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A8112 Series Manual

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ACL-8112 Series
Enhanced Multi-Functions
Data Acquisition Cards
User’s Guide
©Copyright 1996~2000 ADLINK Technology Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Manual Rev. 3.52: Jan 2, 2003

Part No.: 50-11012-200

The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice in

order to improve reliability, design and function and does not represent a
commitment on the part of the manufacturer.
In no event will the manufacturer be liable for direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use
the product or documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such
This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. All
rights are reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced by any
mechanical, electronic, or other means in any form without prior written
permission of the manufacturer.
NuDAQ and ACL-8112 are registered trademarks of ADLINK Technology Inc..
Other product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes
only and may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................. 1
1.1 Features .......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Applications .................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Specifications ................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Software Support........................................................................................... 8
1.4.1 Programming Library.................................................................... 8
1.4.2 LabView Driver............................................................................... 8

Chapter 2 Installation .................................................................. 9

2.1 What You Have .............................................................................................. 9
2.2 Unpacking.....................................................................................................10
2.3 ACL-8112's Layout......................................................................................11
2.4 Jumper and DIP Switch Description.........................................................13
2.5 Base Address Setting .................................................................................13
2.6 Analog Input Channel Configuration ........................................................15
2.7 DMA Channel Setting .................................................................................16
2.8 Internal/External Trigger Setting ...............................................................17
2.9 Clock Source Setting..................................................................................18
2.10 IRQ Level Setting ........................................................................................18
2.11 D/A Reference Voltage Setting.................................................................19
2.12 A/D Input Range Setting.............................................................................20

Chapter 3 Signal Connections................................................... 21

3.1 Connectors Pin Assignment......................................................................22
3.2 Analog Input Signal Connection................................................................25
3.3 Analog Output Signal Connection............................................................28
3.4 Digital I/O Connection.................................................................................28
3.5 Timer / Counter Connection.......................................................................29
3.6 Daughter Board Connection......................................................................30
3.6.1 Connect with ACLD-8125...........................................................30
3.6.2 Connect with ACLD-9137...........................................................30
3.6.3 Connect with ACLD-9182...........................................................30
3.6.4 Connect with ACLD-9185...........................................................30
3.6.5 Connect with ACLD-9188...........................................................30

Table of Contents • i
Chapter 4 Registers................................................................... 31
4.1 I/O Port Address..........................................................................................32
4.2 A/D Data Registers .....................................................................................33
4.3 A/D Channel Multiplexer Register.............................................................33
4.4 A/D Range Control Register......................................................................35
4.5 A/D Operation Mode Control Register.....................................................37
4.6 Interrupt Status Register............................................................................38
4.7 Software Trigger Register..........................................................................38
4.8 Digital I/O register........................................................................................39
4.9 D/A Output Register....................................................................................40
4.10 Internal Timer/Counter Register................................................................41

Chapter 5 Operation Theory ...................................................... 42

5.1 A/D Conversion............................................................................................42
5.1.1 A/D Conversion Procedure........................................................42
5.1.2 A/D Trigger Modes......................................................................43
5.1.3 A/D Data Transfer Modes ..........................................................44
5.2 D/A Conversion............................................................................................45
5.3 Digital Input and Output..............................................................................45
5.4 Timer/Counter Operation...........................................................................46

Chapter 6 Calibration & Utilities ................................................ 49

6.1 What do you need.......................................................................................49
6.2 VR Assignment............................................................................................50
6.3 D/A Adjustment............................................................................................50
6.3.1 D/A CH1 calibration........................................................................50
6.3.2 D/A CH2 calibration........................................................................51
6.4 A/D Programmable Gain Amplifier adjustments.....................................51
6.5 A/D Adjustment............................................................................................51
6.5.1 Bipolar Calibration...........................................................................51
6.5.2 Unipolar Calibration(Only for ACL-8112DG/HG) .......................52

ii • Table of Contents
Chapter 7 C Language Library................................................... 53
7.1 _8112_Initial.................................................................................................54
7.2 _8112_Switch_Card_No............................................................................56
7.3 _8112_DI......................................................................................................57
7.4 _8112_DI _Channel....................................................................................58
7.5 _8112_DO....................................................................................................59
7.6 _8112_DA.....................................................................................................60
7.7 _8112_AD_Input_Mode .............................................................................61
7.8 _8112_AD_Set_Channel...........................................................................63
7.9 _8112_AD_Set_Range...............................................................................64
7.10 _8112_AD_Set_Mode................................................................................67
7.11 _8112_AD_Soft_Trig..................................................................................69
7.12 _8112_AD_Aquire.......................................................................................70
7.13 _8112_CLR_IRQ.........................................................................................71
7.14 _8112_AD_DMA_Start ...............................................................................72
7.15 _8112_AD_DMA_Status ............................................................................74
7.16 _8112_AD_DMA_Stop ...............................................................................75
7.17 _8112_AD_INT_Start .................................................................................76
7.18 _8112_AD_INT_Status...............................................................................77
7.19 _8112_AD_INT_Stop..................................................................................78
7.20 _8112_AD_Timer........................................................................................79
7.21 _8112_TIMER_Start ...................................................................................80
7.22 _8112_TIMER_Read..................................................................................81
7.23 _8112_TIMER_Stop ...................................................................................81

Appendix A. Demo Programs................................................... 82

Warranty Policy ......................................................................... 83

Table of Contents • iii

How to Use This Guide

This manual is designed to help you use the ACL-8112. The manual
describes how to modify various settings on the ACL-8112 card to meet your
requirements. It is divided into seven chapters:

Chapter 1, “Introduction,” gives an overview of the product features,

applications, and specifications.
Chapter 2, “Installation," describes how to install the ACL-8112. The
layout of the ACL-8112 is shown, the switch setting for base
address, and jumper setting for analog input channel
configuration, reference voltage setting, trigger source,
interrupt level and DMA channel are specified.
Chapter 3, “Signal Connection,” describes the connectors' pin
assignment and how to connect the outside signal and devices
with the ACL-8112.
Chapter 4, “Registers,” describes the details of register format and
structure of the ACL-8112, this information is very important for
the programmers who want to control the hardware by low-
level programming.
Chapter 5, “Operation Theory,” describes how to operate the ACL-8112.
The A/D, D/A, DIO and timer/counter functions are introduced.
Also, some programming concepts are specified.
Chapter 6, “Calibration & Utility,” describes how to calibrate the ACL-
8112 for accurate measurement.
Chapter 7, “C Language Library,” describes how to program the ACL-
8112 by using the C language library in DOS environment.
Appendix A, “Demo. Program,” describes some demonstration programs.

How to Use This Guide • iv



The ACL-8112 is a high performance, high speed multi-function data

acquisition card for IBM PC or compatible computers.
The ACL-8112 series is designed to combine all data acquisition functions,
such as A/D, D/A, DIO and timer/counter into a single board, The high-end
specifications of the card makes it ideal for a wide range of applications
requiring high speed. Figure 1.1 shows the block diagram of the ACL-8112.
The ACL-8112 Series consists of three models, the ACL-8112HG, ACL-
8112DG and ACL-8112PG. The ACL-8112HG provides special high-gain
programmable instrument amplifier for low level input applications, such as
measurement of thermo-coupling signals. The ACL-8112DG provides high
speed sampling rates ( up to 100 KHz) at all gains ( x1, x2, x4, and x8) and
the ACL-8112PG provides 16 single-ended inputs with sampling up to 100
KHz with 5 levels of gain (x1, x2, x4, x8, x16)
All ACL-8112 Series feature 16 single-ended inputs or 8 differential inputs, 2
12-bit double-buffered analog outputs, 16 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs,
and one timer/counter channel.

