Stats Finals
Stats Finals
Stats Finals
Research designs that are used to obtain the two sets of data represented by the symbol S(M -M )
1 2
Percentage of variance
First, Variance or SD
goal: measure the amount of variability and to explain F-ratio near 1.00: the differences
why the scores are different between treatments (numerator)
first step: determine total variability for the entire set are random and systematic, same
of data. sa denominator; there is no
o Combine all scores evidence to suggest that the
o Break it apart into separate components treatment has any effect.
Analysis process divides the total variability into two o When the treatment does have an effect,
basic components: causing systematic differences between
o Between-Treatments Variance – We will samples, then the combination of systematic
and random differences in the numerator
calculate the variance between treatments to
should be larger than the random differences
provide a measure of the overall differences
alone in the denominator.
between treatment conditions; the variance
between treatments is really measuring the Error term – the denominator of the F-ratio measures
differences between sample means. only random and unsystematic variability
o Within-Treatment Variance – variability within ANOVA NOTATION AND FORMULAS
each sample; provides a measure of the
variability inside each treatment condition. k – used to identify the number of treatment
I. Between-Treatments Variance conditions – number of levels of the factor.
Measures how much difference exists between the o For IMS, it is the number of separate
treatment conditions. samples.
Two possible explanations: n – number of scores in each treatment
o The differences between treatments are not N – total number of scores in the entire study
caused by any treatment effect but are T – sum of the scores ( ΣX) for each treatment
simply the naturally occurring, random and condition
unsystematic differences that exist between G – sum of all the scores in the research study (grand
one sample and another. That is, the total) G = ΣT
differences are the result of sampling error. I. ANOVA Formulas
o The differences between treatments have Final calculation for ANOVA is the F-ratio (composed
been caused by the treatment effects. of 2 variances)
II. Within-Treatments Variance
provides a measure of how big the differences are
when H0 is true.
III. F-Ratio: Test Statistic for ANOVA
Comparison (between and within treatments) is made Each of the two variances in the F-ratio is calculated
by computing an F-ratio. using the basic formula for sample variance.
For independent measures ANOVA:
the entire process of ANOVA requires nine
calculations: three values for SS, three values for df,
two variances (between and within), and a final F- MSwithin
II. Analysis of Sum of Squares (SS)
Total Sum of Squares (SStotal) – the sum of squares
for the entire set of N scores F-ratio
VI.Chi-Square Statistic
measures how well the data ( fo) fit the hypothesis ( fe).
o Find the difference between fo (the data) and fe
(the hypothesis) for each category.
o Square the difference. This ensures that all
values are positive.
o Next, divide the squared difference by fe.
o Finally, sum the values from all the categories.
numerator measures how much difference there is
between the data and the hypothesis. (first 2 steps)
final step – add the values to obtain the total discrepancy
between the data and the hypothesis
o large value = data do not fit the hypothesis: reject
third step: obtained discrepancy between fo and fe is
viewed as relatively large or relatively small depending on
the size of the expected frequency.