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of Contents day and Eusidity Calculations HF Conditioning Processes « Air-Supply Conditions «+ ++ diz Conditioning s+. sees Ventilation Stendards «+. + Cocling-Load Quantities + «+ Drying pe see ee eee Solved Problems in lir Conditioning Revict Bepblems ss the +++ ste ee te Refrigoration 64+ ++ tees nee liz = Rofrigerction System +s + H+ ss Vapor Refrigorction Systom 4s + + «24 Rofrigeration \uostion end Answors « «+ « Testing of Refrigeration Hechims . .. Manufacture of Tec +s +e ese sees Solved Problems in Ice jisnufacturc . . . + PR yi geo ee a ae Gold Storage ss se ve eee eee ee weer ens Refrigeraticn Condonsor ss. sees ee eee tee eeSS ee eee a INTRODUCTION. Peychronetry is the study of tho properties of mixtures of air and water vapor. Poychrometry is important because atmospheric air is not completely dry but is a mixture of air and water vapor. ill air con= ditioning processes nust reckon with the presence of water vapor in the airs Delton's law of partial pressures for the mixture and tho ideal ges lay for nstituent may safely be ascumed to aprly. The total pressure P, Beronctric preesurs) Sethe une tie Vapor Fessure Py ant the aar® Prossure p,- DEFINITIONS. The following torns ure used vith reference to air-vapor mixtures: bulb ti ture. The temperature of the atmosphere, as indicated by Snerdinary thornenctcr. (t,) tabul> tumperature. Tho tenporature roading of a thermometer with ite “bulb covered by ¢ wick vottcd with wetor end noved through the etmospherc. @) Den-voint temperature. The toupsraturo te which air must be reduecd in erder to produce condensation ef the moisture contained thapein. (ta) dity. Tho ratio of tho actual vapor prossure to the prossure of saturated vapor et tho proveiling dry-bwlb tomporaturo. (RE) Biceprossurs of saturated stoam et th: dry-bulb tomperaturc Pb = deroactrie vroscurc @ Roseurscot seturctod vater vapor at the wot=bulb _ terperatucc— ta = dryer tonpcraturo i \ ~ speeifio kunidity exprosscd in grains pcr 1b ary air ¥, = Wotebulb temperatureMUMIDITY ¢L¢wsrI0Ng 2 ee WET ERELIS USE OO es os Cee SH. Th: ight oi itu vepor _.. uit might of cir, Geresped i eine zx pound of ary cir of yoinds yar pound of ary. air. SH = 0.622 —28___abof vepor por 1b of ary air BPs = 06622 x 7000 s Ps ate 5 4954 8 ercics 2.7 pound of ary air Onc (1) pound weight = 7000 grains fe The Pressures must be cxpreseed inthy same wits Specific Volume. Volwse of the mizturs .: pound of dry cir. (v) = 2. (> ~ Ps) = 0.491 x 14g = berouctric ;rossure in inches of Hg = pertiel prcssure cf the - ater veyor, inches of Hg spocific hunidity in 1b per 1b of ary cir absolute tompcreture of sir, éry-bulb tomporature cu ft. por 1b of dry air Setursted sir. 4 wixtuy od weber vepor. In this cese the dry-bulb, vot-ib, enddvepoint tomporature aru tic ome end Phe rolative humidity is 100 per cont. Pensidle heat. Heat thet chenges the teaporsture of @ substance when paded to or abstracted fron it. (Qs) Tatont heat, Zict that docs not effect the tcnzcrcture but changes the state of a substance \ added to or ebstracvdd fromit. (q) > ote neat. The suaiation of sensible asd latent heat. (Qt) | Beebe 2, Givens Dry-UUlWHemporaturc, 70°; vet-bulb tenpereturc, 60°F, Find : Por cent relative humidity;"andedex point. = ° = 29.92; ie = 0.5216 - 25h $ 5 RE = “2353 (100 #) = 55.8%" ABs. dp = 5304 F at 0.4131 in By. NS.er a 9 eae eel oe BREET REET HH ERE RRR EERE YR eee © °, Bxample 2. Gi.cnt Dry-bulb tenperaturs, 80°F; rclative immidity, 59%, Find + Deimpoint and vet-bulbl tmserature, Ph = 294925 pa = 1.0323 at 60°R Pp = 260525 x 0.59 = 641 taps 6406°R at 0.61 in By. AliSe, (n, - P(t, - +) : Po =P, - Sb Fyi’a” “e's In thiepoquation if ve use soe 2500 - 1.3¢, £ = 1°R (p= +7592) x 2% vill satiefy tho equation with py = 0.61, therefare : ty = OP : ° Example 3. Given: Dry-bulb temperature, 75°F; dev-point tamperature,55°P Find + Per cunt relative huaidity. Pq 70-8751; at 15°r Py = 004356 at 55°F Pa, Re. 28 = 24356 a (100%) = 49.75% lise Exagple 4- Givens Dry-bulb temperaturc, 60°F, et-bulb temperature, 60F Find : Specific volume and rlative humidity. = Py = 2492; Py = 1.0325 at 00°F; p= 05216 at 60°F (29.92 ~ 0.5216)(80 - on5ais ~ ede = o5AiS)(89 = 6) _ 6. 