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Retraction: Retracted: Design of The Student Attendance Management System Based On The Internet of Things Technology

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Mobile Information Systems

Volume 2023, Article ID 9830205, 1 page

Retracted: Design of the Student Attendance Management System
Based on the Internet of Things Technology

Mobile Information Systems

Received 26 September 2023; Accepted 26 September 2023; Published 27 September 2023

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Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
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Mobile Information Systems
Volume 2022, Article ID 1990530, 13 pages

Research Article
Design of the Student Attendance Management System Based on
the Internet of Things Technology

Hongmei Xun ,1 Bojun Zou,2 and Chenyu Duan1
Graduate School, Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun 130000, Jilin, China

School of International Education, Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun 130000, Jilin, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Hongmei Xun; 0216064@ccit.edu.cn

Received 4 July 2022; Revised 16 August 2022; Accepted 26 August 2022; Published 17 September 2022

Academic Editor: Gopal Chaudhary

Copyright © 2022 Hongmei Xun et al. &is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
&e IoT refers to the linking of items to a network through message-generating devices; in the connection process, commu-

nication and information circulation are carried out through the information dissemination medium to realize intelligent
identification, tracking, supervision, and other functions. Attendance management is a system for assessing employee attendance,
including being late, leaving early, and asking for leave. Student attendance refers to the attendance rate of students in class. &is
article aimed to study the design and research of the student attendance management system based on the Internet of things
technology, and use this system to accurately record students’ attendance and develop good habits for students. An effective

attendance management company has been developed to enhance the collection of information for student management in
universities, to keep track of teachers’ and students’ teaching attendance in real time, and to connect teachers and students in real
time using computer technology. Access to the Android version of the software speeds up the collection and processing of
information and can play an important role in improving the efficiency of personnel management. On the basis of analysing the
operation logic of the attendance system, matching programs and the attendance system software are designed. &e experimental

results of this article show that the attendance rate of students with utilitarian personality is the highest, as high as 70%; the
attendance rate of students with helpless personality is 13%; the attendance rate of students who follow the current personality
accounted for 10%; and the attendance rate of nonmotivated students accounted for 7%. It can be seen from this that personality is
an important factor affecting students’ attendance rate. &e attendance rate of positive psychology with goals is the highest, and
the attendance rate of students without clear goals is the lowest. &e student attendance management system of the Internet of

things technology has been applied in practical work, but with the continuous construction and development of the school, the
continuous improvement of new software and hardware, and the emergence of new needs in practical work, the student at-
tendance management system is easy to crash when processing a large amount of data at the same time.

1. Introduction difficulties for university students. How to raise the day-to-

day administration of students and reduce their truancy rate
&e technology that has the strongest bearing on life today is is of paramount relevance to the current trend in education.
the IoT. &e advent of the Web of Objects narrows geo- &is paper is based on the design and research of the student
graphical differences, expands people’s horizons, connects attendance management system based on the IoT technol-
all aspects of the world into a single entity, and brings the ogy, using the current popular IoT technology and the
world into the digital age. All areas of society are inextricably combination of student attendance management to enhance
linked with the Internet of things. At present, China is the information collection of college student management
vigorously pursuing the strategy of “rejuvenating the and real-time grasp of the teaching attendance of teachers
country through science and education,” and the future of and students. It is hoped that this will go some way to
college students is the future of the country. As enrolment improving the current attendance rates and improving the
continues to build up, so do the number of management quality of higher education.
2 Mobile Information Systems

&e traditional attendance management uses the class edge. In particular, every BS is attached to a single fog knot,
teacher or the monitor to conduct roll call. Using this where the fog knot offers computational facilities domes-
method will be very difficult for the class teacher, and it may tically. Above the fog knot, an SDN-based mobile phone

not be impartial and selfless for some students. &e class heart is conceived to promote forwarding of data packets
teacher has many other things, so the traditional attendance between the fog knots. Meanwhile, the authors propose a
method exists, which is seriously insufficient. Information hierarchical fog computational infrastructure in every fog
networking of objects is different from traditional time and node to deliver agile IoT-enabled offerings while keeping
attendance management skills. &e fact that it recognises user flexibility [4]. On the strength of advances in soil-de-

