.42
Ammonium dichromate 100g 76 299 6.16 7.24
Pyrocatechol 25g 94 793 1.97 2.24
Ammonium dichromate 500g 37 301 26.92 31.63
Pyrogallic acid - see Gallic acid
Ammonium ferric citrate (green) 25g 71 888 2.12 2.49
Pyrogallol. 50g 79 795 15.74 18.50
Ammonium ferric citrate (green) 100g 86 140 7.27 8.54
Ammonium ferric citrate (green) 500g 86 126 31.18 36.64 Silver nitrate 25g 27 681 8.80 10.34
Ammonium oxalate monohydrate 100g 47 062 7.98 9.38 Silver nitrate 100g 60 169 30.75 36.13
Ammonium persulphate 100g 56 356 2.25 2.64 Sodium acetate 500g 20 688 12.10 14.22
Ammonium persulphate 500g 43 916 9.72 11.42 Sodium bisulphite - see Sodium metabisulphite
Ammonium iron 111 oxalate trihydrate 25g I89 769 2.50 2.94 Sodium bromide 25g 23 000 1.32 1.55
Ammonium thiocyanate 25g 20 747 1.97 2.31 Sodium bromide 100g 36 295 2.93 3.44
Ammonium thiocyanate 100g 8 041 6.23 7.32 Sodium carbonate(anhydrous) 500g 56 965 2.77 3.25
Ammonium thiosulphate. 500g 27 655 4.81 5.65 Sodium chloride 100g 20 405 2.49 2.93
L-Ascorbic acid 25g 56 926 3.23 3.79 Sodium citrate 100g 12 575 3.94 4.63
Sodium hydroxide 100g 37 326 1.28 1.50
p-Benzoquinone 25g 34 610 4.02 4.72 Sodium hydroxide 500g 65 321 4.80 5.64
Benzotriazole 25g 27 215 5.23 6.14 Sodium iso-ascorbate 25g 30 056 3.20 3.76
Boric acid 100g 2 023 1.44 1.69 Sodium metabisulphite 500g 5 641 3.16 3.71
Boric acid 500g 21 785 6.25 7.34 Sodium metaborate (Kodalk) 100g 97 017 1.86 2.18
Sodium metaborate 500g 55 817 7.94 9.33
Calgon 500g 53 578 4.83 5.68 di-basic Sodium phosphate 100g 33 332 5.41 6.36
CD1 (Colour developing agent no.1) 25g 73 641 4.08 4.79 Sodium potassium tartrate 100g 3 521 8.03 9.44
CD3 (Colour developing agent no. 3) 25g 5 179 2.98 3.50 Sodium sulphate 500g 77 234 5.43 6.38
CD4 (CIolour Developing Agent no. 4) 25g 46 296 4.63 5.44 Sodium sulphide (flake) 100g 58 380 1.68 1.97
Chlorohydroquinone 25g 74 472 5.25 6.17 Sodium sulphide (flake) 500g 47 452 7.02 8.25
Chrome alum 100g 13 453 3.18 3.74 Sodium sulphite (anhydrous) 500g 87 869 2.51 2.95
Chrome alum 500g 82 490 10.87 12.69 Sodium tetraborate (Borax) 500g 82 702 3.25 3.82
Citrazinic acid 10g 11 980 3.36 3.95 Sodium thiocyanate 100g 37 670 3.10 3.64
Citric acid 100g 20 539 1.48 1.74 Sodium thiocyanate 500g 10 137 12.93 15.19
Citric acid 500g 97 971 5.95 6.99 Sodium thiosulphate 500g 32 299 3.02 3.55
Cupric bromide 50g 31 502 8.86 10.41 Strontium chloride 100g 48 105 5.46 6.42
Cupric chloride 100g 46 660 4.71 5.54 Succinic acid 100g 24 893 4.95 5.82
Cupric sulphate 100g 33 175 4.25 4.99 Sulphamic acid 100g 26 849 2.90 3.41
Cupric sulphate 500g 46 697 14.76 17.34 Tartaric acid 100g 91 757 3.82 4.49
Thiourea (thiocarbamide) 100g 69 598 2.33 2.74
EDTA acid 100g 76 039 4.16 4.89 Thiourea 500g 99 223 10.03 11.79
EDTA (tetra sodium) 100g 4 851 5.18 6.09 TWEEN 20 25ml 13 878 1.34 1.57
EDTA (NaFe) 100g 7 251 1.86 2.19
EDTA (di-potassium) 100g 6 503 11.20 13.16
EDTA (di-sodium) 100g 55 109 8.13 9.55
EDTA (di-sodium) 500g 87 805 34.69 40.76
Ferric ammonium sulphate 100g 87 930 4.28 5.03 AMMONIA 10% 500ml 26 120 2.16 2.54
Ferric chloride 100g 76 137 1.96 2.30 GOLD CHLORIDE 2% solution 50ml 50 168 30.00 35.25
Ferric nitrate nonahydrate 100g 7 578 7.14 8.39 HYDROCHLORIC ACID 10%. 500ml 92 535 2.77 3.25
Ferrous sulphate 100g 54 306 5.08 5.97 SULPHURIC ACID 10% 500ml 90 416 2.33 2.75
Formamidinesulphinic acid 100g 3 519 13.70 16.10 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 500ml 2 270 2.07 2.43
FORMALDEHYDE 40% soln 500ml 29 264 3.81 4.48
Gallic acid 100g 87 592 9.75 11.46 ACETIC ACID 1 litre & 5 litre see packings listed under Champion & Agfa
Gelatin 100g 58 671 2.33 2.74
Gold chloride 2% solution 50ml 50 168 33.00 38.78 PREPARE A FORMULA, PARTICULARLY THE MORE OBSCURE ONES, IT MAY BE ADVISABLE
Hydroquinone 500g 10 514 14.09 16.49 ON THE ORDER FORM RELATING TO RAW CHEMICALS.
Maped Rulers
Kaiser Safety Trimmer
These offer a choice of 3 types of aluminium
rule. The Profila is the original rule, designed for Paper trimmer with self sharpening
use in cutting, measuring, or with the Maped 45° rotating circular blade in a closed plastic
and 90° mattcutters. The base has two anti-slip housing. Automatic paper grip, plastic
rubber tracks, and carries 2 slots for the mattcut- guide bar, transparent paper holding strip.
ters. A steel rod embedded in one side acts as wear resistant cutting edge. Base plate with cm scale & size markings.
--- Kaiser Safety Trimmer Mini-Cut (9.1 ) 19.29 22.67
The Quadra also has two rubber grips, and the mattcutter slot, but also has
34 111 Kaiser Safety Trimmer Hobby Cut 1 (12.6 ) 23.49 27.60
a highly raised profile. This acts as a handle, or guard when cutting with a 34 147 Kaiser Safety Trimmer Hobby Cut 2 (18.1 ) 32.71 38.43
knife. There is a steel cutting edge.
150 PROFILA RULE 40cm 16.55 19.45 Cutting Matts
98 003 PROFILA RULE 50cm 21.02 24.70
Choice of green opaque or clear for use
50 518 PROFILA RULE 60cm 22.97 26.99
on light boxes. These are for use with ver
14 853 PROFILA RULE 80cm 26.81 31.50
tical cutting as with a scalpel - not to be
97 276 PROFILA RULE 100cm 33.62 39.50
used with 45° mattcutters, which will cut
58 889 QUADRA RULE 60cm 28.21 33.15
chunks out of the surface. When used in
60 144 QUADRA RULE 80cm 34.13 40.10 vertical cutting, the surface reforms to
18 252 QUADRA RULE 100cm 39.42 46.31 ‘heal’ the cut.
Rotatrim Cutters
Original and best, very heavy duty rotary cutters 12 049 9 x 12 A4 Green 4.89 5.75
developed from the original design of 1966. Safe 5 116 12 x 18 A3 Green 7.79 9.15
39 615 18 x 25 A2 Green 13.23 15.55
in operation, the Sheffield tungsten steel blades
52 178 25 x 36 A1 Green 25.70 30.20
give precise and consistent cutting results over a
very wide range of materials. The RotaTrim twin
21 358 12 x 18 A3 Clear 21.45 25.20
tube system, supported by metal end castings 69 605 18 x 25 A2 Clear 36.51 42.90
ensures high rigidity essential for accurate cut
ting performance. The self sharpening rotary
Falcon Print Positioner
wheel glides positively and easily on nylon bear-
ings. The base-board is wipe-clean honey yellow melamine, and is The re-appearance of an old friend, the
designed to accept the users permanent or semi-permanent grid markings. positioner is invaluable in two ways;
Every machine is backed by the unique RotaTrim 5 year guarantee against 1) as a set square when marking board
faulty workmanship and materials. The ‘M’ series is for general use, and for matt-cutting - being very lightweight it
other models are available for specific applications, including power-driven can be used quickly with no danger of
heavy duty devices and a special model for cutting thick boards such as damaging the board.
foam-cored mounting board. 2) for rapidly positioning prints when dry
mounting. The scales apply their own
86 943 M12 (12 cutting length) 106.00 124.55 ‘upward weighting’ to give the right top and bottom proportions. However it
67 828 M15 (15 cutting length) 118.00 138.65
is brittle as cinder toffee, so not included as a mailable item.
78 356 M17 (17 cutting length) 133.00 156.27
94 294 M24 (24 cutting length) 164.00 192.70 --- Falcon Print Positioner 26.11 30.67
- M30 (30 cutting length) 206.00 242.05
Draft Clean Pad Spotone Kits SpotPen Handcolouring Pens
Pad containing soft Formulated for hand colouring and
rubber particles, tinting B&W prints, leaving no sur
excellent aid when face residue. The pens have a
cleaning up during broad tip for even and controlled
cutting & framing. A distribution of colour. Three groups
gentler option than an of 8 colours are available, and as a
ordinary rubber. Twist starter pack the Group 1 set is available contain-
the pad lightly to release some powder, then rub it ing the 8 pens + Pre-moistening solution,
gently over the soiled area. With severe soiling, Remover Pen, Blotting cotton, and Sponge.
more pressure can be applied.
28 018 Spotpen Set, Group 1 23.95 28.14
7 735 Draft Clean Pad 3.30 3.88 28 032 Spotpen Set, Group 2 23.95 28.14
28 057 Spotpen Set, Group 3 23.95 28.14
Cotton Gloves 28 791 Spotpen Starter Set 26.50 31.14
73 277 120 Single strip, 3x4.5 / 100 18.00 21.15 7 Pockets. designed for Four pockets, designed 8 pockets, suitable for 12 pockets, suitable for
37 668 5x4 / 100 16.00 18.80 strips of 6 frames 35mm to take 4 strips of 4 Cartes de Visite. mounted 2.25” trans-
3 281 5x7 / 100 18.75 22.03 negative or transparen- 2.25” square frames on parencies, or single neg
10 687 6.5x8.5 / 100 27.00 31.73 cy film. 120 film. frames.
35 232 8x10 / 100 28.00 32.90
Pocket dimensions: Pocket dimensions: Pocket dimensions: Pocket dimensions:
H 42mm x W 231mm H 75mm x W 30mm H 75mm x W 112mm H 75mm x W 73mm
4 907 11x14 / 100 50.00 58.75
AS104S7 26 046 AS103S4 66 AS106P8 46 815 AS107P12 52 225
10 994 Portfolio Box A4 25.20 29.61 8 321 12x16 single 8.07 9.48
13 900 12x16 per 5 38.47 45.20
77 882 Portfolio Box 9.5 x 12 (2 ) 26.25 30.84
13 925 12x16 per 10 73.32 86.15
30 996 Portfolio Box 9.5 x 12 (1 ) + Slip Case 31.50 37.01
33 092 A3 single 8.27 9.72
14 354 Portfolio Box 11 x 14 (2.25 ) 31.50 37.01
26 463 A3 per 5 39.35 46.24
73 529 Portfolio Box 12 x 16 (2.5 ) 35.70 41.95
26 800 A3 per 10 74.47 87.50
93 840 Portfolio Box 12 x 16 (1.25 ) 35.70 41.95
33 092 A3+ single 9.80 11.52
28 984 Portfolio Box A3 (2.5 ) 38.85 45.65
26 463 A3+ per 5 46.55 54.70
32 175 Portfolio Box A3 (1.25 ) 38.85 45.65
26 800 A3+ per 10 88.20 103.64
43 319 Portfolio Box A3+ (2 ) ***NEW*** 42.00 49.35
86 469 16x20 single 11.64 13.68
90 136 Portfolio Box 16 x 20 (2.5 ) 44.10 51.82 13 949 16x20 per 5 55.63 65.37
30 419 Portfolio Box 16 x 20 (1.25 ) 44.10 51.82 13 952 16x20 per 10 105.90 124.43
33 552 Portfolio Box A2 51.00 59.92 75 346 20x24 single 13.32 15.65
66 513 Portfolio Box 20 x 24 (3 ) 69.30 81.43 13 976 20x24 per 5 63.34 74.42
14 008 20x24 per 10 119.91 140.89
Leather texture
Nubuk texture
Pro-Slide Boxes
The sleeves we stock for the portfolio system are in Made by Panodia in 2 sizes, to fit A4 or A3 Pro-Slide Mounts. As they are
crystal clear polyester, the same material as the print lined with black, they offer another option to our standard Portfolio Box.
sleeves supplied for storage in boxes. The sleeves 22 868 Pro-Slide Box A4 35.74 41.99
include a black card insert to stiffen and back the print 4 571 Pro-Slide Box A3 38.29 44.99
- prints are normally attached to this sheet. Sold in
sealed packs of 10.
Display Cases
Going up another notch in terms of rigidity from our standard Portfolio Box,
these cases use a wooden frame to provide extra rigidity, and are secured
POLYESTER PUNCHED SLEEVES with two attache case style clasps.
24 381 Sleeve + blk insert A4 / 10 9.35 10.99
66 608 Display Case 12x16 56.18 66.01
12 783 Sleeve + blk insert 9.5x13 11.91 13.99
25 877 Display Case 16x20 73.78 86.69
5 226 Sleeve + blk insert 11x14 13.61 15.99
28 570 Sleeve + blk insert 12x15.75 (A3) / 10 15.31 17.99
16 168 Sleeve + blk insert 12x17 / 10 20.42 23.99
4 520 Sleeve + blk insert 14x17 / 10 28.12 33.04
7 496 Sleeve + blk insert 16x20 / 10 33.18 38.99
Secol Polyester Film Sleeves Transleeve type construction- completely transparent in packs
Available in two general types, ‘Transleeve’ which is completely transpar- of 100. Colourview also available in some formats, to order.
ent, and ‘Colourview’ which has a transparent front for viewing, and a frost- The most popular sizes are in bold type, and in size and parti-
ed back for diffusion. Both these types are produced in single pockets or tions equate to the standard formats available for film storage
rolls. Of the pockets, the ‘Tecs’ sleeves are particularly useful, accepting from Panodia, Paterson, etc. Overall size of each sheet type is
35mm transparencies in standard mounts, and are excellent protection shown in square brackets.
against careless handling. Single pockets are all in packs 67 771 6 strips 6 frames 35mm [10 x 10 ] 28.37 33.33
of 100. 22 077 6 strips of 6 frames 35 [260 x 275mm] 28.37 33.33
72 117 7 strips of 6 frames 35mm, punched 4 holes [260 x 320mm] 33.40 39.25
Roll sleeves are most useful with strips of negative or transparency, allow-
14 781 3 strips of 4 frames 2.25 punched 2 holes [260 x 222mm] 23.42 27.52
ing one to produce sleeves to the exact length required. They are available
47 840 4 strips of 4 frames 2.25 , punched 4 holes [260 x 295mm] 31.06 36.50
in lengths of 50’, in both Transleeve and Colourview.