5046 00. = 1. fe ee Ore {20 ae GG = 1575 outt. per Wb. gis. (100%) = 29.5. wis. Example 5- Given: Dry-bulb temperaturc, 90°F; relative humidity, 60. Find s Specific hunidity, yartiel pressure, vapor density, end specific voluse of tho air if barometer reading ia 28", Pb = 2; pa = 1.4219 at 50°F Pg = 1+4219(.60) = 0.854 in pertial pressure 8 4354 et 8 a7 erctus por ay s x @., 20: (> Doosity = ATI CSG owe cu tte Va LAD 2550 = 15.5 cn £t/1b 2491(28 = .854)144AER AND HUMIDITY CALCULST LORS 4 =| BERR EERE EE Heat Content. In decling with gases, and air-vepor mixtures the expression enthalpy is often uscd as indicative of the heat content, since heat trans- ferred at constant pressure cquals enthalpy change. Most air-conditioning Procesces ere practically at constant pressure, Tho enthalpy of an air~vapor mixture is equal to tho onthalpy of the dry air plus tho onthalpy of the water vapor, taken in proportion to tho voight of ach prosont. For as Btu of aixturo por pound of dry air. The various cxpreasions for heat contont morcly indicato tho difforonce in hoat encray botwoen a dixod datum or Feference condition and tho condition under consideration. Thc datum gon- erglly taken for stoon and vator proportics is that for saturatod liquid at 32°F. Tho datum for dry air is OF and stenderd atmospheric prosairo. h = 0024 x t, + SEx hb where t, = dry-bulb tomporature of tho air o.2t = specific heat of dry air SH = specific humidity, 1b por 1b of ary air hh, = onthslpy of stoan at the dry-bulb tomporaturo = 106065 + 0645 x + ie tomperaure fron 70 $o 150°R) = 1061.7 + 0.439 x $, (for tenporature teclow 70°F)un 172 173 174 115 176 1i7 78 19 360 asi 18 18 184 185 186 189 igi SATURATION PRESSURE OF WATER (ee oF p= in. He) 5 124487 250 294625 124775 260 350429 134080 270 © 41.858 134370 280 494203 130676 290 574556 15.987 300-6 7.015 144305 51077680 29 320 89.660 59 330 103.06 95 340 118.01 150637 350 134.65 15.986 360 ~ 153.04 160344 370 173637 164703 380 17,072 390 176446 400 17.829 410 18.218 420 18.614 430 19.017 440 19.428 450 19.846 460 470 480 490 500 224050 520 224515 540 22.987 560 5e0 14.12% psie 14.598" 17.186 " 20.780 " 240969 eka) 1542.9 1786.6 2059-7 236564 2708.1 3093-7 3206.2062477 062575 0.2675 0.278) 0.2890 0.3002 0.5119 0.3624 0.3761 004558 064516 0.4684 054855 025033 0.5216 0.6221. Dee PRESSURE OF WaTEX 049047 049352 0.9667 140665 1.1017 141380 141752 p= ins Hs) 540823 341703 342506 323530 3.4671 405274, 46290 461750 429050 5.0340 502679 +3872 75727 767622 847708 8.9853 «20. 3 22H ie 26556 9.8882 1049126 104368 106615, 10.867 1d.124 12386 12.653. 12.925 124203,40D HUMIDITY caLOuLsTI0ONs 1 RRR EERE ERE RRR RR ER RTH RS onink aro g cltee the tonporctis. rnd specific humidity of “atmosphere. Tac voight of air roneins constent and consoquontly com- tions aro bect bascd upon 1 1b of air, Liquid vetcr mey enter or loavo tho opperctus. Ite voight, 1b por of eir is ofton merely the difforonce bctwoon ths specific hunidities Nef tho ontoring cnd leaving etmosphores. Its spccific onthalpy at the. Pebs.rved or assume tonporeturc of supply or zinovel ty 18 hg = ty ~ 32 Btu por 1b Since all air-conditioning spparatus invclvos stcady-flow processes, results arc computed by thy istoady floz oquatdans, written for Tb of eir. Wo york tom appears, for the compression vork done by the 6 usually nogligiblo, Unit processes involved in eir conditioning include hating and pling an atmosphere abcve its dew point, cccling below the dow point, Mabetic saturation, and mixing of, to stmosghoros. Thoso, in verious quences, make it y rb a atmosphere and pro- ‘an atmosphere of ray required cherectcristics. ite dov point is nt psychrometric chert by < i lino (horizontcl) botween the dry temperature limits of the process. process orc distinguished by a change bth: ary-bulb tonpereture, reletive huni~ ity, vot-bulb tonp.xcturc, cnthalpy, spo- fic voluno, end by 2° chango in specific ity, dow point temperatero ond vapor ura of tho air. bolo dor=point or dohunidifi- is reproseated on the psychromctric ty a straight ‘votweon the condition of the sir and the point 100 par cont linc corresponding to feaperature of thc cooling surface. ‘spplics only when ths surfaco tempor- is below tho initisl dev point. The condition of tho ir vill dspond on Fotel heat oxtractod from tho air. is distinguishcd by a chango Properties of tho airsAND HUMIDITY CALCULATIONS RRR EERE HEHE REE 3 or cvaporative cooling, y bringing it in contect vith wator at a erature oqual to tho vot-bulb tompor~ ¢ of the air, is represented by & treight linc dravn along tho wot bulb emporature lino of thc air betwoont he mits of tho process. In this