Unit-I, First Chapter
Unit-I, First Chapter
Unit-I, First Chapter
Introduction :
We have studied that the phenomenon of interference and diffraction
shown by light, prove the wave nature of radiations. The transverse
character of light is shown by the phenomena of polarization and the
electromagnetic wave nature and the transverse character of light waves
is well established by James Clerk Maxwell.
However, the black body radiation, photoelectric effect and Compton
Effect could only be explained on the basis of discrete particle (the
photons) nature of radiations (wave). Also, there are other physical
phenomenon which prove that the radiations show wave as well as
particle nature. Now, it is well proved that radiation has a dual character.
In one situation it behave like a wave whereas in other situation it is
supposed to behave like a particle ( matter).
In 1924, French theoretical physicist, Prince Louis de Broglie, suggested
that if wave can behave like matter, so matter should also possess wave
character because nature loves symmetry. Later, wave character of
electron was experimentally verified by C.J. Davisson and L.H. Germer
in 1927, and also by G.P. Thomson in the same year.
The equation (8) gives the wave velocity of de Broglie’s matter wave.
Here, it can be observed that the wave velocityvw of a wave associated
with a moving particle is always greater than c i.e., velocity of light, as the
particle velocity vP is always less than c. So, the relation (8) contradicts
Einstein’s postulate about velocity of light i.e. velocity of light cannot be
attained. To justify the relation (8), the concept of wave-packet came into
picture which was predicted by Schrodinger. According to him, a single
wave associated with a moving de Broglie particle has no physical
significance and there is always a group of waves called wave-packet
associated with a moving particle. So, the wave velocity or phase
velocityvw , associated with a particle does not have any meaning and it
does not matter whether it is greater than c or not.
Later, we will show that the velocity of wave-packet called group velocity
is equal to the particle velocity and can be considered as the velocity of
matter wave of the moving particle.
It is seen that the intensity of the scattered beam is maximum at = 50°
when the accelerating voltage V = 54 volts. The plotted curve of the
intensity of the current due to scattered electrons resembles with the
diffraction pattern. Later, it was found that the intensity curve of
scattered electrons is due to Bragg’s diffraction like phenomena of waves
of electrons through the crystal as in Fig.3.3. If it is so, then applying
Bragg’s well-known formula for diffraction, the experimental value for
the wavelength of the electron can be calculated as;
2dsin θ = n (14)
where θ is the angle at which the electrons are incident to the interatomic
planes and d is the perpendicular distance between two adjacent rows of
atoms in (1 1 1) planes of the nickel crystal. In this case it is 0.91Å.
From the geometry of the crystal as in Fig. 3.4 and using Fig.3.3, we have:
1 1
θ = (180 − ) = (180 − 50) = 650
2 2
Fig. 3.4.
Using Bragg’s diffraction equation for first order for the electron waves,
we have;
= 2 × 0.91Å sin 650
= 1.65 Å (15)
The theoretical value of wavelength of electron, accelerated by 54V
potential difference, can be calculated by the equation (9) which comes
out to be;
12.28 12.28 12.28
= = = = 1.67 Å (16)
√V √54 7.348
From (15) and (16) we can see that theoretically calculated value of
wavelength as postulated by de Broglie is nearly equal to the
experimentally calculated value of wavelength. As all the experimental
calculations to find the wavelength, are done according to the Bragg’s
Diffraction equation and also the diffraction is a property of wave so
from here the wave nature of moving electrons is verified. Ultimately, we
can say that the de Broglie’s hypothesis for waves of moving material
particle is experimentally verified from this Davisson and Germer
1 d 1 d m 2(E−V)
Or = ( )= { √ }
vg dν λ dν h m
1 d
= (√2m(hν − V)
h dν
1 1 −12
= . {2m(hν − V)} (2mh)
h 2
m 1
= =
√2m(E−V) vp
1 1
Or =
vg vp
Or vg = vp
Or group velocity of the wave- packet is equal to the particle velocity.