80 075 6 strips of 6 frames 35mm [241 x 295mm] 28.37 33.33
9 772 4 strips of 3 frames 2.25 [190 x 310mm] 23.42 27.52
SECOL TRANSLEEVE 21 299 4 strips of 3 frames 70mm [190 x 332mm] 25.00 29.38
Made from ‘O’ type polyester and completely clear with no
colouration. Open on short ends. Packs of 100. Other larger SECOL TRANSLEEVE HANGING FILE
formats available. Transparent, packs of 10. Colourview version also avail-
able. Overall size of sheet shown in square brackets.
66 026 2x2 (35mm TECS) 2.97 3.49 62 375 24 pockets 2 x 2 10sh [247 x 350mm] 5.70 6.69
52 971 2.25x2.25 4.26 5.01 84 752 12 pockets 2.25 x 2.25 10sh [253 x 350mm] 5.70 6.69
22 163 6x7cm 4.87 5.72 94 629 4 pockets 5 x 4 10sh [247 x 272mm] 5.70 6.69
70 951 2.25x3.25 5.68 6.67 28 240 2 pockets 6.5 x 8.5 10sh [247 x 350mm] 5.70 6.69
69 256 2.5x3.5 5.68 6.67 31 224 1 pocket 8 x 10 10sh [247 x 270mm] 5.70 6.69
56 879 3.25x4.25 7.24 8.51 2 703 1 pocket 8.25 x 13.5 10sh [247 x 350mm] 5.70 6.69
9 719 9x12cm 7.24 8.51 37 888 5 strips of 35mm film 10sh [247 x 318mm] 5.70 6.69
14 644 4x5 8.58 10.08
30 898 4.75x6.5 11.91 13.99
11 513 5x7 12.31 14.46 Printfile Polyethylene Storage
38 863 6.5x8.5 18.67 21.94
58 295 8x10 22.80 26.79 Printfile is a quality range of USA made polyeth-
ylene film file sheets in most formats. Archivally
SECOL COLOURVIEW sound, it also has the advantage that it is very
soft, making insertion of film easy, and minimising
Construction as above, transparent front, translucent back,
abrasion. Welded seams ensure long term integri-
most suitable for transparency storage and viewing. Open on
ty. All the sheets we stock are punched for stan-
short ends. Packs of 100. Other larger formats available,
dard UK 4-hole binders. The principal formats are
although for prints they are considerably less robust than our
shown below. As well as a standard format for
normal polyester sleeves sealed on 3 sides (page 35).
120, for strips of 3 square negatives (120-4B),
there is an extra wide sheet (120-4UB) designed
for 6x7” in strips of 3. A white opaque panel at the
87 250 2.25x2.25 5.07 5.96
top allows writing with ball or quick drying spirit
6 579 6x7cm 6.10 7.17
pens. Various 3-hole punched formats are also available to special order.
21 417 2.25x3.25 7.10 8.34
77 187 2.5x3.5 7.10 8.34
48 007 3.25x4.25 9.20 10.81
47 256 9x12cm 9.20 10.81
6 445 4x5 10.70 12.57
35 379 4.75x6.5 14.33 16.84
60 741 5x7 15.29 17.97
92 976 6.5x8.5 21.52 25.29
21 333 8x10 28.21 33.15
29 969 45 4HB-POL 5x4 Polaroid negs, 4 sheets / page 100 18.87 22.17
--- CXD CD Box with D ring x 1 15.96 18.75 30 503 CD-RW 700 MB x 10 7.50 8.81
--- CXD CD Box with D ring x 5 73.15 85.95 Journal Slide Storage
The Journal system features plastic
Polypropylene CD Wallets Miscellaneous Storage cassettes, in either 35mm mounted
Clear polypropylene or 6x6 and 6x7cm roll formats. Ideal
disc wallet with non- Clear Faced Bags for frequent access, as the slides
adhesive flap and top Cheap’n’cheerful, paper back with are completely contained in a
entry. thin clear acetate front, useful for strong transparent holder.
Internal dimensions; presentation at the lowest cost. 551 JOURNAL 24 CASSETTE (35mm) 3.39 3.98
- JOURNAL 24S CASSETTE 3.39 3.98
W 127mm x H 132
3 098 JOURNAL 12 CASSETTE (120) 3.45 4.05
W 5” x H 5 3/16”
10 250 JOURNAL 6x7cm CASSETTE 4.56 5.36
563 JOURNAL BOX 35mm 6.90 8.11
32 773 5x6 500 9.49 11.15
- JOURNAL BOX 66 7.16 8.41
24 795 6x8 500 11.43 13.43
- JOURNAL BOX 67 7.80 9.17
34 622 7.5x10 500 15.14 17.79
- REPORT 24 TRAYS (10) 18.89 22.20
--- Polypropylene CD Wallet x 10 3.00 3.53 61 280 8.5x10.5 500 18.34 21.55
--- Polypropylene CD Wallet x 100 25.00 29.38 60 584 11x13 500 20.56 24.16
11 246 12x17.5 500 29.05 34.13 PVC Ringbinder Files
Standard budget board + plastic 4 hole
Filing Bars ringbinders suitable for all 4-hole punched filing
52 638 330mm Black Plastic x 10 2.49 2.93
1438 Black PVC Binder 4.76 5.59
16 388 Metal x 10 2.56 3.01
20 580 Black PVC Binder x 6 pack 25.70 30.19
Code Cm Inches Description Pan.ref SP ref Qty Net +VAT Code Cm Inches Description Pan.ref SP ref Qty Net +VAT
SELF ADHESIVE MOUNTS MODUCLAS for SLIDES (4-hole & DIN for ringbinders)
These are card slide mounts in a variety of sizes, all in black, designed for use with the Divided sheets in polypropylene for transparency storage, good archival properties, and available in
PROSLIDE display mounts, or for iinsertion into the MODUCLAS and PANOCLAS filing sheets. a wide range of formats. Multiple punched to fit 3 and 4 ring binders.
Self-adhesive, they only require folding and pressing the two adhesive surfaces together to seal.
Overall Size 18x24cm - 7x9.5 P56 5x5 2x2 Diffused back 030001 87 319 10 8.02 9.94
10x12.5 4x5 Black sgl 066001 34 646 10 8.30 9.75 P56T 5x5 2x2 Clear 030601 25 464 100 64.83 76.18
13x18 5x7 Black sgl 066201 46 453 10 8.30 9.75 P56B 5x5 2x2 Diffused + Title 032001 41 581 10 8.02 9.94
PAN D/F 5x5 2x2 Diff. + Flap (20sl) 030801 15 656 25 29.22 34.33
Overall Size 20x25cm - 8x10 P66 6x6 2.25x2.25 Diffused back 030701 65 482 10 8.02 9.94
6x6cm 2.25x2.25 Black, 6 holes 067001 74 567 10 8.87 10.42 P77 7x7 2.75x2.75 Diffused back 031201 56 415 10 8.02 9.94
10x12.5 4x5 Black sgl 067201 64 310 10 8.87 10.42 P77T 7x7 2.75x2.75 Clear 031601 26 340 100 64.83 76.18
13x18cm 5x7 Black sgl 067401 38 352 10 8.87 10.42 P71 7x10 2.75x4 Clear 031701 46 839 10 8.02 9.94
PA4 A4 Clear 041001 12 879 100 8.02 9.94
Overall Size 21x29.7cm - 8.25x11.75 (A4) P110 4x4 Clear 040101 65 979 100 8.02 9.94
35mm Black, 24 holes 067801 53 418 10 10.67 12.54 FOOLSCAP SIZE
6x4.5cm Black, 6 holes 068001 54 538 10 10.67 12.54 P45 10x12.5 4x5 Diffused back 040201 56 771 10 8.02 9.94
6x6cm Black, 6 holes 068201 52 983 10 10.67 12.54 FP5x5R 5x5 2x2 Diff. + Flap (24sl) 041601 89 828 10 9.10 10.69
6x7cm Black, 6 holes 068401 44 430 10 10.67 12.54 FP7x7R 7x7 2.75x2.75 Diff. + Flap 041701 94 521 10 9.10 10.69
10x12.5 4x5 Black, 1 hole 068601 4 557 10 10.67 12.54 FP5x5B 5x5 2x2 Diffused + Title 044001 35 988 10 8.29 9.74
NON ADHESIVE MOUNTS WITHOUT ACETATE SLEEVES P135 35mm Clear, 7 frms x 4 041101 34 894 10 8.02 9.94
Overall Size 9x12cm - 3.5x4.75 P120 120 Rollfilm Clear, 4 frms x 3 041401 73 265 10 8.02 9.94
35mm Black sgl 054001 15 436 100 18.01 21.16 P110 10x10 4x4 Clear, 6 pockets 040001 65 979 10 8.02 9.94
6x4.5cm Black sgl 054201 97 640 100 18.01 21.16 PA4 21x30 8.25x11.75 Clear, A4 size 040801 12 879 10 8.02 9.94
6x6cm Black sgl 054401 15 216 100 18.01 21.16
6x7cm Black sgl 054601 18 433 100 18.01 21.16
6x8cm Black sgl 054801 21 565 100 18.01 21.16
6x9cm Black sgl 055001 48 935 100 18.01 21.16 Proslide is an elegant method of displaying transparencies, in 2 outer formats, A4 and A3.
Apertures are available for mounted 35mm, 6x6cm, 5x4 and 5x7 in both sizes, and 8x10 in A3.
Overall Size 10x12.5cm - 4x5 Other formats can be accomodated by adapting down with self adhesive black mounts (see top
35mm Black sgl 055101 56 867 100 18.27 21.47 left) of a suitable format. Sold singly, each Proslide comes with its own acetate sleeve.
6x4.5cm Black sgl 055201 48 986 100 18.27 21.47
6x6cm Black sgl 055401 32 456 100 18.27 21.47
6x7cm Black sgl 055601 15 448 100 18.27 21.47
6x9cm Black sgl 055901 36 840 100 18.27 21.47
PAS5x5D 35mm 2x2 A4, 6 mtd trans. 071001 32 896 1 4.64 5.45
Overall Size 13x18cm - 5x7 PAL5x5D 35mm 2x2 A4, 12 mtd trans. 070001 62 678 1 4.64 5.45
10x12.5 4x5 Black sgl 055701 48 741 100 39.58 46.51 PAL7x7D 6X6 A4, 6 trans + mts. 070201 78 548 1 5.69 6.69
PAL10x10D 10x10 A4, 2 ap+6x7mts. 070401 45 610 1 5.69 6.69
Overall Size 20x25cm - 8x10 PAL10x12.5D 10x12.5 4x5 A4, 2 4x5 trans. 070501 14 585 1 4.64 5.45
6x6cm 2.25x2.25 Black, 6 holes 057001 49 851 100 39.58 46.51 PAL13x18D 13x18 5x7 A4 2 ap+2 5x4 mts 070701 37 849 1 5.69 6.69
10x12.5 4x5 Black sgl 057201 13 550 100 39.58 46.51
13x18cm 5x7 Black sgl 057401 13 574 100 39.58 46.51 PAG5x5D 35mm 2x2 A3, 20 mtd trans. 080001 16 571 1 6.98 8.20
PAG7x7D 6x6 A3, 12 trans + mts 080201 76 235 1 8.37 9.83
Overall Size 21x29.7cm - 8.25x11.75 (A4) PAG10x10D 10x10 A3, 6 ap+6x7 mts. 080401 27 628 1 8.37 9.83
35mm Black, 2 holes 057801 79 523 100 49.29 57.92 PAG10x12.5D 10.2x12.5 4x5 A3, 4 4x5 trans. 080501 26 230 1 6.98 8.20
6x4.5cm Black, 6 holes 058001 98 420 100 49.29 57.92 PAG13x18D 13x18 5x7 A3, 4 4x5 + mts. 080701 45 331 1 8.37 9.83
6x6cm Black, 6 holes 058201 46 465 100 49.29 57.92 PAG20x25D 20x24 8x10 A3, 1 8x10 tran. 081001 46 633 1 6.98 8.20
6x7cm Black, 6 holes 058401 44 623 100 49.29 57.92 PAG24x30D 24x30.5 9.5x12 A3 1 8x10 + mt. 080901 15 962 1 8.37 9.83
Choice of heads,
standard B&W, VC
or Colour
Formats available
from 35mm through
6x6, 6x7, 6x9cm
Choice of
column height
This is a brief overview of the Kaiser System 5 enlarger range to introduce KAISER ENLARGERS
the main features common to all models. For a full breakdown, please 11 428 VCP 3505 35mm Colour Enlarger 4420 391.49 460.00
request a free copy of the full colour ‘Lab Perspectives’ brochure, or order 11 234 VCP 6005 6x6cm Colour Enlarger 4460 434.04 510.00
the superb 348 page Kaiser Catalogue, £3.00. inc. postage.
11 430 VCP 7005 6x7cm Colour Enlarger 4480 510.64 600.00
Above all the Kaiser System V is modular, even with most components 4 701 VCP 9005 6x9cm Colour Enlarger 4550 544.68 640.00
from the REPRO range and conversion and upgrading is possible through 11 371 VPM 3505 35mm Multigrade Enlarger 4426 374.47 440.00
the full range of 35mm, 6x6, 6x7 and 6x9 formats. Four enlarger heads are 11 383 VPM 6005 6x6cm Multigrade Enlarger 4530 400.00 470.00
available, tungsten or halogen black and white, Multigrade and Colour, the 11 396 VPM 7005 6x7cm Multigrade Enlarger 4471 489.36 575.00
two latter using stepless, fade-free dichroic filters.
11 416 VPM 9005 6x9cm Multigrade Enlarger 4560 527.66 620.00
The various combinations of heads, negative and baseboard sizes and col-
umn heights results in a range of 15 top quality German made enlargers, 11 320 VP 3505 35mm B/W Enlarger. 4425 272.34 320.00
including the autofocus models. 11 332 VP 6005 6x6cm B/W Enlarger 4465 310.64 365.00
One of the most significant features of the basic design is the use of double 11 357 VP 7005 6 x7cm B/W Enlarger 4470 382.98 450.00
condensers in all versions, with the use of a diffuser plate on Multigrade 11 369 VP 9005 6x9cm B/W Enlarger 4540 417.02 490.00
and Colour heads, resulting in an increase in useful light and contrast, but - VPE 6002 6x6cm B&W Autofocus Enlarger 4510 1144.68 1116.00
with the benefits associated with diffuser heads. The enlarger head sits
- VCE 7005 AF 6x7cm Colour Enlarger 4500 1118.30 1320.00
above the condenser housing and can be interchanged quickly by loosen-
- VME 7005 AF 6x7cm Multigrade Autofocus Enlarger 4505 1118.30 1320.00
ing two screws. Many other aspects of the system are interchangeable,
including columns, (a choice of 4 versions up to 1.5m), baseboards, (3 KAISER ENLARGER ACCESSORIES
models up to 60x80cm) and a full range of glass or glassless inserts for the 11 318 Transformer (unstabilised) 4453 63.83 75.00
negative carrier which also features 4 bladed internal masking. Both plain 11 298 Transformer (stabilised) 4451 119.15 140.00
and AN glass inserts are available.
- A/N Glass / Neg. Mask 6 x 7cm Inserts 4432 14.89 17.50
l All major components are manufactured from die-cast magnesium alloy with other components - A/N Glass / Neg. Mask 6 x 6cm Inserts 4434 15.32 18.00
being made from glass-fibre reinforced plastic which is sprayed with an anti-static paint. - A/N Glass / Neg. Mask 35mm Inserts 4435 14.47 17.00
- A/N Glass + Plain Glass Insert 4433 22.98 27.00
l Wall and floor projection for very big enlargements. Tilting head and lens board for distortion cor-
- A/N Glass Inserts 6x7cm [pair] 4487 19.57 23.00
rection. Built-in spirit levels on both lens board and column base.