process e totel hoat of thc airromains unchanged “because tho sonsiblo hat oxtracted from air is roturncd es latont hoat by an caso of moisture content. This pro- E de distinguishcd by a change in éry- “bulb tonperature, relative hunidity, spe- fic voluno, moisture content, dow point, spor prossuro and by no chango in wot bulb with air at represented by a streight lino drawn stmeon the points reproscnting the tuo conditions. Thc conditioncf the ro- siting mixture vill fall on this linc at point dotorminod by the relative weights eir boing mixed. : co Cherts. For cocasional usc, -lccbraic quations are loss ing end coro relasblo; for frequont usc, ¢ psychromctric chart moy preferable. A disadvantage of cherts is thet cach epplics for only value of beronctric yrossurc, usually 29.92 ine Hoe to proportics of cir aro known, roportios mey be found es follows: Bulb Tem ure is read directly ‘owing vertically dom to the b Tenporature is read directly at the intersectionof the zet-bulb sith the 100 por cent relative humidity line (saturation curve). The je is marked along the 100 per cent line. dity is read directly from the curved lines marked relative For a point between the lines, estinate by distance. Humidity or loisture Content ic read directly from horizontal lines ‘Seales to the right and left of the chart, and is the weight of water contained in a cUentity of air and vater-vepor mixture which vould 1 Ib if all water vapor were extracted. is read at the intersection of a horizontal line offic Volume is read directly from the lines marked ou-ft per 1b of dry re For points between limo, estinate by distance. e 6, dir vith a ary buld temperature of 50 F and a wet bulb ture of 45 Fis heated to 70 F vithno solsture added. Find ginal relative humidity; (b) original enthalpy; (c) specific ity; (d) final relative humidity; (e) wet-bulb temperature; ) heat added during process. tiont (2) From chart at t,) = 50 Pandt, = 457) RH, = 68 per cont ANB. (%) From chart at t, = 50 Pend t, = 45°R, by = 17.66 BU ANS. (c) From chart at ta = 45°r, se, = 36+4 grains per 1b gis. eee (4) From chart et SH, = SH, = 3604 and t, = 10° RE, = 34 per cont ANS. (e) From chart at SH, = 3694 and t, = 70 F tig" 54l Fass.ferrwre ere ree eee eee eee es From chart at SH, = 3604 end t, = 10 ¥ hy = 22654 Btw Heat added = hp ~ hy = 22054 - 17.66 = 4.86 Btu ANS. T. air id cooled from 75 F db and 70 F vb to 55 Fe Find moisture roncved por pound of dry aiz; (b) the heat removed (c) the sensible heat ronoved; and pisture removed = 10202 - 64+4 26.21 = 3768 grains/lb 23.24 = 34.05 - 26.21 = 5084 Btu/lb = 221 = 25424 = 4697 Btu/ld ea a = 5084 + 4097 = 1068 Biu/b Uixing of tvo streams air is a comon proccss in air eioning. The peint on the psychrometric ciiarty hich reprosents the ition after mixing tuo quentitios of noist cir lies on a line conncct~ She pointe reprusenting the initial condition of thc quentitics of air. ‘pounds of air et onthalpy h and specific iuidity SH arc mixed with of air at onthalpy h spocific inmidity S#,, the folloning ns till obviously appl, meh +H eh, = (H+) aL mo gti OW Wx SR + W, x SH = (Ty, + ¥)SH, or SE a 1 also possible to show, by the following equation, that the dry-bulb ture resulting fron two weightsof air being mixed is and W, +, 0t4 a (e, +) ee 2 X, at +, + tape" ann aha |AND HUMIDITY CaL/CULALIONS <4 eRe EES HH HHH HH HON T EE He ee ee * ‘Assume that 3000 cu ft of air at 50 F and 100 por cont ‘tive humidity are mixed vith 2500 cuft of air at 75 F and 50 cont relative hunidity. Compute the t omporature, relative aity, and spocific humidity of th. resulting mixture. utions From chert at 50°F and 100% relative hunidity as = 5502 by = 20032 From chart at 75 F and 50% RE = 13. ve an 7 Sin = 408 - Ay = 26611 £ ~ BW. 2 ~ B2~ r92. wy 3 5048 5 wy, Gel 5 (6408 = 5502) = 5803 grains ANS» SH, = 5502 + 250.8 + 16203 hw 20032 + sem BZed (28,11 ~ 20.52) = 2508 Btu Als. 230.8 + 182.5 Fron chart at SH, and ue + = 11°F n RH, = 72% i » Thon a space is heated by wer air, tho air must Sp at a ary bulb tonperaturc whichis sufficiently high that in ‘to bib desired room temperature it offsets tha heat losses from ees Tho cooling load presents a similar problem, in a reverse For examplo, tho cooling lead on an auditorium filled with people the protlon of supplying air at a ary-bulb tomperaturc low enough ‘the air in tho auditorium fron vising abovo a desired naxinun ture, and also the woblom of supzlying air that is sufficiently ‘oisturc content tokeep tho hunidity of tho eir in the auditorium ng above e desired maxinun veluc, Tic cooling load can be broken ‘txo parts, tac sonsiblo hcat load end tho letent heat load, Q = By - hy = 06244 Se +) Btu por 1b Jatent heat thet can be taken up is G = By Ry Bw per 2ba Ven ae a ee FREER ERE the total acount ef hcat that can bo taken up is =O + Gb, - hy Btu por 1b Fhe z atic Ga/Qt is know os tho sonsible hczt mtio (SHR), or sensible heat factor. 