moving objects means that there is no need for direct contact fined networking know-how, Wan et al. proposed a novel
during the attendance process, and this goes some way to conceptualisation of collective networks for a more flexible
improving the speed with which attendance can be com- industrial environment through the introduction of the
pleted. Avoiding direct contact also respects the privacy of software-defined industrial IoT. &e authors analyse the

students, reduces the sense of surveillance, creates a healthy industrial IoTarchitecture, including IWN. &e authors then
teaching atmosphere, and makes it easier to achieve teaching propose a software-defined industrial IoT to provide an
results. &e introduction of the Internet of things technology infrastructure to manage digital devices and offer interfaces
into colleges and universities has promoted the reform of the for message sharing. Finally, the authors select a smart
education system to a certain extent, and is of great sig- manufacturing setting as an evaluation testbed and perform

nificance to the cultivation of talents. a basic laboratory investigation; new research lines are
As our society keeps on growing, the issue of education opened up for the industrial IoT, and the implementation of
has attracted more and more attention. University students, Industry 4.0 is accelerated [5]. Ozdemir et al. presented a
as high-quality talents of today, are of importance to the model proposal to determine student participation rates in
overall development of the community. How to improve synchronous courses in a knowledge-based managerial

students’ attendance and promote the improvement of system (LMS). Particularly where equal access is not
education is a key issue that needs to be addressed by available or is limited, distance education, supported by
universities at present. Lin et al. proposed the concept of the educational technology, offers the benefits of learning
IoT integration, enabling computing service equipment anywhere and anytime (ubiquitous learning). Based on the
deployed at the edge of the network. With the benefits of survey data, it is clear that distance education provides a very

distributed infrastructure and closeness to end customers, it favourable teaching location. However, in analysing the
is possible for both faster response and improved access to literature, it was found that the learning management sys-
service improvements for IoT solutions. To develop a fog/ tems used in distance education were problematic in de-
edge computing-based IoT environment, it is important to termining the level of student engagement and participation

first study the architecture, enabling technologies and re- rates. Students use text-based user information and pass-
lated issues of the IoT, and then explore the integration of a words to access activities or courses in the LMS [6]. &e
fog/edge computing with it [1]. Yang et al. presented the Ashraf M.A. aims to identify the factors associated with the
leading LPWAN technologies in both unlicensed and li- choice of universities in China that are favourable or
censed spectra. While each of these services differs in a unfavourable to students’ access to the tertiary-level study.

number of aspects, they all have one commonality: they use China has undertaken many changes over the past 20 years
narrowband delivery mechanisms as leverage to deliver on and has quickly enlarged its HE system. &e shift from an
three fundamental objectives, namely to achieve high overall ordinal to a concurrent student selection mechanism at the
system throughput, extended signal cell life, and widespread university level is a significant shift in the recruitment and

footprint. In addition, a concept of useful bandwidth has enrolment process [7]. Nyirenda presented a report on a
been introduced, which links these objectives to transmis- project to develop a web-based Radio Admin and Man-
sion bandwidth in order to balance these conflicting goals agement System (RAMS). &e Zermelo–Fraenkel normative
for optimal overall system performance [2]. Rathore et al. space has been used to work closely with potential users
proposed a combined IoT-based delivery model for smart evaluating its usability to formally specify the requirements
city planning and urban growth using big digital insights. of the RAMS [8]. Although these theories have explored the
&e rapid growth in population density in cities needs the IoT technology and student attendance management to a
services and facilities to be provided to meet the demands of certain extent, there is a little combination between the two
city dwellers. As a result, the increasing demand for sensors, and cannot be used in real life.
agents, and smartphones and other embedded devices has &is article provides a new student attendance control
created a huge commercial possibility for a new age version system based on an object network and realises functions
of the Web of Objects, where all equipment can be inter- such as user management and attendance query. &e IoT
connected via the Internet. On this basis, the authors pro- technology can also be used to satisfy real-time online
pose a comprehensive array of systems consisting of the queries of class teachers, which can perform attendance at
deployment of a wide range of categories of agents, including any time, improve attendance efficiency, save resources, and
smart home agents, and in-vehicle networks to cope with make the attendance work of colleges and universities more
urbanisation [3]. Sun et al. proposed a new approach to scientific and reasonable, so as to realize the intelligence of
mobile edge computing, the IoT architecture, where the edge student attendance management and achieve the purpose of
IoT is used to process a stream of material at the moving efficient management.
Mobile Information Systems 3

