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CEFR Year 5 (Ans)

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Recap PBD 5
A 1. Is /Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.
2. Is/Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.
1. cooking
3. Are/Yes, we are./No, we aren’t.
2. reading
4. Are/Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.
3. sports
5. Is/Yes, it is./No,it isn’t.
4. music
5. photography
B 1. these
6. video games
2. that
7. animals
3. those
8. art
4. this
9. shopping
5. that
10. watching movies
A 1. new
A 1. watching TV
2. fast
2. meeting friends
3. cheap
3. skateboarding
4. uninteresting/boring
4. cycling
5. unpopular
6. boring/horrible
B Pupil’s own answers
7. big
8. bad
A 1. isn’t
B 1. Have
2. is
2. have got
3. aren’t
3. Has
4. aren’t
4. has got
5. ’m
5. Have
6. ’re
6. have got
7. isn’t
7. has got
8. isn’t
9. are
10. isn’t
A 1. Japanese
2. Spanish
B 1. I
3. Malaysian
2. You
4. Italian
3. Our
5. Indian
4. his
6. Egyptian
5. her
6. it
B 1. Who
7. their
2. Where
3. What
4. Where
A 1. on/shelf
5. Who
2. clock/next to
6. What
3. mobile phone/in
4. laptop/between
5. shoes/under
A 1. but
6. vase/near
2. and
3. but
B 1. teachers’
4. or
2. aunt’s
5. and
3. father’s
6. or
4. children’s
7. and
5. men’s

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B Hi, my name is James. I’m eleven years old and I 5. Are there any/Yes, there are some./ No, there
live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I’ve got a brother and aren’t any.
two sisters. I’m a Malaysian of Indian origin and I can
speak English, Bahasa Malaysia and Tamil. I speak B 1. There’s a
a little Mandarin but I can’t read or write in Mandarin. 2. There’re some
I study at Sekolah Batu Lima in Kuala Lumpur. My 3. There aren’t any
brother and sisters all go to Sekolah Menengah Empat, 4. There isn’t a
a secondary school in Kuala Lumpur. My parents are 5. There’s an
both teachers.
I’m into sports, especially tennis and badminton. I like PBD 4
reading too. A Pupil’s own answers

Bye for now! B 1. unpopular

James 2. unsafe/dangerous
3. new
Unit 1 4. noisy/busy
5. cheap
6. ugly
A 1. cinema
7. dirty
2. monument
8. unfriendly
3. train station
9. weak
4. office building
10. interesting/exciting
5. sports centre
6. square
7. shop
A 1. are lost
8. market
2. National Monument
9. hotel
3. thirty minutes
10. substation
4. take a bus
11. library
5. bus stop
12. café
6. round the corner
7. any restaurants
B 1. f 5. h
8. next to the bus stop
2. e 6. c
3. a 7. d
B 1. bigger
4. b 8. g
2. quieter
3. further
4. more comfortable
A 1. True
5. narrower
2. False
6. friendlier
3. True
4. False
5. False
1. (a) Johor
(b) southern
(c) 1,038
Name of city 1. George Town (d) Istana Besar
(e) 53 hectares
Location 2. North-east of Penang (f) Holiday Plaza
island 2. (a) children’s playground
(b) orchid garden
Population 3. 700,000 (c) Japanese garden with Japanese tea house
(d) zoo (any three)
Transport 4. Road, air and sea
Location of beaches 5. Batu Feringghi, Tanjung A Sample answer
Bungah Kuching, located on the wider island of Borneo, is
Reasons why writer likes 6. Many interesting places a city and the capital of Sarawak. It is an old city and
the city it’s got a population of about 570,000. It has a very
strategic location along the snake-like Sarawak River.
Kuching is one of the prettiest spots in the region.
I like this city because of the different cultures and its
A 1. Is there/Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.
history. It’s an interesting place and the people are very
2. Are there any/Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.
friendly. I love strolling along the Kuching waterfront.
3. How many/There… many
My favourite places are the Astana and the cat
4. Is there/Yes, there is./No there isn’t.

