CRM Project Report Pages Deleted
CRM Project Report Pages Deleted
CRM Project Report Pages Deleted
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This is to declare that I “SUMIT TYAGI” have carried out this project work myself in part
The work is original, has not been copied from anywhere else and has not been submitted to any
other University/Institute for an award of any degree/diploma.
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Certified that the work incorporated in this Project Report on CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP
original work and completed under my supervision.
Material obtained from other sources has been duly acknowledged in the Project Report
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The research methodology is the specification of method of acquiring the information needed to
structure or solve the problem. It is not considered to be the decision of facts but also building up
the data knowledge and to discover the new fact involved through the process in the dynamic
change in the society.
This research was conducted in NCR Region on those respondents who have been investing
inequities through Religare Securities.
Type of Research
The present study, being conducted, followed a Descriptive Design. It produces a picture of
phenomenon in which decision maker is entrusted. Design of descriptive studies includes the
nature and source of the data, the nature of expected results and the analytical methods.
Descriptive research describes about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive
research is pre-planned and structured.
• Primary Data The method followed in obtaining the primary data was through the structured
• Secondary Data: It refers to the information or facts already collected. The data was taken
from internet and journals.
Sample Design
Universe -All the investors who invest in equities through Religare Securities.
Population - the investors who invest in equities through Religare Securities in NCR Regenion.
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• Customers have different needs and expectations during different stages of this relationship
• Customer relationship is a dynamic process and can move from one stage to another based on
customers aspirations and customers buying experience.
Every salesman knows that customer often wishes to have a relationship with the vendor. Many
firms therefore want to make use of this relationship and have instituted customer loyalty
programs - aimed at rewarding loyal customers. For example, Airlines have free miles program,
credit card firms have points program, Grocery stores have a special discount for loyalty
cardholders etc.
Looking from the customer’s perspective, customer expresses a need for a relationship with the
vendor for a few basic reasons: satisfy their needs, convenience, reliability, and lower cost of
transaction. Customers need products or services and will obtain them, but they are willing to
enter into a relationship with the seller to make the process of buying easier and a more pleasant
One has to note that the intensity or depth of the relationship, which the customer expresses to
have with the vendor, depends in the intensity of his/her needs. If a product/service is vital to the
customer e.g. financial product, then customer is willing to have a deeper relationship in order to
have their needs satisfied as precisely as possible. On the other hand if the customer wants a
routine service or generic product e.g. customer needs tips from his broker while trading in the
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stock market, then the relationship is superficial - characterized by buyers convenience. To
understand this considers the following examples:
1. Customer, who is a telecom service provider, wants to implement ERP software. Since the
software has to be customized for the Telco, the customer is willing to establish a deep
relationship with the vendor by having a development & maintenance contract with the vendor.
2. Customer, who wants a copy of MS Project installed in a computer. Since this is a simple
purchase, the customer wants to buy it from a nearby store and install it himself. Thus there is no
real relationship between the customer and the vendor. Both examples point to the fact that the
level of relationship a vendor enjoys with the customer is directly dependent on the criticality or
importance of customers’ needs. In short, customers enter into a relationship with the vendor in
order to serve their own needs.
We now understand that the depth of the relationship between vendor and customer is directly
dependent on the intensity of the customer’s needs. Also note that the customer defines the depth
of relationship. This creates a challenge for a salesman or a marketer at the vendor firm. For a
vendor to increase sales, the vendor firm must improve the relationship with the buyer. And to
improve the relationship, vendor must know the current level/stage of relationship he has with
the customer. So the first step in managing customer relationship is to know and understand the
levels of customer relationships. 2
Level-1 being the lowest level of relationship and level-6 being the deepest level of
relationshipLevel-1: Utility Need
From a marketing perspective, the customer lifetime value is lowest at level-1 and is highest
atlevel-6. This is also reflected in the revenue or sales from a customer. Customer, with whom a
company enjoys the highest level of relationship, will also be the most profitable customer.
It is therefore in the vendor’s best interest to have very deep relationship with the customer.