3.10 Relation between the Group Velocity (𝐯𝐠 )and the Phase
Velocity (𝐯𝐰 )
We have the propagation constant
2π 2π
k= Or = (25)
Phase velocity vw = Or ω = vw k
And the group velocity vg = (27)
d dvw
= (vw k) = vw + k
dk dk
dvw d
= vw + k .
d dk
d d 2π 2π
But = ( )=−
dk dk k k2
dvw 2π
Hence vg = vw + k (− )
d k2
2π dvw
= vw −
k d
vg = vw − (28)
This equation (28) shows that the group velocity vg is less than wave
velocity (phase velocity) vw , when the medium is dispersive. When the
medium in non-dispersive, w = 0, then vg = vw . Here, it should be
noted that the relation (28) is a general relation between the group
velocity of a group of waves and the phase velocity of a single wave. The
relation gives that for a non-dispersive medium, group velocity is equal
to the phase velocity. But here it should be noted that no medium, even
the free space also is a non-dispersive medium for matter waves. So,
group velocity which is equal to the particle velocity, will never be equal
to the wave velocity or phase velocity. This can also be shown as follows.
3.11 Relation between the Phase Velocity and the Wavelength of de
Broglie Wave
The phase velocity of the de Broglie wave associated with a particle in
motion is given by
vw =
Substituting the expression for the total relativistic energy E, we get
√p2 c2 +m20 c4
vw =
pc m20 c2
= √1 +
p p2
m20 c2
= c√ 1 +
Now, substituting p = h/ in this equation we get;
m20 c2
vw = c√ 1 + ( ) 2 (29)
This equation shows that for a particle in motion, the phase velocity of
the associated wave is always greater than c, and even in free space it is a
function of the wavelength. In other words, we can say no medium is
non-dispersive for the matter waves. So, velocity of matter waves is
always less than the velocity of light.
Now we have understood that according to de Broglie, a moving particle
is equivalent to a group of waves called a wave-packet, whose velocity is
equal to the group velocity of the wave-packet. And according to
Schrodinger, the position of the particle within the wave-packet is
uncertain and the probability of finding the particle is higher at the
position where the amplitude of the constructive superposition is higher
in the wave-packet. It means at the quantum level where a particle can be
considered as a wave, there is an uncertainty in the position of the particle
within the wave-packet. So, the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle should
be applied to find the uncertainty in the position as well as in the
momentum of the particle to estimate the other physical parameters of a
Fig. 3.7
If be the frequency and the wavelength of the -rays. Then the
momentum of an incident -ray photon in the x-direction is:
hv h
The electron can now be visible only when a photon gets scattered by the
electron into the microscope. This causes change in the frequency and
wavelength of the scattered photon resulting in Compton recoil of an
electron due to gain in its momentum.
When an electron is observed in the microscope, let 2α be the angle
subtended at the electron by the diameter AB of the instrument’s
aperture. The scattered photon may enter the microscope along the
surface of the cone whose semi-vertical angle is α, or along the surface
of the cone. Suppose, the photon enters the microscope along OA. Let
be the frequency and λ′ the wavelength of the scattered photon, the
momentum of the scattered photon along OA is
hv′ h
= ′
c λ
The image of the electron formed by the microscope will be a diffraction
pattern which consists of a central bright disc flanked on both sides by
alternate dark and bright rings. The position of the electron can be
anywhere within the central bright disc, the diameter of this disc thus
gives the uncertainty in the position of the electron If ∆x be the diameter
of the central disc and so will be the uncertainty in the position.
According to Rayleigh’s criterion of resolution, the resolving power of an
optical instrument is the distance between the peak intensity and the first
minimum of the diffraction pattern, and its expression is
R. P. =
2 sin α
In this case R. P. =
∆x λ′
∴ =
2 2 sin α
or ∆x = (38)
sin α
This is the expression for the uncertainty in the position.
Let p be the gain of momentum by the electron in the direction of recoil
Fig. 3.8.