4@ ho -b SHR = 3 "_ 2 ae As 2 guide in making rough estimates, valucs of tha sensible hgat ratio May peused ag follovs: Private office or residence O69 Reptaurant or busy o ffico 0.8 Auditoriun (or rosteurant) et capacity O67 Pellroom, crowded sseoyes tesersnserenneres 006 Por controljing any pRece it bocanes necessary te recognize tvo Limiting ditions, ‘THe first condition romresonte operation with the maxinym capacity {rithin the limitations of tho oguirmant) which oan bo used handle the design load. The second condition involves carrying thd sien log with the sinimum air flow end using the lowest supply-air wbure, in a cooling dgign, aes, 18, tS sues tee it Basnfi ced a 8 toaperatece sok co exoged 757, ani at e rolatiyo humidity not to oxcoed 60 per cent, a penbibie Abst oad of 450,00 Btun end 21,200,000 greins of noistire “hour aust be regoved, Mr is supplied to tho auditorium at 65 F. “peny pounds of air per hour augt be suppliod? ig tho dev-poing tomporaturc of the ontoring air, and what 8 } 4g its relative hunidity? ¢) Re mueh latent heat load is picked up in the auditoriun? tia tho sensible heat ratio? a413 FHM E RETR E RE EOE RHEE REDE EEE _ Solution: @, =H (-24a)(t, ~ 4) (2). 7, = —45,000 __ 5 183,000 1b/hr als. =244(75 = 65) (b) Moisturo picked up = = $5 grains/lb 183,000 Pron chart at 75°F and 60% RE SH, = 1946 greins Sly = 7806 = 6.5 = 7261 gration At 7291 grains/1b. tap = 58e1°R aS, RE, = 16% Moistur y ~-7000 whore 1050 is the latent hoat of moisture in air for ordinary tomporaturos. 2, 2002000. 1059 | 169,000 stun gage 7000 450000 “450,000 + 160,000 - = 0.715 ais. 21 Gonplete air conditioning of adofinite space implies ho crcation and mintonance of an atnoszhore having such conditions of fonporature, humjdity, air circulation, and purity upon tho xicterials that Zcindlod or stored thore. The simultaneous control of these four factors Fithin required 1inites, whon dirccted toyard human comfort and hoalth os Shon industrially directed tovard conditions pornitting the boat product 14 during manufecture end storage, can rightly be celled air conditioning. Air conditioning maybe divided into tzo, comfort air-conditioning and lustrial air-conditioning. Confort air conditioning is the maintanonco of air surrounding hunan bei: such a vay that it is in a condition most table for their confort and health. Industrial air conditioning is tho ‘intonance of the air surrounding a material @ product in process of name ture or storage so as best to prosorve the physical stability of the Sterial throughout its menufacturing or sto¥ygo peridd, So fer as air onvironncnt is concerned, tho‘zctors which affect human fort are, inordor of importance: (1) tonporcture, (2) hunidity, ) air motionend distribution, end (4) purity,RRR HR RRR RE KERR ERR RR ) Temperature. Since maintenance of life itself is impossible without intenence of body temperature, artificiel heating vithin enclosures ves ecrlicst attempt at modifying any of these properties. Of comparatively mt date is t.© effort to control temperature tathin predcterminod jun limits, requiring regulated apounts of heating or cooling. ntrol of tonperature of tho air medium surrounding the body ronoves a ological stress of 2ctommodation, theroby asking for grcater comfort @ improved physical well-being and hoclth. 