Speakingq 3
Speakingq 3
Speakingq 3
- Are there any things you don’t like about your area? (What are they?)
- Do you think you will continue to live there for a long time? (Why? Why
Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?
- Which is more important to you – the people you work with or the work you do? (Why?)
- Which is more important to you—the teachers or the other students on your course? (Why?)
Examiner to choose TWO further frames from frames
Part 1
1. Robots
2. Did you like any film has a robot in it when you were a child?
2. Geography
3. Helping others
2. How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family, and friends?
4. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
4. Gift
2. What should you pay attention to when choosing a gift?
3. Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?
6. Films
5. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?
7. Tea or Coffee
8. Musical instruments
9. Quiet place
2. Why do people sometimes prefer to be alone?
2. What means of transport do you use when going for a trip from your workplace/school?
11. Noise
4. What kinds of noises are there in the area where you live?
12. Chatting
3. Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?
13. Running
2. Where do you usually like to run?
14. Map
16. Clothing
17. Health
3. Are there health classes in your school?
18. Language
4. Are there shops selling ice cream near where you live?
21. Concentration
2. How do you stay focused?
2. Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?
23. Friends
24. Teachers
25. Rain
3. Would you like to live in a dry or wet place?
26. Week
1. When was the last time you had a few days off?
3. Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends?
28. Bags
2. Do you often see animals in the zoo or in the wild? Which one do you prefer.Why?
1. Did you have a bike when you were young?
Part 2
2. Do you think people take more photos now than in the past?
Where it is
4. Do youngsters like to try new things, or do people of your parents’ age also like to try
new things?
6. Why do people go to live in small towns and think that they are more interesting than the
big cities?
6. Are there any differences between cooking today and in the past?
What the painting is about
Part 3
5. What is the meaning of what they draw? What do they often draw?
6. Should they learn to draw at school? How do young people share art? Do you need an
artistic atmosphere at home?
Where it is
Part 3
3. What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?
6. Describe a foreigner you know who speaks your language (Vietnamese) well
Where he/she is from
Part 3
5. Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?
7. Describe someone you don’t know but would like to know more
Part 3
1. Are there any differences in the relationship between you and other people?
You should say
Part 3
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?
5. How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?
10. Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways
Follow up questions:
When it was
Part 3
5. How do people face big changes and what preparations do they make?
6. When things like getting married or moving home happen, what kinds of things would you
And explain why it is beautiful
Part 3
1. What’s the different between big cities and small cities? Why?
4. Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and give place for modern buildings?
12. Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer
Part 3
Part 3
2. What rules can be for given for children breaking at home?
When it was
Part 3
5. What are the areas in which people are more or less willing to accept advice?
6. Have you ever received any advice from professional people, like a doctor, a lawyer or
a teacher?
When it happened
Part 3
1. Does studying and learning make people tired today?
3. What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?
5. What are the differences between feeling tired after sutyding and after exercising?
6. How can people solve the problem of old people easily getting tired?
Part 3
5. What are the differences between holding a party at home and in a public spaces?
17. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing
When it happened
And explain how you felt about the experience
18. Describe a science subject that you are interested in (Biology, Robotics,etc.)
Part 3
1. Did you ever tell anybody that you are interested in this subject?
When it happened
Part 3
2. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?
20. Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event
Who he/she is
Part 3
5. What is the most popular sport in your country?
21. Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful
What it shows
Part 3
22. Describe a difficult task that you campleted at work/study that you felt proud of
Part 3
1. What are the things that make people feel proud of?
2. Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task?
Who with you
When it happened
Part 3
Part 3
1. Is history important?
4. Who would show more interest in history, young people or elder people?
25. Describe a person you study or work with who is successful in his/her life
What makes him/her successful
Part 3
3. Do you think students who do well in academic study will be become successful later in life?
What happened
Part 3
1. Why do you think some people have a better memory than others?
6. What is your earliest memory that you can still remember now?
27. Describe a person you know who likes to help others (or, who often helps others).
When you knew or when you first met this person
Part 3
What are some examples of jobs where people help others a lot?
