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European Parliament



Data Act
Amendments adopted by the European Parliament on 14 March 2023 on the proposal
for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on harmonised rules on
fair access to and use of data (Data Act) (COM(2022)0068 – C9-0051/2022 –

(Ordinary legislative procedure: first reading)

1 The matter was referred back for interinstitutional negotiations to the committee
responsible, pursuant to Rule 59(4), fourth subparagraph (A9-0031/2023).
Amendment 1


to the Commission proposal


2022/0047 (COD)

Proposal for a


on harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data

(Data Act)

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article
114 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,

After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national parliaments,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee1,

Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions2,

Acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure,


* Amendments: new or amended text is highlighted in bold italics; deletions are indicated
by the symbol ▌.
1 OJ C 365, 23.9.2022, p. 18.
2 OJ C 375, 30.9.2022, p. 112,
(1) In recent years, data-driven technologies have had transformative effects on all sectors
of the economy. The proliferation in products connected to the Internet ▌ in particular
has increased the volume and potential value of data for consumers, businesses and
society. High quality and interoperable data from different domains increase
competitiveness and innovation and ensure sustainable economic growth. The same
dataset may potentially be used and reused for a variety of purposes and to an unlimited
degree, without any loss in its quality or quantity.

(2) In a context where the European Union holds a global competitive position in
manufacturing and is leader in industrial software and robotics, barriers to data
sharing prevent an optimal allocation of data to the benefit of society. These barriers
include a lack of incentives for data holders to enter voluntarily into data sharing
agreements, uncertainty about rights and obligations in relation to data, the economic
value of data sets, the costs of contracting and implementing technical interfaces, the
high level of fragmentation of information in data silos, poor metadata management, the
absence of standards for semantic and technical interoperability, bottlenecks impeding
data access, a lack of common data sharing practices and abuse of contractual
imbalances with regards to data access and use.

(3) In sectors characterised by the presence of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs), there is often a lack of digital capacities and skills to collect, analyse and use
data, and access is frequently restricted where one actor holds it in the system or due to
a lack of interoperability between data, between data services or across borders.

(4) In order to respond to the needs of the digital economy, avoid the fragmentation of the
internal market that could emerge from national legislation and to remove barriers to
a well-functioning internal market for data, it is necessary to lay down a harmonised
framework specifying who, is entitled to use accessible data collected, obtained or
otherwise generated by connected products or related services, under which conditions
and on what basis. Accordingly, Member States should not adopt or maintain additional
national requirements on those matters falling within the scope of this Regulation, unless
explicitly provided for in this Regulation, since this would affect the direct and uniform
application of this Regulation.

(5) This Regulation ensures that manufacturers of connected products and providers of
related services must design the products and services in a way that users of a
connected product or related service in the Union can access, in a timely manner, the
data accessible from the product or generated during the provision of a related service
and that those users can use the data, including by sharing them with third parties of
their choice. It imposes the obligation on data holders to make data available to users
and data recipients nominated by the users ▌ . It also ensures that data holders make
data available to data recipients in the Union under fair, reasonable and non-
discriminatory terms and in a transparent manner. Private law rules are key in the overall
framework of data sharing. Therefore, this Regulation adapts rules of contract law and
prevents the exploitation of contractual imbalances that hinder fair data access and use
▌ . This Regulation also ensures that data holders make data available to public sector
bodies of the Member States and to Union institutions, agencies or bodies, where there
is an exceptional need ▌ . In addition, this Regulation seeks to facilitate switching
between data processing services and to enhance the interoperability of data and data
sharing mechanisms and services in the Union. This Regulation should not be
interpreted as recognising or creating any legal basis for data holders to hold, have
access to or process data, or as conferring any new right on a data holder to use data
accessed from a connected product or generated during the provision of a related
service. Instead, it recognises that users may agree to grant access and use permissions
over data accessed from connected products or generated during the provision of
related services to data holders, which may often be manufacturers, and which may
contractually agree with the user to perform one or more related services.

(6) Data generation is a function of the manufacturer’s design of a connected product, in

particular the inclusion of sensors and processing software within the device, of the
actions of the user and, depending on the operating modalities, of the provision of one
or more related service. Many connected products, for example in the civil
infrastructure, energy generation or transport sectors, are recording data about their
environment or interaction with other elements of that infrastructure without any
actions by the user or any third party. Such data may often be non-personal in nature
and valuable for the user or third parties, which may use it to improve their operations,
the overall functioning of a network or system or by making it available to others.
This gives rise to questions of fairness in the digital economy, because the data accessed
from connected products or generated during the provision of related services are an
important input for aftermarket, ancillary and other services. In order to realise the
important economic benefits of data ▌ for the economy and society, a general approach
to assigning access and usage rights on data is preferable to awarding exclusive rights
of access and use. However, it is also important that data sharing based on voluntary
agreements continues to develop in order to facilitate the development of data-driven
value growth of European companies.

(7) The fundamental right to the protection of personal data is safeguarded in particular
under Regulations (EU) 2016/6791 and ▌ (EU) 2018/17252 of the European
Parliament and of the Council. Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council3 additionally protects private life and the confidentiality of
communications, including providing conditions to any personal and non-personal data
storing in and access from terminal equipment. These instruments provide the basis for
sustainable and responsible data processing, including where datasets include a mix of
personal and non-personal data. This Regulation complements and is without prejudice
to Union law on data protection and privacy, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679
and Directive 2002/58/EC. No provision of this Regulation should be applied or
interpreted in such a way as to diminish or limit the right to the protection of personal
data or the right to privacy and confidentiality of communications. This Regulation
should not be read as creating a new legal basis for the processing of personal data
for any of the regulated activities, or as amending the information requirements laid
down in Regulation (EU) 2016/679. In the event of a conflict between this Regulation
and Union law on the protection of personal data or national law adopted in
accordance with such Union law, the relevant Union or national law on the protection
of personal data should prevail.

(8) The principles of data minimisation and data protection by design and by default are
essential when processing involves significant risks to the fundamental rights of

1 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April
2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal
data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC
(General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1).
2 Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23
October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of
personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free
movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No
1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).
3 Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002
concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the
electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic
communications) (OJ L 201, 31.7.2002, p. 37).
individuals. Taking into account the state of the art, all parties to data sharing, including
where within scope of this Regulation, should implement technical and organisational
measures to protect these rights. Such measures include not only pseudonymisation and
encryption, but also the use of increasingly available technology that permits algorithms
to be brought to the data and allow valuable insights to be derived without the
transmission between parties or unnecessary copying of the raw or structured data

(9) This Regulation complements and is without prejudice to Union law aiming to promote
the interests of consumers and to ensure a high level of consumer protection, to protect
their health, safety and economic interests, in particular Directive 2005/29/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council3, Directive 2011/83/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council4 and Directive 93/13/EEC of the European Parliament
and of the Council5.

(10) This Regulation is without prejudice to Union legal acts providing for the sharing of,
the access to and the use of data for the purpose of prevention, investigation, detection
or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, or for customs
and taxation purposes, irrespective of the legal basis under the Treaty on the Functioning
of the European Union on which basis they were adopted. Such acts include Regulation
(EU) 2021/784 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2021 on
addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online, the [e-evidence proposals
[COM(2018) 225 and 226] once adopted], the [Proposal for] a Regulation of the
European Parliament and of the Council on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital

3 Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2005
concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market and
amending Council Directive 84/450/EEC, Directives 97/7/EC, 98/27/EC and
2002/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EC) No
2006/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (‘Unfair Commercial
Practices Directive’) (OJ L 149, 11.6.2005, p. 22).
4 Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October
2011 on consumer rights, amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC and Directive
1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council
Directive 85/577/EEC and Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the
5 Council Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts.
Directive (EU) 2019/2161 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27
November 2019 amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC and Directives 98/6/EC,
2005/29/EC and 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards
the better enforcement and modernisation of Union consumer protection rules.
Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC, as well as international cooperation
in this context in particular on the basis of the Council of Europe 2001 Convention on
Cybercrime ("Budapest Convention"). This Regulation is without prejudice to the
competences of the Member States regarding activities concerning public security,
defence and national security in accordance with Union law, and activities from customs
on risk management and in general, verification of compliance with the Customs Code
by economic operators.

(11) Union law setting physical design and data requirements for products to be placed on
the Union market should not be affected beyond the obligations of Article 3(1) of this

(12) This Regulation complements and is without prejudice to Union law aiming at setting
accessibility requirements on certain products and services, in particular Directive

(13) This Regulation is without prejudice to the competences of the Member States regarding
activities concerning public security, defence and national security in accordance with
Union law, and activities from customs on risk management and in general, verification
of compliance with the Customs Code by economic operators.

(13a) This Regulation also aims at strengthening the position and business models of third
parties, for example suppliers, through a horizontal approach. To account for the
specific situation and complexity of the respective sector, this Regulation should be
followed by sectoral legislation, for example the mobility data space. That legislation
could set out further rules for the right for suppliers to improved or direct access to
data from their own smart components for issues such as quality monitoring, product
development or safety improvements and clarifies the role of providers of components
in relation to connected products.

6 Directive (EU) 2019/882 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April
2019 on the accessibility requirements for products and services (OJ L 151, 7.6.2019, p.
70 ).
(13b) This Regulation is without prejudice to Union and national legal acts providing for
the protection of intellectual property rights, including Directives 2001/29/EC1,
2004/48/EC2, and (EU) 2019/7903 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

(14) Physical products that obtain, generate or collect, by means of their components, data
concerning their performance, use or environment and that are able to communicate that
data via an electronic communications service, a physical connection, or on-device
(often referred to as the Internet of Things) should be covered by this Regulation with
the exception of prototypes. Electronic communications services include land-based
telephone networks, television cable networks, satellite-based networks and near-field
communication networks. Such connected products are found in all aspects of the
economy and society, including in private, civil or commercial infrastructure,
vehicles, ships, aircraft, home equipment and consumer goods, medical and health
devices or agricultural and industrial machinery or energy production and transmission
facilities. Data obtained, generated or collected by a connected product that is
accessible to any data holders or data recipients should always be accessible to the
owner of the product, or a third party to whom the owner of the product has
transferred certain rights to the product based on a rental or lease contract. The owner
or such third party should be referred to as the user for the purpose of this Regulation.
Those access rights should in no way alter or interfere with the fundamental rights of
data subjects, who may be interacting with connected product, to personal data
generated by the product. Manufacturers' design choices, the users’ demands and,
where relevant, sectoral legislation to address sector-specific needs and objectives, or
antitrust decisions, should determine which data a connected product is capable of
making accessible to any data holders or data recipients at the point of sale. This
Regulation applies to products placed on the market in the Union and thus does not
apply to products in development stage such as prototypes.

1 Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001
on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the
information society (OJ L 167, 22.6.2001, p. 10).
2 Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April
2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (OJ L 157, 30.4.2004, p. 45).
3 Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April
2019 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending
Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC (OJ L 130, 17.5.2019, p. 92).
(15) In contrast, content, or data obtained, generated or accessed from the connected
product or transmitted to it for the purpose of storage or processing on behalf of third
parties, such as in the case of servers or cloud infrastructure, amongst others for the
use by an online service should not be covered by this Regulation.

(16) It is also necessary to lay down rules applying to related services that are incorporated
or are interconnected with a connected product in such a way that the absence of the
service would prevent the product from performing one or more of its functions, and
which involve the transfer of data between the connected product and the provider of
the related services Where a provider of a related service accesses data from a
connected product or has access to data generated during the provision of the related
service and has the right to use non-personal data, in accordance with Article 4(6), it
should be considered a data holder for the data it accessed from the product or
generated during the provision of the related service. Such related services can be part
of the sale. These related services may themselves generate data of value to the user
independently of the data collection capabilities of the connected product with which
they are interconnected. Such data may represent the digitalisation of user actions and
events and should accordingly be accessible to the user. Such data are potentially
valuable to the user and support innovation and the development of digital and other
services protecting the environment, health and the circular economy, including
particular through facilitating the maintenance and repair of the products in question
or the development of products or services. Information derived or inferred from non-
personal data by a data holder or a data recipient after it has been accessed from the
connected product, other than in those generated during the provision of a related
service, should not be considered to fall within scope of this Regulation. This
Regulation should also apply to a related service that is not supplied by the seller, renter
or lessor itself, but is supplied, under the sales, rental or lease contract, by a third party.
In the event of doubt as to whether the provision of a related service is necessary to
maintain the functional operation of the connected product, supply of service forms
part of the sale, rent or lease contract, this Regulation should apply. Neither the power
supply nor the supply of the connectivity are to be interpreted as related services under
this Regulation.

(17) Data accessed from a connected product or generated during the provision of a related
service include data recorded intentionally by the user. Such data include also data
generated as a by-product of the user’s action, such as diagnostics data, and without any
action by the user, such as data about the connected product’s environment or
interactions, including when the product is in ‘standby mode’, and data recorded during
periods when the product is switched off. Such data should include data in the form and
format in which they are accessed from the product, and be compiled in a
comprehensible, structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and
including the relevant metadata, but not pertain to data resulting from value-add via a
software process that calculates derivative data where such software process is be
subject to trade secrets and intellectual property rights. Where data is accessed in an
encrypted format, the user should be provided with all necessary means to decrypt
such data and make it accessible.

(17a) Further efforts must be made to consolidate the data economy and data governance.
In particular, increasing and supporting data literacy is essential so that users and
businesses are aware and motivated to offer and provide access to their data in
compliance with the relevant legal rules. This is on the basis of a sustainable data
society. The spread of data literacy measures would imply the reduction of digital
inequalities, contribute to improving working conditions, and ultimately sustain the
consolidation and the innovation path of the data economy in the Union. In order to
deliver high-quality job opportunities, the acquisition and development of data
literacy skills, enabling the acquisition of digital competences by citizens and workers,
should be ensured especially in the case of employees from start-ups and SMEs.

(18) The user of a connected product should be understood as the legal or natural person,
such as a business, consumer or public sector body which has acquired the connected
product or receives related services, or to whom the owner of the connected product
has transferred, on the basis of a rental or lease agreement, temporary rights to use
the connected product or receive related services. Such a user bears the risks and enjoys
the benefits of using the connected product and should ▌ therefore be entitled to derive
benefit from data accessed from the connected product and generated during the
provision of any related service.

(18a) 'Data literacy’ refers to skills, knowledge and understanding that allows users,
consumers and businesses, in particular medium, small and micro companies, to gain
awareness on the potential value of the data they generated, produce and share, in
the context of their rights and obligations set out in this Regulation and in other
Union data related Regulations. Data literacy should go beyond learning about tools
and technologies and aiming to equip citizens and businesses with the ability to benefit
from a fair data market. It is therefore necessary that the Commission and the
Member States, in cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, promote the
development of data literacy, in all sectors of society, for citizens of all ages, including
women and girls. Consequently, the Union and its Member states should allocate
more investments in education and training to spread data literacy, and that progress
in that regard is closely followed Accordingly businesses should also promote tools
and take measures to ensure data literacy skills of their staff dealing with data access
and use and data transfers, and where applicable, of other persons processing data
on their behalf, taking into account their technical knowledge, experience, education
and training and considering the users or groups of users from which data is
produced or generated.

(19) In practice, not all data generated by connected products or related services are easily
accessible to their users, and there are often limited possibilities for the portability of
data generated by products connected to the Internet ▌ . Users are unable to obtain data
necessary to make use of providers of repair and other services, and businesses are
unable to launch innovative, more efficient and convenient services. In many sectors,
manufacturers are often able to determine, through their control of the technical design
of the product or related services, what data are generated and how they can be accessed,
even though they have no legal right to the data. It is therefore necessary to ensure that
connected products are designed and manufactured and related services are provided in
such a manner that data generated by their use are always easily accessible to the user,
free of charge in a comprehensive, structured, commonly used and machine-readable
format, including for the purpose of retrieving, using or sharing the data. Unless
specified otherwise by Union or Member State law or relevant antitrust rulings, such
data should be accessible at the level of processing, including by means of software
contained in the connected product, which the manufacturer’s design choice permit
ahead of the sale to the user. Data should be available in the form in which they are
accessible from the product with only the minimal adaptations necessary to make
them useable by a third party, including related metadata necessary to interpret and
use the data. This requires the removal of technical barriers to ensure that users,
where it is technically possible, will have direct real-time access to their data without
extensive individual verification procedures. In order to facilitate third-party access
to the required data, cost-efficient access to software tools is also necessary. Where
subsequent updates or alterations to the connected product, by the manufacturer or
another party, lead to additional accessible data or a restriction of initially accessible
data, such changes should be communicated to the user in the context of the update
or alteration. This Regulation does not set an obligation to store data additionally on
the central computing unit of a product where this would be disproportionate in
relation to the expected use. This does not prevent a manufacturer or data holder to
voluntarily agree with the user on making such adaptation.

(20) In cases of co-ownership of the connected product and related services

provided, where several persons or entities own a product or are party to a lease or rent
agreement ▌ the design of the connected product or related service or the relevant
interface should enable all persons to have access to data they generate. Users of
connected products that generate data typically require a user account to be set up. This
allows for identification of the user by a data holder, which may be the manufacturer
as well as a means to communicate to exercise and process data access requests. For
identification and authentication purposes, manufacturers and providers of related
services should enable users to use European Digital Identity Wallets issued pursuant
to Regulation (EU) 910/20141. Manufacturers or designers of a product that is typically
used by several persons should put in place the necessary mechanism that allow separate
user accounts for individual persons, where relevant, or the possibility for several
persons to use the same user account. Access should be granted to the user upon simple
request mechanisms granting automatic execution, not requiring examination or
clearance by a manufacturer or data holder. This means that data should only be made
available when the user actually wants this. Where automated execution of the data
access request is not possible, for instance, via a user account or accompanying mobile
application provided with the product or service, the manufacturer should inform the
user how the data may be accessed. User accounts should enable users to revoke
consent for processing and data sharing, as well as request deletion of the data

1 Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23

July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in
the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC (OJ L 257, 28.8.2014, p. 73).
generated through the use of the connected product, particularly in cases when the
users of the product intend to transfer the ownership of the product to another party.

(21) Products may be designed to make certain data directly available from an on-device data
storage or from a remote server to which the data are communicated. Access to the on-
device data storage may be enabled via cable-based or wireless local area networks
connected to a publicly available electronic communications service or a mobile
network. The server may be the manufacturer’s own local server capacity or that of a
third party or a cloud. Data processors as defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 are by
default not considered to act as data holders, unless specifically tasked by the data
controller. They may be designed to permit the user or a third party to process the data
on the product or on a computing instance of the manufacturer.

(22) Virtual assistants play an increasing role in digitising consumer and professional
environments and serve as an easy-to-use interface to play content, obtain information,
or activate physical objects connected to the Internet ▌ . Virtual assistants can act as a
single gateway in, for example, a smart home environment and record significant
amounts of relevant data on how users interact with products connected to the Internet
▌ , including those manufactured by other parties and can replace the use of
manufacturer-provided interfaces such as touchscreens or smart phone apps. The user
may wish to make available such data with third party manufacturers and enable novel
smart home services. Such virtual assistants should be covered by the data access right
provided for in this Regulation also regarding data recorded before the virtual assistant’s
activation by the wake word and data generated when a user interacts with a connected
product via a virtual assistant provided by an entity other than the manufacturer of the
connected product ▌ .

(23) Before concluding a contract for the purchase of a connected product, clear and
sufficient information should be provided by the manufacturer, or where relevant the
vendor, to the user with regard to the data which is accessible from the connected
product, including the type, format, sampling frequency and the estimated volume of
accessible data. This should include information on data structures, data formats,
vocabularies, classification schemes, taxonomies and code lists, where available, as
well as information on how the data ▌ may be stored, retrieved or accessed, including
the provision of software development kits or application programming interfaces,
along with their terms of use and quality of service descriptions. This obligation
provides transparency over the accessible data generated and enhances the easy access
for the user. The transparency obligation could be fulfilled by a data holder for
example by, maintaining a stable uniform resource locator (URL) on the web, which
can be distributed as a web link or QR code, pointing to the relevant information.
Such URL could be provided by the manufacturer or where relevant seller, to the user
before concluding the contract for the purchase, of a connected product. It is in any
case necessary that the user is enabled to store the information in a way that is
accessible for future reference and that allows the unchanged reproduction of the
information stored. This obligation to provide information does not affect the obligation
for the controller to provide information to the data subject pursuant to Article 12, 13
and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

(23a) Related services should be provided in such a manner that data generated during their
provision, which represent the digitalisation of user actions or events, are, by default,
easily, securely and, where relevant and technically feasible, directly accessible to the
user free of charge, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format,
along with the relevant metadata necessary to interpret and use it. Information
derived or inferred from this data by means of complex proprietary algorithms, in
particular where it combines the output of multiple sensors in the connected product,
should not be considered within the scope of a data holder’s obligation to share data
with users or data recipients, unless agreed differently. Before concluding an
agreement with a user on the provision of a related service, which involves the
provider’s access to data from the connected product, in line with Article 4(6) of this
Regulation, the provider should agree with the user on the nature, volume, collection
frequency and format of data accessed by the provider of related services from the
connected product, as well as the nature and estimated volume of data generated
during the provision of the related service and, where relevant, the modalities for the
user to access or retrieve such data, including the period during which it should be

(24) This Regulation imposes the obligation on data holders to make data available in certain
circumstances. Insofar as personal data are processed, a data holder should be a
controller under Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Where users are data subjects, data holders
should be obliged to provide them access to their data and to make the data available to
third parties of the user’s choice in accordance with this Regulation. However, this
Regulation does not create a legal basis under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 for data
holders to provide access to personal data or make it available to a third party when
requested by a user that is not a data subject and should not be understood as conferring
any new right on data holders to use data accessed from the connected product or
generated during the provision of a related service. This applies in particular where the
manufacturer is a data holder. In that case, the basis for the manufacturer to use non-
personal data should be a contractual agreement between the manufacturer and the user.
This agreement may be part of the sale agreement relating to the connected product.
The user should be given a reasonable opportunity to reject this agreement. If a user
choses to reject the contractual terms and conditions, this should not prevent the user
from using the relevant product of the service, unless the product of the service cannot
function without the user’s acceptance of the contractual terms. Any contractual term
in the agreement stipulating that a data holder may use the data generated by the user of
a product or related service should be transparent to the user, including as regards the
purpose for which a data holder intends to use the data. This Regulation should not
prevent contractual conditions, whose effect is to exclude or limit the use of the data, or
certain categories thereof, by a data holder. This Regulation should also not prevent
sector-specific regulatory requirements under Union law, or national law compatible
with Union law, which would exclude or limit the use of certain such data by a data
holder on well-defined public policy grounds.

