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JACC: Heart Failure Vol. 1, No.

2, 2013
 2013 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation ISSN 2213-1779/$36.00
Published by Elsevier Inc. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jchf.2012.12.004


Effect of Levosimendan on the

Short-Term Clinical Course of Patients With
Acutely Decompensated Heart Failure
Milton Packer, MD,* Wilson Colucci, MD,y Lloyd Fisher, PHD,z Barry M. Massie, MD,x
John R. Teerlink, MD,x James Young, MD,k Robert J. Padley, MD,{ Roopal Thakkar, MD,{
Leticia Delgado-Herrera, RPH,{ Jeffrey Salon, MD,{ Chris Garratt, MB, CHB,# Bidan Huang, PHD,{
Toni Sarapohja, MSC,# for the REVIVE Heart Failure Study Group
Dallas, Texas; Boston, Massachusetts; Seattle, Washington; San Francisco, California; Cleveland, Ohio;
Abbott Park, Illinois; and Espoo, Finland

Background This study evaluated the efficacy and safety of levosimendan, a positive inotropic drug with vasodilator effects, given
intravenously to patients with acutely decompensated heart failure (ADHF).

Methods We performed 2 sequential trials, the first to develop a new measure of efficacy in 100 patients, and the second to
use this measure to evaluate levosimendan in an additional 600 patients. Patients admitted with ADHF received
placebo or intravenous levosimendan for 24 h in addition to standard treatment. The primary endpoint was
a composite that evaluated changes in clinical status during the first 5 days after randomization.

Results In the 600-patient trial, more levosimendan than placebo patients (58 vs. 44) were improved at all 3 pre-specified
time points (6 h, 24 h, and 5 days), whereas fewer levosimendan patients (58 vs. 82) experienced clinical worsening
(p ¼ 0.015 for the difference between the groups). These differences were apparent, despite more frequent
intensification of adjunctive therapy in the placebo group (79 vs. 45 patients). Improvements in patient self-
assessment and declines in B-type natriuretic peptide levels with levosimendan persisted for 5 days and were
associated with reduced length of stay (p ¼ 0.009). Similar findings were present in the 100-patient pilot trial.
Levosimendan was associated with more frequent hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias during the infusion period
and a numerically higher risk of death across the 2 trials (49 of 350 on a regimen of levosimendan vs. 40 of 350 on
a regimen of placebo at 90 days, p ¼ 0.29).

Conclusions In patients with ADHF, intravenous levosimendan provided rapid and durable symptomatic relief. As dosed in this
trial, levosimendan was associated with an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events. (Evaluation of
Intravenous Levosimendan Efficacy in the Short Term Treatment of Decompensated Chronic Heart Failure;
NCT00048425) (J Am Coll Cardiol HF 2013;1:103–11) ª 2013 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation

More than 1 million people are hospitalized in the United including diuretics, peripheral vasodilators, and/or positive
States for the treatment of acutely decompensated heart failure inotropes, which can produce rapid improvement in hemo-
(ADHF) each year (1), but the optimal management of these dynamic variables (2,3). However, it is not clear that these
patients has not been defined. Patients generally receive hemodynamic effects translate into clinical benefits (3,4).
immediate intravenous treatment with 1 or more drugs, Many drugs that increase cardiac output and decrease cardiac
filling pressures have not been shown to produce symptomatic
From the *Department of Clinical Sciences, University of Texas Medical Center at
benefits or improved outcomes (4–6).
Dallas, Dallas, Texas; yDepartment of Medicine, Boston University School of
Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts; zDepartment of Biostatistics, University of See page 112
Washington, Seattle, Washington; xDepartment of Medicine, University of California
at San Francisco and VA Medical Center, San Francisco, California; kDepartment of
Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio; {Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, This apparent dissociation between the hemodynamic and
Illinois; and the #Orion Corporation, Orion Pharma, Espoo, Finland. Abbott and symptomatic effects of intravenous drugs might partly reflect
Orion Pharma funded the REVIVE program. All authors have reported that they have the difficulties inherent in designing, performing, and
no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.
Manuscript received December 5, 2012; revised manuscript received December 21, analyzing clinical trials in these acutely ill patients (7,8).
2012, accepted December 28, 2012. Symptoms in ADHF are difficult to quantify and cannot be

