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Deacon e Phillips IV

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Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 33 (1980) 227-250 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Compar?

y, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands













(Received 19 February 1980)

CONTENTS A. Introduction _ . . _ . . _ . . B. The nature of carboxylate coordination

. .

_ _ . _ . . _ . _ . _ .

_ _ . . . .

. .

. .

. .

_ 227 . 228 . 229 . 230 _ 2%

. 239

C. Some teported correlations between the nature of carbon-oxygen stretching frequencies. . _ . D. The data base for the present study _ . _ . . E. Problems in interpretation of the infrared spectra (i) Anion exchange . . . . _ . . . . (ii) Pressure-induced changes. . _ _ . . _

carboxylate coordination and

_ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ . .
. . _ _ _ . . .

_ . . . .
_ -

F. Development of correlations between carbon-oxygen stretching frequencies and the type of carboxylate coordination _ . . . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . 241 (i) Compounds for which A is large . _ . . . . . . _ . . _ _ . . 241 (ii) Unidentate carboxylates without large A values _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . 242 (iii) Compounds with very low A values . _ . . . _ . . _ . _ . . . 243 (iv) Compounds with A significantly less than ionic values _ . . . . . . . 243 (v) Other complexes . . _ . . . _ _ . . . . . _ _ . . . . . 244 (vi) Conclusions for acetato and trifluoroacetato complexes _ _ . . _ _ _ 244 (vii) Extensions to other carboxylates . . . _ . . . . _ . . _ . _ _ 244 G. The basis of the present correlations _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . - 245 References . _ _ . _ . _ . . _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ . . . . . - 246

. . _ _ . (iii) Contradictory spectroscopicdata of wrong assignments .

_ . _ .

_ _ _ . 240 . . . . 240


Because of the low symmetry of carboxylate ions, RCO;, the differing types of carboxylate coordination cannot be distinguished on the basis of the number of infrared or R;iman active vibrations [ 11. Instead, attempts have

been made to relate values of the carbon-oxygen stretching frequencies to the nature of the carboxylate coordination [l-3 1. In many cases (section C), the proposed correlations or critical comments on them are based on a relatively small number of complexes, the structures of which have often not been determined crystallographically, hence a more definitive evaluation is needed. Infrared spectra are available for a wide range of acetato complexes
OOlO-8545/80/000~000/$04.80 0 1980 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company

and a useful number of trifluoroacetato complexes of known structure. In this review, we use these data to assess critically the value of carbon-oxygen stretching frequencies in diagnosing the nature of carboxylate coordination.

A carboxylate ion, RCO, can coordinate to metals in a number of ways, viz. as a unidentate ligand (I), as a chelating ligand (II), as a bridging bidentate ligand in a syn-syn (IIIa), synunti (IIIb) or anti-anti (111~) configuration, or as a monatomic bridging ligand, either alone (IVa), with additional bridging (e.g. IVb), or in arrangements involving chelation and bridging (e.g. IVc, IVd). Examples of the various arrangements are given with the figures.
a %C- R M-0 t71


e.g. Ph3Sb(02CMe)2 [4]

e.g. Zn(O2CMe)2(&0)2 Sn( O&Me)4

151 e.g. {Os(O&Me)(CO)3)2




e.g. Cu( 02CH)z MesSn(02CMe)

191 [lo]

e.g. Mn(O+ZMe)2(H20)4 [ll] Mn(OzCMe)(salen) [ 121 [Hzsalen = N.N-ethylenedi(salicyIaldimine)]



Y M-O_,
4 0



M-A >C-_R

e-g. Hg(O2CMe)2tKkHIt)3Pl


e.g. Cu(O&Me)

[ 141

e.g. Cd(02CMe)2(H20)2


e.g. Me2Tl(02CMe)


In addition to coordination derivatives, ionic metal carboxylates are also well established by crystallography, e.g. [ Co( imidazole), ]( 02CMe)2H20 [ 17 1, [T1(SC(NH2)2)s102CPh [lSl and K(02CMe)MeC02H (contains acetic acid of solvation) [ 191, and are of importance in the following discussion.






