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Braking System: General

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Chapter 10
Braking system
ABS module - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Hydraulic unit fluid reservoir - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Brake discs - inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Hydraulic unit hoses - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Brake hydraulic system - bleeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Hydraulic unit pressure switch - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . .19
Brake hydraulic system - fluid renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Hydraulic unit pump and motor - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . .18
Brake pedal - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Master cylinder (April 1992 on) - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . .27
Brake pipes and hoses - inspection, removal and refitting . . . . . . .21 Pedal Travel Sensor (PTS) (April 1992 on) - removal and refitting . .32
Control module (April 1992 on) - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . .31 Rear brake disc - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Front brake disc - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Rear brake pads - inspection and renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Front brake pads - inspection and renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Rear caliper - overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Front caliper - overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Rear caliper - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Front caliper - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Rear disc splash shield - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
G (gravity) switch (April 1992 on) - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . .33 Vacuum servo unit (April 1992 on) - testing, removal and refitting .28
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Vacuum servo unit check valve (April 1992 on) - removal, testing and
Handbrake cable - adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Handbrake cable - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Valve block and pump assembly (April 1992 on) - removal and
Handbrake control lever - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Hydraulic unit - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Wheel sensors - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Hydraulic unit accumulator - removal and refitting . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

Degrees of difficulty
Easy, suitable for Fairly easy, suitable Fairly difficult, Difficult, suitable for Very difficult,
novice with little for beginner with suitable for competent experienced DIY suitable for expert
experience some experience DIY mechanic mechanic DIY or professional

System type: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discs all round, hydraulic operation, anti-lock braking system
(ABS). Handbrake by mechanical operation of rear calipers
System make:
Models up to April 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teves MK II ABS
Models from April 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teves MK IV ABS
Hydraulic system
Fluid type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydraulic fluid to Ford spec SAM-6C9103-A
Operating pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 to 190 bar (1885 to 2755 lbf/in2)
Pressure warning switch operates at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 to 110 bar (1450 to 1595 lbf/in2)

Brake pads
Lining minimum thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 mm (0.06 in)

Brake discs
Run-out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15 mm (0.006 in) maximum
Thickness variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.015 mm (0.0006 in) maximum
Minimum thickness:
Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 mm (0.87 in)
Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cast into outer rim (typically 8.9 mm/0.35 in)
Rear - Estate models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 mm (0.71 in)
10•2 Braking system

Torque wrench settings Nm lbf ft

Front caliper:
To stub axle carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 61 38 to 45
Slide bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 to 25 15 to 18
Rear caliper:
Bracket to carrier plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 61 38 to 45
Slide bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 to 35 23 to 26
Hydraulic unit to bulkhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 51 30 to 38
Accumulator to pump body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 45 26 to 33
Pump mounting bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 to 9 5 to 7
High pressure hose banjo bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 to 24 12 to 18
Reservoir mounting bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 to 6 3 to 4
Wheel sensor fixing bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 to 11 6 to 8
Vacuum servo unit retaining nuts (Teves MK IV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 45 26 to 33
Master cylinder retaining nuts (Teves MK IV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 to 25 15 to 18
Valve block and pump assembly mounting nuts (Teves MK IV) . . . . . . . 21 to 28 15 to 21

b) The hydraulic pump is constructed of iron outlet valves are closed, allowing full hydraulic
rather than alloy. pressure present in the master cylinder to act
1 General information c) A new pressure warning switch is used. on the main braking circuit. If the control
d) The earlier high pressure rubber hose is module receives a signal from one of the
Models covered in this Manual have disc replaced by a steel pipe. wheel sensors and senses that a wheel is
brakes fitted all round. The footbrake operates To overcome the problem of excessive rear about to lock, it closes the relevant inlet valve
hydraulically on all four wheels, and the brake pad wear, Ford introduced a differential in the valve block which then isolates the
handbrake operates mechanically on the rear valve which is screwed into the ABS valve brake caliper on the wheel which is about to
wheels. Both footbrake and handbrake are block. The valve limits the pressure applied to lock from the master cylinder, effectively
self-adjusting in use. the rear brake calipers and so reduces brake sealing in the hydraulic pressure. If the speed
Ford’s anti-lock braking system (ABS) is pad wear. From 1988 onwards, the valve has
of rotation of the wheel continues to decrease
fitted to all models. The system monitors the been fitted during production. The differential
at an abnormal rate, the control module will
rotational speed of each roadwheel. When a valve can also be fitted to earlier models. Refer
then open the relevant outlet valve in the valve
wheel begins to lock under heavy braking, the to your Ford dealer for further information.
block; this allows the fluid from the relevant
ABS reduces the hydraulic pressure to that From April 1992 onwards, the models
covered in this Manual were equipped with a hydraulic circuit to return to the master
wheel, so preventing it from locking. When this
new Teves MK IV anti-lock braking system cylinder reservoir, releasing pressure on the
happens a pulsating effect will be noticed at
instead of the Teves MK II system fitted to the brake caliper so that the brake is released. The
the brake pedal. On some road surfaces the
tyres may squeal when braking hard even earlier models. pump in the valve block also operates to assist
though the wheels are not locked. The Teves MK IV system differs from the in the quick release of pressure. Once the
The main components of the system are the earlier MK II system in the following ways. speed of rotation of the wheel returns to an
hydraulic unit, the calipers, pads and discs, a) The source of hydraulic pressure for the acceptable rate the pump stops, the outlet
the wheel sensors and the “brain” or control system is a conventional master cylinder valve closes and the inlet valve is opened,
module. The hydraulic unit contains the and vacuum servo assembly. allowing the hydraulic master cylinder
elements of a traditional master cylinder, plus b) A valve block and pump assembly is used pressure to return to the caliper which then
an electric motor and pump, a pressure instead of the hydraulic control unit. The reapplies the brake. This cycle can be carried
accumulator and control valves. The pump is block contains the inlet and outlet many times a second. The solenoid valves
the source of pressure for the system and solenoid valves that control the hydraulic connected to the front calipers operate
does away with the need for a vacuum servo. system. There are three pairs of valves, independently, but the valve connected to the
The hydraulic circuit is split front and rear, one for each brake circuit (paragraph c). rear calipers operates both calipers
as is normal practice with rear-wheel drive c) The hydraulic braking system consists of simultaneously.
vehicles. In the event that the hydraulic pump three separate circuits; one for each front The operation of the ABS system is entirely
fails, unassisted braking effort is still available brake (which are totally independent of dependent on electrical signals. To prevent
on the front calipers only. each other), and a joint circuit which the system responding to any inaccurate
Warning lights inform the driver of low brake operates both rear brakes. signals, a built-in safety circuit monitors all
fluid level, ABS failure and (on some models) d) A G (gravity) switch is incorporated in the
signals received by the control module. If an
brake pad wear. The low fluid level light system. This is an inertia type switch and
inaccurate signal or low battery voltage is
doubles as a “handbrake on” light; if it informs the control module when the
detected, the ABS system is automatically
illuminates at the same time as the ABS vehicle is decelerating rapidly.
shut down and the warning lamp on the
warning light, it warns of low hydraulic e) A Pedal Travel Sensor (PTS) is fitted to the
pressure. vacuum servo unit. The PTS informs the instrument cluster is illuminated to inform the
ABS cannot overturn the laws of physics: control module of the position of the brake driver that the ABS system is not operational.
stopping distances will inevitably be greater on pedal when the anti-lock sequence starts Whilst in this state the system functions in the
loose or slippery surfaces. However, the system and ensures that a constant pedal height same way as a non-ABS system would. If a
should allow even inexperienced drivers to is maintained during the sequence. fault does develop in the ABS system, the car
retain directional control under panic braking. The MK IV system operates as follows. must be taken to a Ford dealer for fault
From August 1986 the following During normal operation the system diagnosis and repair. The system is equipped
modifications were made to the braking functions in the same way as a non-ABS with a diagnostic plug into which a special
system. system would. During this time the three inlet diagnostic (STAR) tester can be plugged. This
a) The relays differ from earlier versions. valves in the valve block are open and the allows faults to be easily traced.
Braking system 10•3

