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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Jabir P.P 1, Vyshnav V.K 2, Muhammad Ashiq K 3, Muhammed Midlaj K 4, Muhammed Juraij C.T 5,
Muhammed Badhusha P 6, Muhammed Fayas U 7
1Lecture, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Orphanage Polytechnic College, Edavanna, Kerala, India.
2,3,4,5,6,7Diploma Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Orphanage Polytechnic College, Edavanna,
Kerala, India.
Abstract - The oil skimmer is used to separate oil from PROBLEM STATEMENT
mixture of aqua and oil. It causes highly acidic alkaline
and salty environment remains a great challenge to During the recent decade world has witnessed big oil
aquatic organism and also polluted the coastal areas. spillage accidents into ocean and made huge impact to
Every year 706 million gallons of waste oil enter the the environment. Apart this sometime oil is getting
water resources and pollute the environment. Sea water spillage through being the result of chronic and
has been polluted due to oil spillage it also affect the careless habit in the use f oil industries and oil product.
water bodies. If the oil spill increases it result in serious It is estimated that approximately 706 million gallons
damage to the environment. About 90% of contaminated of waste oil enters the ocean every year, whereas more
oil can be removed by continuous separation of oil by than half of the sourced from land drainage and waste
skimmer belt. This setup use polyurethane belt, bearings, disposal.
supporting L-angle frame and scraper. This work
implemented to improve the separation efficiency of the METHODOLOGY
skimmer belt at manual speed. The belt absorbs the oil
from water which can be scooped out and collect in to a The general steps to be followed in designing the
vessel by providing piping arrangements. The collected machines are as followed.
oil can be reused for many purposes.  Selection of groups of mechanism for the design.
 Calculation of the force and energy on each
Key Words: oil skimmer, polyurethane belt, oil machine member.
pollution, scrapper, oil spill,  Selection of materials.
 Determining the size of the component drawing
INTRODUCTION and sending for manufacture.
 Preparation of component drawing sending for
An oil skimmer is a device that is designed to remove manufacture.
oil floating on a liquid surface. Based on the specific  Manufacturing and assembling the product.
design they are used for a various applications such as  Testing of the product for functioning.
oil spill response, as a part of oily water treatment
systems, removing oil from the coolant and aqueous PRODUCT DEVELEPMENT PROCESS
part washers and collecting fats, mixed oils and greases
in wastewater treatment. The types of approaches This product “FLOATING OIL SKIMMER WITH RC”
which are used to filter the oil content from water by
carried based KARL .T. ULRICH’S product development
using oil skimmer belt. It is a mechanical device that process
helps in removing floating oil and tiny greasy particles
from water. In modern world, rapid and quick working
is more important with new idea. The new invention of
machines that are used to reduce the problems in the
world is necessary. Pollution has created lot of issues in
Product development process
day-to-day life. Due to water pollution, the tourism,
fishing and aquatic organisms are greatly affected. An
oil skimmer is a device that is designed to remove oil
floating on a liquid surface. Oil is one of the most
important raw materials for synthetic polymer and
chemicals. The release of oil into natural environment
is termed as oil spill or spillage.
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 751
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

DC M1 Propeller1

DC M2 Propeller2
Battery RC
DC M3 Propeller3

DC M4 Belt

Working of the system


Speed of the belt cannot be varying so it is to be

improving by providing multispeed arrangement.
Stirrer mechanism can be used to improve the oil
Front view of product 2D CAD model removal rate.


This oil skimmer is very effectively used for skimming

away oil spills from the surface of water. It is also used
for oil refineries near to ocean or any other industries
which disposal waste oil. The deep water horizon rig
regions can use the sea swarm in case of accidents.


Let assume,
T=Thickness of skimmer belt in mm.
W=Width of skimmer belt in m.
d= Diameter of shaft in m.
N=Speed of rotation of shaft in rpm

Implemented model Then, volume rate of oil recover per turn when shaft is
rotating 40 rpm. Here we assume 1mm thickness of oil
Volume rate=Thickness film x Width of belt x
A belt skimmer is mounted on tank tops. The unit Circumferential area of shaft x Speed rotation of shaft.
consists of two pulleys. Care is taken that the bottom V=t×w×π×d×N
pulley is below fluid surface level. The top pulley is
connected to a geared drive. An endless flat belt of CONCLUSIONS
polyurethane material rotates on the pulley. Fluid
flows slowly over the belt leaving the floating oil on the This project has provided us an excellent opportunity
surface of the belt. and experience to use our limited knowledge. Removal
of unwanted oil from water which saves environmental
The belt scrapes through a pair of nylon scrapers near and economical problems. Belt skimmer gives best
the top pulley. The scraped fluid is collected a tank. The result comparatively. The separator is simple in
separator tank is specially design with adjustable designing and very reliable considering all the
baffles this separates the additional content and diverts constraints. The polyurethane oil separator belt has
it back to the main tank. better oil skimming capacity and it is more convenient

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 752
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

to use where less noise operation is required. It is very

helpful to operators as it avoids their tedious work for Vyshnav VK
skimming the oil and grease from the wastage water. Mannathipoyil po
Malappuram, Kerala
This small compact inexpensive and self organizing
mechanism is suggested to collect and skim away
surface oil spills.


Karuvambram po
We extent our deep sense of gratitude to our project Malppuram, Kerala
guide Mr. Jabir PP, Lecture, Department of mechanical
Engineering for providing us with valuable guidance
and whole hearted encouragement throughout the
project. We express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Binu Muhammed Midlaj K
KK, Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering for Aripra po
the support and constant encouragement. We express Mlappuram, Kerala
our sincere thanks to Mr. Mansoor Ali PP Principle
Orphanage Polytechnic College, Edavanna for the
support and constant encouragement. We thank all the
teaching and non-teaching staffs, our classmates and Muhammed Badhusha P
friends for sharing their knowledge and valuable Nambooripooty po
suggestions. Mlappuram, Kerala


[1] Design and fabrication of oil skimmer prof. P A

Patil, Mr. Pratik Shinde , Mr. Ashish Shetty, Mr. Muhammed Juraij CT
Siddharth Lodha, Mr. Nikhil Vaidya.
Vadapuram po
[2] Design & Fabrication of Disc Type Oil Skimmer
Suraj Nair1, Kajol Kamble2, Sayali Shewale3, Malppuram, Kerala
Sanjay Lohar4 1, 2, 3, 4 Department of Mechanical
Engineering 1, 2. 3. 4 Vidyavardhini’s College of
Engineering and Technology, Vasai (W),
Muhammed Fyas U
[3] Floating Oil Skimmer with Garbage Collector
Siddhesh Sunil Pardeshi1 Omkar Sanjay Kale2 Areekode po
Akshay Bhgatsingh Patil3 Raman Laxmaiah Indla4 Malppuram, Kerala
Vinod G. Patil5[2017].
[4] OIL SKIMMER Mamta Patel Assistant Professor,
Mechanical Department, Gujarat Technological
University (GTU), Babaria Institute of Technology
Vadodara – Mumbai NH # 8, Varnama, Vadodara -
391 240, India[2015].
[5] ‘Victoria Broje’ and ‘Arturo A. Keller’, “ Improved
recovery of oil spills from water surfaces using
tailored surfaces in Oleophilic skimmers, Donald
Bren School of Environmental Science &
Management, University of California, Santa

Jabir PP
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
O.P.T.C Edavanna
Malappuram, Kerala

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 753

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