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There are many different types of transportation 3. does not/doesn’t help
here. You could rent a car, take a shuttle or walk to all 4. do not/don’t sing
the nearby places in the town. 5. does not/doesn’t wash
6. does not/doesn’t teach
B Sample answers 7. do not/don’t water
1. sharper 8. does not/doesn’t practise
2. further
3. greater PBD 5
4. thinner A 1. celebrate
2. make
Unit 2 3. decorated
4. wear
5. give
1. watch TV
6. visit
2. have breakfast
7. have
3. sleep
8. sing
4. chat online
9. play
5. help with housework
10. invite
6. exercise
7. get up
B1. Hindus
8. do homework
2. They make cookies and traditional cakes/clean their
9. have dinner
homes/draw images on the ground with coloured
3. Money and gifts
A 1. often
4. Go to temple/Visit relatives/Have a special lunch/
2. always
Sing and dance/Play with fireworks/Invite friends
3. always
(Accept any two)
4. normally
5. The morning after Deepavali day
5. sometimes
6. never
7. usually
A 1. Does… have
8. never
2. Do… have
3. does… go
B Pupil’s own answers
4. do… do
5. Does… bake
1. At 6:30 a.m.
B 1. How often do
2. After he gets up
2. When does
3. He cycles to school
3. What do
4. His grandmother
4. Where does
5. Takes a rest and then does his homework
5. What time do
6. Jamal’s grandfather
7. He plays football with his friends.
8. After 9:30 p.m., after reading a book
A Sample answer
Every year Christians around the world celebrate
Christmas, on 25 of December. They usually celebrate
A 1. has breakfast
this special day with family and friends.
2. live
A month before Christmas, families will usually
3. doesn’t walk
decorate their houses and put up a Christmas tree. The
4. don’t play
night before Christmas, kids will go carolling around the
5. reads
neighbourhood singing Christmas songs. On Christmas
day, families always attend mass then gather for a
B 1. sleeps
Christmas meal and to open their presents.
2. lives
I like this celebration because it a lot of fun and I
3. jog
also get a lot of presents. It is a joyous celebration.
4. go
Shops and malls are decorated with huge Christmas
5. sweeps
trees and everything always looks so beautiful.
6. has
7. read
B (a) races
8. plants
(b) passes
(c) changes
C 1. do not/don’t play
(d) wishes
2. does not/doesn’t drink

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Unit 3 (c) one; two
1. camel – D
A 1. can; can’t
2. crocodile – F
2. can; can’t
3. octopus – G
3. can; can’t
4. panda – C
4. can; can’t
5. eagle – E
6. giraffe – A
B Pupil‘s own answers
7. ostrich – B
C 1. Is it OK if I
2. Yes, of course you can.
A 1. frog – croaks
3. Can you
2. monkey – chatters
4. I’m sorry, but
3. elephant – trumpets
5. Can we
4. parrot – screams
6. No, I’m afraid you can’t.
5. snake – hisses
B 1. in water
Sample answer
2. on land
The giant panda, also known as the panda bear, is in
3. on land; tails
danger of extinction. Giant pandas live in the forest areas in
4. on land; legs
China. They are herbivores and eat only bamboo.
There are only about 1,600 pandas left because of the
danger they face due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting.
1. (a) keep safe
To help protect these pandas and get more information
(b) the same group
about the panda, visit the WWF website. This website
(c) die out
explains how we can help protect this animal.
(d) risk
(e) not common
Unit 4
2. (a) True
(b) False PBD 1
(c) False A 1. Physical Education/PE
(d) True 2. History
(e) False 3. Mathematics
3. (a) parrots 4. Art
(b) friendly 5. English
6. Geography
PBD 4 7. Computer studies
A 1. biggest 8. Science
2. most colourful
3. highest B 1. teachers; homework
4. best 2. class
5. most horrible 3. subject
6. hottest 4. genius
7. ugliest 5. exam
8. most boring 6. notebook; textbook

B 1. swing PBD 2
2. run 1. (a) In government schools education is free.
3. move (b) In private schools classrooms are small.
4. survive (c) Students in a boarding school study, eat and sleep
5. fly there.
6. swim (d) The main language is Bahasa Melayu in
7. grow government schools.
8. see 2. (a) She is below thirteen years old.
(b) Thirteen
PBD 5 (c) (i) Classrooms are small.
1. (a) Colossal squid (ii) They have their own uniform.
(b) In deep water (iii) They are expensive.
(c) Gobi Desert (of China and Mongolia) (d) Pupils live in the school and only go home during
(d) 1,000 the holidays.
(e) Colossal squid (e) Pupil’s own answer
2. (a) invertebrates
(b) 46 feet; 200 pounds