- A/N Glass + oversize 35mm mask [24.5x36.5mm] 4491 15.74 18.50
l Removable compound negative carrier with full range of glass and glassless inserts available. - Plain Glass insert [pair] 4490 20.43 24.00
Film guide pins for 35mm, 127 & 120 films. 4-blade internal masking interchangeable anti-newton 11 112 Negative Mask 24x36cm 4486 8.84 10.39
glass insert, adjustable masking strips and film holder arms.
11 148 Neg Masks 4.5x6cm [pair] 4431 16.60 19.50
l Internal red filter within the bellows extension. Quick release lens panels. 11 190 Neg Masks 6 x 6cm [pair] 4485 9.36 11.00
l Height adjustment by friction drive hand-crank. 4 694 Neg Masks 6 x 7cm [pair] 4436 9.36 11.00
- Neg Masks 24x36mm [pair] 4486 9.36 11.00
l Extra wide vibration resistant column manufactured from rectangular aluminium tubing with - Neg. Masks 24x36mm oversize [pair] 4491 15.74 18.50
dull black anodised surface, showing cm and inch scales and enlarging scales for 50mm, 80mm and
90mm lenses. - Neg Carrier 24x36 6000 4351 11.91 13.99
- Solid Inserts x 2 [aperture can be self-cut to any size] 4494 15.74 18.50
l Interchangeable pale grey baseboard with adjustable levelling feet.
- Enlarger Column 1m with mount 4473 85.11 100.00
l White light lever on colour and Multigrade heads. Stepless, 2-stop ND filter on colour and - Enlarger Column 1m with mount, Counter balanced 4474 102.13 120.00
Multigrade heads
- Enlarger Column 1.2metre [arm, rack & roll-off spring] 4408 157.45 185.00
l Precise, smooth lens focussing mechanism with extra-fine focus knob on 6x7cm and 6x9cm - Enlarger Column 1.5metre [with mount & winder] 4409 153.19 180.00
models. (N.B. 35mm and 6x6cm models can be upgraded to this feature if required. - Wall Mounting Unit 4412 85.11 100.00
l Choice of stabilised or unstabilised transformers where required. - Fine Drive Knob (1:1 & 1:6) 4422 57.01 66.99
All enlargers have a 3 Year UK guarantee (except lamps & fuses). Although there are standard
- Base Board 45 x 50cm 4472 76.60 90.00
enlarger packages, due to the extensive modularity of the system any particular requirements can be
supplied at the time of purchase, eg taller column or larger baseboard. This is much less expensive - Base Board 50 x 60cm 4413 72.34 85.00
than upgrading in the future. For example a 1.5 metre column will cost an extra £35.89 if ordered - Base Board 60 x 80cm 4414 80.85 95.00
with the enlarger instead of the standard column but would be £139.61 if supplied at a later date. So
Free unstabilised transformer with
at the outset, think carefully about the the range of options, base boards, wall mounts, and various
carrier and head alternatives. ✩ WHILE STOCKS
STOCKS LAST any colour or MG enlarger or half RR
price on a stabilised transformer
Meopta produce an extensive range of OPEMUS 7
enlargers offering excellent value for money.
--- OPEMUS 7 B&W 6x7cm enlarger 212.77 250.00
Designed and manufactured to high precision --- OPEMUS 7a COLOUR (inc transformer) 297.87 350.00
in the Czech Republic, their robust metal con- --- OPEMUS 7a COLOUR (less transformer) 263.83 310.00
struction and quality finish have made them --- Glassless Insert for Opemus 7, 24 x 36mm 7.66 9.00
widely accepted in situations of heavy use --- Glassless Insert for Opemus 7, 6 x 4.5cm 7.66 9.00
such as community workshops and colleges. --- Glassless Insert for Opemus 7, 6 x 6cm 7.66 9.00
The range runs from the compact but solid --- Glassless Insert for Opemus 7, 6 x 7cm 7.66 9.00
Axomat Standard for beginners to the 6x9cm --- Pair of Glasses (1 antinewton + 1 plain) 16.17 19.00
Magnifax 4. --- Negative Carrier Opemus 7 with glasses (included with enlarger) 45.96 54.00
expense of a professional floor standing enlarger when these brackets can COLOUR KIT INC. COLISTA 500 STAB.TRANSFORMER 2750.00 3231.25
help you to print just as big and just as sharp. ‘L1200 Enlarger Chassis Only
L1200 Femo Chassis (chassis only) 1848.09 2171.51
9 210 Quadro Wall Mounting Bracket set (standard) 53.61 63.00
--- Quadro Wall Mounting Bracket set (for Magnifax) 63.82 75.00 B/W & Colour Light Sources
L1200 BW Kit UK230 1500.00 1762.50
L1200 MULTIGRAPH HEAD inc measuring probe & control unit 2500.00 2937.50
L1200 COLORKIT TRA UK230 2808.51 3300.00
L1200 COLORKIT EST 3200.00 3760.00
Point Light Source Varipoint
L1200 Varipoint 230 (BW Head only) 3900.00 4582.50
FEMOCON 50T 1130.00 1327.75
FEMOCON 80T 930.00 1092.75
FEMOGLA T 285.53 335.50
Transformers / Stabiliser
COLITRA 500 (transformer) 275.00 323.13
COLISTA 500 (stabilised transformer) 600.00 705.00
M 670 VC
Durst M670 BW / Color / VC Black & white enlarger designed for vari
able contrast papers. The filtration control
on the head allows grades 0 - 5 to be set
without exposure compensation. Includes
VEGABOX 35 and VEGABOX 667 mixing
boxes for lenses 50 - 105mm, UNINEG
universal film carrier with SIVOPAR 35
metal mask, SIXMA 66 mask for 6 x 6cm
format, SIVOGLA anti-newton glass, lens
board SERIOPLA 39 for lenses 50 -
90mm, special vario lamp COLAMP 100
V with transformer COLITRA 305, base-
board 46 x 50cm, and square column with maximum height of 98cm.
VEGAKIT B/W (Black & white head for colour models) consisting of B/W
head, DULAMP 150 opal lamp 150W / 240v and SIRIOCON 50 condenser
for 35mm film size.
COLIS 670 TRA (colour conversion kit for M670 B/W enlarger) consisting
of colour head, COLAMP 100S halogen lamp 100W / 12v, TRA 305 trans-
former and VEGABOX 35 mixing box for 35mm film size.
COLIS 670 EST (colour conversion kit with stabilised transformer for M670
BW enlarger). As 670 TRA, but with stabilised transformer.
M670 VC Head conversion kit for M670 B/W enlarger. Consists of variable
contrast head, COLAMP 100S halogen lamp 100W / 12v, TRA 305 trans-
former and VEGABOX 35 mixing box for 35mm film size.
M670 VC Head - head only to convert colour enlarger, so not supplied with
Modular 70 Vario
Black & white filter module for variable
contrast paper, used in combination with
Modular 70 Lumo, illuminated filter scales,
white light lever, incl. COLAMP 100v.
Modular 70 Colour
Filter module for colour negatives and
slides, with colour filters up to density
170, white light lever, illuminated filter
scales, incl. COLAMP 100S.
M805 B/W
Consists of basic unit complete with baseboard, column (height: 111mm /
43.1”) and enlarger head with manual focussing. LURIOKIT EU 240 con-
denser illumination system, BIMACON 75 - double condenser in mount for
6 x 6cm film sizes. FEMOCON 50 - single condenser in mount for 35mm
film sizes, DULAMP 150 opal lamp 150w / 240v., BIMANEG film carrier, 2
LURIOGLA glasses for BIMANEG, SIRIOPLA lens board with M39 thread
for 50 - 105mm lenses.
M805 Multigraph
The Durst Multigraph is a universal, micro-processor controlled enlarging
head for conventional B/W and variable contrast papers, for film sizes up to
6x9cm. The Multigraph system features motor controlled filters, integrated
exposure control and a motorised light shutter. The enlarger features a per-
manent closed loop light monitoring systemand and a measuring probe for
contrast and density measurement, operated through the micro-processor
control unit. Includes transformer, COLAMP 250S 250w 24v nhalogen lamp,
Multigraph Box 69/805, BIMANEG film carrier, 2 LURIOGLA glasses for
BIMANEG, SIRIOPLA lens board with M39 thread for 50 to 105mm lenses
M805 BW UK 230 (complete enlarger) 1155.00 1357.12
M805 MULTIGRAPH (VC enlarger with Closed Loop system) 3550.00 4171.25
MULTIGRAPH 805 Upgrade Kit (head, power supply, control unit) 2200.00 2585.00
M805 COLOR TRA (colour enlarger with transformer), UK 230 2085.00 2449.87
M805 COLOR EST (colour enlarger, stabilised transformer), UK230 2450.00 2878.75
M805 LURIO CHASSIS (Chassis only) 980.00 1151.50
LURIOKIT BW (BW kit for converting M805 Color into M805 BW 380.00 446.50
M805 MULTIGRAPH HEAD (Head only) 2200.00 2585.00
COLIS 805 TRA (Colour kit for converting M805 BW into M805 Color) 1405.00 1650.87
COLIS 805 EST (Colour kit for converting M805 BW into M805 Color) 1800.00 2115.00
M805 Color TR240
Consists of basic unit complete with baseboard, column and enlarger head BIMACON 75 (for 75 - 90mm lenses) 4.5 x 6 and 6 x 6 cm) 245.00 287.87
with manual focussing. COLIS 805 colour head with stepless filtering sys- BIMACON 80 (for 100 & 105mm lenses) 6.5 x 9 cm) 320.00 376.00
tem up to 130 density units. Built in fan, one each UV and IR filters, addi- FEMOCON 50 (alternative condenser for 35mm to BIMACON 75) 90.00 105.75
tional yellow / magenta filters (approx. 40/20 densities), COLAMP 250S
halogen lamp 250w / 24v, COLITRA 500 240v low voltage transformer.
BIMANEG film carrier, 2 LURIOGLA glasses for BIMANEG, SIRIOPLA lens MULTIGRAPH BOX 805/35 150.00 176.25
MULTIGRAPH BOX 805/66 150.00 176.25
board with M39 thread for 50 to 105mm lenses.
MULTIGRAPH BOX 805/69 150.00 176.25
COLITRA 500 (replacement) 275.00 323.12
COLISTA 500 (with replacement) 600.00 705.00
AC800 WALLMOUNT (Wall bracket) 105.00 123.37
AUTOCUF (Dust cover) 30.00 35.25
Dunco 4 Bladed Easels
LPL Easels
Basic, but adequate quality, with top and left mar-
gin settings varying between 1/4” and 1/2”. A stop
allows the blade assembly to be left in the upright
position. The blades are held on the carriage with
a friction stop, requiring finger pressure for
release when moving the arms.
Beard have been making 2-bladed frames unchanged for decades - there is
nothing to compete, in terms of a 2-bladed easel, on the UK market. The 14 703 8x10 47.80 56.16
perfect choice when 4 bladed capability is not needed, but there is still plen- 68 619 14x17 75.20 88.36
ty of room for masking on the top and left borders, which is adjustable up to 76 734 16x20 102.50 120.44
2’’ in 1/4’’ increments, by easily located aluminium stops. The 2-bladed 8 027 18x22 124.30 146.05
easel has an adjustable spring loaded counterbalance to leave both hands 8 039 11X14 4-BLADED 170.21 200.00
free when inserting paper. Very heavy duty construction, will last a lifetime if
shown a bit of respect. Meopta Enlarging Easels
BEARD EASEL 2-BLADED Basic enlarging easels in two popular sizes. They
149 300 10x12 180.00 211.50
are both 2-bladed designs with internal border
62 602 12x16 195.30 229.47
stops on the top and left up to 20mm.
96 461 16x20 212.10 249.21
The 18x24cm model will accept 10x8” paper only
33 369 20x24 262.50 308.43
if printing with borders.
12 441 12x16 345.34 405.77
84 568 18x24cm (7x9.5 ) Meopta Easel 20.42 24.00
11 077 16x20 379.99 446.48
22 210 30x40cm (12x16 ) Meopta Easel 32.34 38.00
Nova Washmaster Silverprint Archival Washer
There are many variations on the original concept of the archival washer, This is a new unit, resulting from taking useful features from a number of
which was first produced in the USA in the late ‘60s. The basic design is a designs and combining them in one unit. The water injection is from a man-
washer in which all prints are held in separate slots, and washed individual- ifold into separate slots, a smooth rotary action sweeping all areas of the
ly to a uniform wash quality, over the whole surface of the print. The Nova print. The guage of the materials used is heavy duty throughout; the walls
washer was designed as a result of looking at many different models and are 1/2” acrylic, while the dividers are textured 3mm, and fit into slots rout-
embodying the most desirable features without involving expensive details. ed into the base for extra rigidity and to prevent cross contamination
This has resulted in a simple and (relatively) cheap unit. They are made in between cells. The most innovative feature is a ‘total dump’ facility, whereby
the UK to a competitive price, and constructed throughout from clear the entire contents of the washer can be drained in a few seconds. This is
acrylic. by raising the internal end wall, a hand grip being provided,
The three different sizes are built to the same basic plan, with water being 32 188 12x16 6 slot 203.40 239.00
fed into each of 13 separate slots from an inlet manifold at the base. This 33 109 12x16 12 slot 293.62 345.00
induces a strong swirling action, and water exits over a weir into an outlet 32 211 16x20 6 slot 254.47 299.00
section above the inlet. As each slot is completely separate from those 33 112 16x20 12 slot 387.23 455.00
adjacent to it the problem of prints fresh from the fix re-contaminating wash
32 247 20x24 6 slot 382.13 449.00
water of prints that have been washing for some time is eliminated. The
33 124 20x24 12 slot 458.72 539.00
dividers, which are completely removable for cleaning, are ribbed to prevent
prints sticking to them. The inlet and outlet use normal plumbing fittings, the
inlet requiring a 1/2’’ hose. The outlet can be directly into a sink, or can be
led away using a 25mm 90° angle fitting, and a length of 25mm’ PVC waste Washmaster-Eco
pipe. A useful set-up could be to feed the waste water further up the line to
a pre-wash holding tray. One Nova Clip is supplied with each unit, useful if The most significant new
washing small prints or test strips. Three units are available; 12x16” print design feature in this
size, (unit size 46 x 25 x 35cm), 16x20” print size, (unit size 57 x 25 x Nova washer is a total
47cm), and 20x24” print size, (unit size 68 x 25 x 57cm). All are supplied water dumping facility.
packed in heavy duty boxes for transit. The Nova Washmaster Archival This is achieved by rais-
Washer is built to the same specifications, and with the same length and ing a single blade, effec-
height as the standard washers above. The difference is in the number of tively emptying the wash-
slots- five rather than thirteen, suiting a smaller throughput. The units are er of 90% of its volume
accordingly narrower, taking up very little space in the darkroom. Inlet is by within 1 minute ensuring
1/2” hose, outlet via 25mm fitting pipe. fast removal of the thio-
sulphate laden water that
NOVA WASHMASTER ARCHIVAL WASHER builds up in the first few
93 047 12x16 203.40 239.00 minutes of the print wash-
30 102 16x20 254.47 299.00 ing cycle.
Also incorporated is an
independent single slot
which can serve three dif-
ferent purposes depen-
A B dent upon your needs.Its main purpose is to accommodate Wash Aid in its
space-saving vertical construction and in turn, significantly reduce wash
time. This slot can be converted to run as an isolated rapid Pre-Wash Slot
or as the third option - a 6th washing slot! Fitted with independent flow con-
trol you may run the pre-wash at a different rate to that of your main washer
section adding greater flexibility.