Unidentate coordination (I) removes the equivalence of the two oxygen atoms [ 21. If the carbon-oxygen bond orders are appreciably affected, a pseudo-ester configuration M-O, , R is obtained. This should increase /1
V ,,(CO,), decrease v,_ (CO*) ar% increase the separation (A) between the v(C0,) frequencies relative to values for the free carboxylate ion [2], usually taken as those of the sodium or potassium salts. * Chelation or symmetrical bridging should not alter the bond orders, and it has been suggested that bidentate coordination should give separations similar to ionic values [ 3 1. It also has been suggested that symmetrical bridging [2] or chelation [3] shifts both v(CO1) frequencies in the same direction. Several other correlations between v(COz) frequencies and chelating or bridging bide&ate carboxylate coordination have been proposed. Thus, separations significantly less than ionic values are considered indicative of chelating or bridging carboxylate groups [26]. This proposal has recently been revived and strongly supported by consideration of a wide range of compounds of known structure [271, and is consistent with data for many Group 8 carboxylates without crystallographically established structures [ 28 and refs. therein]. The converse of this correlation does not hold, i.e. not all chelating or bridging bide&ate carboxylate groups have low A values [ 271. From studies of metal haloacetates, several authors have claimed that an increase in vas_(COz) relative to the sodium salt is indicative of bridging whereas a decrease in v,,_(CO,) is indicative of chelation [ 29-311. In a closely related proposal, it has been suggested that A (chelating) < A (bridging) for acetates [21,32]. Some quite contentious claims have been put forward. For example, the suggestion that A (unidentate) < A (bide&ate) for lanthanoid acetates [ 331 is wrong [ 341, and the proposal that A is increased for chelating carboxylates relative to ionic [ 351 has been contradicted by the same authors (291. Quite apart from contradictions in the foregoing proposals, wrong structures have been predicted for Er(02CMe)3(H20)4 [ 33,341, [ Cu(O&Me)NH((CH2)aNH2)2jC10s [36,37], [Mo(OzCMe)zlz [38,391 and [Co(O,CMe)(NH&]+ [40,41] on the basis of v(COz) frequencies. Because of these difficulties, a number of authors have rejected various correlations as unreliable [ 25,42,43 1. Others have accepted that large separations are indicative of uni-

* The variation of v(COa) frequencies with change in cation is quite small, e.g. for sodium, potassium and rubidium acetate, the antisymmetric mode is at 1578-1571 cm- and the [20-221, and the respective separations are 164, 171 and symmetric at 1414-1402 cm- Similarly, the separations for sodium [ 23.24 ] and potassium [ 25 ] trifluoro164 cm-. Insensitivity to change of cation is consistent acetate are 223 and 241 cm- respectively. with an ionic formulation.

dentate coordination, but consider the converse to be untrue, reducing the value of the criterion [44,45]. One reason for the general lack of agreemeut is that many claims have been made on the basis of a few compounds or a closely related series of compounds. For example, the suggestion that A (chelating) < A (bridging) was based on six compounds 1321, and it was subsequently rejected because of a single exception 1441. Other proposals (e.g. [29-31,351) lack unambiguous structural support and hence have low credibility.

From the foregoing discussion, assessment of the relationship between the v(CO,) frequencies and the nature of the carboxylate coordination should be based on consideration of infrared data for a wide range of complexes of known structure. A suitable data base is provided by acetato and trifluoroTABLE 1

Infrared and structural data for compounds with unidentate acetate groups Compound d
~,,(CO2) =


P-(CO2) (cm- ) e e 1368 e 1379.1363 1309 1400 1320 1270 1200 e 1425 1413 1412 1425 1414

A b
(cm 223 215 270 232 290 310 313 490 565 125 107 138 152 164


Ref. ) 40 44 46 47 49 51 53 54 32 65 57 43 36 59 36 20



1600 e 1600.1566 e

phHg( O&Me) Na[H(OsCMe)s] ph&%( O#ZMe), Si(02CMe)e (cycfo-CsH1,)sSn(O&Me) Ni(C&Me)2(H20)4 WO2CMeMH20hw2 Zn(02CMe)2(SC(NH2):j2 Na(O&Me) j g g gh

1615.1590 1618.1580 1710 1633 1760 1765 1645 1550 1520 1550 1577 1578


a Shoulders not listed. b Calculated using average u(CO2) values where necessary. - - 0 refers L. the second shortest metal-oxygen bond and is essentially non-bonding. z zfrared vaiue. refer to {Co(O#Me)(NHs)s )(C104)2 1441 or {Co(02CMe)(NH3)s ) (anion unspecrfied) [40]. e Not given.


acetato complexes, for which over one hundred and ninety crystal structures have been carried out. Infrared spectra have been located for eighty-four of these complexes (70 acetates, 14 trifluoroacetates), and the v(C0,) frequencies and pertinent structural data are listed in Tables 1-5. For compounds with more than one similar carboxylate ligand, either average structural parameters or values for a single ligand are given. Several carboxylates are isostructural with the listed compounds, but have not been included unless the detailed structures have been determined_ Compounds in which the acetate group is present solely as lattice or coordinated acetic acid, e.g. [ Ni(MeC02H),J(BF,), [ 1481, have been excluded. In general, the nature of the carboxylate coordination is readily evident from the X-ray data. For example, the M-O bond distance for each compound in Table 1 is considerably shorter than the next shortest M---O contact, consistent with interpretation of the coordination as unidentate. However, the mercury complexes (Table 1) require further comment. Mercury shows


(A) 1.30 1.28 1.29 1.32 1.295 1.298 1.374 1.39 1.272 1.260 1.252 1.275

(A) 1.23 1.26 1.31 1.24 1.243 1.214 1.196 1.25 1.255 1.247 1.228 1.215

M-O (A) e 2.09 2.11 2.10 1.22 i 2.13 1.63 2.12 2.067 2.050 1.95 1.97 e (2.73) f (2.85) (2.72) f e (2.78) (2.93) (2.95) e e (2.89) (3.00)


() e 119 122 123 121.7 121.6 119.3

41 48 50 52 53 4 56 57 58 60 61

122.5 126.4 121.2 123.3

f Mercury-oxygen contacts of 2.72-2.85 A in these molecules represent weak coordination, but are of a completely different type from Fig-0 (see text). e Infrared values assigned in this work. h A very strong O-H-O bond exists in this compound. i Refers to O-H bond; see h_ j Assumed ionic, included for comparison of infrared data.

