Answer 1-3
Answer 1-3
Answer 1-3
Firstly, teacher should use suitable mathematics language that is simple and familiar such as
‘take away’ or ‘withdraw’ instead of ‘subtract’. Especially when the learners are new to the
concept, common language should be used instead of formal mathematics language. It will help
learners to pick up the new concept when they heard nothing unfamiliar. If formal mathematics
language is introduced at first, it will create a psychology barrier to learners to view the concept
is too hard to learn.
Second, when teaching mathematics or demonstrating the workings, teachers should use
effective and efficient questions. The questions should be short, clear, precise and hence,
highlighting only one concept. In beginner level, the questions should simply show only one
concept. Hence, the workings of the new concept is clearly shown. At advanced level, the
questions should be presented in simplest form or a level before the current level in hierarchy.
Figure-wise, use relatively small number that is just enough for understanding purpose. Similarly,
when learners first encounter an easy question, they gain confidence to further on.
Thirdly, design questions according to learners’ ability and performance. Teachers should use
knowledge-type or understanding-type of questions when teaching lower ability students.
Conversely, use analysis, synthetic and evaluations level of question on higher ability students.
Until lower ability students have mastered this level of questions, they shall be introduced to
next level of questions.
Fourth, teachers should teach suitable strategy to answer questions. Well, every type of
questions requires different type of strategies. Teachers should impart the most efficient
strategy to answer questions. Teachers are encouraged to use Polya’s model as a guideline when
designing a strategy to solve a mathematical question. Step one is Polya’s model is to
understand the question and collect the information given. Step two, locate the problem and
break it down into smaller or simpler questions. Next, perform necessary computations to solve
the equations, in another word, do the math. Lastly, think again if the answer makes sense and
logic. If there are another method to find out, do the computation to find out.
Last but not least, one should follow general procedures and principles of questioning in
teaching mathematics. The principles involved allowing longer wait time for students to respond.
Teachers are advised to give students more than 3 seconds to respond to their questions so,
students will deliver better quality of respond and better retention. Also, it allows students to
have more own perspective on the questions posted as they might pose more questions and
hence increase more interaction between students and teachers. Then, after a teacher posts a
question and waits for more than 3 seconds, he shall pick a student to respond if there is no
initiative. Teachers should respond immediately to students’ response or respond at once after
multiple students have given their responses. Besides that, teachers’ respond is important also
as it works as positive reinforcement. Teachers should give out compliments or words of
encouragement such as “well done”, “good try”, “you’re just close to the answer”, etc. Listening
to these responses, students will be more motivated to participate actively in class discussion
and learning activities.
1. (b)
Induction and deduction methods are two popular methods in teaching mathematics. Induction
method is focused on guiding students’ thinking through a series of designed simple questions or
equation that lead to understand the theorem or principles. While deduction method is breaking
down new mathematics theorem or principles using learned or existing mathematics principles or
prior knowledge and experiences.
The difference between both methods may arise on its suitable topics to use on. Induction
method is more suitable to be used on entirely new principles or foundation principles on a new
branch of mathematics learned. Since the complexity isn’t too high yet, it is more efficient to use this
method which are easier and less planned. While deduction method should be used on certain
advancement of topics on certain branches of mathematics. Higher complexity requires dedicated
and planned teaching to allow students to easily understand the principles and have a better
Taken algebra as example, induction method is more suitable in teaching linear equations or
arithmetic or geometric sequences. On the other hand, teaching functions, quadratic equation or
even polynomial equation would require deduction methods. Not just because it is more advanced
topics, it also made up of multiple or modification of basic principles into more complexed principles
or formula.
Next, the learning experience or learning outcomes of both methods would be different too. As
induction method is more learner-centred, it requires learners to analyse and process the principles
by themselves. The teacher will announce a simplified formula or the principles and students will
verify it by referring to simple examples. Then, the students are required to use the principles to
solve the questions themselves. In another way, induction method, where learners follow the guide
of teachers’ designed questions, learners are exploring and practicing along the way. Student might
only master the formula due to generalisation or observation of repeated pattern of workings.
For examples, teaching the concept that the sum of three angles in a triangle will always equal to
180 degree. In induction method, teachers will give hints that lead to students to measure all the
angles in triangles repeatedly until they found the pattern that all sum of angles will lead to 180
degree. While in deduction method, students are being told that the sum of all angles of triangle
always equal to 180 degree and then they will verify it by measuring them.
2. (a)
First type of reasoning is inductive reasoning where learners found the pattern of relationship
between figures through repeated observations of given examples and predict a drafted answer or
solution to the problem. If the solution applied to the next examples, thus the drafted idea is proven
correct and learners reach a general conclusion.
Second type of reasoning is deductive reasoning where a set of undefined terms and a set of
axioms are first introduced before coming to any question or examples. Learners then try to apply
the axioms on given question to prove the conclusion.
It is an established fact that Geometer’s Sketchpad is an important tool in learning and teaching
mathematics since long time ago. Geometer’s Sketchpad has changed the leading way of teaching
mathematics topics such geometry and algebra and delivering better results.