Heavy weight 4.5mm textured inner divider panels are used to prevent print
adhesion, which are set into the base to ensure each slot maintains a high
The dramatic effect of the Ilford Galerie 60 second fix time in concentrated fixer,
degree of isolation. There is also a new pressurized inlet design further
Washaid sequence in action; graph A is followed by hypo clearing. The drop in
a normal curve for dissipation of hypo thiosulphate is dramatic, and within a
enhancing the vortex agitation system used in the other Nova washers.
from a fibre based print, after normal fix- few minutes is virtually unmeasurable. Washmaster-Eco has the ability to store and wash up to 6 prints to archival
ing for several minutes, and washing in a These graphs were derived from density standards using minimal water. Available in two sizes:
Nova archival washer. The second measurements made on stains on FB
16 x 12 (40 x30cm) 221.23 259.95
shows the residual hypo under the same paper using HT2 solution, (acidified sil-
washing conditions after employing the ver nitrate). 20 x 16 (50x40cm) 280.80 329.95
Nova FB Processors Plastic Developing Dishes
Nova Print Processors We normally have
Paterson and Kaiser
dishes in stock, which
are well made in
heavy-duty plastic.
Dishes are normally
supplied as white.
We can also obtain to
order a range of plastic
dishes up to 3 x 4 feet.
69 145 8x10 dish 3.19 3.75
67 049 10x12 dish 4.04 4.75
42 982 12x16 dish 7.23 8.50
72 985 16x20 dish 9.36 11.00
The Nova FB Processor is an innovative way of 26 326 20x24 dish 17.02 20.00
packaging fibre-based print processing into a KAISER
small temperature controlled unit. Developed --- 8x10 dish 2.04 2.40
from the RC processor, there are a number of --- 10x12 dish 3.28 3.85
features that set it apart; the unit is designed so --- 12x16 dish 4.77 5.60
By now the established classic in small-scale that the developing print can be easily inspected, --- 16x20 dish 14.72 17.30
colour print processing. The unit comprises two hence the transparent side-wall, and the angled --- 20x24 dish 17.02 20.00
or more ‘V’ topped solution slots, surrounding a slots. In addition a special paper holder is sup-
water filled core. The water bath is thermostati- plied, which supports the FB sheet throughout Film Developing Tanks
cally temperature controlled, and with the excel- the process, and can be used to hold it even Paterson offer the
lent heat conduction properties of the acrylic wall while washing. widest configuration,
material maintains processing chemistry within a
--- Nova FB Processor 12x16 382.13 449.00 of tanks, but Kaiser
stability range of 1/4° C. Each chemical slot is fit-
--- Nova FB Processor 16x20 CALL CALL offer a system using
ted with a drain tap and supplied with a ‘floating
compatible spirals, at
lid’ to protect against oxidation of chemicals Nova FP 5x4 Dip & Dunk Processor a competitive price.
when the processor is not in use. The unique
feature of the Nova system An efficient and com
pact processor for PATERSON
is the use of a special agita-
tion clip, which can be handling small to 79 756 35mm Tank + 1 reel 14.89 17.50
medium volumes of 79 878 Univ. Tank + 1 reel 15.53 18.25
attached to an RC print of
sheet film, and based 84 776 Multi Reel 3 Tank 15.53 18.25
any size. The paper is suffi- 96 529 Multi Reel 5 Tank 18.30 21.50
ciently rigid not to tear or on a line of 5
65 734 Multi Reed 8 Tank 25.53 30.00
fold when held by the clip, ‘CombiPlan’ tanks, fit
67 076 Autoload Reel 7.66 9.00
which then forms a handle ted into a thermostati
84 639 Autoload Reel / 6 pack 40.85 48.00
for conveying and agitating cally controlled water
jacket.. The temperature range can be main- KAISER
the print throught the baths.
Chemical carry-over is reduced to a minimum, tained over 20° to 45° C. with an accuracy of --- Standard Developing Tank (1 reel) 7.66 9.00
pre-heating of equipment is unnecessary, and in 0.2° C. The film rack is the standard CombiPlan --- Universal Developing Tank (2 reels) 11.06 13.00
many situations running a process without a unit, adjustable for 6x9cm and 9x12cm film as --- Kaiser Reel 5.74 6.75
stopbath is possible. Chemicals are not discard- well as 5x4”. All of the 5 tanks are supplied with
ed after each print, instead replenishment is colour coded outer lids, and floating lids to min- Measures
applied at the end of a print session, at a rate imise evaporation and oxidation of chemicals.
equal to 10ml per 8x10” print. This increases the 24 621 Nova FP Dip & Dunk Processor 251.06 295.00 34 317 Graduate 45ml 2.55 3.00
print/litre capacity to more than double that of 89 370 Graduate 150mlI 2.98 3.50
most other systems. Left powered up, the Nova Nova FPD 5x4 Daylight Processor 72 408 Graduate 300mlI 3.83 4.50
unit is ready for use at all times, using only 150 A smaller and less 50 072 Graduate 600ml 5.11 6.00
watts. A number of configurations are available, expensive alternative 58 951 Graduate 1200ml 5.96 7.00
with 2, 3, 4 or 5 slots, which can include washes. to the ‘Dip & Dunk’ 69 546 Mixing Jug 1l 5.11 6.00
5 214 Mixing Jug 2l 8.51 10.00
Tandem - 2 heated solution slots, for B/W or processor above,
based around a KAISER
RA4 with no stopbath stage.
Trimate - 3 heated solution slots, ideal for RA4 single ‘CombiPlan’ - Measuring Cylinder 50ml [4250] 1.96 2.30
with a stopbath. tank, with additional - Measuring Cylinder 100ml [4252] 2.13 2.50
Clubmate - 3 heated solution slots with an inte- space in the water - Measuring Cylinder 250ml [4253] 3.40 4.00
gral running water wash facility. jacket for 3 one litre - Measuring Cylinder 500ml [4254] 5.11 6.00
Quad - 4 heated solution slots, ideal for graduated bottles. Additionally, the CombiPlan - Measuring Cylinder 1000ml [4255] 7.66 9.00
tank can be removed and substituted with a - Measuring Jug 1000ml [4256] 3.62 4.25
Ilfochrome or any 4-bath process.
Paterson 2 or 3 tank unit. - Measuring Jug 2000ml [4257] 12.77 15.00
8x10 TRI-RAPID 310.64 365.00
8x10 TRIMATE 254.47 299.00 24 645 Nova Daylight Film Processor 211.91 249.00 Proofers
8x10 QUAD 297.02 349.00
The leading brand is
Combi-Plan 5x4 Film Tank
12x16 TRI-RAPID 404.26 475.00
Paterson, but we also
A clear plastic frame stock a universal
12x16 TRIMATE 339.57 399.00
with slots locates frame (ie without
12x16 QUAD 390.64 459.00
the films. There are masks) made by the
16x20 TRIMATE 509.79 599.00
slots for 6 sheets, manufacturers of
16x20 QUAD 552.34 649.00
although the user Printfile.
may find less prob
20x24 TRIMATE 680.00 799.00 lems with agitation if PATERSON
only 4 are processed 39 919 Contact Printer 35mm (on 8x10 ) 34.04 40.00
74 822 Agitation Clip 5.11 6.00 at a time. A close fit- 1 782 Contact Printer 35mm (on 9.5x12 ) 34.04 40.00
ting soft rubber lid allows inversion agitation, and 88 817 Contact Printer 120 34.04 40.00
a drainage outlet at the base allows daylight use. 23 368 Pro Proof Contact Printer 34.04 40.00
See also the Nova systems above based around 21 235 Test Strip Printer. 11.49 13.50
the Combi tanks. PRINTFILE
68 534 Combi-Plan Tank 55.00 64.63 --- Printfile Contact Printer 30.00 35.25
Washing & Drying Kodak Digital Thermometer Paterson Water Filter
Similar range of acces- An accurate, electronic, digital thermometer com- This is adequate if you
sories for the wet end - plete with clock. It comprises a stainless steel need a small inexpen-
see also Kodak Tray probe coupled by a flexible 3’ lead to the display sive unit which will
Siphon. unit, which gives temperatures to one decimal filter to 20 microns (ie
point in either Celsius or Fahrenheit. It has a tem- the bits of grit that
perature range of -10° to +110° C, with an accu- cause the most
racy of 0.3°C at 38°C. Additional features include trouble, including rust
a high or low temperature alarm setting with an particles). The unit
PATERSON audible warning, and a setting for a fast or slow push fits onto a tap, and unscrews for cleaning of
61 520 Force Film Washer 6.81 8.00 sensing speed (either 1 or 10 second response the filter element, which is itself replaceable. Fine
33 210 Water Filter. 10.21 12.00 time). for small scale use, for a permanent set-up with
6 399 Film Squeegee 7.02 8.25 high volume requirements a larger unit such as
25 047 Kodak Digital Thermometer 28.40 33.37
48 572 Print Squeegee 15.53 18.25 the ‘Amatek’ filter range is recommended.
28 713 Film Clip Set 5.11 6.00
15 267 High Speed Print Washer 810 17.02 20.00
Bamboo Tongs 33 210 Paterson Water Filter 10.21 12.00
16 021 High Speed Print Washer 1216. 29.79 35.00 Getting a bit scarcer
41 677 Print Drying Rack 22.13 26.00 and a bit more expen- Kaiser Dodging Kit
KAISER sive, but these are still It’s easy enough to
89 622 Plastic Film Clip Set [4117] 4.25 5.00
the first choice of knock up your own,
- Plastic Film Clip w/o Weight [4118] 2.94 3.45 many printers. As the but this a fairly inex-
- Plastic Film Clip with Weight [4119] 3.62 4.25 ends get corroded, pensive off-the-peg
- Stainless Steel Film Clips x 2 [4120] 6.38 7.50 break them down and put the rubber tips on option. Supplied as a
89 563 Pro. Film Squeegee 14.90 17.50 again. Supplied in packs of 3. thin robust wire mounted into a handle, and with
8 955 Pro. Squeege Spare Blades [4070] 6.17 7.25 a coiled tip which will easily accept any shape
75 845 Bamboo Tongs / Set of 3 8.47 9.95
8 967 Single Blade Squeegee, 13 [4074] 7.45 8.75 you choose to stick in it. Supplied with a range of
89 575 Film Squeegee 5.47 6.43
Kenro Stainless Steel Tongs standard shapes, inc. an adjustable one for odd
16 765 Roller Squeegee [4056] 13.19 15.50 angles.
- Thermometer [4080] 3.83 4.50 Supplied as a pair,
3 974 Thermometer [4086] 9.50 11.16 these are robust stain 89 590 Kaiser Dodging Kit 5.53 6.50
2 380 Wide-range Thermometer [4081] 6.00 7.05 less steel tongs with
- Wide-range Dish Thermometer [4083] 6.38 7.50 soft rubber tips, and Ilford EM10 Exposure Monitor
- Precision Dish Thermometer [4087] 20.43 24.00 with an 8” length are Simple darkroom expo-
- Electronic Thermometer [4089] 49.36 58.00 substantial enough not sure meter. Once cali
698 Print Tongs pair, stainless steel [4067] 7.66 9.00 to slide into a tray brated for the type of
- Print Tongs sgl, stainless steel [4063] 5.32 6.25 when ignored.
- Print Tongs pair, plastic [4062] 4.47 5.25
paper in use, it is used
89 587 Print Tongs pair, plastic [4059] 4.68 5.50 97 095 Kenro S/S Tongs, pair 7.66 9.00 to correctly determine
162 Safelight [4018] 23.82 27.90 the enlarging lens
89 607 Stirring Rod [4239] 3.97 4.66 Kaiser Stainless Steel Tongs aperture required for
- Plastic Darkroom Aprons x 2 [4066] 5.11 6.00 any negative or trans-
With spiral spring and parency, at varying
shaped handle for enlarger heights, by balancing the 3 LED’s on the
General Darkroom Accessories catching on edge of unit. Powered by batteries.
tray. Protective plastic
caps to protect emul- - EM10 Exposure Monitor 22.49 26.43
sion surface. Packed in pairs.
698 Kaiser S/S Tongs, pair 7.66 9.00
Concertina bottles are
Amatek Water Filters black, and the size indi-
cates maximum capaci
Use a replaceable wound-fabric cartridge, avail-
ty; when squeezed they
PATERSON able in either 5, 10, or 20 micron gauges. The
will reduce to about 1/3
smaller guage filter will give slightly lower water
54 211 Micro Focus Finder 17.23 20.25 of that. Polyethylene
pressure. A clear acrylic bowl houses the filter
76 928 Major Focus Finder 34.04 40.00 bottles are rigid white
17 324 Safelight (orange) 17.02 20.00 cartridge, which screws up into the inlet & outlet
plastic. A tap kit is listed
22 966 Safelight Domes 6.81 8.00 unit. The filter housing is supplied with a 10
for the 5 and 10 l. sizes,
17 128 Spirit 9 Thermometer 7.87 9.25 micron cartridge. Both are suitable for higher vol-
useful for drawing off solution if the bottle is
80 492 Spirit 12 Thermometer 8.51 10.00 ume requirements than that provided by, say, the
placed on its sides on a shelf. The 2.5, 5 and 10l.
- Dial Thermometer. 13.62 16.00 Paterson unit. Model AM1 10’’ in-line filter is
sizes are moulded so they can stack on top of
90 455 Print Tongs (pair) 5.11 6.00 designed for a permanent installation feeding the
bottles the same size.
73 725 Chemical Mixing Paddle 2.98 3.50 entire darkroom supply. Supplied with brass 1/2’’
51 336 Funnel 4.25 2.55 3.00 compression fittings, and wall-mounting bracket. 47 160 Concertina Bottle 1l. 2.03 2.38
- Funnel 5.75 3.40 4.00 A built-in shut-off valve allows filter changing with- 96 226 Concertina Bottle 2l. 2.50 2.94
KAISER out shutting off incoming water supply. 27 922 Polyethylene Bottle 250ml .60 .71
35 878 Polyethylene Bottle 500ml .75 .88
47 794 Luminous Tape [4223] 6.38 7.50
Model AM2 is a 10’’ unit of similar design, taking 24 672 Polyethylene Bottle 1l. .90 1.06
89 590 Dodging Kit [4601] 5.53 6.50
the same filter cartridges, but supplied with a 14 865 Polyethylene Bottle 2.5l. 1.95 2.29
56 Grain/Tapestry Screens 6x6 [4377] 7.23 8.50
push-fit tap connector and hose, and a swivelling 14 840 Polyethylene Bottle 5l. 3.22 3.78
828 Grain/Tapestry Screens 35mm [4376] 5.96 7.00
493 Test Negative, 6x6/6x7cm [4379] 6.60 7.75
outlet spout. Drilled for a wall mounting bracket, 30 640 Polyethylene Bottle 10l. 3.95 4.64
2 452 Grain Focusser [4005] 25.20 29.62 AM4 also possesses a 10” unit, but this is a
heavy-duty in-line filter which uses a phosphate Syringes
GENERAL ACCESSORIES crystal cartridge, minimising limescale formation Useful whenever particularly accurate measure-
and iron staining. ment is necessary, such as measuring very con-
85 822 Amatek Filter Model AM1 68.80 80.84 centrated developers like Rodinal.
