3M Company (MMM) : 2 - Attractive
3M Company (MMM) : 2 - Attractive
3M Company (MMM) : 2 - Attractive
4 - Unattractive False Positive 4th Quintile -5%<-1% 2.4 < 3.5 or < -1 20 < 50
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ROIC is 3 - Neutral
ROIC measures a company's return on all cash invested in the
business. It is the truest measure of profitability. Stock valuations
are more highly correlated to ROIC than any other metric. ROIC
is calculated as NOPAT divided by Average Invested Capital.
Using Free Cash Flow Yield to pick stocks is not a new strategy.
However, our strategy yields superior results because we use a
better measure of Free Cash Flow. In the same way our
Economic EPS are better measures of profitability than reported
EPS, our measure of Free Cash Flow is better than traditional
accounting-based Free Cash Flow.
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Price-to-EBV Ratio
When prices are higher than EBV, the market predicts the
NOPAT of the company will increase and expectations for profit
growth are reflected in the stock. If the stock price equals EBV,
the market predicts NOPAT will remain the same and there are
no expectations for profit growth reflected in the stock. When
stock prices are lower than EBV, the market predicts NOPAT will
decrease and expectations for permanent profit decline are
reflected in the stock.
cost of capital on new investments. Stock Price $190.54 $174.79 $119.92 $100.01
We believe MMM embeds a Very Attractive level of market
Revenue CAGR 1.1% 3.1% (5.8%) -
expectations because there is a conservative level of expected
financial performance implied by its market price compared to the ROIC - WACC 8.9% 7.9% 2.9% -
company's historical performance.
Growth Appreciation Period - - - < 1 year
At MMM's current stock price of $100.01 the market is expecting
almost no profit growth over the remainder of the company's life.
As a result, expectations in MMM's price are very conservative.
Learn More
Members of our website get exclusive access to more data and detailed analytics on the 10,000 securities we cover. Stock reports from our
website include detailed information on the number and dollar value of every income statement, balance sheet and DCF valuation
adjustments we make.
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Outlooks, Webinars and thought leadership on Machine Learning & AI for Investing and Fiduciary Rule fulfillment.
Members get advanced screening capabilities on our best-in-class metrics like ROIC and Free Cash Flow Yield and alerts whenever there
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In-depth risk/reward analysis underpins our stock rating. Our stock rating methodology grades every stock according to what
we believe are the 5 most important criteria for assessing the quality of a stock. Each grade reflects the balance of potential
risk and reward of buying that stock. Our analysis results in the 5 ratings described below. Very Attractive and Attractive
correspond to a "Buy" rating, Very Unattractive and Unattractive correspond to a "Sell" rating, while Neutral corresponds to a
"Hold" rating.
4 - Unattractive False Positive 4th Quintile -5% < -1% 2.4 < 3.5 or < -1 20 < 50
3 - Neutral Neutral EE 3rd Quintile -1% < 3% 1.6 < 2.4 10 < 20
2 - Attractive Positive EE 2nd Quintile 3% < 10% 1.1 < 1.6 3 < 10
1 - Very Attractive Rising EE Top Quintile > 10% 0 < 1.1 0<3
Economic earnings and return on capital metrics are significantly more accurate when as-reported financial statements have
been adjusted to reverse accounting distortions and Red Flags. The majority of the data required to reverse accounting
distortions is available only in the Notes to the Financial Statements, which we analyze rigorously. Our core competency is
gathering and analyzing all relevant financial data (from the Financial Statements and Notes) so that we can deliver
earnings analysis that best represents the true profitability of businesses. See the figure below for a list of the Red Flag
adjustments we make to a company's reported GAAP profits in order to reverse accounting distortions and arrive at a better
measure of a firm's profits.
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1. Legacy fundamental datasets suffer from significant inaccuracies, omissions, and biases.
2. Only our "novel database" enables investors to overcome these flaws and apply reliable fundamental data in their research.
3. Our proprietary measures of Core Earnings and Earnings Distortion materially improve stock picking and forecasting of profits.
• "A final source of differences [between New Constructs' and S&P Global's data] is due to data collection oversights... we identified
cases where Compustat did not collect information relating to firms' income that is useful in assessing core earnings." - pp. 16, 2nd
Superior Models
A top accounting firm features the superiority of our ROIC, NOPAT, and Invested Capital research to Capital IQ & Bloomberg's in Getting ROIC Right. See
the Appendix for direct comparison details.
Key quotes from the paper:
• "...an accurate calculation of ROIC requires more diligence than often occurs in some of the common, off-the-shelf ROIC
calculations. Only by scouring the footnotes and the MD&A [as New Constructs does] can investors get an accurate
calculation of ROIC." -pp. 8, 5th para.
• "The majority of the difference... comes from New Constructs' machine learning approach, which leverages technology to calculate
ROIC by applying accounting adjustments that may be buried deeply in the footnotes across thousands of companies." -pp. 4, 2nd
• "Our results ultimately suggest that Robo-Analysts are a valuable, alternative information intermediary to traditional sell-side
analysts." -pp. 20, 3rd para.
Our mission is to provide the best fundamental analysis of public and private businesses in the world and make it affordable for all investors, not just Wall
Street insiders.
We believe every investor deserves to know the whole truth about the profitability and valuation of any company they consider for investment. More details on
our cutting-edge technology and how we use it are here.
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