8 Fit the bleed tube over the bleed screw.

2 Brake hydraulic system - Place the other end of the tube in the bleed jar
bleeding (glass or plastic container). Pour sufficient
brake fluid into the jar to cover the end of the
Note: Hydraulic fluid is poisonous; wash off tube.
immediately and thoroughly in the case of skin 9 Open the bleed screw one full turn. Have
contact and seek immediate medical advice if the assistant depress the brake pedal as far as
any fluid is swallowed or gets into the eyes. it will go, and hold it depressed. Tighten the
Certain types of hydraulic fluid are inflammable bleed screw, then tell the assistant to release
and may ignite when allowed into contact with the pedal.
hot components; when servicing any hydraulic 10 Repeat paragraph 9 until clean fluid, free
system it is safest to assume that the fluid is of air bubbles, flows from the bleed screw
inflammable and to take precautions against during the downstrokes. Remember to keep
the risk of fire as though it is petrol that is the fluid reservoir topped up.
being handled. Finally, it is hygroscopic (it 11 Repeat the operations on the right-hand 2.13 Bleeding a rear brake caliper
absorbs moisture from the air) old fluid may be caliper. Refit the bleed screw dust caps (if
contaminated and unfit for further use. When applicable) on completion. 20 If the complete system is to be bled, it
topping-up or renewing the fluid, always use Rear brakes should be done in the following order.
the recommended type and ensure that it a) Left-hand front caliper.
12 Remove the dust cap (if fitted) from the
comes from a freshly-opened sealed container b) Right-hand front brake caliper.
rear left-hand caliper bleed screw. Open the
bleed screw one full turn. c) Left-hand rear caliper.
Hydraulic fluid is an effective d) Right-hand rear caliper.
paint stripper and will attack 13 Fit the bleed tube over the bleed screw.
plastics; if any is spilt, it Place the other end of the tube in the bleed jar
should be washed off (see illustration). 3 Brake hydraulic system - fluid
immediately using copious quantities of 14 Have the assistant depress the brake renewal
fresh water. pedal as far as it will go and hold it down.
Switch on the ignition: the hydraulic unit pump See Chapter 1, Section 44.
will start and fluid will flow from the bleed
1 Bleeding is necessary whenever air has
entered the hydraulic system - for instance
15 When clean fluid, free of air bubbles, 4 Brake discs - inspection
after component renewal. Because the
emerges from the bleed screw, tighten the
hydraulic circuits are split, if only the front or
bleed screw and have the assistant release the
rear circuit has been disturbed it will normally 1 Whenever the brake pads are inspected,
only be necessary to bleed the front or rear also inspect the brake discs for deep
16 Wait for the hydraulic unit pump to stop,
calipers. If the hydraulic unit has been scratches, scores or cracks. Light scoring is
then top-up the reservoir and repeat the
disturbed or the fluid level has been allowed to normal and may be ignored. A cracked disc
procedure on the right-hand caliper. This time
fall so low that air has entered the system, must be renewed; scratches and scores can
the brake pedal should only be depressed
both front and rear circuits must be bled, sometimes be machined out, provided that the
starting with the front thickness of the disc is not reduced below the
17 Switch off the ignition, top-up the reservoir
2 The services of an assistant will be required. specified minimum.
again and refit the reservoir cap. Refit the
As far as is known, pressure bleeding or other 2 When the brake pads are renewed, or if
bleed screw dust caps (if applicable).
“one-man” equipment cannot be used. In brake judder or snatch is noticed, check the
addition a supply of fresh brake fluid of the Models from April 1992 discs for run-out and thickness variation. (Note
correct type will be needed, together with a that wheel bearing wear can cause disc run-
18 This operation can be carried out using the
length of flexible tube to fit the bleed screws out.)
information given above in paragraphs 1 to 10,
and a clean glass or plastic container. 3 Position a dial test indicator probe against
ignoring the reference to the hydraulic unit
3 Do not allow the hydraulic unit pump motor the disc wear face, approximately 15 mm (0.6 in)
pump and bearing in mind the following.
to run for more than two minutes at a time. The in from the outer circumference. Zero the
19 Note that if only one circuit is disturbed it
motor must be allowed to cool (with the indicator, rotate the disc and read the run-out
will only be necessary to bleed that relevant
ignition off) for at least ten minutes after each from the indicator (see illustration). Maximum
circuit on completion.
two minute spell of running. run-out is given in the Specifications. If a dial
4 Remember that brake fluid is poisonous and
that the rear brake hydraulic system may be
test indicator is not available, use a fixed 10
pointer and feeler blades.
under considerable pressure. Take care not to 4 Measure the thickness of the disc, using a
allow hydraulic fluid to spray into the face or micrometer, in eight evenly spaced positions
eyes. around the disc. Maximum thickness variation
5 Keep the reservoir topped up to the MAX is given in the Specifications. Renew the disc if
mark during bleeding. the variation is out of limits.
6 Discard the fluid bled out of the system as it
is unfit for re-use.
5 Front brake disc - removal and
Models before April 1992 refitting
Front brakes
1 Slacken the front wheel nuts, raise and
7 Remove the dust cap (if fitted) from the left- support the vehicle and remove the relevant
hand caliper bleed screw. Slacken the bleed front wheel.
screw, then nip it up again. Make sure that the 4.3 Measuring brake disc run-out 2 Remove the two bolts which hold the caliper
ignition is off. bracket to the stub axle carrier. Lift the caliper
10•4 Braking system