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Effect of Levosimendan on ADHF April 2013:103–11

Abbreviations readily assessed in a standardized Patients were excluded if intubated or otherwise unable to
and Acronyms fashion. Clinical trials have used communicate; had a systolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg or
a variety of instruments to assess a heart rate 120 beats/min; had experienced angina within
ADHF = acutely
decompensated heart failure
dyspnea, with disappointing or 6 h or cardioversion within 4 h (or were expected to undergo
conflicting results (4,6,9). To cardioversion within 5 days); had significant uncorrected
BNP = B-type natriuretic
peptide complicate matters further, nearly valvular obstruction, undergone a cardiac resynchronization
NYHA = New York Heart
80% of patients with ADHF procedure within 30 days, or had a stroke or transient
Association improve after intensified standard ischemic attack or were expected to undergo cardiac revas-
treatment (6–8). Such intensifi- cularization or surgical procedures within 3 months; or had
cation of background therapy (especially if applied differently severe hepatic impairment (liver enzymes >5 the upper
across treatment groups) can make it difficult to discern the limit of normal), severe renal insufficiency (serum creatinine
benefits of any new treatment. Finally, any acute improvement >5 mg/dl), severe obstructive pulmonary disease (carbon
might not be sustained, and the clinical status of many patients dioxide retention or ongoing use of steroids), acute bleeding
might destabilize in the days and weeks after initial symptom or severe anemia (hemoglobin <10 g/l), active infection,
relief (3,9,10). However, most trials have focused primarily on serum potassium concentration <3.5 or >5.4 mmol/l, or
the response to drug interventions at a fixed point in time and a history of torsade de pointes.
have not determined the influence of the drug on the clinical Study plan. After initial evaluation, patients were randomly
course of patients (5,6,11). assigned (double-blind) to treatment with placebo or levo-
To address these deficiencies, we carried out 2 sequential simendan, which was added to their existing management
trials (REVIVE [Randomized EValuation of Intravenous for ADHF. Randomization was stratified by the baseline use
LeVosimendan Efficacy] I and II), which first sought to of positive inotropic and/or vasodilator agents. Treatment
develop a new measure of efficacy in patients with ADHF with the study medication (levosimendan or placebo) was
and then used this measure to evaluate the efficacy and safety initiated with an intravenous bolus of 12 mg/kg over 10 min
of intravenous levosimendan. Levosimendan possesses posi- (6 mg/kg if the patient was receiving concurrent intrave-
tive inotropic and vasodilator properties (12), and in nous vasodilator or positive inotropic agent) followed by
controlled trials in patients with ADHF, it has been reported a continuous intravenous infusion of 0.1 mg/kg/min. If
to produce favorable effects on cardiac performance, symp- tolerated, the infusion was increased after 50 min to
toms, hospital stays, and survival (13–16). The hemodynamic 0.2 mg/kg/min and was maintained for 23 additional hours.
effects of levosimendan persist for many days after a 24-h If not tolerated, the infusion rate could be reduced to 0.05 to
infusion, due to a long-lived active metabolite (17). 0.1 mg/kg/min or treatment with the study drug could be
discontinued. Patients were not aware of changes in
Methods hemodynamic variables (including blood pressure or heart
rate), on the basis of concerns that knowledge of these might
The REVIVE I and II trials were carried out in 103 centers in influence the assessment of their symptoms or clinical status.
the United States, Australia, and Israel between December After randomization, physicians could use any clinically
2001 and December 2004 under the direction of an indepen- indicated interventions, including initiation of new treat-
dent Steering Committee, which was responsible for the ments or adjustment of concomitant medications. However,
scientific aspects of the studies. An independent Data Moni- physicians carefully recorded the reasons for any use of
toring Committee, comprising 4 cardiologists and a statistician, medications or interventions and documented whether such
periodically reviewed (in an unblinded manner) the interim use represented: 1) continuation of an existing strategy to
results and was empowered to recommend early termination of maintain clinical improvement (referred to as “maintenance
the program if a safety concern emerged during the studies. The therapy”); or 2) intensification of treatment in a patient who
studies were approved by the local ethics committees of each was deteriorating clinically or failing to improve by 24 h on
institution and were conducted according to the principles of a regimen of conventional therapy (referred to as “rescue
the Declaration of Helsinki. All patients provided written therapy”). Milrinone or amrinone were not permitted within
informed consent before participation in the studies. 24 h of randomization.
Study patients. The REVIVE I and II trials enrolled At 6 and 24 h and after 2, 3, and 5 days after randomi-
patients who were hospitalized for the treatment of ADHF zation, patients were asked to evaluate changes in overall
and remained dyspneic at rest despite treatment with clinical status (the patient global assessment) and in dyspnea.
intravenous diuretics. At randomization, patients might have These changes were characterized as markedly, moderately,
also received intravenous vasodilators and/or positive or mildly improved; unchanged; or mildly, moderately, or
inotropic drugs (except amrinone and milrinone), but the markedly worse. To do so, patients made a self-directed mark
infusion rates of these drugs must have remained constant on the case report form, without assistance or prompting from
for at least 2 h before entry into the study. All patients had study staff. In parallel, physicians independently rated the
left ventricular dysfunction, evidenced by a left ventricular changes in the overall clinical status of patients. In addition,
ejection fraction 35% within the prior 12 months. circulating levels of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) were

