Y 433
4 T : 3 a)
Maxwell's fqyualions aye a Sel of ney
equations \hich must. be. Solisfied. by all electric
and. Magnetic fields Throughout. all. space at, all times.
they Comprise. Gauss’ law , Gauss'law
for Magnetism, Maxwell's. modification of Ampexe’s
law, and Favadey?s lawv._ :
Each equation has o._diffexestial Version (inveving
_ div ey cur] ), and an_ eqyuivalentiriteg ral Version -
These eqyyivalences. come. from thie. dive
Theorem ( for div) and. from. Stokes theorem( for cust) -
i Gauss’ la for_ elec ee
oy _$£-dA ia Ve,
ii) Gauss? lays - male
ii) Faradayss lav of induction : |
. fe8=
i) Amperers java el
e fed—pith Z fedih td Gauss slow for “electhicity_
‘v- Poe. f. TRE: ote Cs chorgedensity
So ol aes
_ ii) Gauss tlavy for. ogeetsm — Cas ye
ag a! vE=° -
ae Foraday's law “of Induction _—__
en ee oe a ; 4 a
— iv Ampere 2S law pS ee ea SG
WxB = 40k a K Fal vt eae Spikgees oe
OE a te a
Ie ‘cuore: density c= ke
ae pet ae ‘orm_of Maxwell's Eqyuations___
~~: Explonolion: ae
i) Goussstaw_+ the diffevertial. form. simply states s
___thot the_din nce_of the_electic_displacement_
apa Pg. equal. -To_thelocel. free_charge. density...
__the__integral._- form. States that_tie net
——flux_of the _electric_displacernent. field through...
Closed _Sunfoce _5_ Ae to the_net_ free. charge —-
eo ae REGS) OAS a eS.
jy GAUSS LOIN for Magnetism
the. differential. form, Stoles that, tr
divergence, of ony. magnetic field must be ti is
eqyuial fo. Zevo- at thexefore implies thet. there -
mognitic. imonopales.
ore ne
lhe (nilegral_forrn States that. the net. flux of
the magnetic field thraugh cmy closed Sun tace sauce fe
iderdiealy equal. fo Zevo- It. therefore irnples thot maonetié
field Ames. .Con_have no Sources or. Sinks, omd_anust._
form Clesed loops (ov. extend. to infinity )
ii)..Ampeve-MaxtWell La
ale differential form Stalls thot the curl of Tie _
magnetic. field. Stren is the. Sum_of the -$xce_curcrent. sg
density ond the time._.diffevential of tte electric di splamment field
a lhe infepral fox stetes that the imfearal_ of -
the. magnetic. ted Styength_araund.a_clesed tap ts_e9,ual e
fo the sum, of : The met free current. passin Tbcaugh any. =
Surface enclosed. the Loop -and the time derivative of Mie.
- flux. of the electric. displacement. field. Through. thal Same
Surfaces: 08
iy Fovaday:s Lata + the. differential. foo. states. thet the cant.
Of he electric Sield is equal to the megative (Partial derivative
Of te magnetic fild.tatlhrespedt Ta times
Tn. other tNords: the circulation of the. eledhnie field. s
-Propestinnal. to ‘he. “ale.2f. change of magnetic f Wo
‘ The integral | orm skates that the initeg +o 0.
cane. electric. Fielel cround oo closed Loop \s eovuial ty
theme ative (Rortiol) time. devivolive.of the. rnopneic
a flux through ony Surface bounded by this loop .
— Maxwell's Egquuctions in
_-.To-king the case .wihere there is no dielectric
or _magnelic. media(ie_tNhen.-Hy= €y=1) and furtier
—__agsuming thab_there_orre_mo. free ‘i charges or Current,
Ste Bx d=0) becom turther..simplify the. general,
crt f= d=0).te_ an_further... Simpl ifY Me genes
_-— Cose.of Moxtwell’s_eqpuations fo obtarn the So-Called
_ Maxwells eoyuchions_in.fxee_ space. ee Se
Senos ee
5 > 3
ee ei
PO ae coe eee
____ GaussyLains_ fox Magnetism... =
: div(.8) so._..-> (2)
eae hens os
_CunlCB)= Me Eo 2 TS) ante437
"sabes, sa
iCurl(2) ~~ 28 oe
Cra aad
“here :
ose, Eun Be Sd "pe iD
_Alsing Maxwell’
determine the_| Velocity of 1-6 orp ie
fields. Mrough.*” scious media. Fixst We’ sha Ketan |
_ Te case Walhene. The tlechrarnagnétic. fields propa page
though. dislecticie (Lhind)media, in. Te obsrer, of fee
_tunrents. ood_change. and then. Consider the Special case
of fee Spaben 5 Sie eae k see ee eee
In dielectyic Media :- __ Se ae.
ee We. Staci. far matic’ enpuctions
indidledvic media. but. assume tht. fis Gao ond take —
tie curd, of Me. ee
: ae (cuit) Jeount 28 = o cual 8) >
fe I oe ey ee Ture we
Subst the. oo eo
| cea a ee) oR eee
2 o. (vA) = “yea oe ( Seas
| oy a Ee macrl)- Dah 2Ae. LHS and noting
Gauss! lara (assurning tet f¢=°
ej- CE divibyso
di 4)
: a Habiyeots TE, ple).
Standard Wave. eeyuation
a ee
La MEE ‘
pes the = of Peeper of o eas rag
2 in dielectric. media iS. fie oe
IE Heh
"hee In ce shar: Sheet ee
Hence, os By (ie) yAhe speed. of light im Vacuum is: 446 ae /.
_Enesgy Foansport. And The Poynting”
eas An electromagnetic wave. can transporl..eneray
_from_ one Place to. an_other: light. f yor a bulb and
_Yodiant heat fom cL. fixe cure. examples of energy
f loving by means_of electromagnetic. Waves-
__the ene -flow__in _an_electrornainetiic. Wave. 15
_measured to terms_of ‘rate of eneray flow perunt
__Qvea- eee feet dhection
- Of the energy flow interms of Vector called the
~ — .
— Poynting Necloy_s_defined_a Su
: ge es A
SN eae ee
Where Vector @:0nd.B_. are the. electric amd,
__ the _eross'product -of tino Vectors ie Se
_ must_ be Perpendicular_to the PLane_formed by Eard 8
_Gmd_ the dlivecten_of 2. ts_.detenmirtel by the “Tight-hand
ye. ee
oa kor the. Plane_electomagnetic Wa
ve. the magnitude
of 5 is_defined as
- Wheres ond Bove the. instantanous. Values of the. -
— observation. Porat: —————aan ss
Saiz EB
. uw) te an planet ok he Wove
Number (Ke 20/4
cp a8 Sa.450
J=Sav= 1 pen el
ee WAG z
Senn PAR MeCe as Em =CBm. Pub: in Ey (it)
se —LeSoy= bo EmxcBn a
L= 2 Su= ZH, = aba sie epee
Sas. bee « Traceteeaieet _may tes be.
che eke of ms (vod mean. syucr).
— rrp: of the fields_ jVSIN Ei ae
Oe SS Encle. Beene Pike mn. hee eine.
“Bm= 4 Byms
ee s 1 a ee Brms
ees 22 = tree Se eae cr ek