5.3 Disc-securing spring clip 7.2 Spring clip fitted to outboard face of 7.3 Pad wear warning multi-plug (arrowed)
front caliper on front caliper
and bracket off the disc and tie them up out of
the way. Do not allow the caliper to hang on 7 Front brake pads - inspection
the flexible hose. and renewal
3 Remove the spring clip which secures the
disc (see illustration). 1 Disc pads can be inspected without
4 Mark the relationship of the disc to the hub removing the front wheels, using a mirror and
if it is to be re-used, then remove the disc. a torch through the aperture in the rear face of
5 Refit by reversing the removal operations. the caliper. If any one pad is worn down to the
Tighten the caliper bracket bolts to the minimum specified, all four pads (on both front
specified torque, and check that the brake wheels) must be renewed.
flexible hose is not kinked or fouling in any 2 To renew the pads, first remove the front
position of the steering wheel. wheels, then prise free the spring clip from the
6 Pump the brake pedal to bring the pads up outboard face of a caliper (see illustration).
to the disc. 3 Disconnect the pad wear warning wires,
when fitted (see illustration). 7.4 Undoing a caliper slide bolt
6 Rear brake disc - removal and 4 Unscrew the two caliper slide bolts, using
refitting a 7 mm hexagon key, until the caliper is free or grease. The inboard pad has a spring clip
of the bracket (see illustration). which fits into the piston recess; the outboard
1 Chock the front wheels and release the 5 Lift the caliper off the disc and remove the pad must have its backing paper peeled off,
handbrake. Slacken the rear wheel nuts, raise pads (see illustration). Support the caliper so after which the pad should be stuck to the
and support the vehicle and remove the that the flexible hose is not strained. Do not other side of the caliper (see illustrations).
relevant rear wheel. press the brake pedal with the caliper removed. 9 Fit the caliper and pads over the disc and
2 Free the handbrake cable from its clip in the 6 Clean the dust and dirt from the caliper, onto the caliper bracket. Tighten the slide
suspension lower arm. bracket and disc, using a damp cloth or old bolts to the specified torque.
3 Remove the two bolts which secure the paintbrush which can be thrown away 10 Reconnect the wear warning wires, if fitted.
caliper bracket to the hub. Lift the caliper and afterwards. Take care not to disperse the dust 11 Refit the spring clip to the caliper.
bracket off the disc and suspend it without into the air, or to inhale it, since it may contain 12 Repeat the operations on the other caliper,
straining the flexible hose. asbestos. Scrape any scale or rust from the then refit the wheels and lower the vehicle.
4 Remove the spring clip from the wheel stud. disc. Investigate any hydraulic fluid leaks. Tighten the wheel nuts.
Mark the disc-to-hub relationship and remove 7 Push the caliper piston back into its 13 Pump the brake pedal several times to
the disc. housing, using the fingers or a blunt bring the pads up to the disc, then check the
5 Refit by reversing the removal operations. instrument, to accommodate the extra brake fluid level.
6 Pump the brake pedal to bring the pads up thickness of the new pads. 14 Avoid heavy braking as far as possible for
to the disc. 8 Fit the new pads to the caliper, being careful the first hundred miles or so to allow the new
not to contaminate the friction surfaces with oil pads to bed in.

7.5 Lifting a front caliper off the disc 7.8a Clipping the inboard front pad into the 7.8b Both pads fitted to a front caliper
Braking system 10•5

8.3 Undoing a rear caliper front slide bolt 8.4 Pad wear warning multi-plug (arrowed) 8.5 Removing a rear brake pad
on rear caliper
pads, then fit them to the caliper bracket. Be A brake hose clamp may be used if available
8 Rear brake pads - inspection careful not to contaminate the friction surfaces (see illustration). Take great care to keep dirt
and renewal with oil or grease. out of the hydraulic system.
9 Swing the caliper over the pads. Refit and 6 The caliper bracket may be unbolted from
1 It is necessary to remove the rear wheels in tighten the slide bolt. the stub axle carrier if wished.
order to inspect the rear pads. The pads can 10 Reconnect the wear warning wires, if fitted. 7 Refit by reversing the removal operations,
be viewed through the top of the caliper after 11 Repeat the operations on the other rear but before refitting the wheel, check the
removing the spring clip. If any one pad is caliper. positioning of the flexible hose. It must not be
worn down to the minimum specified, all four 12 Secure the handbrake cable, refit the wheels kinked, nor foul adjacent components, in any
pads (on both rear wheels) must be renewed. and lower the vehicle. Tighten the wheel nuts. position of the steering wheel. Release the
2 Free the handbrake cable from its clip on 13 Switch on the ignition and pump the brake other end of the hose from its bracket if
the suspension lower arm. Release the pedal several times to bring the pads up to the necessary and reposition it.
handbrake. discs. Switch off the ignition and check the 8 Bleed both front brake calipers as described
3 Remove the caliper slide bolt nearest the operation of the handbrake. in Section 2.
front, counter-holding the slide pin with 14 Avoid heavy braking as far as possible for
another spanner (see illustration). the first hundred miles or so to allow the new
4 Disconnect the pad wear warning wires, pads to bed in. 10 Front caliper - overhaul
when fitted (see illustration).
5 Swing the caliper rearwards and remove the 9 Front caliper - removal and 1 It is possible to carry out these operations
pads (see illustration). Do not press the brake refitting without disconnecting the caliper hydraulic
pedal with the caliper removed. hose, but this is not recommended because of
6 Clean the dust and dirt from the caliper, 1 With the ignition off, pump the brake pedal the risk of introducing dirt into the hydraulic
bracket and disc, using a damp cloth or old at least 20 times (or until it becomes hard) to system. Scrupulous cleanliness is essential.
paintbrush which can be thrown away depressurise the hydraulic system. 2 Obtain a caliper repair kit, which will contain
afterwards. Take care not to disperse the dust 2 Slacken the front wheel nuts, raise and a piston seal and a dust boot. (The piston itself
into the air, or to inhale it, since it may contain support the vehicle and remove the relevant can also be renewed if necessary.)
asbestos. Scrape any scale or rust from the front wheel. 3 Remove the piston from the caliper. This is
disc. Investigate any hydraulic fluid leaks. 3 Slacken the flexible hose hydraulic union at best done with low air pressure (eg from a foot
7 Retract the caliper piston, by turning it the caliper by no more than a quarter turn. pump) applied to the hydraulic inlet union.
clockwise, to accommodate the extra 4 Remove the brake pads (Section 7). Place a piece of wood opposite the piston to
thickness of the new pads. There is a Ford tool 5 The caliper can now be removed by holding prevent damage, and keep your fingers clear
(No 12-006) for this purpose, but a pair of the flexible hose stationary and rotating the as the piston may be ejected with some force.
circlip pliers or any similar tool can be used caliper to unscrew it. Be prepared for hydraulic 4 With the piston removed, pull off the dust
instead (see illustration). fluid spillage: plug or cap the caliper and hose. boot (see illustration).
8 Remove any backing paper from the new