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Level-1: Utility Need
This is the most basic interaction between customer and vendor. Here the customer desires to buy
a particular product/service. Customer interacts with the seller with the sole aim of acquiring the
product/service. The relationship between the firm and the customer is characterized by
efficiency in transactions, straightforward, no-frills selling. To increase sales, vendor must work
on availability of the product/service. Customer will buy only if a product/service appeals to the
rational side of the customer i.e. Price and convenience. Customer does not bond with the
vendor, as the relationship is a purely utilitarian one - exchange of goods/service for money.
The vendor should respond to the customer (in this level of relationship) by providing the
required goods/service, and refrain from interacting at a deeper level i.e., by not offering added
products/service - other than those requested by the customer. If the vendor insists or attempts to
force a relationship to a higher level, the customer may "pull-out" thus risking future sales.
To understand this, consider this example: If someone purchased a laptop from DELL
Computers. He placed an order online - for a particular configuration. His expectation from the
vendor is that Dell will deliver the computer on stated delivery date; he is buying from Dell to
meet up to the price that is attractive for him. If the salesman at Dell attempts to push additional
hardware or software - which is not what he wanted, he might get annoyed and cancel the order.
Vendors must first identify the level of relationship the customer has with them, and then craft a
strategy to deepen it. In this case, a vendor can deepen the relationship by increasing the number
of interactions. This can be done by: Offering a wide range of products/service, having 24/7 sales
operations - i.e., Internet or all 24-hour shops.
For example, Dell can increase the number of customer interactions by offering a full range of
computer accessories: Printers, Scanners, cartridges, office software, Computer games etc. Dell
can increase the number of customer interactions by offering value added services such as on-site
maintenance, free software updates etc .Augmenting the basic service/goods with a value
addition can deepen utilitarian relationships :Cross selling or value addition
Once the customer has easy access to service/goods that they need, customers look for ease of
purchase process that denotes a second level of relationship. The vendor should respond b by
providing services that simplify the buying process i.e., identify and eliminate those procedures
that are a hindrance to obtaining a product/service. For example, having a shorter checkout lines
in a store, having the products courier & providing the tracking number to the customer, having a
service personal ready to attend the customer when the customer enters the bank/hotel/office etc.
To improve the buying process, the vendor must understand thoroughly the entire customer
purchase experience and then eliminate the nagging problems in the purchase process. Service
companies often resort to mystery shoppers - who act as customers and buy the product/service
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to measure & improve the buying experience. Often times, managers listen to feedback from
front-line employees for suggestions to improve the customers buying experience.
For example, Dell provides the exact shipment details of the computer and is delivered on the
specified time. In addition, Dell has a complete e-Commerce website which enables a secure and
easy payment method. Airlines provide comfortable lounges at the airport - while customers wait
for their flight. Airlines also provide e-ticketing, curb side luggage check in, on-line flight details
etc., to make customers feel comfortable during the purchase process.
Often times, there are several instances of customers abandoning their purchase process in the
midway. This is the sure sign of an inefficient and inconvenient buying process.
Relationships at this level can in strengthened by widening the service interactions with
customers. By this I mean, look at the ways the customer buys your
Product/service and then provide additional services to make it simpler and easier for the
customer. Customer Activity Mapping (CAM) & Customer Decision Mapping (CDM) are the
tools that can be used to analyse the decision-making, buying, using, and consumption
experience. And in each stage, the objective of the vendor is to identify situations that pose
obstacles to the buying process. Making the buying process as pleasurable as possible, a vendor
can strengthen relationship with the customer in this level and also take the relationship to the
next level.
Comfort Need Once the customer has a convenient buying process, then they wish to have a
"pleasant shopping experience" i.e., the customer seeks a buying interaction where he feels
comfortable. This implies that the vendor should foster a buying environment in which customer
feels comfortable and is characterized by an agreeable and relaxing purchase ambiance.
For example, many multi-million dollar business deals are done at resorts - away from the clutter
of the office environment. BASF, a fortune-100 chemical company often conducts the contract
negotiations on a luxury yacht. This provides the right ambiance and mood to put the customer at
ease and feel comfortable during the buying process.
Irony of this "comfort need" is that customers often overlook the comfort factor - and often
customer notices the absence of the comfort.