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PBD 3 4. 7:30 a.m.
A 1. Mandarin 5. 1:00 p.m.
2. ask questions 6. 10:00 a.m.
3. understand 7. Bahasa Melayu, English, Maths, Science
4. concentrate 8. Art, Religious Studies, Chinese, Tamil
5. know
6. characters PBD 8
7. write Sample answer
8. pronunciation Hi Maria,
9. listen I’m so happy that you are coming to study in my school. I
10. repeat hope we will be in the same class. Sekolah Rendah Klang
11. vocabulary is a very popular school in Klang. There are about 1,200
12. dictionary students in the school. It is a big school with a huge field, a
13. check library and two fully-equipped science labs.
14. read School starts at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m. We have a
15. revise break from 10:00 to 10:30.
16. writing Bahasa Melayu, English, Maths and Science are
compulsory subjects while Religious Studies, Art, Chinese
B 1. is talking and Tamil are optional subjects. I am taking Art as an
2. is not moving additional subject as drawing is my hobby and it is really
3. are playing fun. I hope you will join this class too.
4. is sitting I am really looking forward to you being in my school. I
5. are not watching know we will have lots of fun.
6. are not chatting Hope to hear from you soon.
1. What are the boys doing? They are is playing chess. Unit 5
2. Where are the children going? They are going to
A Sample answers
3. Who is the girl looking at? She is looking at her
1. Vegetable: carrot, spinach
2. Fruit: apple, orange
4. Is the boy playing video games? Yes, he is playing
3. Meat: chicken, lamb
video games.
4. Drink: juice, water
5. Why is the lady laughing? She is feeling happy.
5. Snacks: sandwiches, chips
BSample answers
A 1. eats; is having
1. I dislike burgers because they are not good for
2. is wearing; wears
3. reads; is watching
2. I really like vegetables because vegetables are rich
4. are singing; dance
in vitamins.
5. prepares; is taking
3. I hate sweets because they are too sweet.
4. I don’t mind eating apples because apples are
B Pupil’s own answers
sweet and crunchy.
5. I love drinking fruit juice because it is delicious.
C 1. / eɪ / – a, h, j, k
6. I love eating eggs because they are rich in
2. / i: / — b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v
3. / ə / — f, l, m, n, s, x, z
4. / aɪ / – i, y
5. / əʊ / — o
6. / juː/ — q, u, w
7. / ɑː / — r Countable noun Uncountable noun

PBD 6 1. banana sugar

A 1. how do you pronounce this word?
2. How do you spell butterfly? 2. apple flour
3. can you help me with my English homework?
4. How do you say dictionary in Bahasa Melayu? 3. burger cheese

B Pupil’s own answers 4. broccoli water

PBD 7 5. sandwich rice

1. Sekolah Rendah Batu Lima
2. about 1,000 6. orange honey
3. Klang

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B 1. a PBD 7
2. a lot of/many 1. Can I help
3. an 2. have the menu, please
4. much/any 3. what would you like
5. much; a lot of 4. have chicken rice
6. some 5. Could we also have
7. any 6. served in ten minutes
8. much
9. any; some PBD 8
10. a lot of 1. Jen’s Tasty Sandwiches
2. Sandwiches
PBD 3 3. bread; five different vegetables; pepper; olive oil;
A 1. How to be healthy and fit egg; cheese
2. To feel good and not fall ill easily 4. Pupil’s own answer
3. Pupil’s own answer 5. Next week
4. Breakfast
5. At least 60 minutes a day because it is a great way PBD 9
to improve one’s health A Sample answer
B 1. healthy Hi. Are you looking to make something delicious and
2. fit easy for tea or a light dinner? Then here is a simple
3. exercise and cheap recipe for you.
4. skip First, you will need some tortillas, cheese, tomatoes
5. overeat and butter. Wash and dice the tomatoes. Heat up a pan
6. fruits and then add the butter.
7. snacking Next, put the tortillas one at a time into the pan. Flip
8. water it a few times to coat it with the butter. Once it starts
9. sugary turning golden brown, add the cheese and tomatoes
10. active and fold it into half.
11. early Finally, cut the tortillas into triangles or eat it just
12. good like that. Simple and delicious! Join me on my journey
of creating and learning simple but tasty recipes every
PBD 4 week.
1. True
2. False – Daniel’s waist measured more than 40 inches. B /ɪ/: bin lid hill fish tin bit
3. True /i:/: feel cheek beat seen neat lead
4. False – Daniel did not like to exercise.
5. False – Daniel was worried because he would be Unit 6
sick if he grew fatter.
6. True
1. (a) hockey
7. False – After six months Daniel lost 20 kilos.
(b) football
(c) tennis
(d) squash
A 1. reading
(e) volleyball
2. playing; watching
(f) basketball
3. cooking; helping; washing; mopping
(g) golf
4. playing; staying
2. (a) swimming
5. playing
(b) sailing
3. (a) hockey
B Pupil’s own answers
(b) golf
4. cycling
5. (a) tennis
A 1. Speak
(b) squash
2. Wipe
3. Don’t point
4. Don’t go
1. climbing 2. horse riding
5. Sit
3. athletics 4. gymnastics
6. Don’t play
5. skiing 6. wrestling
B 1. Turn off your handphone.
2. Eat your vegetables.
1. (a) Asiad
3. Exercise every day.
(b) New Delhi; 1951
4. Drink more water.
(c) Olympics

