3-Phase Step-Up Resonant DC-DC Converter For Medium Power Applications
3-Phase Step-Up Resonant DC-DC Converter For Medium Power Applications
3-Phase Step-Up Resonant DC-DC Converter For Medium Power Applications
I1 I2 L2
Abstract—This paper describes a 3-phase DC-DC resonant Lr3
D1 D2 D3
Lr1 Lr2
converter for medium or high power applications. The converter
characteristics during discontinuous and continuous operation IS1 IS2 IS3
modes are derived. A design procedure is given for component
sizing and application examples are shown for the connection of S1 S2 S3
two different types of wind turbines to a medium voltage DC bus.
Ir1 +
A preliminary evaluation of the converter switching losses for the vcr1 Cr1
wind turbine applications is shown. V1 C1 Ir2 - C2 V2
vcr2 - -
Index Terms—DC-DC converter, inverter, thyristor. Ir3 + +
Cr2 Cr3
D4 D5 D6
Cr1 cr20
0 V
t t t t
0 1 2 3
t t t
Fig. 2. Converter currents and voltages during discontinuous mode operation. 0 2cond t 1
Time t0-t3 represents 1/3rd of a switching cycle. Fig. 3. Discontinuous mode voltages at the beginning of a switching cycle.
The switching cycle begins at time t0 and the current decreases to zero at t1.
ON S1,S2,S5, S1, S1,S5 At time t1, the current into the HV terminal will go to zero. For
D3,D4 S2,S5 S1,S5 D3,D5
high switching frequencies, the input current can be
I I approximated as a constant, and therefore the currents through
switches S3 and S1 will be:
0 I
r2 V
I I S 3 (t ) = I1 − I S1(t ) = − 2 t + I1 (27 )
1 r3 2 Lr
0 current IS3 to fall to zero will be:
2 I1Lr
t2 = (28)
-V /2 At time t3, the current IS3 will have dropped to zero and
t =0 t t t therefore the currents IS1 and IS5 will be equal. At time t4, the
0 1 2 3 t4=Ts /6
voltage across Cr2 and Cr3 is equal to V2 and current starts to
Fig. 5. Converter current and capacitor voltage over 1/6th of a cycle during
continuous mode operation. flow into the HV terminal. Using the circuit equations over
1/6th of a cycle and solving for the constant input current, then:
S1,S2,S5,D3,D4 ON S1,S2,S5 ON
1 ⎛ 1 ⎞ 2V22Cr
IS1 IS3 IS1 IS3 I1 = (2V2 − V1 ) − ⎜
⎜6f L (V1 − 2V2 ) ⎟ −
⎟ (29)
6 f s Lr ⎝ s r ⎠ Lr
V1 + + + + and the converter power will be given by:
vcr1 vcr3 vcr1 vcr3
- - - - Pconv = V1I1 (30)
- -
vcr2 vcr2 The switching characteristics for a converter operating in
IS5 IS5 continuous mode are shown in Fig. 7. From Fig. 7, the
+ +
maximum switch voltage will occur across S2 at time t5 when
a) 0<t<t1 b) t1<t<t2 S1 is on and S5 turns off. Using the assumption of a constant
S1,S5 ON S1,S5,D3,D5 ON input current, then the magnitudes of the maximum switch
IS1 voltage and minimum switch voltage will be equal and will be
IS1 given by:
+ vcr1
vcr1 1 I12 Lr
V1 - V1
Vmin = − V2 (31)
- - - 2 CrV2
vcr2 vcr2 vcr3
+ + + The maximum voltage will approach V2 at low converter
V2 power levels. The total turn-off time will be from t2 to t5 in
IS5 IS5 Fig. 7, which is 1/6th of the switching time. In continuous
mode operation, the slope of the switch current can be
c) t2<t<t3 d) t3<t<t4
estimated as V2/2L. At high switching frequencies switch S1
Fig. 6. Equivalent circuits of the converter over 1/6th of a cycle during
continuous mode operation. may be turned
C1 =
Cr V12 + 2V1V2 ) (34)
2V12ΔV1 (2 + ΔV1 )
t t t t T /3
0 2 4 5 s where the voltage variation ΔV1 and ΔV2 are in pu.
Fig. 7. Continuous mode switch voltages and currents 6. Check the converter efficiency. If the inductor
size/losses are too large, then the peak discontinuous
on before the current IS3 has gone to zero (in Fig. 7, if Ts/3≤t2)
mode current should be reduced or switches with
and therefore the average current into the converter will be
smaller turn-off times should be chosen.