Introduction • 1
16 BIT
D/A #0 12 BIT 4 MHz COUNTER #0 OUT 0
D/A 0 OUT < 12-Bit
2MHz 16 BIT

2 • Introduction
< D/A #1 12 BIT 12-Bit D/I 0
12 Bit 16 BIT DI 1
A/D Converter .
(B.B 774) DI 15
CH 0 > AMP
D/O 0
CH 1 16 channel INPUT 16 BIT
CH 2 Single-ended DIGITAL INPUT .
. 8 Differential GAIN INTERNAL BUS
. Analog SELECT
Multiplexer EOC
CH 15 > DC/DC +5V


Figure 1.1 ACL - 8112 BLOCK DIAGRAM

1.1 Features
The ACL-8112 series Enhanced Multi-function Data Acquisition Card
provides the following advanced features:
• AT-Bus
• 16 single-ended or 8 differential analog input channels for ACL-
8112DG/HG, 16 single-ended for ACL-8112PG
• Bipolar or unipolar input signals for ACL-8112DG/HG, bipolar for ACL-
• Programmable gain
• High gain for ACL-8112HG:( x0.5, x1, x5, x10, x50, x100, x500,
• Normal gain for ACL-8112DG (x0.5, x1, x2, x4, x8 )
• 5 Levels programmable gain for ACL-8112PG (x1, x2, x4, x8, x16),
x0.5 gain can be set by jumper
• On-chip sample & hold
• Two 12-bit monolithic multiplying analog output channels
• 16 digital output channels
• 16 digital input channels
• 3 programmable 16-bit down counters
• Programmable sampling rate of up to 100KHz
• Three A/D trigger modes: software trigger, programmable pacer
trigger, and external pulse trigger
• AT interrupt IRQ capability: 9 IRQ levels (IRQ3~IRQ15) are jumper
• Integral DC-to-DC converter for stable analog power source
• 37-pin D-type connector
• Compact size: half-size PCB

Introduction • 3
1.2 Applications
• Industrial and laboratory ON/OFF control
• Energy management
• Annunciation
• 16 TTL/DTL compatible digital input channels
• Security controller
• Product test
• Period and pulse width measurement
• Event and frequency counting
• Waveform and pulse generation
• BCD interface driver

1.3 Specifications

♦ Analog Input (A/D)

• Converter: ADS774 or equivalent, successive approximation type
• Resolution: 12-bit
• Number of channels:
ACL-8112DG/HG: 16 single-ended or 8 differential
ACL-8112PG: 16 single-ended
• Input Range: (Programmable)
• ACL-8112HG:
Bipolar : ± 10V, ± 5V,± 1V,± 500 mV, ± 100mV, ± 50mV, ± 10mV, ± 5mV
Unipolar: 0~10V, 0~1V, 0~0.1V, 0~0.01V
• ACL-8112DG:
Bipolar : ± 10V, ± 5V, ± 2.5V, ± 1.25V, ± 0.625
Unipolar: 0~10V, 0~5V, 0~2.5V, 0~1.25V

4 • Introduction
• ACL-8112PG:
Bipolar : ± 10V ,± 5V, ± 2.5V, ± 1.25V, ± 0.625V
Bipolar : ± 5V, ± 2.5V, ± 1.25V, ± 0.625V, ± 0.3125V

• Conversion Time: 8 µ sec

• Overvoltage protection: Continuous ± 35V maximum

• Accuracy:
GAIN = 0.5, 1 0.01% of FSR ± 1 LSB
GAIN = 5, 10 0.02% of FSR ± 1 LSB
GAIN = 50, 100 0.04% of FSR ± 1 LSB
GAIN = 500, 1000 0.04% of FSR ± 1 LSB
GAIN = 0.5, 1 0.01% of FSR ± 1 LSB
GAIN = 2, 4 0.02% of FSR ± 1 LSB
GAIN = 8 0.04% of FSR ± 1 LSB
GAIN = 0.5, 1, 2, 4 0.015% of FSR ± 1 LSB
GAIN = 8, 16 0.02% of FSR ± 1 LSB

• Input Impedance: 10 MΩ
• AD conversion trigger modes: Software, Pacer, and External
• Data Transfer: Pooling, DMA, Interrupt
• Sampling Rate:
• 100 KHz maximum for single channel
• 100 KHz maximum for multiplexing on ACL-8112PG
• 20 KHz maximum for multiplexing on ACL-8112DG/HG
Analog Output (D/A)
• Converter: DAC7541 or equivalent, monolithic multiplying
• Number of channels: 2 double-buffered analog outputs
• Resolution: 12-bit

Introduction • 5
• Output Range:
Internal reference: (unipolar) 0~5V or 0~10V
External reference: (unipolar) max. +10V or -10V

• Settling Time: 30 µ sec

• Linearity: ± 1/2 bit LSB

• Output driving capability: ± 5mA max.

♦ Digital I/O (DIO)

• Number of channels: 16 TTL compatible inputs and outputs
• Input Voltage:
Low: Min. 0V ; Max. 0.8V
High: Min. +2.0V
• Input Load:
Low: +0.5V @ -0.2mA max.
High: +2.7V @+20mA max.
• Output Voltage:
Low: Min. 0V ; Max. 0.4V
High: Min. +2.4V
• Driving Capacity:
Low: Max. +0.5V at 8.0mA ( Sink)
High: Min. 2.7V at 0.4mA( Source)

♦ Programmable Counter
• Device: 8254
• A/D pacer: 32-bit timer( two 16-bit counter cascaded together) with a
2MHz time base
• Pacer Output: 0.00046 Hz ~ 100 KHz
• Counter: One 16-bit counter with internal 2MHz time base or external
clock source

6 • Introduction
♦ General Specifications
• I/O Base Address: 16 consecutive address location
• Interrupt IRQ: IRQ3,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,15 (9 levels)
• DMA Channel: CH1 and CH3 (Jumper selectable)
• Connector: 37-pin D-type connector

• Operating Temperature: 0 °C ~ 55 °C

• Storage Temperature: -20 °C ~ 80°C

• Humidity: 5 ~ 95%, non-condensing
• Power Consumption:
ACL-8112DG/HG: +5 V @ 430 mA typical
+12V @ 150 mA typical
ACL-8112PG: +5 V @ 450 mA typical
12 V @ 150 mA typical
• Dimension:
ACL-8112DG/HG: 162mm(L) x 115mm(W)
ACL-8112PG: 163 mm(L) x 123 mm(W)

Introduction • 7
1.4 Software Support

1.4.1 Programming Library

For users who are writing their own programs, we provide MS-DOS Borland
C/C++ programming library.
ACLS-DLL2 is the Development Kit for NuDAQ ISA-Bus Cards with Analog
I/O for windows 3.1/95(98)/NT. ACLS-DLL2 can be used in many
programming environments, such as VC++, VB, and Delphi. ACLS-DLL2 is
included in the ADLINK CD. To use this package a license is required.

1.4.2 LabView Driver

The ACLS-LVIEW includes the ACL-8112’s Vis, which is used to interface
with NI’s LabView software package. The ACLS-LVIEW supports Windows -
95(98)/NT. ACLS-LVIEW is included in the ADLINK CD. To use this package
a license is required.