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(d) athletics; swimming 3. really exciting
(e) skateboarding 4. you go with
2. (a) True 5. don’t you join us
(b) False 6. Text me
(c) False
(d) True B Pupil’s own answers
(e) True
PBD 4 A Lee Chong Wei is one of the most famous sports
A 1. There wasn’t stars in Malaysia. He played badminton and was the
2. there weren’t world’s number one badminton player for 349 weeks.
3. There was He was born on 21 October 1982 in Bagan Serai,
4. There were Perak.
5. there wasn’t Lee started playing badminton when he was eleven.
6. There weren’t He became a national player at the age of seventeen
and represented the country many times. He took part
B 1. was in the Asian Games, World Junior Championships,
2. were World Championships and the Olympic Games, to
3. wasn’t name a few. He first participated in the Olympic Games
4. weren’t in Beijing in 2008 where he won a silver medal.
5. wasn’t; were He is one of the most successful and best
6. were badminton players in the world.
7. weren’t
8. was B /t/ /d/ /Id/
PBD 5 helped lived needed
1. (a) In Austria in January 2012
(b) 14 and 18 washed called started
(c) 70 danced cleaned visited
(d) 30 November, 1872
(e) No one because it was a goalless match.
Unit 7
2. Past simple Verb form PBD 1
1. round; curly; glasses
a took take 2. bald; beard
b held hold 3. long; pretty
4. short; moustache
c represented represent 5. brown; thin; tall

d competed compete PBD 2

e won win Sample answer
My mother, Julie Samuel, is 40 years old. She is tall and
f called call thin. She has a round face with brown eyes. Her hair is long
and straight and she always keeps it tied up in a pony tail.
g watched watch
My mother has a clear complexion and looks young for her
h ended end age.

A 1. Setapak, Selangor 1. (a) the same day
2. lorry driver (b) toddlers
3. working 2. (a) True
4. Kwong Yik Bank (b) False
5. more than 88 goals for Malaysia (c) True
6. Super Mokh (d) False
7. three (e) True
8. at the age of 37
B was did grew went was left started got worked played A 1. sample answers
scored called married had died (a) lovely/cute/loveable
(b) look with pleasure
PBD 7 (c) children just starting to walk
A 1. was your weekend (d) looks
2. was great

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B 1. She loved the gift. Her mother gave her the gift. He is very tall (6’2), strong, handsome and kind to
2. He is not lying. Please trust him. everyone. He has brown hair and hazel eyes.
3. We are early today. She will be happy with us. Where is he from and where did he grow up?
They look sad. Ask them what is wrong. Shawn is from Canada. He grew up in a small-town
5. I was going to the cinema. It was me you saw. Pickering, Ontario with his parents and his younger
6. It is time to sleep. It is 10.00 p.m. sister. He finished half of his high school life in school
and the rest online because he was already a popstar
C 1. The boy gave him some money. Object pronoun at 15.
2. We finished the project on time. Subject pronoun Did he make it big in the music industry?
3. She is a very talented singer. Subject pronoun Yes, he is a two-time Grammy nominee and has
4. They are making a lot of noise. Subject pronoun multiple number one hits and three number one albums
5. I am going home now. Subject pronoun and is very successful in his work.
6. Let us dance! Object pronoun What are his fans called?
7. It can float on water. Subject pronoun They call themselves the Mendes Army and Shawn
8. Did you water the plants today? Object pronoun has a good connection and understanding with all his
9. Mother will pass the book to her today. Object friends and fans.
pronoun What are the other things he has worked on?
10. The kitten is happily playing with him. Object He has his own awareness foundation and has teamed
pronoun up with many activists to bring awareness on important
A 1. didn’t play 2. saw B 1. How old is your mother, Jane?
3. had 4. didn’t talk 2. This is Nina’s favourite song.
5. permed 6. didn’t collect 3. Didn’t he win a prize?
4. Richard likes to sing, dance and play the piano.
B 1. Where did he live when he was a child? 5. Congratulations! You won the first prize.
2. How did they travel to Malaysia? 6. Stop it! You are making me angry.
3. Did she go to Langkawi with her mother?
4. When did he sit for his music exam? Unit 8
5. Did he do well in the maths competition?
6. What did you do yesterday?
A Sample answer
7. Where did you go last weekend?
1. money
8. How far is it from your house to your school?
2. guidebook
3. phrase book
4. suitcase
1. a few questions for you, if that’s OK
5. shoes
2. go ahead
6. mobile phone
3. when I was about ten
4. I started watching movies
5. How many films camping/hiking going on a tour beach/seaside
6. No, but I’m hoping
insect spray phrasebook sunscreen
7. You deserve to win
8. Thank you sunscreen water bottle swimming costume

