Yao 2014
Yao 2014
Yao 2014
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A novel engineered biochar with clay particles distributed on carbon surfaces within the biochar matrix
Received 4 November 2013 has been successfully developed as a low-cost adsorbent for environmental applications. Three biomass
Received in revised form 18 December 2013 feedstocks were pretreated with montmorillonite or kaolinite suspensions and then pyrolyzed at 600 °C
Accepted 20 December 2013
for 1 h in a N2 environment. Physicochemical characterizations including microscopy and X-ray analyses
Available online 2 January 2014
confirmed clay particles were present on the surface of biochar during the annealing process. Laboratory
adsorption experiments indicated that the presence of clay particles on carbon surfaces had dramatically
increased (about 5 times) the biochars’ adsorption ability to methylene blue (MB). In addition, the clay–
Engineered carbon
biochar composites could be recycled and reused after dye adsorption with a stable capacity of around
Methylene blue 7.90 mg g1. The experimental results also showed that the sorption of MB on the clay–biochar compos-
Clay ites is mainly controlled by the ion exchange (with clay) and electrostatic attraction (with biochar) mech-
Montmorillonite anisms. Findings from this work indicate that engineered biochar, prepared from two low-cost materials
Kaolinite (clay and biochar), is a valuable adsorbent for removing contaminants from aqueous solutions.
Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction In recent years, clay minerals have been widely applied in agri-
culture, in industrial engineering, and in the discovery, recovery,
Biochar, pyrogenic carbon produced from agricultural and for- and refining of petroleum. A few of the important physical and
est residues, has received much attention recently because of its chemical properties that make clay minerals valuable include par-
potential application as a soil amendment as well as a carbon fixer ticle size, surface chemistry, particle shape, and surface area [14].
to benefit the environment. When it is amended into soils, biochar Due to their lamellar structure, high surface area, and high ion ex-
may improve soil fertility, enhance agricultural productivity, in- change capacity, clay minerals have great potential to fix various
crease soil nutrients and water holding capacity, and reduce emis- pollutants, such as heavy metals, dyes, and organic compounds
sions of other greenhouse gases [1–4]. Recent studies also suggest [15,16]. Montmorillonite and kaolinite are among the most studied
that biochar can be used as an alternative low-cost sorbent to re- clays that can potentially be used as low-cost adsorbents. Mont-
move various contaminants from water [4–9]. In addition, several morillonite with expandable-layered silicates consists of two tetra-
engineering methods have been developed to modify biochar and hedral and one octahedral unit forming a platelet approximately
enhance its sorption ability to various contaminants in aqueous 10 Å thick [17]. One important property is that the layers are neg-
solutions [10–13]. atively charged; the charge is normally balanced by hydrated cat-
ions placed in the interlayer spaces [15]. Kaolinite is also a layered
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 (352) 392 1864x285. silicate mineral with one tetrahedral sheet linked through oxygen
E-mail address: bg55@ufl.edu (B. Gao). atoms to one octahedral sheet of alumina octahedral. The exchange
1385-8947/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Yao et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 242 (2014) 136–143 137
sites of kaolinite are located on the surface and it has no interlayer with the same pyrolysis conditions. All the biochar samples were
exchange sites [18]. Both montmorillonite and kaolinite have washed with DI water several times to remove impurities, oven
relatively high cation exchange capacity (CEC), have good dried, and sealed in a container for further testing. The resulting
adsorption properties, and can effectively remove some inorganic clay-modified and pristine biochar samples were henceforth
and organic pollutants from aqueous solutions [19,20]. Neverthe- referred to as BB-MMT, BG-MMT, HC-MMT, BB-KLN, BG-KLN,
less, because montmorillonite and kaolinite are very fine HC-KLN, BB, BG, HC, respectively.
particles (i.e., colloids/nanoparticles), they are unsuitable as
fixed-bed media or flocculation additives in water treatment 2.2. Characterizations
Engineering methods, such as surface modification, have been The N2 surface areas of the engineered biochar were obtained
used to create biochar-based materials, particularly biochar-based using NOVA 1200 surface area analyzer. C, H, and N analyses were
composites with enhanced functions for environmental applica- conducted using a CHN Elemental Analyzer (Carlo-Erba NA-1500)
tions [21–23]. In these composites, the biochar serves as a good via high-temperature catalyzed combustion followed by infrared
porous structure to support and host the distribution of the nano- detection of the resulting CO2, H2 and NO2 gases, respectively.
