Bloomberg Manual
Bloomberg Manual
Bloomberg Manual
Table of Content
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1. Introduction
Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Bloomberg Financial Markets
THE BLOOMBERG provides 24-hour instant, accurate and current financial, economical and political information covering all market sectors. It also provides analytics, historical data, up-to-the minute news reports, economic statistics and political commentaries. We have our own news bureau and have been able to integrate news with analytics. THE BLOOMBERG is menu driven, interactive, user friendly and can be customized to fit every investment strategy and informational need. The system is constantly being upgraded and enhanced and, whenever possible, customer suggestions are incorporated into the system. The following will get you started and pave the way for you to explore the powerful and incredible world of BLOOMBERG.
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2. History Of Bloomberg
Bloomberg The Company
2001 Apr-01 156,000 terminals installed in some 100 countries. More than 7,000 employees work in 9 sales offices, 2 data centers, and 79 news bureaus around the world. 2000 Dec-00 Arranges for Bloomberg TV anchors to record announcements for the Metropolitan Transit Authority's new subway cars. 1998 Jul-98 Jan-98 100,000th terminal installed First subscription-based issue of Bloomberg Money 1997 Dec-97 Nov-97 May-97 Feb-97 First live broadcast of Bloomberg Forum via the Bloomberg website San Francisco Office Opens 75,000th terminal installed BLOOMBERG Business News changes name to BLOOMBERG News 1996 Dec-96 Nov-96 Oct-96 Sep-96 10-Jul-96 15-Apr-96 Jan-96 The first trade occurs on BLOOMBERG Trade book First subscription-based issue of Bloomberg Personal BLOOMBERG Data License launched Flat Panel launched Sao Paulo sales office opens Bloomberg Press launches with first 2 series: Bloomberg Personal Bookshelf and Bloomberg Professional Library "Bloomberg Personal" show launched 1995 Dec-95 Nov-95 01-Nov-95 Sep-95 Jul-95
Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA 18015
Bloomberg Online World Wide Web site launched First BLOOMBERG terminal is installed at Banque Paribas in London European BLOOMBERG Information TV launched in London "Bloomberg Small Business" show launched 50,000th terminal installed
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1994 04-Sep-94 22-Jun-94 Mar-94 Feb-94 Jan-94 Bloomberg Personal launched with 6 million circulation... the largest magazine launch ever Bloomberg Personal announced 10,000th terminal installed in Europe BLOOMBERG Information Television DBS broadcast announced Bloomberg Information TV launched First Bloomberg Television product "BLOOMBERG Business News" launched, produced by Maryland Public Television 1993 Dec-93 23-Nov-93 Jan-93 Bloomberg Multimedia launched Hong Kong office opens WBBR AM 1130 "The News That Matters to You" launched 1992 Sep-92 Jul-92 Jul-92 Mar-92 Feb-92 Jan-92 20,000th terminal installed Bloomberg L.P. acquires WNEW-AM radio BLOOMBERG Magazine launched BLOOMBERG Forum launched Frankfurt office opens BLOOMBERG Message system launched 1991 Dec-91 Mar-91 Mar-91 Color monitor launched, price decreases by $5/month Video Training series launched Bloomberg L.P. acquires Oil Buyers' Guide 1990 Nov-90 Sep-90 Aug-90 14-Jun-90 Apr-90 Mar-90 10,000th terminal installed Singapore office opens Washington office opens First Bloomberg Business News story released BLOOMBERG TRAVELER launched BLOOMBERG Portfolio system launched
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1989 Jun-89 Mar-89 Mar-89 Contributor systems launched (Research and Commentary) Sydney office opens Begins selling to "embargoed" sellside firms 1988 Oct-88 Jun-88 Jan-88 "Sabre-izing" launched, allows Bloomberg to show contributed prices from a variety of firms BLOOMBERG Trading System launched 5,000th terminal installed 1987 15-Dec-87 May-87 Jan-87 Bloomberg L.P. acquires Sinkers Inc., which becomes Princeton office Tokyo office opens London office opens with three clients; Merrill Lynch, Bank of England and Bank for International Settlements 1986 Aug-86 May-86 Begins selling to sellside firms Innovative Market Systems changes name to Bloomberg L.P., moves to half a floor at 499 Park Avenue, New York 1985 Apr-85 Price set at $1500/month for first terminal, $1000/month for second terminal 1984 Sept. 2, 1984 Begins selling to Merrill Lynch clients and Portable Bloomberg is launched 1982 Dec-82 Mar-82 20 terminals installed at Merrill Lynch Innovative Market Systems incorporates, located at 575 Madison Avenue in New York City 1981 Oct-81 Mike Bloomberg leaves Salomon Brothers to form Innovative Market Systems
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Data: The Bloomberg Machine / By Tom Lowry / BusinessWeek / April 23, 2001
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The terminal is supposed to be the only piece of equipment a finance professional needs to trade. Think of it as one-stop shopping for financial information -- only in this case, no matter how much one buys, the price is the same: $1,285 a month per terminal. The terminal provides its subscribers not only continuously updated stock and bond prices -- thus the term "real-time" -- but detailed securities analysis, historic data on companies around the world, dividend histories, and business graphics, as well as breaking news, sports scores (including cricket), weather information, travel services, even Christmas catalogs and flowers by wire. The terminal transmits audio, video, and still pictures, and there is a laptop Bloomberg portable. Bloomberg Business News, the centerpiece of the operation, has more than 1,000 reporters in 79 news bureaus worldwide. The main U.S. bureaus are in New York City (for financial news) and Princeton, New Jersey (for
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business and company news). Along with serving the financial professionals, the service since 1991 has also been providing material to newspapers. Bloomberg material also is syndicated to customers at 200 radio and 5 commercial TV stations nationwide, and some 200 public television and 500 National Public Radio stations carry Bloomberg business programs. The company offers informational TV via cable and satellite, it owns several small New York TV studios; and it owns New York City's WBBR-AM, a station with an all-news format and a business focus. A monthly magazine -- called, naturally, Bloomberg -- was launched in, a slick financial magazine supplement.
Data: The Bloomberg Machine / By Tom Lowry / BusinessWeek / April 23, 2001 What's a Bloomberg? / By Joe Holley / Columbia Journalism Review / May/June 1995
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4. The Keyboard
The Bloomberg keyboard is specialized and color-coded to access quickly and easily the wealth of information contained within THE BLOOMBERG system.
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<PAGE FWD> Type # (greater than 1) <Page Fwd> or <Page Back> to page more than one. <QUOTE 1> Displays a one line quote of any equity without disturbing the screen you are on. Type IBM <Quote 1> to display current/open/high/low price and volume information. <QUOTE 2> Bloomberg Quote, displays 12 fundamental and technical analyses on one page (can be customized), providing you with a snapshot of both current and historical information on any equity you wish to evaluate, type IBM <Quote 2>, or IBM <Equity> BQ <Go>. Type the menu number or mnemonics corresponding to the specific function for more detailed analytics.
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This first level includes yield curves, bond calculators, market news, offerings, spreadsheets, calendars, searches etc. It is the most broad and is the top level of the Bloomberg menu pyramid. It is found by striking any <yellow MARKET SECTOR key> <Go> or press the green <NEWS> (or Research) key.
The second or one-security function level includes yield analysis, descriptions, price histories, horizon analysis etc. However, you must remember that this level of the Bloomberg is security specific. That means that a security must be defined before you can view a menu of analytics. No matter what the security the same functions can be run in each market sector. Once on the one-security function menu for a particular security, the analytical functions are available by typing the menu number that corresponds to the function or by entering the Bloomberg mnemonic and <Go>.
The two-security function level includes historical spreads, swap analysis, spread matrices, regression and hedge analysis, etc. To view the two-security function you must define the two securities to be analyzed. Once on the twosecurity function menu the analysis is available by hitting the menu number that corresponds to the function or by entering the Bloomberg mnemonic.
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10. 11.
How To Login
1. 2. 3. Call the Analytics Desk and have them assign you a NAME/PASSWORD, if your Sales Rep has not already done so. Press the RED DEFAULT KEY at the top of your key board. Type your assigned NAME. If less than 8 letters use the tab key and type in your PASSWORD. **** will appear so no one can read your password. Press <Go>
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4. 5.
If your NAME/PASSWORD combination is not valid, the field will contain ???, try again or call the analytics desk if problems persist. If you are successful, you will arrive at (Type BU <Go> or type BLP <Go> for historical notices). the BLOOMBERG NOTICES screen
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7. Personal Defaults
By presetting your defaults, screens will wake up to immediately fit your investment strategies. There will be no need to customize the screens every time. PDF <GO> Preset display of ALL security information, technical analysis and price source selection. View login privileges, preset help screens in preferred language, type PDF <Go> # <Go>. CTRB <GO> Bloomberg Contributor Information: Free services, broker dealer contributors, third party services, exchange feeds, broker/dealer price contributors, offering pages, broker/auction pages, and mortgage contributors. Type CTRB <Go>. NRC <GO> News/Research/Commentary lists all news, research, and information providers. Most contributors provide free information. An * next to the contributor's name indicates an optional service and may require a fee; a # sign next to the source indicates it is an optional source with a fee. For access to all optional services you must call the contributor for authorization. Type NRC <Go>. MPD <GO> Preset Mortgage Prepayment default assumptions. Mission control center for mortgages. MPD allows you to chose the prepayment source that best matches your own assumptions. However, default values have been preset. Bloomberg provides prepayment assumptions from over 10 of Wall Streets most influential mortgage dealers as well as the popular Bloomberg Median. MESSAGE FLASHING MESSAGE! Press <Message> to review personal messages. (Short Cuts: Type MSG2 <Go> to send a message; Type MSG4 <Go> to review messages sent, a (/) next to messages means it was viewed.) Type NAME <Message> to send a message to a specific user. Press <Message> and then <Help> for additional instructions. Every Bloomberg user can be in the message directory.
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<Menu> Always press <Menu> to return to previous menu of options. <Help> Press <Help> from any screen to get complete definitions of terminology, formulae and applications of every screen. Press <Help> again to return to screen. Type XHLP <Go> for extra help. <Shift> O Press <shift> 0 to retype the last command you entered.
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General News
Art, Entertainment, Human Interest, Government, Politics, Sports, Weather.
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News Menus
Search for news stories by specific categories. NI <Go> To search for news on a specific category. For example: NI TRE <Go> for all U.S. Treasury news or NI USS <Go> for all news on U.S. Stocks TNI <Go> Search for news by keyword.
BBCO <Go> Bloomberg feature articles, more detailed news stories written by Bloomberg reporters and market specialists. BFM <Go> Listen to Bloomberg Forum interviews with key company executives and market experts, industry outlooks, market forecasts, security analyst meetings, roundtable, panel discussions and other meetings first hand. BPO <Go> Bloomberg Page One news, one can read tomorrow's lead stories today. CNP <Go> Create your own personal newspaper.
NRC <Go> For a list of all news and research contributors CTRB <GO> For main contributor menu
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<Equity> NN <Go>, includes New Equities, Surveys - Equity Analysts, Company and Industry (BBNI) News, Earnings Estimates, Earnings Analysis (BBEA), Stock Activity and Stock Recommends, SEC filings (BNF).
<Corp> NN <Go>, includes New Bonds, Economy - Statistics, Forecasts, Summaries, Manager/Underwriter Surveys, and Govt/Corp Ratings.
<Govt> NN <Go>, includes Economy - Statistics, Forecasts, Summaries, Surveys - Economists (BBSE) and Manager/Underwriter Surveys, Govt/Corp Ratings and Auction History.