PBD 7 water bottle guidebook money

1. The Fresh Prince torch money hats
2. 25 September 1968
3. Philadelphia first aid kit hats slippers
4. 1.88 m toiletries slippers toiletries
5. 82 kg
6. actor tent toiletries
7. producer
8. rapper PBD 2
9. Sixteen/16 1. (a) In December
10. Men in Black/Bad Boys (b) It is his first overseas trip
11. Ali (c) With his grandparents
12. I Robot/Hitch (Accept any three) (d) Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Universal’s
13. Golden Globe Awards Islands of Adventure
14. Academy Awards (e) James’ uncle and aunt
15. Grammy Awards (f) No, because he will be visiting many interesting
places. (Accept any suitable answer)
PBD 8 2. (a) False (d) True
A Sample answer (b) True (e) True
What’s Shawn Mendes like in real life? (c) False

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PBD 3 B 1. cold; snowy; icy
A 1. are not going to drive 2. rainy
2. are going to stay 3. foggy
3. is not going to take 4. hot; sunny
4. are going to go 5. cloudy; windy
5. is going to fly
6. are not going to come PBD 5
A 1. will cook
B 2. will turn
3. will sleep
Answer: affirmative / 4. won’t rain
negative 5. will be; won’t need
6. will teach
1. Who / see / Who are you I’m going to see my
7. will return
London going to see uncle.
8. won’t buy
in London? I’m not going to see
9. won’t help
10. will need
2. Where / go Where are I am going to shop in
/ shop you going to Tesco. B1. Will it rain later? Yes, it will./No, it won’t.
shop? I’m not going to shop in 2. Will Jane take part in the concert? Yes, she will./
Tesco. No, she won’t.
3. Will it rain tomorrow? Yes, it will./No, it won’t.
3. When / When are I am going to visit my 4. Will James do well in his exams? Yes, he will./No
visit / Art you going to Art teacher later. he won’t.
teacher visit your Art I am not going to visit
teacher? my Art teacher today. PBD 6
1. Setia Nature Park
4. Is / holiday Is going Yes, going to Paris on
2. like to join us
/ Paris / on holiday holiday is expensive.
3. are planning to make
expensive to Paris No, going to Paris on
4. will get some bananas
expensive? holiday is not expensive.
5. ask mum to fry some nuggets
5. Are / play Are you Yes, I am going to play 6. will call Eddie and Kieran
/ cricket / going to play cricket for the school 7. they want to come
school cricket for the team. 8. at my house at 8:00 a.m.
school team? No, I am not going 9. drive us to the park
to play cricket for the 10. I won’t be late
school team.
6. What / do / What are you I am going to go to
Hi Harry,
Singapore going to do in Sentosa island.
I’m so happy that you’re finally coming to Malaysia. I’m
Singapore? I am not going to go
emailing you to tell you about what we’ll be doing for the
anywhere in Singapore.
month that you’re going to be here.
7. How / she / How is she She is going to travel We’re going to go to Pulau Pangkor and Langkawi the first
travel going to by car. two weeks because I know how much you love the beach.
travel? She is not going to fly. We can go snorkelling, spend time on the beach, shop at the
street markets and visit historical sites.
PBD 4 In the third week I’ll take you to Kuala Lumpur where we can
A 1. November go shopping at the malls. I will also take you to the tallest
2. hot; humid building in Malaysia, also known as the Twin Towers. In the
3. El Nino effect fourth week, we’ll be heading to Singapore. The weather here
4. Mount Kinabalu; 28 October, 2018 is quite hot so bring sunscreen.
5. snowfall I can’t wait to see you.
6. Sitiawan; Kuching Bye for now,

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