(24a) It is currently often difficult for businesses to justify the personnel or computing costs
that are necessary for preparing non-personal data sets or data products and offer
them to potential counterparties via data marketplaces, including data intermediation
services, as defined in Regulation (EU) 2022/868 of the European Parliament and of
the Council1. A substantial hurdle to non-personal data sharing by businesses thus
results from the lack of predictability of economic returns from investing in the
curation and making available of data sets or data products. In order to allow for the
emergence of liquid, efficient and fair markets for non-personal data in the Union, it
must be clarified which party has the right to offer such data on a marketplace. Users
should therefore have the right to share non-personal data with data recipients for
commercial and non-commercial purposes. Such data sharing could be performed

1 Regulation (EU) 2022/868 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May
2022 on European data governance and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 (Data
Governance Act) (OJ L 152, 3.6.2022, p. 1).
directly by the user, upon the request of the user via a data holder or through data
intermediation services. Data intermediation services, as regulated by Regulation
(EU) 2022/868 could facilitate a data economy by establishing commercial
relationships between users, data recipients and third parties and may support users
in exercising their right to use data, such as ensuring the proper anonymisation of
the data or aggregation of access to data from multiple individual users. In order to
protect the incentives for users to monetise non-personal data from connected
products they own, data holders should only be able to monetise aggregated data sets
from multiple users and should not make available non-personal data accessed by
them from the connected product to third parties for commercial or non-commercial
purposes, other than the fulfilment of their contractual obligations to the user. At the
same time, where data holders have contractually agreed with users the right to use
such data, they should be free to use it for a wide range of purposes, including
improving the functioning of the connected product or related services, developing
new products or services or enriching or manipulating it or aggregating it with other
data, including with the aim of making available the resulting data set with third
parties, as long as such derived data set does not allow the identification of the specific
data items accessed by the data holder from the connected product, or allow a third
party to derive those data items from the data set without a significant effort.

(24b) Where products generate data, that is derived or inferred from other data generated
by the connected product by means of proprietary, complex algorithms, including
those that are a part of proprietary software, within the meaning of Directive
2009/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council1, such data should be
considered to fall outside the scope of this Regulation and consequently not be subject
to the obligation for a data holder to make it available to a user or data recipient,
unless agreed otherwise between the user and the data holder. Such data should
include in particular information derived by means of sensor fusion, inferring or
deriving data from multiple sensors, collected in the connected product, using
complex, proprietary algorithms. However, data inferred or derived from processing
of raw data collected from a single sensor or a connected group of sensors, for the
purpose of making the collected data comprehensible for wider use-cases by

1 Directive 2009/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April

2009 on the legal protection of computer programs (OJ L 111, 5.5.2009, p. 16).
determining a physical quantity or quality or the change in a physical quantity, such
as temperature, pressure, flow rate, pH, liquid level, position, acceleration or speed,
should be included in the obligation for data holders to make data available to users
and data recipients. Sectorial legislation should further define accessible data based
on the specificities of the sector.

(24c) In principle, to foster the emergence of liquid, fair and efficient markets for non-
personal data, users of connected products should be able to share data with others,
including for commercial purposes, with minimal legal and technical effort. Ahead
of sharing data, a user should be able to share data with a high degree of certainty
that they will not face adverse legal consequence after the data has been shared.
Therefore, where data is excluded from a data holder's obligation to make it available
to users or data recipients, the scope of such data should be specified in the
contractual agreement between the user and the data holder for the provision of a
related service in a comprehensible and clear format, in a way that users can easily
determine which data is available for them for sharing with data recipients or third
parties without further obligations to protect such data.

(24d) There are many reasons why certain data generated by the use of a product remain
inaccessible to a data holder and consequently would not fall under the sharing
obligations of chapter II. Data may be highly volatile (values recorded at high
frequency) and either instantly or quickly overwritten. They may be collected only for
activating a very specific function, such as the activity of windshield wipers or
headlights, and there is currently no use case and the design of the product does not
foresee such data to be stored in the product in light of the cost related to storage of
such data, to connecting the data-capturing sensor to a central computing component
from which data could be exported and the costs of connectivity for transmitting the
data when volumes are considerable. In this regard, sector-specific regulations should
further specify relevancy of accessible data according to their specificities in order to
ensure the availability of at least data, which is essential for the repairing or servicing
of the connected products and related services.

(25) In sectors characterised by the concentration of a small number of manufacturers or

providers of related services supplying end users, the ability of users to bargain for
access to data transferred by the connected product or generated during the provision
of related services is limited due to the bargaining power of the manufacturer or
provider of related service. In such circumstances, contractual agreements may be
insufficient to achieve the objective of user empowerment. The data tends to remain
under the control of the manufacturers or providers of related services, making it
difficult for users to obtain value from the data generated by the equipment they own.
Consequently, there is limited potential for innovative smaller businesses to offer data-
based solutions in a competitive manner and for a diverse data economy in Europe. This
Regulation should therefore build on recent developments in specific sectors, such as
the Code of Conduct on agricultural data sharing by contractual agreement. Sectoral
legislation may be brought forward to address sector-specific needs, security concerns
and objectives. Furthermore, data holders should not use any data accessed by them
from the connected product or generated during the provision of related services in
order to derive insights about the economic situation of the user or its assets or
production methods or the use in any other way that could undermine the commercial
position of the user on the markets it is active on. This would, for instance, involve using
knowledge about the overall performance of a business or a farm in contractual
negotiations with the user on potential acquisition of the user’s products or agricultural
produce to the user’s detriment, or for instance, using such information to feed in larger
databases on certain markets in the aggregate ( ▌ e.g. databases on crop yields for the
upcoming harvesting season) as such use could affect the user negatively in an indirect
manner. The user should be given the necessary technical interface to manage
permissions, preferably with granular permission options (such as "allow once" or
"allow while using this app or service"), including the option to withdraw permission.

(26) In contracts between a data holder and a consumer as a user of connected products or
related service generating data, EU consumer law applies, Directive 2005/29/EC,
which applies against unfair commercial practices, and Directive 93/13/EEC applies
to the terms of the contract to ensure that a consumer is not subject to unfair contractual
terms. For unfair contractual terms unilaterally imposed ▌ this Regulation provides that
such unfair terms should not be binding on that enterprise.

(27) Data holders may require appropriate user identification to verify the user’s entitlement
to access the data. In the case of personal data processed by a processor on behalf of the
controller, data holders should ensure that the access request is received and handled
by the processor.
(28) The user should be free to use the data for any lawful purpose. This includes providing
the data the user has received exercising the right under this Regulation to a data
recipient offering an aftermarket service that may be in competition with a service
provided by a data holder, or to instruct the data holder to do so. The request should
also be valid regardless of whether the request is put forward by the user or an
authorised third party acting on user’s behalf, such as authorised data intermediation
service in the meaning of the Regulation (EU) 2022/868. Data holders should ensure
that the data made available to a data recipient is as accurate, complete, reliable,
relevant and up-to-date as the data the data holder itself may be able or entitled to access
from the use of the connected product or related service. Any trade secrets or intellectual
property rights should be fully respected in handling the data. It is important to preserve
incentives to invest in products with functionalities based on the use of data from sensors
built into that product. The aim of this Regulation should accordingly be understood as
to foster the development of new, innovative products or related services, stimulate
innovation on aftermarkets, but also stimulate the development of entirely novel
services making use of the data, including based on data from a variety of products or
related services. At the same time, it aims to avoid undermining the investment
incentives for the type of product from which the data are obtained, for instance, by the
use of data to develop a competing product. Other lawful purposes in this context
include reverse engineering, when allowed pursuant to Directive (EU) of the
European Parliament and of the Council 2016/9431 as a lawful means of independent
discovery of know-how or information, provided that it does not lead to unfair
competition and it is without prejudice of the obligation not to develop a competing
product using the data received under this Regulation. This may be the case for the
purposes of repairing, prolonging the lifetime of a product or providing aftermarket
services to connected products when the manufacturer or provider of related services
has ended their production or provision.

(28a) This Regulation should be interpreted in a manner to preserve the protection awarded
to trade secrets under Directive (EU) 2016/943. To that end, data holders should be
able to require the user, or third parties of the users’ choice, to preserve the

1 Directive (EU) 2016/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June
2016 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade
secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure (OJ L 157, 15.6.2016,
p. 1).
confidentiality of data considered as trade secrets. Trade secrets should be identified
prior to the disclosure. However, data holders cannot undermine the right of the users
to request access and use of data in accordance with this Regulation on the basis of
certain data being considered as trade secrets by the data holder. The data holder, or
the trade secret holder where it is not the data holder, should have the possibility to
agree with the user, or third parties of the users’ choice, on appropriate measures to
preserve their confidentiality, including by the use of model contractual terms,
confidentiality agreements, strict access protocols, technical standards and the
application of codes of conduct. In cases where the user or third parties of the users’
choice fail to implement those measures or undermine the confidentiality of trade
secrets, the data holder should be able to suspend the sharing of data identified as
trade secrets, pending review by the data coordinator of the Member State. In such
cases, the data holder should immediately notify the data coordinator of the Member
State in which the data holder is established, pursuant to Article 31 of this Regulation,
that it has suspended the sharing of data and identify which measures have not been
implemented or which trade secrets have had their confidentiality undermined. Where
the user, or a third party of the user’s choice, wishes to challenge the data holder’s
decision to suspend the sharing of data, the data coordinator should decide, within a
reasonable period of time, whether the data sharing should be resumed or not and if
yes, indicate under which conditions. The Commission, assisted by the European Data
Innovation Board, should develop model contractual terms, and should be able to
develop technical standards. The Commission, assisted by the European Innovation
Board, could also encourage the establishment of codes of conduct in relation with
the respect of trade secrets or intellectual property rights in handling the data, in order
to help achieving the aim of this Regulation.

(29) A data recipient to whom data is made available may be a natural or legal person,
enterprise, a research organisation or a not-for-profit organisation or an intermediary,
including data intermediation services or data altruism organisations as defined in
Regulation (EU) 2022/868. In making the data available to a data recipient, data
holders should not abuse their position to seek a competitive advantage in markets
where a data holder and data recipient may be in direct competition. Data holders
should not therefore use any data accessed from the connected product or generated
during the provision of a related service in order to derive insights about the economic
situation of the third party or its assets or production methods or the use in any other
way that could undermine the commercial position of the third party on the markets it
is active on. The user should have the right to share non-personal data with third
parties for commercial purposes. Upon the agreement with the user, and subject to
the provisions of this Regulation, data recipients should be able to transfer the data
access rights granted by the user to third parties, including in exchange for
compensation. Data intermediation services [as regulated by Regulation (EU)
2022/868] may support users or data recipients in establishing a commercial relation
for any lawful purpose on the basis of data falling within the scope of this Regulation.
They could play an instrumental role in aggregating access to data from a large
number of individual potential data users so that big data analyses or machine
learning can be facilitated, as long as such users remain in full control on whether to
contribute their data to such aggregation and the commercial terms under which their
data will be used.

(30) The use of a product or related service may, in particular when the user is a natural
person, generate data that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person (the data
subject). Processing of such data is subject to the rules established under Regulation
(EU) 2016/679, including where personal and non-personal data in a data set are
inextricably linked8. The data subject may be the user or another natural person.
Personal data may only be requested by a controller or a data subject. A user who is the
data subject is under certain circumstances entitled under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 to
access personal data concerning them, and such rights are unaffected by this Regulation.
Under this Regulation, the user who is a natural person is further entitled to access all
data generated by the product, personal and non-personal. Where the user is not the data
subject but an enterprise, including a sole trader, and not in cases of shared household
use of the product, the user will be a controller within the meaning of Regulation (EU)
2016/679. Accordingly, such a user as controller intending to request personal data
generated by the use of a product or related service is required to have a legal basis for
processing the data under Article 6(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, such as the consent
of the data subject or legitimate interest. This user should ensure that the data subject is
appropriately informed of the specified, explicit and legitimate purposes for processing
those data, and how the data subject may effectively exercise their rights. Where the

8 OJ L 303, 28.11.2018, p. 59.

data holder and the user are joint controllers within the meaning of Article 26 of
Regulation (EU) 2016/679, they are required to determine, in a transparent manner by
means of an arrangement between them, their respective responsibilities for compliance
with that Regulation. It should be understood that such a user, once data has been made
available, may in turn become a data holder, if they meet the criteria under this
Regulation and thus become subject to the obligations to make data available under this

(31) Data accessed from a connected product or generated during the provision of a related
service should only be made available to a third party at the request of the user. This
Regulation accordingly complements the right provided under Article 20 of Regulation
(EU) 2016/679. That Article provides for a right of data subjects to receive personal
data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and
to port those data to other controllers, where those data are processed on the basis of
Article 6(1), point (a), or Article 9(2), point (a), or of a contract pursuant to Article 6(1),
point (b). Data subjects also have the right to have the personal data transmitted directly
from one controller to another, but only where technically feasible. Article 20 specifies
that it pertains to data provided by the data subject but does not specify whether this
necessitates active behaviour on the side of the data subject or whether it also applies to
situations where a product or related service by its design observes the behaviour of a
data subject or other information in relation to a data subject in a passive manner. The
right under this Regulation complements the right to receive and port personal data
under Article 20 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 in several ways. It grants users the right
to access and make available to a data recipient to any data accessed from the
connected product or generated during the provision of a related service, irrespective
of its nature as personal data, of the distinction between actively provided or passively
observed data, and irrespective of the legal basis of processing. Unlike the technical
obligations provided for in Article 20 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, this Regulation
mandates and ensures the technical feasibility of third party access for all types of data
coming within its scope, whether personal or non-personal. It also allows data holders
to set reasonable compensation to be met by data recipients, but not by the user, for any
cost incurred in providing direct access to the data generated by the user’s product. If a
data holder and third party are unable to agree terms for such direct access, the data
subject should be in no way prevented from exercising the rights contained in
Regulation (EU) 2016/679, including the right to data portability, by seeking remedies
in accordance with that Regulation. It is to be understood in this context that, in
accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, a contractual agreement does not allow for
the processing of special categories of personal data by data holders or data recipient.

(32) Access to any data stored in and accessed from terminal equipment is subject to
Directive 2002/58/EC and requires the consent of the subscriber or user within the
meaning of that Directive unless it is strictly necessary for the provision of an
information society service explicitly requested by the user or subscriber (or for the sole
purpose of the transmission of a communication). Directive 2002/58/EC (‘ePrivacy
Directive’) (and the proposed ePrivacy Regulation) protect the integrity of the user's
terminal equipment as regards the use of processing and storage capabilities and the
collection of information. Internet of Things equipment is considered terminal
equipment if it is directly or indirectly connected to a public communications network.

(33) In order to prevent the exploitation of users, data recipients to whom data has been
made available upon request of the user should only process the data for the purposes
agreed with the user and not share it with another third party without unequivocally
informing the user in a timely manner and having its explicit agreement to such

(34) Data recipients should only access additional information that is necessary for the
provision of the service requested by the user. Having received access to data, the data
recipient should process it exclusively for the purposes agreed with the user, without
interference from the data holder. It should be as easy for the user to refuse or
discontinue access by the data recipient to the data as it is for the user to authorise
access. A data recipient or data holder should not make the exercise of the rights or
choices of users unduly difficult including by offering choices to users in a non-
neutral manner, or coerce, deceive or manipulate the user in any way, or by subverting
or impairing the autonomy, decision-making or choices of the user, including by means
of a digital interface or a part thereof, including its structure, design, function or
manner of operation with the user. In this context, third parties or data holders should
not rely on so-called dark patterns in designing their digital interfaces. Dark patterns are
design techniques that push or deceive consumers into decisions that have negative
consequences for them. These manipulative techniques can be used to persuade users,
particularly vulnerable consumers, to engage in unwanted behaviours, and to deceive
users by nudging them into decisions on data disclosure transactions or to unreasonably
bias the decision-making of the users of the service, in a way that subverts and impairs
their autonomy, decision-making and choice. Common and legitimate commercial
practices that are in compliance with Union law should not in themselves be regarded
as constituting dark patterns. Third parties and data holders should comply with their
obligations under relevant Union law, including the requirements set out in Directive
2005/29/EC, Directive 2011/83/EU, Directive 2000/31/EC and Directive 98/6/EC.

(35) Data holders and data recipients should also refrain from using the data to profile
individuals unless these processing activities are strictly necessary to provide the service
requested by the user. The requirement to delete personal data when no longer required
for the purpose agreed with the user complements the right to erasure of the data subject
pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Where a data recipient is a
provider of a data intermediation service within the meaning of Regulation (EU)
2022/868, the safeguards for the data subject provided for by that Regulation apply. The
third party may use the data to develop a new and innovative product or related service
but not to develop a competing product.

(36) Start-ups, SMEs and companies from traditional sectors with less-developed digital
capabilities struggle to obtain access to relevant data. This Regulation aims to facilitate
access to data for these entities, while ensuring that the corresponding obligations are
scoped as proportionately as possible to avoid overreach. At the same time, a small
number of very large companies have emerged with considerable economic power in
the digital economy through the accumulation and aggregation of vast volumes of data
and the technological infrastructure for monetising them. These companies include
undertakings that provide core platform services controlling whole platform ecosystems
in the digital economy and whom existing or new market operators are unable to
challenge or contest. The Regulation (EU) 2022/1925 of the European Parliament and
of the Council1 aims to redress these inefficiencies and imbalances by allowing the
Commission to designate a provider as a “gatekeeper”, and imposes a number of
obligations on such designated gatekeepers, including a prohibition to combine certain
data without consent, and an obligation to ensure effective rights to data portability

1 Regulation (EU) 2022/1925 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 September
2022 on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector and amending Directives (EU)
2019/1937 and (EU) 2020/1828 (Digital Markets Act). (OJ L 265, 12.10.2022, p. 1)
under Article 20 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Consistent with the ▌ Regulation (EU)
2022/1925, and given the unrivalled ability of these companies to acquire data, it would
not be necessary to achieve the objective of this Regulation, and would thus be
disproportionate in relation to data holders made subject to such obligations, to include
such gatekeeper undertakings as beneficiaries of the data access right. This means that
an undertaking providing core platform services that has been designated as a
gatekeeper cannot request or be granted access to users’ data generated by the use of a
product or related service or by a virtual assistant based on the provisions of Chapter II
of this Regulation. An undertaking providing core platform services designated as a
gatekeeper pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2022/1925 should be understood to include all
legal entities of a group of companies where one legal entity provides a core platform
service. Furthermore, third parties to whom data are made available at the request of the
user may not make the data available to a designated gatekeeper. For instance, the third
party may not sub-contract the service provision to a gatekeeper. However, this does not
prevent third parties from using data processing services offered by a designated
gatekeeper. This exclusion of designated gatekeepers from the scope of the access right
under this Regulation does not prevent these companies from obtaining data through
other lawful means.

(37) Micro and small enterprises should be excluded from the obligations of Chapter II.
That is not the case, however, where a micro or small enterprise is sub-contracted to
manufacture or design a product. In such situations, the enterprise, which has sub-
contracted to the micro or small enterprise, is able to compensate the sub-contractor
appropriately. A micro or small enterprise may nevertheless be subject to the
requirements laid down by this Regulation as data holder, where it is not the
manufacturer of the product or a provider of related services.

(38) This Regulation contains ▌ rules, whenever a data holder is obliged by law to make data
available to a data recipient. Such access should be based on fair, reasonable, non-
discriminatory and transparent conditions to ensure consistency of data sharing practices
in the internal market, including across sectors, and to encourage and promote fair data
sharing practices even in areas where no such right to data access is provided. These
general access rules do not apply to obligations to make data available under Regulation
(EU) 2016/679. Voluntary data sharing remains unaffected by these rules.
(39) Based on the principle of contractual freedom, the parties should remain free to
negotiate the precise conditions for making data available in their contracts, within the
framework of the general access rules for making data available.

(40) In order to ensure that the conditions for mandatory data access are fair for both parties,
the general rules on data access rights should refer to the rule on avoiding unfair contract

(41) Any agreement concluded for making the data available should not discriminate
between comparable categories of data recipients, independently whether they are
large companies or micro, small or medium-sized enterprises. In order to compensate
for the lack of information on the conditions of different contracts, which makes it
difficult for the data recipient to assess if the terms for making the data available are
non-discriminatory, it should be the responsibility of the data holders to demonstrate
that a contractual term is not discriminatory. The Commission, while involving all
affected stakeholders, should establish practical guidelines on what constitutes non-
discriminatory terms. It is not unlawful discrimination, where a data holder uses
different contractual terms for making data available ▌ , if those differences are justified
by objective reasons. These obligations are without prejudice to Regulation (EU)

(42) In order to incentivise the continued investment in generating and making available
valuable data, including investments in relevant technical tools, this Regulation contains
the principle that data holders may request reasonable compensation when legally
obliged to make data available to the data recipient in business- to business relations.
These provisions should not be understood as paying for the data itself, but to allow
data holders to be reasonably compensated for making data available or, in the case
of micro, small or medium-sized enterprises and of research organisations using the
data on a not-for-profit basis, for the direct costs incurred and investment required for
making the data available. The Commission should develop guidance detailing what
qualifies as a reasonable compensation in the data economy.