<Mtge> NN <Go>, NI <Go> provides a listing of specific news categories, for example, Market Commentaries (NMC), CMO Collateral Report Card (CRC), MBS Factor Corrections (MFC).
<Muni> NN <Go> inclueds all municipal news, and type <Muni> N (state postal code) <Go> for all local state news, for example, type <Muni> N NY <Go> for all New York news.
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11. Indices
Suggested Screens for Analyzing Government Securities
The Index Section of the Bloomberg is comprised of hundreds of sector indices and economic indicators. One should think of the INDEX section as an on-line reference library, providing an historical context in which to view how markets have reacted to economic information. Type the yellow <INDEX> <Go> for the main menu. The first thing you must do is defining the index.
TK <GO> Ticker Symbol Look Up, use TK to find the Bloomberg ticker symbol for any type of money market rate (commercial paper, fed funds, LIBOR, prime), economic indicators (CPI, GDP, GNP, Retail Sales, Unemployment), or sector specific indices (Dow Jones, CAC 40, DAX, Nikkei 225). Ticker symbols will appear in parenthesis. Type Ticker <Index> <Go> to pull up a specific index.
DES <GO> Description, once you define an index it is important to go to the DES screen, probably the most important screen when analyzing any index, to see what units the index is quoted in, frequency of data, time intervals the data is stored, last update and source of data. Define the index and type DES <Go>. GP <GO> HP <GO> Historical Price Table (HP) or Graph and Table (GP), provides a table of historical closing prices and volume. Data indicates trends. Enter in the applicable data range at the top and press <Go> to zero in on specific dates. Define index and type HP or GP (press <Page Fwd> for data behind the graph) <Go>. HMS <GO> 4-in-1 Price Graph. Allows you to display the graphs of historical closing prices/ yields for 4 securities on a single display. Define and save up to 20 HMS screens. Type HMSM <Go> for 4-in-1 price graph menu. Type HMS# <Go> to pull up a saved HMS screen.
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<Corp> I <GO> Corporate Indices, provide valuable information about the relative value between rating and industrial classifications for U.S. domestic bond issues. Other corporate bond indices include Duff and Phelps, Moody's, and S&P. For a definition of rating classifications type RATD <GO>. <Cmdty> I <GO> Commodity Indices, provide cash price indices for a variety of commodities, futures contracts and the Bloomberg Energy System (crude, natural gas, market commentaries, and energy statistics). <Cmcy> I <GO> Currency Indices, provide foreign exchange spot rates and currency fixings. <Equity> I <GO> Equity Indices provide information on worldwide equity indices. o WEI <Go> For a quick snapshot of the performance of equity markets throughout the world, categorized by geographic location. Gives an indication where Asian and European markets closed and where North American markets may open up. o IMOV <Go> To find out the impact an individual stock is having on an index. o Index <Index> MEM <Go> To see the specific composition of a specific index. o TEMI <Go> Everything you would want to know about the performance of a specific index.
<Govt> I <GO> Government Indices, provide information specific to the on-the-run, constant maturity government issues. o GGR <Go> To find generic rates for U.S. and international government securities. Generics are used for historical analysis. They link together at every point in time the on-the-run issues. Only yields, not prices, are stored historically.
<M-Mkt> I <GO> Money Market Indices provide indices for short term U.S. and international interest rates, such as, LIBOR, Fed Funds, Commercial Paper, Bankers' Acceptance. <Mtge> I <GO> Mortgage Indices, provides indices specific to mortgage backed securities market, such as, current coupon, cost of funds, commitment rates, and FHLB deposit and advance rates, Mortgage Bankers Association Refinance Index. <Muni>I <GO> Municipal Indices provides municipal indices include slug rates, bond buyer 40, short term municipal indices, Moody's muni bond, and PSA/Bloomberg Mational muni bond indices.
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B. Economic Indicators
The Bloomberg provides historical information on a variety of economic indicators, such as, Money Supply, Consumer Confidence, Manufacturing/Trade, Retail Sales, Foreign Trade, Prices- CPI, Industrial Production, Labor statistics, Employment, National Income and Production- GDP, GNP.
WECO <GO> Access economic calendars for the G7 countries. o ECO <Go> Access economic calendars for U.S. o ECST <GO> For historical, worldwide economic statistics. Type ECST <Go> for historical.
TIS <GO> Access list of most commonly use indexes by Bloomberg users: World Equity, Bloomberg/EFFAS Bond, IFC Emerging Market, JP Morgan and other statistic indexes.
Bloomberg Business News provides results of a market survey conducted 48-72 hours prior to the release of important economic indicators. The survey polls top economists across the country for their estimate of a particular statistic. These estimates are then averaged to provide the Bloomberg Survey estimate. Type BN# <Go> for Economic Statistics, Forecasts or Summaries. Under BN# (Calendars) <Go> one can find out when economic indicator numbers will be released.
NI BII <GO> Bloomberg Investment Insight. Bloomberg reporters provide insight regarding such issues as the U.S. budget balance, consumer confidence, corporate earnings.
Press <Help> from any screen to get detailed help on the screen you are viewing. Type BU <Go> for training options: Bloomberg tutorials, Bloomberg telephone numbers, or call the Analytics Desk is a 24-hour service!!
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12. Governments
Suggested Screens for Analyzing Government Securities
The main Government menu is similar to other market sector menus. It is divided into banners, and functions which are accessible using mnemonics or the numbers on the menu. The benefits of using mnemonics over menu numbers are: 1) 2) As we add functions the menu numbers may change slightly. By using mnemonics functions may be accessed from anywhere in the system, hence, bypassing menus and saving steps. Menu items with an asterisk next to next to them indicate a one-line function that will not disturb the screen you are working on - information will be displayed on the top line of the screen.
<Govt> <Go> Access main Government menu. FAS Finding a security in the Government menu. For displaying examples of government securities, you have to type <Govt>FAS<Go>.
<Govt> TK <Go> If you do not know the ticker type <Govt> TK <Go> and then select the your country off the menu. Type Ticker <Govt><Go> for a list of all government securities in coupon order. For example: T <Govt><Go> lists all U.S. Treasuries in coupon order. Ticker (space) Coupon <Govt><Go> If you look for an issues with a specific coupon rate, and the coupon rate is known. For example: T 6 <Govt><Go> lists all U.S. Treasury 6% bonds. Ticker (space) Coupon (space) Maturity <Govt> CUSIP <Govt> If you look for a special issue where either the Cusip or the specifics of the bond are known. For example: T 6 2/15/26 <Govt><Go> to select the 6% You can also type: T6 26<Govt> or T6 2/26 <Govt><Go>. Treasury due 2/15/26.
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Current Market Monitors USD Monitor active, on-the-run, U.S. government securities and personally selected securities. Type USD <Go> IM Monitor active, international government securities and selected securities. Type IM <Go> for a menu of international monitors. GGR Generic Government Rates, displays a menu of monitors that display current market information of U.S. domestic and global government dates. Generic government rates can be used to spot changes across the yield curve. Type GGR <Go>. PX Government Pricing Monitor Menu, displays a menu of government pricing monitors. PX can be accessed from any market sector (but if, for example, it is accessed by typing <Mtge> PX <Go> the menu displayed will apply to mortgage generics). From the <Corp> or <Govt> menu PX displays U.S. Treasuries and agencies. Each PX screen dynamically updates. Type PX <Go> for a list of monitor screens. Type PX# <Go> for a specific monitor. PX1 <Go> is a popular screen displaying current and when-issued U.S. Treasuries. <Monitor> or M Personal Market Monitors. Type M <Go> or press the <Monitor> key to access the menu of custom monitors or the last monitor viewed. Type MC# <Go> to customize a specific the menu of Custom Monitors. Type MC# <Go> to customize a specific monitor. (Type MC# <Help> for detailed instructions.) Type NM <Go> to access the three latest news stories associated with securities in all Monitors, or type NM# (1-8) <Go> for news on a specific monitor. Type NM1 TODAY <Go> to access today's latest news stories. W Worksheets are very similar to the Monitor screens but provide more flexibility in terms of customizing columns, formats, and colors. Type W# <Go> to access a specific Worksheet and type WN# <Go> for news related to a specific worksheet. Broker/Dealer/Bank-Offerings & Rates <Govt> MRKT Offerings, view offerings from firms which are distributing their offerings to you over the system. Type <Govt> MRKT <Go>. If you have access to a contributor's offerings you also have access to their pricing. To get authorization for offerings you need to call a sales rep at that contributor. New Issue Calendars CCDR New Issue Calendar, keeps you up-to-date on the latest issues coming to market. CCDR also provides information on spreads to comparable treasuries, lead managers, and redemptions. Type CCDR <Go>.
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NIR U.S. New Issue Report, compares new issue and secondary markets for high grade, U.S. dollar denominated corporate bonds. NIR uses Bloomberg Fair Value (type BFVC <Go>), a theoretical pricing model to determine where a bond should trade based on where similar bonds currently trade. Use this report to determine whether industrial bonds, or other sectors of the corporate market, are trading rich or cheap when they come to market. Type NIR <Go>. Interest Rate Swaps and Derivatives IRSM Interest Rate Swap main menu, view swap rates, LIBOR, yield curves, create and update interest rate swaps, generic swap calculators, and perform swap hedging analysis. Type IRSM <Go>. Relative Value - Fixed Income BFVC Bloomberg Fair Value Analysis, allows you to get an indication of a bond's market value based on actual, and in some cases, market implied credit quality and where similar issuer types are trading. The function accounts for embedded options, credit watchlist status, ratings splits between the agencies where the market favors one over the other and event risk. Type BF VC <Go>. Calculators BC All Bond Calculators BCG <GO> A list of all government bond calculators NSA <Go> All cash flow calculators. Multiple Securities CIX Custom index, create and monitor your own custom index, type CIX <Go>. HMS 4 in-1 Price Graph, displays the graphs of historical closing prices/ yields for 4 securities on a single display. Select and save up to 20 HMS screens. Type HMSM <Go> for 4-in-1 price graph menu. Type HMS# <Go> to pull up a saved HMS. Contributed Information CTRB Contributor information, fixed income research and third party subscriptions. Type CTRB <Go>. Extra Help LEARN Listen to Bloomberg multimedia talking tutorials. Type LEARN <Go>.
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General Information CSDR Sovereign Debt Ratings, look up ratings for direct and guaranteed debt of sovereign governments. Type CSDR <Go>. Talk To Us DEBT Fixed Income Requests. Get new bond issues listed on THE BLOOMBERG, ask a specific data or analytic question. Type DEBT <Go>.
Q Market Quote, displays a live, dynamically updating, one line quote: current bid/ask price and yield, price source and tune of last trade. Since this is a one-line function it will not disturb the screen you are working on. Information will appear across the top of the screen. Select the bond, type Q <Go>. For example: T 7.25 16 16<Govt>QR<Go>
GIP Graph of intra-day prices, is a monitor that displays a growing graph of intra-day price ticks for a security. See how the security's price has reacted to a news announcement. This graph can be especially important to see how the market reacts when an economic number is released. GIP can be displayed for up to 5 days. Select the bond type GIP <Go> (or GIP# (1-5) <Go>) or GIY <Go> for yields. For example: T 7.2516 <Govt>GIP<Go>
Historical Market
GP Graph of historical prices, is a monitor that displays a growing graph of historical price ticks for a security.
