Shedule - 900002 - INGLÉS A2 - 2023 II PERIODO 16-04 (1394)
Shedule - 900002 - INGLÉS A2 - 2023 II PERIODO 16-04 (1394)
Shedule - 900002 - INGLÉS A2 - 2023 II PERIODO 16-04 (1394)
Activity: Answer the questions with multiple options and a single choice about the topics
Task 1 - Pre- 17/AGO/2023 30/AGO/2023 10 días 31/AGO/2023 -
Inicial --- seen in the English A1 course. *Environment where it must be presented: Evaluation. Individual 25
knowledge quiz 00:00 23:55 10:27:30 04/SEP/2023
*Expected Product: Demonstrate enough level of English before starting the course.
Activity: Check the guide and the video tutorial, develop different activities having in mind
Unit 1 - Sharing
Task 2 - English is the online content, modules 1 - 3. The main topics are: past progressive, countable and
information about 31/AGO/2023 24/SEP/2023 25/SEP/2023 -
easy and fun - uncountable nouns, frequency adverbs. *Expected product: in the learning environment, the Collaborative 100 -
present and past 00:00 23:55 06/OCT/2023
Writing Task student develops the activity in the forum and upload the complete activity in the evaluation
Task 3 - What have Activity: Answer the questions in an online quiz about the topics seen at Unit 2, modules 6 to
16/SEP/2023 08/OCT/2023 09/OCT/2023 -
I learned? Quiz 9. *Expected product: In the evaluation environment, present the Online quiz that assesses Individual 80 -
Unit 2 - Asking and 00:00 23:55 13/OCT/2023
Intermedio Time! the knowledge of Unit 2.
giving information
related to plans in the Task 4 - Oral Activity: Schedule a practice session with your tutor and/or participate in at least 3 STT, then
future. Production: choose a topic and record a video. *Expected product: in the learning environment share the 02/OCT/2023 12/NOV/2023 13/NOV/2023 -
Individual 100 -
experience an link of your video and in the evaluation environment upload a document with the screenshot 00:00 23:55 27/NOV/2023
activity. of your practice session and/or participation in the STT and the link of the video recording.
Unit 3 - Comparing past Task 5 - Activity: Answer the questions in an online quiz about the topics seen at Unit 3, modules 10
05/NOV/2023 22/NOV/2023 23/NOV/2023 -
experiences and plans Challenging myself. to 12 *Expected product: in the evaluation environment, present the online quiz that Individual 70 -
00:00 23:55 27/NOV/2023
in the future. Quiz Time! assesses the knowledge of Unit 3.
Activities Related to the 25% Closed Objective Test
*Close ended questions of topics seen at Unit 1, 2, and 3 *Environment where it must be 02/DIC/2023 03/DIC/2023 04/DIC/2023 -
Final --- Task 6 - Final exam Individual 125 -
presented: Evaluation. *Product: Presentation of the final exam of the course. 00:00 23:55 08/DIC/2023
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