(42a) Such reasonable compensation may include firstly the costs incurred and, except for
micro and small enterprises, investment required for making the data available. Those
costs can be technical costs, such as the costs necessary for data reproduction,
dissemination via electronic means and storage, but not of data collection or
production. Such technical costs could include also the costs for processing,
necessary to make data available. Costs related to making the data available may also
include the costs of facilitating concrete data sharing requests. They may also vary
depending on the arrangements taken for making the data available. Long-term
arrangements between data holders and data recipients, for instance via a
subscription model or the use of smart contracts, could reduce the costs in regular or
repetitive transactions in a business relationship. Costs related to making data
available are either specific to a particular request or shared with other requests. In
the latter case, a single data recipient should not pay the full costs of making the data
available. Reasonable compensation may include, except for micro and small
enterprises, secondly a margin. Such margin may vary depending on factors related
to the data itself, such as volume, format or nature of the data, or on the supply of
and demand for the data. It may consider the costs for collecting the data. The margin
may therefore decrease where the data holder has collected the data for its own
business without significant investments or may increase where the investments in the
data collection for the purposes of the data holder’s business are high. The margin
may also depend on the follow-on use of the data by the data recipient. It may be
limited or even excluded in situations where the use of the data by the data recipient
does not affect the own activities of the data holder. The fact that the data is co-
generated by a connected product owned by the user could also lower the amount of
the compensation in comparison to other situations where the data are generated by
the data holder for example during the provision of a related service.

(43) In duly justified cases, including the need to safeguard consumer participation and
competition or to promote innovation in certain markets, Union law or national
legislation implementing Union law may impose regulated compensation for making
available specific data types.

(44) To protect micro, small or medium-sized enterprises from excessive economic burdens
which would make it commercially too difficult for them to develop and run innovative
business models, the compensation for making data available to be paid by them should
not exceed the direct cost of making the data available and be non-discriminatory. The
same regime should apply to those research organisations that use the data on a not-
for-profit basis.

(45) Direct costs for making data available are the costs necessary for data reproduction,
dissemination via electronic means and storage but not of data collection or production.
Direct costs for making data available should be limited to the share attributable to the
individual requests, taking into account that the necessary technical interfaces or related
software and connectivity will have to be set up permanently by the data holder. Long-
term arrangements between data holders and data recipients, for instance via a
subscription model, could reduce the costs linked to making the data available in regular
or repetitive transactions in a business relationship. The data holder, if not an SME,
should actively provide the calculation showing that his price is a cost-based, when
he knows, or should have known, that his counterparty is an SME. In any case, he
should state that he is obliged to make the data available to an SME at cost price and
that he is obliged to make detailed information available when requested.

(46) It is not necessary to intervene in the case of data sharing between large companies, or
when the data holder is a small or medium-sized enterprise and the data recipient is a
large company. In such cases, the companies are considered capable of negotiating any
compensation if it is reasonable, taking into account factors such as the volume, format,
nature, or supply of and demand for the data as well as the costs for collecting and
making the data available to the data recipient. In the case of misuse or disclosure of
data, the data recipient should be liable for the damages to the party suffering from it
and should comply without undue delay with the requests of the data holder.

(47) Transparency is an important principle to ensure that the compensation requested by a

data holder is reasonable, or, if the data recipient is an SME, that the compensation does
not exceed the costs directly related to making the data available to the data recipient
and is attributable to the individual request. In order to put data recipients in the position
to assess and verify that the compensation complies with the requirements under this
Regulation, the data holder should provide to the data recipient the information for the
calculation of the compensation with a sufficient degree of detail.

(48) Ensuring access to alternative ways of resolving domestic and cross-border disputes that
arise in connection with making data available should benefit data holders and data
recipients and therefore strengthen trust in data sharing. In cases where parties cannot
agree on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms of making data available, dispute
settlement bodies should offer a simple, fast and low-cost solution to the parties.

(49) To avoid that two or more dispute settlement bodies are seized for the same dispute,
particularly in a cross-border setting, a dispute settlement body should be able to reject
a request to resolve a dispute that has already been brought before another dispute
settlement body or before a court or a tribunal of a Member State.

(50) Parties to dispute settlement proceedings should not be prevented from exercising their
fundamental rights to an effective remedy and to a fair trial. Therefore, the decision to
submit a dispute to a dispute settlement body should not deprive those parties of their
right to seek redress before a court or a tribunal of a Member State. Dispute settlement
bodies should make annual activity reports publicly available.

(51) Where one party is in a stronger bargaining position, there is a risk that that party could
leverage such position to the detriment of the other contracting party when negotiating
access to data and make access to data commercially less viable and sometimes
economically prohibitive. Such contractual imbalances harm enterprises without a
meaningful ability to negotiate the conditions for access to data, who may have no other
choice than to accept ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ contractual terms. Therefore, unfair contract
terms regulating the access to and use of data or the liability and remedies for the breach
or the termination of data related obligations should not be binding on micro, small or
medium-sized enterprises when they have been unilaterally imposed on them.

(52) Rules on contractual terms should take into account the principle of contractual freedom
as an essential concept in business-to-business relationships. ▌ . This concerns ‘take-it-
or-leave-it’ situations where one party supplies a certain contractual term and the other
enterprise cannot influence the content of that term despite an attempt to negotiate it. A
contractual term that is simply provided by one party and accepted by the other
enterprise or a term that is negotiated and subsequently agreed in an amended way
between contracting parties should not be considered as unilaterally imposed. All
contractual agreements should be in line with Fair, Reasonable and Non-
Discriminatory (FRAND) principles.

(53) Furthermore, the rules on unfair contractual terms should only apply to those elements
of a contract that are related to making data available, that is contractual terms
concerning the access to and use of data as well as liability or remedies for breach and
termination of data related obligations. Other parts of the same contract, unrelated to
making data available, should not be subject to the unfairness test laid down in this
(54) Criteria to identify unfair contractual terms should be applied only to excessive
contractual terms, where a stronger bargaining position is abused. The vast majority of
contractual terms that are commercially more favourable to one party than to the other,
including those that are normal in business-to-business contracts, are a normal
expression of the principle of contractual freedom and ▌ continue to apply.

(55) If a contractual term is not included in the list of terms that are always considered unfair
or that are presumed to be unfair, the general unfairness provision applies. In this regard,
the terms listed as unfair terms should serve as a yardstick to interpret the general
unfairness provision. Finally, model contractual terms for business-to-business data
sharing contracts to be developed and recommended by the Commission may also be
helpful to commercial parties when negotiating contracts.

(56) In situations of exceptional need, it may be necessary for public sector bodies or Union
institutions, agencies or bodies to use data held by an enterprise or that it is currently
collecting or has previously obtained, collected or otherwise generated and which it
retains at the time of the request, to respond to public emergencies or in other
exceptional cases. Research-performing organisations and research-funding
organisations could also be organised as public sector bodies or bodies governed by
public law. To limit the burden on businesses, micro and small enterprises should be
exempted from the obligation to provide public sector bodies and Union institutions,
agencies or bodies data in situations of exceptional need.

(57) In case of public emergencies, such as public health emergencies, emergencies resulting
from environmental degradation and major natural disasters including those aggravated
by climate change, as well as human-induced major disasters, such as major
cybersecurity incidents, the public interest resulting from the use of the data will
outweigh the interests of the data holders to dispose freely of the data they hold. In such
a case, data holders should be placed under an obligation to make the data available to
public sector bodies or to Union institutions, agencies or bodies upon their request and
subject to conditions and other safeguards set out in this Regulation or other Union
or national law. The existence of a public emergency is determined according to the
respective procedures in the Member States or of relevant international organisations.

(58) An exceptional need may also stem from non-emergency situations when a public
sector body can demonstrate that the data are necessary for the fulfilment of a specific
task in the public interest that has been explicitly provided and defined by national law,
such as preventing or assisting the recovery from a public emergency. Such a request
can be made only when the ▌ public sector body or the Union institution, agency or
body has identified specific data which is unavailable and only if it has exhausted all
of the following three alternative means to obtain data: requesting the data through
voluntary agreements; purchasing the data on the market or by relying on existing
obligations to make data available.

(59) This Regulation should not apply to, nor pre-empt, voluntary arrangements for the
exchange of non-personal data between private and public entities. ▌ Requirements to
access data to verify compliance with applicable rules, including in cases where public
sector bodies assign the task of the verification of compliance to entities other than
public sector bodies, should also not be affected by this Regulation.

(60) For the exercise of their tasks in the areas of prevention, investigation, detection or
prosecution of criminal and administrative offences, the execution of criminal and
administrative penalties, as well as the collection of data for taxation or customs
purposes, public sector bodies and Union institutions, agencies and bodies should rely
on their powers under sectoral legislation. This Regulation accordingly does not affect
instruments for the sharing, access and use of data in those areas.

(61) A proportionate, limited and predictable framework at Union level is necessary for the
making available of data by data holders, in cases of exceptional needs, to public sector
bodies and to Union institution, agencies or bodies both to ensure legal certainty and to
minimise the administrative burdens placed on businesses. To this end, data requests by
public sector bodies and by Union institution, agencies and bodies to data holders should
be based on Union or national law, specific, transparent and proportionate in terms of
their scope of content and their granularity. The purpose of the request and the intended
use of the data requested should be specific and clearly explained, while allowing
appropriate flexibility for the requesting entity to perform its tasks in the public interest.
The request should also respect the legitimate interests of the businesses to whom the
request is made. The burden on data holders should be minimised by obliging requesting
entities to respect the once-only principle, which prevents the same data from being
requested more than once by more than one public sector body or Union institution,
agency or body where those data are needed to respond to a public emergency. To ensure
transparency and an appropriate coordination, data requests made by public sector
bodies and by Union institutions, agencies or bodies should be communicated without
undue delay by the entity requesting the data to the data coordinator of that Member
State that will ensure that those request are to be included in an online public
available list of all requests justified by an exceptional need.

(62) The objective of the obligation to provide the data is to ensure that public sector bodies
and Union institutions, agencies or bodies have the necessary knowledge to respond to,
prevent or recover from public emergencies or to maintain the capacity to fulfil specific
tasks explicitly provided by law. The data obtained by those entities may be
commercially sensitive. Therefore, Regulation (EU) 2022/868, as well as Directive
(EU) 2019/1024 of the European Parliament and of the Council9 should not apply to
data made available under this Regulation and should not be considered as open data
available for reuse by third parties. This however should not affect the applicability of
Directive (EU) 2019/1024 to the reuse of official statistics for the production of which
data obtained pursuant to this Regulation was used, provided the reuse does not include
the underlying data. In addition, it should not affect the possibility of sharing the data
for conducting research or for the compilation of official statistics, provided the
conditions laid down in this Regulation are met. Where allowed by Union or national
law, public sector bodies should also be allowed to exchange data obtained pursuant to
this Regulation with other public sector bodies to address the exceptional needs for
which the data has been requested. provided that the data holder is informed in a timely
manner and all bodies respect the same rules on transparency as the original
requester of the data and protection of trade secrets and intellectual property rights is

(63) Data holders should have the possibility to either ask for a modification of the request
made by a public sector body or Union institution, agency and body or its cancellation
in a period of 5 or 15 working days depending on the nature of the exceptional need
invoked in the request. In case of requests motivated by a public emergency, justified
reason not to make the data available should exist if it can be shown that the request is
similar or identical to a previously submitted request for the same purpose by another
public sector body or by another Union institution, agency or body or if the data holder
is not currently collecting or has not previously collected, obtained or otherwise

9 Directive (EU) 2019/1024 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June
2019 on open data and the re-use of public sector information (OJ L 172, 26.6.2019, p.
generated the requested data and does not retain it at the time of the request. A data
holder rejecting the request or seeking its modification should communicate the
underlying justification for refusing the request to the public sector body or to the Union
institution, agency or body requesting the data. In case the sui generis database rights
under Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council10 apply in
relation to the requested datasets, data holders should exercise their rights in a way that
does not prevent the public sector body and Union institutions, agencies or bodies from
obtaining the data, or from sharing it, in accordance with this Regulation.

(65) Data made available to public sector bodies and to Union institutions, agencies and
bodies on the basis of exceptional need should only be used for the purpose for which
they were requested ▌ . The data should be destroyed once it is no longer necessary for
the purpose stated in the request, unless agreed otherwise, and the data holder should be
informed thereof. Public sector bodies and to Union institutions, agencies and bodies
should ensure, including through the application of proportionate security measures,
where applicable in accordance with Union and national law, that any protected
nature of data is preserved and unauthorised access is avoided.

(66) When reusing data provided by data holders, public sector bodies and Union institutions,
agencies or bodies should respect both existing applicable legislation and contractual
obligations to which the data holder is subject. Where the disclosure of trade secrets of
the data holder to public sector bodies or to Union institutions, agencies or bodies is
strictly necessary to fulfil the purpose for which the data has been requested,
confidentiality of such disclosure should be ensured in advance to the data holder or
the trade secret holder, including as appropriate, by the use of model contractual
clauses, technical standards and the application of codes of conduct. In cases where
the public sector body or the Union institutions, agency or body or the third parties
that received the data to perform the task that have been outsourced to it, fail to
implement those measures or undermine the confidentiality of trade secrets, the data
holder should be able to suspend the sharing of data identified as trade secrets. Such
a decision to suspend the sharing of data might be challenged by the public sector

10 Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on
the legal protection of databases (OJ L 77, 27.3.1996, p. 20).
body or the Union institutions, agency or body or the third parties to which data were
transmitted and subject to review by the data coordinator of the Member State.

(67) When the safeguarding of a significant public good is at stake, such as is the case of
responding to public emergencies, the public sector body or the Union institution,
agency or body should not be expected to compensate enterprises for the data obtained
provided that the request is limited in time and scope, proportionate to the state of the
public emergency. Public emergencies are rare events and not all such emergencies
require the use of data held by enterprises. The business activities of the data holders
are therefore not likely to be negatively affected as a consequence of the public sector
bodies or Union institutions, agencies or bodies having recourse to this Regulation.
However, as cases of an exceptional need other than responding to a public emergency
might be more frequent, including cases of prevention of or recovery from a public
emergency, data holders should in such cases be entitled to a reasonable compensation.
This Regulation should not affect existing Union or national arrangements in which
data is shared free of charge, or prevent public sector bodies, Union institutions,
agencies or bodies, and data holders from entering into voluntary data sharing
agreements free of charge.

(68) The public sector body or Union institution, agency or body may share the data it has
obtained pursuant to the request with other entities or persons when this is needed to
carry out scientific research activities or analytical activities it cannot perform itself
provided that those activities are strictly necessary to respond to the emergency need.
It should inform the data holder of such sharing in a timely manner. Such data may
also be shared under the same circumstances with the national statistical institutes and
Eurostat for the compilation of official statistics. Such research activities should
however be compatible with the purpose for which the data was requested and the data
holder should be informed about the further sharing of the data it had provided.
Individuals conducting research or research organisations with whom these data may be
shared should act either on a not-for-profit basis or in the context of a public-interest
mission recognised by the State. Organisations upon which commercial or public
undertakings have a decisive influence allowing such undertakings to exercise control
because of structural situations, which could result in preferential access to the results
of the research, should not be considered research organisations for the purposes of this
(69) The ability for customers of data processing services, including cloud and edge services,
to switch from one data processing service to another, while avoiding downtime of
services, or to use the services of several providers simultaneously without undue
data transfer costs, is a key condition for a more competitive market with lower entry
barriers for new service providers, and for ensuring further resilience for the users of
those services. Guarantees for effective switching should also include customers
benefiting from large-scale free-tier offerings, so that does not result in a lock-in
situation for customers. Facilitating a multi-cloud approach for customers of data
processing services can also contribute to increasing their digital operational
resilience, as recognised for financial service institutions in the Digital Operational
Resilience Act (DORA).

(69a) Switching charges are charges imposed by providers of cloud computing on their
customers for the switching process. Typically, those charges are intended to pass on
costs, which the source provider may incur because of the switching process, to the
customer that wishes to switch. Examples of common switching charges are costs
related to the transfer of data from one provider to the other or to an on-premise
system (‘egress fees’) or the costs incurred for specific support actions during the
switching process. Unnecessarily high egress fees and other unjustified charges
unrelated to actual switching costs, inhibit customers’ switching, restrict the free flow
of data, have the potential to limit competition and cause lock-in effects for the
customers of data processing services, by reducing incentives to choose a different or
additional service provider. As a result of the new obligations foreseen in this
Regulation, the source provider of data processing services might outsource certain
tasks and renumerate third party entities in order to comply with those obligations.
The customer should not bare costs arising from the outsourcing of services
concluded by the source provider of data processing services during the switching
process and such costs should be considered as unjustified. Nothing in the Data Act
prevents a customer to remunerate third party entities for support in the migration
process. Egress fees are charged to customers by providers of source data processing
services when the customers are willing to take their data out from a cloud provider’s
network to an external location, especially when switching from one provider to one
or several providers of destination, to relocate their data from one location to another
while using the same cloud service provider. Therefore, in order to foster competition,
the gradual withdrawal of the charges associated with switching data processing
services should specifically include withdrawing egress fees charged by the data
processing service to a customer.

(70) Regulation (EU) 2018/1807 of the European Parliament and of the Council encourages
▌ providers of data processing services to effectively develop and implement self-
regulatory codes of conduct covering best practices for, inter alia, facilitating the
switching of providers of data processing service ▌ and the porting of data. Given the
limited uptake of the self-regulatory frameworks developed in response, and the general
unavailability of open standards and interfaces, it is necessary to adopt a set of minimum
regulatory obligations on providers of data processing services to eliminate contractual,
commercial, organisational, economic and technical barriers, which are not limited to
an impeded speed of data transfer at the customer’s exit, which hamper effective
switching between data processing services.

(71) Data processing services should cover services that allow ubiquitous and on-demand
network access to a configurable, scalable and elastic shared pool of ▌ distributed
computing resources. Those computing resources include resources such as networks,
servers or other virtual or physical infrastructure ▌ , software, including software
development tools, storage, applications and services. The deployment models of data
processing services should include private and public cloud. Such services and
deployment models should be the same as defined by international standards. The
capability of the customer of the data processing service to unilaterally self-provision
computing capabilities, such as server time or network storage, without any human
interaction by the provider of data processing services could be described as requiring
minimal management effort and as entailing minimal interaction between provider
and customer. The term ‘ubiquitous’ is used to describe that the computing capabilities
are provided over the network and accessed through mechanisms promoting the use of
heterogeneous thin or thick client platforms (from web browsers to mobile devices and
workstations). The term ‘scalable’ refers to computing resources that are flexibly
allocated by the provider of data processing services, irrespective of the geographical
location of the resources, in order to handle fluctuations in demand. The term ‘elastic ▌
’ is used to describe those computing resources that are provisioned and released
according to demand in order to rapidly increase or decrease resources available
depending on workload. The term ‘shared pool’ is used to describe those computing
resources that are provided to multiple users who share a common access to the service,
but where the processing is carried out separately for each user, although the service is
provided from the same electronic equipment. The term ‘distributed’ is used to describe
those computing resources that are located on different networked computers or devices
and which communicate and coordinate among themselves by message passing. The
term ‘highly distributed’ is used to describe data processing services that involve data
processing closer to where data are being generated or collected, for instance in a
connected data processing device. Edge computing, which is a form of such highly
distributed data processing, is expected to generate new business models and cloud
service delivery models, which should be open and interoperable from the outset.
Digital services considered as an online platform as defined in point (i) of Article 3 of
[the Digital Services Act] and an online content service as defined in Article 2(5) of
Regulation (EU) 2017/1128 of the European Parliament and of the Council 1 should
not be considered as ‘data processing services’ within the meaning of this Regulation.

(71a) Data processing services fall into one or more of the following three data processing
service delivery models: IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service), PaaS (platform-as-a-
service) and SaaS (software-as-a-service). Those service delivery models represent a
specific, pre-packaged combination of IT resources offered by a provider of data
processing service. Three base cloud delivery models are further completed by
emerging variations, each comprised of a distinct combination of IT resources, such
as Storage-as-a-Service and Database-as-a-Service. For the purpose of this
Regulation, data processing services can be categorised in more granular and a non-
exhaustive multiplicity of different ‘equivalent services’, meaning sets of data
processing services that share the same primary objective and main functionalities as
well as the same type of data processing models, that are not related to the service
operational characteristics. In an example two databases might appear to share the
same primary objective, but after considering their data processing model,
distribution model and targeted use-case, such databases should fall into a more
granular subcategory of equivalent services. Equivalent services may have different

1 Regulation (EU) 2017/1128 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14

June 2017 on cross-border portability of online content services in the internal
market (OJ L 168, 30.6.2017, p. 1).
and competing characteristics such as performance, security, resilience, and quality
of service.

(71b) Extracting the data that belongs to the customer from the source provider of data
processing services remains one of the challenges that impedes restoration of the
service functionalities in the destination provider infrastructure. In order to properly
plan the exit strategy, avoid unnecessary and burdensome tasks and to ensure that the
customer does not lose any of its data as a consequence of the switching process, the
source provider of data processing services should include in the contract the
mandatory information on the scope of the data that can be exported by the customer
once he or she decides to switch to a different service, other provider of data
processing services or move to on-premise ICT infrastructure. The scope of
exportable data should include at a minimum input and output data, including
relevant data formats, data structures and metadata directly or indirectly generated
or co-generated by the customer’s use of the data processing service, and that can be
clearly assigned to the customer. The exportable data should exclude any data
processing service, or third party’s assets or data protected by intellectual property
rights or constituting a trade secret or confidential information, such as data related
to the integrity and security of the service provided by the data processing service, and
should also exclude data used by the provider to operate, maintain and improve the

(72) This Regulation aims to facilitate switching between data processing services, which
encompasses all relevant conditions and actions that are necessary for a customer to
terminate a contractual agreement of a data processing service, to conclude one or
multiple new contracts with different providers of data processing services, to port all
its digital assets, including data, to the concerned other providers and to continue to use
them in the new environment and benefit from functional equivalence. It should be
noted that the data processing services in scope are those where the data processing
service, as defined under this Regulation, forms part of the core business of a
provider. Digital assets refer to elements in digital format for which the customer has
the right of use, including data, applications, virtual machines and other manifestations
of virtualisation technologies, such as containers. Switching is a customer-driven
operation consisting in three main steps, namely (i) data extraction, i.e. downloading
data from a source provider’s ecosystem; (ii) transformation, when the data is
structured in a way that does not match the schema of the target location; and (iii)
the uploading of the data in a new destination location. In a specific situation outlined
in this Regulation, unbundling of a particular service from the contract and moving
it to another provider should also be considered as switching. The switching process
is sometimes managed on behalf of the customer by a third-party entity. Accordingly,
all right and obligations of the customer established by this Regulation, including the
obligation to collaborate in good faith, should be understood to apply to such a third-
party entity in those circumstances. Providers of cloud computing services and
customers have different levels of responsibilities, depending on the steps of the
process referred to. For instance, the source provider of data processing services is
responsible to extract the data to a machine-readable format, but it is the customer
and the destination provider who will upload the data to the new environment, unless
specific professional transition service has been obtained. Obstacles to switching are
of a different nature, depending on which step of the switching process is referred to.
Functional equivalence means the possibility to re-establish, on the basis of the
customer’s data, a minimum level of functionality of a service in the environment of a
new data processing service after switching, where the destination service delivers a
comparable outcome in response to the same input for shared functionality supplied
to the customer under the contractual agreement. Different services may only achieve
functional equivalence for the shared core functionalities, where both the source and
destination service providers independently offer the same core functionalities. This
Regulation does not instance an obligation of facilitating functional equivalence for
data processing service delivery models of the PaaS or SaaS. Relevant meta-data,
generated by the customer’s use of a service, should also be portable pursuant to this
Regulation’s provisions on switching and falls within the definition of exportable data.
Data processing services are used across sectors and vary in complexity and service
type. This is an important consideration with regard to the porting process and

(72a) An ambitious and innovation inspiring regulatory approach to interoperability is

needed, in order to overcome vendor lock-in, which undermines competition and the
development of new services. Interoperability between equivalent data processing
services involves multiple interfaces and layers of infrastructure and software and is
rarely confined to a binary test of being achievable or not. Instead, the building of
such interoperability is subject to a cost-benefit analysis which is necessary to
establish whether it is worthwhile to pursue reasonably predictable results. The
ISO/IEC 19941:2017 is an important reference for the achievement of the objectives
of this Regulation, as it contains technical considerations clarifying the complexity of
such a process.