Proven that students now not only utilize Geometer’s Sketchpad as a tool to solve problems or
compute equation faster. They also use it to discover ways or construct models to solve the
problems. Hence, they have a more practical experience of how it works compared to simply study it
and apply it on questions.
In the topics of functions, Sketchpad allows users to explore the characteristics of functions by
imaging the functions. This allows better understanding than just looking at figures or static
Euclidean plane. Before this, due to the limitation of Euclidean plane, teachers tend to ‘leave things
out’ because it is hard to image the functions using Euclidean plane. However, given current
technology, Sketchpad is utilized to allow students to learn at quicker pace and learn through spatial
reasoning and clearer visualization.
Besides that, Sketchpad also encourages inductive reasoning in learners as it allows student to
construct many geometries in short time and hence helps in generalisation. And hence, it helps
students to understand geometry conceptually.
On top of that, the flexibility in Sketchpad ignites students interest in learning mathematics as
they can easily try new stuff and exploring around. It will also help to create a connection between
different branches of mathematics such as functions and algebra. Learners with Sketchpad also
proven to be more practical and able to solve real life problem instead of just answering question
Sketchpad also allows teachers to focus their attention on students in term of understanding or
in need of additional stimulus. Teachers have no longer required to pay so much attention on the
technique learns construct the graph or geometry as they need to when learners do it on 2D plane.
First, Geometer’s Sketchpad is used in teaching geometry more effectively in primary school.
Students are allowed to construct shapes at accuracy, ease and speed. They may manipulate points,
circles and lines to construct accurate shapes they want to and hence explore more shapes in
shorter time. Thus, students can easily build up their geometry vocabulary and visual reasoning the
geometry. Students will appreciate the accuracy given by the toolbox compared to pencil and paper
and hence prepares them for mathematical idea of geometric construction.
Besides basic and conventional shapes, student may discover special and aesthetic shapes
using functions such as flips, slide and rotate. Sometimes, student may come out with kaleidoscope
images that is aesthetic. During the process of exploring, student may discover the fact about the
centre of circle, relationship between diamonds and rectangle, etc. This will better prepare for tricky
questions because they are now more familiar with the characteristics of the shapes.
Secondly, Geometer’s Sketchpad can be utilized to teach any topics that involve a linear line
such as in a timeline and fractions illustrated in a line. It can illustrate the time period from one point
to another point clearly and without confusion. It can also be used to teach fractions or decimal to
hundredths and thousandths using increasing precision.
There are two categories of enrichment activities namely horizontal and vertical enrichment
activities. Horizontal enrichment activities are where all groups of students are doing the same type
or same nature of activities at one time. The only things that varies is the level of difficulty or
complexity of the data used. While vertical enrichment activities are where different groups of
students are doing different types of activities according to the level of their achievement.
Since horizontal activities are basically the same games but with different difficulty, the time
consumed to prepare is significantly lesser than vertical enrichment activities where different types
of games are designed to cater different needs of each group. It will require precise grouping of
students that not only share the same level of achievement but also same type weakness. Hence,
the teacher may design a remedial game to improve them effectively.
The first stage is where student only master one basic skill. At this stage, horizontal
enrichment activities should be planned as there are no previous topics that are not mastered yet.
Every group or everyone will be given the same type of activities but with different difficulty
according to their past performance. At this stage, there shall be less confusion and students lacking
behind the progress. Hence, everyone is given an equal chance to do enrichment activities and build
up strong foundation to a branch of mathematics. The first few of basic skills are normally easier and
fundamental, hence the activities should be application type to help student gaining conceptual
understanding on the skill.
At second stage, students have mastered all the basic skills for one mathematical topics. At
this stage, teachers are expected to enable students to apply multiple basic skills fluently in one task.
Hence, more complicated tasks that involve different basic skills should be introduced to students.
The activities can be an experiment, worksheets or real-life problem solving.
At third stage, students have mastered all the basic skills for a few mathematical topics.
Teachers now should design activities that may connect application of different topics. The
application may come in different section of the activities but they are inter-related. This may
provide a vision to students on how these skills can be useful and applied in real life.
3. (b)
There are five common types of enrichment activities that may be used in classrooms. There are
games, puzzles, projects, competition and worksheets.
When teaching mathematics, teachers can introduce some mini games like trading and dices.
Trading game will help student to gain the concept of money value and transactions. Different colour
of dices will be given to be rolled. For example, two dices of red should be sum up and two green
dices mean for subtraction.
The beginner level of puzzles activity has to be ‘noughts and crosses’. It is a modified game to
train learners on addition and subtraction. For example, to complete the game, one should line up
ten combinations of numbers that sum up to 10. There is harder version of puzzles like diagonal sum
Sudoku and intersection sum Sudoku.
Projects usually involve tasks like constructing geometrical shapes either basic or distinctive one.
Teacher can also instruct students to conduct collection of data to deliver a graph. For example,
collect the height data of everyone in the classroom and create a bar graph or bell diagram.
Competition is fun when it does not carry marks to final assessment of grades. It should be short
and light. They are usually quizzes or magic map.
Worksheets are meant for high achiever to further strengthen their ability especially in term of
application and problem solving skill. Worksheets normally involve question that are require
multiple layer of workings and analysis of problem and they often tricky.