2) Humidity. A large propa tion of body heat is lost by evaporation ‘the skin. Sinco evaporation is promoted by a low relative humidity ‘of tho air endis roterded by a high humidity, humidity control has an portent effect on comfort. It cannot be claincd that humidity has the Wital importance of tonporature, but its bearing on comfort and physical sensation is nono tho css profound. Bxtrenes of humidity not only rosult in undesirable physiolosicel reactions but elso affect the properties of substances in tho treated space, clothing and furniture in particular. (3) Air Motion. Wovement of air ovar tho body increases thozete of heat and moisture dissipation above the sill-airr ato, thoreby modifying the feeling of warmth or coldness. It has other pleasing or displeasing effects, @ependent on the amount of the notion, the recsons for which are not clearly understood. (4) diz Purity. Tho physical and chemical composition of the agr ombraces number of diverse clozonts. Tho reduction of oxygen content end the in Grease of carbon dioxide as a result of physiologice! combustion ere rarely Anportant factors because of the very smell ciount of vontilation needed to sullify thoir offect. Tho dilution of body odors r oquires a lergo quantity ef ventiletion or other azens of odor renoval, Rouoval of solid dirt perti- ‘Gles from air introduced into the apace is inportent, not uerely from the health standpoint, but algo because of the inconvenience end frequently tho expense of dirty surrounding and furnishings. Suoke, whethcr generated Within the roon or outside, requires ronoval because of its offensive effect ‘on the nose and cyess Most doctors agrce thet exclusion a¥ pollen from thc pis of marked boncfit to moet hay-fover, end asthna sufferers. Regulations ef the ion content of air ney be of future jane, but too little is knowm about this subject now to dran eny conclussetf. Itis posdblo, hovever, that Sterilizationof air to kill factorie may tape of mejor impor tomney Zoat Loss Fron Tho Hunan Body. Men and agay othr Living Qppataran aay bo eoupared in somo respects with cn autonaticnlly contataed wtonapeedred fire ee Food consisting mainly of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, witrogen, ani ‘tain minerals, which likewisc arc the main clumcnts tn coal, is tzken in iedically just as cocl is fed into the hoprer. Ai ig continuelly dgawm end the oxygen combines with the carbon to form carbon dioxide, which is ed, and with the hydrogen to form vetcr vanor whichis alse o xhalod. @ Water also loaves through the sweat glond: cud weporetes from tho skin ‘face as a part of the marevelous control system thet mainteins our body oreture at ebout 99 F, Hoat is evolved fron this oxidation process, termed motebolism, 2s it is from the oxidetion or combusion procesg in the furnace. Since the body surface is about 90 F, sensible heat is lost bydb STEKO OER ee ee ne Radiation, convection, and conduction to the surroundings that ere at © tower tomperaturo, Letont heat is added to tho room through the moisture Szheled and evaporated fron tho skin. Tue highor the roon t omporature, the groeter is themtio of letent heat to consible heat givon ups The totel amount of hoat lost by s purson dopends upon his ecti ty end the surrounding ‘oxyoratures. These cuentitics for an avorege man oro Given below. Tho cvcrage oxinun aunbor of cccupents ie multiplied by the Hroper factor for tho sonsitlechect componont end by the proper corres fending factor for the latent-heat conponont of tho room lond. Table 26 Hoet Loss from the Average iunan Body (Btu per hr) Fer Porson at Most ik Slowly Sensible Latent Totel Sonsible © Letent Total Heat cat Heat ~ Heat Heat Hoat 160 240 To 550 660 180-220 150 5i0 660 200 200 180 480 660 220 180 ao 450 660 240 160 240 420 660 260140 270 390 660 280-120 300 360 660 290 no 330 330 660 300 «100 350 310 660 460 200 660 540 120 660 620 110 730 650 110 60 0 110 800 730 110 840 et Dissipation From Individuals Heat Dissipation + Roo Type of Activity Reaperature detween 60 F and 90 F (Btuh)‘VENTILATION STANDARD c The uoisture evoporeted fron the surfcce of an individuel is asso- ciated with 2 latent heat interchange, and 2 simslified formule to express ‘this change can be developed if it is realized that, under normal etmos~ phoric conditions, at cbout 70 F to 80 F tao latent hoat of vaporization of water is epproximctcly 1050 Btuper 1b. Thus, since 7000 grains equals ‘one pound, . yoo. Bveporction loss = 4% jo5q eteins per hour . 