232 TABLE 2

Infrared and structutal data for compounds with chelating acetate groups Compound %Jym(COz) (cm- ) 1552 1565 1575
%ymm32 1

Ref. ;o-t 131 160 172 83 102 75 76 153 175,320 120,440 65 94 145 164 ) 62 63 65 66 36 68 69 71 73 32 74 75 21 43 20

(cm- ) 1421 1405 1403 1437 1448

Cu(02CMe)(PhsP)a Hg(O&Me)z(Bu3P)

Ni(02CMe)(tet)C104 Ru(02CMe)H(Ph3P), Ru(02CMe)R(CO)(Ph3P), Sn( 02CMe)g c Re(O2CMe)(CO)z(Ph3P)2

1520 1550 1515 1526

d 1451 1451 1415 1400,1315 1440.1262 1472 1456 1405 1414

1527 1568 1635,1575 1704.1560 1537 1550 1550 1578

NaU02(0aCMe)s 2n(OaCMe)a(H#)s Na(O,CMe) h

a The difference between the M-O and M-O2 bonds is much less than for the mercury compounds in Table 1. b Infrared values assigned (this work) by comparison.with Re(O&ZMe)(CO)a(PhsP)2 [68]. . t&-= C-ruc-5,7,7,12,14,l4-hexamethyl-l,4,8,1l-tetra-azacyclotetradecane. d No; given. TABLE f

Infrared and structural data for compounds with bridging acetate groups a Compound %sym(COz ) (cm-* ) 1639 1603 [Co,(OaCMe)(OH)L](H2O)EtOH c 1565 1575 1573 1483 1447 1410 1420 1450 d 1459.1416, 1355 a 1400 1425 1410 88 150 175 200


(cm-* ) 156 156 155 155 123 21 77 79 77 81 83 85 36 81 43

[&(O,~e).sO(H2O)a]CI CrMo( O&Me)4 f



1595 1552.1525, 1500

CCu(02CMe)NH((CHa)sNH2)2 ICu(OaCMe)a(HaO)l2


1550 1600 1610



(AI 1.247 1.24 1.23 1.235 1.25 1.28 1.255 1.29

(A) 1.261 1.24 1.27 1.265 1.25 1.25 1.263 1.30

("1 121.8 120.9 123.5 115.8 121.6 120 114.9 115.4 118.3

M-O' (A) 2.257 2.58 2.66 2.069 2.103 2.23 2.210 2.279

M-O2 (A) 2.162 2.27 = 2.25 2.066 2.116 2.20 2.198 2.173


64 65 66 67 68 70 72 6



121 1119

1.26 1.3og

1.28 1.38 g

2.47 2.18

2.51 2.17

76 5

: R=p-MeCaH4N=CH-. Data incorrect,see [73]. g Data inaccurate. h Assumed ionic,included comparison of infrared data. for


(A) 1.264 1.312 1.263

0 123.4 125.6 122.7


C-O2 tw 1.264 1.22 1.268

Ml-0' (A) 1.624 1.90 2.030

M2-02 (A) 1.624 2.01 2.030


78 80 82 84 85 37 86

1.22-1.31 1.262 1.27 1.257 1.270 1.27 1.261

1.94-2.01 2.065 2.02 1.990 2.053 2.29b 1.992

122.0 120.4 124.4

234 TABLE 3 (Continued)

asym(C02 1 %yIn(CO2 1


;lem-r )

(cm- ) 1425 1450 1435 k 1409 1440.1412 1415 1465.1430 1410 1425 * 1418 1420 t 1427 P 1430 1430 f 1428 j 1425 1440 j 1415 i 1435 1418 1319 q k 1405 1441 1489 1414

Ab (cm- ) 185 145



1610 1595 1573 i 1597 1550 1512.1494 1515.1495 1585 1575.1565 1555 1575 n

87 :z

[Fe3(02CMe)60(H20)31Y i

Li(02CMe)(H20)2 Mn(OzCMe)(salen) [Mo(CaCMe)a

162 94 79 170 m 123 145 150 157 116 173 < 100 150 160 167 173 130 125 45 140 299 q 125 159 150 164

91 93 38 81 43 94 95 97 99 101 102 104 102 8 106 107 94 108 109 110 111 57 113 21 77 20

12 f

[OstO2CMeWO)3 IZ
Me,Pb( 02CMe) [WO2CMe)(GHs)h [Pd(OaCMe)(Cl)(MeaPhP) [Pd(02CMe)CO]4(MeC02H)2 [Pd3(02CMe)e] 2Hz0 f Re2(0aCMe)2Me2C12(0SMe2) I2