A discomfort during the buying experience is easily noticed and registered, while customer
forgets comforts. CRM efforts in this level must be focused on making the customer feel
comfortable; create a feel-at-ease feeling. The marketer should strive to provide customers
comfort, fun, surprise, and other means of generating a positive feeling. Note that this is
distinctly different than relationship building at level-2, where the focus was to remove any
factor, which caused inconvenience to the customer.
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Relationship is built on a feeling of ease and providing more of the same - greater comfort, fun
and pleasant interaction environment can strengthen comfort. This involves training the front-end
employees to provide a Comfortable experience to the customer and being sensitive and
responsive to the customers level of interaction the marketing efforts must be directed at
improving/building the memory of pleasant experiences of the customer.
Often times, regular/loyal customers expect the vendor to interact in a way that his/her personal
choices are recognized. This implies that the customer is seeking a level of relationship where
they expect the vendor to recognize their needs - without them asking for it. At this level, the
loyalty of customer has been well established; customer enjoys the convenience and a feeling of
comfort. Here, in this level of relationship, the customer needs are "personal". In earlier levels,
the needs were mostly contextual, i.e., based on the context of buying experience.
CRM efforts at this level are to personalize the service/product offerings. For example, financial
institutions treat their high value customers with personalized check books, providing a personal
financial advisor, etc. In business-to-business environment, this is characterized by having a
dedicated relationship manager who interacts with the client, who knows the clients exact need
sand has the authority to deliver the customers’ needs. The "relationship manager" or "client
partner" can also make suggestions; provide consulting advice to the customer - Along with
dinners/lunches, tickets to popular events etc.
Advent of Internet has created opportunities for vendors to provide customized web interfaces to
each of their clients. etc. Provide customers with customizable web
To bring a customer to this deep level of relationship, the level-3 relationship of making the
customer feel comfortable must always be accomplished. Only when the customer is
comfortable, vendor can discover (discreetly) the personal needs of the customer - and then
move the relationship to the next higher level. Relationship at Level-4 is analogous to that of a
romantic partner - but not a spouse or fiancé. The relationship at this level is more personal – but
without invading the privacy of the customer. The timing therefore needs to be right - so that any
potential tensions or conflicts are avoided or reduced to minimum. The company must know the
customer details, possible tastes and preferences sufficiently well to
Build the relationship. Interactions must be respectful, as exchange of personal information may
be perceived as invasive.
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The irony of the CRM systems at this level is that customer feels that the CRM systems
compromise customer’s privacy - and for that reason most customers are reluctant to share
personal information with the vendor, which in turn cause most CRM implementations fail. A
salesman or marketer or account manager must therefore take extra precaution not to reveal any
personal information of the customer to the CRM database system. This personal information
must be carried in the mind of the vendor salesmen. Customers need for personal recognition
may be met by very simple acts by the salesman, such as rewards for customer loyalty (given to
the customer - i.e., buying agent or the key decision maker); tailor made products, and words of
Once the customer feels that the vendor recognizes him/her as person and can associate
personally with the vendor, the customer is ready for the next level of relationship - that is of
Self-_ expression. Customers who are in this level of relationship expect the vendor to focus on
customizing and personalizing the product/service offerings. The customer expects the vendor to
have a clear understanding of their needs and the vendor should be able to meet them. The
relationship is characterized by mutual trust, confidence & respect.
For example, Dell Computers being a customer of Intel expects Intel to know its needs for latest
and most powerful microprocessors for the Christmas season.
The Customer then expects Intel (vendor) to announce and supply the latest processors in time so
that Dell can ship the computers to its customers in time for Christmas.
In a consumer world, a common example will be that of a (famous) client and his/her fashion
designer. The client expects the fashion designer to know his/her tastes and provide clothes
It must be noted that in a B2B world, customers are more rational. Their business needs drives
the relationship and is partly independent of personal factors. As a result, vendor can build this
relationship by learning the customer needs. Based on these learning/insights, vendor should be
able to offer highly customized and personalized offerings.
Customer relationships in levels 1-4 are defined by customer’s experience and are therefore
heavily dependent to the external environment (i.e., external to the customer). At levels 5 and
above the relationship depends on internal and external factors including rational and emotional
The key for success in building relationship at this level is to understand the customers’ implicit
needs - i.e., those needs that are not expressed verbally. Vendor can strengthen the relationship by
understanding the customer’s implicit needs and focusing on different ways to customize and
personalize the offerings. In a B2B setting, this involves understanding the customers’ business
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operations, business models and then providing customized solutions: Like releasing products in
time for Christmas or having goods packed in a truck in a manner it is efficient for customer etc.