8.7 Rotating the caliper piston to retract it 9.5 Removing a front caliper - note clamp 10.4 Removing the dust boot from a front
on brake hose caliper
10•6 Braking system

10.5 Removing the piston seal 10.9 Pressing the piston into the bore 11.5a Unhook the handbrake cable . . .

5 Extract the piston seal from the groove in and support the vehicle and remove the
the bore, using a blunt instrument (see relevant wheel.
illustration). Discard the seal and dust boot. 3 Disconnect the pad wear warning wires,
6 Clean the piston and bore with methylated when fitted.
spirit and inspect them for scuffs, scores or 4 Disconnect the flexible hose from the brake
other damage. If the piston is corroded it must pipe. Plug or cap the open unions to reduce
be renewed. Slight imperfections in the bore spillage and to keep dirt out. Unscrew the
can be polished out with wire wool. flexible hose from the caliper and remove it.
7 Place the clean component on a clean 5 Remove the two slide bolts. Lift the caliper
surface ready for reassembly. Lubricate the off the pads and bracket, at the same time
caliper hose with clean hydraulic fluid. unhooking the handbrake cable (see
8 Fit the new piston seal to the groove in the
illustrations). Alternatively, the two bracket-
bore, using fingers only to work it into position.
to-hub bolts can be removed and the caliper
9 Lubricate the piston with clean hydraulic
fluid and fit the dust boot over the piston, and bracket separated on the bench.
making sure it is the right way up. Insert the 6 Refit by reversing the removal operations, 11.5b . . . and remove the rear caliper
piston into the bore and press it home, but before refitting the wheel, bleed both rear
engaging the dust boot lip with the groove on calipers as described in Section 2. protruding from the bore by about 20 mm (0.8 in).
the caliper (see illustration). 7 When bleeding is complete, pump the brake Free the dust boot from the groove in the
10 This completes the overhaul of the hydraulic pedal several times to bring the pads up to the piston, then carry on unscrewing the piston
components. Items such as slide bolts and disc, then check the operation of the and remove it. Remove and discard the dust
bracket can also be renewed if necessary. handbrake. boot.
11 Remove the bleed screw while the caliper 3 The piston and bore may now be cleaned
is on the bench and apply a little anti-seize and examined, and the piston seal and dust
compound to its threads, to avoid trouble in 12 Rear caliper - overhaul boot renewed, as described for the front
undoing it later. caliper (Section 10).
Note: Complete dismantling of the rear caliper 4 The piston adjuster nut seal should also be
11 Rear caliper - removal and should not be attempted unless Ford spring renewed. Remove the circlip from the piston,
refitting compressor (tool No 12-007) is available. or then extract the thrustwashers, wave washer
unless the problems likely to arise in the absence and thrust bearing. Note the fitted sequence of
1 With the ignition off, pump the brake pedal of the tool are understood. Renewal of the piston these components. Finally remove the nut
at least 20 times (or until it becomes hard) to seal and dust boot requires no special tools. (see illustrations).
depressurise the system. 1 Clean the caliper externally and mount it in a 5 Remove the seal from the nut, noting which
2 Chock the front wheels and release the soft-jawed vice. way round it is fitted. Clean the nut with
handbrake. Slacken the rear wheel nuts, raise 2 Rotate the piston anti-clockwise until it is methylated spirit. Lubricate the new seal with
clean hydraulic fluid and fit it to the nut.

12.4a Removing the circlip from a rear 12.4b . . . followed by a thrustwasher . . . 12.4c . . . a wave washer and (not shown)
caliper piston . . . another thrustwasher . . .
Braking system 10•7

12.4d . . . the thrust bearing . . . 12.4e . . . and the adjuster nut itself 12.6 Using the adjuster nut to compress
Note seal (arrowed) on nut the caliper spring

6 For further dismantling it is virtually essential 8 A long thin pair of circlip pliers will now be 12 Having renewed components as
to have Ford tool 12-007. This tool appears to needed to release the key plate retaining necessary, commence reassembly by
be a cut-down adjuster nut with a handle for circlip from the caliper bore (see illustration). smearing a little brake grease or anti-seize
turning it. In the workshop it was found that With the circlip removed, the pushrod and key compound on the handbrake shaft and bush.
plate can be pulled out.
the piston adjuster nut could be used to 13 Fit a new handbrake shaft seal to the
9 Remove the handbrake strut from the
compress the spring if it were turned with caliper. Pass the shaft through the seal and
caliper bore.
circlip pliers (see illustration). This works well 10 Remove the handbrake lever return spring into the caliper, being careful not to damage
enough for dismantling, but reassembly and stop bolt. Pull the lever and shaft nut out the seal lips.
proved extremely difficult because of the of the caliper. Prise out the shaft seal. 14 Refit the handbrake lever stop bolt and
limited clearance between the skirt of the nut 11 Clean up the handbrake shaft using wire return spring.
and the caliper bore. wool; renew the shaft if it is badly corroded. 15 Refit the handbrake strut, lubricating it
7 Having compressed the adjuster spring just The shaft bush in the caliper can also be with brake grease.
enough to take the load off the circlip, release renewed if necessary. Pull out the old bush 16 Fit a new O-ring to the base of the
the circlip inside the caliper bore. Remove the with an internal puller or slide hammer; press pushrod. Refit the pushrod and the key plate,
spring compressor, then extract the circlip, in the new bush to 7.5 mm (0.30 in) below the
engaging the pip on the key plate with the
spring cover, spring and washer (see shaft seal lip (see illustration). The slot in the
side of the bush must line up with the pushrod recess in the caliper. Secure the key plate with
illustrations). the circlip.
bore in the caliper.