1575 1555.1518 1600 1465 f 1580 1590 j 1595 j 1598 1570 j 1540 i 1480 1558 1618 1565 1530 1600 1639 1578

IRWWMehwl2 PWO2CMehtEbNH)h [Rh~t02CMe)6O(H20)3lC104 CRutO2CMeWOhwl2 RudO&Me)6OtPbh
Sb2(O&Me)C160(OH) Me3Sn( 02CMe) (PhCH2)3Sn(O&Me)

!h4( 02cMe)60
Na( O&Me) r

a Bonding as in III(a j(c)_ b Using average u(C02) values where necessary. HaL = 4-hydroxy-3,5-bis[N-( 2-hydroxyphenyl)formimidoyi]toluene. d Only strong bands are reported [ 831. Yasvm(C02) assigned this work. The assignment of v~,,~(CO~) at 1515 cm- [44] is implausible. = 129-131. f Contains a very short metal-metal bond. g Assigned to both ~s~~(C02) and 8(Me)


LO-C-O () 126.2 k 125.7 121.3 121.8

c-o (A) 1.24 1.24 1.245 1.259 1.279

c-o* (A) 1.24 1.24 1.245 1.259 1.272

MI-O (A) 2.03 2.02 1.895 2.201 2.110

M*-O* (A) 2.03 2.02 1.895 2.201 2.107


88 90 92 12 39

125 125 121.5 k 125.6 127 127 (av) 121.8 119.7

1.284 1.330 1.232 1.20 1.28 1.25 k 1.259 1.256 1.265

1.286 1.229 1.214 1.28 1.21 1.27 k 1.256 1.284

2.10 2.08 2.327 2.10 2.03 2.11 1.97-2.01 2.040 2.025 2.047 2.042 2.031 k

2.07 2.06 2.555 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.035 2.021 2.042 2.040 2.046

7 96 98 100 101 103 105 82 8 106 107 7 108 109 10 112 114 115

125.6 127.8 124-128 k 124-128 124.2 122.6 k 125.6 125

1.255 1.24-1.30 k

1.273 1.269

1.99-2.05 2.03-2.09 2.103 2.205 2.14 2.25 1.96 2.103 2.391 2.65 2.25 1.98

1.22-1.30 1.294 1.269 1.31 1.20 1.24 1.261 1.240 1.21 1.31 1.24

[85]. If 1355 cm- is attributed to 6(Me), then A 21 88 cm- (using average ~(C02) h Value of M*-0 in Table 4 of [37] (2.74 A) is assumed incorrect. values). 1 H2salen = N,N-ethylenek Not given. i Y = Cl or C.104. j Assigned this work. di(saIicylaIdimine). m Robably wrong. * Approximate values. P Assignment q Assignment of ~s,,&C02) is probably incorrect. T Assumed ionic, uncertain. included for infrared comparison.


Infrared data and acetate coordination modes of compounds with more than one type of acetate coordination or with acetate groups that are monatomicaily bridging
twrl(CO2) A a

Compound (cm- ) 1725,1615 1555 c 1526 d 1690 1538 1670,1675, 1543 1628 1526 1530 1526 1410 1458,1412 1477,1460, 1403,1305 1400 1408 1445 1466 1414 d 1565 1567 1415 1443,1396 1409 146 160 138 111 180 103 ca. 120, 365 128 118 85 60 1480,1418 135,307 (cm-)


Bonding mode b



32 21 43 22 118 36 22 120 121 121 122 124

I, III(a) II, IV(c) III(a), IV(c)

116 16 117 14 IV(b) IV(c) II, IV(c) I, III(b) IV(b) IV(b) IV(d) IV(d) 119 34 120 121 121 123 124



Cu( O&Me)



MeGa( 02CMe)z



MelIn( 02CMe)


K( 02CMe)MeCOzH 17151675, 1620 1570 15551450 1635,157O II, IV(c) IV(d) 11;III(c) II, III(a) III(a), IV(c) 1550,150o 1541 h 1533,1524
1560,152O 1578 1414 164 20 1402 133 132

1430,1315 1400 III(a), IV(b) II, III(a) I, II

105 126 127 16 130 131 133

190,300 170 11 104 140,325 103 123 c 100 88


125 43 32 g 128 129



f 1430,131o 1422 1418 h 1456,1425

MeRe( 0$Me)2




UOz(OzCMe)z(H20)2 U02(0&Me)2(PhsPO)

U(O2CMe)4 Na(O$Me)

a Calculated using average u(CO2) values where appropriale. For compounds that have one high u,sym(C02) band and one low v~,,,,,(CO~)band, these absorptions have been treated as a separate pair. b Numbers refer to I (unidentate), II (chelating), III(a)-(c) (bridging bidentate) and IV(a)-(d) (monatomic bridging modes) - (Section B). c For infrared data, x = 1.5; for structure, x = 0.7. d Values from Supp. Publication for ref. 118. e Also contains acetic acid. f Not assigned. c Infrared data (this work) from Nujol and hexachlorobutadiene mulls between silver chloride plates: 1&,,(C02) may also contribute to absorptions at 1385 and 1370 cm-. h A broad absorption centred on 1500 cm- has been assigned to V,Sym(C02) and I Assumed ionic, included for comparison of infrared data. %mlW2) 11291.