This denotes the highest level of customer relationship. At this level, customer is very
comfortable dealing with the vendor; the relationship is characterized by a sense of collaboration.
The customer feels a need for a unique product/service and is willing to work with the vendor to
develop the product/service. Often the customer to the surprise of the vendor initiates the idea of
Co-creation relationships are personal and rational. At this level of relationship, the customer
loyalty & trust is very high. Customers are willing to invest for joint development of
products/service. Customer feel closely bonded to the vendor - to the point that the customer
seeks a joint destiny with the vendor. I.e., some aspects of customer’s interests merge with that of
the vendor’s interests.
Co-Creation denotes the highest level of customer relationships. Broadening interactions, which
involve co-creation of products/services, can strengthen this relationship.
Relationship Marketing
Relationship Marketing has an aim of building mutually satisfying long term relationship with its
clients in order to earn and retain their business. Marketer accomplishes this by promising and
delivering high quality product and services at fair price to the other parties over time.
Relationship marketing builds long& strong economical, technical and social ties among the
parties. The ultimate outcome of relationship marketing is the building of unique company assets
called the marketing network.
A Marketing network consists of the company and its supporting stakeholders (Clients,
Employees, ad agencies and others) with whom it has built mutually profitable business
relationship. The operating principal is to build an effective network of relationship with key
• Marketing Channel: To reach target market, marketer uses three kinds of marketing Channel.
1. Communication Channel:
It delivers & receives messages from target buyers and includes newspaper, television, telephone
2. Distribution Channel: To display sell or deliver the physical product or service(s) to the
buyer or user. This includes distributors and agents.
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3. Service Channel: To carry out transaction with potential buyers. Marketer clearly faces a
design problem in choosing the best mix of communication, distribution and service channel for
their offerings
• Supply Chain: The marketing channel connect the marketer to the target buyers, the supply
chain describe a longer channel stretching. The supply chain represents a value delivery system.
Each company captures only a certain percentage of total value generated by the supply chain.
When a company acquires competitor or moves upstream of downstream, its aim is to capture a
high percentage of supply chain value.
Competitor: It includes all the actual and potential rival offering and substitutes that a buyer
might consider. We can broaden the picture further by distinguishing four levels of competition
based on the degree of product sustainability:
1. Brand Competition: A company sees its competition as other companies offering similar
products and service to the same customer at similar price.
2. Industry Competition: A company sees its competition as all company making the same
products or class of products
3. From Competition: A company sees its competitors as all companies manufacturing products
that supply the same service.
4. Generic Competition: A company sees its competitors as all companies that compete for the
same consumer.
Marketing Environment:
Competitor represents only one force in the environment in which the marketer operates. The
marketing environment consists of the task environment and the broad environment.
The principal of personal selling and negotiation thus described are transaction oriented because
their purpose is to close a specific sale, but in many cases the company is not seeking an
immediate sale, but rather to build a long term suppliers- customer relationship. The company
wants to demonstrate that it has the capabilities to serve the client needs in a superior way.
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Today’s customers are large and often global. They prefer suppliers who can sell and deliver a
coordinated set of product and services to many locations.
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Today, for any organization or firm to survive in this competitive world depends on its ability to
be dynamic and be different from the competition to be unique in the industry. Customer
Satisfaction helps every organization to keep the existing customer and to build new customer
.The purpose of this study is to study whether Customer relationship management policies
followed by Religare cater to the needs of the clients or not. Whether the clients are happy with
the services provided by Religare.
Bergenfield [2010] Businesses are in a constant race to increase profits, keep current customers
and gain or poach new ones, competing for customers on a globalised market like never before.
One of the many sets of tools aimed at aiding the interaction between supplier and customer is
customer relationship management (CRM).