2. Design Method of Student Attendance and its existence form can be read-only or compatible. In the
Control Based on the Web of Objects System operation process, the tag receives the signal after the reader
sends a signal, and the electronic tag converts electromag-

2.1. Web of Objects Skills. &e Web of Objects is an inte- netic wave information into a DC power source [19]. &e
grated piece of data processing technology based on and specific situation is shown in Figure 3.
serving the Web. It has made a quantum leap not only in the &e main function of the RFID reader is to “commu-
way people communicate with each other, but also in the nicate” with the electronic tag and receive the control
way people and things communicate with each other. In commands issued by the system. &e transmission frequency

short, the IoT has converted the whole world into a monolith of the RFID system is controlled by the reader, and the range
[9, 10]. Judging from the progress of ongoing research, the of information communication is also limited by the reader
IoT can be categorised into a sensing layer, an applied layer, [20]. From the structure of the reader, it can be divided into a
and a network layer, as illustrated in Figure 1. reading device and a writing device. &e specific situation is

As can be seen from the figure, students and teachers can shown in Figure 4.
enter the IoT platform through devices such as mobile &e reader first supplies power to the modulator and
phones and computers, input data into the control system, demodulator through a voltage generator, and the data are
communication system, and other systems of the IoT sent to the modulator and demodulator through a wireless
platform, query various data through these systems, and signal, then to the logic control unit driven by the driver, and

send the question to the system administrator. finally to the control unit, which processes the data and
&e Internet of things technology is adopted because it is returns the processed data.
more intelligent, more convenient to use, and better in
delivery than the ordinary Internet. &e IoT is a consequence
of the ongoing evolution of IT. In the realm of the IoT, 2.2. Monitoring and Positioning. Although GPS technology

different kinds of factors can talk to each other and only need can accurately locate, the GPS system has certain short-
to share information needs through the IoT language comings in locating students’ movement status. Influenced
technology [11, 12], which has the following characteristics: by the state of the sky satellites, GPS is often unable to
accurately locate when students are exercising, and even
(1) Transmissibility. cannot locate the situation. In order to make up for this

(2) Total perceptibility. shortcoming, in this experiment, GPS is combined with the
(3) Automatic controllability. Kalman filter theory to achieve a full range of dynamic
monitoring requirements.
(4) Intelligent processing.
&e Kalman filter is an estimation algorithm. Compared
Radiofrequency identification is an easy-to-operate, with other estimation algorithms, noise factors need to be

simple, and practical application technology, and the ex- included. &e information involved is more comprehensive,
ternal environment can be ignored during its use. &e but the positioning effect is better. &e advantage of using
radiofrequency identification technology first appeared in the Kalman filter is not that its estimated deviation is much
aircraft radar detection technology, mainly for military smaller, but that it skillfully integrates the observation data

operations [13, 14]. With the continuous deepening of and estimated data, closes the loop management of the error,
scientific research and technology, radiofrequency identifi- and limits the error to a certain range.
cation has gradually been applied from the military field to
pc+1 � Qpc + Tdc + lc . (1)
the Internet of things field. Generally speaking, a complete
radiofrequency identification system includes four parts:

Formula (1) is the functional expression of a linear
tags, antennas, management systems, and readers [15, 16], as discrete system, Q and T are the parameters of the system,
shown in Figure 2. representing the state transition matrix and the control input
&e antenna when the radiofrequency identification matrix, and lc represents the process noise of the system.
system is working is responsible for receiving and trans-
mitting radiofrequency information, and the role of the yc+1 � Rpc+1 + nc+1 . (2)
antenna in this process is to convert the received electro-
magnetic wave information into electric current signals, or &e function expression is a linear time-varying system,
to convert electric current signals into electromagnetic where yc+1 represents the measurement result of the system,
waves and send out. In this process, the energy emitted by R represents the vector matrix, and nc+1 represents the
the antenna will form an electromagnetic field, which has a measurement noise.
certain effect on the identification of the electronic tag. &e 􏽢 −c � QP
P 􏽥 c−1 + TDc−1 , (3)
formed electromagnetic field is the scale range of the reader,
but the number of antennas in the radiofrequency identi- F−c � QFc−1 QD + U. (4)
fication system requires specific analysis of specific issues
[17, 18]. In this process, the noise variance matrix of the system
&e electronic tag in the radiofrequency identification may change, but this change has no effect on the actual
system is composed of a chip and an antenna. &e data operation process; formulas (3) and (4) are matrix variance
information of the target object exists in the electronic tag, function expressions.
4 Mobile Information Systems

Cloud Screen

On-site On-site
Apple system computers computers





Communicat- Other
ion systems systems
Android phones

Figure 1: IoT platform architecture diagram.



E T Card
Figure 2: RFID system architecture.

R Antennae


Logic control


Figure 3: Electronic tagging.

Mobile Information Systems 5

Logic control
Modulators unit

Demodulator Main System



supply Voltage-


Figure 4: Structure of the reader.

−1 represents the model noise; Ec represents the real obser-
Cc � Q−c RD 􏼐RQ−c RD + W􏼑 . (5)
􏽢 c is the approximate observation vector
vation vector, E
Cc represents the system gain value. obtained through the estimation, and Xc represents the
observation noise.
􏽢 − + Cc 􏼐Ec − R􏼐Q
􏽢c � Q
Q 􏽢 − 􏼑􏼑, (6)

c c αf[a]
W[a,b] � 􏽢s , t , 0􏼁,
αs[b] c−1 c−1
Qc � G − Cc R􏼁Q−c . (7)

Formula (6) represents the estimated value of the system αg[a]

R[a,b] � 􏽢s , r , 0􏼁,

gain, and formula (7) represents the error variance of the αr[b] c−1 c−1
system. (12)
bc � g bc 􏼁 + Tc ∗ bTc , (8) Y[a,b] � [a] 􏽢sc , 0􏼁,

Yc � s bc 􏼁 + Uc ∗ bc ∗ b. (9) αy[a]
U[a,b] � 􏽢s , 0􏼁,
Formulas (8) and (9) represent nonlinear system models, αu[b] c
where Tc represents process noise, and Uc represents
where W represents the Jacobian matrix of s, R represents
measurement noise. In fact, the noise value cannot be ob-
the Jacobian matrix of r, Y represents the Jacobian matrix of
tained arbitrarily, so it is regarded as zero in the operation.
h, and U represents the Jacobian matrix of u.
􏽥 c � g 􏼒A
A 􏽢 , e􏽢c, 0􏼓, 􏽢 � s − 􏽢s ∗ sc,
􏽢C d sc c c (13)
􏽢SC � p 􏼐A
􏽢 c , 0􏼑. 􏽢 represents the definition of prediction error.
where d sc

Among them, A 􏽢 c represents the state vector, and 􏽢Sc 􏽢 � b − 􏽢b ∗ bc.

d (14)
bc c c
represents the observation vector.
􏽢 represents the definition of observa-
Among them, dbc
bc � 􏽢bc + F 􏼐bc−1 − 􏽢bc−1 􏼑 + UUc−1 , tion error.
􏽢 c + r 􏼐 Ec − E
Ec � E 􏽢 C 􏼑 + XX . 􏽢 −c � HUc−1 HD
C + YRc−1 Yc . (15)

Among them, bc represents the real state vector, 􏽢bc is the Among them, 􏽢 −c
U represents Kalman’s time update
approximate state vector obtained through estimation, Uc−1 formula.
6 Mobile Information Systems