Infrared and structural data for trifluoroacetatcs --_ Compound &symWz) a (cm- ) %ym(CCz1 a (cm-)

Ref. Bonding mode


: oa

(cm-) 372 134 134 134 137 137 138 271 264 46 25 142 110 46 144 133 145 146 147 241 25 202 246 312 a 169 155 25 Unidentate Unidcntate Unidentate Unidentate Unidentate Ionic @ Bridging Bridging Bridging Bridging Bridging Unidentate, bridging Unidentate, bridging Unidentate Unidentate Unidentate 382 327 326 316 135 136 135 137 137 138 139 140 141 142 10 143 144 145 146 147

I b I b

1420 1408 1418 1400 1397 d 1421 1416 1465 1475 1340 g 1454 1455 1459 d d 1437 1457


1790 1746 1725 1712 1692 1680 1667




Sn(O2CCFJ)2(CH=CH2)2bpy 1713





1720 1652 1623 1615, 1605 1592,1572 1700, 1660 1710, 1660, 1620 1678 1680

MqSn( 02CCF3)

12 f





K(02CCF3) h

Na( 02CCFa) h



a Shoulders not listed b Two trifluoroacetate groups are strongly coordinated to the pseudo-metals H or D. c L = 1,2-dimethoxyethane. d Not assigned. e Pseudo-bridging owing to hydrogen-bonding wilh the cation. f Assigned (this work) from the reported spectrum, g The assignment of ue,.m(C02) for this compound is inconsjstent with the assignment of this mode in other trifluoroacetates. h Assumed ionic, included for comparison of infrared data,


dual coordination behaviour, so called characteristic coordination where the metal-ligand bonds are very short and effective coordination where the mercury-ligand distances are very long, but just within the sum of the mercury and donor atom Van der Waals radii [ 149,150 1. The longer Hg+--0 contacts (Table 1) represent effective coordination interactions (sum of Van der Waals radii of mercury and oxygen, 2.9-3.1 A 11491 or even -3.4 A [ 151 I), but have been disregarded in classifying the acetate coordination as unidentate because they are considerably longer than the shortest Hg-0 distances. As can be seen from the examples in Table 1, the same criteria have been used for mercury derivatives as for complexes of antimony and tin.

Several problems

with reported

infrared data need to be recognized.

(i) Anion exchange

Examination of carboxylate complexes in solution, or as mulls between alkali halide plates, or in potassium halide discs can result in anion exchange, though many authors overlook this. MO&R + MX + MX + MO&R (1)

(M = Na or K; X = Cl or Br) The possibility of exchange is enhanced in obtaining high resolution spectra, since the longer scan times provide increased opportunity for reaction_ Complete exchange has been reported to occur in a KC1 disc of dimethylthallium(III) acetate [ 1521. There are several reports of exchange between Nujol mulls of carboxylate complexes and KBr or NaCl plates [ 153-1551, and exchange between solutions and plates has also been observed f152]. Two as independent studies have given u,,, (CO,) of silver pentafluorobenzoate 1610 cm- [ 156,157], the same value as that of the sodium salt [ 1561. However, reexamination of the spectrum using a Nujol mull on silver chloride plates reveals v,,,(COz) at 1565 cm- [1581 and there is no significant absorption at 1610 cm-. Thus complete anion exchange must have occurred during the earlier studies. Many authors give no details of the method used to obtain the infrared spectra, so that it is not possible to determine whether some unusual or inconsistent values could result from exchange with plates_ Certainly, doubts must attach to all cases where the v(C02) frequencies are similar to those of the sodium or potassium carboxylates unless the spectra were recorded on inert plates (AgCl, Irtran). * Splitting of valym(COz) absorptions has been
* Coveting alkali metal halide plates with polystyrene film offers satisfactory protection against exchange with Nujol mulls, but hexachlorobutadiene is likely to attack the coating [152,159].


attributed to many causes, e.& two coordination modes [32,38,1601, polymer-dimer equilibria [ 1611, coupling between neighbouring carboxylate groups [ 162,163], or solid state effects [ 38,162,164]. However, unless partial anion exchange has been conclusively ruled out, these other explanations must be viewed with suspicion.

(ii) Pressure-induced


Formation of potassium halide discs may result in pressure-induced changes of spectra. For example, vas,,,,(C02) of potassium formate is at 1581 cm- in Nujol 1165,166l but can shift to 1630 cm in a KBr disc. The shift of v.,,(CO,) of copper(H) acetate [ 1671 may have a similar origin. Obviously pressure can enhance anion exchange between the complex and the disc material (E(i)), but other effects are possible_ For example, pressure could promote hydrolysis of M(O,CR) groups by coordinated water or by traces of moisture in the disc material. In addition, pressure-induced coordination of halide ions could change the nature of the carboxylate coordination, apart from conversion into ionic carboxylate caused by exchange. Thus, changes from chelating or bridging to unidentate carboxylate groups are readily conceived.