Bond Valuation
DES Bond Description, provides you with all the information you would ever want and need to know to be well-informed about any issue. Select the bond, type DES <Go>.
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For example: T 7.2516 <Govt> DES <Go> YA Yield Analysis, calculates a variety of yields using different conventions for easy comparison.. We also give you cash flow components of a purchase and a hold to workout date, ticket information and important sensitivity measures lace duration, convexity and the dollar value of a basis point. Select the bond, type YA <Go>. (See YA <Help> for detailed definitions of terminology and calculations.) For example: T 7.2516 <Govt>YA<Go>
QY Quick Yield Analysis, displays conventional market-quoted yields, and calculates conventional yield based duration, modified duration, risk and convexity for a selected bond. It is a simple and quick way to access yield analysis on the Bloomberg. Select the bond, type QY <Go>. For example: T 7 .2516 <Govt>QY<Go>.
YTC Yield To Call, displays yield-to call calculations for call dates. Type YTC <Go>. For example: T 7.2516 <Govt> YTC <Go>.
Price/Yield History
GY, GP Graph of Historical Yields (GY) or Graph of Historical Prices (GP), allow you to follow how a bond's yield has traded over time. This helps to determine whether a bond has been in a specific trading range and is either above or below that range. Select the bond and type GY <Go>. Press <Page Fwd> for data. All graphs have data behind them. You can only get historical yields, not prices, on generic government securities because we do not store prices historically. Thus, run GY not GP when tracking historic governments. For example: T 7.2516 <Govt>GP <Go>
TRA Total Return Analysis, for Governments and Corporates issues. See how sensitive your security is to changing interest rate environments. Type TRA <Go>. For example: T 7.2516 <Govt> TRA <Go>
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HZ Horizon analysis calculates the total return between two dates. For example: T 7.2516 <Govt>HZ<Go>
BXT, SXT Buy Ticket (Sell Ticket), displays the information needed to write a ticket. Type BXT <Go> if you are buying or SXT <Go> selling. The screen will display the principal, accrued interest and number of days accrued and provides a total dollar price for the transactions. Select the bond, type BXT <Go>. For example: T 7.25 16 <Govt>BXT<Go>
Pricing Sources FMPS Price Sources for All Classes, allows you to select (from over 200 different dealers for all market sectors) a specific pricing source for a class of securities without actually accessing a security. The provider's pricing information will be used in the screen displays and for the calculation of analytic functions. You must be authorized by the provider to have access to their pricing. Type FMPS <Go>.
PCS Price Contributor Selection, allows you to select a provider of proprietary prices for a specific class of securities, however, you must select the security first. This data can be used in the displays of rate information and/or in the calculations of analytic functions for a specific security. In most cases, you must have the providing firm's approval to use their proprietary prices. Select the bond and type PCS <Go>. For example: T 7.2516 <Govt>PCS<Go>
SW <Go> You do not need to reselect both securities to run another function. Swap Analysis, is a three-page analysis that allows you to compare two bonds and determine which bond will outperform given a specific time horizon and shifting interest rates. Run swap analysis using the traditional convention or Bloomberg's option adjusted spread model. Evaluate the two bonds under both static and dynamic interest rate environments. Be sure to press <Page Fwd> to perform swap analysis under different interest rate environments. (CT is the shortcut ticker symbol for current U.S. Treasuries, as in CT5, current treasury 5 year.) For example: CI30 <Govt> CT10 <Govt> SW <Go>
HS Historical Spread, displays a price/ yield spread graph comparing the average, current, high and low spread over a specific time horizon. The screen reveals whether the relationship between the two securities has changed. Does the current spread suggest an opportune time to buy or sell? For example: CT30 <Govt> CT10 <Govt> HS <Go>
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Press <Help> from any screen to get detailed help on the screen you are viewing. Type BU <Go> for training options: Bloomberg tutorials, Bloomberg telephone numbers, or call the Analytics Desk is a 24-hour service! Press <Cancel for Help Desk telephone numbers.
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13. Corporates
Suggested Screens for Analyzing Fixed Income/Corporate Bond Market
The main Corporate menu is similar to other market sector menus. It is divided into banners, and functions which are accessible using mnemonics or the numbers on the menu. The benefits of using mnemonics over menu numbers are: 1) 2) As we add functions the menu numbers may change slightly. By using mnemonics functions may be accessed from anywhere in the system, hence, bypassing menus and saving steps. Menu items with an asterisk next to next to them indicate a one-line function that will not disturb the screen you are working on - information will be displayed on the top line of the screen.
TK Ticker Symbol Look Up, is one of THE MOST FREQUENTLY USED FUNCTIONS. The way to identify any security on the Bloomberg is with its ticker symbol or cusip.(Type <Corp> TK <Help> for detailed instructions.) For example: Type <Corp> TK BANK <Go> to pull up a list of ticker symbols for all companies issuing debt that begin with BANK Ticker <Corp> <Go> This produced a list of all corporate securities in coupon order for this issuer. For example: DIS <Corp> <Go> lists all Disney securities in coupon order.
Ticker (space) Coupon <Corp> <Go> This creates a list of issues with a specific coupon for one issuer. For example: DIS 5 <Corp> <Go> lists all Disney 5% bonds Ticker (space) Coupon (space) Maturity <Corp> CUSIP <Govt> If you look for a special issue where either the Cusip or the specifics of the bond are known. For example: For example: DIS 8 9/6/09 <Corp> <Go> You can also type DIS 8 9/09 <Corp> or DIS 8 9 <Corp><Go>.
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Generic Government Rates, displays a menu of monitors that display current market information of U.S. domestic and global government dates. Generic government rates can be used to spot changes across the yield curve. Type GGR <Go>. PX Government Pricing Monitor Menu, displays a menu of government pricing monitors. PX can be accessed from any market sector (but if, for example, it is accessed by typing <Mtge> PX <Go> the menu displayed will apply to mortgage generics). From the <Corp> or <Govt> menu PX displays U.S. Treasuries and agencies. Each PX screen dynamically updates. Type PX <Go> for a list of monitor screens. Type PX# <Go> for a specific monitor. PX1 <Go> is a popular screen displaying current and when-issued U.S. Treasuries. <Monitor> or M Personal Market Monitors. Type M <Go> or press the <Monitor> key to access the menu of custom monitors or the last monitor viewed. Type MC# <Go> to customize a specific the menu of Custom Monitors. Type MC# <Go> to customize a specific monitor. (Type MC# <Help> for detailed instructions.) Type NM <Go> to access the three latest news stories associated with securities in all Monitors, or type NM# (1-8) <Go> for news on a specific monitor. Type NM1 TODAY <Go> to access today's latest news stories. W Worksheets are very similar to the Monitor screens but provide more flexibility in terms of customizing columns, formats, and colors. Type W# <Go> to access a specific Worksheet and type WN# <Go> for news related to a specific worksheet. Broker/Dealer/Bank-Offerings & Rates <Corp> MRKT Offerings, view offerings from firms which are distributing their offerings to you over the system. Type <Corp> MRKT <Go>. If you have access to a contributor's offerings you also have access to their pricing. To get authorization for offerings you need to call a sales rep at that contributor. Pricing Selections FMPS Price Sources for All Classes, allows you to select (from over 200 different dealers for all market sectors) a specific pricing source for a class of securities without actually accessing a security. The provider's pricing information will be used in the screen displays and for the calculation of analytic functions. The contributor must authorize access to their pricing. Type FMPS <Go>.
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New Issue Calendars CCDR New Issue Calendar, keeps you up-to-date on the latest issues coming to market. CCDR also provides information on spreads to comparable treasuries, lead managers, and redemptions. Type CCDR <Go>. NIR U.S. New Issue Report, compares new issue and secondary markets for high grade, U.S. dollar denominated corporate bonds. NIR uses Bloomberg Fair Value (type BFVC <Go>), a theoretical pricing model to determine where a bond should trade based on where similar bonds currently trade. Use this report to determine whether industrial bonds, or other sectors of the corporate market, are trading rich or cheap when they come to market. Type NIR <Go>. Interest Rate Swaps and Derivatives IRSM Interest Rate Swap main menu, view swap rates, LIBOR, yield curves, create and update interest rate swaps, generic swap calculators, and perform swap hedging analysis. Type IRSM <Go>.
SWYC Customize your own interest rate swap curve. Type SWYC <Go>. SWPL Create and update your own interest rate swap. Once created, these securities can be displayed and analyzed using many of the Bloomberg functions. (Type SWPL <Help> for instructions.)
Relative Value - Fixed Income BFVC Bloomberg Fair Value Analysis, allows you to get an indication of a bond's market value based on actual, and in some cases, market implied credit quality and where similar issuer types are trading. The function accounts for embedded options, credit watchlist status, ratings splits between the agencies where the market favors one over the other and event risk. Type BF VC <Go>. Calculators BC All Bond Calculators BCG <GO> A list of all government bond calculators NSA <Go> All cash flow calculators.
BCSW Interest Rate Swap Calculator, value generic interest rate swaps. Type BCSW <Go>. BCCF Cap/Floor Collar Calculator, value caps/floors and collars. Type BCCF <Go>.
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Multiple Securities CIX Custom index, create and monitor your own custom index, type CIX <Go>. HMS 4 in-1 Price Graph, displays the graphs of historical closing prices/ yields for 4 securities on a single display. Select and save up to 20 HMS screens. Type HMSM <Go> for 4-in-1 price graph menu. Type HMS# <Go> to pull up a saved HMS. Contributed Information CTRB Contributor information, fixed income research and third party subscriptions. Type CTRB <Go>. Extra Help LEARN Listen to Bloomberg multimedia talking tutorials. Type LEARN <Go>. Talk To Us DEBT Fixed Income Requests. Get new bond issues listed on THE BLOOMBERG, ask a specific data or analytic question. Type DEBT <Go>.
Q Market Quote, displays a live, dynamically updating, one line quote: current bid/ask price and yield, price source and time of last trade. This is a one-line function and will not disturb the screen you are working on. (The quote will appear on the top line of the screen). Select the bond and type Q <Go>. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> Q <Go>.
Bond Valuation
DES Bond Description, provides you with all the information you would ever want or need to be well-informed about any security. Get complete call and sink schedules, current ratings, and important notes. Select the bond and type DES <Go>.