8 • Introduction


This chapter describes how to install the ACL-8112 series products. Please
use the following steps to install the product.
• Check what you have (section 2.1)
• Unpacking (section 2.2)
• Check the PCB and jumper location(section 2.3)
• Install the hardware and setup the jumpers and switches (section
• Cabling with external devices (section 2.13)

2.1 What You Have

In addition to this User's Manual, the package includes the following items:
• ACL-8112 Enhanced Multi-function Data Acquisition Card
If any of these items are missing or damaged, contact ADLINK or the dealer
from whom you purchased the product. Save the shipping materials and
carton in case you want to ship or store the product in the future.
Note: The utilities and libraries in the CD-ROM only support the ACL-8112
series under DOS environment. If you need to develop applications
under Windows 3.1. , Windows 95 or Windows NT, please contact
our dealer for purchasing software development kit ACLS-DLL2.

Installation • 9
2.2 Unpacking
The card contains electro-static sensitive components that can be easily be
damaged by static electricity.
Therefore, the card should be handled on a grounded anti-static mat. The
operator should be wearing an anti-static wristband, grounded at the same
point as the anti-static mat.
Inspect the card module carton for obvious damages. Shipping and handling
may cause damage to your module. Be sure there are no shipping and
handling damages on the modules carton before continuing.
After opening the card module carton, extract the system module and place it
only on a grounded anti-static surface with component side up.
Again, inspect the module for damages. Press down on all the socketed IC's
to make sure that they are properly seated. Do this only with the module
place on a firm flat surface.
You are now ready to install your card.

10 • Installation
- 10V

8112 Ver C. -5V
ACL-8112's Layout


. . . . . . . .




. . . . . . . .
3 5 6 7910111215NC
1 3 X 1 3 X

Figure 2.1-1 PCB Layout of the ACL-8112DG/HG Ver C.

Installation • 11

8112PG Ver. B1

EXTTRG Converter VR1 VR2 VR3 VR4 VR5

12 • Installation









Figure 2.1-2 PCB Layout of the ACL-8112PG



3 5 6 7 910111215X 13X 13X
2.4 Jumper and DIP Switch Description
You can change the ACL8112's channels and the base address by setting
jumpers and DIP switches on the card. The card's jumpers and switches are
preset at the factory. You can change the jumper settings for your own
A jumper switch is closed (sometimes referred to as "shorted") with the
plastic cap inserted over two pins of the jumper. A jumper is open when the
plastic cap is inserted over one or no pin(s) of the jumper.

2.5 Base Address Setting

The ACL-8112 requires 16 consecutive address locations in the I/O address
space. The base address of the ACL-8112 is restricted by the following

1. The base address must be within the range Hex 200 to Hex 3FF.

2. The base address should not conflict with any PC reserved I/O
address. see Appendix A.

3. The base address must not conflict with any add-on card on your own
PC. Please check your PC before installing the ACL-8112.

The ACL-8112's base address of registers is selected by an 6 positions DIP

switch SW1. The default setting of base address is set to be HEX 220. All
possible base address combinations are listed as Table 2.2. You may modify
the base address if the address HEX 220 has been occupied by another add-
on card.

SW1 : Base Address = Hex 220


1 2 3 4 5
A ( 8 7 6 5 4 )
Figure 2.2 Default Base Address Setting

Installation • 13
I/O port 1 2 3 4 5
Address(Hex) A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4
200-20F -- ON ON ON ON ON
(1) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
210-21F -- ON ON ON ON OFF
(1) (0) (0) (0) (0) (1)
220-22F -- ON ON ON OFF ON
(default) (1) (0) (0) (0) (1) (0)
230-23F -- ON ON ON OFF OFF
(1) (0) (0) (0) (1) (1)
300-30F -- OFF ON ON ON ON
(1) (1) (0) (0) (0) (0)
(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
Table 2.2 Possible Base Address Combinations
A0, ..., A9 corresponds to the PC Bus address lines
A9 is fixed at “1”.

How to define/determine the base address of the ACL-8112 ?

DIP1 to DIP5 of SW1 corresponds to the PC bus address line A8 to
A4 respectively. A9 is always 1 and A0~A3 are always 0. If you want
to change the base address, you can only change the values of A8 to
A4 (the shadow area of the table below). The following table is an
example, of how to set a base address of Hex 220

Base Address: Hex 220

2 2 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0

14 • Installation
2.6 Analog Input Channel Configuration
(This section is for ACL-8112DG and ACL-8112HG only.)
The ACL-8112 offers 16 single-ended or 8 differential analog input channels.
JP3 controls the analog input channel configuration. The setting of JP3 is
specified in the following illustration.


Single-ended JP3
(default setting)


Differential Input JP3


Figure 2.3 Analog Input Channels Configuration

Installation • 15
2.7 DMA Channel Setting
The A/D data transfer of the ACL-8112 is designed with DMA transfer
capabilities. The setting of the DMA for channel 1 or channel 3 is controlled
by JP7 and JP8 on the ACL-8112DG/HG, and JP1 and JP2 on the ACL-
8112PG . Possible settings are shown below:

Note: On floppy disk only machine, we suggest you set the DMA to level 3.
If you have a hard disk installed in the computer, level 1 is preferable.


1 3 X 1 3 X




Figure 2.4 DMA Channel Setting

16 • Installation
2.8 Internal/External Trigger Setting
The A/D conversion trigger source of the ACL-8112 can come from an
internal or external source. The internal or external trigger source is set by
JP4 on the ACL-8112DG/HG and by JP5 on the ACL-8112PG, as shown
on Figure 2.5. Note that there are two internal trigger sources, one is by
software trigger and the other is by the programmable pacer trigger, which
is controlled by the mode control register(see section 4.5).

JP4 / JP5
Internal Trigger INTTRG
(default setting)


JP4 / JP5
External Trigger


Figure 2.5 Trigger Source Setting

JP6 / JP4
Internal Clock INTCLK
Source : 2MHz

(default setting) EXTCLK

JP6 / JP4
External Clock

Figure 2.6 Timer's Clock Source Setting

Installation • 17
2.9 Clock Source Setting
The 8254 programmable interval timer is used in the ACL-8112. It provides
3 independent 16-bit programmable down counters. The input of counter 2
is connected to a precision 2MHz oscillator which is the internal pacer. The
input of counter 1 is cascaded from the output of counter 2. Channel 0 is
free for user's applications. There are two selections for the clock source of
channel 0: the internal 2MHz clock or an external clock signal from
connector CN3 pin 37. The setting for the clock is shown in Figure 2.6.

2.10 IRQ Level Setting

The ACL-8112 can connect to any one of the interrupt lines of the PC I/O
channel. The interrupt line is selected by JP5 of ACL-8112DG/HG or JP3 of
ACL-8112PG. If you wish to use the interrupt capability of ACL-8112, you
must select an interrupt level and place the jumper in the appropriate position
to enable the particular interrupt line.
The default interrupt level is IRQ15, which is selected by placing the jumper
on the pins in row number 15. Figure 2.7 shows the default interrupt jumper
setting IRQ15. You only remove the jumper from IRQ15 to other new pins, if
you want to change to another IRQ level.

Note: Please note that no other add-on cards can shares the same
interrupt level at the same time.