X o-c/


M-O M-Oi/




+ M-O-C II 0


(iii) Contradictory
V ,_(CO,)


data or wrong assignments

There are many inconsistencies in reported v(C0,) frequencies, e.g. of Znd(OzCMe)60 has been given as 1600 [211 or 1639 [77] cm-, vasum(COz) Be,(O&Me),O as 1603 (77 I or 1639 [21] cm-, vasym(C02) of of (PhCH,),SnOzCMe as 1565 [57] or 1618 [ill] cm- and A for [Mo(02CMe)2]2 as ca. 90 138,811 or 170 [43] cm-. These differences originate in the observed spectra, not in disagreements over assignments. In some cases, they may arise from factors such as anion exchange or pressureinduced changes discussed above. Where similarspectra have been obtained, there may be differences in assignments, particularly of vsnn(C02). Th us, this mode has been given as 1405 [43], 1430 [36] and 1456 [21] cm- for Zn(OzCMe),(HzO)l, as 1420 [77] and 1450 [81] cm- for Cr(02CMe)2H20, and as 1200 1551 and 1270 [32] cm- for Si(O&Me),,. Because of uncertainties in locating v,,,(CO,), some authors prefer not to assign it at all [ 1681, or to assign a group of absorptions to vs_(COI) and 6(Me) [85].





In this section, relationships between v(COZ) frequencies and carboxylate coordination are established from the data in Tables 1-5.

(i) Compounds

for which A is large

Virtually all acetato complexes which have A >, 200 cm- (cf. 164 cm- for ionic acetates - section C) have unidentate coordination for some or all acetate groups, viz. Co(O,CMe)(NH&, Hg(O,CMe),, PhHg(O$Me), (Me,Cy)CHHg(O&Me), NaH(O,CMe),, * Ph$b(O$Me),, Si(O&Me)+ 0 ** (Table l), together with B2(0&Me)40, (cycle-C&H I ,),Sn(O,CMe) MeGa(OzCMe)z and Me4N[Sn(0&Me),] (Table 4). Large A values have also been reported for (PhCH,),Sn(O,CMe) (Table 3), which has unsymmetrical bridging bidentate carboxylate ligands [1123 and Sn(O#Me), (Table 2), which has chelating acetates [6]. However, there are problems with the infrared spectra in each case. Conflicting values have been given for v_,,,(CO~) of (PhCH1)aSn(O&Me) (Table 3) and the assignment of v,,(COZ) at 1319 cm- is implausible. It is possible that the higher value of uasym(C02) is correct and that A still exceeds 200 cm-, since the lower vasW(COz) frequency could result from anion exchange. If this is the case, it may be correlated with the highly unsymmetrical bridging (Table 3), which can be viewed as approaching a unidentate arrangement (see the interpretation of the acetate coordination in the mercury complexes of Table 1 - section D). For Sn(O&Me),, several authors have reported two v,,_ (CO,) absorptions, one near 1570 cm- and one much higher [32,74,169]. A possible explanation, viz. that chelation of one acetate group is very unsymmetrical [32] is not convincingly supported by the crystal structure [6]. Furthermore, it has been shoivn that the higher vasym (C02) and the lower v,~ (COZ) values result from partial hydrolysis of the compound [73], and it is not clear whether anion exchange has been ruled out in the case of the other frequencies. In summary, A values > 200 cm- for acetato complexes appear generally associated with unidentate coordination, a possible exception involving highly unsymmetrical bridging, i.e. pseudo-unidentate coordination. This
* The hydrogen (as a pseudo-metal) bridges two acetate ions,

giving two unidentate acetate groups. ** Only v-(CO*) has been reported but this value ia so high that 200 cm-_

A mustexceed


correlation is also consistent with observation of much higher A values for many R3M(02CR) (M = Sn or Pb) complexes in solution than in the solid state [e.g. 95,l lo,1 70-172 1. This increase has widely been interpreted as being due to a change from a polymeric five coordinate solid state structure with bridging bidentate carboxylate groups to a monomeric four or five (solvent coordinated) solution species with unidentate carboxylate @oups. In many cases, these proposals have quite convincing support from molecular weight and spectroscopic data. The correlation between high A values and unidentate carboxylate coordination can be extended to trifluoroacetates (Table 5). All complexes with A > 260 cm-* (cf. 223 for Na02CCF3 [ 23 J) have unidentate trifluoroacetate ligands, except MepSri(OzCCFa) (bridging bidentate carboxylate groups [lo]) for which A has been given as 312 cm-. However, the assignment of v,,(COz) to a band at 1340 cm- is almost certainly wrong, being inconsistent with values for other trifluoroacetato complexes (Table 5). The antisymmetric frequency (1652 cm-) is much lower than those of unidentate trifluoroacetates (1792-1680 cm-), and, given a normal v,,(CO1) value, A would be ca. 210 cm-. The symmetric carboxylate frequency has not been assigned for three compounds with unidentate carboxylate groups, but the relatively high values of v,, (CO,) (Table 5) suggest that A > 260 cm-. One recent exception to the high A/unidentate coordination correlation should be mentioned, even though it involves a carboxylate ligand (Me&CO;) not being considered in this review (owing to lack of sufficient examples of known structure). Although the complex (q-CSHS),Nb(O,CCMeJ) has a symmetrical chelating carboxylate group [ 1733, a A value of 347 cm- has been reported [174] (cf. 138 cm-l 11751 for NaO&CMea). However, the spectrum was recorded as a KBr disc, and pressure-induced changes, e.g. a conversion from chelating to unidentate trimethylacetate induced by halide coordination [see reaction (2), section E(ii)] or partial hydrolysis, must be considered plausible. Thus, reinvestigation of the spectrum is highly desirable, preferably for a mull of the compound between inert plates. (ii) Unidentate carboxylates without large A values Three complexes with unidentate acetate ligands, Zn(O&Me),(SC(NH,),),, Ni(0&Me)2(H20)4 and Ni(i)lCMe)l(HzO),(py)2, have been assigned A values less than 200 cm- (Table 1). In each case, the acetate oxygen not coordinated to the metal is hydrogen bonded to other ligands (thiourea or water), giving what may be regarded as a pseudo-bridging arrangement. In addition, the y(C02) frequencies of the zinc complex [36] are sufficiently close to those of alkali metal acetates to raise the possibility of anion exchange. At this stage, there appears to be no unequivocal example of a unidentate acetate complex with A < 200 cm-.