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YA Yield Analysis, calculates a variety of yields using different market conventions for easy comparison. We also give you cash flow components of a purchase and hold to workout date and important sensitivity measures, like duration, convexity and the dollar value of a basis point. Select the bond and type YA <Go> (see YA <Help> for detailed instructions). For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp>YA <Go>
QY Quick Yield Analysis, displays conventional, market-quoted yield, and calculates conventional yield-based duration, modified duration, risk and convexity for a selected bond. It is a simple and quick way to access yield analysis on the Bloomberg. Select the bond and type QY <Go>. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp>QY <Go>
Yield-to-Call Analysis, displays yield-to-call calculations for listed call dates. Select the bond and type YTC <Go>. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> YTC <Go>
PT Price Table, lets you see a matrix of prices and yields in any increments you want. This is useful if the market is moving fast or you are trying to negotiate a price on a bond you want to sell. You may want to print it out in the morning for easy access throughout the day. Select the bond and type PT <Go>. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp>PT <Go>
GRAD Bloomberg Grade, a Bloomberg exclusive, provides a comprehensive "volatility rating" for U.S. dollar denominated, fixed income securities. GRADE separates duration and convexity and scores the bond relative to a duration-matched U.S. Treasury. GRADE makes it easy to identify a bond's price change, given both moderate and severe yield shifts. Select the bond and type GRAD <Go>. (See also GRAD <Help> and GDR <Go>.) For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> GRAD <Go>
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Price/Yield History
GY Graph of Historical Yields (GY) or Graph of Historical Prices (GP), allows you to follow how a bond's yield has traded over time. This helps to determine whether a bond has been in a specific trading range and is either above or below that range. Select the bond type GY <Go>. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> GY <Go>
GPO, GP Price Bar Graph with Moving Average (GPO) and Price Graph (GP), provides a snapshot of your bond's recent trading activity. GPO relates historical price action with intra-day movements. The daily volume confirms how "real" each day's price movements are. Select the bond and type GPO <Go>, press <Page Fwd> for data (or type GP <Go> for a historical closing price graph). Type HP <Go> for historical price table without graph. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> GP <Go>
TRA Total Return Analysis, for governments and Corporates issues. See how sensitive your security is to changing interest rate environments. Select the security and type TRA <Go>. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> TRA <Go>
HDC1, HDS1 Holders Alphabetically. Considering buying a security? Select the security and type HDC1 <Go> to see who owns a selected bond. Select the bond and type HDS1 <Go> to see institutional ownership by size. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> HDC1 <Go>
Valuation Press <Page Fwd> for: Bloomberg Fair Value Analysis, Cost of Carry, Cross-Currency Analysis, Company/Issuer Analysis, Hedging with Interest Rate Swaps, Ticket Writing Functions.
BFV Bloomberg Fair Value, is a theoretical pricing model that measures a bond's worth, exclusive of supply and demand considerations. BFV uses option-adjusted spread methodology to determine a price, given a volatility assumption. BFV evaluates bonds based on the market quotations of securities issued by companies in the same industry sector with the same credit risk. Select the bond and type BFV <Go>. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> BFV <Go>
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RVFP Relative Value, allows you to take BFV one step further and employ OAS methodology. Even if a bond is trading rich or cheap to its market sector now, is it getting richer or cheaper over time? RVFP provides an historical perspective on a bond's richness or cheapness. Select the bond and type RVFP <Go>. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> RVFP <Go>
Company/Issuer Analysis
EDGR or SEC SEC and EDGR filings, access company SEC filings over the Bloomberg. Select the bond and type SEC <Go> or EDGR <Go> or type EDGS <Go> to perform an EDGAR filing search by filing type or company. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> EDGR <Go>
CN Company News CN and Company News Audiovisual CNAV, read the latest company news stories and listen to key corporate executive interviews. Select the bond and type CN <Go> for all company news including interviews. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp CN <Go>
BXT (SXT) Buy Ticket (Sell Ticket), displays the information needed to write a ticket. Select the bond and type BXT <Go> if you are buying or SXT <Go> if you are selling (see also BXI <Help>). The screen will display the principal, accrued interest and number of days accrued and provides a total dollar price for the transactions. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> BXT <Go>
Today's Technicals
GIP Graph of Intra-day prices, see every trade which has occurred in a bond and how the bond's price has reacted to a news announcement. GIP can be displayed for up to 5-days. Select the bond and type GIP <Go> or GIP# (1-S) <OP. For example: DIS 8 10/06 <Corp> GIP <Go>
Pricing Sources
FMPS Price Sources for All Classes, allows you to select (from over 200 different dealers for all market sectors) a specific pricing source for a class of securities. The provider's pricing information will be used in the screen displays and for the calculation of analytic functions. You must be authorized by particular firm to view their prices. Type FMPS <Go>.
PCS Price Source Selection, allows you to select a provider of proprietary prices for a specific class of securities, however, the security must be selected first. This data can be used in the displays of rate information and/or in the calculations of analytical functions for a specific security. In most cases, you must have the providing firm's approval to use their proprietary information. Select the bond and type PCS <Go>.
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SW Swap Analysis, is a three page analysis that allows you to compare two bonds and determine which bond will outperform given a specific time horizon and shifting interest rates. Run swap analysis using the traditional convention or Bloomberg's option adjusted spread model. The real power Evaluate the two bonds under both static and dynamic interest rate environments. Be sure to press <Page Fwd> to perform swap analysis under different interest rate environments. For example: DIS8 10/06 <Corp> T6.875 5/06 <Govt> SW<Go>>
HS Historical Spread, displays a price/ yield spread graph comparing the average, current, high and low spread over a specific time horizon. The screen reveals whether the relationship between the two securities has changed. Does the current spread suggest an opportune time to buy or sell? For example: DIS8 10/06 <Corp> T6.875 5/06 <Govt> HS<Go>
Press <Help> from any screen to get detailed help on the screen you are viewing. Type BU <Go> for training options: Bloomberg tutorials, Bloomberg telephone numbers, or call the Analytics Desk is a 24-hour service! Press <Cancel for Help Desk telephone numbers.
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14. Commodities
Suggested Screens for Analyzing Commodities
The main Commodity menu is similar to other market sector menus. It is divided into banners, and functions which are accessible using mnemonics or numbers on the menu. The benefits of using mnemonics over menu numbers are: 1) As we add functions numbers may change 2) Functions may be accessed from anywhere in the system, hence, bypassing menus. Menu items with an asterisk next to them indicate a one line function that won't disturb the screen you are working on - information will be displayed at the top of the screen. The following are a few functions you may want to run when analyzing the commodity market and/or any specific commodity. Becoming familiar with some of these basic functions will enable you to tackle the more advanced functions without hesitation.
CTM Contract Table Menu, displays one and two letter ticker symbols for all future contracts traded worldwide, a check mark next to ticker indicates options are available on that future. (Type menu number <Go> for a list of all contracts pertaining to the specific future.) CTM is organized by contract category. For example, bonds, metals, foodstuffs, and currencies. Type CTM <Go> (see CTM <Help> for monthly contract symbols). CEM Contract Exchange Menu, search for futures sorted by specific exchange. From this menu, type menu number <Go> for a list of all contracts traded on the specific exchange. One and two letter ticker symbols will be displayed for all future contract's tickers traded on a specific exchange. Type CEM <Go> (see CEM <Help> for monthly contract symbols; for example the symbol for January is F). TKA Active Contract Ticker Symbols, displays a list of 20 active futures contracts and the price information of the "currently" active contract as of the time displayed. (To make it easy for you to follow the most active contract the ticker symbol is always followed by an "A" (you always need three characters: USA <Cmdty> to access long bond active futures contract, S A <Cmdty> for Soybean active futures contract). Type TKA <Go>.
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N Commodity News, comprehensive coverage on a twenty-four hour basis from around the world. Extensive coverage of all world futures markets can also be found on BBN main menu under Markets. Type <Cmdty> N <Go>. CRB CRB Movers, displays the individual components and intraday graph of the CRB futures index (type CRY <Index> <Go> to access the index directly). Determine which components/subgroups has the greatest impact on the total index value. Type CRB <Go> (see CRB <Help> for the formula used to calculate the CRB index), type menu number <Cmdty> <Go> to access the single security menu of the commodity's most active contract). You can use CRB <Go> to monitor commodities or customize your own monitors. M Market Monitors, Bloomberg provides 8 different formats of market monitors (mincers). Bloomberg provides custom monitors to suit your needs. Type M <Go> or press the green MONITOR key to access menu of Custom Monitors. Type MC# <Go> to customize a specific monitor. Type MC# <Help> for specific instructions on how to set up M#. Type NM <Go> to access three latest news headlines associated with securities in all Monitors.
Futures Analytics
SA Euro Strip Analysis, displays a menu of functions that analyze futures contracts using the "Strip/String" yield curve. Type SA <Go> then type EDS <Go> to access the IMM Eurodollar Strip Future Analysis. EDS provides rich/cheap analysis for Eurodollar futures contracts.
Multiple Security
HMS 4-in-1 Price Graph, compare up to four securities at once. Type HMSM <Go> for menu. Can store up to 20 multiple graphs. CIX Customize your own index or benchmark.
Yield Curves
IYC International Yield Curves, graphs the term structure of interest rates around the world. Type IYC <Go>.
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Economic Releases:
WECO, ECO World Economic Calendar for G& countries. Type WECO <Go> for world calendars and type ECO <Go> for U.S. economic releases.
Q Market Quote, displays a live, dynamically updating, one line quote displaying current bid/ask, change on the day, open, high, low and previous closing price. Define the commodity and type Q <Go>. Since this is a one-line function it won't disturb the screen you are working on. Also shows current open interest. Information appears at the top of the screen. CT Contract Table, lists all futures contracts that are currently trading, including inactive contracts. For each month, the last trade, change on the day, time of trade, and high and low prices are displayed in a format that makes it easy to compare trading in different contract months. Number of tics on the day helps to indicate liquidity. In the upper right hand corner of the screen open interest and volume for the prior day are displayed as reported by the exchange. It also displays open interest and previous day's volume. Define the commodity and type CT <Go>. Contracts listed in red are actively trading contracts. QR Quote and Trade Recap, quickly identifies each and every transaction for a specific commodity. Displays tick-bytick recap of a futures contract's intraday trading in tabular form, what time a futures contract traded at a particular price, and can tell you whether a limit order should have been filled. Define the commodity and type QR <Go>. GIP Intraday Price Graph, is a monitor that displays a growing graph of intraday price ticks for a security. The screen initially displays today's intraday trading activity, but up to five days can be displayed. This graph can be especially important to see how the market reacts when an economic number is released. Define the commodity and type GIP <Go> or GIP# (2-5) <Go> .
Contract Information
DES Description, displays basic information about a specific futures contract as supplied by the exchange on which the contract is listed: the contract size, value of a point, tick value, delivery dates, option expiration dates, last trading day of contract, available option strike prices, daily price limits, and the time the contract trades. The description screen is perhaps the most important screen for you to look at because it lets you know the specific characteristics of the futures contract (page 2 of DES displays option information). DES also displays generic ticker symbols so you can analyze commodities historically (type US1 (US2, US3 etc.) <Cmdty~ <Go> to track generic first, second contracts historically. Define commodity and type DES <Go>. EXS
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Expiration Schedule, displays the expiration schedule, the last trading date, and the first and last delivery dates, for any exchange listed futures series. The schedule for the entire series is shown regardless of the spot or futures contract selected. Define the commodity and type EXS <Go>. Deliverability Analysis
DLV Cheapest-to-Deliver, performs "cheapest-to-deliver" (CTD) ranking analysis for either conversion-factor or yieldbased bond futures as listed on various exchanges around the world. Define the commodity, type DLV <Go>.
Option Analysis:
OV Option Valuation, calculates the value of a fixed income option given a variety of personally defined assumptions. The option can be saved.
Options-Estimated Prices
OVE Call/Put Valuation, displays a list of the current market option prices. If an option has not traded and the underlying commodity has moved in price the screen uses TRADE MATCHED VOLATILITY to estimate the theoretical price of the option assuming option implied volatility is the same as the implied volatility of the last trade of the option. OVE shows intraday option valuation as well as current estimated prices for up to 8 listed call/put strikes on an underlying futures contract. (Run CVE for call valuation and PVE for puts.) Define the commodity and type OVE <Go>.
Options-Current Market
OMON Option (Bid/Ask) Monitor, displays the current market information for options on a security: the bid, offer, and last trade. OMON currently displays the current month at the top of the screen with back months on the following pages (press <Page Fwd> for LEAPS, if they exist). Define the commodity and type OMON <Go> (to access specific option type number (for specific option) <Cmdty> <Go>.