JP5 / JP3

No Interrupt :

IRQ 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 15 X
JP5 / JP3
Interrupt level :
(default setting)
IRQ 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 15 X

Figure 2.7 IRQ Level Setting

18 • Installation
2.11 D/A Reference Voltage Setting
The D/A converter's reference voltage source can be internally or externally
generated. The external reference voltage is connected via CN3 pin
31(ExtRef1) and pin 12(ExtRef2), see section 3.1. The D/A reference source
of channel 1 and channel 2 are selected using JP2 for the ACL-8112DG/HG
and JP6 and JP7 for the ACL-8112PG respectively. Possible settings are
shown below:

JP2 or JP7 JP6


D/A CH2 is External
ExtRef1 ExtRef2

JP2 or JP7 JP6


D/A CH2 is Internal

ExtRef1 ExtRef2

JP2 or JP7 JP6

D/A CH2 is External
ExtRef1 ExtRef2

JP2 or JP7 JP6


D/A CH2 is Internal

ExtRef1 ExtRef2

Figure 2.8 D/A Voltage Setting

Installation • 19
The internal voltage can be set to -5V or -10V which is selected by JP1 for
the ACL-8112DG/HG and JP8 for the ACL-8112PG. Possible configurations
are specified in Figure 2.9. Note that the internal reference voltage is used
only when JP2 of the ACL-8112DG/HG or JP6 and JP7 of the ACL-8112PG
is set to internal reference.

-10V JP1 /
Reference Voltage is
-5V (default setting)

-10V JP1 /
Reference Voltage is

Figure 2.9 Internal Reference Voltage Setting

2.12 A/D Input Range Setting

(This section is for the ACL-8112PG only)
The A/D input range of the ACL-8112PG can be set to ±5V or ±10V using

A/D Input Range is +/-
5V (default setting) JP9

A/D Input Range is +/- JP9

20 • Installation

Signal Connections

This chapter describes the connectors of the ACL-8112. Signal connections

between the ACL-8112 and external devices, such as daughter boards or
other devices are also outlined.

Signal Connections • 21
3.1 Connectors Pin Assignment
The ACL-8112 comes equipped with two 20-pin insulation displacement
connectors - CN1 and CN2 and one 37-pin D-type connector - CN3. CN1
and CN2 are located on the board and CN3 is located at the rear plate.
CN1 is used for digital output signals, CN2 is used for digital input signals
and CN3 is used for analog input, analog output and timer/counter's signals.
The pin assignment for each connector is illustrated in Figure 3.1 ~ Figure
• CN2: Digital Signal Input (DI 0 - 15 )

DI 0 1 2 DI 1
DI 2 3 4 DI 3
DI 4 5 6 DI 5
DI 6 7 8 DI 7
DI 8 9 10 DI 9
DI 10 11 12 DI 11
DI 12 13 14 DI 13
DI 14 15 16 DI 15
GND 17 18 GND
+5V 19 20 + 12V
Figure 3.1. Pin Assignment of CN2
• CN1: Digital Signal Output (DO 0 - 15 )
DO 0 1 2 DO 1
DO 2 3 4 DO 3
DO 4 5 6 DO 5
DO 6 7 8 DO 7
DO 8 9 10 DO 9
DO 10 11 12 DO 11
DO 12 13 14 DO 13
DO 14 15 16 DO 15
GND 17 18 GND
+5V 19 20 +12V

Figure 3.2. Pin Assignment of CN1

DO n: Digital output signal channel n
DI n: Digital input signal channel n
GND: Digital ground

22 • Signal Connections
• CN3: Analog Input/Output & Counter/Timer
( for single-ended connection: ACL-8112DG/HG/PG)
AI0 20
2 AI8
AI1 21
3 AI9
AI2 22
4 AI10
AI3 23
5 AI11
AI4 24
6 AI12
AI5 25
7 AI13
AI6 26
8 AI14
AI7 27
9 AI15
A.GND 28
10 A.GND
A.GND 29
11 A.GND
V.REF 30
12 AO1
ExtRef2 31
13 ExtRef1
+12V 32
14 AO2
A.GND 33
15 GATE0
D.GND 34
COUT0 35
17 N/C
ExtTrg 36
18 N/C
N/C 37
19 ExtCLK

Figure 3.3a. Pin Assignment of CN3

• CN 3: Analog Input/Output & Counter/Timer

( for differential connection:: ACL-8112DG/HG)

AIH0 20
2 AIL0
AIH1 21 AIL1
AIH2 22
4 AIL2
AIH3 23
5 AIL3
AIH4 24
6 AIL4
AIH5 25
7 AIL5
AIH6 26 AIL6
AIH7 8
27 AIL7
28 A.GND
V.REF 30 AO1
ExtRef2 31
13 ExtRef1
+12V 32
14 AO2
D.GND 34
COUT0 35 N/C
ExtTrg 17
36 N/C
N/C 37 ExtCLK

Figure 3.3b. Pin Assignment of CN3

Signal Connections • 23
AIn: Analog Input Channel n ( single-ended)
AIHn: Analog High Input Channel n ( differential)
AILn: Analog Low Input Channel n ( differential)
ExtRef n: External Reference Voltage for D/A CH n
AOn: Analog Output Channel n
ExtCLK: External Clock Input
ExtTrig: External Trigger Signal
CLK: Clock input for 8254
GATE: Gate input for 8254
COUT n: Signal output of Counter n
V.ERF: Voltage Reference
A.GND : Analog Ground
GND: Ground

24 • Signal Connections
3.2 Analog Input Signal Connection
The ACL-8112 provides 16 single-ended or 8 differential analog input
channels. The analog signal can be converted to digital value by the A/D
converter. To avoid ground loops and obtain a more accurate measurement
of the A/D conversion, it is quite important to understand the signal source
type and how to choose the correct analog input mode: signal-ended or
differential. The ACL-8112 allows for the configuration through jumpers.
Single-ended Mode:
For single-ended mode, only one input is connected relative to ground and is
suitable for connecting with a floating signal source. Floating source means
it does not have any connection to ground. Figure 3.4 shows a single-ended
connection. Note that when two or more floating sources are connected, the
sources must be connected to common ground.

AIN Input Multipexer

Signal To A/D Converter
V1 V2

n = 0, ..., 15

Figure 3.4 Floating source and single-ended

Differential input mode:

The differential input mode provides two inputs that respond to signal voltage
differences between them. If the signal source is ground-referenced, the
differential mode can be used to reduce ground loops. Figure 3.5 shows the
connection for differential input mode. However, even if the signal source is
locally grounded, the single-ended configuration can still be used when the
Vcm ( Common Mode Voltage) is very small and the effect of ground loop is
negligible .

Signal Connections • 25
n = 0, ..., 8
AIHn To A/D Converter
Groun -
Sourc AILn


Vcm = VG1 - VG2

Figure 3.5 Ground source and differential input

A differential mode must be used when the signal source is differential. A

differential source means the ends of the signal are not grounded. To avoid
dangerously high voltages between the local ground of the signal and the
ground of the PC system, a shorted ground path must be connected.
Figure 3.6 shows the connection for a differential source.

n = 0, ..., 8
AIHn To A/D Converter
Differentia -
Sourc AILn


Vcm = VG1 - VG2

Figure 3.6 Differential source and differential input

26 • Signal Connections
If your signal sources contain both a floating and a local ground, you
should use the differential mode, with the floating signal source connected
as Figure 3.7 .

n = 0, ..., 8
AIHn High

Signal To A/D Converter
Sourc AILn Low


Figure 3.7 Floating source and differential input

Signal Connections • 27
3.3 Analog Output Signal Connection
The ACL-8112 has two unipolar analog output channels. To make the D/A
output connections from the appropriate D/A output, please refer Figure 3.8.

