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This concept paper describes the behavior of a clogged drain in an event of a heavy rainfall. Solid waste
accumulates in drainage systems, heavy rainfall, increased runoff volume and stagnation of runoff flow could
collectively lead to sudden flash floods in compact cities. Events leading up to a flash flood attack in a city show
a marked similarity to the cascade of events leading to a heart attack. Accumulation of fat in coronary arteries
restricts the blood flow to the cardiac tissue. When the arterial occlusion is beyond a critical level, myocardial
death occurs. This condition is commonly known as a “heart attack.” The clinical solution for this is known
as coronary artery bypass grafting. As such, this paper urged for a novel technical solution which, could be
introduced to reroute stagnated water flow in a clogged drain with the objective of treating the socioeconomic
impact of “Blocked Drains Syndrome.”
Keywords: Clogging, Blocked Drains, Flashflood Attack, Heart Attack, Coronary Arteries Bypass Grafting,
Smart Storm Drainage, Solid Waste.
Adv. Sci. Lett. Vol. 23, No. 2, 2017 1936-6612/2017/23/1407/005 doi:10.1166/asl.2017.8388 1407
RESEARCH ARTICLE Adv. Sci. Lett. 23, 1407–1411, 2017
Many researchers specifically mentioned about how the urban 2.2. The Blocked Drains Syndrome
forms correlates with the personal behavior. As Handy9 pointed Blocked Drains Syndrome is a physical disorder creates by
out, built environment has a significant influence on the behavior blocked storm drainage system in low lying flood prone area of
of people. People, who live in compact and congested settle- a city. A group of symptoms, for instance solid waste accumu-
ments, suffer immensely from the scarcity of productive space. lated drainage, heavy rainfall event, increased runoff volume and
Most of the time, they lives on or closer to the open drainage short flood peak times consistently occur together and lead to a
line. Due to the limited mobility caused by the immediate sur- massive flood impact in the obligated area.
roundings, they adapted to a finite routing though it again leads
to a massive set of social and environmental issues. People often 2.3. The Symptoms and Signs of the Syndrome
dispose household garbage, gray water, sewerage and other throw
2.3.1. Arterial Blockages
away materials to the nearby open drain. It has observed that the
Occlusion of the arteries in the heart muscles, as well as the
drainage lines found under their shelters was always filled with
drainage system in a compact city, has the same causal factors
waste particles and gray water.
People lives in and around the tenement garden, have not pro- of its fatalist inefficiency. Misbehavior of humans causes dam-
vided with door to door garbage collection service. They usually ages and blockages in both vascular system and urban drainage
dump household waste at the nearby garbage collection points. system.
These points often equipped with medium size waste contain- Epidemiological studies have provided clear evidence to asso-
ers, which capacity varies from 0.25 ton to 0.5 tons. However, ciate smoking and bad food habits with almost all forms of the
in most cases, Municipal councils provide permanent collection arterial disease.10 Medical researchers have confirmed that dam-
points constructed by cement and bricks, which not exceeds 2 m3 age to the innermost lining of blood vessels, the endothelium,
in capacity. Generally, this capacity not sufficient to accommo- and endothelial dysfunction is mainly due to human misbehav-
date whole amount of waste dumped in to a respective collection iors. Causal factors such as tobacco combustion products, high
point. Hence, haphazardly dumped waste bags make havoc around blood cholesterol, sugar levels and high blood pressure are the
the municipal garbage collection points located in informal set- initiators for the cascade of events leading to arterial occlusion.
tlements (see Fig. 1). Provision of additional waste containers is Endothelial damage and dysfunction lead to the accumulation
again not a proper solution, since the scarcity of effective roadside and activation of platelets and monocytes. As Powell10 men-
space and the inefficiency of the collection services. tioned, harmful changes occurring within these cells, possibly
Municipal garbage collectors unload the waste containers and leads to the accumulation of fat and further cells within a lattice-
emptying the bricked containers once a day, but it is not possible shaped fiber network of the extra-cellular matrix. This builds up
to keep the place fully clean until their next visit. Uncollected could be equated with a collection of waste material. As the
and dropped waste matter normally destined at nearest open drain plaque builds up, the arterial lumen slowly narrows and the wall
especially, after a mild rainfall. Generally, the municipal work- hardens. Moreover, it minimizes the full capacity of the blood
ers not cleaning the roadside drains or clear the drainage line vessel (see Fig. 2).
blockages since their main focus only on the waste collection Damaged arteries cannot deliver adequate blood supply to
service. Clogged waste particles in the micro drainage channels the heart muscles or the myocardium.10 A sufficient myocardial
flushed frontward, up to the secondary and primary drainage blood supply is crucial for the delivery of oxygen and nutrients
channels as a result of a heavy rain. Due to this, the nearest water for the cells. Furthermore, for the removal of waste products like
body receives massive stock of uncollected municipal garbage. lactic acid and oxygen free radicals. Partial arterial blockage and
This leads to decrease its effective basin capacity and become a the subsequent damages to heart muscles are known as ischemia.
probable cause of a sudden flashflood attack even during a mild When the arterial occlusion is beyond a critical level and the
rainfall. blood supply to a given region ceases and myocardial death or
infection occurs, leading to the situation commonly identified as
a heart attack.
Adv. Sci. Lett. 23, 1407–1411, 2017 RESEARCH ARTICLE
QC = AR2/3 S 1/2 (2)
Qc = effective discharge capacity of the drain m3 /s
n = Roughness coefficient pertains to the micro drain
A = effective unit area of the flow (m2 )
Table I. Values assigned for basic litter load uncollected for each set-
tlement (Bi ).
RESEARCH ARTICLE Adv. Sci. Lett. 23, 1407–1411, 2017
Table II. Total litter load in the drain. Table IV. Peak runoff rate pertaining to different rainfall intensities.
Table III. Effective drainage discharge rates Qc pertaining to the each case.
Experimental Effective Effective Effective Qc
scenario Description Manning’s n A (m2 P (m) A/P = R (m) (m3 /s)
Case 01 30% clogged, no trap 0132 009 09 01 001
Case 02 0% clogged, with a trap 0046 0135 12 01125 004
Case 03 Control case 0014 0135 12 01125 015
Adv. Sci. Lett. 23, 1407–1411, 2017 RESEARCH ARTICLE
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Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Dr. Janaka 18. J. Parkinson and O. Mark, Urban Stormwater Management in Developing
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