20 Bveporetion lose = Wx 5” reins per hour or TION STANDARDS, The amount of ventilation required to support Yodily combustion am to dilute carbon-dioxide concentration is oxtroncly small. The amount of ovtside air required is govermd almost entirely by the sources of conteaination within the spaces The chief sources include body odors, odors from materials or stock within the room, cooking odors, and tobacco smoke. Tho relation of tho cubic contents of the space to the nunber of people thercinis important, becausg most body odors tend to become less ‘objectionatle with e lapse of time. Tests by tho ASHVE show about three ‘tinos es much outdoor air required for a room vith only 100 cu ft of volune per person as for e rcon having 500 ou ft por porson. Addition of sub- antiel proportion of recirculated cir to outside air introduced by tho fenvill have an inportest diluting effect if the cubic contents of the system es a whole ic large compared to ths volume of the room under con- eration. It is evident that standards of ventiletion based on air change are mndamentelly unsound, incsmuch as the courscs of oontuminetion beer little any relation to cubic contents. Such staciards should be considered y for large speces vith negligible occupency, andwen for these they likely to be misleading unless carefully considered. It is usually possible to relate the ventilation requirement tot he steminating source. The factors for peuple arc based on limited tests d very considereble ficld oxpcricnce. To treat areas of tobacco smoke, iculerly ciger smoke requires an anount of cir ucll in excess of 100 (per smoker, end evon thea the result ecnnot conzere vith smoke-free This is comucroially imprecticel otrnéérd, end the only economic er is 2 compromiso sith a reasonable amount of conteminatiof which is offensive cithor bockuse of odor or of eyo-stinging. Whatever moasurcs taken, there will elvays vo some objcctions from non-smokers. Recirculated air contaminated with tobscco smoké can be considered the welept of outside cir cnly when it hes boon (a) electrostatically wed to remove thc visible solid perticics and (b) passed over an eb~ g modium, such as activeted carbon, to remove the cyo-stinging components.XD LED entration of odors in a roc dsy.nds uron munerous fectas, ‘the di tary and hygienic custons of tue occupants, the type end outdoor cir supplied, the room volume per occupant, and the types woes. In gemral, where snoking is not a proble, 7-5 to 30 cfm ‘will take care of all conditions. Where smoking occurs, add~ sido cir is necessary té counteract the effect of the smokes It -eonsider dthat vhere suoking is taking place, not less tuan 15 on is dosirable, and 50 cfm uy be necessary. There are no standerds as to ventilation, although certain locel codes must be ‘and in tlie sense tiese do r:present standerds. The table below ventilation-practice standards which have been found @nerally ory, cné hese cen be euployed cdvantegeously provided they do not ith local codess ‘TABLE 3. VANRILITION STisDiRDS Smoking #it_per Person (Gf) Reconmended Some Some seeveerere Occasional Considerable « Occasional Very heavy « Heavy + None Extreme « Consierable Tone Yor None None Heavy Some Very heovy « Somes None + Consierable Considerable. ‘Tes total quantity of outside cir which psses through a building or suse is controlled chiefly by physicel consideration concerning tenper= of cir-distribution systen, end cir velocitics. However, the peney affect the operation of the air-distribution sys ten.LON STuD.RVS air-conditi-ning systems a lergs euount of -ir is recirculated over jetove the ano..t required to satisfy cininun watilation conditions in @ to odor cud purity. With recizoulat.d air, the b ing, :ndé chunidifying @ a considcre!l: proportion of boay odor and mayk cep the outside~air Srements close 3) @ basic minimum velue uf 5 cfm. For genorel appli- mm a mininun of 10 cfm of outside cir er porson, nixed with yerheps of recirculct.d cir, is « good gererel rule. eaanle 20. guditoriui seatingl8s0 poople is to be kept at 78 F Ob and 66 F wb when the outdoor taiyorature is 90 F db end 74 Ptby The heat gein through the inoulation, tc, enounts to 130,000 Btuh in “2ddition to thu sensible and latent ect geinfrom the occupants. Find: (a) the outdoor air required for ventilation; (b) the sensible "and latent hcet load from the occupents; (c) for the td al sensible “beet load, tie number of pounds and oubi fect cf conditioned air at 65 Fdb that must be circulated; (4) the wot-bulb temporature that is aired in order to ,ick up tho moisture load (a) Considering the auditorium csc. ta-atery.7p-cfmper=person is t-ken (See Table on Veatiletion Standards) Vontilstion required = 745 x 1800 = 15,500 cfm NS. Fron Toble 2 at 78 Fy sensible heat load per person io 240 Btuh end latent hoat, 160 Btuh, = Sensible Seat from occupants = 240 x 1600 = 452,000 Btuh alls. Latent heat from occupents = 160 x 1600 = 286,000 Btuh 4S. QsT = 452,000 + 130,000 = 562,000 Btuh 25. a= capa a) seh sy = 2774900 tne ae 20. Evaporation loss = @ x “3+ a oe = 1,920,000 grains/nr. Hoisture picked-ur 4 929, 000 per 1b. supply eir = = 10-83 grains 2177, 300 SH, = 76+5 greins/1b at To Fab end 66 F wb 6H =2001 SH, = SH, = 10.85 SH, = 765°- 10.83 = 65.67 grains/lb °. « tui - 59°F at 65.67 grains and 65 F abBow much air at 70 F end 45 per cent relative humidity hev> +> be sunplied to 2 classroom containing 40 students if eee et bri dk eo ta en pene ve huniaity? loglect inswetioa loscy . sexeibls he:t lord per parson at 74 Fis = 280 x 40 = 11,200 Btuh = 120-11, 480 10 . faa < wy, f Tho cuentity of air circulated must be - to benélo the ‘colling load as the air waras up to rocm tenper- from its supply tempercture. Tne Lover the supply, temperature the the ouentity which nust be circulcted, tt the ane ined by the eyeten arranguuicnt, the necessity of evokding dzefts pd region, the ceiling height, cud the thro. r equireden dons are usually designed to supply fou Toon tenzeraturc. Specially designed nozzles inertain snit- Focaticns have been used with cir 2s low as 30 deg below room tenper~ ‘For yrecticel purposes, a roduction of 2 deg in delivered air ture per foot height from floor to ceiling should not be exceeded ning an inlet tonporature of tuo supply air. Syecisl grilles, grrangenents, Yoon shape, or load conditions my nake othe» t emper- “iffesoutiels dosirable or cvon nccessary, but the 2-deg-por-foot should sever bo exceeded for prolininary calculations. aethods of handling the air supplied to a conditioned space nay Fided as follows: tay ‘211 outsi¢e cir supplied with reheater, outside air supplied without rsheater, (3) recirculated and out- supslied and (4) recirovleted air with oxternal-bypass syston, sb OUPSTDS Ik SUEPEESDWITH RATT. The use of all outside cir Tecirevl=tion is uncconodieel_unless the outside conditions are _ n tonperature and humidity to tho conditions neintataede — fotion is imprecticeble in succes where 0j-ctionablé odors arise, 2 aaaLe 12. 4 small store hes o sensible st load of 53,100 Btub and a Tatent Theat lod of 14,400 Btuh. Indoor conditions of 75 P ary bulb and 50 por cont relative humidity ere te be wint-isi wah oatelde cir is 91 F ary bulb end 75 Fvot bulb. 11 outside air iss uppliod with rehecter to satisfy the space conditions. The conditioned air leaves th. fan at 6 F. Tho fon vnergy acy be nedocted.. Find (a) the tons of Tefriguretion required, (b) the sus ly fanaprcity, and (c) the reat suplied in the mheater. Solution: 4, 53100 was = ae = 155 1b. 2 att, Sty eS = 920, : M4goo , 20 SoS eee = 6.16 greins Hy ~ 6.16 = 65 ~ 6.16 = 58-84 grains/1d where SH, = 65 at 75°F and 50 per cont RE BBs oot graias/1b = 21.6 Btu et 5-8 greins and saturated (1007 RE) = 23.9 Btu at 61 F and 50.84 grains hy = 3066 Btu at 91°PH ona 75°F ub (e) Retrigeration = M2E0G#sS = As) . 22 tone 15, () vy = 2543 custte/ib at @°F and 58.84 greims Fan capacity = ies (13-3) = 3440 ofa gis. (c) Heat eupplied = 15,550(23.9 - 21.6) = 35,700 Btuh Wis. LATHOUE WGL.TER. This method will bypass to eliminate the use of the reheeter. It hao therefore advantage of ncinteining less nunber of equipments, othervise it wil) the sane as that of Method I, — ‘CONDITIONER @ NITION SPACE yA» The cir in a theeter vith an audience of 1000 people is Kopt at = dry bulb tenpersture of 72 F and ct 60 por cent PZ, Tw cute side sir averages 86 Fidb cnd 71 P vet bulo vith’ supply air et 63 7) other ea: gains amounts to 100,000 Btub, all sensible heat. 411 a C (a) the apocratus dew point, (b) the yer een Fefrigeration load. Solution: From Table 2 dg = 290 Btuh/person end a, = 110 Btuh/zerson at 72°F Sensible heat from occupants = 290 x 1000 = 290,000 Btuh hatent heat from occupants = 110 x 1000 = 110,000 Btuh gp = 290,000 + 100,000 = 390,000 Btuh re = 177,000 1b/nr Sate ~ 6) Moisture load ~ 110,000(8) - 734,000 grains/br su, ~ SE, i pee, = 4-14 crain/lb Si, = SH, - 4614 = 70 ~ 4.14 » 64.86 greins id vheres SH, = 70 grains et 72°F and 60/5 RE From chart taps = 542 F at 62.86 rains 36) tan 3 F at 68 Fdb ent Tl Fw Let x = per cent cir by-pessed ¥ = per cent air conditioned thenx+ye1 x(t) + 9(t,) = Qt, 5 x(88) + y(t.) = 63.0 x(tap) + y(t.) = (1) #29, 4 x(63) + y(t.) = 54.2 SE) = 3402 83 = 54.2 ‘ X= BG By ~ (09352 @ 35.2% = 13521 (3) apparatus deu-point, ty = pa aalee) = 49-4°R as. (b) Per cent by-pass = 35-02% ous. (0) Fron chart bh = 20 at 4904°R and saturated hy = 3409 at 26°R ab cna 1° wh 0001 = 0. 352)(34.9 — 20) Refrigeration = ics = 142.5 tons aig.