2.3. Attendance Management. Attendance management is a 3.2. Hardware Design of the Attendance Management System.
management system for enterprises and institutions to in- During the design of the time and attendance system, it is
spect and manage employees’ attendance, including whether essential to clarify the operating conditions of the various

they are late or leave early, and whether there is absenteeism parts of the server. If it does not match during the oper-
or leave. In the same way, student attendance management is ation, then the installation fails and cannot run. &e
a way of assessing students’ attendance based on the situ- hardware requirements for this experiment are shown in
ation of colleges and universities. Generally speaking, the Table 2.
school’s attendance work is the responsibility of the Aca-

demic Affairs Office. Class teachers register students during
class, mainly when class committees roll the names of 3.3. Class Absences of College Students. In current university
classmates, and students who ask for leave need to note good classrooms, absenteeism seems to have become a very
information. In fact, in order to motivate students to actively common thing. In order to explore the reasons for student

attend classes, most colleges and universities regard atten- absenteeism, we first conducted a survey on the gender of
dance as one of their usual grades. And in the usual reg- students. &e specific situation is shown in Table 3.
istration process, there may be some modern situations, and According to the data in Table 3, in the entire survey
the result is not particularly true. If the attendance can be data, girls should attend 80 people, 72 people actually attend,
designed as a system, the efficiency will be greatly improved; and the attendance rate is 90%; boys should attend 100

Figure 5 is a schematic diagram of the attendance process. people, 68 people actually attend, and the attendance rate is
&e system combines the attendance server and atten- 68%. &e attendance rate of girls is much higher than that of
dance information using the Web of Objects enabled by the boys, which may be related to the personality of the boys and
system, which allows class teachers and lecturers to view girls, and it also shows that the attendance rate is related to
specific attendance information. Students can refer to per- the gender to a certain extent.

sonal attendance information through the attendance sys- As mentioned above, attendance is closely related to
tem. &e network structure of the system is shown in personality, which is actually the way of handling things.
Figure 6. Undergraduates are large in size, and their personalities are
After entering the IoT system, the user can access the naturally varied, but we can roughly divide them into the
server front desk. In the attendance system, the entire following types, utilitarian types, nonmotivated types, and

framework can be divided into the presentation layer, helpless types. Students with different personalities have
business layer, and volume data layer. &e presentation layer different attitudes towards the classroom. Table 4 shows the
is the range of operation requests sent by users. For example, attendance of students with different personalities.
the class teacher can select the courses that require atten- According to the situation in Table 4, the student version

dance and the starting time of the course in the presentation of the utilitarian personality has the highest attendance rate,
layer, and the head teacher can also view the attendance of which is as high as 70%, the attendance rate of helpless
students in each course through the presentation layer. &e personality students accounted for 13%, the attendance rate
business layer mainly accepts the information of the pre- of students with large-flow personality accounted for 10%,
sentation layer, and performs logical analysis and processing and the attendance rate of nonmotivated students accounted

on it while receiving the information. For example, when the for 7%. From the data, it can be seen that students with goals
class teacher selects the operation information, the business can be strict with themselves, and their attendance rate is
layer will display the starting time of the course, the number also higher.
of attendees, and other requirements. &e data layer consists &e low attendance rate of college students has become

of a database server and a database. Simply put, the main a common problem in universities all over the world. In
function of the database is to manage the data in the system. order to improve student attendance, Western universities
For example, when the data layer receives the operation even set up government funding and bonuses. In China,
request of the teacher, the database will query the attendance not only the attendance rate of elective courses is very low,
information and get the corresponding information. &e but even some public courses and professional courses are
structure of the student attendance system is shown in also very unsatisfactory. In order to understand the actual
Figure 7. situation, we conducted a questionnaire survey on the
attendance of students. &e specific situation is explained as
3. Design Experiment of Student Attendance According to the data in Figure 8, there are 30 students
Management Web of Objects-Based Systems with 10% absenteeism, accounting for 16.6%, 43 students
have a 30% absenteeism rate, accounting for 23.8%, there are
3.1. Experimental Hardware. &e attendance management
50 students whose absenteeism rate is 50%, accounting for
discussed in this paper needs to be run in the system, es-
27.7%; there are 72 students with an absenteeism rate of 70%,
pecially with the help of the IoT technology. Different
accounting for 40%; and 45 students have a 100% absen-
specifications of the system hardware will also have different
teeism rate, accounting for 25%. &ese data show that the
effects on the experiment. Table 1 shows the hardware
current enrolment rate in higher education is very poor.
parameters of this experiment.
Mobile Information Systems 7

Prompt error Prompt error

message message


Enter the




QR code
Scan the code
to enter the

Select a

generate a
QR code

Publish Scan code


View class


Generate attendance

Figure 5: Attendance business process.