524 Antimagnetic Scissors, 7 8.47 9.95
28 289 Amatek Filter Model AM2 44.80 52.64
44 Chamois Leathers, 5 pc 3.25x4.5 6.34 7.45 49 104 1ml Syringe 0.35 0.41
28 292 Amatek Filter Model AM4 100.10 117.62
89 493 Kaiser Print Inspection Light 26.11 30.68 37 923 2ml Syringe 0.35 0.41
21 844 5 Micron Filter Cartridge 4.00 4.70
40 201 5ml Syringe 0.35 0.41
30 775 10 Micron Filter Cartridge 4.00 4.70
26 169 10ml Syringe 0.42 0.49
47 378 20 Micron Filter Cartridge 4.00 4.70
70 507 20ml Syringe 0.48 0.56
63 579 50ml Syringe 2.04 2.40
HanHart Darkroom Timer Ilford Thermometer DT30 Meopta Copy Stand Equipment
After scouring the four A deluxe electronic ther We can testify to the
corners of the earth we mometer with a very quality and value of
have come up with this wide range from -50° C these stands - we have
new HanHart seconds to 150° C. Accurate to ± used one for all our in-
timer as being the best 0.3° C. The handle of house copying for
replacement for a num- the probe is shaped so it rests against the side of several years and have
ber of others which the dish when left in the solution. The display is a no complaints. The
have dropped off the large 4 digit red LED display. The unit uses a 9V robust columns and
perch in recent years. MN1604 battery, giving a life of 5 hours in contin- base boards of Meoptas
With a large xx cm face, ual use. enlarger range are also
sweep seconds hand, and both hands luminous, the basis of the ‘Reprovariant’ copy stand system.
21 286 Ilford DT30 Thermometer 111.83 131.40
it is ideal for most basic timing operations in the The OP6 system utilises the same chassis as the
darkroom. Only 2 controls, start/stop and reset, Opemus 6 enlarger with a 59x42cm baseboard
and the reset really does zero properly. Timing
Deep Tanks and maximum camera elevation of 80cm.The
duration runs up to 1 hour. Powered by xx x AA Originally ‘3 Gallon’, MG4 is derived from the Magnifax 4 enlarger with
battery. they were upgraded to a 23.5 x 23.5cm base board and maximum cam-
15 litres some time era elevation of 100cm. Both these copy stands
xxx HanHart Timer 50.00
back. Normally sup- are supplied with 4 ES lamp holders on two inde-
plied with a cover lid, pendently mounrted arms that are adjustable in
Dishwarmers and a floating lid is height and angle. The camera mounting platform
These are finished in required for use with is constructed from 3 heavy duty sections allow-
black enamelled steel developers. A wash tank is also available. ing comprehensive variation of positioning for
with no cut edges to any camera up to medium format. Owners of
15 120 3 Gallon Deep Tank 39.00 45.83
rust. Fitted with a ther- 15 144 Floating Lid for 3 Gallon Tank 11.00 12.93
Meopta enlargers can convert them by purchas-
mostat, they can be 15 132 3 Gallon Wash Tank 57.00 66.98
ing the lights and camera mounting platforms as
adjusted over a tempera accessories.A budget priced copy arm is avail-
ture range that will go Stainless Steel Equipment able as an alternative to the mounting platform for
sufficiently high to run a water bath holding solu- use with 35mm cameras only.
tions at 38º C for colour processes. Although they Stainless steel tanks
are fitted with high rubber base supports, we are not compatible Copy Stand equipment
advise using some sort of duckboard arrange- with plastic spirals of - Copy Stand OP6 + 2 lights 193.19 227.00
ment to rise them above sink level. If you want to the Paterson type, but - Copy Stand OP6 + 4 lights 212.77 250.00
prevent surface corrosion, ensure they are use a smaller diameter - Copy Stand MA4 + 2 lights 237.45 279.00
cleaned off and dried after use. stainless steel reel - Copy Stand MA4 + 4 lights 255.32 300.00
which is centre load - Copy Stand OP6 without lights 93.62 110.00
80 355 12x16 Dishwarmer 56.17 66.00 ing, of which the best - Copy Stand MA4 without lights 136.17 160.00
80 367 16x20 Dishwarmer 59.57 70.00 on the market are the - Copy light Universal inc 2 lights 93.62 110.00
44 564 12x36 Dishwarmer 68.08 80.00 British made Hewes - Copy light Universal inc 4 lights 119.15 140.00
variety. The 35mm spir - Camera Holder Axomat / Opemus 42.55 50.00
Black-out Material als use a system of - Copy Arm Axomat 5 / Opemus 6 & 7 16.17 19.00
two prongs to locate - Camera Holder Deluxe Magnifax 45.96 54.00
More correctly should be termed `dim-out’.
- Copy Arm for Magnifax 16.17 19.00
This is 100% cotton Bolton Twill fabric, treated for and centre the film,
light-proofing and flame-proofing. A single thick- which is quick and Copy Equipment Accessories
ness used as a blackout will let the odd pinhole positive in use. Hewes --- 35mm Film back for Axomat / Opemus 68.09 80.00
through, but be adequate for working with papers. also manufacture a --- 6x6cm Sheet Film Carrier Holder 20.43 24.00
If absolute blackout is needed, any form of lining range of stainless steel --- 6x9cm Sheet Film Carrier Holder 30.64 36.00
will ensure this, or the use of a double thickness. baskets for deep tank --- Plate Holder only 6.5x9cm 4.25 5.00
Velcro, which can be obtained in reels, is one processing, hangers for --- Cut Film Sheath only 6.5x9cm 4.25 5.00
suitable way of mounting the material into a win- deep tank sheet processing, and accessories
dow space. Supplied in a 48’’ width, by the metre such as stainless steel drying clips. The tanks are Kaiser Copy Stand Equipment
(3’3’’). the Japanese made ISE brand, with close fitting Very comprehensive
plastic lids. range of copying equip
1 185 Black-Out Cloth, 48 x 1m 4.55 5.35
89343 35mm Tank 13.80 16.22 ment based on the
88 804 120 Tank 17.25 20.27 Kaiser VP enlarger
Ilford Processing Drums
88 500 6 Tank (4 x 35mm / 2 x 120) 27.66 32.50 system.
Two processing drum sizes are available, one for 63 528 9 Tank 38.30 45.00
processing 8 x 10” material, the other for 12x16”. 41 213 12 Tank 45.85 53.87
3 597 Ilford Processing Drum 8 x 10 29.46 34.62 25 476 Hewes Stainless Steel 35mm Spiral 7.25 8.52
62 874 Ilford Processing Drum 12 x 16 69.84 82.06 84 103 Hewes Stainless Steel 120 Spiral 7.98 9.38
7 872 Hanger 5x4 , 4 sheets / frame 30.85 36.25 - Lighting Stand Heavy Duty 5025 77.45 91.00
Electronic Balance 7 884 Hanger 8x10 1 sheet / frame 22.35 26.26 - Copy Stand RS3 5310 99.57 117.00
- Hanger 5x7 , 2 sheets / frame 22.35 26.26 - Copy Arm RA3 5320 17.02 20.00
Simple electronic - Copy Lighting Set RB3 5350 85.11 100.00
machine weighing 1.5 Gallon Tank Series (7 litre)
- Copy Stand Reprokit 5360 102.13 120.00
from 1g to 2kg. A 7 897 Spiral Cage 7 litre 47.95 56.34 - Copy Stand RS2 5410 125.11 147.00
membrane covers the 7 904 Hanger Cage 7 litre 49.00 57.58 - Copy Arm RA2 5420 23.83 28.00
switches. Controls are 3 Gallon Tank Series (15 litres) - Copy Lighting Set RB3 5450 195.74 230.00
ON/ZERO, OFF, and - Copy Stand RS1 with RA1 5510 212.77 250.00
7 917 Spiral Cage 15 litre 49.71 58.41
KG/LB 7 929 Hanger Cage 15 litre 45.74 53.74
- Copy Stand RS1 with RT1 5511 238.30 280.00
- Copy Stand RSX+Arm RTX 5512 408.51 480.00
21 871 Salter 3010 Electronic Balance 25.00 29.38 2.5 litre Tank Series - Copy Arm RA1 5520 38.30 45.00
- S/Steel Tank, Lid & Floating Lid 62.95 73.97 - Copy & Title Arm RT1 5521 70.64 83.00
Lab Scissors - Rack for 10 Hangers 20.95 24.62 - Copy Arm RTX 5522 189.79 223.00
Made of fibreglass- - Spiral Cage to fit Hanger Rack 21.85 25.67 - Copy Arm RA101 5523 46.81 55.00
reinforced nylon, with - Hangers 5x4 , each 7.55 8.87 - Repro Arm RTP 5524 85.11 100.00
blades of special heat - Repro Arm RA102 5525 32.34 38.00
HEWES FILM CLIPS - Repro Arm RLR 5526 90.21 106.00
treated stainless steel.
Length 18cm 7.1”. 7 931 Weighted Clip 2.90 3.41 - Grad / Mechanical Stage 5530 122.55 144.00
7 943 Spring Clip 2.07 2.43 - Copy Lighting System RB 5550 327.66 385.00
52 347 S/Steel Film Clip, pair, one weighted 3.35 3.95 - Copy Lighting Halogen 5552 194.54 228.59
- Copy Lighting Fluorescent 5555 366.12 430.19
524 Lab Scissors 8.47 9.95
Encapsulite Safelights Safelight Boxes Ilfochrome A Filter Set
These fluorescent strip safelights are the best The Ilford DL10 box is designed for wall mounting The Ilford colour printing filter set is based on 6
option in cost-effective darkroom lighting. While or work-top location. It will accept either the Ilford filters measuring 8.9 x 8.9cm in each of the
running at a low temperature with small power or Kodak range of 8x10” glass safelight filters colours yellow, magenta and cyan, and graded in
consumption they also supply broad ‘direction- above. The DL20 safelight is designed to be sus- values 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50, plus a colourless
less’ lighting which makes time in the darkroom pended from the ceiling. It requires one 8x10” and UV absorbing filter.
less fatiguing. Although are many permutations of one 10x12” filter, which again can be from Ilford
43 137 Colour Printing Filter Set (6Y,6M,6C,UV) 25.43 29.88
filter for different graphic arts materials, we nor- or Kodaks range.
mally stock the type suitable for most graded and
21 468 DL10 Darkroom Safelight 68.16 80.09
VC papers (A10/ND 0.3) and that for ortho materi- Schneider Enlarging Lenses
24 684 DL20 Darkroom Safelight 132.54 155.73
als (R10). A number of lengths are available, and
The Componar-S is a 4
the best value for money is in purchasing the
Vinyl Gloves element design with opti
tubes alone, and fitting them to your own battens.
Very useful when deal mum performance at 3
2 644 A10 / ND0.3 Tube 4 35.30 41.48
ing with toxic solutions, stops down, with screw-
2 657 A10 / ND0.3 Tube 5 38.98 45.80
but still let you retain off click stop diaphragm
2 840 A10 / ND0.3 Tube 6 42.60 50.06 and illuminated aperture
some sense of touch.
13 535 R10 Tube 4 29.75 34.96 scale. Available as
Lined with talc for easy
2 669 R10 Tube 5 33.50 39.36 80mm f/4.5 and 50mm f/2.8.
29 288 R10 Tube 6 37.10 43.59
2 963 A10 / ND0,3 inc. batten 78.50 92.24 The Componon-S is a 6 element lens with very
high performance, working well through all magni-
Duka Safelights 22 576 Vinyl gloves / 50 pairs 9.50 11.16 fication ratios and apertures, with combined
17 214 Vinyl gloves / 1 pair 0.33 0.39 click/variable stop control, aperture pre-setting,
The DUKA 50 is a
darkroom safelight for and illuminated aperture scale. All have standard
Kaiser Pro Squeegee
all colour negative, Leica thread fitting.
Previously sold as a
colour positive and 14 464 Componar S 50mm f2.8 68.00 79.90
Kindermann product,
black & white process 22 332 Componar S 90mm f4.5 68.00 79.90
this is probably the best
es. The light released 5 240 Componar S 105mm f4.5 82.00 96.35
film squeegee on the
is in a tight spectral 15 389 Comparon 50mm f2.8 128.00 150.40
market, having sets of 4-ridged soft rubber blades
range of around 14 099 Comparon 80mm f4.5 135.00 158.63
that can be replaced as they become worn. For 23 162 Comparon 105mm f4.5 196.00 230.30
589nm, (sensitivity gap
film widths up to 4.7” 20 904 Componon S 50mm f2.8 174.00 204.45
for most colour papers). An extra filter can be
switched in for monochrome graded and VC 89 563 Professional Film Squeegee 14.90 17.50 10 262 Componon S 80mm f4.0 225.00 264.38
23 135 Componon S 100mm f5.6 247.00 290.23
materials. A 10 watt sodium lamp is used. 8 955 Replacement Bl;ades for Pro. Squeegee 5.95 6.99
The DUKA 5 is dimensionally the same and uses
a 5 watt fluorescent lamp to match all black and Single Blade Squeegee Anaret Enlarging Lenses
white graded & VC papers. For wiping excess It is not well known that the Meopta Anaret S
water off FB and RC lenses are optically identical to the Componar S
2 327 Duka 50 Safelight 168.51 198.00
papers. Contoured range, and indeed are made on the same produc-
21 274 Duka 5 Safelight 80.43 94.50
plastic handle with soft tion line, although sell at a lower price, substan-
rubber blade. tially lower in some cases. All standard M39
Ilford Safelight Filters screw, except for the 30mm which is a 23.5mm
If using a box type safelight with interchangeable --- Single Blade Squeegee 7.45 8.75 screw fitting.
rectangular filters, or a Kodak Beehive accepting
- Belar 50mm f4.5 25.53 30.00
5.5” diameter filters, the Ilford product is the best Saunders Print Squeegee
- Anaret 30mm f4.5 28.94 34.00
value. An import from the USA, a simple squeegee with - Anaret 50mm f4.5 27.23 32.00
89 329 902 Light Brown 5x7 29.41 34.56 handle, preferred by many professional printers. - Anaret S 50mm f2.8 59.57 70.00
65 093 904 Dark Brown 5x7 29.41 34.56 - Anaret S 50mm f4.5 42.55 50.00
6 807 Saunders Print Squeegee 10.00 11.75
37 007 906 Dark Red 5x7 29.41 34.56 - Anaret 80mm f4.5 34.04 40.00
- Anaret S 80mm f4.5 47.66 56.00
25 380 902 Light Brown 8x10 35.66 41.90 Multigrade Filters - Anaret 105mm f4.5 42.55 50.00
73 556 904 Dark Brown 8x10 35.66 41.90
74 458 906 Dark Red 8x10 35.66 41.90 Two types of filter sets - Anaret S 105mm f4.5 59.57 70.00
are produced for either - Meogon S 50mm f2.8 119.15 140.00
16 777 908 Dark Green 8x10 35.66 41.90
above or below lens - Meogon 50mm f5.6 85.11 100.00
32 844 902 Light Brown 10x12 48.96 57.53 - Meogon 80mm f2.8 153.19 180.00
38 934 904 Dark Brown 10x12 48.96 57.53
use. The above the
- Meogon S 80mm f4 136.17 160.00
66 674 906 Dark Red 10x12 48.96 57.53 lens system comes in
- Lens Mount for 30mm 7.66 9.00
two sizes (8.9 and
34 439 902 Light Brown 5.5 21.08 24.77 - Lens Mount Adapter 39mm to 23.5mm 7.66 9.00
15cm square). These
3 947 904 Dark Brown 5.5 21.08 24.77
will normally need trim
18 712 906 Dark Red 5.5 21.08 24.77
ming down to fit your
Paterson Enlarger Timers
902 Light Brown, for all standard photographic filter drawer. If a filter
papers, including Multigrade types drawer is not available, a below lens kit is pro-
904 Dark Brown, for fast blue-sensitive material, duced to fit under the prime lens. This is supplied
eg line film. with a collar which can be retained on the enlarg-
906 Dark Red, for Orthochromatic materials. er by screwing it into place with the lens - as long
907 Dark Green, very slow panchromatic materi- as it is a standard Lica (40.5mm) thread.
al. Changing filters is quicker with the below lens
908 Very Dark Green, all panchromatic materials, system, but the optical performance is more likely
& colour papers to suffer as the filters show their age, above lens Paterson 2000D Enlarger Timer
Other values available for specialist materials. sets are the best choice if you have the option. Basic timer but good value. Time selectable is 0.1
- 99 seconds. Red LED output, adjustable for
88 882 Below lens kit 37.61 44.19
Ilford SL1 Safelight brightness. Exposure can be interrupted. Suitable
10 372 Above lens kit 8.9cm sq 16.55 19.45
for loads up to 10 amps.