12.7a Extract the circlip . . . 12.7b . . . the spring cover . . . 12.7c . . . the spring itself . . .


12.7d . . . and the washer 12.8 Remove the circlip (ends arrowed) to 12.11 Handbrake shaft bush correctly fitted
release the pushrod and key plate X = 7.5 mm (0.30 in)
10•8 Braking system

22 Renew the slide pin gaiters and apply a

little anti-seize compound to the slide pins
when reassembling the caliper to the bracket.

13 Rear disc splash shield -

removal and refitting
The splash shield is retained by the rear hub
bolts. Proceed as described in Chapter 11 for
removal and refitting of the rear hub.

14 Brake pedal - removal and

12.21 Dust boot fitted to caliper and piston 14.4 Pushrod spring clip (A) and brake
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead. pedal shaft clip (B)
17 Refit the washer, spring and spring cover. 2 Depressurise the hydraulic system by
Compress the spring and refit the circlip, then pumping the brake pedal at least 20 times, or
release the spring compressor. 15 Hydraulic unit - removal and
until it becomes hard.
18 Lubricate the caliper bore with clean 3 Remove the under-dash trim on the driver’s
hydraulic fluid and fit a new piston seal. side.
19 Reassemble the piston components. 1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
4 Remove the spring clip which secures the
Lubricate the contact face of the adjuster nut 2 Depressurise the hydraulic system by
hydraulic unit pushrod to the brake pedal. Also
with a little brake grease, then fit the adjuster pumping the brake pedal at least 20 times, or
nut (with new seal), thrust bearing, remove the clip from the brake pedal shaft
until it becomes hard.
thrustwasher, wave washer and the second (see illustration).
3 Disconnect the six multi-plugs from the
thrustwasher. Secure with the circlip. 5 Withdraw the brake pedal shaft towards the
hydraulic unit. They are all different, so there is
20 Fit a new dust boot. The manufacturers left of the vehicle - through the clutch pedal,
no need to label them. When a plug has a
recommend that it be fitted to the caliper when applicable - until the brake pedal is free.
spring clip retainer, lift the clip before pulling
groove and the piston fitted afterwards; it is 6 Remove the pedal, noting the fitted
out the plug. To release the pump plug, pull
also possible to fit the boot to the piston first sequence of bushes, spacers and washers.
back the rubber boot and the plug sleeve (see
and engage it in the caliper groove afterwards. 7 Refit by reversing the removal operations.
Either way it is a fiddly business. Check the correct functioning of the stop-light
4 Unbolt the earth strap from the unit (see
21 Refit the piston and screw it into the and (if applicable) cruise control switches
caliper, then fit whichever lip of the dust boot before refitting the trim. See Chapter 13.
5 Make arrangements to catch spilt hydraulic
was left free (see illustration).

15.3a Disconnect the valve block multi- 15.3b Disconnecting a fluid level sensor 15.3c Disconnecting the main valve plug
plug. Lift the clip and pull off the plug plug

15.3d Disconnecting the pressure switch 15.3e Disconnecting the pump motor plug 15.4 Earth strap (arrowed) bolted to
multi-plug hydraulic unit
Braking system 10•9

following Sections. These operations can all 7 Note the spigot locating bush on the rear
be carried out without removing the unit from inlet union, which may stay in the hydraulic
the vehicle if wished. unit or may come out with the reservoir (see
11 Refit by reversing the removal operations, illustration).
noting the following points: 8 Refit by reversing the removal operations.
a) Do not refill the reservoir until the end of Use new seals between the hydraulic unit and
refitting the reservoir.
b) Use new sealing compound between the 9 Bleed the complete hydraulic system on
unit and the bulkhead completion (Section 2). Check for leaks
c) Make sure that the hydraulic pipes are around the disturbed components.
reconnected to the correct unions
d) Bleed the complete hydraulic system on 17 Hydraulic unit accumulator -
completion - see Section 2
removal and refitting
15.7 Four nuts (arrowed) which hold the
16 Hydraulic unit fluid reservoir - 1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
hydraulic unit to the bulkhead
removal and refitting 2 Depressurise the hydraulic system by
fluid. Identify the hydraulic pipes and pumping the brake pedal at least 20 times, or
disconnect them from the base of the unit. 1 Disconnect the battery negative lead. until it becomes hard.
Hint: Plug or cap the open unions to keep 2 Depressurise the hydraulic system by 3 Wrap a clean rag round the base of the
fluid in and dirt out. pumping the brake pedal at least 20 times, or accumulator to catch any spilt fluid.
6 Remove the under-dash trim on the driver’s until it becomes hard. 4 Unscrew the accumulator using a hexagon
side. Disconnect the spring clip which secures 3 Disconnect the multi-plugs and remove the key. Remove the accumulator, being prepared
the hydraulic unit pushrod to the brake pedal. reservoir cap. for fluid spillage (see illustration).
7 Have an assistant support the hydraulic 4 Remove the reservoir securing screw, which 5 When refitting, fit a new O-ring to the base
unit. Remove the four nuts which hold the unit is located just above the valve block multi- of the accumulator. Fit the accumulator and
to the bulkhead (see illustration). Withdraw plug (see illustration). tighten it.
the unit from under the bonnet. 5 Make arrangements to catch spilt fluid, then 6 Reconnect the battery. Switch on the
8 Recover the sealing compound from the disconnect the low pressure hose from its ignition and check that the hydraulic unit
unit and the bulkhead. connections to the pump. The hose is secured pump stops within 60 seconds. If not, there
9 Drain the hydraulic fluid from the reservoir. by a spring clip (see illustrations). Allow the may be something wrong with the
Do not actuate the pushrod with the unit brake fluid to drain out of the hose. accumulator.
removed. 6 Pull the reservoir out of the seals on the 7 Bleed the complete hydraulic system as
10 Dismantling of the hydraulic unit should be hydraulic unit and remove it (see illustration). described in Section 2.
limited to the operations described in the

16.4 Undoing the reservoir securing screw 16.5a Extract the spring clip . . . 16.5b . . . and disconnect the hose


16.6 Removing the hydraulic fluid reservoir 16.7 The spigot locating bush fits into this 17.4 Removing the accumulator
union Note O-ring (arrowed)
10•10 Braking system