(73) Where providers of data processing services are in turn customers of data processing
services provided by a third party provider, they will benefit from more effective
switching themselves, while simultaneously invariably bound by this Regulation’s
obligations for what pertains to their own service offerings.

(74) Providers of data processing services should be required not to impose and to remove
all relevant obstacles and to offer all assistance and support within their capacity and
proportional to their respective obligations that is required to make the switching
process successful, safe and effective. This Regulation does not require providers of
data processing services to develop new categories of data processing services,
including within or on the basis of the IT-infrastructure of different data processing
service providers to guarantee functional equivalence in an environment other than their
own systems. A source provider of data processing services has no access and insights
into the environment of the destination provider of data processing services and
should not be obliged to rebuilt customer’s service, according to functional
equivalence requirements, within the destination provider’s infrastructure. Instead,
the source provider should take all reasonable measures within their power to
facilitate the process of achieving functional equivalence through providing
capabilities, adequate information, documentation, technical support and, where
appropriate, the necessary tools. The information to be provided by providers of data
processing services to the customer should support the development of the customer’s
exit strategy and should include procedures for initiating switching from the cloud
computing service, the machine-readable data formats that the user’s data can be
exported to, the tools, including at least one open standard data portability interface,
foreseen to export data, information on known technical restrictions and limitations
that could impact the switching process and the estimated time necessary to complete
the switching process. The written contract setting out the rights of the customer and
the obligations of the provider of cloud computing services should only cover
information which is available to the provider of data processing services at the time
of the formation of the contract. Existing rights relating to the termination of contracts,
including those introduced by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Directive (EU) 2019/770
of the European Parliament and of the Council11 should not be affected. Any mandatory
period under this Regulation should not affect compliance with other timelines
specified under sectoral legislation. Chapter VI of this Regulation should not be
understood as preventing a provider of data processing services from provisioning to
its customers new and improved services, features and functionalities or from
competing with other providers of data processing services on that basis.

(75) To facilitate switching between data processing services, providers of data processing
services should consider the use of implementation and/or compliance tools, notably
those published by the Commission in the form of a Rulebook relating to cloud services.
In particular, standard contractual clauses are beneficial to increase confidence in data
processing services, to create a more balanced relationship between users and providers
of data processing services and to improve legal certainty on the conditions that apply
for switching to other data processing services. In this light, users and providers of data
processing services should consider the use of standard contractual clauses developed
by relevant bodies or expert groups established under Union law.

(75a) In order to facilitate switching between cloud computing services, all parties involved,
including providers of both source and destination data processing services, should
collaborate in good faith with a view to enabling an effective switching process and
the secure and timely transfer of necessary data in a commonly used, machine-
readable format, and by means of an open standard data portability interface, and
avoiding service disruptions.

(75b) Data processing services which concern services that are substantially altered to
facilitate a specific customer’s need (custom built), or data processing services that
operate on a trial basis or only supply a testing and evaluation service for business
product offerings, should be exempted from some of the obligations applicable to data
processing service switching.

11 Directive (EU) 2019/770 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May
2019 on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content and digital
services (OJ L 136, 22.5.2019, p. 1).
(75c) Without prejudice to their right to take action before a court, customers should have
access to certified dispute settlement bodies to settle disputes related to switching
between providers of data processing services.

(76) Open interoperability and portability specifications and standards developed in

accordance with paragraph 3 and 4 of Annex II to Regulation (EU) 1025/2021 of the
European Parliament and of the Council1 in the field of interoperability and portability
enable a ▌ multi-vendor cloud environment, which is a key requirement for open
innovation in the European data economy. As market-driven processes have not
demonstrated the capacity to establish technical specifications or standards that facilitate
effective cloud interoperability and portability at the PaaS ▌ and SaaS ▌ levels, the
Commission should be able, where technically feasible, on the basis of this Regulation
and in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012, to request European
standardisation bodies to develop such standards for equivalent services where such
standards do not yet exist. In addition to this, the Commission will encourage parties in
the market to develop relevant open interoperability and portability specifications.
Following consultation with stakeholders and taking into account relevant
international and European standards and self-regulatory initiatives, the
Commission, by way of delegated acts, can mandate the use of European standards for
interoperability and portability or open interoperability and portability specifications
for specific equivalent services through a reference in a central Union standards
repository for the interoperability of data processing services. Providers of data
processing services should ensure compatibility with those standards for
interoperability and portability specifications, taking into account the nature, security
and integrity of the data they host. European standards for the interoperability and
portability of data processing services and open interoperability specifications will only
be referenced if in compliance with the criteria specified in this Regulation, which have
the same meaning as the requirements in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Annex II to Regulation

1 Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25

October 2012 on European standardisation, amending Council Directives
89/686/EEC and 93/15/EEC and Directives 94/9/EC, 94/25/EC, 95/16/EC, 97/23/EC,
98/34/EC, 2004/22/EC, 2007/23/EC, 2009/23/EC and 2009/105/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Decision 87/95/EEC and
Decision No 1673/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L
316, 14.11.2012, p. 12).
(EU) No 1025/2021 and the interoperability facets defined under the ISO/IEC

(77) Third countries may adopt laws, regulations and other legal acts that aim at directly
transferring or providing governmental access to non-personal data located outside their
borders, including in the Union. Judgments of courts or tribunals or decisions of other
judicial or administrative authorities, including law enforcement authorities in third
countries requiring such transfer or access to non-personal data should be enforceable
when based on an international agreement, such as a mutual legal assistance treaty, in
force between the requesting third country and the Union or a Member State. In other
cases, situations may arise where a request to transfer or provide access to non-personal
data arising from a third country law conflicts with an obligation to protect such data
under Union law or national law, in particular as regards the protection of fundamental
rights of the individual, such as the right to security and the right to effective remedy,
or the fundamental interests of a Member State related to national security or defence,
as well as the protection of commercially sensitive data, including the protection of trade
secrets, and the protection of intellectual property rights, and including its contractual
undertakings regarding confidentiality in accordance with such law. In the absence of
international agreements regulating such matters, transfer or access should only be
allowed if it has been verified that the third country’s legal system requires the reasons
and proportionality of the decision to be set out, that the court order or the decision is
specific in character, and that the reasoned objection of the addressee is subject to a
review by a competent court in the third country, which is empowered to take duly into
account the relevant legal interests of the provider of such data. Wherever possible under
the terms of the data access request of the third country’s authority, the provider of data
processing services should be able to inform the consumer whose data are being
requested in order to verify the presence of a potential conflict of such access with Union
or national rules, such as those on the protection of commercially sensitive data,
including the protection of trade secrets and intellectual property rights and the
contractual undertakings regarding confidentiality.

(78) To foster further trust in the data, it is important that safeguards in relation to Union
citizens, the public sector and businesses are implemented to the extent possible to
ensure control over their data. In addition, Union law, values and standards should be
upheld in terms of (but not limited to) security, data protection and privacy, and
consumer protection. In order to prevent unlawful access to non-personal data, providers
of data processing services subject to this instrument, such as cloud and edge services,
should take all reasonable measures to prevent access to the systems where non-personal
data is stored, including, where relevant, through the encryption of data, the frequent
submission to audits, the verified adherence to relevant security reassurance certification
schemes, and the modification of corporate policies.

(79) Standardisation, semantic and syntactic interoperability should play a key role to
provide technical solutions to enable portability and interoperability. In order to
facilitate the conformity with the requirements for interoperability within the common
European data spaces which are purpose- or sector-specific or cross-sectoral,
interoperable frameworks of common standards and practices to share or jointly
process data for, inter alia, development of new products and services, scientific
research or civil society initiatives should be developed. This Regulation lays down
certain essential requirements for interoperability. Participants within the data
spaces, which are entities facilitating or engaging in data sharing within the common
European data spaces, including data holders, should comply with those
requirements. Compliance with those rules can occur by adhering to the requirements
laid down in this Regulation, or by adapting to already existing standards via a
presumption of conformity. In order to facilitate the conformity with the requirements
for interoperability, it is necessary to provide for a presumption of conformity for
interoperability solutions that meet harmonised standards or parts thereof in accordance
with Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 ▌. Standards should be developed in open,
technology neutral and inclusive way line with Chapter II of the Regulation (EU) No
1025/2012. Taking into account, where relevant, positions adopted by the European
Data Innovation Board according to Article 30, point (f), of Regulation (EU)
2022/868, the Commission should adopt common specifications in areas where no
harmonised standards exist or where they are insufficient in order to further enhance
interoperability for the common European data spaces, application programming
interfaces, cloud switching as well as smart contracts. Additionally, common
specifications in the different sectors could remain to be adopted, in accordance with
Union or national sectoral law, based on the specific needs of those sectors. Reusable
data structures and models (in form of core vocabularies), ontologies, metadata
application profile, reference data in the form of core vocabulary, taxonomies, code lists,
authority tables, thesauri could also be part of the technical specifications for semantic
interoperability. Furthermore, following consultation with stakeholders and taking
into account relevant international and European standards and self-regulating
initiatives, where relevant, positions adopted by the European Data Innovation Board,
as referred to in Article 30, point (f), of Regulation (EU) 2022/868, the Commission
should be enabled to adopt common specifications in areas where no harmonised
standards exist and to mandate the development of harmonised standards for the
portability and interoperability of data processing services. The European Data
Innovation Board should build on existing European and global initiatives for cross-
sectoral interoperability of data. In particular, the European Data Innovation Board
should study the potential of the digital identity of objects framework as established
by the Regulation (EU) 910/214 and systems for the identification of legal entities
such as the GLEIF for that purpose.

(79a) In order to further enhance coordination in the enforcement of this Regulation, the
European Data Innovation Board should foster the mutual exchange of information
amongst competent authorities as well as advise and assist the Commission in matters
falling under this Regulation that fall within the competences of Article 30 of
Regulation (EU) 2022/868. A subgroup for stakeholder involvement referred to in
Article 29(2), point (c), of that Regulation should participate in the consultation on a
continual basis.

(80) To promote the interoperability of smart contracts in data sharing applications, it may
be necessary to lay down essential requirements for smart contracts for professionals
who create smart contracts for others or integrate such smart contracts in applications
that support the implementation of agreements for sharing data. For example, smart
contracts should guarantee that conditions for data sharing are respected. Specific
training programmes on smart contracts for businesses, in particular SMEs, should
be promoted.

(81) In order to ensure the efficient implementation of this Regulation, Member States should
designate one or more competent authorities and assign to them sufficient resources.
If a Member State designates more than one competent authority, it should also
designate a coordinating competent authority. Competent authorities should cooperate
with each other effectively and in a timely manner, in line with the principles of good
administration and mutual assistance to ensure the effective implementation and
enforcement of this Regulation. The authorities responsible for the supervision of
compliance with data protection and competent authorities designated under sectoral
legislation should have the responsibility for application of this Regulation in their areas
of competence. Competent authorities should cooperate upon request of the
authorities within the European Data Protection Board and the European Data
Innovation Board.

(81a) In order to further enhance coordination in the enforcement of this Regulation, the
European Data Innovation Board should foster the mutual exchange of information
amongst competent authorities as well as advise and assist the Commission in matters
falling under this Regulation with a focus on the matters falling under the
competences of the Board in line with Article 30 of Regulation (EU) No 2022/868.

(82) In order to enforce their rights under this Regulation, natural and legal persons should
be entitled to seek redress for the infringements of their rights under this Regulation by
lodging complaints with the data coordinator, other relevant competent authorities and
before the Courts. Those authorities should be obliged to cooperate to ensure the
complaint is appropriately handled and resolved swiftly and effectively. In order to make
use of the consumer protection cooperation network mechanism and to enable
representative actions, this Regulation amends the Annexes to the Regulation (EU)
2017/2394 of the European Parliament and of the Council12 and Directive (EU)
2020/1828 of the European Parliament and of the Council13.

(83) Member States competent authorities should ensure that infringements of the
obligations laid down in this Regulation are sanctioned by penalties. When doing so,
they should take into account the nature, gravity, recurrence and duration of the
infringement in view of the public interest at stake, the scope and kind of activities
carried out, as well as the economic capacity of the infringer. They should take into
account whether the infringer systematically or recurrently fails to comply with its
obligations stemming from this Regulation. In order to help enterprises to draft and

12 Regulation (EU) 2017/2394 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12

December 2017 on cooperation between national authorities responsible for the
enforcement of consumer protection laws and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004
(OJ L 345, 27.12.2017, p. 1).
13 Directive (EU) 2020/1828 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25
November 2020 on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of
consumers and repealing Directive 2009/22/EC (OJ L 409, 4.12.2020, p. 1).
negotiate contracts, the Commission should develop and recommend non-mandatory
model contractual terms for business-to-business data sharing contracts, where
necessary taking into account the conditions in specific sectors and the existing practices
with voluntary data sharing mechanisms. These model contractual terms should be
primarily a practical tool to help in particular smaller enterprises to conclude a contract.
When used widely and integrally, these model contractual terms should also have the
beneficial effect of influencing the design of contracts about access to and use of data
and therefore lead more broadly towards fairer contractual relations when accessing and
sharing data.

(84) In order to eliminate the risk that holders of databases containing data obtained or
generated by means of physical components, such as sensors, of a connected product
and a related service, namely machine-generated data, claim the sui generis right under
Article 7 of Directive 96/9/EC, this Regulation clarifies that the sui generis right does
not apply to such databases as the requirements for protection of a substantial
investment in either the obtaining, verification or presentation of the data as provided
for in Article 7(1) of Directive 96/9/EC would not be fulfilled. That does not affect the
possible application of the sui generis right under Article 7 of Directive 96/9/EC to
databases containing data falling outside the scope of this Regulation provided the
requirements for protection in accordance with Article 7(1) of that Directive are

(85) In order to take account of technical aspects of data processing services, the power to
adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 TFEU should be delegated to the Commission
in respect of supplementing this Regulation to introduce a monitoring mechanism on
switching charges imposed by data processing service providers on the market, to
further specify the essential requirements for participants of data spaces that offer data
or data services to other participants, and data processing service providers on
interoperability and to publish the reference of open interoperability specifications and
European standards for the interoperability of data processing services. It is of particular
importance that the Commission carry out appropriate consultations during its
preparatory work, including at expert level, and that those consultations be conducted
in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement on Better
Law-Making of 13 April 201614. In particular, to ensure equal participation in the
preparation of delegated acts, the European Parliament and the Council receive all
documents at the same time as Member States’ experts, and their experts systematically
have access to meetings of Commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of
delegated acts.

(86) In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation,
implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission in respect of
supplementing this Regulation to adopt common specifications to ensure the
interoperability of common European data spaces and data sharing, the switching
between data processing services, the interoperability of smart contracts as well as for
technical means, such as application programming interfaces, for enabling transmission
of data between parties including continuous or real-time and for core vocabularies of
semantic interoperability, and to adopt common specifications for smart contracts.
Those powers should be exercised in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of
the European Parliament and of the Council15.

(87) This Regulation should not affect specific provisions of acts of the Union adopted in the
field of data sharing between businesses, between businesses and consumers and
between businesses and public sector bodies that were adopted prior to the date of
▌adoption of this Regulation. To ensure consistency and the smooth functioning of the
internal market, the Commission should, where relevant, evaluate the situation with
regard to the relationship between this Regulation and the acts adopted prior to the date
of adoption of this Regulation regulating data sharing, in order to assess the need for
alignment of those specific provisions with this Regulation. This Regulation should be
without prejudice to rules addressing needs specific to individual sectors or areas of
public interest. Such rules may include additional requirements on technical aspects of
the data access, such as interfaces for data access, or how data access could be provided,
for example directly from the product or via data intermediation services. Such rules
may also include limits on the rights of data holders to access or use user data, or other
aspects beyond data access and use, such as governance aspects. This Regulation also

14 OJ L 123, 12.5.2016, p. 1.
15 Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16
February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for
control by the Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powers
(OJ L 55, 28.2.2011, p.13).
should be without prejudice to more specific rules in the context of the development of
common European data spaces.

(88) This Regulation should not affect the application of the rules of competition, and in
particular Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty. The measures provided for in this
Regulation should not be used to restrict competition in a manner contrary to the Treaty.

(89) In order to allow the economic actors to adapt to the new rules laid out in this Regulation,
and make the necessary technical arrangements, they should apply from 18 months
after entry into force of the Regulation. Only where the data holder and the
manufacturer are the same entity the obligations related to the provision of related
services provided for the connected products already placed in the market within the
last five years from the entry into force of this Regulation should apply retroactively.
Such obligations should be fulfilled, only when the provider of related services is able
to remotely deploy mechanisms to ensure the fulfilment of the requirements pursuant
to Article 1 and only when the deployment of such mechanisms would not place a
disproportionate burden on the manufacturer.

(90) The European Data Protection Supervisor and the European Data Protection Board were
consulted in accordance with Article 42 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 and delivered a
joint opinion on [XX XX 2022],




Article 1

Subject matter and scope

1. This Regulation lays down harmonised rules on :

(a) the design of connected products to allow access to data generated by a

connected product or generated during the provision of related services to the
user of that product;
(b) data holders making available data they accessed from a connected product
or generated during the provision of a related service to data subjects, users or
to data recipients, at the request of the user or data subject;

(c) fair contractual terms for data sharing agreements;

(d) the making available of data to public sector bodies or Union institutions,
agencies or bodies, where there is an exceptional need in the public interest;

(e) facilitating switching between data processing services;

(f) introducing safeguards against unlawful international governmental access to

non-personal data; and

(g) providing for the development of interoperability standards and common

specifications for data to be transferred and used.

1a. This Regulation covers personal and non-personal data, including the following
types of data or in the following contexts:

(a) Chapter II applies to accessible data obtained, collected or otherwise generated

by connected products or generated during the provision of related services;

(b) Chapter III applies to any private sector data subject to statutory data sharing

(c) Chapter IV applies to any private sector data accessed and used on the basis
of contractual agreements between businesses;

(d) Chapter V applies to any private sector non-personal data;

(e) Chapter VI applies to any data and services processed by data processing

(f) Chapter VII applies to any non-personal data held in the Union by providers
of data processing services.

2. This Regulation applies to:

(a) manufacturers of connected products and providers of related services placed on

the market in the Union irrespective of their place of establishment and users
of such connected products or related services or in the case of personal data,
identified or identifiable natural persons the data obtained, collected, or
generated by the use, relates to;
(b) users of connected products or related services in the Union and data holders,
irrespective of their place of establishment, that make data available to data
recipients in the Union or in the case of personal data, identified or identifiable
natural persons the data obtained, collected, or generated by the use, relates

(c) data recipients in the Union to whom data are made available;

(d) public sector bodies of a Member State and Union institutions, agencies or
bodies that request data holders to make data available where there is an
exceptional need to that data for the performance of a specific task carried out in
the public interest and the data holders that provide those data in response to
such request;

(e) providers of data processing services, irrespective of their place of

establishment, offering such services to customers in the Union.

3. Union law on the protection of personal data, privacy and confidentiality of

communications and integrity of terminal equipment shall apply to any personal data
processed in connection with the rights and obligations laid down in this Regulation.
The obtaining, collection, or generation of personal data through the use of a
product or related service shall require a legal basis pursuant to applicable data
protection law. This Regulation does not constitute a legal basis for the processing
of personal data. This Regulation is without prejudice to Union law on the protection
of personal data and privacy, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Regulation
(EU) 2018/1725, and Directive 2002/58/EC, including the rules concerning the
powers and competences of supervisory authorities. In the event of a conflict between
this Regulation and Union law on the protection of personal data or privacy or
national law adopted in accordance with such Union law, the relevant Union or
national law on the protection of personal data or privacy shall prevail. Insofar as
the rights laid down in Chapter II of this Regulation are concerned, and where users
are the data subjects of personal data, subject to the rights and obligations under that
Chapter, the provisions of this Regulation shall complement and particularise the
right of data portability under Article 20 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. No provision
of this Regulation shall be applied or interpreted in such a way as to diminish or
limit the right to the protection of personal data or the right to privacy and
confidentiality of communications.
4. This Regulation shall not affect Union and national legal acts providing for the sharing,
access and use of data for the purpose of the prevention, investigation, detection or
prosecution of criminal or administrative offences or the execution of criminal or
administrative penalties, including Regulation (EU) 2021/784 of the European
Parliament and of the Council16 and the [e-evidence proposals [COM(2018) 225 and
226] once adopted, and international cooperation in that area. This Regulation shall
not affect the collection, sharing, access to and use of data under Directive (EU)
2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prevention of the use
of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering and terrorist financing
and Regulation (EU) 2015/847 of the European Parliament and of the Council on
information accompanying the transfer of funds. This Regulation shall not affect the
competences of the Member States regarding activities concerning public security,
defence, national security, customs and tax administration and the public health and
the safety of citizens in accordance with Union law. This Regulation shall not apply
to data collected or generated in the context of defence-related activities or by
defence products or services or by products or services deployed and used for defence

4a. This Regulation complements and does not affect the applicability of Union law
aiming to promote the interests of consumers and to ensure a high level of consumer
protection, to protect their health, safety and economic interests, including
Directives 2005/29/EC, 2011/83/EU and 93/13/EEC.