Morgan and Hunt (1994) defined Relationship marketing as the marketing activities directed
toward establishing, developing, and maintaining successful relational exchanges. The separation
of the producers from the users was a natural outcome of the industrial era. On the one hand,
mass production enforced producers to sell their product & services through middlemen, and on
the other, industrial organizations, due to specialization of corporate functions, created specialist
purchasing departments and buyer professionals, thus separating the users from the producers.
Wilson (1995) summarized different relationship variables that affects the relationship of firm
with different stakeholders, those variables are Commitment, Trust, Cooperation, Mutual Goals,
Interdependence and Power, Performance Satisfaction, Structural Bonds, Comparison Level of
Alternatives, Adaptation, Non-retrievable Investments, Shared Technology, and Social Bonds.
Gronroos (1990) states “Marketing is to establish, maintain, and enhance relationships with
customers and other partners, at a profit, so that the objectives of the parties involved are met.
This is achieved by a mutual exchange and fulfilment of promises”
Gefen (2002) in his article reviewed that comparison of CRM to ERP systems and arguing that
customer relationship activities are not as standardized as other business activities, such as
accounting or procurement. Hence CRM implementation calls for much more complex and
flexible approach
Kotler and Armstrong (2004) define CRM as “the overall process of building and maintaining
profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction”. CRM
is a managerial term which focuses on efforts to attracting, maintaining, and enhancing customer
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Dick Lee (2000), CRM is perceived as “chain reaction” which is source by new strategic
proposal of communication with customer when high level of information technologies
development and stable customers need to get enhanced quality of service are achieved.
Oligvy and One (2001) purposed the model which states that CRM is to analysis, evaluation ofa
current situation preparation of a project, technologies, employees and an enterprise, processes,
management of customers, effectiveness measurement, and experience of customers.
Chaudhuri and Shainesh (2001)-A CRM programmer requires a clear understanding and
commitment to the company’s customers, vigilant adherence to detailed goals, commitment from
both executives and line workers, and a constant awareness of the customers view point.
Customer relationship management is about more than simply managing customers and
monitoring their behaviour or attitude.
In a study assessing the impact of relational information and processes, Jayachandran, Sharma,
Kaufman, and Raman (2005) found that firms that have higher CRM performance also had the
ability to capture access and use customer information. Another study of on-line retailers with a
brick and mortar presence, Srinivasan and Moorman (2005), linked the impact of firm strategic
commitment to the performance of CRM system investments. More specifically, they conclude
that firm commitments to either an on-line or bricks and mortar presence affect the performance
of the CRM initiative, emphasizing the importance of context when evaluating the impact of
CRM on firm performance.
Winer (2001) provides a framework for one to begin conceptualizing a CRM program. This
framework although useful, is quite general and is only a starting point in the quest to identify
relevant activities/behaviours /outcomes for a CRM program. Taking Winer’s framework into
consideration, coupled with a review of the literature, six areas are identified which comprise a
CRM program.
5) Tactics used to develop and maintain relationships with customers; and 6)the information
technology infrastructure currently in use.
Galbeth (1999) maintained the importance of providing effective leadership. CRM normally
involves business process change and the introduction of new information technology,
consequently effective leadership is important because leaders monitor the external environment
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of an organization they are often the best people to set the vision or strategic direction for CRM
projects. In addition, leaders have the power to influence personnel to buy in (Bull, 2003). CRM
Com environments are complex and require organizational change and a new way of thinking
about customers and business in general.
Stadler (2001) said that it is important to look at the current status of the company. In this stage
assessments have to be made and sometimes external assessors may be hired. A readiness
assessment establishes how ready the organization is for a CRM project and a maturity
assessment is necessary to show how mature the organizations current practice is .These
assessments help to identify where the organization is in terms of customer-centricity and creates
a snap shot of the organization that helps as a starting point for the CRM project. Sharp (1997)
concluded it is important Knowing the customer. Customer knowledge is an important asset for
all businesses. The first step towards a CRM project is to know who the customers are, what they
need, how they want the product, how they want the service, what their expectations are, how
they want to be dealt with and which channels of communication they prefer
Karl (2000) maintained different organizations use different customer knowledge strategies to
best match culture, priorities, and capabilities. They try to reap the best business value from their
existing knowledge-based assets or try to create new knowledge-related assets where they are
required .With the customer in mind and the customer providing the central emphasis of an
organization, managers can start to evolve all the processes needed around the customer
Dobbins and Pettman (1997) state CRM as one of the nine basic skills for business success:
Remember that we are all in business to provide benefits for customers - at a profit. We are not in
business to make products and provide services. The world is full of products and services in
which customers see no benefit and for which they are neither willing nor able to pay. Benefits
customers seek include an increase in self-esteem, new knowledge, companionship, additional,
wealth, success, power, influence, self-expression, better health, better relationships, social
status, popularity, self-actualization, recognition, admiration, prestige, security, safety, self-
preservation, a decent meal, a good laugh and excitement. Remember that customers are lazy,
ignorant, selfish, greedy, impatient, disloyal, ruthless and vain. Use your creativity to generate
benefits which are consistent with customer characteristics.