(3) Baoracuaap .D OUSIDE JR_SUPALIED. Rocirouleting part of the six rn is more econoaical than using 4ll outside air, as the temperature of the recirculated siris usually nore fevoreble than thet of the outside air. In the ordinary conditioner tle air must be cooled to erelatively low tenperature to condense the surplus humidity end when this temperature is > too low for confortable delivery to the conditioned space sone reheating of the dehumidified air is necessary. : =3 ‘CONDITIONER © | [24 aes REHE.TER L space to be conditioned has a load of 00,000 Btulzad = Eyample 14. eeeaTble beet retio of 0.60. It is to be maintcined et conditions not - to execcd 60°F end 52 per cent relctive hunidity- For proper ventile— tion, 55 per coat of the supply air ig to be fresged, while the test are Feoureulated cire Outcide air ic 90 Pab end 72 Frb. The air is supplied at 70 F. Find, (2) ofmc? fresh cir sup lied, (b) the tenler- cture of the spray water and, (c) the refrigeration loads Solution? = 100,000(0.60) = 60,000 Stub @, 7 200,000 - 60,000 = 20,000 Btuh Mae = 20a 32,600 1b/ar ~2aae = p szaaeOr TO) ata (a) wy = (52,800)(.55) = 18,050 Ibo/nr avoporation = @ * a 20,000 x = 1354 1 = su, = 222000 . SE, o 32,800 =, - 4.06 = 75494; SH, = 60 at 00°F and 52% RE 000 grains/hr 06 grains/1b 73° 13.6 cusft./1b at 70°F and 75.94 grains cfm of fresh air = nee (15-6) = 4960 aNS-eTk VITE BARB ab Eta (>) SH, = SH, = 15.94 greins/b . 2. From chert at this condition, t, = 5962°F siBs (ce) Brom chert hy = 26 Btu/lb aye 3.8 Bea/ld hy = 35.8 Beu/ib ty Refrigeration Load = val (a. i i. In the bypass systea, part the recirculated cir is controlled by duper action in order to o Pee oe tusece tie conditioners ‘This varaer bypasa air is wed toxciest =| the air leaving the refrigerated coils to « more suiteble temperature for 3 distribution at the grille outlets. Instead of anexternd bypass, as shown “most @nd@itiones cuils are so designed that not dl of the air is brought to — thecoil surface tenperatur: Such ea design is essentially equivalent to having some air bypass the coil, ond it produces, for the air delivered from 2 conditioner, sult similar to thet accomplished by an external bypess. — Bypassing by either sethod produces economical performence as compared vith “systens here reheet might be required. Bethy ORY Base 74) Refrigerction Load = walhy 2 a) x es S ») _ (ey ~ atin ny) + 9pm 8) a My(hy) = Hyltg) Ha) lh) +5,(h,) ~ 3 (h,) 32,000ASCIRCUL.2GD WIR WITH SXTARILL BYPASS BR t= Refrigeretiv.. Load = ele ND) te — 2) 12,400 Bat u(h,) + w(h,) =v (4,) or hy = Mactg) = Shy) w ) 1 ¥,(h,) - w(h,) Refrigeration Load = Asami Rely = By) + wy) = 945) + (0) 12,000 2 Melty = By) + Gy + eh, - w(a5) 12,000 wi (a, -h) 2G -h) 12,000 a(h -bh) +4 es eran 12,000 Bxpmple 15. suell store hes c sensible ivatlocd of 53,100 Btu rer hour end latent iest load of 14,400 Btu per hour. Indoor conditions of 75 Fané 50 pcr cent relctive “waidity ere to be neintained vaen ventilating
ee WoO = 165 (t. = 0.6221, ae = 0-5703 ine Hee : 0.5703 _ ee (a) Relative Huntaity = ov7599 "O78 T1e3% EMS (b) Vepor density = 0.00115 x 00773 = 0.000891 1b/curtt. 4NS- (c) tap = 6265 F acturation toups at 05703 ine He. die (a) sk 0.6228 =F ee oe = 00622 __0.5703 = 0,001.29 1b/lb GHS. 2B = 045703 oan ae (e) Yolune occupied by the aixturc = Vos occupied by oir or PF. Vve RT (28 = 0.5705)0- 492 x 144 v = (1)(55+3)(70 + 460) y= 14.56 ousfte/1b ailS.auditoriun seating 1600 people is tc be aginteincd at, 76°F ab Fwb tonp-rcture vhon outdoor cir is ct 90°F db end 75°F ub. ect locd is 120,000 Btuh. Detcrsines cubic foct wor minuto of outdc.r ir for,ventiletion. volume (ia Ci) of conditioned -ir ct 65°F ab thet must be oulated to cerry tho tctel sonsitle leat loed. t-bulb tonperature of the conditioned cir to @bscrb the & (e) Fron tho table of ventilation stenderd the reconaended cfm Per porson is 7% (non~snoking) Vontilction cir = 745 x 1600 = 13,500 ofa iis. Latent hont per person = 165 Btuh (Values tekon fron sir Conditioning sud Refrigeration ty Jennings ond Lewis, Chap. X) Qq = 225 x 1600 + 1204000 = 525,000 Btuh 25 2 00% Teaa(1s - os) 168,060 1bs/hr 165 x 1800 20) = "168,000 3 Shee SH, = 02 - 1168 = 70.2 grains, “here SH, = 62 grains et 18 F db and 67 Fub = 1304 cusft/lb ct 65 F ond y F = 002 gecins Jar civouatea - 488209 5 13.4 57,400 ofa ils (c) Froa chert at 65 F db end 7062 reins the wot-bulb tenperature is 60.2 F gis.
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