particles within its matrix. This characteristic can be exploited for Major elements of biochars were determined by acid digestion of
the development of a new type of engineered biochar with clay the samples followed by inductively-coupled plasma atomic emis-
particles distributed within the biochar matrix to take advantage sion spectroscopy (ICP-AES) analysis. Biochar oxygen contents
of the recent development of the biochar technology and the good were determined by a mass balance assuming the total weight of
sorption ability of clay particles. To our knowledge, however, none all measured elements sum up to 1. Scanning electron microscope
of the previous studies have attempted to combine the advantages (SEM) imaging analysis of the biochars was conducted using a JEOL
of two low-cost materials (biochar and clay) into new engineered JSM-6400 Scanning Microscope. Surface elemental analysis was
materials with enhanced value and functions. also conducted simultaneously with the SEM at the same surface
The overarching objective of this work was to develop a simple locations using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX, Oxford
method to prepare clay–biochar composites for environmental Instruments Link ISIS). X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was carried
applications. Various engineered biochars were made in laboratory out using a computer-controlled X-ray diffractometer (Philips Elec-
from plant biomass (i.e., bamboo, bagasse, hickory chips) pre- tronic Instruments) equipped with a stepping motor and graphite
treated with clay (montmorillonite and kaolinite) suspension crystal monochromator. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of
through slow pyrolysis. The physicochemical properties of these biochars was conducted with a Mettler Toledo’s TGA/DSC1 ana-
engineered biochars were characterized. In addition, the potential lyzer under a stream of air/nitrogen atmosphere, with heating from
environmental applications of the engineered biochars were eval- 30 °C to 750 °C (10 °C/min).
uated by measuring their sorption characteristics to methylene
blue (MB), which has long been used as a ‘‘model’’ compound to 2.3. Methylene blue sorption
represent the adsorption of contaminants, particularly organic
dyes, onto carbon materials [24]. The specific objectives of this The MB sorption ability of the biochars was examined using
work were as follows: (1) develop a novel approach for preparing 68 mL digestion vessels (Environmental Express) at room temper-
clay–biochar composites, (2) characterize their physicochemical ature (22 ± 0.5 °C) with a 1:500 (0.1 g biochar in 50 ml solution)
properties, (3) assess their ability to remove MB from aqueous biochar/solution (20 mg/L MB) ratio for 24 h. This sorbent dosage
solutions, and (4) determine the governing mechanisms of MB was commonly used in the literature for testing the sorptive prop-
sorption on the clay–biochar composites. erties of biochar/carbon based materials [27–29]. The samples
were withdrawn from a mechanical shaker and immediately fil-
tered through 0.22 lm pore size nylon membrane filters (GE cellu-
2. Experimental lose nylon membrane) to determine adsorbed methylene blue
concentrations by a UV–Vis spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific
2.1. Biochar production EVO 60).
experiment after discarding the supernatant dye solution. The montmorillonite, as Al(III) could be exchanged with Fe(II), resulting
resulting sorbent was then washed three times with DI water to re- in a negative charged. Mestdagh et al. [35] reported that varying
move non-adsorbed dye, and agitated with 50 ml of 0.50 mol l1 amounts of iron can be accommodated within the octahedral sheet
KCl solution for 2 h. The regenerated biochar was separated and of kaolinite. Montmorillonite modification also increased the bio-
oven dried at 80 °C for further MB sorption test with the same pro- char’s content of sodium (a typical element of montmorillonite).
cedure described above. This sorption-regeneration procedure was The significantly increased aluminum and iron contents of engi-
repeated multiple times. Because MB sorption on clay minerals is neered biochars suggested both montmorillonite and kaolinite
mainly through ion exchange [30], the use of KCl solution as the were successfully added onto the biochars. All other elements con-
desorption agent would also reveal the effect of MMT on the sorp- tents within the nine biochar samples were relatively low and
tion of MB on the composite adsorbent. comparable with each other (Table 1).
All nine biochars had large surface areas (Table 1). The order
of surface area was as follows: bagasse category > bamboo
3. Results and discussion category > hickory category (Table 1). Raw material treated with
clays decreased the surface area especially with kaolinite, probably
3.1. Elemental analysis and surface area because clays may cover/clog the pores on the biochars.
Table 1
Surface area and elemental analysis of the nine biochars produced in this study. BG–MMT, BB–MMT, HC-MMT, BG-KLN, BB-KLN, HC-KLN, BG, BB, HC are biochars produced from
clay-pretreated and untreated feedstocks, respectively.
Fig. 1. TGA of the biochars in air (a–c) and the feedstocks in nitrogen (d).
Table 2
Residue contents and clay contents of the nine biochars.
of biomass may not have any effect on biomass decomposition dur- mineral within biochars [12], was also found in clay–biochar com-
ing slow pyrolysis under nitrogen atmosphere. posites, which is consistent with the EDX results.
