NR50 11kg Shaped Charge
NR50 11kg Shaped Charge
NR50 11kg Shaped Charge
11kg Shaped Charge
Hollow Charge
Round shaped charge in metal housing equipped Different kinds of obstacles and holes, ranging from
with detachable folding legs, guaranteeing the correct foxholes to anti-tank trenches can be created within
working distance. The rotation-symmetrical copper liner is minutes.
installed in such a way that its centre line coincides with the
centre lione of the transfer charge. Mondial Hollow charges and crater charges are also
suitable for other uses, such as busting enemy bunkers
High precision, high grade explosive as well as quality and destroying buildings etc.
~assurance according to ISO 9001 are resulting in high
concentration power in concrete, steel and soil. The Performance
resulting cylinderical blast hole is filled with the crater When detonated, the single charge shall penetrate:
charge. The hollow charge can be initiated by
an electrical detanator, delay initiator or the • Steel armour plate to a depth of 500 mm with a
Shock Tube System. ninety degree angle of attack making a hole diameter
of 150-200 mm at the surface and 100-150 mm at
The transfer charge consists of Pentrite according to 250 mm depth.
STANAG 4023. The main charge consists of composition
B, according to Mil-C-45113. • Reinforced concrete (50 MPa) to a depth of 1800 mm
making a hole diameter of 150-200 mm at the surface and
Tactical Use 100-150 mm at 900 mm depth.
Fast attacks of strong motorized enemy forces can be
stopped or at least delayed until friendly forces are ready
for defence.
7,0 - 9,0 m
0,8 m
ca. 0,4m
2,0 - 3,0 m
2,5 - 3,5 m