8 Mobile Information Systems

Academic Teacher side
Affairs Office



Figure 6: System network structure.


user database



Figure 7: Student attendance system structure.

Table 1: System parameters.

Systems Memory (G) Hard disk (G) Mainframe
Domain controller 3 30 2 cores
Attendance system operating environment 3 30 1 core
vCenter Server 6 30 2 cores
Database Server 3 30 2 cores
ESXI Server 3 30 2 cores

Table 2: Server hardware requirements.

Servers Hard disk (G) Memory (G) Active memory (G) Mainframe
vCenter Server 40 3 1 2 cores
Composer Server 40 3 1 2 cores
SQL Server 30 2 1 2 cores
Connection Server 40 3 2 2 cores
Template 20 3 2 1 core
Mobile Information Systems 9

Table 3: Absence statistics for men and women.

Gender Girls Boys
Ideal attendance 80 100

Actual attendance 72 68
Attendance rate 90% 68%

Table 4: Attendance of students with different personalities.
Characteristics Attendance Proportion (%)
Follow the crowd 18 10
Utilitarian 126 70

Unmotivated 13 7
Hopeless 23 13

70 absence

50 absence
Group (%)

30 Absence

10 Absence

4. Design of Student Attendance Management

Systems Based on Web of Objects Legislations


Proportion (%)

4.1. Student Attendance Factors. &ere are many cases of

20 30 40

Figure 8: Student attendance.

50 60 70 80

should attend the classroom of the teaching assistant is 120,

and the actual number of attendance is 80, accounting for
66.7%. &e number of students who should attend the
lecturer’s class is 230, and the actual number of attendance is
student absences in class, and we cannot shirk all respon- 180, accounting for 78%. &e number of students who
sibilities to students. According to the author’s survey, the should attend the associate professor’s class is 150, and the
attendance rates of teachers and students are closely related. actual number of attendance is 130, accounting for 86.7%.
&e teacher’s personality charm, academic qualifications, &e number of students who should attend the professor’s
teaching methods, and knowledge reserves will all affect the class is 100, and the actual number of attendance is 90,
student’s attendance rate. accounting for 90%. &e age of the teacher is also related to
According to the data in Figure 9, there is a certain the student attendance rate. For teachers under 30, the
relationship between the professional title of the teacher and number of students who should attend is 120, and the actual
the attendance of the students. &e number of students who number of attendance is 90, accounting for 75%. For
10 Mobile Information Systems

250 250

200 200

150 150





0 0
Assistants Lecturer Professor Professor Under 30 30-40 40-50 50-55
Group years old years old years old years old

Actual Ideal
Proportion Actual

Figure 9: Relationship between teachers and student attendance.

teachers aged 30–40, the number of students who should According to the data in Figure 10, among the absent
attend is 230, and the actual number of attendance is 200, students with better family conditions, 5 are online, ac-
accounting for 86.9%. For teachers aged 40–50, the number counting for 7%; 4 are sleeping, accounting for 3%; and the

of students who should attend is 150, and the actual at- number of people going out for entertainment is 10, ac-
tendance is 120, accounting for 80%. For teachers aged counting for 14%. Among the absentees of students with
50–55, the number of students who should attend is 100, and poor family conditions, the number of people surfing the
the actual number of attendance is 70, accounting for 70%. Internet is 6, accounting for 36%; the number of people

&erefore, schools should try to hire younger teachers. going out part-time is 10, accounting for 58%; and the
number of people sleeping is 1, accounting for 6%.