18.5 Hydraulic unit pump mounting bolt 19.4 Refitting the pressure switch 20.9 Fitting new sealing washers to a banjo
Hole (arrowed) in sleeve must face pump motor union

18 Hydraulic unit pump and 4 When refitting, use a new O-ring on the High pressure hose
switch. Position the plastic sleeve so that the
motor - removal and refitting hole in the sleeve is facing the pump motor
7 Remove the banjo bolts which secure the
hose. Be prepared for fluid spillage.
(see illustration). Tighten the switch.
1 Remove the accumulator (Section 17). 8 Remove the hose and recover the sealing
5 Reconnect the multi-plug and the battery.
2 Disconnect the high pressure hose from the washers.
6 Bleed the complete system (Section 2).
pump. Be prepared for fluid spillage. 9 Refit by reversing the removal operations,
3 Disconnect the low pressure hose from the using new sealing washers on both sides of
pump. Allow the fluid to drain out of the 20 Hydraulic unit hoses - each union (see illustration).
reservoir through the hose. removal and refitting 10 Reconnect the battery and bleed the
4 Disconnect the multi-plugs from the complete system (Section 2). Check for leaks.
pressure switch and the pump motor. 1 There are two hoses on the hydraulic unit.
5 Remove the pump mounting bolt (see The low pressure hose connects the reservoir 21 Brake pipes and hoses -
illustration). to the pump inlet; the high pressure hose
inspection, removal and refitting
6 Pull the pump and motor assembly off the connects the pump outlet to the booster and
mounting spigot and remove it. valve block.
1 Periodically inspect the rigid brake pipes for
7 Recover the mounting bushes and renew 2 To remove either hose, first disconnect the
rust and other damage, and the flexible hoses
them if necessary. battery. Depressurise the hydraulic system by
for cracks, splits or “ballooning”. Have an
8 If a new pump is to be fitted, transfer the pumping the brake pedal at least 20 times, or
assistant depress the brake pedal (ignition on)
pressure switch to it, using a new O-ring. until it becomes hard.
and inspect the hose and pipe unions for
9 Commence refitting by offering the pump to leaks. Renew defective items without delay.
the spigot, then reconnecting the low pressure
Low pressure hose
2 Before removing any pipe or hose,
hose. 3 Have ready a container to catch spilt fluid.
depressurise the hydraulic system by
10 Refit and tighten the pump mounting bolt. Remove the spring clip and pull the hose off
switching off the ignition and pumping the
11 Reconnect the high pressure hose, using the pump inlet. Allow the contents of the
brake pedal 20 times, or until it becomes hard.
new sealing washers on the banjo union. reservoir to drain out of the hose and into the
3 To remove a flexible hose, first undo the
12 Refit the accumulator, using a new O-ring. container.
union nut which secures the rigid pipe to it.
13 Reconnect the multi-plugs and the 4 Pull the hose off the reservoir and remove it.
The use of a split ring spanner, sold for this
battery. 5 Refit by connecting the hose to the reservoir
purpose, is recommended (see illustration).
14 Refill the reservoir, then switch on the and pump inlet. Secure the hose to the pump
Be prepared for hydraulic fluid spillage, and
ignition and allow the pump to prime itself. Do with the spring clip.
take precautions to keep dirt out.
not let the pump run for more than two 6 Refill the reservoir, reconnect the battery
4 Having disconnected the rigid pipe, release
minutes - see Section 3. Check for leaks and bleed the complete system (Section 2).
the hose from the bracket by removing the
around the disturbed components. Check for leaks.
locknut and washer (see illustration).
15 Bleed the complete system (Section 2).

19 Hydraulic unit pressure

switch - removal and refitting
Note: To remove the pressure switch from the
hydraulic unit in situ, Ford tool No 12-008, or
equivalent, will be required. The switch may be
removed without special tools after removing
the hydraulic unit complete (Section 16) or the
pump (Section 18).
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Depressurise the hydraulic system by
pumping the brake pedal at least 20 times, or
until it becomes hard.
3 Disconnect the multi-plug from the switch, 21.3 Undoing a rigid pipe union nut 21.4 Removing a flexible hose from its
then unscrew and remove it. Flexible hose locknut is just above bracket
Braking system 10•11

21.5 Disconnecting the hose from the 21.7 Brake pipe union T-piece (arrowed) 22.3 Handbrake cable adjuster
caliper Locknut previously backed off adjuster nut
5 Unscrew the hose from its union on the 2 Chock the front wheels, release the 4 Unhook the cable inner from the handbrake
caliper and remove it (see illustration). handbrake and raise and support the rear of levers on the calipers. Free the cable outer
6 Refit by reversing the removal operations, the vehicle. from the caliper brackets (see illustration).
then bleed the appropriate part of the 3 Release the adjuster locknut from the 5 Free the cable from the lower arm and
hydraulic system (Section 2). In the case of the adjuster nut. Back off the adjuster nut, underbody brackets and remove it.
front hoses, check that they are not kinked or slackening the cable until both handbrake 6 Refit by reversing the removal operations,
twisted, and that they do not contact other levers on the calipers are resting against their but before refitting the rear wheels, adjust the
components when the steering is moved from stops (see illustration). cable as described in the previous Section.
lock to lock. Reposition the hose in the 4 Paint alignment marks between each
bracket if necessary. handbrake lever and the caliper body (see 24 Handbrake control lever -
7 To remove a rigid pipe, simply undo the illustration).
union nuts at the hydraulic unit, hose bracket 5 Tighten the adjuster nut until either
removal and refitting
or T-piece (see illustration). Free the pipe handbrake lever just starts to move - as shown
1 Chock the front wheels and release the
from any retaining clips and remove it. by the alignment marks.
handbrake. Raise and support the rear of the
8 New pipes can be bought ready-made, with 6 Apply the handbrake and release it a few
the unions attached. Some garages and motor times to equalise the cable runs.
2 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
factors will make up pipes to order, using the 7 Tighten the locknut onto the adjuster nut
3 Disconnect the handbrake cable equaliser
old pipe as a pattern. If purchasing proprietary finger tight, then tighten a further three to six
yoke by removing the circlip and clevis pin.
pipes made of copper alloy or similar material, clicks using self-locking pliers or a peg
4 Remove the centre console (Chapter 12).
follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully spanner.
5 Remove the handbrake control lever boot.
concerning bending, provision of extra clips
6 Disconnect the wiring from the handbrake
etc. 23 Handbrake cable - removal warning switch.
9 Fit and secure the new pipe and tighten the
union nuts, bleed the appropriate part of the
and refitting 7 Unbolt the handbrake lever and remove it,
complete with switch. Remove the switch if
hydraulic system (Section 2).
1 Slacken the rear wheel nuts and chock the necessary.
front wheels. Raise and support the rear of the 8 Refit by reversing the removal operations.
22 Handbrake cable - adjustment vehicle and remove both rear wheels. Release
the handbrake. 25 ABS module - removal and
2 Slacken off the handbrake cable adjuster
1 The handbrake is normally self-adjusting in locknut and adjuster nut.
use. Adjustment may be required to 3 Free the cable from the equaliser yoke by
1 Remove the under-dash trim on the
compensate for cable stretch over a long removing the circlip and clevis pin (see
passenger’s side.
period, and is also necessary after fitting a illustration). Beware of self-tapping screws
2 Push the module upwards and then swing it
new cable. protruding through the floor in this area.
forwards to release it from its clip.