-5 or -10
INT or Ext Pin-30 ( AO0)
Ref In Pin-32 ( AO1)
D/A Converter - To D/A Output

Pin-14 ( A.GND)
Analog GND

Figure 3.8 Connection of Analog Output Connection

3.4 Digital I/O Connection

The ACL-8112 provides 16 digital input and 16 digital output channels
through CN1 and CN2 on board. The digital I/O signals are fully TTL/DTL
compatible. Details of the digital I/O signal specification can be referred to
in section 1.3.

74LS244 Digital Input(DI)

From TTL Signal

Digital Output (DO)

To TTL Devices
74LS373 Digital GND (DGND)

ACL-8112 Outside Device

Figure 3.9 Digital I/O Connection

28 • Signal Connections
3.5 Timer / Counter Connection
The ACL-8112 has an interval 8254 timer/counter on board. It offers 3
independent 16-bit programmable down counters; counter 1 and counter 2
are cascaded together as a timer pacer trigger for A/D conversions and
counter 0 is free for user applications. Figure 3.10 shows the 8254
timer/counter connection.

CN3 Pin-37
8254 Timer/Counter

Counter 0
CN3 Pin-33 GATE0 OUT0 CN3 Pin-16

Counter 1
CLK1 A/D Trigger
CN3 Pin-34 GATE1 OUT1
CN3 Pin-35
Oscillator Counter 2

Figure 3.10 Block Diagram of 8254 Timer/Counter

The clock source of counter 0 can be internal or external, with the gate
being controlled externally and the output sent to CN3. As for counter 1
and counter 2, the clock source is internally fixed, while the gate can be
controlled externally and the output sent to CN3 too. All timer/counter
signals are TTL compatible.

Signal Connections • 29
3.6 Daughter Board Connection
The ACL-8112 can be connected with any of the five following daughter
boards, ACLD-8125, ACLD-9137, ACLD9182, ACLD9185, and ACLD9188.
The functionality and connections are specified below.

3.6.1 Connect with ACLD-8125

The ACLD-8125 has a 37-pin D-sub connector, which can be connected to
the ACL-8112HG through a 37-pin assemble cable. The most outstanding
feature of this daughter board is the CJC ( cold junction compensation)
circuit on board. You can directly connect a thermo-coupler to the ACL-
8125 board.

3.6.2 Connect with ACLD-9137

The ACLD-9137 is a direct connector for the ACL-8112 card which is
equipped with a 37-pin D-sub connector. This board provides a simple way
for connecting simple applications that do not need complex signal
conditioning before an A/D conversion is performed.

3.6.3 Connect with ACLD-9182

The ACLD-9182 is a 16 channel isolated digital input board. This board is
connected to CN1 of the ACL-8112 via a 20-pin ribbon cable. The
advantage of this board is the 500Vdc isolation voltage that it provides,
thus it can protect your PC system from damage when an abnormal input
signal occurs.

3.6.4 Connect with ACLD-9185

The ACLD-9185 is a 16 channel SPDT relay output board. This board is
connected to CN2 of the ACL-8112 via a 20-pin ribbon cable. By using this
board, you can control external devices through digital output signals.

3.6.5 Connect with ACLD-9188

The ACLD-9188 is a general purpose terminal board for all cards which
comes equipped with a 37-pin D-sub connector.

30 • Signal Connections


A detailed description of the registers and its structure for the ACL-8112
are specified in this chapter. This information is useful for programmers
who wish to handle the card through low-level programming. Hence, a low
level programming syntax is also introduced. This information can also
help beginners learn how to operate the ACL-8112 in the shortest possible

Registers • 31
4.1 I/O Port Address
The ACL-8112 requires 16 consecutive addresses in the PC I/O address
space. Table 4.1 shows the I/O address of each register with respect to the
base address. The function of each register is also listed.

I/O Address Read Write

Base + 0 Counter 0 Counter 0
Base + 1 Counter 1 Counter 1
Base + 2 Counter 2 Counter 2
Base + 3 Not Used 8254 Counter Control
Base + 4 A/D low byte CH1 D/A low byte
Base + 5 A/D high byte CH1 D/A high byte
Base + 6 DI low byte CH2 D/A low byte
Base + 7 DI high byte CH2 D/A high byte
Base + 8 Not Used Clear Interrupt Request
Base + 9 Not Used A/D Range Control
Base + 10 Not Used Channel MUX
Base + 11 Not Used Mode Control
Base + 12 Not Used Software A/D trigger
Base + 13 Not Used DO low byte
Base + 14 Not Used DO high byte
Base + 15 Not Used Not Used

Table 4.1 I/O Address

32 • Registers
4.2 A/D Data Registers
The ACL-8112 series has a 12-bit resolution for each analog input channel,
the digital data is store in the A/D data registers after an A/D conversion.
The A/D data is put into two 8 bits registers. The lowest byte data (8 LSBs)
are placed in address BASE+4 and the highest byte data (4 MSBs) are
placed in address BASE+5. A DRDY bit is used to indicate the status of
the A/D conversion. When the DRDY goes low, it means an A/D
conversion is complete.

Address : BASE + 4 and BASE + 5

Attribute: read only
Data Format:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
BASE+5 0 0 0 DRDY AD11 AD10 AD9 AD8

AD11 …. AD0: Analog to digital data. AD11 is the Most Significant

Bit(MSB). AD0 is the Least Significant Bit(LSB).
DRDY: Data Ready Signal.

1: A/D data is not ready

0: A/D conversion is completed.
It will be set to 1, when reading the low byte.

4.3 A/D Channel Multiplexer Register

This register is used to control the A/D channels. It's a write only register.
When a channel number is written to the register, the multiplexer switches
to another channel and waits until there’s a conversion and switches again.

Address : BASE + 10
Attribute: write only
Data Format:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

CLn: multiplexer channel number (n=0~3).

CL3 is MSB, and CL0 is LSB.
CS0, CS1: Single-ended and Differential Selection (ACL-8112DG/HG only)

Registers • 33
CS0 and CS1 are used to determine which MPC508A chip is selected. The
MPC508A is used to multiplex between channels, when CS0 is set as 1,
the analog input channels from 0 to 7 are selectable, and when CS1 is set
to 1, channels 8 to 15 are selectable. When both CS0 and CS1 are set to 1,
it means the analog inputs are in differential mode. The possible analog
input channel selections combination is listed in the table below.

For ACL-8112PG, CS0 and CS1 always be zero, CL3~CL0 is used to

select the 16 single-ended channels.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Channel X X CS1 CS0 CL3 CL2 CL1 CL0
S.E. CH0 X X 0 1 0 0 0 0
S.E. CH1 X X 0 1 0 0 0 1
S.E. CH2 X X 0 1 0 0 1 0
S.E. CH3 X X 0 1 0 0 1 1
S.E. CH4 X X 0 1 0 1 0 0
S.E. CH5 X X 0 1 0 1 0 1
S.E. CH6 X X 0 1 0 1 1 0
S.E. CH7 X X 0 1 0 1 1 1
S.E. CH8 X X 1 0 1 0 0 0
S.E. CH9 X X 1 0 1 0 0 1
S.E. CH10 X X 1 0 1 0 1 0
S.E. CH11 X X 1 0 1 0 1 1
S.E. CH12 X X 1 0 1 1 0 0
S.E. CH13 X X 1 0 1 1 0 1
S.E. CH14 X X 1 0 1 1 1 0
S.E. CH15 X X 1 0 1 1 1 1
D.I. CH0 X X 1 1 0 0 0 0
D.I. CH1 X X 1 1 0 0 0 1
D.I. CH2 X X 1 1 0 0 1 0
D.I. CH3 X X 1 1 0 0 1 1
D.I. CH4 X X 1 1 0 1 0 0
D.I. CH5 X X 1 1 0 1 0 1
D.I. CH6 X X 1 1 0 1 1 0
D.I. CH7 X X 1 1 0 1 1 1

S.E.: Single-ended Analog Input

D.I.: Differential Analog Input

34 • Registers
4.4 A/D Range Control Register
The A/D range register is used to adjust the analog input ranges for the
A/D channels. Two factor effects the input range: Gain and Polarity. For
the ACL-8112PG, This register controls the PGA (programmable gain)
directly and there is no Unipolar setting. When a different gain value is set,
the analog input range is changed. For the ACL-8112DG/HG, both the
PGA and polarity are controlled by this register. Table 4.2 shows the
relationship between the register data and the A/D input range.