SEM imaging of the clay–biochar composites (BG-MMT) The ability to remove MB from aqueous solution was tested for
showed that the sample surface was widely covered by thin film each of the nine biochars; the results are shown in Fig. 4. In gen-
structures (Fig. 2a and b). After zooming in at 8997 magnification, eral, the bagasse category biochars had a better MB removal rate
the films showed layered surfaces (Fig. 2c), a common clay struc- (i.e., amount removed by the sorbent/amount in the original solu-
tural morphology reported in literatures [37,38]. The surface cov- tion) than the other two categories, suggesting BG might be a bet-
erage with clay particles on the biochar was further confirmed ter feedstock for the production of biochar-based sorbents. All
by the EDX analysis. Both the EDX spectrum and SEM imaging of three biochars from untreated raw materials (i.e., BB, BG, and
the surface showed extremely high peaks for silicon, aluminum, HC) showed very low MB removal of about 9.0–25.6% (Fig. 4),
sodium, calcium, magnesium, and iron, all of which are typical of which is consistent with reported studies [39]. Surface modifica-
the elemental composition of clay minerals (Fig. 2d). tion with both clays did improve MB adsorption for bagasse and
XRD analysis of the clay–biochar composites (BG-MMT) also re- hickory biochars. However, it slightly reduced the removal of MB
vealed the presence of mineral crystals. In the spectrum, the four by the bamboo biochar, indicating that it not suitable to apply
strong peaks at 6.4° (d = 13.840 Å), 6.9° (d = 12.803 Å), 19.9° the clay–BB biochar composites for MB removal. Additional inves-
(d = 4.449 Å) and 35.1° (d = 2.555 Å) were identified as expansible tigations thus are still needed to explore the applications of the
phyllosilicates (i.e., montmorillonite) (Fig. 3). The XRD result con- clay–BB composites. For bagasse, the montmorillonite modifica-
curs to the SEM-EDX analyses that the simple production method tion improved the MB removal rate from 25.6% to 84.3%, while
in the work has successfully implanted montmorillonite onto the 30.0% for kaolinite modification. This dramatic improvement with
carbon surfaces of the biochar matrix. Quartz (SiO2), a common clay modification probably because the BG-MMT had the highest
140 Y. Yao et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 242 (2014) 136–143
Fig. 2. SEM image (a–c) and EDX spectrum (d) of clay–biochar composites (BG–MMT).
XRD spectrum of BG-MMT
600 P
5 20 35 50 65 80
Kinetics and isotherm studies were carried out and a number of dqt
¼ k2 ðqe qt Þ2 second order ð2:2Þ
well-known sorption models were applied in order to better dt
understand the processes governing the adsorption of MB to the
engineered BG-MMT biochar. The kinetics experiment data dqt
¼ kn ðqe qt Þn Ritchie nth-order ð2:3Þ
shows a rapid initial uptake followed by smooth increase, with dt
Y. Yao et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 242 (2014) 136–143 141
Fig. 5. Adsorption kinetics data and modeling for MB onto BG–MMT biochar: (a) full and (b) pre-equilibrium adsorption versus square root of time. Symbols are experimental
data and lines are model results.
Table 3
Best-fit kinetics and isotherms models parameters for MB adsorption onto BG-MMT.
4. Conclusions
For the first time, a novel engineered biochar with clay particles
implanted on carbon surfaces within the biochar pores has been
successfully developed. The resulting composites have unique
properties and functions inherited from both clay and biochar that
can be applied in large-scale applications because the feedstock
materials are abundant and inexpensive [15]. In addition, the
clay–biochar composites has a much higher sorption ability to
MB, a model contaminant, than the original char. Due to stability
and cycle performance, the engineered biochar can be regenerated
and reused for repeated MB sorption, giving it great potential to be
used as an innovative and low-cost adsorbent for environmental
applications, particularly with respect to removing contaminants
from aqueous solutions. In addition, because of the simple synthe-
sis and low-cost, the clay–biochar composites may also be used in
large-scale land application to improve soil quality and sequester
Fig. 7. Regeneration and cycle performance of BG–MMT sorbent. carbon.
where K, Kf, Klf, and Kr represents the four models’ coefficient,
respectively; Q (mg g1) denotes the maximum capacity; Ce This research was partially supported by the NSF through
(mg L1) is the sorbate concentration at equilibrium; and n and a Grant: CBET-1054405.
are constants for Freundlich and Redlich–Peterson models, respec-
tively [49]. All four tested isotherm models fit the experimental References
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