22.4 Alignment marks painted on lever and 23.3 Circlip (arrowed) on equaliser yoke 23.4 Handbrake cable outer attached to
body Note protruding screws in transmission tunnel caliper bracket
10•12 Braking system

26.3 Removing a front sensor 26.4 Unclipping the sensor wire from the 26.9 Rear wheel sensor multi-plug
strut (arrowed)
3 Press the multi-plug locking lever, and support the rear of the vehicle and remove 5 Slacken and remove the two nuts securing
disconnect the multi-plug and unhook it from the rear wheel. the master cylinder to the vacuum servo unit
the module. Remove the module. 9 Fold the rear seat cushion forwards, remove then withdraw the unit from the engine
4 Refit by reversing the removal operations. the side kick panel and roll back the carpet to compartment. Remove the O-ring from the
Make sure that the multi-plug is properly gain access to the sensor multi-plug (see rear of master cylinder and discard it.
engaged before refitting the module. illustration). 6 If necessary remove the reservoir from the
10 Disconnect the multi-plug, release the master cylinder and withdraw the mounting
26 Wheel sensors - removal and floor grommet and pass the cable through the bush seals and O-rings. Note that the master
floor. cylinder is a sealed unit with no spare parts
refitting 11 Unclip the handbrake cable from the available separately. Therefore if it is faulty it
suspension lower arm. must be renewed as a unit.
Front 12 Remove the caliper front slide bolt and 7 Fit new mounting bush seals and O-rings to
pivot the caliper rearwards to gain access to the master cylinder and refit the reservoir (if
1 Ensure that the handbrake is applied. Raise removed). Remove all traces of dirt from the
the sensor.
and support the front of the vehicle. master cylinder and servo unit mating surfaces
13 Remove the sensor securing bolt and
2 From under the bonnet disconnect the and fit a new O-ring onto the master cylinder
withdraw the sensor.
wheel sensor wiring multi-plug. Unclip the body.
14 Clean up the sensor bore, pack it with
wiring, working towards the sensor. 8 Fit the master cylinder to the servo unit
grease and renew the sensor O-ring.
3 Remove the securing bolt and withdraw the ensuring that the pushrod enters the servo unit
15 Refit by reversing the removal operations.
sensor from the stub axle carrier (see bore centrally. Refit the master cylinder
illustration). mounting nuts and tighten them to the
4 Unclip the wire from the bracket on the 27 Master cylinder (April 1992
specified torque.
strut. Remove the sensor and its wiring (see on) - removal and refitting 9 Wipe clean the brake pipe/hose unions and
illustration). the master cylinder ports. Refit the pipes to
5 Clean any rust or debris from the sensor 1 Disconnect the battery negative terminal. the master cylinder ports and tighten them
bore in the stub axle carrier. Pack the bore 2 Disconnect the wiring plug then remove the securely. Push the low pressure hoses into
with clean wheel bearing grease. master cylinder reservoir cap; do not invert the position and check they are securely held by
6 Renew the O-ring on the sensor and smear cap as hydraulic fluid could enter and damage
their retaining collets.
it with grease. the reservoir level switch. Syphon the
10 Refill the master cylinder reservoir with
7 Refit by reversing the removal operations. hydraulic fluid from the reservoir. Note: Do not
new fluid and bleed the hydraulic system
syphon the fluid by mouth, as it is poisonous;
Rear use a syringe or an old poultry baster.
8 Chock the front wheels and release the Alternatively, open any convenient bleed 28 Vacuum servo unit (April 1992
handbrake. Slacken the rear wheel nuts, raise screw in the system and gently pump the on) - testing, removal and
brake pedal to expel the fluid through a plastic refitting
tube connected to the screw.
3 Wipe clean the area around the brake pipe 1 To test the operation of the servo unit
unions on the right-hand side of the master depress the footbrake several times to
cylinder and place absorbent rags beneath the exhaust the vacuum then start the engine
pipe unions to catch any surplus fluid.
whilst keeping the pedal firmly depressed. As
4 To disconnect the plastic low pressure
the engine starts there should be a noticeable
hoses, use a small flat bladed screwdriver to
“give” in the brake pedal as the vacuum builds
carefully press the flange of the collet into the
master cylinder then pull the hoses out from up. Allow the engine to run for at least two
the reservoir (see illustration). Unscrew the minutes then switch it off. If the brake pedal is
two union nuts and disconnect the brake now depressed it should feel normal, but
pipes from master cylinder. Plug or tape over further applications should result in the pedal
the pipe/hose ends and master cylinder feeling firmer, with the pedal stroke decreasing
orifices to minimise the loss of brake fluid and with each application.
27.4 Disconnecting the master cylinder low to prevent the entry of dirt into the system. 2 If the servo does not operate as described,
pressure hoses (A) and brake pipes (B) - Wash off any spilt fluid immediately with cold inspect the servo unit check valve as
models from April 1992 water. described in paragraph 3 of Section 29.
Braking system 10•13