Option Analysis
COAT Call Analysis (Sensitivity) Table, provides option valuation sensitivity measures for up to 8 call strike prices for an underlying futures contract. The screen allows you to enter your market assumptions and analyze possible outcomes. It shows the main risks confronting an options trader, such as changes in futures price (Gamma), and volatility (Vega) and the rate of decay in an option's value as expiration approaches. POAT, put analysis (sensitivity) table, is identical to COAT except that POAT analyzes put options. Define the commodity and type COAT <Go>.
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OHT Option Horizon Analysis, allows you to simulate how changes in price, time and volatility will effect option valuation. It provides option horizon analysis for up to 8 listed call/put strikes on an underlying futures contract. You can design any market scenario you desire changing the underlying futures price, volatility level and time to expiration. OHT displays value of a straddle. Define the commodity and type OHT <Go>. OHTX Options Position Horizon Analysis, allows you to run option and future analysis under various market scenarios. You can compare different strategies to determine which position matches your risk/reward ratios given your outlook on the market. It lets you see how your profit and loss, dollar risk, and net delta of your position would be altered by a change in the futures price, or volatility, or the erosion in the time period before expiration. Define the commodity and type OHTX <Go>. OHTP Option Portfolio Horizon Analysis, provides convenient and powerful analysis for options and futures positions stored in your portfolio. OHTP will run on exchange traded futures and options displayed on OTM and OEM.
Price/Yield History
GPO, GP Price Bar Graph with Moving Average (and Price Graph), displays a snap shot of your commodity's recent trading activity. It provides open/high/low/close prices and a bar chart of daily volume historically. GPO relates historical price action with intra-day movements. The historical data identifies whether the price is trending or oscillating. The intra-day data provides clues as to where changes may potentially occur. The daily volume confirms how "real" each day's price movements are. Define commodity and type GPO <Go>, press <Page Fwd> for numerical data (or type GP <Go> for a graph of historical closing prices).
BXT (SXT) Buy Ticket (Sell Ticket), displays the information needed to write a ticket. Enter the amount of bonds to be bought (sold) and either the price or yield and type BXT <Go> if you are buying or SXT <Go> selling (see BXT <Help>). The screen will display the principal, accrued interest and number of days accrued and provides a total dollar price for the transactions.
HS Historical Spread, displays a price/ yield spread graph comparing the average, current, high and low spread over a specific time horizon. The screen reveals whether the relationship between the two securities has changed. Does the current spread suggest an opportune time to buy or sell? Type 1st security <Yellow key> 2nd security <Yellow key> HS <Go> (example: USA <Cmdty> TYA <Cmdty> HS <Go> .
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Press <Help> from any screen to get detailed help on the screen you are viewing. Type BU <Go> for training options: Bloomberg tutorials, Bloomberg telephone numbers, or call the Analytics Desk is a 24-hour service! Press <Cancel for Help Desk telephone numbers.
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15. Municipals
Suggested Screens for Analyzing Municipals
The main Municipal menu is similar to other market sector menus. It is divided into banners, and functions which are accessible using mnemonics or the numbers on the menu. The benefits of using mnemonics over menu numbers are: 1. As we add functions the menu numbers may change slightly. 2. By using mnemonics functions may be accessed from anywhere in the system, hence, bypassing menus and saving steps. Menu items with an asterisk next to next to them indicate a one-line function that won't disturb the screen you are working on - information will be displayed on the top line of the screen. The following are a few functions you may want to run when analyzing the fixed income /municipal bond market and any specific municipal bond.
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<Muni> CUSD <Go> Then type 6 digit CUSIP root. Good to find more issues when you have one CUSIP. You can also enter the 6 digit CUSIP and the dated date.
Once you select a municipal bond you don't have to reselect it every time you run another function. There are approximately 70 different functions you can run on any one municipal bond.
FMC Fair Market Yield Curves, divides the corporate and municipal bond market by industry sector and credit rating. For each sector an option-free yield curve is constructed daily. Fair Market Yield Curves can be used for sector analysis. They make it easy to identify points on the yield curve sector that offers the highest yield and whether credit spreads are wide or tight. Type <Muni> FMC <Go> (or FMCH for historical). GBY G.O. Yield Curves, allow you to see where the municipal bond market closed and gives AAA levels as a percent of Treasuries. Type GBY <Go>. MYC Municipal Inter-Market Yield History, displays how different G.O. rated municipal bonds have performed as a percent of Treasuries historically. Type MYC <Go>. MTAX Municipal Tax, displays tax free yields for the chosen FMC curve, calculates taxable equivalent yield for tax-free municipal bonds at a given marginal tax rate and the yield percentage of tax-free municipal bonds to Treasury bonds. Type MTAX <Go>. FWCV Forward Curve Analysis, project yield curves for any future date based on the implied spot rates in today's curve and display the forward rates embedded in today's yield curve. FWCV uses the swap curves shown in SWYC <Go> and the Fair Value Curves found in <Govt> FMC <Go> and <Muni> FMC <Go>.
ET Electronic Trading over Bloomberg. Trade via Bloomberg with leading market makers throughout the world. Type ET <Go>.
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Current Markets
<Monitor> or M Personal Market Monitors. Type M <Go> or press the <Monitor> key to access the menu of custom monitors or the last monitor viewed. Type MC# <Go> to customize a specific the menu of Custom Monitors. Type MC# <Go> to customize a specific monitor. (Type MC# <Help> for detailed instructions.) Type NM <Go> to access the three latest news stories associated with securities in all Monitors, or type NM# (1-8) <Go> for news on a specific monitor. Type NM1 TODAY <Go> for today's latest stories. W Worksheets are very similar to the Monitor screens but provide more flexibility in terms of customizing columns, formats, and colors. Type W# <Go> to access a specific Worksheet and type WN# <Go> for news on a worksheet. USD Monitor active, on-the-run, U.S. government securities and personally selected securities. Type USD <Go>. PX Government Pricing Monitor Menu, displays a menu of government pricing monitors. PX can be accessed from any market sector (but if, for example, it is accessed by typing <Mtge> PX <Go> the menu displayed will apply to mortgage generics). From the <Corp> or <Govt> menu PX displays U.S. Treasuries and agencies. Each PX screen dynamically updates. Type PX <Go> for a list of monitor screens. Type PX# <Go> for a specific monitor. PX1 <Go> is a popular screen displaying current and when-issued U.S. Treasuries. <Muni> MRKT Offerings, view offerings from firms which are distributing their offerings to you over the system. Type <Muni> MRKT <Go>. If you have access to a contributor's offerings, you also have access to their pricing. To get authorization for offerings you need to call a sales rep at that contributor. Type <Muni> MRKT <Go>. OB Offerings/Bids Wanted, allows both Buy and Sellside to broadcast their Bids wanted and Offerings. Type OB <Go> to access the menu of functions related to the current market of offerings and bids wanted divided by buyside "bids wanted", dealer offerings, and broker bids wanted and dollar bonds.
MUPC Muni Price Sources, daily municipal pricing by listed contributors is fully integrated within Bloomberg's analytics, this capability includes pricing your Bloomberg portfolios and even downloading to your PC. Type MUPC <Go>. PCSU Municipal Pricing Preferences, select a provider of proprietary prices. These prices can be integrated within Bloomberg's analytics. You must be authorized by the provider. Type PCSU <Go> to select pricing preferences for both non portfolio and portfolio functions.
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MBWD Municipal Bids Wanted Display, will show all bonds in your bid list if you are a buyside customer. If you are a dealer, MBWD lists all the buyers who have authorized you to see their bids wanted. To alert you that a firm has posted a bid list, an asterisk will appear next to the firm name. Type MBWD <Go>. To see the bonds enter the number of the firm and press <Go>. MBWG Bloomberg's Municipal Buyside Bids Wanted Guide, a guide to distributing bid lists over Bloomberg and obtaining timely bids. If you are a portfolio manager or an investment advisor you no longer need to fax or phone bid lists to dealers and dealer banks, coordinate their returning calls, and rank their bids. Type MBWG <Go> for a guide to sending lists and receiving bids over Bloomberg. Contact your Bloomberg sales representative or the Analytics Desk if you are a buyside firm and would like to participate. MBWV Firm Privileges Screen, enables you to distribute your list to dealers and dealer banks. This will provide an alphabetic listing of the dealers. Only firms of your choice will be enabled. Type MBWV <Go>. This privilege has to be granted by Bloomberg. Call your sales representative for authorization. MBWU Municipal Offerings Entry/update/input, enter a municipal security for display on a Bids Wanted screen. Contact your Bloomberg sales representative for access to this screen. Type MBWU <Go>.
Dealer Offerings:
MDOF Bulletin Board Offerings Display, displays and updates dealer offerings entered into the system. Type MDOF <Go>. As dealers enter offerings onto the Bulletin Board they will scroll through different categories. MPO Municipal Transaction Services - Post Dealer Offerings. Type MPO <Go>. Dealers can show out offerings using the Municipal Bulletin Board. CSOF Custom Search on Broker/Dealer Offerings, search all the offerings based on very specific criteria. Type CSOF <Go>. BLR Blue List Offerings, is a daily national publication which lists offerings by dealers, including par amount, issuer, coupon, maturity, and price or yield, as well as the dealer who is offering them. The offerings (which have been added to the list for next day publication) appear immediately on the Bloomberg. Type BLR <Go>. (BLR is an optional service on Bloomberg, type CTRB BLR <Go> for contact information.)
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BIDW Brokers Bids Wanted, displays a menu of brokers who have bids wanted from the inter-dealer market at NO EXTRA CHARGE. To view these brokers, Type BIDW <Go>. From the menu simply type the menu number of the broker you want to see. These screens monitor, so as long as you are on the first page, you will always automatically see the latest bids wanted. You can also go directly to any broker's page by using the broker code found on the BIDW menu. Type BIDW (broker code) <Go>. DBND Brokers Dollar Bonds, allows you to view dollar bond markets, type DBND <Go>. This provides a list of the brokers available to you. Simply type the menu number of the broker you want and <Go>. BL Blue List (Blue List Broker Wire), a division of Standard & Poor's Corporation, lets you keep abreast of the broker's broker markets. You can use BL to access. This function lists a majority of the brokers and displays their markets free of charge. Keep on top of what is being offered and where. Type BL <Go>.
CNDB Unsold Balances, lets you see unsold balances for all competitive deals of $20 Million or more. If the unsold balance is shifted to the right, the balance per maturity is available. Type CNDB <Go>. To view the amounts per maturity type the menu number <Go>. CDRC Competitive Calendar and Negotiated Calendar, search by state and see new issues historically or look ahead into the future. Competitive Calendar, CDRC, will keep you up-to-date on the latest competitive issues coming to market. CDRC displays all issues listed in chronological order with par value of $ 1 Million, or greater, scheduled to sell. Prior to sale, an asterisk shows that we have pre-sale information. Type CDRC <Go> then type the menu number <Go> to see deal structure. CDRN Negotiated Calendar, CDRN, keeps you up-to-date on-the latest negotiated issues coming to market and displays all issues with a par value of $ 1 Million or greater scheduled to sell, listed in chronological order. Type CDRN <Go>. CNDS Short Term Calendar, keeps you up-to-date on the latest competitive and negotiated short-term issues coming to market. CNDS displays all issues with par value of $20 million or greater scheduled to sell listed in chronological order. An asterisk indicates pre-sale information is available. Type CNDS <Go>. NIRM New Issue Yield Report for munis, allows you to compare yields of similar issues and to compare historical with current trends. Type NIRM <Go>.
