Marquez, Arnie Mae Brutania 2386031448
Marquez, Arnie Mae Brutania 2386031448
Marquez, Arnie Mae Brutania 2386031448
CBC and Platelet
White Blood Cells 10.25 X10^9/L 10.25 X10^3/mm^3
3.98~10.04 3.98~10.04
Red Blood Cells 5.27 X10^12/L 5.27 X10^6/mm^3
3.93~5.22 3.93~5.22
Hemoglobin 113.00 g/L 11.30 g/dL
112.00~157.00 11.20~15.70
Hematocrit 0.36 Vol.Fraction 36.00 %
0.340~0.450 34.00~45.00
Mean Corpuscular Volume 68.50 fL 68.50 u^3
79.40~94.80 79.40~94.80
Mean Corpuscular Hb 21.40 pg 21.40 pg
25.60~32.20 25.60~32.20
Mean Corpuscular Hb Conc. 31.30 % 31.30 g/dL
32.20~35.50 32.20~35.50
RBC Distribution Width 17.60 % 17.60 %
11.60~14.60 11.60~14.60
Platelet Count 350.00 X10^9/L 350.00 X10^3/mm^3
150.00~450.00 150.00~450.00
Mean Platelet Volume 9.50 fL 9.50 fL
6.50~12.00 6.50~12.00
Differential Count
Neutrophils 58.90 % 58.90 %
34.00~71.00 34.00~71.00
Lymphocytes 28.20 % 28.20 %
19.00~52.00 19.00~52.00
Monocyte 6.60 % 6.60 %
5.00~12.00 5.00~12.00
Eosinophil 5.40 % 5.40 %
1.00~7.00 1.00~7.00
Basophil 0.90 % 0.90 %
0.00~1.00 0.00~1.00
NOTE : *PAB Accredited test/s.
The results are best interpreted by a healthcare professional and are not intended to be used as the sole means
for diagnosis or management.
Specimen rechecked, result/s verified.
FBS (HEXOKINASE)* 4.44 mmol/L 80.01 mg/dL
3.89~5.49 70.10~98.93
ADA Recommendations 2015:
Pre-Diabetics: 5.55 - 6.94 mmol/L(100.01 - 125.06 mg/dL)
Diabetics : >/= 7.00 mmol/L(>/= 126.14 mg/dL)
Lipid Profile
Cholesterol (CHOD-PAP)* 5.02 mmol/L 193.82 mg/dL
< 5.20 < 200.77
NCEP Recommendations:
Desirable: <5.20 mmol/L (<200.00 mg/dL)
Borderline High: 5.20-6.20 mmol/L (200.00-239.38 mg/dL)
High: >/= 6.20 mmol/L (>/= 239.38 mg/dL)