CEFR Year 5 (Ans)
CEFR Year 5 (Ans)
CEFR Year 5 (Ans)
Recap PBD 5
A 1. Is /Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.
2. Is/Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.
1. cooking
3. Are/Yes, we are./No, we aren’t.
2. reading
4. Are/Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.
3. sports
5. Is/Yes, it is./No,it isn’t.
4. music
5. photography
B 1. these
6. video games
2. that
7. animals
3. those
8. art
4. this
9. shopping
5. that
10. watching movies
A 1. new
A 1. watching TV
2. fast
2. meeting friends
3. cheap
3. skateboarding
4. uninteresting/boring
4. cycling
5. unpopular
6. boring/horrible
B Pupil’s own answers
7. big
8. bad
A 1. isn’t
B 1. Have
2. is
2. have got
3. aren’t
3. Has
4. aren’t
4. has got
5. ’m
5. Have
6. ’re
6. have got
7. isn’t
7. has got
8. isn’t
9. are
10. isn’t
A 1. Japanese
2. Spanish
B 1. I
3. Malaysian
2. You
4. Italian
3. Our
5. Indian
4. his
6. Egyptian
5. her
6. it
B 1. Who
7. their
2. Where
3. What
4. Where
A 1. on/shelf
5. Who
2. clock/next to
6. What
3. mobile phone/in
4. laptop/between
5. shoes/under
A 1. but
6. vase/near
2. and
3. but
B 1. teachers’
4. or
2. aunt’s
5. and
3. father’s
6. or
4. children’s
7. and
5. men’s
B 1. swing PBD 2
2. run 1. (a) In government schools education is free.
3. move (b) In private schools classrooms are small.
4. survive (c) Students in a boarding school study, eat and sleep
5. fly there.
6. swim (d) The main language is Bahasa Melayu in
7. grow government schools.
8. see 2. (a) She is below thirteen years old.
(b) Thirteen
PBD 5 (c) (i) Classrooms are small.
1. (a) Colossal squid (ii) They have their own uniform.
(b) In deep water (iii) They are expensive.
(c) Gobi Desert (of China and Mongolia) (d) Pupils live in the school and only go home during
(d) 1,000 the holidays.
(e) Colossal squid (e) Pupil’s own answer
2. (a) invertebrates
(b) 46 feet; 200 pounds
A 1. Setapak, Selangor 1. (a) the same day
2. lorry driver (b) toddlers
3. working 2. (a) True
4. Kwong Yik Bank (b) False
5. more than 88 goals for Malaysia (c) True
6. Super Mokh (d) False
7. three (e) True
8. at the age of 37
B was did grew went was left started got worked played A 1. sample answers
scored called married had died (a) lovely/cute/loveable
(b) look with pleasure
PBD 7 (c) children just starting to walk
A 1. was your weekend (d) looks
2. was great