The SL1 is the economy model in Ilfords range. 97 374 Above lens kit 15.2cm sq 31.60 37.13
With a non-interchangeable orange filter, it is suit- 30x30cm MG Filters, available all values, each 22.58 26.53 25 657 Paterson 2000D Enlarger Timer 47.94 56.33
able for all graded & VC papers. It can be
attached to a wall or used freestanding on its
swivel bracket.
46 342 SL1 Safelight (fixed orange filter) 35.89 42.17
Gralab 300 RH Stopclock Professional Timer
The Gralab 300 timer is a multi-purpose instru-
ment, and can be used as process timer or enlarg-
er timer. Its large face makes it a useful process
timer in large darkrooms, and it can be wall-
mounted for convenience.
The design goes back a long way- its ancestors
can be seen in many photographic texts going
back to the 40’s and 50’s, although the design has
been continually updated.
An enlarger (or printer) and safelight are controlled through two separate
outlet ports marked Enlarger and Safelight. An optional buzzer is built in,
which triggers at zero time. The two hands permit selection of any time
interval from 1 second to 60 minutes, the inner hand with the hooked end
being the minute hand. The outer second hand is turned with the knob in
the centre of the dial. The hands are luminous, and can be seen for about
20-30 minutes before losing brightness, requiring further exposure to light.
Power handling is 750 watts at 240v.
Enlarger Timing;
The ‘time/focus’ switch is set to ‘FOCUS, which automatically switches off
the safelight., eliminating extraneous light while focussing. It remains off
during enlarger timing, avoiding shadows during dodging operations. On
switching to ‘TIME’ the preset time sequence is initiated., with the enlarger
switching off, and the safelight switching on at the end of the interval.
14 145 Gralab 300 99.00 116.33 The RH Designs StopClock Professional enlarger timer incorporates all the
best features of the original StopClock, adding some new ones. Most
Gralab 450 important of these is the Compensation feature, which adjusts the expo-
The Gralab 450 is a compact design of enlarging sure time +/- 20% at the touch of a button to compensate for drydown, or
timer, embodying enhanced features of the 300 in subsequent toning processes. Now includes 2 completely separate expo-
a compact unit. There are two dials controlling sure sequences, invaluable for split-grade printing on VC papers. The sec-
time interval which can be switched to cover the ond channel is also useful for programming flashing and fogging exposures
range 1/10 sec to 99 seconds. Safelight switching which are separate from the main exposure sequence, and can even be
during focussing and timing can be auto-matically used as a process timer if the enlarger is switched off. A special ‘split-
switched as with the 300. Time selection is with grade’ mode is incorporated which maintains constant print contrast if the
red LED’s, the brightness of which can be con- exposure time is changed, and displays the contrast as an equivalent paper
trolled, (necessary with colour work), or switched grade, tp within 1/10’th of a grade.
off altogether. The f-stop method of printing is fundamental to the StopClock’s ease of
A metronome tone can be switched on during the use; exposure time adjustments are made in terms of f-stops, as are
exposure, giving a bleep every second.duration, enlarging lens aperture and all camera exposure controls. Complex
and a tone can be selected to operate at the end sequences of dodging and burning can be programmed into StopClock’s
of exposure. memory. If you want to make the same print at a different size, or on a
All functions are controlled with touch sensitive paper with a different speed, the basic exposure time can be changed for
moisture-proof switches., and the ‘Start /Reset’ is the new size or speed and the StopClock’s microprocessor calculates all
a large easily located bar 3/4” x 4”. A socket for a the remaining steps automatically. Alterations to exposure time can be
footswitch is fitted, and the footswitch is available made in terms of f-stops, with a resolution up to 1/24’th of a stop, and a
as an accessory. The unit can be wall mounted. sequence of dodging and burning can be stored in StopClocks memory.
Making the print becomes simply a series of presses of the start key or
14 618 Gralab 450 128.00 150.40 footswitch.
14 620 Gralab 450 Footswitch 27.40 32.20
l Basic exp. time 1.0 seconds to 240 seconds, in steps of 1/2 to 1/24’th f-stop. Time is controlled to
Viponel Electronic 0.01 seconds.
This is an enhanced version of the Viponel S15, l All exposure times are set in coarse and fine steps. The fine step size is 1/24’th f-stop (approx 1%)
the coarse step can be set to 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6 or 1/12 of an f-stop.
using all electronic circuitry. Time is displayed on a l Nine subsequent exposure times can be programmed, each calculated either relative to the basic
backlit liquid crystal display, and times are selected exposure or to the total exposure time thus far. Burn-in exposures are set in coarse steps of 1/2 to
by SET+ and SET- buttons. Switching allows selec- 1/12’th f-stop.
l Two completely independent channels, each having separate basic and burn-in exposure times.
tion of times from 0.1 second to 1000 seconds. A l Split-grade mode, in which each channel tracks the other to maintain print contrast. Contrast is dis-
‘focus’ button switches the light source on for played in steps of 0.1 grade.
focussing. An additional socket is fitted which allows l Automatic test strip mode, for quickly producing test strips with 1/12’th to 1/2 stop increments.
l Exposure Compensation of +/- 20% to allow for dry-down and/or toning with respect to a test print.
the safelight to be switched off during focussing and l The clear yellow LED display brightness can be set to one of 3 levels. The display colour has been
exposure. chosen to be safe for both colour and black and white printing.
l Audible beep at the end of each exposure, and optional seconds tick whilst the enlarger is
4 313 Viponel Electronic 59.53 69.95 switched on.
l lluminated control buttons.
l Can be connected to a RH Zonemaster for exposure metering.
Viponel S15
Stopclock Specification
These are excellent value for money basic mechanical-
ly actuated enlarging timers. l Timing accuracy: better than 1%
l Timing repeatability: better than 0.1%
Two timing ranges are covered, 0.1 to 6 secs. and 1 to
l Exposure setting accuracy accuracy: better than 1% resolution one 1/24’th stop.
60 seconds, with switching to change between the two. l Timing range: 1.0 to 240 seconds per step, up to ten steps per channel, 2 channels.
The selected time is set using a dial with central knob. l Timing resolution: 0.01 sec.
A ‘focus’ button switches the light source on for l Switching capacity: 750W per outlet, 750W total (230v only; 500w on 115v.
l Display type: Yellow LED, 3 levels of dimming, 590nm LEDS safe colour papers.
focussing. The timer automatically resets to the same l W H D 200mm x 65mm x 160mm. (7.8 x 2.5 x 6.3v)
selected time at the completion of exposure. The l Weight: 1800g approx. excluding accessories.
repeat accuracy of these timers is particularly good. l Input voltage: 200-250V AC 50Hz (120-250V AC to special order)
l Accessories supplied: Mains lead, footswitch, enlarger/safelight connectors, instructions.
l Guarantee: 2 years parts and labour.
the print. You can adjust the contrast (paper grade) and brightness of the 22 305 Zonemaster Enlarging Exposure Meter 143.83 169.00
print using the grey scale indicator. When you are satisfied with the indicat-
ed readings, simply place a sheet of paper under the enlarger and press StopClock LE
the Print button. The Analyser will turn on your enlarger’s lamp for the cor-
rect time to produce a print with the indicated tones. The Analyser Pro is The StopClock LE is a fully featured but economical Dual Mode Enlarger
supplied ready calibrated for Ilford Multigrade lV paper; however a simple Timer, the StopClock LE (Light Edition) is a dual mode enlarger timer which
calibration procedure allows the Analyser to be optimised for your own can operate as a straightforward seconds timer, or in an f-stop mode, in
enlarger’s characteristics and your preference of materials and processes. which exposure time is set in equal density steps. In the f-stop mode,
The characteristics of up to 8 different papers can be stored, and the changing the time by a given number of steps will always produce the same
Analyser pro automatically compensates for paper reciprocity failure. The density change on the print, regardless of the original exposure. This
Analyser Pro is effectively a combination of the ZoneMaster and the makes dodging and burning-in easier and more predictable, and as a result
StopClock LE. It does not have the exposure memories of the StopClock can save time and money. Stopclock LE also has a built-in test strip mode
Pro. If you want the features of a StopClock Pro and also want the Analyser which can time seven exposures centred around the set time.
Pro’s metering capabilities, the best choice would be a StopClock Features
Professional and a ZoneMaster. l Timing range 1.0 to 240 seconds with unlimited ‘pause and resume’ interrupt facility. Controlled by
Features l Two modes, linear (seconds) and four f-stop settings (1/3, 1/4, 1/6 or 1/12 stop intervals).
l Up to eight spot readings of a negative can be taken and the corresponding tonal value of each on l Automatic test strip generation, +/- 3 steps from the set exposure (f-stop modes only)
the final print will be displayed on the 15 step grey scale. l Connects to the Zonemaster enlarging meter for exposure measurement and print previewing.
l Densitometer mode to help refine your film development. readings can also be displayed. l Resolution (linear mode) 0.1 seconds from 1.0 to 14.9 seconds, 1 second from 15 to 60 seconds, 2
l Simple controls (harder , softer, brighter, darker) allow print contrast and brightness to be pre- seconds from 60 to 240 seconds.
viewed without the use of test strips or prints - saves time and paper. Over and under exposure l Resolution (f-stop mode): user selectable intervals of 1/3, 1/4, 1/6 and 1/12 stops
warnings. 13 stopmeasurement range. l Unique (apart from the RH Analyser) burn in feature. To burn in an area by a quarter stop, for
l Exposure times of 1.0 to 240 seconds are calculated automatically by the Analyser using the example, make the basic exposure, increase the time setting by a quarter stop, press the print button
metering probe in conjunction with paper grade and built-in calibration settings. Exposure times can for one second. StopClock LE computes and times the quarter stop interval simply and precisely.
be adjusted manually. Basic and burn-in exposures are accurate to 0.1 stop maximum resolution and l Multiple burn-in exposures can be made - the base exposure will be stored until the next short
microprocessor controlled to within a hundredth of a second. press of the Print button updates the memory with the new value.
l Clever burn-in feature computes and times the difference between an increased exposure time and l Safelight switching facility.
the basic print exposure. l Socket for optional footswitch.
l Adjustable calibration caters for preference of paper, processing, and enlarger characteristics for l Clear LED display with 2 brightness settings.
every grade of paper from 00 to 5 including half grades. Eight individual calibration sets for different l Optional start delay to compensate for the bulb ‘soft-start’ inherent in some stabilised enlargers.
papers, surfaces, etc. l Switching capacity of 500W suits almost all enlargers, inc. cold cathode types.
l Automatic reciprocity failure compensation.
l Automatic test strip generation for fine tuning of print exposure; test strips can be genarated either - Stopclock LE 97.87 115.00
as incremental or full exposures.
l Switching capacity of 750W handles most enlargers, including cold-cathode types.
l Automatic safelight switching. RH Designs Paperflasher
l Industrial grade components throughout, including gold-contact switches and heavy duty relays.
The PaperFlasher makes it easy to
Analyser Specification flash and fog photographic materials
l Microprocessor controlled electronic densitometer and timeswitch based on a quartz timing ele- to control contrast and add tone to
ment. Analyser as standard switches the mains supply to the enlarger, low voltage switching is avail- otherwise blank areas. It comprises a
able to special order and may be required if you use a voltage stabiliser with your enlarger.
l Timing accuracy: better than 1%, Timing repeatability: better than 0.1%
tiny, lightweight, electronically sta-
l Internal measurement resolution: 1/60’th stop. bilised light source, and a battery
l Timing range: 1.0 to 240 seconds per exposure, Timing resolution: 0.01 sec. operated control box and timer. The
l Time setting intervals: 1/3, 1/4, 1/6 or 1/12’th stop; user selectable at any time. Test strips are
made using the currently set time interval.
light source can be mounted on the
l Optional delay to accomodate slow starting enlargers (eg some Durst & Kaiser stabilised trans- darkroom ceiling, on the enlarger lens-
formers. board, or in any other convenient posi-
l Optional audible seconds tick (“metronome”) tion using Blu-Tak, double sided tape,
l Measurement spot size: 5.0mm (0.2”)
l Measurement range: 13 stops, with over and under exposure indication. Up to 8 spot measure- Velcro or similar. The timer is easy to
ments per exposure. use, and incorporates a novel test strip generator for quick and accurate
l Calibration: built-in, user adjustable exposure and contrast settings for all grades from 00 to 5 in determination of the amount of exposure required. The exposure time can
half gd. steps. 8 individual calibration sets.
l Switching capacity: 750W per outlet, 750W total. (115v versions) 500w per outlet, 500w total. range from 1.0 seconds up to 84 seconds, and is microprocessor controlled
l Display type: Yellow LED, 4 digits for time & paper grade: 15 segment bar graph for grey scale. to 1/10’th of a second accuracy. Uses for the PaperFlasher are legion - pre
l Size: WHD 200mm x 65mm x 160mm, Weight: 1900g approx. excluding accessories. and post flashing exposures for contrast control, controlled fogging to add
l Input voltage: 200-250V AC 50Hz
l Footswitch included.
tone to blank areas of a print, fogging of print borders, etc.
- RH PaperFlasher 55.32 65.00
14 779 RH Analyser Pro Timer 200.00 235.00
Durst Labometer Analyser Durst UT100 Film Drying Cabinet Durst RC Print Drier
Microprocessor The cheapest ‘cabinet’ The first option when a
controlled colour on the market, as it motor driven RC print
analyser. Features comprises a blower dryer is required.
integral reading base with a tent, and is Continuous drier for all
system for density & designed to be hung RC materials, including
colour. Incorporates from the darkroom Ilfochrome, maximum
exposure timer, 10 wall. It incorporates a feed width 32cm, power output 980W, with 2
channels for paper thermostat, and has heater levels of 65° and 85°. Hot air radial fan,
settings, low and high the capacity for up to continuously variable throughput speed from
colour correction set- 12 35mm 36 exposure 4cm to 80cm per minute.
tings adjustable zero to 150%. films. It uses a main
Durst RCD3200 RC Paper Dryer 638.30 750.00
tainance free axial fan,
- Durst Labometer Analyser 700.00 822.50
automatic overheat
protection, three step
Paterson Drying Rack
Paterson PT2000 Process Timer switch for hot and cold The lowest-tech RC
Can hold times for up to 10 steps for 10 different air, heating output of dryer around, prints
processes, that can be recalled instantaneously. 240 and 460W. The simply slot into this
Timings can range from 1 to 999 seconds. There basic unit includes bag rack and are left to dry,
is a visible countdown of the time left, with audi- for film drying. An although it can be
ble reminders at every 30 seconds and during accessory is; speeded up with a fan
the final seconds of each stage. The next time in UTP:Plastic drying bag (size 55 x 35 x 75cm / heater in the vicinity.
the sequence is shown at the end of the preced- 21.5 x 13.75 x 29.5”) for sheet film and RC
ing one, and commences when the ‘Start’ button paper (eg 6 sheets 20x24” paper). 41 677 Paterson Print Drying Rack 22.13 26.00
is pressed.