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April 2013:103–11 Effect of Levosimendan on ADHF

measured at randomization and after 24 h, 5 days, and 31 during the first 5 days would be 50% greater in the levosi-
days; the New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional mendan group than in the placebo group; the proportion of
status was assessed at 5, 14, 31, 60, and 90 days; and the patients considered worse during the first 5 days would be
occurrence of hospital stay and death was evaluated contin- 33% lower in the levosimendan group than in the placebo
uously for the first 90 days after randomization. group; the expected rates of improvement and deterioration
Study endpoints. The primary endpoint of the study was in the placebo group would both be 25%; and the study
a composite of clinically relevant measures that was modeled would have >90% power to detect a treatment difference
after a similar approach that has been used in the evaluation (a ¼ 0.05).
of drugs for chronic heart failure (18). In contrast to earlier All efficacy analyses included all randomized patients
studies that focused on a single measure at a single point in according to the intention-to-treat principle. For the anal-
time (11), the composite approach uses a combination of ysis of the primary endpoint, the distribution of patient
measures to characterize the clinical course of patients over outcomes was compared across the groups with the
several days. The plan was to evaluate an untested set of Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test controlling for variables
criteria as the primary endpoint in the first 100 patients used for stratification at the time of randomization.
(REVIVE I), evaluate and modify the endpoint on the basis A similar approach was used for the analysis of the secondary
of this initial experience, and then prospectively test the endpoints. The risk of death for the first 90 days was
refined endpoint in a definitive trial in an additional 600 compared with the Cox proportional hazards model with
patients (REVIVE II). treatment as a covariate and stratified by randomization
For the primary endpoint in both trials, the clinical course strata. Changes in BNP were analyzed with the Kruskal-
of each patient during the first 5 days was characterized Wallis test. In addition, a generalized linear model for
as “improved,” “unchanged,” or “worse.” In the definitive repeated measures of the patient global assessment and
REVIVE II trial, patients were classified as “improved” if dyspnea at 6, 24, 48, 72, and 120 h was performed with
they considered themselves moderately or markedly im- effects of treatment, time, and treatment  time interaction.
proved at all pre-specified time points (6 h, 24 h, and 5 All statistical analyses were performed in SAS (version 8.2,
days) and showed no evidence of clinical deterioration SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina).
during this period. Patients were classified as “worse” if
(during the 5 days) they died; experienced persistent or Results
unresponsive symptoms of heart failure after the first 24 h of
randomized therapy or worsening heart failure at any time The REVIVE I trial enrolled 100 patients, of whom 49 were
during the first 5 days, which required a rescue intervention assigned to placebo and 51 were assigned to levosimendan.
specifically to relieve such symptoms; or considered them- The REVIVE II trial enrolled 600 patients, of whom 301
selves to have moderately or markedly worsened on global were assigned to placebo and 299 were assigned to levosi-