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AMPC, DMPC Add/Update Muni Internal Calendar and Display Personal Calendar, are internal deal sheets so you can maintain an offering sheet for your firm or customer. To enter a deal type AMPC <Go>. You can view your personal deals with the function DMPC for Display Personal Calendar. To see the details of any deal, type the menu number <Go>. CFS Bond Issue Structuring, calculate the cash flow for your input structure or structure the total bond issue, calculating the issue size so that the annual total debt service payments are equal. Type CFS <Go>.
N Commodity News, comprehensive coverage of all world futures markets can also be found on BBN <Go>. Type <Cmdty> N <Go> or type <Cmdty> BBNM <Go> for a menu of commodity news. MUFS Request Muni Documents, Bloomberg is a Nationally Recognized municipal Securities Information Repository. Search for financial statements by type of revenue or by state and then message the Bloomberg municipal department requesting the information. Type MUFS <Go>.
MBIX Latest Muni Bond Indices, provides a list of municipal indices, their current level and the previous level and lets you quickly see any changes in the market indicators. Type MBIX <Go>.
HOUS Housing Statistics, displays housing reports issued by the State Housing Agencies. The reports conform to the guidelines set by the National Council State Housing Agencies. An individual state's reports contain mortgage information, such as mortgage rates and delinquency statistics, and bond information, including principal outstanding, principal called and indenture provisions. Type HOUS <Go>. Calculators
BCT All Bond Calculators. Type BCT <GO> for a list of all government bond calculators. Type NSA <Go> for cash flow calculators. BQC Bank Qualified Calculator calculates true yields based on the cost of funds, federal tax rate, state tax rate, and the 20% disallowance for BQ bonds. Type BQC <Go>.
Multiple Security
CIX Create, store and monitor your own index or benchmark. Type CIX <Go>.
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HMS 4-in-1 Price Graph, displays the graphs of historical closing prices/ yields for 4 securities on a single display. Type HMSM <Go> for 4-in-1 price graph menu. Type HMS# <Go> to pull up a saved HMS screen.
WECO World Economic calendars for the G7 countries. Type ECO <Go> for U.S. economic calendars. Type ECST <Go> for historical, worldwide statistics.
Talk to Us:
QMUN Municipal Requests, request documents or ask a specific question. Type QMUN <Go>.
Securities Lists:
SRC Municipal Search, search for municipal bonds having common characteristics. Type <Muni> SRC <Go>.
BFV Bloomberg Fair Value, is a theoretical pricing model that measures a bond's worth, exclusive of supply and demand considerations. BFV uses option adjusted spread methodology to determine a price, given a volatility assumption. BFV evaluates bonds based on the market quotations of securities issued by companies in the same industry sector with the same credit risk. Select the bond and type BFV <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> BFV <Go>
PCS Price Source Selection, allows you to select a provider of proprietary prices for a specific class of securities, however, the security must be selected first. This data can be used in the displays of rate information and/or in the calculations of analytical functions for a specific security. In most cases, you must have the providing firm's approval to use their proprietary information. Select the bond and type PCS <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> PCS <Go> Bond Information
DES Description, is a "mini" Official Statement. Bloomberg is a Nationally Recognized Municipal Securities Information Repository. Description, conveniently provides a wide range of qualitative as well as quantitative information about
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a selected security eliminating unnecessary research. Get complete call and sink schedules, current ratings, and important notes. Select the security and type DES <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> DES <Go>
SER Bond Series Information, reconstructs the entire deal and provides the maturity date, par amount, coupon, price, Cusip and call features for all the bonds in the deal. Select the security and type SER <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> SER <Go>
MCNO Municipal Redemption Information, provides bond redemption information (call dates, amounts redeemed and number of bonds called) for municipal bonds in chronological order. Select the security and type MCNO <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> MCNO <Go>
YA Yield Analysis, calculates yields to the maturity date and to a particular workout date with or without concession. The settlement date, concession, price, yield, and workout date are modifiable screens allowing us to customize the screen. We also give you cash flow components of a purchase and hold to workout date. Select the security and type YA <Go> (see YA <Help> for detailed instructions). For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> YA <Go> YTC Yield-to-Call Analysis, displays yield-to-call calculations for listed call dates. Select the security and type YTC <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> YTC <Go>
PT Price Table, lets you see a matrix of prices and yields in any increments you want. This is useful if the market is moving fast or you are trying to negotiate a price on a bond you want to sell. Print it out in the morning for easy access throughout the day. Select the security and type PT <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> PT <Go>
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OAS1 Option Adjusted Spread Analysis for a single security, measures a bond's return against an implied spot curve and employs option pricing techniques to value its embedded options, that is, put, call or sinking fund provisions. By stripping the embedded options, OAS measures the "richness" or "cheapness" of our security to the curve and allows you to compare bonds on an apples-to-apples basis. The OAS1 screen is interactive allowing us to perform analysis under various assumptions. Select the security and type OAS1 <Go>. (See OAS 1 <Help> for detailed instructions.) For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> OAS1 <Go>
FTAX Federal Taxation, calculates U.S. federal taxes for both taxable and nontaxable municipal bonds. Determining whether your tax rate will be at the capital gains rate or the ordinary income tax rate or a combination of the two depends on the amount of any original issue discount, time since issuance, time until maturity, purchase price and assumed time and price of sale. Select the security and type FTAX <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> FTAX <Go>
Price/Yield History
GY Graph of Historical Yields (GY) or Graph of Historical Prices (GP), allows you to follow how a bond's yield has traded over time. This helps to determine whether a bond has been in a specific trading range and is either above or below that range. Select the security and type GY <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> GY <Go>
CN All News and Research, compiles all news and research reports relating to a specific security. It provides a quick, easy way to see all the news relevant to a specific security. Select the security and type CN <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> CN <Go>
SCN Stratified News, displays three tiers of news headlines for a selected security: security, bond series and issuer. Select the security and type SCN <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> SCN <Go>
RFD Request for Documents, order official statements via The Bloomberg. Select the security and type RFD <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> RFD <Go>
TRA Total Return Analysis, for municipals, governments and corporates issues. See how sensitive your security is to changing interest rate environments. Select the security and type TRA <Go>.
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HDS1 Holders By Size. Considering buying a security? Select the security and type HDS1 <Go> to see institutional ownership by size. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> HDS1 <Go>
BXT (SXT) Buy Ticket (Sell Ticket), displays the information needed to write a ticket. Select the bond and type BXT <Go> if you are buying or SXT <Go> if you are selling (see also BXT <Help>). The screen will display the principal, accrued interest and number of days accrued and provides a total dollar price for the transactions. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> BXT <Go>.
GRY <Go> Historical Yield Ratio Graph, You do not need to reselect both securities when running consecutive functions. MDES Dual Muni Description, allows you to compare two municipal bonds side-by-side so you can quickly see whether you are giving up or getting call protection. Select the two securities and type MDES <Go>. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> 658203VN1 <Muni> MDES <Go>
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SW Swap Analysis, is a three page analysis that allows you to compare two bonds and determine which bond will outperform given a specific time horizon and shifting interest rates. Run swap analysis using the traditional convention or Bloomberg's option adjusted spread model. The real power Evaluate the two bonds under both static and dynamic interest rate environments. Be sure to press <Page Fwd> to perform swap analysis under different interest rate environments. For example: 64988J2L3 <Muni> T 6.875 5/06 <Govt> SW <Go>
Press <Help> from any screen to get detailed help on the screen you are viewing. Type BU <Go> for training options: Bloomberg tutorials, Bloomberg telephone numbers, or call the Analytics Desk is a 24-hour service! Press <Cancel for Help Desk telephone numbers.
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16. Currencies
Suggested Screens for Analyzing Currencies
The main Currency menu is similar to other market sector menus. It is divided into banners, and functions which are accessible using mnemonics or the numbers on the menu. The benefits of using mnemonics over menu numbers are: 1. As we add functions the menu numbers may change slightly. 2. You can access the function from anywhere in the system, hence, bypassing menus. Menu items with an asterisk next to them indicate a one-line function that won't disturb the screen you are working on information will appear across the top of the screen.
TKC Spot Rates and Tickers, displays 60 spot currency rates, alphabetically, based off the U.S. dollar. It is like a monitor screen, but needs to be refreshed. Scan all global currencies and see which has had the greatest change on the day, type TKC <Go>. TKA Active Contract Ticker Symbols, displays a list of 20 active futures contracts and the price information of the "currently" active contract as of the time displayed. (To make it easy for you to follow the most active contract the ticker symbol is always followed by an "A" (need three characters: USA <Cmdty> to access long bond active futures contract, S A <Cmdty> for Soybean active futures contract). Type TKA <Go>. TK Ticker Symbol Look Up, type <Crncy> TK "name of country" <Go>. This lists ticker symbols for currency spot rates, cross exchange rates and forward exchange rates.
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CTM Futures Tickers, by Category, a Contract Table Menu, displays one and two letter ticker symbols for all future contract's tickers traded worldwide, a check mark next to ticker indicates options are available on that future. (Type menu number <Go> for a list of all contracts pertaining to the specific future.) CTM is organized by contract category. For example, bonds, metals, foodstuffs, and currencies. Type CTM <Go> (see CTM <Help> for monthly contract symbols). Type CEM <Go> provides identical information to that found on CTM. CEM lists contracts sorted by exchanges (see CEM <Help> for monthly contract symbols).
Multiple Security
HMS 4-in-1 Price Graph. Allows you to display the graphs of historical closing prices/yields for up to 4 securities on a single display. Define and save up to 20 HMS screens. Type HMSM <Go> for 4-in-1 price graph menu. Type HMS# <Go> to pull up a saved HMS screen. CIX Create your own custom index or benchmark. Type CIX <Go> to create.
Yield Curves
IYC International Yield Curves, graphs the term structure of interest rates around the world. Compare the U.S. government yield curve to other countries and see where you can achieve the highest yield. Compare these curves historically. You can analyze past, actual or future, projected total return for these yield curves. Type IYC <Go> (or IYC# <Go> for a specific curve).
I All Currency Indices, you will find all currency indices including "fixings" which are the official currency rates from, for example, the Federal Reserve or the Bank of England. Type <Crncy> I <Go>.
Current Markets
CM Currency Monitors, are live, preset monitor screens that update dynamically. They allow you to monitor all the major and most of the secondary currencies. Type CM <Go> to monitor composite spot/forward rates. Bloomberg allows one to choose their currency rate source (type XDF <Go>), or customize your own monitors.
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BBC Currency/Deposit Rate Monitor, displays a menu of functions which allow you to easily monitor changes in any of the major currency markets in "real time." These screens are live and update dynamically. Type BBC <Go> then menu number <Go> to display a specific Bloomberg Monitor screen. M Market Monitors, Bloomberg provides 8 different formats of market monitors (mincers). Bloomberg provides custom monitors to suit your needs. Type M <Go> or press the green MONITOR key to access menu of Custom Monitors. Type MC# <Go> to customize a specific monitor. Type MC# <Help> for specific instructions on how to set up M#. Type NM <Go> to access the three latest news headlines associated with securities in all Monitors. Type NM# <Go> to access news on a securities in a specific Monitor. Type IM <Go> for International Monitors. These will let you monitor your own securities side by side with international government issues. W Personal Worksheet, similar to monitors but provides much more flexibility. Type W <Go> for a list of available worksheets. Type W# <Go> for a specific worksheet and WN# <Go> for news on companies on a specific worksheet. FXC Cross-Rates, displays a matrix of Bloomberg Composite rates, and provides a quick snap shot of the interrelationships between all actively traded currencies. The matrix intersections are the amount of the row currency per column currency. Type FXC <Go>, to refresh rates press <Page Fwd> for previous days. WCR World Currency Rates, displays relative positions of world currencies to a base currency of your choice. WCR sorts currencies by specified periods and percent changes in ascending or descending order. Type WCR <Go>. (Type WCRS <Go> for World Currency Changes and WCV <Go> for World Currency Values.)
