Eth Case
Eth Case
Eth Case
At Dojima Network, we are trying to organize the unorganized web3.0 to make the user
experience simpler, bringing together all chains together and, along with that synchronizing all
chains and providing API Connections between different chains making it very easy for
developers to develop cross-chain applications.
Problem Statement:
Decentralised application developers (DAPPs) on every blockchain are limited by the
ecosystem of that particular blockchain.
There is no provision for developers to access the best of all the blockchain platforms i.e to
access tokens and data of multiple blockchains on a single platform.
Dojima Network is a multi-layer architecture.
It consists of 2 blockchains working together in a decentralised manner with all other blockchains
to both fetch liquidity and act as a cross-chain platform for developers to develop cross-chain
Hackathon Expectation:
Participants of the hackathon will be developing applications on top of dojimachain. Dojima
chain is an EVM chain. So developers will be deploying applications in solidity, just like they will
be deploying applications on ethereum. All the tooling available for the Ethereum chain is
compatible with developing on top of dojimachain.
Teams are expected to use their creativity and design all kinds of Dapps like
● Dexes
● Lending and Borrowing
● Marketplaces ( Defi, NFT, Deeivatives)
● Asset management tools
● Prediction Markets
● DAOs and Governance
● Infrastructure and Devtooling
● Staking platforms
● Yield aggregators, etc are a subset of kinds of applications.
However developers can also come up with new kinds of Dapps, and creativity is always
Dojima network being a crosschain platform, all the solidity dapps deployed on dojima chain
could easily integrate cross chain functionalities into their Dapps.
Proper documentation regarding these functionalities will be made available before the
Participating teams have to submit a complete abstract about the process you came up with. It
must include:
Statement of the Problem- Succinct definition of the problem addressed.
Objectives- What is your motivation? What are the objectives the prototype is developed for?
Introduction to Proposed Solution-Explain the ideation behind the proposed solution. You are
encouraged to include other relevant metrics and parameters besides the ones provided to you.
Current Development Stage- Share insights as to how developed your solution is as of the
date you are submitting the abstract.
Novelty of Approach- How is your solution better than the existing approaches? Is there
something unique to your solution that makes it stand out?
Participating teams are advised to include other details that are essential to explain the
proposed solution coherently and effectively.
This is the second and final round of the competition. The teams that have made past the first
round are only eligible to make submissions for this round.
This will be followed by the presentation in front of the judges panel. The winning team
will be declared as the Winner of the DiveIntoETH Competition 2022
Eligibility: All students with a valid identity card of their respective educational institutes are
eligible to participate.
The prize money will be awarded to top 3 winners via NEFT and will be processed within 30
working days after receiving the prize money from sponsors. Top 10 participants will get a
certificate of excellence, and the top 60% participants will get a certificate of participation.
Winners have to mail the following information (immediately after the announcement of results)
Format of Mail
Subject: Competition, Team Id, Position (example- “DiveIntoETH, ET-211003, 1st Position”)
Body of mail
The body of the mail should contain relevant bank account details of the team leader. The exact
details required will be conveyed to the winners as soon as the results are