assessment at 6 h, 24 h, or 5 days. The period of 5 days was mendan (Fig. 1). Enrollment took place between December
selected because it corresponds to the average duration of 2001 and September 2004.
hospital stay for a patient with ADHF in the United States In both trials, the treatment groups were similar with respect
and to the time of persistence of the active metabolite of to all pre-treatment characteristics, which were also similar
levosimendan (17). The working definition of the clinical across the 2 studies (Table 1). Most patients had fluid reten-
composite in the REVIVE I trial was very similar, except tion, as evidenced by the high proportion of patients with
that changes in the patient global assessment were not pulmonary rales and peripheral edema, and most were receiving
assessed at 6 h; patients with worsening global assessment treatment for chronic heart failure (e.g., digoxin, angiotensin-
were not classified as worse; and the use of intravenous converting enzyme inhibitors, and beta-blockers). Before
diuretics during the first 72 h was not classified as rescue enrollment, all had received intravenous diuretics, and
therapy. approximately one-fourth were receiving intravenous infusions
The secondary endpoints in both the REVIVE I and of peripheral vasodilators or positive inotropic agents.
REVIVE II trials included: 1) changes in plasma BNP at In both trials, >90% of the patients in the levosimendan
24 h; 2) changes in the patient global assessment at 6 h; 3) group received the target infusion rate of 0.2 mg/kg/min at 2 h,
changes in patient perception of dyspnea at 6 h; 4) number and 70% to 85% of the group continued to receive this dose at
of days alive and out of hospital during the first 14 days after 24 h. Approximately 12% of the levosimendan group and 7%
randomization; 5) time to death or worsening heart failure of the placebo group discontinued the study medication before
during 31 days; 6) NYHA functional classification at day 5; 24 h in the REVIVE II trial; 1 patient in each group dis-
and 7) all-cause mortality during the first 90 days. Both trials continued the drug before 24 h in the REVIVE I trial (Fig. 1).
also pre-specified an analysis of the duration of initial hos- Primary endpoint. In the REVIVE I trial, 24 patients in
pital stay for ADHF (19). the levosimendan group but only 15 patients in the placebo
Statistical analyses. The sample size for the REVIVE II group were improved at both 24 h and at 5 days, whereas
trial was estimated on the basis of the following assump- 13 patients in the placebo group and 10 patients in the
tions: the proportion of patients considered improved levosimendan group were worse (p ¼ 0.134 for the overall

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Effect of Levosimendan on ADHF April 2013:103–11

Figure 1 Participant Flow Through the REVIVE Clinical Trials

REVIVE ¼ Randomized EValuation of Intravenous LeVosimendan Efficacy.

difference between the groups). When the criteria were patients in the levosimendan group but only 7 patients in the
made more stringent by additionally requiring moderate or placebo group were improved, whereas 18 patients in the
marked improvement at 6 h to be classified as improved and placebo group and 12 patients in the levosimendan group
to allow a patient to be classified as worse if they received were worse (p ¼ 0.029 for the overall difference between
intravenous diuretics for worsening within the first 72 h, 17 groups).

Table 1 Baseline Characteristics in the REVIVE I and REVIVE II Trials


Levosimendan (n ¼ 51) Placebo (n ¼ 49) Levosimendan (n ¼ 299) Placebo (n ¼ 301)

