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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MANAGEMENT-THANJAVUR (NIFTEM-T) (an institute of National Importance; Formerly Indian institute of Food Processing Technology-IIFPT) Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), Government of Indi Pudukkottai Road, Thanjavur — 613005 FINAL THEORY EXAMINATION — 2022 B. TECH (FOOD TECHNOLOGY) (2018 Syllabus) FSN 112 & Food Additives and Preservatives (I+1) Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes Max. Marks: 40 PART-A (Answer all the questions) 20x 0.5 = 10 Marks Al. Sodium bicarbonate is A) Antimicrobial agent B) Anticaking agent ©) _Leavening agent D) None of the above A2. Which of the following acts as chelating agent? A) Sulphur dioxide B) Chromium oxide ©) Sorbic acid D) Citric acid 43, _ Which property of hydrogen peroxide makes it the effective preservative? A) Oxidative B) Reductive ©) Ability to chelate metals) Abi To.decrease water A4. Vinegar is used in A) Confectionery B) Pickle Cc) Jelly D) Oils AS. Antimicrobial effect of thyme is due to presence of A) Allicin B) Allyl sulphide C) Eugenol D) = Thymol 46. Antimicrobial activity of sodium chloride is related to its ability to Bind with the thiamine of Se giccoganism B) Increase the rate of oxidation Decrease the water D) © activity )_None of the above AT. Which of the following pigment is water soluble? A) Bixin B) _Norbixin ©) Seed coat D)__ None of the above A8. Colours probably the most controversial food additive because: Itis associated with increased The compounds are { i) B) incidence of cancer in animal largely available rea It is associated with i maliyperactivity in young D) None of the above children Ag. Disodium Inosinate is a A) Artificial sweetener BA riceking.azent ©) Flavour enhancer BYaGieaning cgen ‘10. Monosodium glutamate is not allowed in A) _ Seasoning mixes 8) Soup powder C) Culinary powder D) Milk and milk products Which of the following is electron donor, metal chelator and oxygen one scavengerA13, Ald. Al6, Al. ALB, AIS. A20 BI B2. BS. Ba, BS. BO. cl Cs Cas C4. cs. A) Tocopherol B) Propyl gallate C) Ascorbic acid 1p) Glutathione peroxidase Sugar more than __acts as preservative A) 10% B) 40% ©) 70% D) 95% Agar-agar is used as A) Antibiotic B) Stabilizer C) Colouring agent D) Nutrient supplement Which of the following acts as chelating agent? A) Sulphur dioxide B) Chromium oxide ©) Sorbic acid D) EDTA is a low calorie sweetener A) glucose B) sucrose C) sorbitol D) lactose Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) is A) Chelating agent B) Antioxidant C) Stabilizer D) Emulsion Colour of copper pheophytin A) Brown B) Yellow C) Purple D) Green Silicon dioxide is a popular __ agent A) Chelating B) Anticaking C) Humectant D) Antioxidant Colour which is not permitted in food is A) Sudan B)_ Tartrazine C) Sunset yellow D) Carmoisine CFR has number of titles A) 40 B) 75 Q 90 D) 100 PART-B (Answer any FIVE) 5x2=10 Marks Short answer type questions Expand the following: a) CFR; b) FSSAl; c) JECFA; d) NOAEL What is a thickening agent? Explain its role and importance in food industry with example Difference between nutritive sweetener and non-nutritive sweetener. Give examples. What is antioxidant and give relevant examples for synthetic and natural antioxidant in food application What is a chelating agent? Explain its role in food industry with example Expand LD50 and explain. PART-C (Answer any FOUR) 4x5=20 Marks Paragraph / Essay Type Questions Explain the use of stabilizers and emulsifiers in frozen dessert or icecream with example Expand EDTA, explain is role as food additive and why is it needed in beverage processing What is a biological leaveni ion its types and explain its role in food industry with example. spent, ment on What is colour additive, explain its classification and give relevant examples for different class of coigurs in food application What is a flavour, explain its classification with relevant examples
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