BCX Cross-Currency Arbitrage Calculators, type BCX <Go>. Type BC <Go> for all calculators.
Economic Calendars:
WECO World economic calendars for G7 countries. Type ECO <Go> for U.S. economic calendars. Type ECST <Go> for historical, worldwide economic statistics.
IRSM Interest Rate Swaps main menu. View swap rates. LIBOR, yield curves, create and update interest rate swaps, generic swap calculators, perform swap-hedging analysis. Type IRSM <Go>.
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Contract Information
DES Description, for currency will display how the currency is quoted, i.e. the Japanese Yen is quoted in Yen/ U.S. $.) country information, news, economic statistics, and currency market monitors. Select currency and type DES <Go>.
Today's Markets
BQ Bloomberg Quote, displays a composite overview of key information on a selected currency. Select currency and then type BQ <GO>. Q Market Quote, displays a one line quote of current bid/ask price, currency source, time stamp, open/high/low/previous close. Since this is a one line function it won't disturb the screen you are currently working on. Information will appear across the top of the screen. Define the currency and type Q <Go>. GIP (1-5) Graph of Intraday Prices, allows you to see every trade which has occurred in a currency and how the currency rate has reacted to a news announcement. GIP can be displayed for up to 5-days. Define currency and type GIP# (1-5) <Go>. ALLQ Currency Rates from all Sources, displays all bank quotes for a specified currency. Define currency and type ALLQ <Go>.
Price History
GPO, GP Price Bar Graph with Moving Average (and Price Graph), displays a snap shot of your commodity's recent trading activity. It provides open/high/low/close prices and a bar chart of daily volume historically. GPO relates historical price action with intra-day movements. Define currency and type GPO <Go>, press <Page Fwd> for data (or type GP <Go> for a graph of historical closing prices).
Ticket Writing
BXT (SXT) Buy Ticket (Sell Ticket), displays the information needed to write a ticket. Shows how much it will cost in U.S. dollars if you buy X amount of, for example, BPS, British Pounds Sterling. Define currency and type BXT <Go> if you are buying or SXT <Go> selling (see BXT <Help>).
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HS Historical Spread, displays a price/ yield spread graph comparing the average, current, high and low spread over a specific time horizon. The screen reveals whether the relationship between the two securities has changed. Does the current spread suggest an opportune time to buy or sell? Type 1st security <Yellow key> 2nd security <Yellow key> HS <Go> For example: CHF <Crncy> GBP <Crncy> HS <Go>
Press <Help> from any screen to get detailed help on the screen you are viewing. Type BU <Go> for training options: Bloomberg tutorials, Bloomberg telephone numbers, or call the Analytics Desk is a 24-hour service! Press <Cancel for Help Desk telephone numbers.
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17. Equities
Suggested Screens for Analyzing Currencies
The main Equity menu is similar to other market sector menus. It is divided into banners, and functions which are accessible using mnemonics or the numbers on the menu. The benefits of using mnemonics over menu numbers are: 3. As we add functions the menu numbers may change slightly. 4. You can access the function from anywhere in the system, hence, bypassing menus. Menu items with an asterisk next to them indicate a one-line function that won't disturb the screen you are working on information will appear across the top of the screen.
TK Ticker Symbol Look Up, is one of the MOST IMPORTANT functions. The only way to identify any security on the Bloomberg is with its ticker symbol (or CUSIP). Type <Equity> TK <Go>. For example: <Equity> TK TEX <Go>
Ticker symbols will appear on the right in parenthesis followed by country codes for all countries beginning with TEX. Make sure you use the ticker symbols corresponding to the correct exchange. If you type the ticker symbol without the country code, it will default to the equity trading on the primary exchange chosen on your personal defaults. Type PDF <Go> to set primary exchange defaults. For example: TX CN <Equity> will access Texaco stock traded in Canada. TX <Equity> <Go> will default to primary exchange chosen on PDF <Go><Equity> ID 881694103 <Go> For country code descriptions and exchange information: type EPR <Go>, MOST <Go>, EXCH <Go> and EXCH <Help>.
IBM <Equity> DES <Go> Skip menu and access description page directly,
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WEI, WEIS World Equity Indices, lists the major exchanges around the world and how they have performed. Not only does this function give absolute changes but also percentage changes so you can make meaningful comparisons between exchanges. Type WEI <Go>. WEIS <Go> takes WEI one step farther and ranks the returns of selected groups of indices over a specified time period in the currency of the respective index or adjusted to a specific currency. IMOV Equity Index and Industry Group Movers, shows in real-time the individual stocks that are driving major indices and industry groups. Stocks or groups can be listed in the order of their absolute impact, net change on the day, or volume. Type IMOV <Go> or select an index and type MOV <Go>. For example: INDU <Index> MOV <Go>
LSIM Bloomberg's (capitalization weighted) Local Stock Market Indices measure the performance of the local economies. Type LSIM <Go>.
ET Bloomberg Electronic Trading. Trade stocks via Bloomberg with leading market makers throughout the world. Type ET <Go>. BMR Watch the research that moves the markets. Type BMR <Go>.
Current Markets
NN Equity News Menu, comprehensive coverage of all equity markets. Type <Equity> NN <Go>.
MOST Most active, most up, most down, most change in value up-to-the- minute. The news stories on these stocks. Type MOST <Go>.
<Monitor> or M Personal Market Monitors. Type M <Go> or press the <Monitor> key to access the menu of custom monitors or the last monitor viewed. Type MC# <Go> to customize a specific the menu of Custom Monitors. Type MC#<Go> to customize a specific monitor. (Type MC# <Help> for detailed instructions.) Type NM <Go> to access the three latest news stories associated with securities in all Monitors, or type NM# (1-8) <Go> for news on a specific monitor. Type NM1 TODAY <Go> to access today's news.
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W Worksheets are very similar to the Monitor screens but provide more flexibility in terms of customization, selecting columns, viewing. Type W <Go> to create a new worksheet. Type W# <Go> to access a specific Worksheet and type WN# <Go> for news related to a specific worksheet. USD U.S. Treasury Monitor, monitor active, on-the-run, U.S. government securities and personally selected securities. Type USD <Go>. HILO New Highs/Lows, displays companies whose stocks have reached a 52-week high/low. Type HlLO <Go> or HILO (space) "country code" <Go>.
EX Ex-Dividend Calendar, lists a worldwide calendar of companies going ex-dividend, and searches for equities based on the ax-dividend date. Equities with ax-dividend dates today, several days prior, and into the future are displayed in ex-date order. Type EX <Go>. ECDR New Equity Calendar, lets you follow an equity through the entire IPO process, starting with the initial registration process, and actually monitor its progress once it goes public via an equity scoreboard. Type ECDR <Go>. For equity daily changes, such as, ticker changes resulting from a merger, and delisting information. Type EDCH <Go>. WECO World Economic calendars for the G7 countries. Type WECO <Go>. Type ECO <Go> for U.S. economic calendars. Type ECST <Go> for historical, worldwide statistics.
ESRC Equity Search, allows you to screen the Bloomberg database of 100,000 equities on the fundamental and/or technical factors that you believe to be the items of importance when valuing your company's relative worth. Are stocks that led the market today the same ones that led the market over the last week, the last month, or the last three months? Locates trade ideas by finding stocks which have extreme points in their trading patterns. The different types of equity searches you can do are only limited by your own imagination. Type ESRC <Go> . (See ESRC <Help> for detailed instructions, or call the 24-hour Analytics Desk.)
BBEA Each quarter during earnings season we summarize earnings announcements. For instance, in the S&P 500, the total average earnings gain is 12.1 %. Type BBEA <Go>, then 9 <Go>.
Multiple Security
CIX Create, store and monitor your own basket of securities. Type CIX <Go>. HMS
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Historical Multiple Security Graphs, 4-in-1 Price Graph, displays the graphs of historical closing prices for up to 4 securities on a single display. Select and save up to 20 HMS screens. Type HMSM <Go> for 4-in-1 price graph menu. Type HMS# <Go> to pull up a saved HMS screen. Contributed Information
CTRB Contributor information, equity/commodity exchange information, equity research and third party subscriptions. Type CTRB <Go>.
Equity Help
QEQT Equity Department Requests, contact the appropriate person in the equity department. Order financial statements, ask data/description questions on equity securities, ask analytical questions or post a new issue, QEQT <Go>. ANB Bloomberg Equity Analysts, displays a list of Bloomberg personnel responsible for financial statement and fundamental equity products on Bloomberg.
Q, <QUOTE 1> Market Quote, displays a live, dynamically updating, one line quote, across the top of the screen. It displays ticker, currency, change from last tick, current price, change on day, and exchange last trade occurred. Select the equity and type Q <Go>, or press <Quote1>. For example: IBM <Equity> Q <Go> or IBM <Quote 1>
BQ, <QUOTE 2> Bloomberg Quote, provides a snapshot of historical and current equity information. The Bloomberg Quote displays 12 unique items about your company on a single screen so you can quickly glean "what's going on with your company's stock." To access any of the specific functions displayed on this screen, simply type the mnemonics or enter the number beside the function and <GO>. Certain aspects of this screen can also be customized, type PDF <Go> # (for equities) <Go> # (for Customize Bloomberg Quote)<Go>. Select the equity and type BQ <Go> or <Quote 2>. For example: IBM <Equity> BQ <Go> or IBM <Quote 2>
QR Trade Recap, quickly identifies each transaction for a selected equity. QR presents the time, the size and price of each transaction, as well as presenting the exchange on which each transaction took place, and the conditions under which the trade was executed. Select the equity and type QR <Go> (see QR <Help> for detailed instructions). For example: IBM <Equity> QR <Go>
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TSM Trade Summary Matrix, displays the volume and number of trades that occur at the bid, mid and ask levels per given trade price. For example: IBM <Equity> TSM <Go>
OMON Option (Bid/Ask) Monitor, displays the current market information for all exchange traded equity options on a selected equity: the bid, ask, and last trade. OMON currently displays the current month at the top of the screen with back months on the following pages (press <Page Fwd> for LEAPS, if they exist). Select the equity and type OMON <Go> (to access specific option type # <Equity> <Go>9). For example: IBM <Equity> 0MON <Go>
CN Company News/ Research, displays all company and industry news stories for a selected equity. Press <Page Fwd> for previous stories. (See NEWS <Help> for news short cuts.) Select the equity and type CN <Go>. For audio stories type CNAV <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> CN <Go> or CNAV <Go>
ANC Analyst Coverage, provides an alphabetical list of firms and the analyst's covering a selected stock. Select the equity and type ANC <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> ANC <Go>
DES Description, the description page is similar to the Bloomberg Quote but provides a 10 page description of a company and its business. Page one of DES provides a snapshot of current and historical information, To access any of the specific functions displayed on this page, simply type the mnemonics or enter the number beside the function and <GO>. Page three provides key fundamental ratios. Select the equity and type DES <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> DES <Go>
DESR <Help> Security Description Ratios for U.S. industrials, defines ratio calculations used on DES. Type DESR <Help>. FA Financial Analysis, displays company financial history and ratios, Income statements and balance sheets are set in a consistent for format for easy comparisons. Determine the value of a company from fundamental perspective. Select the equity and type FA <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> FA <Go>
CH1-6 Company History (Fundamentals), provides a series of fundamental data screens. Income statements and balance sheets are set in a consistent format for easy comparisons. Select the equity and type CH# (14) <Go>.