Age (yrs) 59  15 58  15 64  15 63  15
Men 80% 73% 73% 72%
Caucasian 57% 63% 61% 68%
African American 29% 29% 28% 20%
Prior myocardial infarction 49% 47% 55% 52%
LV ejection fraction 0.20  0.06 0.20  0.07 0.23  0.07 0.24  0.07
Pulmonary rales
Basal only 53% 47% 47% 47%
>1/3 lung fields 14% 12% 23% 23%
>2/3 lung fields 6% 2% 6% 5%
Peripheral edema
Legs only 59% 61% 57% 59%
Sacral and/or lumbar 2% 8% 11% 8%
Systolic BP (mm Hg) 115  17 115  19 115  17 116  20
Diastolic BP (mm Hg) 69  12 69  14 68  12 69  14
Heart rate (beats/min) 84  15 83  15 82  15 81  15
Digoxin 55% 61% 53% 51%
ACE inhibitor/ARB 67% 80% 78% 76%
Beta-blocker 41% 47% 68% 69%
Spironolactone 35% 35% 37% 37%
IV vasodilator 8% 6% 13% 13%
IV inotropic drug 20% 20% 11% 10%
Both IV vasodilator and inotrope 2% 2% 2% 2%

Values are mean  SEM or %.

ACE ¼ angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB ¼ angiotensin receptor blocker; BP ¼ blood pressure; LV ¼ left ventricular; REVIVE ¼ Randomized EValuation of Intravenous
LeVosimendan Efficacy trials.

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April 2013:103–11 Effect of Levosimendan on ADHF

In the REVIVE II trial, which prospectively used the intensification of background treatment in the placebo group
more stringent criteria for the primary endpoint, 58 patients than in the levosimendan group. An analysis over the entire
in the levosimendan but only 44 patients in the placebo 5 days indicated a significant difference in favor of levosi-
group were improved at 6 and 24 h and at 5 days. By mendan (p < 0.002). A similar pattern was seen with respect
contrast, 82 patients in the placebo but only 58 patients in to the patient dyspnea assessment, which showed greater
the levosimendan group were worse (p ¼ 0.015 for the improvement in the levosimendan group at 6 h (p ¼ 0.078),
overall difference between groups). Of note, if the clinical 24 h (p ¼ 0.018), 48 h (p ¼ 0.102), 3 days (p ¼ 0.035), and
course of patients in the REVIVE II trial were classified 5 days (p ¼ 0.102). An analysis over the entire 5 days
with the original definition for the REVIVE I trial, 135 indicated a significant difference in favor of levosimendan
patients in the levosimendan but only 87 patients in the (p ¼ 0.018). Similar effects were seen in the REVIVE I trial.
placebo group were improved at 24 h and at 5 days, whereas In both the REVIVE I and REVIVE II trials, there were
64 patients in the placebo but only 41 patients in the levo- no differences between the groups in the number of days
simendan group experienced clinical worsening (p < 0.001 alive and out of the hospital over 14 days (levosimendan
for the difference between groups). 7.3 vs. placebo 8.9 days, p ¼ 0.258). However, in both trials,
The clinical features and management of worsening in the patients in the levosimendan group were discharged from the
patients who deteriorated are summarized in Table 2. hospital earlier than those in the placebo group. Brief