Address : BASE + 9
Attribute: write only
Data Format:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
BASE+9 X X X X G3 G2 G1 G0

G0~G3: Gain / Range selection, G3 is not used for ACL-8112PG

( This table is only for the ACL-8112HG: High Gain Card)
or Input Range
G3 G2 G1 G0 GAIN
0 0 0 0 1 Bipolar ± 5V
0 0 0 1 10 Bipolar ± 0.5V
0 0 1 0 100 Bipolar ± 0.05V
0 0 1 1 1,000 Bipolar ± 0.005V
0 1 0 0 1 Unipolar 0V ~ 10V
0 1 0 1 10 Unipolar 0V ~ 1V
0 1 1 0 100 Unipolar 0V ~ 0.1V
0 1 1 1 1,000 Unipolar 0V ~ 0.01V
1 0 0 0 0.5 Bipolar ± 10V
1 0 0 1 5 Bipolar ± 1V
1 0 1 0 50 Bipolar ± 0.1V
1 0 1 1 500 Bipolar ± 0.01V
1 1 0 0 1 Unipolar N/A
1 1 0 1 10 Unipolar N/A
1 1 1 0 100 Unipolar N/A
1 1 1 1 1,000 Unipolar N/A
Table 4.2-1 Function of the Gain Control Bits

Registers • 35
( This table is only for the ACL-8112DG: Low Gain Card)

or Input Range
G3 G2 G1 G0 GAIN
1 0 0 0 0.5 Bipolar ± 10V
0 0 0 0 1 Bipolar ± 5V
0 0 0 1 2 Bipolar ± 2.5V
0 0 1 0 4 Bipolar ± 1.25V
0 0 1 1 8 Bipolar ± 0.625V
0 1 0 0 1 Unipolar 0V ~ 10V
0 1 0 1 2 Unipolar 0V ~ 5V
0 1 1 0 4 Unipolar 0V ~ 2.5V
0 1 1 1 8 Unipolar 0V ~ 1.25V

Table 4.2-2 Function of the Gain Control Bits

For the ACL-8112PG, the maximum range is changed by hardware jumper
configuration. JP9 is used to change the maximum analog input range form
± 5V or ± 10V. If JP9 is set as ± 5V, the analog input range is listed as below.
G3 G2 G1 G0 GAIN Analog Input Range
0 0 0 0 1 ± 5V
0 0 0 1 2 ± 2.5V
0 0 1 0 4 ± 1.25V
0 0 1 1 8 ± 0.625V
0 1 0 0 16 ± 0.3125V

Table 4.2-3 Analog Input Range ( max. is ± 5V)

If JP9 is set as ± 10V, the analog input range is listed as below

G3 G2 G1 G0 GAIN Analog Input Range

0 0 0 0 1 ± 10V
0 0 0 1 2 ± 5V
0 0 1 0 4 ± 2.5V
0 0 1 1 8 ± 1.25V
0 1 0 0 16 ± 0.625V

Table 4.2-4 Analog Input Range (max. is ± 10V)

36 • Registers
4.5 A/D Operation Mode Control Register
The A/D operation includes the analog signal conversion and the data
transformation. This register controls the internal trigger mode and data
transformation method. It is initialized by a software trigger or program
polling transfer when the PC is reset or powered on. The details of the A/D
operation are described in Chapter 5. There are four operation modes.
Address : BASE + 11
Attribute: write only
Data Format:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
BASE+11 X X X X X S2 S1 S0

S2 S1 S0 Operation Mode Description

0 0 0 Internal trigger is disable
0 0 1 software trigger and program polling (default)
0 1 0 timer pacer trigger and DMA transfer
1 1 0 timer pacer trigger and interrupt transfer.

1. When your system is powered on or reset, the A/D operation will be
initialized as " software trigger or program polling" mode.
2. No matter which mode is selected, the external trigger is available if JP4
is set as external trigger.
3. As long as the DMA mode is not used, the program polling mode is
always selectable. The synchronization of the A/D conversion and data
transfer should be of a concern when using program polling mode.
4. An interrupt will occur at the end of each conversion when the "timer
pacer trigger and interrupt transfer" mode is selected. If you want to use
the pacer trigger and interrupt transfer mode, you must enable the IRQ

Registers • 37
4.6 Interrupt Status Register
The Interrupt Status Register is used to clear the interrupt status so a new
interrupt can be generated. If the ACL-8112 is in interrupt data transfer mode,
a hardware status flag will be set after each A/D conversion. You must clear
the status flag by writing any data to this register, so that the ACL-8112 can
generate a new or next interrupt if a new A/D conversion is to happen.

Address : BASE + 8
Attribute: write only
Data Format:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

4.7 Software Trigger Register

If you want to generate a trigger pulse for the ACL-8112 to perform an A/D
conversion, you need to write data to this register, this will trigger the A/D

Address : BASE + 12
Attribute: write only
Data Format:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

38 • Registers
4.8 Digital I/O register
There are 16 digital input channels and 16 digital output channels provided
by the ACL-8112. The address Base + 6 and Base + 7 are used for the digital
input channels, and the address Base + 13 and Base + 14 are used for digital
output channels.

Address : BASE + 6 & BASE + 7

Attribute: read only
Data Format:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Base + 6 DI7 DI6 DI5 DI4 DI3 DI2 DI1 DI0
Base + 7 DI15 DI14 DI13 DI12 DI11 DI10 DI9 DI8

Address : BASE + 13 & BASE + 14

Attribute: write only
Data Format:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Base + 13 DO7 DO6 DO5 DO4 DO3 DO2 DO1 DO0
Base + 14 DO15 DO14 DO13 DO12 DO11 DO10 DO9 DO8

Registers • 39
4.9 D/A Output Register
The D/A converter will convert the D/A output register data to an analog
signal. The register data at address Base + 4 and Base + 5 are used for D/A
channel 1and Base +6 and Base +7 for D/A channel 2.

Address : BASE + 4 & BASE + 5

Attribute: write only
Data Format: (for D/A Channel 1)
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Base + 4 DA7 DA6 DA5 DA4 DA3 DA2 DA1 DA0
Base + 5 X X X X DA11 DA10 DA9 DA8

Address : BASE + 6 & BASE + 7

Attribute: write only
Data Format: (for D/A Channel 2)
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Base + 6 DA7 DA6 DA5 DA4 DA3 DA2 DA1 DA0
Base + 7 X X X X DA11 DA10 DA9 DA8
DA0 is the LSB and DA11 is the MSB of the 12 bits data.
X: don't care

Note: The D/A registers are "double buffered" so that the D/A analog output
signals will not updated until the second (high) byte contains data or
written to. This will ensure a single step transition for a D/A conversion.