4b. Data holders shall not be obliged to provide access to data to any natural or legal
person, entity or body outside the Union, unless requested by the user or otherwise
provided by the Union law or national law implementing the Union law.

4c. The obligations set out in the Regulation shall not preclude voluntary lawful
reciprocal non personal data sharing between users, data holders and data
recipients, agreed in contracts.

16 Regulation (EU) 2021/784 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April
2021 on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online (OJ L 172, 17.5.2021,
p. 79).
Article 2


For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions apply:

(1) ‘data’ means any digital representation of acts, facts or information and any
compilation of such acts, facts or information, including in the form of sound, visual
or audio-visual recording; content, or data obtained, generated or collected by the
connected product or transmitted to it on behalf of others for the purpose of storage
or processing, shall not be covered by this Regulation.

(1a) ‘personal data’ means personal data as defined in Article 4, point (1), of Regulation
(EU) 2016/679;

(1b) ‘non-personal data’ means data other than personal data;

(1c) ‘consent’ means consent as defined in Article 4, point (11), of Regulation (EU)

(1d) ‘data subject’ means data subject as defined in Article 4, point (1), of Regulation
(EU) 2016/679;

(1e) ‘data user’ means a natural or legal person who has lawful access to certain
personal or non-personal data and has a right to use that data for commercial or
non-commercial purposes;

(2) ‘connected product’ means an ▌ item, that obtains, generates or collects, accessible
data concerning its use or environment, and that is able to communicate data via an
electronic communications service, a physical, connection or on-device access and
whose primary function is not the storing, processing or transmission of data on
behalf of others;

(3) ‘related service’ means a digital service, including software , but excluding electronic
communication services which is inter-connected with a product in such a way that
its absence would prevent the product from performing one or more of its functions,
and which involves accessing data from the connected product by the provider or
the service;

(4) ‘virtual assistants’ means software that can process demands, tasks or questions
including those based on audio, written input, gestures or motions, and based on those
demands, tasks or questions provides access to other services or control the functions
of products;

(4a) ‘consumer’ means any natural person who, is acting for purposes which are outside
that person’s trade, business, craft or profession;

(5) ‘user’ means a natural or legal person that owns a connected product or receives a
related service or to whom the owner of a connected product has transferred, on the
basis of a rental or leasing agreement, temporary rights to use a connected product
or receive related services and, where the connected product or related service
involves the processing of personal data, the data subject;

(6) ‘data holder’ means a legal or natural person, who has accessed data from the
connected product or has generated data during the provision of a related service
and who has the contractually agreed right to use such data, and the obligation, in
accordance with this Regulation, applicable Union law or national legislation
implementing Union law to make available certain data to the user or a data recipient;

(7) ‘data recipient’ means a legal or natural person ▌ other than the user of a connected
product or related service, to whom a data holder makes available data accessed from
a connected product or generated during the provision of a related service following
an explicit request by the user ▌ or in accordance with a legal obligation under Union
law or national legislation implementing Union law;

(8) ‘enterprise’ means a natural or legal person which in relation to contracts and practices
covered by this Regulation is acting for purposes which are related to that person’s
trade, business, craft or profession;

(9) ‘public sector body’ means national, regional or local authorities of the Member States
and bodies governed by public law of the Member States, or associations formed by
one or more such authorities or one or more such bodies;

(10) ‘public emergency’ means an exceptional situation, limited in time such as public
health emergencies, emergencies resulting from natural disasters, as well as human-
induced major disasters, including major cybersecurity incidents, negatively
affecting the population of the Union, a Member State or part of it, with a risk of
serious and lasting repercussions on living conditions or economic stability, financial
stability, or the substantial and immediate degradation of economic assets in the Union
or the relevant Member State(s) and which is determined and officially declared
according to the relevant procedures under Union or national law;

(10a) ‘official statistics’ means ‘European statistics’ within the meaning of Regulation
(EC) No 223/20091;

(11) ‘processing’ means any operation or set of operations which is performed on data or
on sets of data in electronic format, whether or not by automated means, such as
collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration,
retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise
making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;

(12) ‘data processing service’ means a digital service other than an online content service
as defined in Article 2(5) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1128, provided to a customer,
which enables on-demand administration and broad remote access to a scalable and
elastic pool of shareable computing resources of a centralised, distributed or highly
distributed nature;

(13) ‘service type’ means a set of data processing services that share the same primary
objective and basic data processing service model;

(14) ‘functional equivalence’ means the maintenance of a minimum level of functionality

in the environment of a new data processing service after the switching process, to
such an extent that, in response to an input action by the user on core elements of the
service, the destination service will deliver the same output at the same performance
and with the same level of security, operational resilience and quality of service as the
originating service at the time of termination of the contract;

(15) ‘open standards’, mean technical specifications, ▌ which are performance oriented
towards achieving interoperability between data processing services and which are
adopted through an inclusive, collaborative, consensus-based and transparent
process from which materially affected and interested parties cannot be excluded;

1 Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11

March 2009 on European statistics and repealing Regulation (EC, Euratom) No
1101/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the transmission of
data subject to statistical confidentiality to the Statistical Office of the European
Communities, Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 on Community Statistics, and
Council Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom establishing a Committee on the Statistical
Programmes of the European Communities (OJ L 87, 31.3.2009, p. 164).

(18) ‘common specifications’ means a document, other than a standard, containing

technical solutions providing a means to comply with certain requirements and
obligations established under this Regulation;

(19) ‘interoperability’ means the ability of two or more data-based serviced, including data
spaces or communication networks, systems, products, applications or components to
process, exchange and use data in order to perform their functions in an accurate,
effective and consistent manner;

(19a) ‘portability’ means the ability of a customer to move imported or directly generated
data that can be clearly assigned to the customer between their own system and cloud
services, and between cloud services of different cloud service providers;

(20) ‘harmonised standard’ means a harmonised standard as defined in Article 2, point

(1)(c), of Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012;

(20a) ‘common European data spaces’ means purpose- or sector-specific or cross-sectoral

interoperable frameworks of common standards and practices to share or jointly
process data for, inter alia, development of new products and services, scientific
research or civil society initiatives;

(20b) ’metadata’ means a structured description of the contents of the use of data
facilitating the discovery or use of that data;

(20c) ‘data intermediation service’ means data intermediation service as referred to in

Article 2, point (8), of Regulation (EU) 2022/868;

(20d) ‘data altruism’ means the voluntary sharing of data as defined in Article 2(16)of
Regulation (EU) 2022/868;

(20e) ‘trade secret’ means information which meets all the requirements of Article 2, point
(1) of Directive (EU) 2016/943;

(20f) ‘trade secret holder’ should be understood as per Article 2, point (2) of Directive
(EU) 2016/943.


Article 3

Obligation to make data accessed from connected products or generated during the
provision of related services accessible to the user.

1. Connected products shall be designed and manufactured in such a manner that data
they collect, generate or otherwise obtain, which are accessible to data holders or
data recipients are, by default free of charge to the user, and easily, securely and,
where relevant and technically feasible, directly accessible to it, in a comprehensive,
structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. Data shall be available
in the form in which they have been collected, obtained or generated by the
connected product, along with only the minimal adaptations necessary to make them
useable by a third party, including related metadata necessary to interpret and use
the data. Information derived or inferred from this data by means of complex
proprietary algorithms, in particular where it combines the output of multiple
sensors in the connected product, shall not be considered within the scope of a data
holder’s obligation to share data with users or data recipients unless agreed
differently between the user and the data holder. In case that user is a data subject,
connected products shall offer possibilities to directly exercise the data subjects’
rights, where technically feasible. Connected products shall be designed and
manufactured in such a way that a data subject, irrespective of their legal title over
the connected product, is offered the possibility to use the products covered by this
Regulation in the least privacy-invasive way possible. The requirements set out in
the first subparagraph shall be met without inhibiting the functionality of the
connected product and related services and in accordance with data security
requirements as laid down by Union law.

1a. Data holders may reject a request for data if access to the data is prohibited by Union
or national law.

2. Before concluding a contract for the purchase of a connected product, the

manufacturer, or where relevant the vendor, shall provide at least the following
information ▌ to the user, in a simple manner and in a clear and comprehensible

(a) the type of data, format, sampling frequency, the in-device storage capacity,
and the estimated volume of accessible data which the connected product is
capable of collecting, generating or otherwise obtaining;

(b) whether the connected product is capable of generating data continuously and
in real-time;

(ba) whether data will be stored on-device or on a remote server, including the
period during which it shall be stored;

(c) how the user may access free of charge, and, where relevant, retrieve and
request the deletion of those data;

(ca) The technical means to access the data, such as Software Development Kits or
application programming interfaces, and their terms of use and quality of
service shall be sufficiently described to enable the development of such means
of access;

(cb) Whether a data holder is the holder of trade secrets or other intellectual
property rights contained in the data likely to be accessed from the connected
product or generated during the provision of related service, and, if not, the
identity of the trade secret holder, such as its trading name and the
geographical address at which it is established.

2a. Related services shall be provided in such a manner that data generated during their
provision, which represent the digitalisation of user actions or events, are free of
charge to the user and, by default, easily, securely and, where relevant and
technically feasible, directly accessible to the user in a structured, commonly used
and machine-readable format, along with the relevant metadata necessary to
interpret and use it.

2b. Before the user concludes an agreement with a provider of related services, which
involves the provider’s access to data from the connected product during the
provision of such services, in line with Article 4(6) of this Regulation, the agreement
shall address:
(a) the nature, volume, collection frequency and format of data accessed by the
provider of related services from the connected product and, where relevant,
the modalities for the user to access or retrieve such data, including the period
during which it shall be stored;

(b) the nature and estimated volume of data generated during the provision of the
related service, as well as modalities for the user to access or retrieve such

(c) granular, meaningful consent options for data processing, within the meaning
of Article 4(11) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679;

(d) whether the service provider providing the related service, in its role as data
holder, intends to use the data accessed from the connected product itself or
allow one or more third parties to use the data for purposes agreed upon with
the user;

(e) the trading name of the provider of the related service, its legal entity identifier,
contact details and the geographical address at which it is established; and
where applicable, other data processing parties;

(f) where relevant, the means of communication which enable the user to contact
the provider quickly and communicate with its staff efficiently;

(g) how the user may request that the data are shared with a data recipient, and,
where relevant, withdraw the consent for data sharing;

(h) Whether a data holder is the holder of trade secrets or other intellectual
property rights contained in the data likely to be accessed from the connected
product or generated during the provision of related service, and, if not, the
identity of the trade secret holder, such as its trading name, legal identity
identifier and the geographical address at which it is established;

(i) how the user is able to manage permissions to allow the use of data, where
possible with granular permission options, and including the option to
withdraw permissions to a data holder for the use of the user’s data, to the
third parties nominated by a data holder, or to exclude geographical addresses;

(j) the duration of the agreement between the user and the provider of the related
service, as well as the modalities to terminate such an agreement prematurely;
as well as the minimal period for which the related service is guaranteed to
receive security and functionality updates;

(k) the user’s right to lodge a complaint alleging a violation of the provisions of
this Chapter with the data coordinator referred to in Article 31.

Article 3a

Data Literacy

1. When implementing this Regulation, the Union and the Member States shall
promote measures and tools for the development of data literacy, across sectors and
taking into account the different needs of groups of users, consumers and
businesses, including through education and training, skilling and reskilling
programmes and while ensuring a proper gender and age balance, in view of
allowing a fair data society and market.

Article 4

The rights and obligations of users and data holders to access, use and make available data
accessed from connected products or generated during the provision of related services

1. Where data cannot be directly accessed by the user from the product, data holders
shall make available to the user any data accessed by them from a connected product
or generated during the provision of a related service without undue delay, easily,
securely, in a comprehensive, structured, commonly used and machine-readable
format, free of charge and, where relevant and technically feasible, continuously and
in real-time, including making any personal data derived from such data available
to a data subject pursuant to Article 15 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, accompanied
with relevant metadata. Data shall be provided in the form in which they have been
accessed from the connected product or generated by the related service, with only
the minimal adaptations necessary to make them useable by a third party, including
related metadata necessary to interpret and use the data. Information
derived or inferred from this data by means of complex proprietary algorithms, in
particular where it combines the output of multiple sensors in the connected product,
shall not be considered within the scope of a data holder’s obligation to share data
with users or data recipients, unless agreed differently between the user and the data
holder. Any data access request to a data holder should be done on the basis of a
simple request through electronic means where technically feasible and, where
appropriate, indicate the type, nature or scope of data requested.

1a. Data holders may reject a request for data if access to the data is prohibited by Union
or national law;

1b. Users and data holders may agree contractually on restricting or prohibiting the
access, use of or further sharing of data, which could undermine security of the
product as laid down by law. Each party may refer the case to the data coordinator,
to assess whether such restriction is justified, in particular in light of serious adverse
effect on the health, safety or security of human beings. Sectoral competent
authorities will be given the possibility to provide technical expertise in this context.

1c. Where in compliance with all the provisions established within this Regulation, and
the terms and conditions agreed in the contractual agreement between the parties, a
data holder shall not be liable towards the user for any damage arising from data
made available, provided that the data holder has processed the data lawfully in
accordance with Union and national law and has complied with relevant
cybersecurity requirements and where applicable, with the technical and
organisational measures to preserve the confidentiality of the shared data. When
complying with this Regulation, a user, who lawfully makes available data accessed
from the connected product or received following a request under Article 4
paragraph 1 to a third party, or a data recipient, who is lawfully sharing data made
available to it by a data holder, to a third party, shall not be liable for damage arising
from sharing such data, provided that the user or data recipient have processed the
data in accordance with Union and national laws and have complied with relevant
cybersecurity requirement and where applicable, with the technical and
organisational measures to preserve the confidentiality of the shared data.

1d. Data holders shall not make the exercise of the rights or choices of users unduly
difficult, including by offering choices to the users in a non-neutral manner or by
subverting or impair the autonomy, decision-making or free choices of the user via
the structure, design, function or manner of operation of a user interface or a part
2. Data holders shall not require the user to provide any information beyond what is
necessary to verify the quality as a user pursuant to paragraph 1. Data holders shall
not keep any information on the user’s access to the data requested beyond what is
necessary for the sound execution of the user’s access request and for the security and
the maintenance of the data infrastructure. Where identification is legally requires,
data holders shall enable the possibility for users to identify and authenticate
through the European Digital Identity Wallets, pursuant to Regulation (EU) No

3. Trade secrets shall be preserved and shall only be disclosed provided that all specific
necessary measures pursuant to Directive (EU) 2016/943 are taken in advance to
preserve their confidentiality, in particular with respect to third parties. The data holder
or the trade secret holder if it is not simultaneously the data holder, shall identify
the data which are protected as trade secrets and can agree with the user any
technical and organisational measures to preserve the confidentiality of the shared
data, in particular in relation to third parties, as well as on liability provisions. Such
technical and organisational measures include, as appropriate, model contractual
terms, confidential agreements, strict access protocols, technical standards and the
application of codes of conduct. In cases where the user fails to implement those
measures or undermines the confidentiality of trade secrets, the data holder shall be
able to suspend the sharing of data identified as trade secrets. In such cases, the data
holder must immediately notify the data coordinator of the Member State in which
the data holder is established, pursuant to Article 31 of this Regulation, that it has
suspended the sharing of data and identify which measures have not been
implemented or which trade secrets have had their confidentiality undermined.
Where the user wishes to challenge the data holder’s decision to suspend the sharing
of data, the data coordinator shall decide, within a reasonable period of time,
whether the data sharing shall be resumed or not and if yes, indicate under which

4. The user shall not use ▌ data obtained pursuant to a request referred to in paragraph 1
to develop a product that directly competes with the product, from which the data
originate and shall not use such data to derive insights about the economic situation,
assets and production methods of the manufacturer.
4a. The user shall not deploy coercive means or abuse gaps in the technical
infrastructure of a data holder designed to protect the data in order to obtain access
to data.

4b. Users have the right to either directly share, through a data holder or through
providers of data intermediation services as set in the Regulation (EU) 2022/868,
non-personal data accessed from the connected product or obtained pursuant to a
request referred in paragraph 1 to any data recipient for commercial or non-
commercial purposes. The data sharing between a user and a data recipient shall be
carried out by means of contractual agreements; the provisions of Chapter IV on
fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms shall apply mutatis mutandis to the
contractual agreements between users and data recipients.

5. Where the user is not a data subject, any personal data generated by the use of a product
or related service shall only be made available by the data holder to the user where all
conditions and rules provided by the applicable data protection law are complied
with, in particular where there is a valid legal basis under Article 6 of Regulation
(EU) 2016/679 and, where relevant, the conditions of Article 9 of Regulation (EU)
2016/679 and Article 5(3) of Directive 2002/58/EC are fulfilled.

6. Data holders shall only use any non-personal data accessed from a connected product
or generated during the provision of a related service on the basis of a contractual
agreement with the user. The data holder shall not make the use of the product or
related service dependent on the user allowing it to process data not required for the
functionality of the product or provision of the related service. The data holder shall
delete the data when they are no longer necessary for the purpose contractually
agreed. Data holders and the users shall not use such data obtained, collected or
generated by the use of the product or related service to derive insights about the
economic situation, assets and production methods of or the use of the product or
related service by the other party that could undermine the commercial position of the
other party in the markets in which the user is active.

6a. Data holders shall not make available non-personal data accessed by them from the
connected product, referred to in point (a) of Article 3(2), to third parties for
commercial or non-commercial purposes other than the fulfilment of their
contractual obligations to the user. Where relevant, data holders shall contractually
bind third parties not to further share data received from them.
6b. Where the contractual agreement between the user and a data holder allows for the
use of non personal data accessed by them from the connected product, referred to
in point (a) of Article 3(2a), the data holder shall be able to use that data for any of
the following purposes:

(a) improving the functioning of the connected product or related services;

(b) developing new products or services;

(c) enriching or manipulating it or aggregating it with other data, including with

the aim of making available the resulting data set to third parties, as long as
such derived data set does not allow the identification of the specific data items
transmitted to the data holder from the connected product, or allow a third
party to derive those data items from the data set.

6c. Users, in business-to- business relations, have the right to make data available to
data recipients or data holders under any lawful contractual condition,
including by agreeing to limit or restrict further sharing of such data, and to
be compensated proportionately in exchange for foregoing their right to use or share
such data lawfully. Data recipients or data holders shall not make the offer of a
related service, or its commercial terms, including pricing, contingent on such
agreement by the user, or coerce, deceive or manipulate in any other way the user
to make available data under such contractual conditions.

Article 5

Right of the user to share data with third parties

1. Upon request by a user, or by a party acting on behalf of a user, such as an authorised

data intermediation service in the meaning of the Regulation (EU) 2022/868, data
holders shall make available the data accessed by them from a connected product or
generated during the provision of a related service to a third party, without undue
delay, easily, securely, in a comprehensive, structured, commonly used and
machine-readable format, free of charge to the user, of the same quality as is available
to the data holder and, where relevant and technically feasible continuously and in
real-time. Where the user is a data subject, personal data shall be processed for
purposes specified by the data subject, such as the following:
(a) the provision of after-market services, such as the maintenance and repair of
the product, including after-market services in competition with a connected
product or service provided by a data holder;

(b) enabling the user to update the software of the connected product or related
services in particular to fix security and usability problems;

(c) specific data intermediation services recognised in the Union or specific

services provided by data altruism organisations recognised in the Union
under the conditions and requirements of Chapters III and IV of Regulation
(EU) 2022/868.

Data shall be provided in the form in which they have accessed from the product,
with only the minimal adaptations necessary to make them useable by a third party,
including related metadata necessary to interpret and use the data. Information
derived or inferred from this data by means of complex proprietary algorithms, in
particular where it combines the output of multiple sensors in the connected product,
shall not be considered within the scope of a data holder’s obligation to share data
with users or data recipients, unless agreed differently between the user and the data

1a. The right under paragraph 1 shall not apply to data resulting from the use of a
product or related service in the context of testing of other new products, substances
or processes that are not yet placed on the market unless use by a third party is
permitted by the agreement with the enterprise with whom the user agreed to use
one of its products for testing of other new products, substances or processes.

2. Any undertaking providing core platform services for which one or more of such
services have been designated as a gatekeeper, pursuant to Article […] of ▌
Regulation (EU) 2022/1925, shall not be an eligible data recipient under this Article
and therefore shall not:

(a) solicit or commercially incentivise a user in any manner, including by providing

monetary or any other compensation, to make data available to one of its services
that the user has obtained pursuant to a request under Article 4(1);

(b) solicit or commercially incentivise a user to request the data holder to make data
available to one of its services pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article;
(c) receive data from a user that the user has obtained pursuant to a request under
Article 4(1).

3. The user or the data recipient shall not be required to provide any information beyond
what is necessary to verify the quality as user or as data recipient pursuant to
paragraph 1. Data holders shall not keep any information on the data recipient’s
access to the data requested beyond what is necessary for the sound execution of the
data recipient’s access request and for the security and the maintenance of the data

4. The data recipient shall not deploy coercive means or abuse ▌ gaps in the technical
infrastructure of a data holder designed to protect the data in order to obtain access to

5. The data holder shall not use any non-personal data obtained, collected or generated
by the use of the product or related service to derive insights about the economic
situation, assets and production methods of or use by the third party that could
undermine the commercial position of the third party on the markets in which the third
party is active, unless the third party has expressly consented to such use and has the
technical possibility to easily withdraw that consent at any time.

6. In the case of a data subject who is not the user requesting access, any personal data
obtained, collected, or generated by their use of a product or related service, and data
derived and inferred from that use, shall only be made available by the data holder
to the third party where there is a valid legal basis under Article 6 of Regulation (EU)
2016/679 and where relevant, the conditions of Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679
and Article 5(3) of Directive 2002/58/EC are fulfilled.

