Colorful Pastel Childish Bubble Scheme Concept Mind Map Graph
Colorful Pastel Childish Bubble Scheme Concept Mind Map Graph
Colorful Pastel Childish Bubble Scheme Concept Mind Map Graph
It is common knowledge that classroom This study employed a qualitative method and
interaction greatly influences whether an
education advances or stagnates. Both the used a descriptive discourse analysis design.
teacher and the student are participating in this According to Cresswell (2009), a qualitative
exchange. This in-class engagement will help study is an assessment of a social or human
students become more fluent in their target issue that emphasizes using language to
language and foster positive relationships with create a complete, holistic picture,
their teachers while learning. Additionally, the presenting the specific points of view of the
teacher is an evaluator who assesses students' informants and taking place in a natural
learning(Dewi, 2021). setting.