- Durst UT100 Dryer 187.00 219.73
- PT2000 Process Timer 64.63 55.00 Archival Blotter
Translyte RC Paper Dryer Wood & acid free,
Translyte Film Drying Cabinet Basic heating cabinet for speeding up dry heavy 300 gsm 17 x
All the essential fea ing RC prints. After washing, the wet print 24” sold in packs of 10
tures of a large (and is squeegeed and then placed onto one and 50 sheets. If prints
expensive) drying cabi- of the grids inside the dryer, which slide out for were dried from wet
net in a unit designed loading. A lateral fan blows heated air across the in the same blotters
for the smaller dark prints, dramatically reducing the drying time, and the two would bond
room. Rotary fan and giving the extra high gloss possible with heat fatally, so the idea of the method is is to put the
heater in the remov- drying. Two sizes are available, 12 x 16” or 16 x FB print through several stages of drying.
able base unit pass air 20”. Each model will take 4 prints of the dryers Several changes of the drying print into fresh dry
through an efficient and maximum dimensions or the equivalent surface blotters are required, so you need plenty of
easily changed filter. area (ie the 16 x 20” will take four 8 x 10” prints them. A suggested sequence is squeegee the
The cabinet is plastic per tray, totalling a maximum capacity of 16.) wet prints and then put them into the first set of
laminated sheet metal, Construction is welded steel finished in a black blotters. Place them under reasonable pressure.
and the door is fitted epoxy-polyester rust resistant coating. The units Leave them for 20 minutes, then take them out
with an inspection win- have 3 heat settings plus cold air blow, making and put them into new blotters for 2 hours.
dow. The height allows them suitable for all resin coated paper, includ- Finally, put the prints into more fresh blotter and
full 36 exposure film lengths to be dried. The ing Ilfochrome. Drying times vary from about 3-6 leave till dry, which is probably overnight. It
heating unit includes 3 preset heat settings, and minutes. sounds rather involved, but should result in
a film that has been squeegeed will be dry to prints that need no further flattening.
Translyte Dryer 12 x 16 136.17 160.00
handle in about 5 minutes. Slower drying is gen-
Translyte Dryer 16 x 20 153.19 180.00 37 891 Archival Blotter 300 gsm 17x24 / 10 3.36 3.95
erally preferable, and on settings 2 & 3 will take 38 679 Archival Blotter 300 gsm 17x24 / 50 13.46 15.82
up to about 20 minutes. The heat can also be
switched off altogether, and fan driven cold air Fibreglass Screen Mesh
used for slower drying. Fibreglass mesh drying
is one of only a few
The cabinet is supplied in two units, the methods of drying
heater/fan base in one, and the flat-packed cabi- prints to a good stan
net in the other, needing only a screw-driver for dard of archival perma
assembly. nence. The fibreglass
11 494 Pro 2001 Drying Cabinet 305.96 359.50 material is inert with
--- Pro 2001 Drying Cabinet (120) 289.36 340.00 high tensile strength,
which when plastic coated forms an inert air per-
Translyte FB Print Dryer meable surface that will not absorb moisture or
chemical contamination. Periodically the screen
The bane of the
can be rinsed to prevent any build-up of chemi-
archivally minded
cal residue. If you would prefer to make up your
printer, but they do
own screens, we have the plain fibreglass mesh
dry fibre-based prints
in 48” width, which we sell by the metre. The
quickly, and can pro
colour is mid-grey. One convenient form of ready
duce a high surface
made support is an artists canvas stretcher.
sheen with glossy
papers. This is a tra- 46 355 Drying Screen Mesh 1m 6.00 7.05
ditional design, using a heated chassis with a
curved top surface, around which a tensioned Fibreglass Drying Screens
fabric blanket is stretched, pressing the fibre-
Pre-fabricated drying
based print down onto it. Not now supplied with
screens using plastic-
glazing plate, which are a bit hard to come by.
coated fibreglass
The unit is thermostatically operated, and we
screen mesh as
recommend running it at a reasonably low tem-
described above. The
perature, which will tend to prevent the cockling
Zone IV screens come in packs of four, and rep-
which sometimes results from running it at full
resent excellent value. Not stacking, but it is sim-
ple to make a wooden supporting rack.
36 892 Translyte FB Paper Dryer 102.12 120.00
16 792 Zone IV Drying Screen (pack of 4) 63.83 75.00
Peak Focus Finders Peak Lupes OHNAR Lupes
The Peak 35mm Lupe Beautifully made with multiple element optics,
is a classic design, these are on a par with the finest camera equip-
with high quality optics ment. The range consists of 3 Lupes;
covering the exact
35mm format and ideal OHNAR 4x LUPE
when viewing contact The choice if looking
sheets. The larger 4x at full frame 35mm
Lupe is similarly film,covering a field of
designed to cover a 6x6cm contact size image. 5cm diameter. Edge
to edge sharpness,
12 685 Peak 35mm Lupe 32.25 37.89
supplied with both
15 326 Peak 4x 43.95 51.64
black metal cone or
transparent diffuse
Linen Tester acrylic.
The traditional folding
51 069 OHNAR 4x LUPE 41.70 49.00
viewer with size cali-
brations visible in
use. Folds to small OHNAR 8x LUPE
A very high quality range of grain magnifiers, dimensions which The 8 X Ohnar has
available in three models, 1, 2, and 3. All are can be easily slipped similar construction to
good but Model 1 has no competition as the into a pocket.. Seen the 4X but is higher in
most superior focus finder on the market. Nos. 2 here in use on a battery powered ‘Petite’ box. magnification, cover-
& 3 use smaller mirrors, and the principal advan- ing a field of 3cm.
11 760 Kaiser 5x Lupe 12.71 14.93 Also supplied with
tage of the Model 1 is that the lens system piv- 12 705 Linen Tester 8x 17.86 20.99
ots on its axis to cover the negative field right both black or clear
into the corners of the masking easel. The lens cones.
Paterson Micro Focus Finder
system consists of three coated lens elements in 15 171 OHNAR 8x LUPE 67.23 79.00
two groups. The eyepiece is adjustable for indi- Well designed budget
vidual eyesight. The Model 1 is supplied with a priced focus finder,
OHNAR 3.5x LUPE for 6x6cm
blue filter, which assists in achieving the point of with easily adjusted
focussing to ones A mighty lupe for
accurate focus, and is available as an accessory
individual eyesight, medium format film,
for the other models.
(using cross-hairs), It covering 6x6cm virtu-
The eyepiece features a 10x achromatic Kellner will operate over quite ally edge to edge with
optical system, consisting of 3 coated lens ele- a wide circle around no distortion.
ments in 2 groups with an engraved double- the lens axis. One Supplied with both
framed oblong rectangle at the focal point. The easily added acces black and clear
eyepiece is adjustable for the individual user. On sory is a small piece cones. Focussing
the Model 1 the lens system itself pivots on its of blue filter gel, on all the Ohnar
axis, providing an approximate range of 30° which can be inserted into the eyepiece tube. lupes is with rubber
formed by the optical axis of both the enlarger The result is that by viewing primarily blue light, shrouded knurled
lens and focuser lens system. This enables the one is cutting out chromatic aberration due to ring.
image of the negative grain to be viewed from the lens of the finder, enabling critical focus to 40 226 OHNAR 3.5x LUPE 95.36 112.05
the edges of the field, by adjustment of the view- be seen more easily.
ing angle. The mirror is surface coated to elimi-
nate the distortions found with cheaper grain The “Major” focus finder is designed for larger
magnifiers using rear-surfaced mirrors. The 6 format enlargers, where the greater operating
square inch base, and heavy weight make it a height cuts down on the contortions involved
stable unit, less likely to be knocked to the floor when viewing at the same time as adjusting.
(although there is a lot more to be damaged if it 54 211 Paterson Micro Focus Finder 17.23 20.25
were!) 76 928 Paterson Major Focus Finder 34.04 40.00
94 519 Peak Enlarging Focuser Model 1 151.49 178.00
18 350 Peak Enlarging Focuser Model 2 67.23 79.00 Kaiser Range of Lupes
53 747 Peak Enlarging Focuser Model 3 38.30 45.00 Good range of rea-
78 901 Peak Blue Glass Filter 13.05 15.33 sonable quality mag
nifiers, from lupe to
Light Gathering Lupe linen-tester
An unusual design of
lupe, moulded from
cast acrylic- viewing
is not by viewing an
eyepiece, and it can
be used at a distance 26 597 Folding Pocket Magnifier X 5 12.77 15.00
of up to several feet. 7 126 Lupe 8 X 2334 5.53 6.50
- Folding Linen Tester 20mm x 20mm 25.53 30.00
855 Magnabrite Magnifier 64mm 19.95 23.44 28 504 Folding Linen Tester 30mm x 30mm 42.55 50.00
22 895 Magnabrite Magnifier 51mm 13.50 15.86 11 760 Base Magnifier 4 X 14.47 17.00
22 915 Magnabrite Magnifier 90mm 43.50 51.11 - Precision Magnifier 7 X 59.57 70.00
Fidelity Dark Slides Changing Bags 73 348 Kaiser 25cm side lock / fabric 6104 4.59 5.39
The Harrison Darkroom 68 547 Kaiser 50cm side lock / fabric 6105 5.56 6.53
The standard equip 26 604 Kaiser 25cm side lock / metal 6113 6.51 7.65
ment, these have been Tent is the ultimate
2 184 Kaiser 50cm side lock / metal 6119 8.81 10.35
basically unchanged changing bag, and is
for decades, but grad- erected like an igloo 30 638 Pneumatic Release 10m 10.64 12.50
tent, by passing poles 12 370 Kaiser Pneumatic Release 6144 25.11 29.50
ually refined to make
them simpler in load through seams in the
walls, and then tension Batteries
ing and during expo
sure. Soundly made ing to raise the walls. DISPOSABLE
with an aluminium This produces a clear floor space of about 1m.
core, panel for square, free from contact with the walls. Although
notation, and locks for over-elaborate for use with small formats, this is
both sides. the only satisfactory way of dealing with large
sheet formats 10x8” and 11x14” in the field.
17 069 Harrison Film Changing Tent 149.00 175.08
58 488 ISE Small Changing Bag 16x18 10.00 11.75
58 476 ISE Large Changing Bag 26x30 15.00 17.63
6 421 Fidelity 5x4 Double Darkslide 17.70 20.80 757 Kaiser Changing Bag 17x17 12.00 14.10 85 846 MN1400 / 2 1.5v 3.49 4.10
30 308 Half-Plate Double Darkslide 27.60 32.43 94 702 AA (MN1500) / 4 1.5v 2.54 2.99
61 019 Fidelity 5x7 Double Darkslide 27.60 32.43 22 467 AA Lithium / 2 1.5v 4.11 4.83
43 663 Fidelity 8x10 Double Darkslide 58.80 69.09
37 986 AAA (MN2400) / 4 1.5v 2.54 2.99
MEDALIGHT LIGHT PANEL BOXES 48 279 MN1604 9v 2.54 2.99
Ilford Cassette Opener Slim boxes, the range 34 221 PX625 1.5v alkaline 1.27 1.49
now including two new 78 439 PX675 1.35v 2.12 2.49
The passing of the reloadable cassette has been 2 158 PX640 1.3v 2.54 2.99
mourned by many, and this is what we are large sizes. The two
95 836 PX400 1.35v 2.54 2.99
reduced to. Also handy for opening bottles of smallest boxes (5x4” is
4 474 PX76 (10L14) 1.5v silver. 1.21 1.42
Pilsner Urquelle in the darkroom. illustrated here) are
59 267 K58L (DL1/3N) 3v lithium 3.12 3.67
battery powered, but
8 417 PX28 6v silver.. 4.86 5.71
50 060 Ilford Cassette Opener 3.11 3.65 can be used with 13 729 PX28L 6v lithium 6.34 7.45
a mains adaptor (not 15 183 CRP2N 6v lithium 9.72 11.42
Antreflex Spray supplied). The two large boxes can only be used 35 218 2CR5M 6v lithium 9.72 11.42
Aerosol spray, Tetenal make, for minimising with a mains adaptor, which is supplied. 1 547 CR123AS 3v lithium 5.91 6.95
reflections in subjects being photographed, such 27 765 Medalight Panel 5x4 25.00 29.38
- CR2032 coin cell 1.19 1.39
as glass or silverware. Rubs off easily after dry- - CR2025 coin cell 1.19 1.39
75 833 Medalight Panel 8x12 84.25 99.00
ing. 15 169 PX19 6.00 7.05
37 120 Medalight Panel 8x18 110.00 129.25
37 118 Medalight Panel 12x18 120.00 141.00
--- Tetenal Antireflex Spray 5.35 6.29
Full CT Blue, Half CT Blue, Full CT Orange, Half CT Orange, 0.3 Neutral HALOGEN BULBS
Density. 0.6 Neutral Density, White Diffusion. 89 439 A1/244 240v 500w 18.00 21.15
40 240 31950 A1/233 240v 650w 14.80 17.39
LEE Filter Pro Pack, 21x24 , 24 filters - 59.00 69.33
84 568 64480 E27 240v 250w 14.00 16.45
8 262 YELLOW 101 21x24 2.75 3.23
8 274 STRAW 103 21x24 2.75 3.23
20 708 DEEP AMBER 104 21x24 2.75 3.23 17 336 BRL 64610 A1/220 12v 50w 3.10 3.64
20 845 ORANGE 105 21x24 2.75 3.23 16 740 FCR 64625 A1/215 12v 100w 3.17 3.72
8 482 PRIMARY RED 106 21x24 2.75 3.23 3 046 FCS 64640 A1/216 24v 150w 3.76 4.42
20 711 DARK PINK 111 21x24 2.75 3.23 80 009 EHJ 64655 A1/223 24v 250w 4.70 5.52
8 495 MAGENTA 113 21x24 2.75 3.23 HALOGEN SUPERPHOT
8 286 PEACOCK BLUE 115 21x24 2.75 3.23 89 536 DXX 64571 P2/13 240v 800w 16.61 19.52
8 306 LIGHT BLUE 118 21x24 2.75 3.23 15754 6358-R P2/12 1250w 240v 20.53 24.12
22 455 DARK BLUE 119 21x24 2.75 3.23 30 555 64540 P1/13 240v 650w 9.74 11.44
8 319 FERN GREEN 122 21x24 2.75 3.23 19 483 64575 P1/15 240v 1000w 15.98 18.78
13 633 DARK GREEN 124 21x24 2.75 3.23 35 949 7786-R P2/20 240v 1000w 19.63 16.45
20 735 MAUVE 126 21x24 2.75 3.23 92 717 64515 P1/23 240v 300w 8.60 10.10
8 443 HEAVY FROST 129 21x24 2.75 3.23
20 762 MEDIUM BLUE 132 21x24 2.75 3.23
8 345 FLAME RED 164 21x24 2.75 3.23 30 115 P3/3 ES 75w 240v 1.78 2.09
2 620 DEEP LAVENDER 170 21x24 2.75 3.23 67 343 P3/3 BC 75w 240v 1.78 2.09
8 501 FULL CT BLUE 201 21x24 2.75 3.23 18 288 P3/4 ES 150w 240v 2.62 3.08
8 372 HALF CT BLUE 202 21x24 2.75 3.23 23 953 P3/4 BC 150w 240v. 2.62 3.08
13 645 QTR CT BLUE 203 21x24 2.75 3.23 72 391 P3/6 ES 250w 240v 3.90 4.58
8 384 FULL CT ORANGE 204 21x24 2.75 3.23 54 384 E27 (Durst Labr.) 6v 48w 10.50 12.34
14 730 HALF CT ORANGE 205 21x24 2.75 3.23 FOR SAFELIGHTS
15 727 QTR CT ORANGE 206 21x24 2.75 3.23
37 935 PYGMY ES 15w 1.41 1.66
8 397 N.D. 0.3 209 21x24 2.75 3.23
42 418 PYGMY BC 15w 1.41 1.66
8 404 N.D. 0.6 210 21x24 2.75 3.23
76 002 B22PF710B YELLOW / GREEN SAFE-BULB 4.75 5.58
8 429 N.D. 0.9 211 21x24 2.75 3.23
58 510 B22PF712B RED SAFE-BULB 4.75 5.58
8 431 WHITE DIFFUSION 216 21x24 2.00 3.23
--- POLARISER 239 21x24 65.70 77.20 PHOTOFLOODS & STUDIO
8 468 PLUS GREEN 244 21x24 2.75 3.23 14 605 P1/1 ES 275w 240v 1.45 1.70
8 470 MINUS GREEN 247 21x24 2.75 3.23 25 826 P1/1 BC 275w 240v 1.45 1.70
--- HALF WHT.DIFF. 250 21x24 2.75 3.23 48 073 P1/2 ES 500w 240v 4.60 5.41
12 914 QTR WHT.DIFF 251 21x24 2.75 3.23 9 175 P1/2 BC 500w 240v 4.60 5.41
--- T. SPUN FR- FULL 261 21x24 2.75 3.23 69 644 Argaphoto P2/1 ES 500w 240v 8.40 9.87
--- T. SPUN FR- 1/2 263 21x24 2.75 3.23 15 490 FEX 2000w 240v 45.00 52.88
--- SCRIM 270 21x24 2.75 3.23 15 506 FKK 64789 2000w 240v 65.98 77.53
--- MIRROR SILVER 271 21x24 2.75 3.23 22 870 T26 650w 240v 30.27 35.57
--- SOFT GOLD reflector272 21x24 2.75 3.23 --- A1/175 150w 240v CALL CALL
--- SOFT SILVER reflector273 21x24 2.75 3.23 --- A1/178 300w 240v CALL CALL
5 336 Tungstram ES 100w 240v 4.21 4.95
67 037 Tungstram BC 100w 240v 4.21 4.95
NEUTRAL DENSITY 0.6 HARD 34.41 40.43
Lee Polyester Camera Filters . NEUTRAL DENSITY 0.6 SOFT 34.41 40.43
NEUTRAL DENSITY 0.75 HARD 34.41 40.43
NEUTRAL DENSITY 0.75 SOFT 34.41 40.43
NEUTRAL DENSITY 0.9 HARD 34.41 40.43
NEUTRAL DENSITY 0.9 SOFT 34.41 40.43
SKY BLUE 2 SOFT 27.79 32.65
SKY BLUE 2 HARD 27.79 32.65
BSKY BLUE 3 SOFT 27.79 32.65
SKY BLUE 3 HARD 27.79 32.65
SUNSET 1 34.41 40.43
SUNSET 2 34.41 40.43
SUNSET 3 34.41 40.43
SUNSET STRIPS 40.45 47.53
4 Points 27.79 32.65
Lee filters are produced in coated polyester film, enabling them to be pro- BLACK NET 1 - moderate diffusion 27.79 32.65
duced more cheaply than the traditional dyed gelatin ‘Wratten’ filters. Apart BLACK NET 2 - heavier diffusion, reduces detail 27.79 32.65
from those listed here we stock a full range of of colour compensating (CC) 80A 27.79 32.65
filters in 75 and 100mm, plus colour temperature adjustment (CT) and fluo- 80B 27.79 32.65
rescent correction. 81 27.79 32.65
81A 27.79 32.65
1C 27.79 32.65
8 514 Pale Pink 1A 75x75 5.90 6.93
81D 27.79 32.65
60 560 100x100 8.68 10.20
81EF 27.79 32.65
70 585 1B 75x75 5.90 6.93
85 27.79 32.65
22 902 100x100 8.68 10.20
85B 27.79 32.65
43 526 Pale Yellow 2B 75x75 5.90 6.93
85C 27.79 32.65
40 032 100x100 8.68 10.20
FL4300-D 34.41 40.43
16 616 2C 75x75 5.90 6.93
ENHANCER (glass) Enhances red only 115.56 135.78
77 305 100x100 8.68 10.20
POLARISER (glass) Linear type 75.00 88.13
63 503 Light Yellow 3 75x75 5.90 6.93
38 278 100x100 8.68 10.20
Lee Filter Holder System .