7. Any failure on the part of the data holder and the third party to agree on arrangements
for transmitting the data shall not hinder, prevent or interfere with the exercise of the
rights of the data subject under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and, in particular, with the
right to data portability under Article 20 of that Regulation.

8. Trade secrets shall only be disclosed to third parties to the extent that they are strictly
necessary to fulfil the purpose of the request agreed between the user and the third
party and all specific necessary measures agreed between the data holder, or between
the trade secrets holder if it is not simultaneously the data holder, and the third party
are taken prior to the disclosure by the third party to preserve the confidentiality of
the trade secret. In such a case, the data holder or the trade secret holder, shall identify
the data which are protected as trade secrets and the technical and organisational
measures for preserving their confidentiality, as well as on liability provisions. Such
technical and organisational measures shall be specified in the agreement between
the data or trade secret holder and the third party, including, as appropriate through
model contractual terms, strict access protocols, confidential agreements, technical
standards and the application of codes of conduct. In cases where the third party
fails to implement those measures or undermines the confidentiality of trade secrets,
the data holder shall be able to suspend the sharing of data identified as trade
secrets. In such cases, the data holder must immediately notify the data coordinator
of the Member State in which the data holder is established, pursuant to Article 31,
that it has suspended the sharing of data and identify which measures have not been
implemented or which trade secrets have had their confidentiality undermined.
Where the third party wishes to challenge the data holder’s decision to suspend the
sharing of data, the data coordinator shall decide, within a reasonable period of
time, whether the data sharing shall be resumed or not and if yes, indicate under
which conditions.

9. The right referred to in paragraph 1 shall not adversely affect the rights of data subjects
of others pursuant to the applicable data protection law.

Article 6

Obligations of data recipients receiving data at the request of the user

1. A data recipient shall process ▌ data made available to it pursuant to Article 5 only
for the purposes and under the conditions agreed with the user, and where all
conditions and rules provided by the applicable data protection law are complied
with, notably where there is a valid legal basis under Article 6(1) of Regulation (EU)
2016/679 and, where relevant, the conditions of Article 9 of Regulation (EU)
2016/679 and Article 5(3) of Directive 2002/58/EC are fulfilled, and subject to the
rights of the data subject insofar as personal data are concerned. The data recipient
shall delete the data when they are no longer necessary for the agreed purpose, unless
otherwise agreed with the user.

2. The data recipient shall not:

(a) make the exercise of the rights or choices of users unduly difficult including
by offering choices to the users in a non-neutral manner, or coerce, deceive or
manipulate the user in any way, or by subverting or impairing the autonomy,
decision-making or choices of the user, including by means of a digital interface
with the user or a part thereof, including its structure, design, function or
manner of operation;

(b) use the data it receives for the profiling of natural persons within the meaning of
Article 4, point (4), of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, other than in accordance
with that Regulation;

(c) make the data ▌ it receives available to another third party without making the
user aware in a clear and easily accessible way and seeking its the explicit
contractual permission by the user;

(d) make the data available it receives to an undertaking providing core platform
services for which one or more of such services have been designated as a
gatekeeper pursuant to Article 3 of [Regulation (EU) 2022/1925 (Digital
Markets Act)];

(e) use the data it receives to develop a product that competes with the product from
which the accessed data originate or share the data with another third party for
that purpose; data recipients shall also not use any non-personal data
generated by the use of the product or related service to derive insights about
the economic situation, assets and production methods of or use by the data
holder that could undermine the commercial position of the data holder on the
markets in which the data holder is active;

(ea) use the data it receives in a manner that adversely impacts the security of the
product or related service(s);

(eb) where relevant, disregard the specific measures agreed with a data holder or
with the trade secrets holder pursuant to article 5 (8) of this Regulation and
break the confidentiality of trade secrets;

(ec) use the data to disrupt sensitive critical infrastructure protection information
within the meaning of Article 2(d) of Directive 2008/114/EC.

2a. The third party shall bear the responsibility to ensure the security and protection of
the data it receives from a data holder.

Article 7

Scope of business to consumer and business to business data sharing obligations

1. The obligations of this Chapter shall not apply to ▌ enterprises that qualify as micro
or small enterprises, as defined in Article 2 of the Annex to Recommendation
2003/361/EC, provided those enterprises do not have partner enterprises or linked
enterprises as defined in Article 3 of the Annex to Recommendation 2003/361/EC
which do not qualify as a micro or small enterprise and where the micro and small
enterprise is not subcontracted to manufacture or design a product or provide a
related service.

2. Where this Regulation refers to products or related services, such reference shall also
be understood to include virtual assistants, insofar as they are used to access or control
a product or related service.




Article 8

Conditions under which data holders make data available to data recipients ▌

1. Where a data holder is obliged to make data available to a data recipient under Article
5 or under other Union law or national legislation implementing Union law, it shall
agree, with a data recipient the modalities for making the data available and shall
do so under fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and in a transparent manner
in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and Chapter IV.

2. ▌ A contractual term concerning the access to and use of the data or the liability and
remedies for the breach or the termination of data related obligations shall not be
binding if it fulfils the conditions of Article 13 or if it excludes the application of,
derogates from or varies the effect of the user’s rights under Chapter II.
3. A data holder shall not discriminate with respect to the modalities of data sharing
between comparable categories of data recipients, including partner enterprises or
linked enterprises, as defined in Article 3 of the Annex to Recommendation
2003/361/EC, of the data holder, when making data available. Where a data recipient
holds reasonable doubt that the conditions under which data has been made available
to it to be discriminatory, the data holder shall, without undue delay, provide the data
recipient with the evidence demonstrating that there has been no discrimination.

5. Data holders and data recipients shall not be required to provide any information
beyond what is necessary to verify compliance with the contractual terms agreed for
making data available or their obligations under this Regulation or other applicable
Union law or national legislation implementing Union law.

5a. Data holders and data recipients shall take all necessary legal, organisational and
technical measures to ensure the security and integrity of the data transfers.

6. Unless otherwise provided by Union law, including Articles 4(3), 5(8) and 6 of this
Regulation, or by national legislation implementing Union law, an obligation to make
data available to a data recipient shall not oblige the disclosure of trade secrets within
the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/943.

Article 9

Compensation for making data available

1. Any compensation agreed between a data holder and a data recipient for making data
available in business- to- business relations shall be non - discriminatory and
reasonable. A data holder, a data recipient or a third party shall not directly or
indirectly charge consumers or data subjects a fee, compensation or costs for
sharing data or accessing it.

2. Where the data recipient is a non- profit research organisation or a SME, as defined
in Article 2 of the Annex to Recommendation 2003/361/EC, provided those
enterprises do not have partner enterprises or linked enterprises as defined in Article
3 of the Annex to Recommendation 2003/361/EC and do not qualify as an SME, any
compensation agreed shall not exceed the costs directly related to making the data
available to the data recipient and which are attributable to the request. Article 8(3)
shall apply accordingly. In case of an SME, the data holder shall actively inform of
the obligation to provide the data preferably on the basis of a cost-based model.

2a. The Commission shall develop guidelines to determine criteria for categories of costs
related to making data available, which shall be the basis for awarding
compensation pursuant to paragraph 1.

3. This Article shall not preclude other Union law or national legislation implementing
Union law from excluding compensation for making data available or providing for
lower compensation.

4. The data holder shall provide the data recipient with information setting out the basis
for the calculation of the compensation in sufficient detail so that the data recipient
can verify that the requirements of paragraph 1 and, where applicable, paragraph 2 are

Article 10

Dispute settlement

1. Users, data holders and data recipients shall have access to dispute settlement bodies,
certified in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article, to settle disputes in relation to
fulfilment of the data holder’s obligation to make data available to the data recipient,
upon the request of the user, the determination of fair, reasonable and non-
discriminatory terms for and the transparent manner of making data available in
accordance with Articles 8, 9 and 13.

2. The Member State where the dispute settlement body is established shall, at the request
of that body, certify the body, where the body has demonstrated that it meets all of the
following conditions:

(a) it is impartial and independent, and it will issue its decisions in accordance with
clear and fair rules of procedure;

(b) it has the necessary expertise in relation to the determination of fair, reasonable
and non-discriminatory terms for and the transparent manner of making data
available, allowing the body to effectively determine those terms;

(c) it is easily accessible through electronic communication technology;

(d) it is capable of issuing its decisions in a swift, efficient and cost-effective manner
and in at least one official language of the Member State where the body is

If no dispute settlement body is certified in a Member State by [date of application of

the Regulation], that Member State shall establish and certify a dispute settlement body
that fulfils the conditions set out in points (a) to (d) of this paragraph.

3. Member States shall notify to the Commission the dispute settlement bodies certified
in accordance with paragraph 2. The Commission shall publish a list of those bodies
on a dedicated website and keep it updated.

4. Dispute settlement bodies shall make the fees, or the mechanisms used to determine
the fees, known to the parties concerned before those parties request a decision.

5. Dispute settlement bodies shall refuse to deal with a request to resolve a dispute that
has already been brought before another dispute settlement body or before a court or a
tribunal of a Member State.

6. Dispute settlement bodies shall grant the parties the possibility, within a reasonable
period of time, to express their point of view on matters those parties have brought
before those bodies. In that context, dispute settlement bodies shall provide those
parties with the submissions of the other party and any statements made by experts.
Those bodies shall grant the parties the possibility to comment on those submissions
and statements.

7. Dispute settlement bodies shall issue their decision on matters referred to them no later
than 90 days after the request for a decision has been made. Those decisions shall be
in writing or on a durable medium and shall be supported by a statement of reasons
supporting the decision.

7a. Dispute settlement bodies shall make annual activity reports publicly available. Each
annual report shall include in particular the following information:

(a) the number of disputes received;

(b) an aggregation of the outcomes of those disputes;

(c) the average time taken to resolve the disputes;

(d) the most common reasons that lead to disputes between the parties.
7b. In order to facilitate the exchange of information and best practices, the public
dispute settlement body may decide to include recommendations as to how such
problems can be avoided or resolved.

8. The decision of the dispute settlement body shall only be binding on the parties if the
parties have explicitly consented to its binding nature prior to the start of the dispute
settlement proceedings.

9. This Article does not affect the right of the parties to seek an effective remedy before
a court or tribunal of a Member State.

Article 11

Technical protection measures and provisions on unauthorised use or disclosure of data

1. The data holder may apply appropriate technical protection measures, including smart
contracts and encryption, to prevent unauthorised disclosure of and access to the data,
including metadata, and to ensure compliance with Articles 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10, as
well as with the agreed contractual terms for making data available. Such technical
protection measures shall neither discriminate between data recipients nor hinder,
the user’s right to effectively obtain a copy, retrieve, use or access data or provide
data to third parties pursuant to Article 5 or any right of a third party under Union law
or national legislation implementing Union law as referred to in Article 8(1). Where a
user or data holder provides tangible relevant evidence for unlawful use or
unauthorised disclosure to a third party by the data recipient, the data recipient
shall, upon request of the user or data holder, provide information on how the data
has been used, or with whom it has been shared.

2. Where a data recipient that has, for the purposes of obtaining data, provided ▌ false
information to the data holder, deployed deceptive or coercive means or abused
evident gaps in the technical infrastructure of the data holder designed to protect the
data, has used the data made available for unauthorised purposes, including the
development of a competing product within the meaning of Article 6 (2) (e) or has
unlawfully disclosed ▌ data to another party, the data recipient shall be liable for the
damages to the party suffering from the misuse or disclosure of such data and shall
comply without undue delay with the requests of the data holder or the trade secret
holder when they are not the same legal person to:
(a) erase the data made available ▌ and any copies thereof;

(b) end the production, offering, placing on the market or use of goods, derivative
data or services produced on the basis of knowledge obtained through such data,
or the importation, export or storage of infringing goods for those purposes, and
destroy any infringing goods.

(ba) inform the user of the unauthorised use or disclosure of the data and measures
taken to put an end to the unauthorised use or disclosure of the data.

(bb) notify the data holder about the disclosure of such data.

2a. The user shall enjoy the same prerogatives as the data holder, and the data recipient,
the same obligation as those stated in paragraph 2 when the data recipient has
infringed Article 6 (2) (a) and (b).

Article 12

Scope of obligations for data holders legally obliged to make data available

1. This Chapter shall apply where a data holder is obliged under Article 5, or under Union
law or national legislation implementing Union law, to make data available to a data

2. Any contractual term in a data sharing agreement which, to the detriment of one party,
or, where applicable, to the detriment of the user, excludes the application of this
Chapter, derogates from it, or varies its effect, shall be void.

2a. Any contractual term in a data sharing agreement between data holders and data
recipients which, to the detriment of the data subjects, undermines the application
of their rights to privacy and data protection, derogates from it, or varies its effect,
shall be void.

3. This Chapter shall only apply in relation to obligations to make data available under
Union law or national legislation implementing Union law, which enter into force after
[date of application of the Regulation].


Article 13

Unfair contractual terms unilaterally imposed on a ▌ enterprise

1. A contractual term, concerning the access to and use of data or the liability and
remedies for the breach or the termination of data related obligations which has been
unilaterally imposed by an enterprise on another enterprise ▌ shall not be binding on
the latter enterprise, the data recipient or user respectively, if it is unfair.

1a. A contractual term is not to be considered unfair where it arises from applicable
Union law.

2. A contractual term is unfair if it is of such a nature that objectively impairs the ability
of the party upon whom the term has been unilaterally imposed to protect its
legitimate commercial interest in the data in question or its use grossly deviates from
good commercial practice in data access and use, contrary to good faith and fair
dealing. or creates a significant imbalance between the rights and the obligations of
the parties in the contract.

3. A contractual term is unfair for the purposes of this Article if its object or effect is to:

(a) exclude or limit the liability of the party that unilaterally imposed the term for
intentional acts or gross negligence;

(b) exclude the remedies available to the party upon whom the term has been
unilaterally imposed in the case of non-performance of contractual obligations
or the liability of the party that unilaterally imposed the term in the case of a
breach of those obligations;

(c) give the party that unilaterally imposed the term the exclusive right to determine
whether the data supplied are in conformity with the contract or to interpret any
term of the contract.

4. A contractual term is presumed unfair for the purposes of this Article if its object or
effect is to:

(a) inappropriately limit the remedies in the case of non-performance of contractual

obligations or the liability in the case of a breach of those obligations;
(b) allow the party that unilaterally imposed the term to access and use data of the
other contracting party in a manner that is significantly detrimental to the
legitimate interests of the other contracting party, including when such data
contains commercially sensitive data or are protected by trade secrets or by
intellectual property rights, without the prior consent of the relevant parties;

(c) prevent the party upon whom the term has been unilaterally imposed from using
the data contributed or generated by that party during the period of the contract,
or to limit the use of such data to the extent that that party is not entitled to use,
capture, access or control such data or exploit the value of such data in a
proportionate manner;

(ca) impose the unilateral choice of the competent jurisdiction or the payment of
the cost related to the procedure;

(cb) prevent the party upon whom the term has been unilaterally imposed for
terminating the agreement within a reasonable time period;

(d) prevent the party upon whom the term has been unilaterally imposed from
obtaining a copy of the data contributed or generated by that party during the
period of the contract or within a reasonable period after the termination thereof;

(e) enable the party that unilaterally imposed the term to substantially vary the
upfront price payable under the contract, or any other substantial condition
on the data to be shared, without the right of the other party to terminate the
contract, or enable the party that unilaterally imposed the term to terminate the
contract with an unreasonably short notice, taking into consideration the
reasonable possibilities of the other contracting party to switch to an alternative
and comparable service and the financial detriment caused by such termination,
except where there are serious grounds for doing so.

5. A contractual term shall be considered to be unilaterally imposed within the meaning

of this Article if it has been supplied by one contracting party and the other contracting
party has not been able to influence its content despite an attempt to negotiate it. The
contracting party that supplied a contractual term bears the burden of proving that that
term has not been unilaterally imposed.

6. Where the unfair contractual term is severable from the remaining terms of the
contract, those remaining terms shall remain binding.
6a. The party that supplied the contested term may not argue that the term is an unfair

7. This Article does not apply to contractual terms defining the main subject matter of
the contract and shall not affect the parties' ability to negotiate the price to be paid.

8. The parties to a contract covered by paragraph 1 shall not exclude the application of
this Article, derogate from it, or vary its effects.

8a. This Article shall apply to all new contracts entered into after ... [date of entry into
force of this Regulation. Businesses shall be given three-years following that date to
review existing contractual obligations that are subject to this Regulation.

8b. Given the rapidity in which innovations occur in the markets, the list of unfair
contractual terms within Article 13 shall be reviewed regularly by the Commission
and be updated to new business practices if necessary.




Article 14

Obligation to make data available based on exceptional need

1. Upon a specified duly justified request limited in time and scope, a data holder that is
a legal person shall make non-personal data which are available at the time of the
request, including metadata available to a public sector body or to a Union institution,
agency or body demonstrating an exceptional need to use the data requested.

2. This Chapter shall not apply to small and micro enterprises as defined in Article 2 of
the Annex to Recommendation 2003/361/EC.

2a. This Chapter shall not preclude voluntary arrangements between businesses and
public sector bodies and union institutions, agencies or bodies for the sharing of
data for purpose of delivering public services, including for exceptional needs if
stipulated in their contracts.
Article 15

Exceptional need to use data ▌

An exceptional need to use non-personal data within the meaning of this Chapter shall be
limited in time and scope and shall be deemed to exist in ▌ the following circumstances:

(a) where the data requested is necessary to respond to ▌ public emergency;

(b) in non-emergency situations, where the public sector body or Union institution,
agency or body is acting on the basis of Union or national law and has identified
specific data, which is unavailable to it and which is necessary to fulfil, a specific
task in the public interest that has been explicitly provided by law such as the
prevention or recovery from a public emergency and which the public sector body or
Union institution, agency or body has been unable to obtain by any of the following
means: voluntary agreement; by purchasing the data on the market or by relying on
existing obligations to make data available.

Article 15a

Single point to handle public sector bodies’ request

1. The data coordinator designated pursuant to Article 31 shall be responsible for

coordinating the requests pursuant Article 14(1) from the sector bodies of the
Member State concerned, in order to ensure that the requests meet the requirement
laid down in this Chapter and shall transmit them to the data holder. It shall avoid
multiple requests by different public sector bodies within their territory to the same
data holder.

2. Member States shall regularly inform the Commission about requests pursuant to
Article 14(1).

3. Where public sector bodies or Union institutions, agencies or bodies requires data
from the same data holder in more than one Member State on the basis of an
exceptional need pursuant Article 14(1), the competent authorities of the Member
States shall cooperate in accordance with Article 22 to coordinate their requests
where it is necessary to minimise the administrative burden on the data holders.

4. The Commission shall develop a model template for requests pursuant to Article 17.
Article 16

Relationship with other obligations to make data available to public sector bodies and Union
institutions, agencies and bodies ▌

1. This Chapter shall not affect obligations laid down in Union or national law for the
purposes of reporting, complying with information requests or demonstrating or
verifying compliance with legal obligations.

2. ▌This Chapter shall not apply to public sector bodies and Union institutions, agencies
and bodies that carry out activities for the prevention, investigation, detection or
prosecution of criminal or administrative offences or the execution of criminal
penalties, or to customs or taxation administration. This Chapter does not affect the
applicable Union and national law on the prevention, investigation, detection or
prosecution of criminal or administrative offences or the execution of criminal or
administrative penalties, or for customs or taxation administration.

2a. Enterprises that fall within the scope of this Chapter shall inform their users of the
possibility that data may be shared in the case of exceptional circumstances.

Article 17

Requests for data to be made available

1. In a request for data pursuant to Article 14(1), a public sector body or a Union
institution, agency or body shall:

(a) request data within their remit and specify what datasets are required;

(b) demonstrate the exceptional need for which the data are requested and
compliance with the conditions mentioned in Article 15;

(c) explain the purpose of the request, the intended use of the data requested, and
the duration of that use;

(ca) specify, if possible, when the data is expected to be deleted by all parties that
have access to it;

(cb) justify the choice of data holder to which the request is addressed;
(cc) specify any other public sector bodies, Union institutions, agencies or bodies
and the third parties with which the data requested is expected to be shared

(cd) disclose the identity of the third party referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article,
and in Article 21 of this Regulation;

(ce) apply all relevant ICT security measures concerning the transfer and storage
of data;

(d) state the legal basis for requesting the data;

(da) specify the geographical limits that apply to the request for data;

(e) specify the deadline by which the data are to be made available and within which
the data holder may request the public sector body, Union institution, agency or
body to modify or withdraw the request;

(ea) submit a declaration on the lawful and secure handling of the data requested,
including the confidentiality of trade secrets;

(eb) ensure that making the data available does not put the data holder in a
situation that violates Union or national law or confer liability on the data
holder for any infringement or damage resulting from the data access that a
public sector body or a Union institution, agency or body has requested.

2. A request for data made pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article shall:

(a) be made in writing and be expressed in clear, concise and plain language
understandable to the data holder;

(aa) be submitted through the competent authority;

(ab) be specific with regards to the type of data is requested and correspond to data
which the data holder has available at the time of the request;

(b) be justified and proportionate to the exceptional need, in terms of the granularity
and volume of the data requested and frequency of access of the data requested;

(c) respect the legitimate aims of the data holder, taking into account the protection
of trade secrets and the cost and effort required to make the data available. Where
applicable, specify the measures to be taken pursuant to Article 19(2) to
preserve the confidentiality of trade secrets, including, as appropriate, through
the use of model contractual terms, technical standards and codes of conduct;

(d) concern only non-personal data;

(e) inform the data holder of the penalties that shall be imposed pursuant to Article
33 by a data coordinator referred to in Article 31 in the event of non-compliance
with the request;

(f) be transmitted to the data coordinator referred to in Article 31, who shall make
the request publicly available online without undue delay; the data coordinator
may inform the public sector body or Union institution, agency or body if the
data holder already provided the requested data in response to previously
submitted request for the same purpose by another public sector body or Union
institution agency or body.

3. A public sector body or a Union institution, agency or body shall not make data
obtained pursuant to this Chapter available for reuse within the meaning of Directive
(EU) 2019/1024 and Regulation (EU) 2022/868. Directive (EU) 2019/1024 and
Regulation (EU) 2022/868 shall not apply to the data held by public sector bodies
obtained pursuant to this Chapter.