40 • Registers
4.10 Internal Timer/Counter Register
Two 8254 counters are used for periodical triggering of the A/D converter,
with one left for user applications. The 8254 occupies 4 I/O address
locations in the ACL-8112 as listed blow. Users may refer to NEC's or Intel's
data sheet for full detail of the 8254. Summarized information is specified in
Appendix B.

Address : BASE + 0 ~ BASE + 3

Attribute: read / write
Data Format:
Base + 0 Counter 0 Register ( R/W)
Base + 1 Counter 1 Register ( R/W)
Base + 2 Counter 2 Register ( R/W)
Base + 3 8254 CONTROL BYTE

Registers • 41

Operation Theory

The operation theory of the ACL-8112 card is described in this chapter. The
function description include the A/D conversion, D/A conversion, digital I/O
and counter / timer. The operation theory can help you understand how to
manipulate or program the ACL-8112.

5.1 A/D Conversion

Before programming the ACL-8112 to perform an A/D conversion, you need
to understand the following issues:
• A/D conversion procedure
• A/D trigger mode
• A/D data transfer mode
• Signal Connection

5.1.1 A/D Conversion Procedure

An A/D conversion is initiated when a trigger source is triggered, the A/D

converter will start to convert the signal to a digital value. The ACL-8112
provides three trigger modes, see section 5.1.2.
During an A/D conversion, the DRDY bit of the A/D data register is cleared to
indicate the data is not ready. After a conversion is completed, the DRDY bit
will return a low (0) signal. This indicates users now can read the converted
data from the A/D data registers. Please refer section 4.2 for the A/D data

42 • Operation Theory
The A/D data should now be transferred into the PC's memory for further
processing. The ACL-8112 provides three data transfer modes that allow
users to optimize their DAS system. Refer to section 5.1.3 for data transfer

5.1.2 A/D Trigger Modes

The ACL-8112’s A/D conversion can be triggered by either an Internal or
External trigger source. JP5 is used to set either internal or external triggers.
Please refer to section 2.8 for details. Whenever an external source is set,
the internal sources are disabled.
The two internal sources can either be software or timer pacer triggered
which is controlled by the A/D operation mode control register (BASE+11). In
total there a three different trigger sources possible to the ACL-8112. The
different trigger conditions are specified below:
Software trigger
This trigger source is software controllable. That is, the A/D conversion is
initiated when any value is written into the software trigger register
(BASE+12). This trigger mode is suitable for low speed A/D conversions.
Under this mode, the timing of the A/D conversion is fully controlled by the
software. However, it is difficult to have total control over a fixed A/D
conversion rate unless another timer interrupt service routine is used to
generate a fixed trigger rate.
Timer Pacer Trigger
An on-board 8254 timer/counter chip is used to provide a trigger source for
the A/D conversion at a fixed rate. Two counters are cascaded together to
generate a trigger pulse at precise intervals. Refer to section 5.4 for details
of the 8254 architecture. This mode is ideal for high speed A/D conversions.
It can be combined with DMA or interrupt data transfer. It's recommend that
this mode be used for applications that require a fixed and precise A/D
sampling rate.
External Trigger
Through pin-17 of CN3 (ExtTrig), the A/D conversion can also be performed
when a rising edge from an external source occurs. The conversion rate of
this mode is more flexible than the previous two modes, because users can
easily control an external device. An external trigger can be combine with
DMA transfer, interrupt data transfer, or even program polling data transfer.
Generally, the interrupt data transfer is used when external trigger mode is

Operation Theory • 43
5.1.3 A/D Data Transfer Modes
On the ACL-8112, there are three A/D data transfer modes that can be used
when A/D conversion is completed. The data transfer mode is controlled by
the mode control register (BASE+11). The different transfer modes are
described below:
Software Data Transfer
Usually, this mode is used with software A/D trigger mode. After the A/D
conversion is triggered by the software, the software will poll the DRDY bit
until it becomes high. Whenever the low byte of the A/D data is read, the
DRDY bit will be cleared to indicate the data has been read.
It is possible to read the A/D converted data without polling. The A/D
conversion time will not excess 8µs on the ACL-8112 card. Hence, after a
software trigger, the software can wait for at least 8µs then read the A/D
register without polling.
Interrupt Transfer
The ACL-8112 provides hardware interrupt capability. Under this mode, an
interrupt signal is generated when an A/D conversion has ended and the data
is ready to be read. It is useful to combine the interrupt transfer mode with
the timer pacer trigger mode. Under this combination, the data transfer is
essentially asynchronous with the controlling software.
When the interrupt transfer mode is used, you have to set the interrupt IRQ
level using hardware jumpers. Refer to section 2.10 for IRQ jumper setting.
After an A/D conversion is completed, a hardware interrupt will be inserted
and its corres ponding ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) will be invoked and
executed. The converted data is transferred by the ISR program.
DMA Transfer
The DMA (Direct Memory Access) allows data to be transferred directly
between the ACL-8112 and the PC memory at the fastest possible rate,
without using any CPU time. The A/D data is automatically transferred to
PC's memory after conversion is completed.
The DMA transfer mode is very complex to program. It is recommended that
a high level programming library be used to operate this card in this mode. If
you wish to program a software which can handle DMA data transfer, refer to
information about the 8237 DMA controller.

44 • Operation Theory
5.2 D/A Conversion
The operation of the D/A conversion is simpler than the A/D operation. You
only need to write the digital values into the D/A data registers and the
corresponding voltage will be outputted through AO1 or AO2. Refer to
section 4.9 for information about the D/A data registers. The mathematical
relationship between the digital number DAn and the output voltage is
formulated as follows:
Vout = −Vref ×
where Vref is the reference voltage, Vout is the output voltage, and DAn is
the digital value in the D/A data registers.
Before performing the D/A conversion, users should be aware of the D/A
reference voltage which is set by JP1, JP2 and JP3. Please refer to section
2.11 for jumper setting. The reference voltage will effect the output voltage. If
the reference voltage is -5V, the D/A output scaling will be 0~5V. If the
reference voltage is -10V, the D/A output scaling will be 0~10V.
Note that the D/A registers are "double buffered", so that the D/A analog
output signals will not be updated until the high byte is written. When writing
12-bit data to the D/A registers, the low byte must be written to first before
the high byte. This procedure will ensure a single step transition for a D/A

5.3 Digital Input and Output

To program the digital I/O operation is fairly straight forward. The digital input
operation just reads data from its corresponding registers, and the digital
output operation just writes data to its corresponding registers. The digital I/O
registers are shown in section 4.9. Note that the DIO data channel can only
be read or written in forms of 8-bits. It is impossible to access individual bits.

Operation Theory • 45
5.4 Timer/Counter Operation
The ACL-8112 has an 8254 interval timer/counter on board. Refer to section
3.5 for signal connection and the configuration of the counter.
The 8254 Timer / Counter Chip
The Intel (NEC) 8254 contains three independent, programmable, multi-
mode 16 bit counter/timers. The three independent 16 bit counters can be
clocked at rates from DC to 5 MHz. Each counter can be individually
programmed with 6 different operating modes by appropriately formatted
control words. The most commonly uses for the 8254 in microprocessor
based systems are:

• programmable baud rate generator

• event counter
• binary rate multiplier
• real-time clock
• digital one-shot
• motor control
For more information about the 8254 , please refer to the NEC
Microprocessors and peripherals or Intel Microsystems Components
Pacer Trigger Source
Counter 1 and 2 are cascaded together to generate a timer pacer trigger for
the A/D conversion. The frequency of the pacer trigger is software
controllable. The maximum pacer signal rate is 2MHz/4=500K which
exceeds the maximum A/D conversion rate of the ACL-8112. The minimum
signal rate is 2MHz/65535/65535, which is a very slow frequency that user
may never use.
General Purpose Timer/ Counter
Counter 0 is free for user applications. The clock source, gate control signal
and the output signal are sent via CN3. The general purpose timer / counter
can be used as an event counter, used for measuring frequency or other
functions. See the 'Timer/Counter Applications' section for examples.