Imaduer Rahman (2007) concluded many organizations or companies we have today in these
CRM plays an important role either in software solution companies or any organization. It is like
back bone to that particular organization previously customer relationship was limited to person
to person marketing but in this knowledge era market is not limited to certain place it is widely
spread like globalization so it is introduced as online marketing.
McKenna(2008) offered a more strategic view by putting the customer first and shifting the role
of marketing from manipulating the customer (telling & selling) to genuine customer
involvement (communicating & sharing the knowledge).
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Berry (1999), in a broader term stressed that attracting new customers should be viewed only as
intermediate step in the marketing process. Developing closer relationships with this customer
sand turning them into loyal is an equally important aspect of marketing. Thus, he defined
relationship marketing as attracting, maintaining, and, enhancing customer relationships.
Steve Jobs, chairman and co-founder of Apple Inc. once said “A lot of companies have chosen to
downsize, and may be that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief
was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open
their wallets.” In fact, customers hold the pillar of a business and regard as the most valuable
resource in the market. In today’s highly competitive business world, the biggest challenge faced
by the management is to create and maintain relationships with customers. It is a customer-
centric business environment and lack of right attitude showed by management may adversely
affect the business. To maintain healthy relationships with customers in order to maximize profit,
the management has decided to adopt Customer Relationship Management, a business strategy to
create a beneficial environment among customers.
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Study The study based on survey through pre-designed questionnaires suffers from the
basic limitations of the possibility of difference between what is recorded and what is the
truth, no matter how carefully the questionnaire has been designed and field
investigation has been conducted.
Close responses.
As the project is also based on secondary data, possibility of unauthorized information
cannot be avoided.
Study is done only for NCR investors.
The investors may be biased.
Time has played a biggest constraint that the research could not be carried out
comprehensively as the duration of the study was only 6 weeks
The sample size was limited.
All the investors who invest in equities through Religare Securities in NCR Region. Sampling
Unit Every single respondent who has filled the questionnaire. Sample size sampling size refers
to total number of respondents targeted for collecting the data for the research. The sample size
for survey conducted is 50 respondents. Sampling technique the selection of respondents was
done on the basis of Convenience Sampling technique.
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45 40
35 30
25 20
20 Percentage
15 10
Analysis: From the 50 respondents approached, 20 belonged to services profession who invested
in share market through Religare securities. People who were in other professions were second
contributing 30%. 10 respondents belonged to business class and 5 were entrepreneurs.
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Interpretation: From the analysis done above it can easily be interpreted that more people from
services sector invested in share market. Reason being that they think it is good investment as it
can bring profits and add to their income. 48
Analysis: From the graph it can be easily concluded that 22 respondents have been Religare
clients from 2 to 5 years. This is a maximum % among respondents. Next in line are respondents
who have been Religare clients since 1 to 2 years. They are 13 in number. 8 respondents have
been investing in Religare for 4-5 years and 7 have been Religare clients since less than one year.
Interpretation: The data clearly depicts that most people have been Religare clients from 2 to
4years. This is more them enough time to judge the company. This means that the clients are
with the policies of this particular firm and services provide by them. This is the reason why they
have been with the company for a considerable time.
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Table 7.3 Reasons for Investing
reputation of
8 company
20 consumer friendly
24 advertisement
good services
any other
14 34
Analysis: From the data it is found that as many as 17 people have been Religare clients due to
good consumer policies offered by them. As many as 12 respondents think that their services are
the reason why they are sticking with the firm. 10 are investing through Religare due to its
Reputation in the market and 7 due to advertisements. 4 respondents cited other reasons.