84 226 Yellow 8 75x75 5.90 6.93
28 044 100x100 8.68 10.20
5 570 Yellowish-Green 11 75x75 5.90 6.93
82 950 100x100 8.68 10.20
25 963 Deep Yellow 12 75x75 5.90 6.93
33 797 100x100 8.68 10.20
24 729 Deep Yellow 15 75x75 5.90 6.93
90 014 100x100 8.68 10.20
51 461 Yellow-Orange 16 75x75 5.90 6.93 FOUNDATION KIT - 37.60 44.18
54 773 100x100 8.68 10.20 UPGRADE KIT - 48.51 57.00
46 489 Orange 21 75x75 5.90 6.93 PROFESSIONAL KIT - 73.68 86.57
10 651 100x100 8.68 10.20
37 196 Light Red 23A 75x75 5.90 6.93
49 532 100x100 8.68 10.20 49mm Adaptor Ring - 13.35 15.69
91 590 Tricolour Red 25 75x75 5.90 6.93 52mm Adaptor Ring - 13.35 15.69
49 642 100x100 8.68 10.20 55mm Adaptor Ring - 13.35 15.69
5 324 Tricolour Blue 47B 75x75 5.90 6.93 58mm Adaptor Ring - 13.35 15.69
65 690 100x100 8.68 10.20 62mm Adaptor Ring - 13.35 15.69
12 174 Tricolour Green 58 75x75 5.90 6.93 67mm Adaptor Ring - 13.35 15.69
21 501 100x100 8.68 10.20 72mm Adaptor Ring - 13.35 15.69
49 435 Infra Red 87 75x75 5.90 6.93 77mm Adaptor Ring - 13.35 15.69
79 122 100x100 8.68 10.20 82mm Adaptor Ring - 28.67 33.69
86mm Adaptor Ring - 28.67 33.69
93mm Adaptor Ring - 40.79 47.93
8 759 0.3ND 75X75 9.03 10.61 95mm Adaptor Ring - 40.79 47.93
10 538 100X100 15.21 17.87 105mm Adaptor Ring - 40.79 47.93
8 761 0.6ND 75X75 9.03 10.61 50mm Hasselblad Adaptor Ring - 28.67 33.69
10 540 100X100 15.21 17.87 60mm Hasselblad Adaptor Ring - 28.67 33.69
8 785 0.9ND 75X75 9.03 10.61 Rollei 6000 Series Adaptor Ring - 28.67 33.69
10 553 100X100 15.21 17.87
49mm Wide Angle Adaptor Ring - 26.36 30.97
Lee Resin Camera Filters . 52mm Wide Angle Adaptor Ring - 26.36 30.97
55mm Wide Angle Adaptor Ring - 26.36 30.97
58mm Wide Angle Adaptor Ring - 26.36 30.97
SKY set- Sunset, sky blue grad, coral stripe 59.55 69.97
62mm Wide Angle Adaptor Ring - 26.36 30.97
COLOUR GRADUATION - cyan, yellow, magenta 59.55 69.97
67mm Wide Angle Adaptor Ring - 26.36 30.97
MIST set - mist graduation, mist stripe, clear spot 59.55 69.97
72mm Wide Angle Adaptor Ring - 26.36 30.97
SELECTIVE set - star grad, star segment, star spot 59.55 69.97
77mm Wide Angle Adaptor Ring - 26.36 30.97
AUTUMN set - coral grad, sepia grad, chocolate grad. 59.55 69.97
82mm Wide Angle Adaptor Ring - 29.77 35.00
CORAL set - coral 2 soft grad, coral 4 soft grad, coral 6 soft grad. 59.55 69.77
SKY BLUE set - sky blue 1 grad, sky blue 2 grad,sky blue 3 grad 59.55 69.77 ACCESSORIES
PALE TINT set - green grad 1, pink grad 1,cyan grad 1 59.55 69.77
NET set - black net 1, double net, white net, flesh net 59.55 69.77
STRIPE set - blue stripe, pink stripe, yellow stripe 59.55 69.77
TANDEM Adaptor 13.23 15.55
POP set - pop blue, pop green, pop red 59.55 69.77
75mm Card Mount / 10 9.39 11.03
100mm Card Mount / 10 9.39 11.03
NEUTRAL DENSITY 0.3 HARD 34.41 40.43
COKIN P Graduated Filter Card Mount / 3 4.69 5.51
NEUTRAL DENSITY 0.3 SOFT 34.41 40.43
COKIN P Square Filter Card Mount / 3 4.69 5.51
NEUTRAL DENSITY 0.45 HARD 34.41 40.43
HI-TECH 100 System Filter Extension Slides / 3 4.69 5.51
NEUTRAL DENSITY 0.45 SOFT 34.41 40.43
BOOKS 1 66
KODAK TITLES The Life of a Photograph Keefe / Inch - 454 45.00
Care & Identification of 19 th C. Photogs. Kodak 329 24.95 Lighting for Imaging- Studio, Electronic, etc - 19 373 19.99
Conservation of Photographs ; 331I 29.95 Lighting for People Photography Crain Amhurst 19 359 15.99
Copying/Duping B/W & Colour ; 343 24.95 Making Digital Negatives Burkholder Bladed Iris 15 412 25.00
Photo Retouching ; 356 24.95 Making Kallitypes Dick Stevens Focal 45 673 35.00
Advanced B/W Photography ; 368 10.9B The Manual of Photography Jacobson Focal 17 764 25.00
Building a Home Darkroom ; 19 566 11.95 The Master Photog s Lith Printing Course Tim Rudman Argentum 27 143 19.99
B/W Darkroom Techniques ; 382 10.95 The Master Photographers Printing Course Tim Rudman Argentum 10 675 19.99
Existing Light Photography ; 395 10.95 Mechanisms of Image Deterioration Mike Ware Science Mus. - 14.75
Electronic Flash ; 4 033 10.95 Medium Format Advantage Wildi Focal 18 834 22.50
Using Filters ; 4 058 10.95 Medium Format Photography Eriksenn Amphoto 19 527 17.99
Large Format Photography ; 43 577 15.95 Multigrade Manual Ilford 622 5.71
Handbook Of Kodak Filters ; 35 743 14.95
New Dimensions in Photo Images Laura Blacklow Focal 67 454 25.00
Photography Through the Microscope ; 19 126 14.95
Night Photography Sanderson Aurum - 19.99
The Portrait- Professional Techniques ; 19 322 17.95
Kodak Professional Dataguide ; 19 307 6.95 The Perfect Portfolio Brackman Amphoto 26 506 15.99
Permanence & Care of Colour Photos. Wilhelm PP 8 456 40.00
FOCAL TECHNICAL POCKET BOOKS Photographic Colour Printing Current Focal 18 724 35.00
The Photographic Lens Sydney Ray Focal 18 905 17.50
Printing & Enlarging Sidney Ray Focal 18 873 9.99
Photography & the Performing Arts Kopelowx Focal 18 736 25.00
Lenses & Optics ; ; 18 885 9.99
Pinhole Photography Renner Focal 18 918 22.50
Technology & Imaging Science ; ; 17 602 9.99
Post Exposure Ctein Focal 26 487 22.50
Chemistry & Processing ; ; 18 861 9.99
Practical Zone System C. Johnson Focal 439 25.00
Data ; ; 18 846 9.99
Pro Lighting, Interiors 27 910 22.50
Imaging & Electronic Photography ; ; 19 248 9.99
Pro Lighting, Portraits 27 907 22.50
Publishing Photography Dewi Lewis CH 78 454 9.95
The Reproduction of Colour Hunt Fountain 23 147 60.00
Making Digital Negatives Dan Burkholder - 25.00 Retouching Your Photographs Jan Miller Amhurst 816 16.95
The Art of Bromoil & Transfer David Lewis - 25.00
Scanning & Printing Kammemeier Focal 26 487 22.50
Secrets of Lighting on Location Krist Amphoto 19 502 18.99
Silver Gelatin Reed & Jones Working Books 2 121 20.00
An Autobiography Ansel Adams Little&Brown Silver Pixels Tom Ang Aurum - 19.99
The Camera (hardback) Ansel Adams ; 260 26.99 Spirits of Salts Webb & Reed Aurum 29 472 16.00
The Camera (softback) Ansel Adams ; 19 189 14.99 Starting Photography Langford Focal 18 775 12.95
The Negative (hardback) Ansel Adams ; 272 26.99 The Story of Photography Langford Focal 3 412 15.95
The Negative (softback) Ansel Adams ; 19 177 14.99
Understanding Exposure Bryan Peterson Amphoto 17 776 17.99
The Print (hardback) Ansel Adams ; 297 26.99
Using the View Camera Simmons Amphoto 21 981 18.99
The Print (softback) Ansel Adams ; 19 165 14.99
Basic Techniques of Photography 1 Adams/Shaeffer ; 3 389 29.95 The Variable Contrast Printing Manual Steve Anchell Focal Press 26 451 14.99
Basic Techniques of Photography 2 (hard) Adams/Shaeffer ; ; - 40.00 View Camera Basics Leslie Stroebel Focal 17 788 18.50
Ansel Adams Portfolios Ansel Adams ; 19 600 27.50 View Camera Technique Leslie Stroebel Focal 18 807 35.00
Adobe Photoshop 6.0 for Photographers Evening Focal 26 436 34.99 What s Missing Ephraums Aurum - 19.99
The Art of Infrared Photography Paduano Amhurst 34 867 14.99 Wide Angle Lens Photography Paduano Amhurst 19 361 12.99
The Art of Black & White Photography Garrett Beazley 19 444 12.99
The Zone System for 35mm Photogs. Graves Focal 18 810 25.00
Advanced Photography Langford Focal 17 752 25.00
Zone V1 Workshop Fred Picker Amphoto 803 16.95
Applied Photo Optics Sidney Ray Focal 1 535 65.00
Zone System for Fine Art Photography Schaefer Morgan 87 624 14.95
Architectural Photography Harris Focal 18 920 22.50
Larry Bartlett s Black & White Workshop Tarrant Fountain 10 981 24.95 MAGAZINES
Basic Digital Photography Breslow Focal 1 550 37.50
Current Issues Stocked
Basic Photo Materials & Processes Stroebl etc Focal 17 749 40.00
Ag+ Photographic per issue Ephraums (ed.) 4 280 10.00
Basic Photography Langford Focal 18 166 19.99
Photo Art International Roger Maile (ed.) 1 621 5.00
Beyond Monochrome Worobiec & Spence Fountain 29 127 24.95
Beyond the Zone System Phil Davis Focal 17 725 30.00
Build your own Home Darkroom Duren/McDonald Amhurst 19 346 14.99
The Print. Ansel Adams The Elements of Black and White Printing
For many years Ansel Adams’ prints have Carson Graves
been the standard against which others have
A good general guide in the the
been compared. The third book in this series
writer of ‘The Zone System For 35mm
completes Adams statement on the theory
Photographers’ Effectively illustrated, with all
and craft of black and white image making.
the essentials discussed in a readable style.
It offers a detailed but coherent guide to print-
ing practice, from darkroom organisation to 1993 Focal Press, Softback, 163 pages
toning and bleaching.
1994 Little Brown & Co. Hardback 210 pages
Beyond the Zone System. Phil Davis Darkroom Dynamics; A guide to creative
darkroom techniques
A thorough explanation of photographic mate-
rial characteristics with a view to going A useful guide to how to carry out a wide
beyond trial and error in practice. Includes a range of experimental photographic process-
guide to how to make, read and interpret es. Sixteen chapters, each written by an
characteristic curves, and a wealth of hard-to- expert in a particular technique, provide illus-
find information on scientifically accepted test trated guides to a wide range of different
methods. methods. These include high-contrast,
Sabattier, infra-red film and photograms.
1993 Focal Press, Softback, 192 pages
1985 Focal Press, Softback, 199 pages.