Overall in the REVIVE II trial, 26% (n ¼ 79) of patients in hospital stays (5 days) were more common in the levosi-
the placebo but only 15% (n ¼ 45) of patients in the mendan group than in the placebo group (46% vs. 37%),
levosimendan group required intravenous rescue therapy whereas long hospital stays (>10 days) were more common
for worsening heart failure. Most experienced worsening in the placebo group than in the levosimendan group
dyspnea (13% placebo, 7% levosimendan); increased pul- (23% vs. 16%, p ¼ 0.009). The NYHA functional class at 5
monary edema (6% placebo, and 3% levosimendan); and days was not significantly different between treatment groups
persistent or unresponsive symptoms (11% placebo and 6% (p ¼ 0.196). Similar trends were seen in the REVIVE I trial.
levosimendan). These treatment intensifications included Safety. In both the REVIVE I and REVIVE II trials, both
intravenous furosemide (placebo 47, levosimendan 23); systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly
nesiritide (placebo 24, levosimendan 17); dobutamine during the 24-h infusion of levosimendan (in the REVIVE
(placebo 19, levosimendan 12); and milrinone (placebo 18, II trial by 4 mm Hg and by 6 mm Hg, respectively, when
levosimendan 12). compared with placebo); the hypotensive effects of the drug
Secondary endpoints and analyses. In the REVIVE II dissipated within 12 h after withdrawal of the drug at the
trial, both at 24 h and at 5 days, plasma levels of BNP end of the 24-h infusion. By contrast, heart rate increased
declined substantially in the levosimendan group compared during the 24-h infusion of levosimendan (in the REVIVE
with the placebo group (both p < 0.001); this effect was no II trial, by 2 to 8 beats/min), and this effect was still
longer apparent after 31 days of follow-up (Fig. 2). A similar statistically significant at the end of 5 days.
pattern of effects was seen in the REVIVE I trial. Adverse events reported in both the REVIVE I and
In the REVIVE II trial, with respect to the patient global REVIVE II trials during the first 31 days of the study are
assessment at 6 h, a greater proportion of patients reported listed in Table 3. In the REVIVE II trial, 5 adverse events
moderate and marked improvement in the levosimendan were seen more frequently in the levosimendan group with
group as compared with placebo (p ¼ 0.081). This shift in nominal p < 0.05 (hypotension, 50% vs. 36%; headache,
favor of levosimendan persisted after 24 h (p ¼ 0.027), 48 h 30% vs. 15%; ventricular tachycardia, 25% vs. 17%; atrial
(p ¼ 0.053), 3 days (p ¼ 0.133), and 5 days (p ¼0.002), fibrillation, 9% vs. 2%; and ventricular extrasystoles, 8% vs.
even though patients in the levosimendan group were no 2%), whereas 1 adverse event was seen more frequently in the
longer receiving the study medication, and there was greater placebo group (rash 4% vs. 1%, nominal p < 0.05). An excess