greater than the peak switch current. The maximum switch
current can then be estimated using (27) and a current rise One possible application for this type of converter is for
time of Ts/3, so that: connecting distributed generation in a DC grid. Many wind
V 2 Ts
turbines are now manufactured with variable speed permanent
I S max = (32) magnet synchronous generators and connected to the grid
2 Lr 3 through a full power converter. The voltage of an individual
Operating in this region will reduce switching losses (since the wind turbine in a wind farm is converted to AC with the full
peak switch current does not increase at high powers); converter and then the voltage is transformed to MV levels
however the ability of the converter to operate in this region before being connected to a common AC bus. This type of
will depend on the thyristor turn-off time. DC-DC converter could allow the construction of a wind farm
using only DC, allowing reduced cable losses or smaller and
V. DESIGN EXAMPLE lighter cables, which may be especially important in offshore
The main design equation is (30), which gives the peak power
Most wind turbines have output voltages less than 1000 V,
in terms of the switching frequency, resonant capacitor, and
however, some designs now offer higher voltages (such as the
resonant inductor sizes. Other parameters that will be
Harakosan Z72 2 MW wind turbine, which has a 4 kV output
important in the converter design are the thyristor turn-off
voltage). This design example will compare designs for a 4 kV
time, the peak current in discontinuous mode, and the rate-of-
2 MW wind turbine, and a 1 kV 3 MW wind turbine (such as
change of current at switch turn-off (to limit reverse recovery
the GE 3.0sl). The converter will be designed to convert a
rectified DC voltage to a 33 kV MVDC bus. Considering a
Using the rated power and DC voltages of the input and
PWM based rectifier connected to the wind turbine, then the
output terminals of the converter, the following design steps
DC voltage will be given by:
can be used to size the resonant inductors, capacitors, and the
input and output DC capacitors. 2 2VLL
Vdc = (35)
1. Select the thyristors based on the average input current m 3
and HV terminal voltage. Higher voltage and current
where m is the modulation index and will be considered to be
ratings will reduce the on-state losses, but will result in
0.95 for this design. Therefore the DC voltage of the Z72 and
higher turn-off times (and large inductor sizes).
3.0sl turbines will be 6880 V and 1720 V, with average full
2. Calculate the maximum switching frequency, which
load input currents of 291 A and 1744 A, respectively.
will be 1/(6tturnoff).
Two thyristor switches will be compared for the different
3. Select a peak discontinuous mode current. Lower peak
designs, a phase control ABB 12F4200, and a fast turn-off
discontinuous mode currents will result in lower
Polovodiče TR918F-1790-12. Ratings for the switches are
switching losses, but from (23) it can be seen that
given in Table 1. Note that the reverse recovery time for the
allowing larger peak discontinuous mode current will
TR918F-1790-12 was increased to reduce switching losses.
reduce the resonant inductor size.
Using these turn-off times, and designing for a peak
4. Calculate the size of the resonant capacitor and
discontinuous mode input current of 30% of the maximum full
inductors by using the maximum switching frequency,
load current, then resulting converter parameters for the two
Table 1: Switch Ratings. reasonable losses for the Z72 turbine since the input current is
12F4200 TR918F-1790-12 low and the on-state losses will be low. The 3.0sl has a much
Rated Voltage 4200 V 1200 V higher input current and the on-state losses are higher and
Rated Current 1150 A 1779 A therefore the 12F4200 has much lower losses (due to lower
Turn-off time 800 μs 60 μs on-state losses). In both cases, the 12F4200 has the lowest
losses; however, the advantage of the fast turn-off thyristors is
Table 2: Converter designs. that they allow a higher switching rate and therefore reduced
Switch 12F4200 TR918F-1790-12 component sizes (shown in Table 2).
Turbine Z72 3.0sl Z72 3.0sl To determine the effect of increased inductor size on the
Lr 73 mH 11.8 mH 7.3 mH 1.2 mH overall converter efficiency, air-core toroidal inductors were
Cr 6.7 μF 45.2 μF 0.67 μF 4.52 μF modeled and the conduction losses were calculated. The
C1 0.34 mF 8.7 mF 34.4 μF 0.87 mF efficiency of the inductors over the converter operation is
C2 15 μF 23.6 μF 1.5 μF 2.36 μF shown in Fig. 10, where it can be seen that the converter for
nthy 16 16 55 55 the 3.0sl turbine using 12F4200 thyristors has very low
ndiode 13 13 13 13 efficiency. The best case is for the Z72 using TR918F-1790-
fmax 278 Hz 278 Hz 2778 Hz 2778 Hz 12 thyristors, since it has low input current and a smaller
di/dtmax 0.23 A/μs 1.4 A/μs 2.3 A/μs 14 A/μs inductor size.
From Figs. 9 and 10, the best overall efficiency for the 3-
turbines are in Table 2, where n is the number of switches per phase converter for the Z72 turbine uses TR918F-1790-12
valve and is designed with a margin of 100%. Note that the thyristors and has an efficiency of around 95.5%.
3.0sl will require parallel connected 12F4200 thyristors to
support higher input current. Diode losses will be calculated 12F4200 - Z72
based on ABB 08D5000 normal recovery diodes, rated for a 12F4200 - 3.0sl
reverse voltage of 5200 V.
TR918F-1790 - Z72
To check the accuracy of the converter model developed in
10 TR918F-1790 - 3.0sl
Section III and IV, the various turbines were simulated using
PSCAD and the results show good correspondence. The power
Losses (%)
Efficiency (%)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 88
Switching Frequency (Hz) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Converter Power (pu)
Fig. 8. Predicted power and PSCAD simulated power at various frequencies. Fig. 10. Efficiency of the six inductors over the converter operation.
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can be designed for higher frequency operation and lower
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on-state losses but require larger components. The losses in
the resonant inductors were modeled, showing that the losses
in the inductor for the converter with high input current could
cause the efficiency to greatly decrease.
Not all aspects of the converter design have been studied in
this paper and further study is required to determine its
suitability over other DC-DC converters. Other research
should focus on further optimization of the converter design
and also in a more detailed comparison of this type of
converter with other DC-DC converters in the same
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