(iii) Compounds

with very low A values

Inspection of the examples in Tables 2 and 4 suggests a relationship between A values < 105 cm- [cf. 164 cm- for Na(O&Me)] and chelating acetate groups. Thus, six complexes [possibly seven - see conflicting data for Zn(OzCMe)z(H20)2 (Table Z)] which have only chelating acetate groups (Table 2), four complexes with chelating as well as other carboxylate groups (Table 4), and two in which the carboxylate groups are both chelating and bridging (structure IVd; Table 4) have A < 105 cm. The connection between low separations and chelation appears weakened by observation of low A values for three or four * complexes which only have bridging bidentate acetate ligands (Table 3). However, all of these except Sbz(O&Me)Cl,O(OH) may be regarded as special cases, since the acetate groups bridge two metals linked by very short metal-metal bonds [39,85,105]. Where acetate spans longer metal-metal bonds, as in [Cr(OICMe),(HzO)]l [ 821 or [PhlSn(OICMe)], [114], the separation is significantly larger (Table 3). The complex Sb2(0&Me)Cl,0(OH) is exceptional, having a low A value and a bridging acetate group, but no Sb-Sb bond. Thus, a very small A value for an acetato complex is generally indicative of chelating acetate groups or of acetate groups which are both chelating and bridging unless a short metalmetal bond is present. ** However the absence of a very small separation does not rule out chelation (Tables 2 and 4). The applicability of this criterion to trifluoroacetato complexes cannot be tested, as only one complex with chelating trifluoroacetate groups has been characterized crystallographically, viz. Ru(02CCF3)CO(PPh&(GHPh2) [ 1761, and no infrared date were reported. It is of some interest that the two trifluoroacetato complexes with the smallest separations (Table 5), viz. have very short metal-metal bonds ]Mo(OzCCF 3) 212 and [Mo(O&CF,),py],, bridged by trifluoroacetate groups [ 144.1451, thereby paralleling the behaviour of acetato complexes.

(iv) Compounds

with A significantly

less than ionic values

The earlier correlation that A values significantly less than ionic are indicative of chelating and/or bridging carboxylate groups [ 26,271 is clearly validated by the data of Tables 1-5. Virtually all acetato complexes with A < 150 cm- (ionic, 164-171 cm-) and trifluoroacetato complexes with A < 200 cm- (ionic, 223-240 cm-) have these types of carboxylate ligands. The
* Three bands of CrMo(OzCMe)4 have been assigned to ~s~~(C0~) + S(Me) [85]. If the lowest energy absorption is assigned to 6(Me), as seems reasonable by comparing the reported spectrum 185 ] with that of sodium acetate [ZO 1, and the others to ~sv,,,(COs). then the separation based on average u(CO2) frequencies is less than 100 cm- _ ** This correlation could be viewed as a more accurate definition of an earlier proposal that A chelating < A bridging [ 21,321.


only acetato complexes with A < 150 cm -* that are not in this category are two pseudo-bridging complexes (section F(ii)) where one oxygen of the acetate is coordinated to the metal and the other is hydrogen bonded to another ligand. (0) Other complexes The remaining group of complexes to be considered are those with A values from just below ionic to just above. From the previous discussion (sections F(i)-(iv), this group includes acetato complexes with separations of 150-200 cm-, and there are a considerable number in this category. Complexes with A values of 155-175 cm- must include several where the observed bands arise from anion exchange and where reinvestigation of the spectra is needed. Setting this problem aside, virtually all complexes with A in the range 150200 cm- have chelating and/or bridging acetate groups. However, this cannot form the basis of a straightforward correlation, since there are a number of examples where ionic acetate could not be ruled out on the basis of spectra alone, e.g. Hg(OzCMe)zPBu3 (Table 2) and Pd(O,CMe)C1(PMezPh) (Table 3). (vi) Conclusions
for acetato and trifluoroacetato complexes