Interpretation: It is clearly understood from the data that most of respondents are Religare
clients due to the Consumer Friendly policies it offers like Negotiable Brokerage, providing
updated information, accurate solutions to their problems…etc…
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S. No Options Respondents Percentage
1 yes 35 70
2 No 15 30
30 yes
Analysis: From the pie chart depicted above it is clearly understood that out of 50 respondents35
are aware of the Customer relationship marketing Practices followed by Religare and rest 15are
not aware
Interpretation: This is pretty much straight forward question as majority of respondents are
aware of the CRM practices followed. The reason may be that they are aware of the term
themselves then the rest. 53
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S. No. Practices Respondents Percentage
1 Optimum solutions 10 20
2 Updated Information 20 40
3 Long term 1 2
4 Door Step services 3 6
5 Regular in touch 11 22
6 Any other 5 10
Total 50
optimum solution
10 untaped information
long term concession
22 door drop services
regular in touch
any other
2 40
Analysis: By studying the chart above we can conclude that out of 50 respondents 15 thought the
Customer Relationship Marketing Practice followed by the company is providing updated
information of the new launched policies. Next in line are 7 respondents according to whom
providing optimum solutions to the problems is the major CRM practice. 8 respondents think
that being regular in touch with their RM’s is the practice followed while remaining were divided
among door step services, any other and long term concessions in the ratio of
Interpretation: Most of the respondents responded that getting updated information is the best
CRM policy adopted by the company. Policy here is a broader term which includes giving them
details about share market, new policies, and new SEBI rules of market.
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S. No Practices Respondents Percentage
1 Optimum solutions 26 13
2 Updated Information 32 17
3 Long term 2 1
4 Door Step services 10 5
5 Regular in touch 24 12
6 Any other 2 2
7 Total 50 50
Analysis: This question is for all the respondents that what according to them an important
policy a company should follow is. Here 17 respondent think that giving up to date information
is the key while 13 says providing optimum solutions is important. Keeping in touch with your
RM manager after buying/investing is important for 12 respondents.5 people opted for door step
services and 2 gave other reasons while 1 was for long term concessions.
Interpretation: Most of the people also think updated information is an important practice
because as they have invested their money is stocks they need to be provided with latest
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4 Increase in sales and 4 8
5 Word of mouth 6 12
6 Any other 2 4
Total 50
Analysis: This bar chart gives us an idea about why Religare should follow above mentioned
practices. 25 of the respondents were in favour of retention of customers. Second were those 10
respondents according to whom building brand image should be the reason. 6 thought that by
following above practices Religare can gain from word of mouth. Rest of the respondents gave
reasons like increase in sales and profits, competitors and others in ratio of 4:3:2.
Interpretation: More people stated that retention of customers should be the main reason for
accompany because in such competitive world if a customer is not satisfied from a particular
firm he can easily move onto other company. So it becomes necessary for a company to provide
good services.
Staff Efficiency
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25 23
15 respondents
5 3
excellent very good good average poor
Analysis: The chart above gives us indication about the satisfaction level of respondents for staff
efficiency. Out of these 22 are happy with the efficiency of the staff. Rest of respondents vary
from 15 to 2.
Interpretation: The reason which can be given is that these respondents may have better
relations with their dealers and updates are provided to them instantly. 16 14 12 Respondents 10
8Table 6 (b) Satisfaction Level for Redressing of complaints 4.8 4 2 0 60 Excellent Very good,
Average Poor Satisfaction Level
Satisfaction Level
14 14
12 10
7 respondents
excellentvery good good average poor
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Analysis: The above bar chart shows the number of respondents corresponding to redressing of
complaints. Here striking feature is that both the very good and average experiences match 14 each.
Interpretation: This is a tricky one as this satisfaction level varies considerably. Some
complaints have been addressed quickly and some not. It also depends on the nature of
complaints. 18 16 14 12 Respondents 10Table 8 (c) Satisfaction Level for Timely Responses 4.8
6 4 2 0 61 Excellent Very good, Good Average Poor Satisfaction Level
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40 yes
Analysis: This pie chart shows the number of respondents who think whether these Customer
relationship policies are influential in further investing or not. After conducting the survey
30were in favour and 20 were not.