4.2. Reasons for Student Absence. In many cases, the absence

of a student is not due to the influence of the teacher, but is 4.3. 3e Relationship Between Grade and Absenteeism.
related to the personal family. Some students think that their Although the age difference between the four grades of the
family conditions are superior and that there is no need to university is relatively small, the time in school and the
worry about their employment, so they do not pay much length of understanding are different, so the class attendance
attention to attendance. Some students’ family conditions rate of the four grades is also different.
are not particularly wealthy, or they use their time to do part- According to the data in Figure 11, the number of
time jobs, which can also lead to absenteeism. Yet, there is freshman students who never absent from work is 32, the
another very important reason: Chinese students have gone number of students who are rarely absent is 15, the number of
through the college entrance examination and hope to relax people who are generally absent is 7, and the number of people
at the university. Moreover, at the university, they do not who are frequently absent is 4. &e number of sophomores
need to retake courses with a score of 60 points. &is also who never absent from work is 23, the number of students
gives students the opportunity to be absent. Reasons for who are rarely absent is 28, the number of students who are
absenteeism are roughly library, part-time job, sleeping, generally absent is 8, and the number of people who are
Internet access, and entertainment. &e following is the frequently absent is 11. &e number of juniors who never
absence survey. absent from work is 10, the number of students who are rarely
Mobile Information Systems 11

30 80






15 40




0 0
Online Sleeping Entertainment Library Part-time Sleeping
Group Group

Number Number
Proportion Proportion
Figure 10: Reasons for student absence.




TR 25







0 0
Freshman year Sophomore Junior Fourth year
Group Group

Never General Never General

Rarely Frequently Rarely Frequently
Figure 11: Grade level in relation to absenteeism.
12 Mobile Information Systems

90 90

80 80

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
Arts Science Arts Science
Group Group

None None
Smaller Smaller
Figure 12: Impact of arts and sciences.

absent is 22, the number of students who are generally absent 5. Conclusions
is 8, and the number of students who are frequently absent is
5. &e number of seniors who never absent from work is 7, the With the ongoing evolution of scientific and artistic de-

number of students who are rarely absent is 17, the number of velopments, coupled with the advocacy of the strategy of
students who are generally absent is 15, and the number of rejuvenating the country through science and education,
students who are frequently absent is 6. According to the data, various high and new technologies are being continuously
in the four grades of the university, the number of people who promoted in the education field. &e subject of this article is
never absent from work shows a downward trend, and it is the study and analysis of the design and analysis of the

very obvious. &e number of people who rarely absent from student attendance management system based on the In-
work shows the overall decline, although the fluctuations are ternet of things technology. It is hoped that the Internet of
not particularly obvious. &e number of people who are things technology will be applied to the attendance system to
generally absent from work gradually increases, and the improve the attendance rate of students. &e real-time data

number of people who are frequently absent does not fluctuate of students’ attendance are obtained through the attendance
significantly. platform based on radiofrequency identification technology,
According to the data in Figure 12, it can be seen that the which partially realises the informatization monitoring of
impact of students in liberal arts and sciences on absen- students’ attendance, changes the traditional method of
teeism is different. For liberal arts students, 8 people believe manually recording attendance by the head teacher at any
that absenteeism has no effect on professional courses, ac- time, and greatly reduces the daily work of the head teacher.
counting for 5%; 27 people think that the impact is small, Attendance is monitored for work intensity. Reducing the
accounting for 18%; 39 people think that the impact is intensity of the work of the class teacher is one of the
general, accounting for 26%; and 75 people think that the purposes of developing the student management system for
impact is very large, accounting for 51%. For science stu- the class teacher based on the Internet of things technology.
dents, 2 people think that absenteeism has no effect on We can see the records of students’ attendance information,
professional courses, accounting for 2%; 10 people think that without using traditional manual methods, directly using
the impact is small, accounting for 10%; 12 people think that radiofrequency identification technology, and directly
the impact is general, accounting for 11%; and 85 people completing the attendance records of students through at-
think that the impact is very large, accounting for 77%. It can tendance machines and databases. &is is the most satisfying
be seen that although the absenteeism of science has a thing reflected in the process of trial operation.
greater impact on professional courses, on the whole, no In this investigation, the following tasks were mainly
matter the absence of liberal arts or science students, it will completed: (1) through the research on the attendance
have a great impact on professional courses. system in literature and other fields, the system has
Mobile Information Systems 13

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