Table 2 Worsening Clinical Status Requiring Rescue Therapy in REVIVE I and REVIVE II


Levosimendan (n ¼ 51) Placebo (n ¼ 49) Levosimendan (n ¼ 299) Placebo (n ¼ 301)

Proportion requiring rescue therapy 16% 29% 15% 26%
Worsening dyspnea or tachypnea 10% 12% 7% 13%
Increased pulmonary edema 0% 2% 3% 6%
Diaphoresis 0% 2% 1% 1%
Cool extremities and cyanosis 2% 2% 0% 2%
Worsening renal function 6% 2% 3% 5%
Decreased mental status 0% 0% 1% 2%
Persistent/unresponsive symptoms 10% 18% 6% 11%

Values are %. Patients could report multiple symptoms.

REVIVE ¼ Randomized EValuation of Intravenous LeVosimendan Efficacy trials.

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108 Packer et al. JACC: Heart Failure Vol. 1, No. 2, 2013
Effect of Levosimendan on ADHF April 2013:103–11

Patients who received levosimendan on top of standard of

care were more likely to experience an improvement in
symptoms and less likely to experience a worsening of
symptoms than those who received standard therapy alone.
Moreover, levosimendan-treated patients experienced fewer
episodes of and required fewer pharmacological interventions
for worsening heart failure and had fewer prolonged hospital
stays. These benefits of levosimendan were apparent as early
as 6 h and persisted for at least 5 days, even though the drug
was infused for only 24 h. The difference in symptoms in
favor of levosimendan could be discerned, even though
background treatment was intensified to a greater degree in
the placebo groupdan imbalance that would generally have
Change in Plasma B-Type Natriuretic Peptide During
been expected to have diminished the ability of our study to
Figure 2 detect a favorable effect of active treatment (7–9).
and After Infusion of Levosimendan in REVIVE II
The clinical composite endpoint used in these studies was
REVIVE ¼ Randomized EValuation of Intravenous LeVosimendan Efficacy. designed to address many of the limitations of measures
previously used to assess the effects of new drugs in patients
with ADHF. This composite included a clinically important
of these adverse events was apparent both during the first change in a patient-reported assessment of overall clinical
24 h and from 24 h to 5 days, except for hypotension, whose status as well as the occurrence of adverse cardiovascular
occurrence was increased only within the first 24 h. The events sufficiently severe to warrant the use of additional
most common adverse event leading to discontinuation of intravenous medications for heart failure. Therefore the
treatment was hypotension, which was the cause of with- endpoint was devised to ensure that no unbiased, clinically
drawal in 8.1% of the levosimendan group and 2.3% of the meaningful information was excluded; that clinically impor-
placebo group. Other adverse events leading to withdrawal tant events (which frequently lead to the early withdrawal of
were infrequent and similar in the 2 treatment groups. a patient from the study and their exclusion from an efficacy
By the protocol-specified time point of 90 days, 5 patients analysis) would be included; and that the duration of obser-
in the placebo group and 4 in the levosimendan group had vation would represent a meaningful length of time (e.g., the
died in the REVIVE I trial, and 35 patients in the placebo average duration of a hospital stay for ADHF). A similar
group and 45 in the levosimendan group had died in the approach has been used successfully to assess the effects of
REVIVE II trial. The hazard ratio for all-cause mortality was new drugs and new devices for the treatment of chronic heart
1.33 (95% confidence interval: 0.85 to 2.06) for the REVIVE failure (18). We tested our new endpoint initially in a pilot
II trial alone (p ¼ 0.21) and was 1.26 (95% confidence trial (REVIVE I), modified it, and then used it prospectively
interval: 0.83 to 1.91) for the REVIVE I and REVIVE II to evaluate the effects of levosimendan (in REVIVE II). Of
trials combined (p ¼ 0.29) (Fig. 3). An excess risk of death in note, our results did not depend on the specific definition
the levosimendan group (vs. placebo) was apparent as early as used in either trial (i.e., levosimendan benefits could be
5 days; was nominally significant at 14 days; and was largely demonstrated, whether we used our original REVIVE I
seen in subgroups at highest risk of death before entry into definition or our modified [and more stringent] REVIVE II
the study (e.g., patients with systolic blood pressure <100 definition for the clinical composite endpoint).
mm Hg). After 14 days, we observed an inverse relation The benefits of levosimendan seen in the current trials are
between baseline systolic pressure and the magnitude and consistent with its known pharmacological properties. Lev-
direction of the treatment-related difference in the risk of osimendan exerts direct positive inotropic effects by
death, with an excess hazard in the levosimendan group when enhancing calcium sensitivity of the cardiac contractile
the baseline systolic pressure was <100 to 110 mm Hg elements and exerts direct peripheral vasodilator effects by
(Fig. 4). After 90 days, the relative risk of death (levosi- blocking adenosine triphosphate–dependent potassium
mendan/placebo) was 1.9 in patients with a pre-treatment channels in vascular smooth muscle (12). Both actions result
systolic blood pressure <100 mm Hg but was 1.1 in in an increased cardiac output and reduced cardiac filling
patients with a systolic blood pressure 100 mm Hg. pressures in patients with ADHF (13–16). In contrast to
some other positive inotropic agents, these effects are not
Discussion attenuated by concomitant treatment with beta-blockers
(16,20,21) and are sustained beyond the duration of the
The REVIVE studies demonstrate that a continuous intra- drug infusion, because levosimendan has an active metabo-
venous infusion of levosimendan for 24 h, when added to lite with a long half-life (70 to 80 h) (17,22,23).
existing treatments, has a favorable symptomatic effect on The infusion of levosimendan in the REVIVE I and
the short-term clinical course of patients with ADHF. REVIVE II trials was associated with important adverse

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April 2013:103–11 Effect of Levosimendan on ADHF

Table 3 Adverse Events Occurring With a Frequency 5% in REVIVE I and REVIVE II


Levosimendan (n ¼ 51) Placebo (n ¼ 48) Levosimendan (n ¼ 293) Placebo (n ¼ 294)