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DVD Dividend Detail, displays full dividend, split and distribution information. Div/Yield graph allows for instant recognition of patterns and trends. It lists the declared ex-dividend record and pay dates, as well as the amount of the dividend and the type of payment. Select the equity and type DVD <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> DVD <Go>
ERN Earnings Analysis, provides earnings summary, including current and past earnings, growth rates, P/E ratios. Select the equity and type ERN <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> ERN <Go>
EE Earnings Estimates, identifies Wall Street analysts EPS estimates for the coming two fiscal quarters and years, and the recent trend of those estimates over the last month. You will be able to quickly discern if the analysts are getting bullish or bearish on your company's earnings prospects. Sources include Nelsons and Zacks. Select the equity and type EE <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> EE <Go>
EDGR, SEC EDGAR and SEC, access company SEC filings related to a selected equity. Documents are provided by SEC Online Inc. EDGAR SEC filings include all company filings for U.S. companies that file electronically with the SEC. Select the equity and type SEC <Go> or EDGR <Go> or type EDGS <Go> to perform an EDGAR filing search by filing type or company. For example: IBM <Equity> EDGR <Go>
MGMT Management Profiles, view key corporate executives profiles, board memberships, career experience, and personal statistics. Select the equity and type MGMT <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> MGMT <Go>
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Today's Technicals
GIP (1-20) Graph of Intra-day prices, is a monitor that displays a growing graph of intra day price ticks, see every trade which has occurred in a stock. This graph can be especially important to see how the stock's price has reacted to news, such as, an earnings announcement, an ousted CEO, or an oil spill. The screen initially displays today's intra-day trading activity, but up to five days can be displayed. Select the equity and type GIP <Go> or GIP# (1-20) <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> GIP <Go> or GIP20 <Go>
Historical Technicals
HP Historical Price Table, provides a table of historical closing prices and volume. Press the <Tab> to customize the date range and zero in on specific dates quickly. Select the equity and type HP <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> HP <Go>
GPO, GP Historical Price Bar Graph with Moving Average (GPO) and Price Graph (GP), displays a snap shot of a selected equity's recent trading activity. It provides historical open, high, low and closing prices and daily volume. GPO relates historical price action with intra-day activity. The intraday data provides clues as to where changes may potentially occur. Daily volume confirms how "real" each day's price movements are. Select the equity and type GPO <Go>, press <Page Fwd> for numerical data (or type GP <Go> for a graph of historical closing prices). For example: IBM <Equity> GPO <Go> or GP <Go>
GP3 Historical Price Oscillator, identifies changes in the primary trend of a stock's price. To locate turning points in trend, GP3 calculates two arithmetic moving averages and charts their difference, which is shown at the base of the screen. The default averages are five and fifteen days. Select the equity and type GP3 <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> GP3 <Go>
RSI Relative Strength Indicator, measures the velocity of price movements, hence identifying potential turning points. Prices are generally considered to be elastic in that they can move only so far from a mean price before retreating or accelerating. Rapid price increases result in overbought conditions and rapid price decreases result in oversold conditions. Select the equity and type RSI <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> RSI <Go>
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MACD Moving Average Convergence/Divergence Indicator, provides indications of a stock's underlying trend. Theory suggests that when price is trending, it is expected from time to time, that speculative forces "test" the trend. By exponentially weighting a stock's price action MACD is able to look at the anatomy of this "test" to determine if it is just a short term deviation from the trend or if it is a structural change in trend. Select the equity and type MACD<Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> MACD <Go>
TAS Stochastic Indicator, utilizes the RSI indicator along with factor weightings to locate both oversold/overbought conditions. TASC assists in identifying the most appropriate entry or exit point when buying or selling a stock. Select the equity and type TAS <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> TASC <Go>
Historical Returns
COMP Comparative Return Analysis, allows you to see graphically a stock's total return in comparison to its industry group, and broad market index. This multi page function also tabular displays the price levels, dividends received and total return numbers for all three instruments. Select the equity and type COMP <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> COMP <Go>
Holders/ Holdings HDS Holders by Size, Only 1 3F, identifies all the owners of your company's stock, by either the size of their holdings (HDS) or alphabetically (HDC), as well as identifying if the current holders are increasing or decreasing their positions. The information is sourced through 13F filings from the Securities Exchange Commission. 13F filings are also cross-referenced by institution, allowing you to view not only the list of stocks held by the institution, but also to utilize Bloomberg's portfolio analytics. Select the equity and type HDS <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> HDS <Go> General
RV Relative Value, allows you to evaluate your stock relative to your peers on fundamental and/or technical criteria you deem important. The peer/industry groups are defined and ranked by market capitalization in descending order. Select the equity and type RV <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> RV <Go>
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REQ Related Equities, lists all related equities of the selected equity, such as, warrants and when-issued. Select the equity and type REQ <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> REQ <Go>
GM Graph of Money Flow, displays a graph of historical prices and either block, non-block or total money flows. Select the equity and type GM <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> GM <Go>
HVG Historical Volatility Graph, identifies both the level and potential direction of volatility. Select the equity and type HVG <Go>, press <Page Fwd> for numerical data. (Type HVT <Go> for table of historical volatility. See HVT <Help> for specific instructions.) For example: IBM <Equity> HVG <Go>
OMON Option (Bid/Ask) Monitor, displays the current market information for options on a security: the bid, ask, and last trade. OMON currently displays the current month at the top of the screen with back months on the following pages (press <Page Fwd> for LEAPS, if they exist). Select the commodity and type OMON <Go> (to access specific option type # <Cmdty> <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> OMON <Go>
OV Option Valuation, calculates the value of an equity option given a variety of personally selected assumptions. Type OV <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> OV <Go>
OSA Option Scenario Analysis, provides a flexible option horizon analysis for up a selected equity. Create up to three scenarios and view their effects on each position you hold. Select the equity and type OSA <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> OSA <Go>
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OPSA Options Portfolio Scenario Analysis, provides convenient and powerful analysis for option positions stored in your portfolio. OPSA will run on exchange traded equity options. Select the equity and type OPSA <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> OPSA <Go>
COAT Call Options Analysis (Sensitivity) Table, provides option valuation sensitivity measures for up to 8 call strike prices for an underlying equity. Enter your market assumptions and analyze possible outcomes. POAT, put option analysis (sensitivity) table, is identical to COAT except that POAT analyzes put options. Select the equity and type COAT <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> COAT<Go>
OHT Option Horizon Analysis, provides highly flexible option horizon analysis for up to 8 listed call/put strikes on an equity. Design any market scenario you desire changing the underlying futures price, volatility level and time to expiration. Select the equity and type OHT <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> 0HT <Go>
Fundamental Analysis
CH5 Company Fundamental Comparisons Graph, displays graph of over 20 different financial items. Select two securities and type CH5 <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> CSGN VX <Equity> CH5 <Go> .
GRET P/E Ratio Table, allows you to graphically analyze how your company's stock has been and is currently being valued relative to one of your peers or peer group. Select two equities and type GRET <Go>. For example: IBM <Equity> CSGN VX <Equity> GRET <Go>
Press <Help> from any screen to get detailed help on the screen you are viewing. Type BU <Go> for training options: Bloomberg tutorials, Bloomberg telephone numbers, or call the Analytics Desk is a 24-hour service! Press <Cancel for Help Desk telephone numbers.
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18. Portfolio
Suggested Screens for Analyzing Portfolios
The portfolio system is not for Portfolio Managers only!!! The Bloomberg has an enormous collection of publicly filed Portfolios on the system that can be used as prospecting tools. The Portfolio section, appropriately named the CLIENT section, will provide you with yet another way of using the system to establish a creative edge. The main Portfolio menu is similar to other market sectors. It is divided into banners and you can access functions using mnemonics or numbers on the menu. The following are a few functions you may want to run when analyzing portfolios. Create a Portfolio
PRTA Portfolio Creation, allows you to create your own portfolio. A helpful Bloomberg Magazine article titled "The Case of the Municipal Portfolio Manager", 10/93, p. 16, walks you through how to set up a portfolio. Type PRTA <Go> (type PRTA <Help>) or SECURITY <Help> for step-by-step help on entering securities or call the Analytics Desk.
Finding a Portfolio For portfolios you have created a number will be assigned to that portfolio. Type /number (of portfolio) <Client> <Go> to perform a variety of analytics on a specific portfolio.
UPD Portfolio View/Update, provides a lists of all your portfolios including those you have been authorized to view and update. Type UPD <Go>.
For publicly filed portfolios -- type FIDEL (or first few letters of client's name) <Client> <Go> to pull up a list of all firms with names beginning with FIDEL. If you were looking for Fidelity type menu number <Go>. You can pull up a specific Portfolio from the FIDEL <Client> menu and analyze it just like you would your own portfolio. Type UNITED STATES <Client> (or any other country) <Go> to access and view portfolios of U.S. indices.
Press <Help> from any screen to get detailed help on the screen you are viewing. Type BU <Go> for training options: Bloomberg tutorials, Bloomberg telephone numbers, or call the Analytics Desk is a 24-hour service! Press <Cancel for Help Desk telephone numbers.
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<Pfd> FAS <Go> For information on finding preferred securities. <Pfd> TK Tex <Go> List of all tickers for Companies beginning with Texaco for preferred securities on system. TX <Pfd> <Go> For all Texaco Preferreds in dividend order. DTE 7.45 <Pfd> <Go> Detroit Edison 7.45 dividend rate.
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Money Markets
Once you enter <M-Mkt> <Go>, choose of the following: To select a specific category of functions, enter the menu-number <Go>. To select a function, enter menunumber <Go> of function code <Go>. If you cannot find the function you want, press <Page Fwd> to display the next category of functions or <Menu> to return to the main menu of categories. To search for a specific function, move your cursor to the highlighted field at the top of the screen, enter a word or phrase, and press <Go>. A list of all BLOOMBER PROFESSIONALY service functions related to the word or phrase appears. For more information on a specific function, enter function code <Help>.
<M-Mkt> TK "issuer" <Go> Access list of money market securities. MMR <Go> World wide money market rates.
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<CANCEL> Key for the main Bloomberg numbers or dial 1 800 448-5678 Due to Bloomberg's vast information and capabilities, if you're stuck and can't find the answer in the manual, then call the Bloomberg Analytics Department at 1 (212) 318-2007. Bloomberg Department
Accounting/Act Rec. 2500 (Billing Information) Communications 2450 (Phone lines) Contracts 2540 Exchanges 2570 (To sign up for real time pricing) Installations 2400 Service 2100 (Terminal freezes or message on screen says Please Dial Bloomberg Host)
Bloomberg Analytics
New York Analytics 2700 (For system help and training) London Analytics 7555 Tokyo Analytics 8888
North/Latin America Sales 2200 Advertising Sales 2090 Muni Help 3200 (For Official Statements 3204) Prospectus 3400 Bloomberg Business News 2300/4000 Bloomberg Forum 2085 Bloomberg Radio 2350 Seminars 4521
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21. References
Data for this Manual downloaded from the "Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago"
"Bloomberg Basics" is distributed by Bloomberg L.P. Other data from Bloomberg Terminal / Lehigh University.
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