4. Paragraph 3 does not preclude a public sector body or a Union institution, agency or
body to exchange data obtained pursuant to this Chapter with another public sector
body, Union institution, agency or body, for the purpose of completing the tasks in
Article 15 which was included the request in accordance with paragraph 1(cc), or to
make the data available to a third party in cases where it has outsourced, by means of
a publicly available agreement, technical inspections or other functions to this third
party. It shall bind the third party contractually not to use the data for any other
purposes and not to share is with any other third parties, Where a public sector body
or a Union institution, agency or body transmits or makes data available under this
paragraph, it shall notify the data holder from whom the data was received without
undue delay. Within five working days of that notification, the data holder shall have
the right to submit a reasoned objection to such transmission or making available
of data. In the case of a rejection of the reasoned objection by the public sector body
or a Union institution, agency or body, the data holder may bring the matter to the
data coordinator referred to in Article 31. The receiving public sector bodies, Union
institutions, agencies or bodies and third parties shall be bound by the obligations
laid down in Article 19 ▌ .

Data obtained pursuant this chapter shall be used only for the purpose specified in
the request. Public sector bodies, Union institutions, agencies or bodies shall bind
contractually third parties with whom they agreed to share data pursuant paragraph
4 not to use the data for any other purpose and not to share it with other parties.

Article 18

Compliance with requests for data

1. A data holder receiving a request for access to data under this Chapter shall make the
data available to the requesting public sector body or a Union institution, agency or
body without undue delay, taking into account provision of time and necessary
technical, organisational and legal measures.

2. Without prejudice to specific needs regarding the availability of data defined in

sectoral legislation, the data holder may decline or seek the modification of the request
within five working days following the receipt of a request for the data necessary to
respond to a public emergency and within 30 working days in other cases of
exceptional need, on either of the following grounds:

(a) the data is not available to the data holder at the time of the request;(aa)
provided security measures concerning transfer, storing and maintaining
confidentiality are insufficient;

(ab) a similar request for the same purpose has been previously submitted by
another public sector body or Union institution, agency or body and the data
holder has not been notified of the destruction of the data pursuant to Article
19(1) point (c);

(b) the request does not meet the conditions laid down in Article 17(1) and (2).

4. If the data holder decides to decline the request or to seek its modification in
accordance with paragraph 3, it shall indicate the identity of the public sector body or
Union institution agency or body that previously submitted a request for the same

5. Where compliance with the request to make data available to a public sector body or
a Union institution, agency or body requires the disclosure of personal data, the data
holder shall ▌ pseudonymise the personal data to be made available.

6. Where the public sector body or the Union institution, agency or body wishes to
challenge a data holder’s refusal to provide the data requested, or to seek modification
of the request, or where the data holder wishes to challenge the request, the matter
shall be brought to the data coordinator referred to in Article 31, without prejudice to
the right to submit a dispute to a civil or administrative court, in accordance with
Union or national law.

Article 19

Obligations of public sector bodies and Union institutions, agencies and bodies

1. A public sector body or a Union institution, agency or body having received data
pursuant to a request made under Article 14 and statistical or research organisations
receiving data pursuant to a request made under Article 21(1) shall:

(b) implement, insofar as the processing of personal data is necessary, technical and
organisational measures that safeguard the rights and freedoms of data subjects
and guarantee a high level of security and prevent the unauthorised disclosure
of data;

(ba) implement the necessary technical and organisational measures to manage

cyber risk that could affect the confidentiality, integrity or availability of the
requested data;

(bb) notify the data holder from whom has received the data of any cybersecurity
incident affecting the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the received
data as soon as possible but not later than 72 hours after having determined
that the incident has occurred without prejudice to the reporting obligations
under Regulation(EU) XXX/XXXX (EUIBAL) and Directive (EU) 2022/2555.
Those entities shall be liable by damages due to a cybersecurity breach if they
have not had the measures in place pursuant to paragraph 1, point (ba);

(c) erase the data as soon as they are no longer necessary for the stated purpose and
inform without undue delay the data holder that the data have been erased.

1a. A public sector body, Union institution, agency, body, or a third party receiving data
under this Chapter shall not:

(a) use the data to develop a product or a service that competes with the product
or service or enhance an existing product or service from which the accessed
data originates;

(b) derive insights about the economic situation, assets and production or
operation methods of the data holder, or share the data with another third
party for that purpose; or

(c) share the data with another third party for any of those purposes.

2. Disclosure of trade secrets ▌ to a public sector body or to a Union institution, agency

or body shall only be required to the extent that it is strictly necessary to achieve the
purpose of a request under Article 15. In such a case, the data holder shall identify
the data which are protected as trade secrets. The public sector body or the Union
institution, agency or body shall take in advance all the necessary and appropriate
technical and organisational measures agreed with the data holder or with the trade
secrets holder if it is not simultaneously the same legal person, to preserve the
confidentiality of those trade secrets including as appropriate through the use of
model contractual terms, technical standards and the application of codes of

2a. Where a public sector body or a Union institution, agency or body transmits or
makes data available to third parties to perform the tasks that have been outsourced
to it as a result of the outsourcing of technical inspections or other functions
pursuant to Article 17(4), trade secrets as identified by the data holder, shall only be
disclosed to the extent that they are strictly necessary for the third party to perform
the tasks that have been outsourced and provided that all specific necessary
measures agreed between the data holder and the third party are taken in advance,
including technical and organisational measures to preserve the confidentiality of
those trade secrets, including as appropriate through the use of model contractual
terms, technical standards and the application of codes of conduct.

2b. In cases where the public sector body or a Union institution, agency or body that
submitted the request for data or the third party to which data were made available
pursuant to Article 17(4) fails to implement those measures or undermines the
confidentiality of trade secrets, the data holder shall be able to suspend the sharing
of data identified as trade secrets. In such cases, the data holder shall immediately
notify the data coordinator of the Member State in which the data holder is
established, pursuant to Article 31, that it has suspended the sharing of data and
identify which measures have not been implemented or which trade secrets have had
their confidentiality undermined. Where the public sector body or Union institution,
agency or body or the third party wishes to challenge the data holder’s decision to
suspend the sharing of data, the data coordinator shall decide within a reasonable
period of time, whether the data sharing shall be resumed or not and if yes, indicate
under which conditions.

2c. A public sector body or a Union institution, agency or body shall be responsible for
the security of the data that they receive.

2d. A public sector body or a Union institution, agency or body shall notify the data
holder in the event of a security breach as soon as possible, but within 48 hours at
the latest.

Article 20

Compensation in cases of exceptional need

1. Unless specified otherwise in Union or national law, data made available to respond
to a public emergency pursuant to Article 15, point (a), shall be provided free of
charge. The public sector body or the Union institution, agency or body that has
received data shall provide public recognition to the data holder if requested by the
data holder.

2. ▌The data holder shall be entitled to fair remuneration for making data available in
compliance with a request made pursuant to Article 15, point (b), such compensation
shall at least cover the technical and organisational costs incurred to comply with the
request including, where applicable, the costs of anonymisation and of technical
adaptation, plus a reasonable margin. Upon request of the public sector body or the
Union institution, agency or body requesting the data, the data holder shall provide
information on the basis for the calculation of the costs and the reasonable margin.

2a. Where the public-sector body or the Union institution, agency or body wishes to
challenge the level of remuneration requested by the data holder, the matter shall be
brought to the attention of the data coordinator referred to in Article 31 of the
Member State where the data holder is established.

Article 21

Contribution of research organisations or statistical bodies in the context of exceptional needs

1. A public sector body or a Union institution, agency or body shall be entitled to share
data received under this Chapter with individuals or organisations in view of carrying
out scientific research or analytics necessary to fulfil the purpose for which the data
was requested, or to national statistical institutes, the members of the European
System of Central Banks and Eurostat for the compilation of official statistics.

2. Individuals or organisations receiving the data pursuant to paragraph 1 shall act

exclusively on a not-for-profit basis or in the context of a public-interest mission
recognised in Union or Member State law. They shall not include organisations upon
which commercial undertakings have a significant influence, which could result in
preferential access to the results of the research.

3. Individuals or organisations receiving the data pursuant to paragraph 1 shall comply

with the provisions of Article 17(3) and Article 19.

4. Where a public sector body or a Union institution, agency or body intends to transmit
or make data available under paragraph 1, it shall notify the data holder from whom
the data was received. That notification shall include the identity and the contact
details of individuals or organisations receiving the data, the purpose of the
transmission or making available of the data and the period for which the data will
be used by the receiving entity. Within five working days of the notification referred
to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph, the data holder shall have the right
to submit a reasoned objection to such transmission or making available of data. In
the case of a rejection of the objection by the public sector body, Union institution,
agency or body, the data holder may bring the reasoned objection to the data
coordinator referred to in Article 31.

Article 22

Mutual assistance and cross-border cooperation

1. Public sector bodies and Union institutions, agencies and bodies shall cooperate and
assist one another, to implement this Chapter in a consistent manner.

2. Any data exchanged in the context of assistance requested and provided pursuant to
paragraph 1 shall not be used in a manner incompatible with the purpose for which
they were requested.

3. Where a public sector body intends to request data from a data holder established in
another Member State, it shall first notify the data coordinator of that Member State
as referred to in Article 31, of that intention. This requirement shall also apply to
requests by Union institutions, agencies and bodies. The request shall be evaluated by
the competent authority of the Member State where the data holder is established.

4. After having been notified in accordance with paragraph 3, the data coordinator shall
advise the requesting public sector body of the need, if any, to cooperate with public
sector bodies of the Member State in which the data holder is established, with the aim
of reducing the administrative burden on the data holder in complying with the request.
The requesting public sector body shall take the advice of the data coordinator into



Article 22a


For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions apply:

1. ‘data processing service’ means a digital service enabling ubiquitous, and on-
demand network access to a shared pool of configurable, scalable and elastic
computing resources of a centralised, distributed or highly distributed nature,
provided to a customer, that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
management effort or service provider interaction;

2. ‘on-premise’ means an ICT infrastructure and computing resources leased or

owned by the customer, located in its own data centre and operated by the customer
or by a third-party;

3. ‘equivalent service’ means a set of data processing services that share the same
primary objective and data processing service model;

4. ‘data processing service data portability’ means the ability of the cloud service to
move and adapt its exportable data between the customer’s data processing services,
including in different deployment models;

5. ‘switching’ means the process where a data processing service customer changes
from using one data processing service to using a second equivalent or other service
offered by a different provider of data processing services, including through
extracting, transforming and uploading the data, involving the source provider of
data processing services, the customer and the destination provider of data
processing services;

6. ‘exportable data’ means the input and output data, including metadata, directly or
indirectly generated, or cogenerated, by the customer’s use of the data processing
service, excluding any data processing service provider's or third party’s assets or
data protected by intellectual property rights or constituting a trade secret or
confidential information;

7. ‘functional equivalence’ means the possibility to re-establish on the basis of the

customer’s data a minimum level of functionality in the environment of a new data
processing service after the switching process, where the destination service delivers
comparable outcome in response to the same input for shared functionality supplied
to the customer under the contractual agreement ;

8. ‘egress fees’ refers to data transfer fees charged to the customers of a provider of
data processing services for extracting their data through the network from the ICT
infrastructure of a provider of data processing services.
Article 23

Removing obstacles to effective switching between providers of data processing services

1. Providers of a data processing service shall, within their capacity, take the measures
provided for in Articles 24, 24a, 24b, 25 and 26 to enable customers to switch to
another data processing service, covering the equivalent service ▌ , which is provided
by a different provider of data processing services or, where relevant, to use several
providers of data processing services at the same time. In particular, providers of a
data processing service shall not impose and shall remove commercial, technical,
contractual and organisational obstacles, which inhibit customers from:

(a) terminating, after a maximum notice period of 60 calendar days, the contractual
agreement of the service, unless an alternative notice period is mutually and
explicitly agreed between the customer and the provider where both parties are
able equally to influence the content of the contractual agreement;

(b) concluding new contractual agreements with a different provider of data

processing services covering the equivalent service ▌ ;

(c) porting the customer’s exportable data, applications and other digital assets to
another provider of data processing services or to an on-premise ICT
infrastracture, including after having benefited from a free-tier offering;

(d) achieving functional equivalence in the use of the new service in the IT-
environment of the different provider or providers of data processing services
covering the equivalent service ▌ , in accordance with Article 26.

2. Paragraph 1 shall only apply to obstacles that are related to the services, contractual
agreements or commercial practices provided by the source provider of data
processing services.

Article 24

Contractual terms concerning switching between providers of data processing services

1. The rights of the customer and the obligations of the provider of a data processing
service in relation to switching between providers of such services or, where
applicable, to an on-premise ICT infrastructure shall be clearly set out in a written
contract which is made available to the customer in a user-friendly manner prior to
signing the contract. Without prejudice to Directive (EU) 2019/770, the provider of
a data processing service shall ensure that that contract includes at least the

(a) clauses allowing the customer, upon request, to switch to a data processing
service offered by another provider of data processing services or to port all
exportable data ▌ applications and digital assets to an on-premise ICT
infrastructure, without undue delay and in any event no longer than
mandatory maximum transition period of 90 calendar days, during which the
provider of data processing services shall:

(i) reasonably assist through and facilitate the switching process;

(ii) act with due care to maintain business continuity and a high level of
security of the service and, taking into account the advancement in the
switching process, ensure, to the greatest extent possible, continuity in the
provision of the relevant functions or services within the capacity of the
source provider of data processing services and in accordance with
contractual obligations.

(iia) provide clear information concerning known risks to continuity in the

provision of the respective functions or services on the part of the
provider of source data processing services.

(aa) a list of additional services that customers can obtain facilitating the switching
process, such as the test of the switching process;

(ab) an obligation on the provider of data processing services to support the

development of the customer’s exit strategy relevant to the contracted services,
including through providing all relevant information;

(b) a detailed specification of all data and application categories that can be ported
during the switching process, including, at a minimum, all exportable data;

(c) a minimum period for data retrieval of at least 30 calendar days, starting after
the termination of the transition period that was agreed between the customer
and the provider of data processing services, in accordance with paragraph 1,
point (a) and paragraph 2;
(ca) an obligation on the provider of data processing services to delete all of the
former customer’s exportable data after the expiration of the period set out in
paragraph 1, point (c), of this Article;

2. Where the mandatory transition period as defined in paragraph 1, points (a) and (c) of
this Article is technically unfeasible, the provider of data processing services shall
notify the customer within 14 working days after the switching request has been made,
and shall duly motivate the technical unfeasibility and indicate an alternative
transition period, which may not exceed 9 months. In accordance with paragraph 1 of
this Article, ▌ service continuity shall be ensured throughout the alternative transition
period against reduced charges, referred to in Article 25(2). The customer shall retain
the right to extend that period, if needed, prior to or during the switching process.

Article 24a

Information obligation of providers of destination data processing services

The provider of destination data processing services shall provide the customer with
information on available procedures for switching and porting to the data processing service
when it is a porting destination, including information on available porting methods and
formats as well as restrictions and technical limitations which are known to the provider of
destination data processing services.

Article 24b

Good faith obligation

All parties involved, including providers of destination data processing services, shall
collaborate in good faith to make the switching process effective, enable the timely transfer
of necessary data and maintain the continuity of the service.

Article 25

Gradual withdrawal of switching charges

1. From [the date of entry into force of this Regulation] onwards, providers of data
processing services shall not impose any charges on customers who are consumers
for the switching process.
2. From [date X, the date of entry into force of this Regulation] until [date X+3yrs],
providers of data processing services may impose reduced charges on customers in
the context of business-to-business relations for the switching process, with
particular reference to egress fees.

2a. From [3 years after the date of entry into force of this Regulation] onwards,
providers of data processing services shall not impose any charges for the switching

3. The charges referred to in paragraph 2 shall not exceed the costs incurred by the
provider of data processing services that are directly linked to the switching process
concerned and shall be linked to the mandatory operations that providers of data
processing services must perform as part of the switching process.

3a. Standard subscription or service fees and charges for professional transition
services work undertaken by the provider of data processing services at the
customer’s request for support in the switching process shall not be considered
switching charges for the purposes of this Article.

3b. Before entering into a contractual agreement with a customer, the provider of data
processing services shall provide the customer with clear information describing the
charges imposed on the customer for the switching process in accordance with
paragraph 2, as well as the fees and charges referred to in paragraph 3a, and, where
relevant, shall provide information on services that involve highly complex or costly
switching or for which it is impossible to switch without significant interference in
the data, application or service architecture. Where applicable, the provider of data
processing services shall make this information publicly available to customers via
a dedicated section of their website or in any other easily accessible way.

4. The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 38

to supplement this Regulation in order to introduce a monitoring mechanism for the
Commission to monitor switching charges imposed by providers of data processing
services on the market to ensure that the withdrawal and reduction of switching
charges as described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article will be attained in
accordance with the deadline provided in those paragraphs.
Article 26

Technical aspects of switching

1. Providers of data processing services that concern scalable and elastic computing
resources limited to infrastructural elements such as servers, networks and the virtual
resources necessary for operating the infrastructure, but that do not provide access to
the operating services, software and applications that are stored, otherwise processed,
or deployed on those infrastructural elements, shall take reasonable measures within
their power to facilitate that the customer, after switching to a service covering the
same service type offered by a different provider of data processing services, achieves
functional equivalence in the use of the new service, provided that the functional
equivalence is established by the destination provider of data processing services.
The source provider of data processing services shall facilitate the process through
providing capabilities, adequate information, documentation, technical support and,
where appropriate, the necessary tools.

2. Providers of data processing services ▌ , including providers of destination data

processing services, shall make open interfaces publicly available and free of charge
in order to facilitate switching between those services and data portability and
interoperability. In accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, those services shall
also make it possible that a specific service, where there are no major obstacles, can
be unbundled from the contract and made available for switching in an
interoperable manner.

3. ▌Providers of data processing services shall ensure compatibility with open

interoperability and portability specifications or European standards for
interoperability that are identified in accordance with Article 29(5) ▌.

3a. Providers of data processing services for which a new open interoperability and
portability specification or European standard was published in the repository
referred to in Article 29(5) shall have the right to a one-year transition for
compliance with the obligation referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article.

4. Where the open interoperability and portability specifications or European standards

referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article do not exist for the equivalent service ▌
concerned, the provider of data processing services shall, at the request of the
customer, where technically feasible, export all exportable data in a structured,
commonly used and machine-readable format as indicated to the customer in
accordance with the exit strategy referred to in Article 24(1), point (ab), unless
another format is accepted by the customer.

4a. Providers of data processing services shall not be required to develop new
technologies or services, disclose or transfer proprietary or confidential data or
technology to a customer or to another provider of data processing services or
compromise the customer’s or provider’s security and integrity of service;

Article 26a

Exemptions for certain data processing services

1. The obligations set out in Article 23(1), point (d), and Articles 25 and 26 shall not
apply to data processing services which have been custom-built to.

2. The obligations set out in this Chapter shall not apply to data processing services
provisioned free of charge, that operate on a trial basis or only supply a testing and
evaluation service for business product offerings.

Article 26b

Dispute settlement

1. Customers shall have access to dispute settlement bodies, certified in accordance

with Article 10(2), to settle disputes in relation to breaches of the rights of customers
and the obligations of providers of data processing services in relation to switching
between providers of such services. The customer shall have the right to allow a third
party to pursue its legal claims on its behalf.

2. Article 10(3) to (9) shall apply to the settlement of disputes between customers and
providers of data processing service in relation to switching between providers of
such services.



Article 27

International access and transfer

1. Providers of data processing services shall take all ▌ technical, legal and
organisational measures, including contractual arrangements, in order to prevent
international transfer and third-country governmental access to such non-personal
data held in the Union where such transfer or access would be in contravention of
Union law or the national law of the relevant Member State, without prejudice to
paragraph 2 or 3.

2. Any decision or judgment of a court or tribunal and any decision of an administrative

authority of a third country requiring a provider of data processing services to transfer
from or give access to non-personal data falling within the scope of this Regulation
held in the Union shall only be recognised or enforceable in any manner if based on
an international agreement, such as a mutual legal assistance treaty, in force between
the requesting third country and the Union or any such agreement between the
requesting third country and a Member State.

3. In the absence of such an international agreement, where a provider of data processing

services is the addressee of a decision of a court or a tribunal or a decision of an
administrative authority of a third country to transfer from or give access to non-
personal data falling within the scope of this Regulation held in the Union and
compliance with such a decision would risk putting the addressee in conflict with
Union law or with the national law of the relevant Member State, transfer to or access
to such data by that third-country authority shall take place only following a review by
the relevant competent bodies or authorities, pursuant to this Regulation to assess
if, in addition to complying with the provisions of any relevant Union or national o
law, the following conditions have been met:

(a) where the third-country system requires the reasons and proportionality of the
decision or judgement to be set out, and it requires such decision or judgement,
as the case may be, to be specific in character, for instance by establishing a
sufficient link to certain suspected persons, or infringements;

(b) the reasoned objection of the addressee is subject to a review by a competent

court or tribunal in the third-country; and
(c) the competent court or tribunal issuing the decision or judgement or reviewing
the decision of an administrative authority is empowered under the law of that
country to take duly into account the relevant legal interests of the provider of
the data protected by Union law or national law of the relevant Member State.

The addressee of the decision may ask the opinion of the Commission, the data
coordinator pursuant to this Regulation or relevant competent bodies or authorities,
in order to determine whether these conditions are met, notably when it considers that
the decision may relate to trade secrets and other commercially sensitive data as well
as to content protected by intellectual property rights, or may impinge on national
security or defence interests of the Union or its Member States. If the addressee has
not received a reply within a month, or if the opinion of the competent authorities
concludes that the conditions are not met, the addressee shall deny the request for
transfer or access on those grounds.

The European Data Innovation Board established under Regulation (EU) 2022/868
and referred to in Article 31a of this Regulation shall advise and assist the
Commission in developing guidelines on the assessment of whether these conditions
are met.

4. If the conditions in paragraph 2 or 3 are met, the provider of data processing services
shall provide the minimum amount of data permissible in response to a request, based
on a reasonable interpretation thereof by the relevant competent body or authority.