Three useful correlations between v(COz) frequencies and carboxylate coordination can be justified for acetato and trifluoroacetato complexes (sections F(i)--(v)), viz. (a) separations between v(COz) frequencies (A) substantially greater than ionic are indicative of unidentate carboxylate coordination; (b) separations significantly less than ionic values are indicative of chelating and/or bridging carboxylate groups; (c) (for acetates only at this stage) very low separations generally indicate chelation or a combination of chelation and bridging if short metal-metal bonds are not present. The converse of (a) viz. that the absence of large separations rules out unidentate carboxylates appears true at present, apart from the hydrogen-bonded pseudo-bridging derivatives (section F(ii)). However, chelating and/or bridging carboxylates cannot be excluded by the absence of the appropriate A values given in (b) and (c). It is obviously difficult to draw structural conclusions when A is near ionic values. In reaching the above ?onclusions, we have attempted to make allowance for uncertainties in the spectroscopic data, most of which arise from the possibility of anion exchange with plates and in discs. It should be stressed again that it is intrinsically unsatisfactory to examine carboxylato complexes in alkali metal halide discs, and that the possibility of exchange between mulls or solutions and plates should always be checked.

(vii) Extensions

to other carbox yla tes

There appear to be no substantial reasons why the conclusions (a)- -(C)


(section F(vi)) should not also apply to coordination of other simple carboxylate ions, RCO; (R = alkyl or aryl), at least in general terms. However, the applications must necessarily be less precise than for acetato complexes, where the availability of spectroscopic data for so many compounds of known structure has enabled fairly clear definition of the various ranges of A values to be made. In other cases a more conservative approach (i.e. larger differences from ionic values before drawing structural conclusions) is needed. However, it would be unwise to extrapolate to more complex carboxylates, amino acids, other carboxylates with donor atoms adjacent to the carboxyl function, dicarboxylates etc., especially since the present correlations are essentially empirical (section G).

It is frequently assumed that the increase in v~~,,.,,,(CO~) and A accompanying the change from ionic to unidentate carboxylate is due to a change from equivalent to inequivalent carbon-oxygen bonds [e.g. 2,26,28,102,177], i.e. bonding in the complex approaches the pseudo-ester arrangement V. Indeed, silicon tetraacetate has this structure (see Table 1 for bond distances) and a very large v,,,,,,, (CO,) frequency and A value. However, this interpretation is not generally satisfactory, since plotting the difference between the carbon-oxygen bond lengths against Y~~,,,,,(CO.,)or A for either all acetato complexes in Tables 1-3 or those with unidentate acetate ligands (Table 1) alone reveals no clear relationship between these parameters [ 155 1. Accordingly structure I is generally a more satisfactory representation of unidentate carboxylate groups than V, and the correlation between high A and unident&e carboxylate coordination appears to be an empirical one. The correlations (b) and (c) (section F(vi)) also appear to be empirical, especially since the converse of each does not apply. An oversimplified correlation, A chelating < A bridging [2_1,32] (section F(iii)) was based on the assumption that the O-C-O angle is smaller in chelating than in bridging acetates, and on calculations [ 211 showing that decreasing the O-C-O angle decreases A. Comparison of structural data in Tables 2 and 3 shows that on average O-C-O angles are smaller for chelating than bridging acetates, but that low A values are not necessarily associated with small angles. Thus, Na[ U0,(02CMe)X] has the smallest separation of the chelating acetato complexes (Table 2), but one of the largest O-C-O angles. Likewise, for complexes with bridging acetates (Table 3), Sb2(02CMe)C1,0(OH) has the smallest A yet an average bond angle. It is evident that factors affecting the septitions between the carbon-oxygen stretching frequencies are more complex than differences between carbon-oxygen bond lengths or the size of the O-C-O angles alone.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are grateful to Dr. P. Thornton for provision of unpublished infrared spectral data and to the Australian Research Grants Committee for SUpPort.

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E.N. Vasanta, G. Srivastava and R.C. Mehrotra, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 30 (1978) 23. B.F.E. Ford and J.R. Sams, J. Organomet. Chem., 31(1971) 47. R.E. Hester and D. Mascord, J. Organomet. Chem., 51(1973) 181. G.B. Deacon and P.W. Feider, Aust. J. Chem., 23 (1970) 1359. AA. Pasynskii, Yu.V. Skripkin, IL. Eremenko, V.T. Kahnnikov, G.G. Aleksandrov and Yu.T. Struchkov, J. Organomet. Chem., 165 (1979) 39. A.A. Pasynskii, Yu.V. Skripkin and V.T. Kalinnikov, J. Organomet. Chem., 150 (1978) 51. E. Spinner, J. Chem. Sot., (1964) 4217. A. Dobson. D.S. Moore, SD. Robinson, M.B. Hursthouse and L. New, J. Organomet. Chem., 177 (1979) C8. D.A. Edwards and J-W. White, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 40 (1978) 1335.

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