What personal qualities do these 'helpers' need to have, compared to average people? *
Community Spirit
What are some ways that neighbors can help each other?
Do you think community spirit has increased (or improved) compared to years ago,
or has it decreased?
What (kinds of) people in society need special help (at times)?
What do you think are the advantages of having good relations with one's neighbours?
What it is
Follow-up questions:
Can you name any other inventions that have made a big impact on human society?
Modern Technology
What are some examples of inventions that are used in the home?
What are some examples of electronic or electrical equipment that are used in schools
(in classrooms)?
What kinds of new technology connected to health do you think might appear in future?
29. Describe the type of clothes that you usually (like to) wear.
How often you buy them
Why do you think some people don't like shopping for clothes?
Do you think there is a difference between males and females when buying clothes?
Do you think it's important (or, good) to follow the current fashions in the clothes you
Why do many young people feel it's important to wear clothes that are "in fashion"?
Do you think there are any negative effects on young people resulting from this idea that
wearing fashionable clothes is important?
Uniforms Sub-topic
Do you think it's good for people (such as school students) to wear uniforms?
Do you think it would be a good idea to let students design their own school uniform?
What impact do you think the fashion industry has on the economy of your country?
How you know them (= him or her)
Can you explain why some students at school are more popular than others?
Do you think it's easier to be popular if you are wealthy than if you are poor?
Can you explain why some people are popular (or famous) for many years while
others are only popular (or famous) for a short time?
Popular Entertainers
Can you explain why some people (actors) are popular (or famous) for many years
while others are only popular (or famous) for a short time?
31. Describe a traditional celebration (a festival or ceremony) in your country that you enjoy
Part 3:
3. Does globalization make other country more interested in one country's culture?
5. Do you think food and music are important for celebrations?
6. Do you think that traditional festivals are different compared to the past?
32. Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger
Part 3:
2. Where do children usually play?
3. Do you think there are too many rules for children to follow, whether at school or at home?
4. Do you think it’s necessary for parents to make decisions for their children?
5. Do you think it is good for parents to help their children choose friends?
34. Describe a place far away from your area of living which you would visit in the
2. Why did people like to explore new places to develop the tourism industry?
3. How do students who have taken a gap year differ from other students?
4. What do you think is the most desirable place for people to visit during the holiday?
35. Describe a person who just moved into your community and brought positive influence
Follow-up questions:
What are the problems that a person might face when they move to a new
When and where this person moved to your community
Part 3:
3. What do you think about living alone and living with others?
4. What skills do you think young people need to learn in order to live independently?
5. How can parents and teachers help young people to live independently?
2. Is it too late for people to get a driver’s license at the age of 18?
4. Do you think the government should make it a rule for people to use public transport?
What shop it is
When you first started going to this shop (or, how you came to know about this shop)
38. Describe a place you have been to where there were lots of people
Where it is
6. What do you think of the phenomenon of people queuing in restaurants for more than an hour?
39. Describe a book that you have read many times.
6. How important is it to be a good listener when communicating?
What is it
Part 3:
Where it is
3. What’s the difference between living in the countryside and living in the city?
4. What are the advantages of the facilities of the apartment and the facilities of the house?
5. What difficulties do people have living in the city?
43. Describe an expensive gift that you want to give someone if you save a lot of
44. Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future.
What it is
Whether it is difficult
Part 3:
1. Do you think it is good to teach swimming in schools?
45. Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about
When it was
Part 3:
4. Do you think films with famous actors or actresses are more likely to become
successful films?
Where you were
What happened
Part 3:
1. How can people find their way when they are lost?
2. Do you think it is important to do some preparation before you travel to new places?
Part 3:
3. What’s the difference between email and phone in terms of providing information?
4. Which do you think is the better way to provide information, by phone or by email?
48. Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in future
4. Why do some people like to read adventure books rather than take an advanture?
3. Who can children turn to for help when making a decision?
What it is
Part 3:
1. What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country?
2. What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your country?
4. When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for their future careers?
5. Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills?
6. Do you think it is important for secondary schools to offer career advice to students?