4a. Where the provider of data processing services has reason to believe that the transfer
of or access to non-personal data may lead to the risk of re-identification of non-
personal, or anonymised data, the provider shall request the relevant bodies or
authorities competent pursuant to applicable data protection legislation for
authorisation before transferring or giving access to data.

5. The provider of data processing services shall inform the data holder about the
existence of a request of an administrative authority in a third-country to access its
data before complying with its request, except in cases where the request serves law
enforcement purposes and for as long as this is necessary to preserve the effectiveness
of the law enforcement activity.


Article 28

Essential requirements regarding interoperability of data spaces

1. Participants of data spaces that offer data or data services to other participants, shall
comply with, the following essential requirements to facilitate interoperability of data,
data sharing mechanisms and services:

(a) the dataset content, use restrictions, licences, data collection methodology, data
quality and uncertainty shall be sufficiently described in a machine-readable
format to allow the recipient to find, access and use the data;

(b) the data structures, data formats, vocabularies, classification schemes,

taxonomies and code lists shall be described in a publicly available and
consistent manner;

(c) the technical means to access the data, such as application programming
interfaces, and their terms of use and quality of service shall be sufficiently
described to enable automatic access and transmission of data between parties,
including continuously or in real-time ▌ in a machine-readable format where
that is technically feasible and does not hamper the good functioning of the

(d) the means to enable the interoperability of ▌ contracts for data sharing within
their services and activities shall be provided.

These requirements can have a generic nature or concern specific sectors, while taking
fully into account the interrelation with requirements coming from other Union or
national sectoral legislation.

2. The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts, after consulting the

European Data Innovation Board pursuant to Article 29 and Article 30, points (f)
and (h), of Regulation (EU) 2022/868 and in accordance with Article 38 of this
Regulation, to supplement this Regulation by further specifying the essential
requirements referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

3. The participants of data spaces that offer data or data services to other participants
of data spaces that meet the harmonised standards or parts thereof published by
reference in the Official Journal of the European Union shall be presumed to be in
conformity with the essential requirements referred to in paragraph 1 ▌, to the extent
those standards cover those requirements.

3a. Participants within a particular data space shall agree on the rules by which the
accountabilities regarding those requirements are defined between the participants.

4. The Commission may, in accordance with Article 10 of Regulation (EU) No

1025/2012, request one or more European standardisation organisations to draft
harmonised standards that satisfy the essential requirements under paragraph 1 of this
Article,developed in an open, transparent, technology-neutral, industry-led and
inclusive manner, in accordance with Chapter II of Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012,
taking into account, where relevant, existing international standards, good
practices, norms, technical specifications and relevant open source norms as well as
the needs of SMEs.

5. The Commission may, by way of implementing acts, adopt common specifications,

where harmonised standards referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article do not exist or if
it considers that the relevant harmonised standards are insufficient to ensure
conformity with the essential requirements in paragraph 1 of this Article, where
necessary. Prior to adopting those implementing acts the Commission shall seek
advice from and take into account relevant positions adopted by the European Data
Innovation Board, as referred to in Article 30, point (f), of Regulation (EU) 2022/868
and be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article

6. The Commission may adopt guidelines proposed by the European Data Innovation
Board in accordance with Article 30, point (h), of Regulation (EU) 868/2022 laying
down interoperability specifications for the functioning of common European data
spaces, such as architectural models and technical standards implementing legal rules
and arrangements between parties that foster data sharing, such as regarding rights to
access and technical translation of consent or permission.

Article 29

Interoperability and portability for data processing services

1. Open interoperability and portability specifications and European standards for the
interoperability and portability of data processing services shall:

(a) where technically feasible, be performance oriented towards achieving

interoperability and portability between different data processing services that
cover equivalent services;

(b) enhance portability of digital assets between different data processing services
that cover equivalent services;

(c) facilitate, where technically feasible, functional equivalence between different

data processing services referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 26 that cover
equivalent services;(ca) shall not adversely impact the security and integrity
of services and data;

(cb) be designed in a way to allow for technical advances and inclusion of new
functions and innovation in data processing services.

2. Open interoperability and portability specifications and European standards for the
interoperability and portability of data processing services shall address:

(a) the cloud interoperability aspects of transport interoperability, syntactic

interoperability, semantic data interoperability, behavioural interoperability and
policy interoperability;

(b) the cloud data portability aspects of data syntactic portability, data semantic
portability and data policy portability;

(c) the cloud application aspects of application syntactic portability, application

instruction portability, application metadata portability, application behaviour
portability and application policy portability.

3. Open interoperability and portability specifications shall comply with paragraph 3 and
4 of Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012.

3a. Open interoperability and portability specifications and European standards shall
not distort the data processing services market or limit the development of any new
competing and innovative technologies or solutions or any technologies or solutions
that are based on them.
4. After taking into account relevant international and European standards and self-
regulating initiatives, the Commission may, in accordance with Article 10 of
Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012, request one or more European standardisation
organisations to draft European standards applicable to equivalent services of data
processing services. The standardisation shall take into account the needs of SMEs.

5. For the purposes of Article 26(3) of this Regulation, the Commission, after consulting
the European Data Innovation Board pursuant to Article 29 and Article 30, points
(f) and (h), of Regulation (EU) 2022/868, shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts,
supplementing this Regulation, in accordance with Article 38 of this Regulation, to
publish the reference of open ▌ standards for the interoperability and portability of
data processing services in central Union standards repository for the interoperability
and portability of data processing services developed by relevant standardisation
organisations or organisations referred to in paragraph 3 of Annex II to Regulation
(EU) No 1025/2012,, where these satisfy the criteria specified in paragraph 1 and 2 of
this Article.

Article 30

Essential requirements regarding smart contracts for data sharing

▌The party offering smart contracts ▌ in the context of an agreement to make data available
shall comply with the following essential requirements:

(a) robustness and access control: ensure that the smart contract has been designed
to offer rigorous access control mechanisms and a very high degree of
robustness to avoid functional errors and to withstand manipulation by third

(b) safe termination and interruption: ensure that a mechanism exists to terminate
the continued execution of transactions: the smart contract shall include internal
functions which can reset or instruct the contract to stop or interrupt the operation
to avoid future (accidental) executions; in this regard, the conditions under
which a smart contract could be reset or instructed to stop or interrupted,
should be clearly and transparently defined. Especially, it should be assessed
under which conditions non-consensual termination or interruption should be
(ba) equivalence;: a smart contract shall afford the same level of protection and
legal certainty as any other contracts generated through different means.

(bb) protection of confidentiality of trade secrets: ensure that a smart contract has
been designed to ensure the confidentiality of trade secrets, in accordance with



Article 31

Data coordinator

1. Each Member State shall designate an independent competent coordinating

authority (‘data coordinator’) as responsible for the application and enforcement of
this Regulation, for coordinating the activities entrusted to that Member State, for
acting as the single contact point towards the Commission, with regard to the
implementation of this Regulation and for representing the Member State at the
European Data Innovation Board, as referred to in Article 31a .

1a. The independent supervisory authorities responsible for monitoring the application
of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 shall be responsible for monitoring the application of
this Regulation insofar as the protection of personal data is concerned. Chapters VI
and VII of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 shall apply mutatis mutandis. The European
Data Protection Supervisor shall be responsible for monitoring the application of
this Regulation insofar as it concerns the Union institutions, bodies, offices and
agencies. Where relevant, Article 62 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 shall apply
mutatis mutandis. The tasks and powers of the supervisory authorities shall be
exercised with regard to the processing of personal data.

2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1 of this Article, the data coordinator shall ensure
cooperation among the national competent authorities that are responsible for the
monitoring of other Union or national legal acts in the field of data and electronic
communication services, namely:

(b) for specific sectoral data access issues related to the implementation of this
Regulation, the competence of sectoral authorities shall be respected without
prejudice to the rules on conflicts of competences;

(c) the national competent authority responsible for the application and enforcement
of Chapter VI of this Regulation shall have experience in the field of data and
electronic communications services.

3. Member States shall ensure that the respective tasks and powers of the data
coordinator are clearly defined and include:

(a) promoting awareness among users and entities falling within the scope of this
Regulation of the rights and obligations under this Regulation;

(b) handling and deciding on complaints arising from alleged violations of this
Regulation, and investigating, to the extent appropriate, the subject matter of the
complaint and regularly informing the complainant of the progress and the
outcome of the investigation within a reasonable period, in particular if further
investigation or coordination with another competent authority is necessary;

(c) conducting investigations into matters that concern the application of this
Regulation, including on the basis of information received from another
competent authority or other public authority;

(d) imposing effective, proportionate and dissuasive financial penalties which may
include periodic penalties and penalties with retroactive effect, or initiating legal
proceedings for the imposition of fines;

(e) monitoring technological and commercial developments of relevance for the

making available and use of data with a view of better enforcing this

(f) cooperating with the data coordinators of other Member States to ensure the
consistent, swift and effective application of this Regulation, including the
exchange of all relevant information by electronic means, without undue delay;

(fa) cooperating with all relevant competent authorities pursuant to other Union
law, and with the European Data Protection Board and the European Data
Innovation Board to ensure that the obligations of this Regulation are
enforced coherently with other Union law;

(g) ensuring the online public availability of requests for access to data made by
public sector bodies in the case of public emergencies under Chapter V;

(h) cooperating with all relevant competent authorities to ensure that the obligations
of Chapter VI are enforced consistently with other Union legislation and self-
regulation applicable to providers of data processing service;

(i) ensuring that charges for the switching between providers of data processing
services are withdrawn in accordance with Article 25.

4. Where a Member State designates more than one competent authority, the data
coordinator shall, in the exercise of the tasks and powers assigned to them under
paragraph 3 of this Article, cooperate with each other and with the European Data
Innovation Board, including, as appropriate, with the supervisory authority
responsible for monitoring the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and with the
European Data Protection Supervisor, to ensure the consistent application of this
Regulation. In such cases, relevant Member States shall designate a coordinating
competent authority.

5. Member States shall communicate the name of data

coordinators and their respective tasks and powers and, where applicable, the name of
the coordinating competent authority to the Commission and Data Innovation Board.
The Commission shall maintain a public register of those authorities.

6. When carrying out their tasks and exercising their powers in accordance with this
Regulation, data coordinators shall in an independent and impartial manner and
remain free from any external influence, whether direct or indirect, and shall neither
seek nor take instructions from any other public authority or any private party.

7. Member States shall ensure that the data coordinator is provided with sufficient
human and technical resources, expertise, premises and infrastructure necessary for
the effective performance to adequately carry out their tasks in accordance with this

7a. Entities falling within the scope of this Regulation shall be subject to the jurisdiction
of the Member State where the entity is established.
7b. A user, data holder or data recipient that is a legal person and is not established in
the Union, but which is subject to obligations under this Regulation, shall designate
a legal representative in one of the Member States in which its relevant
counterparties are established.

7c. The competent authorities under this Regulation shall have the power to request
from users, data holders or data recipients, that are legal persons, or their legal
representatives all the information that is necessary to verify compliance with the
requirements of this Regulation. Any request for information shall be proportionate
to the performance of the task and shall be reasoned.

7d. Where a user, data holder or data recipient, that is a legal person and not established
in the Union fails to designate a legal representative or the legal representative fails,
upon request of the competent authority, to provide the necessary information that
comprehensively demonstrates compliance with this Regulation, the competent
authority shall have the power to postpone the commencement of or to suspend the
provision of related services by data holders or requests for data access from data
holders by users or data recipients, that are legal persons, until the legal
representative is designated or the necessary information is provided.

Article 31a

Mutual assistance

1. Data coordinators and the Commission shall cooperate closely and provide each
other mutual assistance in order to apply this Regulation in a consistent and efficient
manner. Mutual assistance shall include, in particular, exchange of all information
in accordance with this Article by electronic means and the duty of the Data
Coordinator of the concerned Member State to inform all competent authorities and
the Commission about the opening of an investigation.

2. For the purpose of an investigation, the Data coordinator of establishment may

request other Data coordinators to provide specific information in their possession
or to exercise their investigative powers with regard to specific information located
in their Member State. Where appropriate, the data coordinator receiving the
request may involve other competent authorities or other public authorities of the
Member State in question.
3. The Data coordinator receiving the request pursuant to paragraph 2 shall comply
with such request and inform the competent authority of the concerned Member
State about the action taken, without undue delay.

4. The European Data Innovation Board shall foster the mutual exchange of
information amongst competent authorities as well as advise and assist the
Commission in all matters falling under this Regulation., falling under the
competence of the Board in accordance with Article 30 of the Regulation (EU) No
2022/868. The data coordinators shall represent the Member States at the European
Data Innovation Board established under Regulation (EU) 2022/868.

Article 32

Right to lodge a complaint with a data coordinator

1. Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, natural and legal
persons shall have the right to lodge a complaint, individually or ▌ collectively, with
the data coordinator in the Member State of their habitual residence, place of work or
establishment if they consider that their rights under this Regulation have been
infringed. Such complaint may arise from the suspension of sharing of data
identified as trade secrets, after receiving the notification by the data holder
pursuant to Articles 4(3), 5(8) or 19 (2b).

2. The data coordinator with which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the
complainant, in accordance with national law, of the progress of the proceedings and
of the decision taken.

3. Competent authorities shall cooperate from the beginning of the process to handle
and resolve complaints effectively and in a timely manner, including by setting
reasonable deadlines for adopting formal decisions, ensuring equality of the parties,
ensuring the right to be heard from complainants and access to the file throughout
the process, and by exchanging all relevant information by electronic means, without
undue delay. This cooperation shall not affect the specific cooperation mechanism
provided for by Chapters VI and VII of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Article 32a

1. Without prejudice to Directive (EU) 2020/1828 or to any other type of representation
under national law, users, data holders and data recipients shall at least have the
right to mandate a body, organisation or association to exercise the rights conferred
by this Regulation on their behalf, provided the body, organisation or association
meets all of the following conditions:

(a) it operates on a not-for-profit basis;

(b) it has been properly constituted in accordance with the law of a Member State;

(c) its statutory objectives include a legitimate interest in ensuring that this
Regulation is complied with.

Article 32b

Right to an effective judicial remedy against a competent authority

1. Without prejudice to any other administrative or non-judicial remedy, each user,

data holder and data recipient shall have the right to an effective judicial remedy
against a legally binding decision of a competent authority concerning them.

2. Without prejudice to any other administrative or non judicial remedy, each user
shall have the right to an effective judicial remedy where the competent authority
does not handle a complaint swiftly or does not inform the user, data holder and
data recipient within three months on the progress or outcome of the complaint
lodged pursuant to Article 32.

3. Proceedings against a competent authority shall be brought before the courts of the
Member State of the habitual residence, place of work or establishment of the user
or their representative organisation.

4. Where proceedings are brought against a decision of a competent authority which

was preceded by an opinion or a decision of the Board in the consistency
mechanism, the supervisory authority shall forward that opinion or decision to the

Article 32c

Right to an effective judicial remedy

1. Without prejudice to any available administrative or non-judicial remedy, including
under Directive (EU) 2020/1828 and the right to lodge a complaint with a competent
authority pursuant to Article 32b, user, data holder and data recipient shall have the
right to an effective judicial remedy where they consider that their rights under this
Regulation have been infringed as a result of the non-compliance with this

2. Proceedings against a data holder, third party or data recipient shall be brought
before the courts of the Member State where the user has their habitual residence,
place or work or establishment.

Article 33


1. Member States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of this
Regulation and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented.
The penalties provided for shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.

1a. Member States shall take into account the following non-exhaustive criteria for the
imposition of penalties for infringements of this Regulation;

(a) the nature, gravity, scale and duration of the infringement;

(b) any action taken by the infringing party to mitigate or remedy the damage
caused by the infringement;

(c) any previous infringements by the infringing party;

(d) the financial benefits gained or losses avoided by the infringing party due to
the infringement, insofar as such benefits or losses can be reliably established;

(e) any other aggravating or mitigating factors applicable to the circumstances of

the case.

2. Member States shall by [date of application of the Regulation] notify the Commission,
the European Data Protection Board and the European Data Innovation Board of
those rules and measures and shall notify them without delay of any subsequent
amendment affecting them. The Commission shall regularly update and maintain an
easily accessible public register of those measures.
3. For infringements of the obligations laid down in Chapter II, III and V of this
Regulation, the supervisory authorities referred to in Article 51 of the Regulation (EU)
2016/679 may within their scope of competence impose administrative fines in line
with Article 83 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and up to the amount referred to in
Article 83(5) of that Regulation.

4. For infringements of the obligations laid down in Chapter V of this Regulation, the
supervisory authority referred to in Article 52 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 may
impose within its scope of competence administrative fines in accordance with Article
66 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 up to the amount referred to in Article 66(3) of that

Article 34

Model contractual terms

The Commission shall develop and recommend non-binding model contractual terms on data
access and use and standard contractual clauses for cloud computing contracts, based on
Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) principles, to assist parties in drafting
and negotiating contracts with balanced contractual rights and obligations. Such model
contractual terms shall address at least the following elements:

(a) right to early termination of the contract and conditions for compensation in the
case of early termination;

(b) data retention and storage policies;

(c) readability of the data for the user, including information on metadata and

(d) the protection and preservation of the confidentiality of trade secrets, in accordance
with this Regulation.

The model contractual terms referred to in the first subparagraph shall be published and
shall be available free of charge in easily usable electronic format.


Article 35

Databases containing certain data

▌The sui generis right provided for in Article 7 of Directive 96/9/EC does not apply to
databases containing data obtained from or generated by the use of a product or a related service
falling within the scope of this Regulation.



Article 36

Amendment to Regulation (EU) No 2017/2394

In the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 2017/2394 the following point is added:

‘29. [Regulation (EU) XXX of the European Parliament and of the Council [Data

Article 37

Amendment to Directive (EU) 2020/1828

In the Annex to Directive (EU) 2020/1828 the following point is added:

‘67. [Regulation (EU) XXX of the European Parliament and of the Council [Data

Article 38

Exercise of the delegation

1. The power to adopt delegated acts is conferred on the Commission subject to the
conditions laid down in this Article.
2. The power to adopt delegated acts referred to in Articles 25(4), 28(2) and 29(5) shall
be conferred on the Commission for an indeterminate period of time from […].

3. The delegation of power referred to in Articles 25(4), 28(2) and 29(5) may be revoked
at any time by the European Parliament or by the Council. A decision to revoke shall
put an end to the delegation of the power specified in that decision. It shall take effect
the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European
Union or at a later date specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of any delegated
acts already in force.

4. Before adopting a delegated act, the Commission shall consult experts designated by
each Member State in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional
Agreement on Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016.

5. As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to

the European Parliament and to the Council.

6. A delegated act adopted pursuant to Articles 25(4), 28(2) and 29(5) shall enter into
force only if no objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or by
the Council within a period of three months of notification of that act to the European
Parliament and to the Council or if, before the expiry of that period, the European
Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission that they will not
object. That period shall be extended by three months at the initiative of the European
Parliament or of the Council.

Article 39

Committee procedure

1. The Commission shall be assisted by a committee. That committee shall be a

committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.

2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011

shall apply.

Article 40

Other Union legal acts governing rights and obligations on data access and use
1. The specific obligations for the making available of data between businesses, between
businesses and consumers, and on exceptional basis between businesses and public
bodies, in Union legal acts that entered into force on or before [xx XXX xxx], and
delegated or implementing acts based thereupon, shall remain unaffected.

2. This Regulation is without prejudice to Union legislation specifying, in light of the

needs of a sector, a common European data space, or an area of public interest, further
requirements, in particular in relation to:

(a) technical aspects of data access;

(b) limits on the rights of data holders to access or use certain data provided by users;

(c) aspects going beyond data access and use.

Article 41

Evaluation and review

1. By [two years after the date of application of this Regulation], the Commission shall
carry out an evaluation of this Regulation and submit a report on its main findings to
the European Parliament and to the Council as well as to the European Economic and
Social Committee. That evaluation shall assess, in particular:

(-a) the use of data by users, data holders, data recipients and third parties, the
development of monetisation practices in the European data economy as well
as the development of the arrangements for data sharing, including
competitive dynamics in data spaces and data intermediation services;

(-aa) the effects of technical and administrative obligations to comply with this
Regulation, in particular with Chapter II thereof on industry participants, also
in view of the SME exemptions;

(a) other categories or types of data to be made accessible;

(b) the exclusion of certain categories of enterprises as beneficiaries under Article


(ba) whether the provisions of this Regulation related to trade secrets ensure
respect for trade secrets while not hampering the access to and sharing of data;
in particular, the evaluation shall assess whether and how the confidentiality
of trade secrets is ensured in practice despite their disclosure both in the
context of data sharing with third parties and in the business-to-government
context. This assessment shall be carried out in close relationship with the
evaluation report on Directive (EU) 2016/943 expected by 9 June 2026
pursuant to Article 18(3) of the directive thereof;

(c) other situations to be deemed as exceptional needs for the purpose of Article 15;

(d) changes in contractual practices of data processing service providers and

whether this results in sufficient compliance with Article 24;

(e) diminution of charges imposed by data processing service providers for the
switching process, in line with the gradual withdrawal of switching charges
pursuant to Article 25;

(ea) the interaction between the this Regulation and other relevant Union law to
assess possible conflicting regulation, overregulation or legislative gaps;

(eb) the contribution of this Regulation to ensuring the economic attractiveness of

the collection and use of high quality data sets by Union companies;

(ec) the contribution of this Regulation to innovation and to promoting the

development of high-tech start-ups and SMEs, as well as to enabling access
for European users to state-of-the-art computing services;

(ed) the application and functioning of Article 27 on the international access and
transfer of data.

1a On the basis of that report, the Commission shall, where appropriate, submit a
legislative proposal to the Parliament and the Council to amend this Regulation.

Article 42

Entry into force and application

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in
the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply from 18 months after the date of entry into force of this Regulation ▌ .
The obligations resulting from Article 4(1) shall apply to related services placed on the
market within five years prior to the entry into force of this Regulation and only where the
provider of a related service is able to remotely deploy mechanisms to ensure the fulfilment
of the requirements pursuant to Article 4(1) and where the deployment of such mechanisms
would not place a disproportionate burden on the manufacturer or provider of related

Done at,

For the European Parliament For the Council

The President The President

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