Interpretation: Most people responded in favour because according to them if policies and
services are good then they will be satisfied with the company and invest further. Table 4.10
Recommend to others
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Analysis: The above pie chart gives us information about number of people who will
recommend Religare securities to others (Friends, relatives etc.).31 responded that they would
suggest Religare Securities and 19 responded that they will not recommend.
Interpretation: The people who will recommend are those who are satisfied with Religare
services or in recent time have earned profits.
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Table 7.10 Experience in Stock market
10 very good
36 20 poor
Analysis: The above graph gives us information about experience of respondents is stock
market. The experience of 18 respondents was average while 10 respondents each were in very
good and good category. The experience of 7 respondents was excellent and of 5 was poor.
Interpretation: The best explanation for this is the share market is very volatile, you are not
guaranteed profits every time you invest. That’s the reason why only 7 respondents have
excellent results and some among them are long term investors. Mostly experiences have been
average as some people have made profits and losses on the same day also (intraday trading).
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• Customized service.
• Research backup.
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• Religare securities should enhance the customer care department where queries can be timely
• Religare securities should provide more security to the existing and prospective clients.
• There should be more banners posters pamphlets distribution in the market to increase the
awareness level among the people.
• There should be target incentive for executive which will boost up their morale will give more
and more business to Religare.
• Special attention need to be given to the delivery of monthly & fortnightly report to the clients.
• Timely release of Brokerage & Fast redressal of clients grievance is a major plus point, if
Religare is looking to develop long term relationship with its clients.
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In spite of the bleak and grim outlook the future of capital market is growing at a very high pace.
Taking these things into consideration there are lots of opportunity for the Broker House which
already exist and which are due to enter in the Indian market. These are little awareness about
Equity and Mutual funds in India people have accepted it as one of the major investment avenue.
As people have entered in this particular investment avenue they have lost their money because
of movement in the market, which is below the par value and this, has shaken the faith of
investor in this particular avenue. Another reason for low investment in this sector is that most of
the companies are not performing well and also due to the scams that are taking place frequently
Once people know about the benefit offered by it, Capital market will become one of the sought
after investment avenue. The only thing which is needed to focus on is that they should have a
strong marketing strategy so that prompt service and availability of forms is made available to
the investors at a short notice provided that it keeps into mind the traditional base for marketing
in India, which is a price sensitive. We can say that Religare has a great future ahead.
Religare has emerged a very strong player in the field of distribution of financial product within
a short period of one year in Northern India and is giving stiff competition to the entire player in
the Delhi & other parts. If the progress of Religare goes in the same way then I can say that
Religare will be going to emerge as a major player in the Capital market. They have much more
potential to expand their business and market in India.
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Web links
• http://
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Dear Respondent,
I, Arjun Singh, am a student of MBA in PCTE, Baddowal. I have been assigned project on the
topic “Customer Relationship Management in Religare Securities with special reference to
equities”. As part of my project I am collecting data through this questionnaire for the Project.
The information provided by you will remain confidential and be used for academic purposes
A. Business
B. Services
C. Entrepreneur
D. Others
Q2. For how many years have you been trading through Religare?
A. <1
B. 1-2
C. 2-4
D. 4-5
Q3. What is the reason behind investing through Religare Securities? A. Reputation of the
company B. Consumer friendly policies C. Advertisements D. Good Services E. Any other
Q4. Are you aware of the Customer Relationship Marketing policies followed by the company?
A. Yes
B. No
Q5. What are the Customer Relationship Marketing practices followed by the company?
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C. Long term concessions
Q6. Choose any 3 from the mentioned practices which you think are important from a company
point of view?
Q7. Choose any reasons why Religare should follow the above mentioned practice
B. Competitors
C. Retention of customers
Page 49 of 51
Clarity of
l information)
Q9. Are these Customer Relationship marketing policies followed influential in further
A. Yes
B. No
Q10. Will you recommend investing in stock market through Religare to others?
A. Yes
B. No
A. Excellent
B. Very good
C. Good
D. Average
E. Poor
Personal details
Annual Income:
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