3 If the servo unit still fails to operate 5 Carefully refit the vacuum hose to the servo diagnostic test wiring connector to the
satisfactorily the fault lies within the unit itself. unit taking great care not to damage or mounting bracket.
Repairs to the unit are not possible. displace the sealing grommet. 10 Wipe clean the brake pipe/hose unions
4 Remove the master cylinder (Section 27). 6 On completion start the engine and check and the master cylinder ports. Refit the pipes
5 Disconnect the vacuum hose from the servo the operation of the servo unit. to the master cylinder ports and securely
unit taking care not to displace the rubber tighten the union nuts. Push the low pressure
sealing grommet. Disconnect the wiring plug hoses into position and check they are
30 Valve block and pump
from the Pedal Travel Sensor (PTS) which is securely held by their retaining collets.
situated on the front of the servo.
assembly (April 1992 on) - 11 Reconnect the battery negative terminal,
6 Working from inside the vehicle, remove the removal and refitting then fill the master cylinder and bleed the
servo pushrod retaining clip from the brake complete hydraulic system using the
pedal. If necessary, to improve access to the 1 Disconnect the battery negative terminal. information given earlier in this Section.
brake pedal remove the right-hand lower facia 2 Carry out the operations described in
panel . paragraphs 2 to 4 of Section 27.
31 Control module (April 1992
7 Slacken and remove the four nuts securing 3 Remove all traces of dirt from the exterior of
the block then disconnect the motor and valve on) - removal and refitting
the servo unit to the bulkhead, then return to
the engine compartment and remove the block wiring plugs and free the diagnostic test
wiring plug from the mounting bracket. 1 The anti-lock braking control module is
servo unit from the vehicle. Remove the located behind the glovebox. To remove the
gasket from the rear of the unit and discard it. 4 Position some absorbent rag beneath the
valve block then unscrew the three brake pipe module first disconnect the battery negative
8 Note that the vacuum servo unit is a sealed terminal.
assembly with no spare parts available outlet unions whilst avoiding getting surplus
brake fluid in the wiring plugs. Plug the block 2 Open up the glovebox then, using a small
separately. Therefore if it is faulty it must be flat-bladed screwdriver, carefully prise up the
renewed as a unit. Inspect the vacuum servo ports and pipe ends to minimise the loss of
fluid and prevent the entry of dirt into the retaining clip and disconnect the glovebox
vacuum hose sealing grommet for damage or hinge arms. Withdraw the glovebox assembly
deterioration and renew if necessary. system. Wash off any spilt fluid immediately
with cold water. from the facia noting the plastic bushes which
9 Remove all traces of dirt from the servo unit are fitted to the glovebox pivot points.
and bulkhead mating surfaces and fit a new 5 Slacken and remove the three valve block
and pump assembly mounting nuts and 3 Lift the wiring plug retaining clip and
gasket onto the rear of the servo. disconnect the plug to the control module. The
10 Manoeuvre the servo unit into position, remove the unit from the engine compartment.
6 Note that the valve block and pump ABS module is the upper of the two control
ensuring that the servo unit pushrod is modules mounted horizontally.
assembly is a sealed unit and cannot be
correctly located with the hole in the pedal. 4 Release the retaining clips and slide the
overhauled. If it is faulty it must be renewed.
Refit the servo unit retaining nuts and tighten module out of the mounting bracket (see
Note that if the low pressure hoses are
them to the specified torque setting. Secure illustration).
disconnected from the assembly, great care
the pushrod in position with the retaining clip 5 Commence refitting by sliding the module
must be taken when reconnecting them to
11 Carefully refit the vacuum hose to the servo into the mounting bracket until it clips into
ensure that the valve block filter is not
unit taking great care not to damage or displace position.
the sealing grommet. Reconnect the wiring 6 Connect the wiring connector to the
7 Manoeuvre the assembly into position then
connector to the Pedal Travel Sensor (PTS). module, ensuring that the wiring is correctly
refit the mounting nuts and tighten them by
12 Refit the master cylinder as described routed, and secure it in position with the
hand only. Taking into account the amount of
above. On completion start the engine and retaining clip.
movement in the mounting rubbers, position
check the operation of the servo unit. 7 Ensure that the plastic bushes are correctly
the assembly so that it will not contact the
mounting bracket then tighten the mounting fitted to the glovebox then refit the glovebox
29 Vacuum servo unit check nuts to the specified torque setting. assembly, locating the pivots in the correct
valve (April 1992 on) - 8 Remove the plugs then reconnect the outlet locations on the facia panel. Clip the hinge
pipes to the assembly and tighten the union arms onto the glovebox and check that it
removal, testing and refitting opens and closes smoothly.
nuts securely.
9 Ensure that the wiring is correctly routed 8 Reconnect the battery negative terminal.
1 Disconnect the vacuum hose from the servo
unit taking care not to displace the rubber and reconnect the wiring plugs to the valve
sealing grommet. block and pump assembly. Refit the
2 To disconnect the hose from the inlet
manifold, use a small flat-bladed screwdriver
to carefully press the flange of the collet into
the manifold then pull the hose out and
remove it from the vehicle (see illustration).
3 Examine the vacuum hose and sealing
grommet for damage, splits, cracks or general
deterioration and renew as necessary. Make
sure that the check valve is working correctly
by blowing through the hose from the servo
unit end. Air should flow in this direction, but
not when blown through from the inlet
manifold hose end. Renew the check valve if it
is at all suspect.
4 Ensure that the check valve is fitted the
correct way around then push the connector 29.2 Disconnecting brake servo vacuum 31.4 Removing the ABS control module -
into the manifold and check that it is securely hose from the inlet manifold (DOHC engine models from April 1992
held by the retaining collet. shown)
10•14 Braking system

32 Pedal Travel Sensor (PTS) 33 G (gravity) switch (April 1992

(April 1992 on) - removal and on) - removal and refitting
1 Remove the driver’s seat as described in
1 Disconnect the battery negative terminal Chapter 12.
then deplete the vacuum in the braking system 2 Carefully peel back the carpet from
servo unit by depressing the footbrake several immediately behind the crossmember to
times. reveal the G switch.
2 Disconnect the wiring plug from the sensor 3 Disconnect the wiring connector then undo
which is situated on the front of the vacuum the two retaining screws and remove the
servo unit. switch from the vehicle.
3 Using a small flat-bladed screwdriver, prise 4 Refitting is a reversal of the removal
off the retaining circlip, then carefully withdraw 32.3 Removing the Pedal Travel Sensor procedure.
the sensor from the servo unit taking great (PTS) circlip - models from April 1992
care not to displace the sealing O-ring (see
illustration). Note: If the O-ring becomes smear of clean engine oil to it to ease
displaced and falls into the servo unit it must installation.
be recovered before the sensor is refitted. 6 Ease the sensor into position in the servo
4 If the sensor is to be renewed, ensure that unit, taking care not to displace the O-ring,
the tip of the new sensor pushrod is the same and secure it in position with the circlip.
colour as that of the original. 7 Reconnect the sensor wiring connector and
5 Fit a new O-ring to the sensor and apply a the battery negative terminal.

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