Grade 1 Tests 1-1
Grade 1 Tests 1-1
Grade 1 Tests 1-1
Make words
1. D----
2. b----
3. – - ea - - -
4. – - oo - - -
5. Br - - - -
6. Dr - - - -
What is this ?
7. 8.
_______________ ________________
9. 10.
_________________ _______________
11. 12.
________________ ______________
Buying things
bottle packet tin loaf
1. My name is _________________________________.
2. I am a_______________.
4. My school is in __________________.
5. My teacher is a ______________.
man / woman
9. Fighting is _________________ .
Good / bad
10. _________________burns.
Fire / Playing games
11. My country is _________________.
Botswana / Zimbabwe / Malawi
Vaka mazwi
1. ama____
2. tos____
3. f__ra
4. z___va
________________ ____________________
7. 8.
__________________ _________________
9. 10.
_______________ ____________________
Vana Huku Tafura masora
11. _______________ iyo ine mazai.
_________________ _____________________
3. How many ?
7. A is ___________________ than B.
9. 5___________________
12. Do not play in _____________ water.
dirty / clean
13. Plants __________________ water.
need / do not need
14. The sum of 3 cows and 1 cow is