Hypotension 28 (54.9%) 23 (47.9%) 147 (50.2%) 107 (36.4%)
Headache 23 (45.1%) 13 (27.1%) 88 (30.0%) 44 (15.0%)
Cardiac failure 14 (27.5%) 13 (27.1%) 98 (33.5%) 108 (36.7%)
Ventricular tachycardia 12 (23.5%) 10 (20.8%) 72 (24.6%) 51 (17.3%)
Nausea 17 (33.3%) 11 (22.9%) 53 (18.1%) 46 (15.6%)
Dizziness 13 (25.5%) 4 (8.3%) 38 (13.0%) 35 (11.9%)
Hypokalemia 7 (13.7%) 8 (16.7%) 35 (11.9%) 36 (12.2%)
Renal failure 4 (7.8%) 1 (2.1%) 36 (12.3%) 40 (13.6%)
Insomnia 9 (17.6%) 7 (14.6%) 32 (10.9%) 37 (12.6%)
Constipation 5 (9.8%) 3 (6.3%) 34 (11.6%) 35 (11.9%)
Vomiting 4 (7.8%) 6 (12.5%) 27 (9.2%) 22 (7.5%)
Hyperkalemia 5 (9.8%) 5 (10.4%) 21 (7.2%) 19 (6.5%)
Diarrhea 4 (7.8%) 1 (2.1%) 21 (7.2%) 20 (6.8%)
Back pain 6 (11.8%) 5 (10.4%) 13 (4.4%) 20 (6.8%)
Urinary tract infection 1 (2.0%) 1 (2.1%) 20 (6.8%) 21 (7.1%)
Muscle cramp 6 (11.8%) 3 (6.3%) 20 (6.8%) 11 (3.7%)
Anxiety 1 (2.0%) 1 (2.1%) 17 (5.8%) 18 (6.1%)
Pain in extremity 1 (2.0%) 4 (8.3%) 14 (4.8%) 18 (6.1%)
Anemia 2 (3.9%) 3 (6.3%) 16 (5.5%) 15 (5.1%)
Angina pectoris d d 18 (6.1%) 18 (6.1%)
Atrial fibrillation 4 (7.8%) 1 (2.1%) 25 (8.5%) 6 (2.0%)
Pyrexia d 2 (4.2%) 16 (5.5%) 18 (6.1%)
Cough 2 (3.9%) 4 (8.3%) 13 (4.4%) 15 (5.1%)
Ventricular extrasystoles 3 (5.9%) 2 (4.2%) 22 (7.5%) 6 (2.0%)
Dyspnea exacerbated 3 (5.9%) 3 (6.3%) 10 (3.4%) 15 (5.1%)
Hypoglycemia 1 (2.0%) 3 (6.3%) 15 (5.1%) 8 (2.7%)

Values are n (%). Versions of Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities þ differed slightly between studies.
REVIVE ¼ Randomized EValuation of Intravenous LeVosimendan Efficacy trials.

cardiovascular effects. As with other agents that dilate increased heart rate, and its use was associated with an
arterial and venous blood vessels (11,24), levosimendan increased frequency of both atrial and ventricular rhythm
lowered blood pressure, and its use was associated with both disturbances. Both types of adverse events have been re-
headache and hypotension. Similarly, as with other agents ported in earlier studies with levosimendan (13–16), but in
that increase cardiac contractility (5,24), levosimendan these earlier studies, the risk of hypotension and arrhythmias

Time to Death for Any Reason During First 90 Days Figure 4 Hazard Ratio for All-Cause Mortality
Figure 3
After Randomization
Hazard ratio for all-cause mortality (levosimendan/placebo) at 14 days as a func-
The REVIVE I and II trials combined. tion of the systolic blood pressure at randomization.

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110 Packer et al. JACC: Heart Failure Vol. 1, No. 2, 2013
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27. Abraham WT, Adams KF, Fonarow GC, et al. In-hospital mortality in
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vasoactive medications: an analysis from the Acute Decompensated
Heart Failure National Registry (ADHERE). J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;
46:57–64. For a list of the Steering Committee members, Data and Safety Monitoring
28. Tacon CL, McCaffrey J, Delaney A. Dobutamine for patients Board members, and the REVIVE Program Investigators, please see the
with severe heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis online version of this article.

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