46 • Operation Theory
I/O Address
The 8254 in the ACL-8112 occupies 4 I/O address as shown below.
The programming of the 8254 is control by registers BASE+0 to BASE+3.
The function of each register is specified in this section. For more detailed
information, refer to the 8254 handbook.
Control Byte
Before loading or reading any of these individual counters, the control byte
(BASE+3) must be loaded first. The format of the control byte is:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SC1 SC0 RL1 RL0 M2 M1 M0 BCD

♦ SC1 & SC0 - Select Counter ( Bit7 & Bit 6)

0 0 Select Counter 0
0 1 Select Counter 1
1 0 Select Counter 2
♦ RL1 & RL0 - Select Read/Load operation ( Bit 5 & Bit 4)

♦ M2, M1 & M0 - Select Operating Mode ( Bit 3, Bit 2, & Bit 1)

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
x 1 0 2
x 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
♦ BCD - Select Binary/BCD Counting ( Bit 0)

Operation Theory • 47
The count of the binary counter is from 0 up to
Note 65,535 and the count of the BCD counter is from 0
up to 9,999

Mode Definitions
With the 8254, six operating modes can be selected. they are:
• Mode 0: Interrupt on Terminal Count
• Mode 1: Programmable One-Shot.
• Mode 2: Rate Generator
• Mode 3: Square Wave Rate Generator
• Mode 4: Software Triggered Strobe
• Mode 5: Hardware Triggered Strobe

Detail description of these six modes is written in Intel Microsystems

Components Handbook Volume II Peripherals.

48 • Operation Theory

Calibration & Utilities

With data acquisition processes, knowing how to calibrate your

measurement devices to maintain its accuracy is very important. Users
can calibrate the analog input and analog output channels under user’s
operating environment to optimize the accuracy of the equipment. This
chapter will guide you through how to calibrate the ACL-8112.

6.1 What do you need

Before calibrating your ACL-8112 card, you should prepare some
equipment for the calibration:
• Calibration program: The calibration program 8112util.exe. Once the
program is executed, it will guide you through the calibration
process. This program is included in the delivered package.
• A 5 1/2 digit multimeter (6 1/2 is recommended)
• A voltage calibrator or a very stable and noise free DC voltage

Calibration & Utilities • 49

6.2 VR Assignment
There are 6 variable resistors (VR) on the ACL-8112DG/HG board. These
allow you to make adjustment to the A/D and D/A channels. The function of
each VR is specified as Table 6.1 -1.
VR1 A/D full scale adjustment
VR2 A/D bipolar offset adjustment
VR3 D/A channel 1 full scale adjustment
VR4 D/A channel 2 full scale adjustment
VR5 A/D programmable amplifier offset adjustment
VR6 A/D unipolar offset adjustment
Table 6.1-1 Function of VRs in ACL-8112DG/HG
There are five variable resistors (VR) on the ACL-8112PG board. These
allow you to make adjustment to the A/D and D/A channels. The function of
each VR is specified as Table 6.1 -2.
VR1 A/D full scale adjustment
VR2 A/D offset adjustment
VR3 D/A channel 1 full scale adjustment
VR4 D/A channel 2 full scale adjustment
VR5 A/D programmable amplifier offset adjustment
Table 6.1-2 Function of VRs in ACL-8112PG

6.3 D/A Adjustment

6.3.1 D/A CH1 calibration

1. Connect the DVM <+> to CN3.AO1<PIN 30>, and the VDM<-> to

CN3.GND <PIN 10>.

2. Write a digital value into the D/A register (BASE+4 and BASE+5).

3. Trim VR3 until +5 V appears on the DVM.

50 • Calibration & Utilities

6.3.2 D/A CH2 calibration

1. Connect the DVM <+> to CN3.AO2<PIN 32>, and the DVM<-> to

CN3.GND <PIN 10>.

2. Write a digital value into the D/A register (BASE+6 and BASE+7).

3. Trim VR4 until +5 V appears on the DVM.

6.4 A/D Programmable Gain Amplifier adjustments

This setup is to reduce the PGA offset voltage.

1. Connect CN3.AI0 <PIN 2> to CN3.GND <PIN 9>

2. Trim VR5 until the reading displayed on the monitor of the

8112UTIL.exe software is approximately 0 and below 0.50.

6.5 A/D Adjustment

6.5.1 Bipolar Calibration

1. Adjust the voltage calibrator’s voltage output to –4.9987V . Connect

the voltage calibrator’s <+> to CN3.AI0 <PIN 1> and the voltage
calibrator’s<-> to CN3.AGND<PIN 9>.

2. Trim VR2 to obtain a reading that toggles between 0 and 1. This

value is displayed on the monitor of the calibration program
8112UTIL.exe. Then proceed to the next step.

3. Adjust the voltage calibrator’s voltage output to +4.9963V . Connect

the voltage calibrator’s <+> to CN3.AI0 <PIN 1> and the voltage
calibrator’s <-> to CN3.AGND<PIN 9>.

4. Trim VR1 to obtain a reading that toggles between 4094 and 4095.
This value is displayed on the monitor of the calibration program

Calibration & Utilities • 51

6.5.2 Unipolar Calibration(Only for ACL-8112DG/HG)

1. Adjust the voltage calibrator’s voltage output to –4.9987V . Connect

the voltage calibrator’s <+> to CN3.AI0 <PIN 1> and the voltage
calibrator’s<-> to CN3.AGND<PIN 9>.

2. Trim VR2 to obtain a reading that toggles between 0 and 1. This

value is displayed on the monitor of the calibration program
8112UTIL.exe. Then proceed to the next step.

3. Adjust the voltage calibrator’s voltage output to +1.22mV. Connect the

voltage calibrator’s <+> to CN3.AI0 <PIN 1> and the voltage
calibrator’s<-> to CN3.AGND<PIN 9>.

4. Trim VR6 to obtain a reading that toggles between 0 and 1. This

value is displayed on the monitor of the calibration program
8112UTIL.exe. Then proceed to the next step

5. Adjust the voltage calibrator’s voltage output to +9.9963V. Connect

the voltage calibrator’s <+> to CN3.AI0 <PIN 1> and the voltage
calibrator’s<-> to CN3.AGND<PIN 9>

6. Trim VR1 to obtain a reading that toggles between 4094 and 4095.
This value is displayed on the monitor of th e calibration program

A calibration utility software diskette is included in the product package.

Detail calibration procedures and description can be found in the utility.
Users need to execute the calibration utility and follow the procedures
carefully to obtain best results and accurate measurements.

52 • Calibration & Utilities


C Language Library

There are 23 call functions available in the C programming Library, all

functions associated with the ACL-8112 are covered, it includes A/D
conversions, D/A conversions, Digital Inputs and Outputs, etc.
Using the C Language library saves a lot of programming time. The library
also covers support for data collection on the interrupt or DMA from the
internal time clock for A/D conversions. Note that the DMA data transfer
processes only on a fixed A/D channel.
Example programs are also included in this disk, this will help fast track users
to understand the library. A detailed description of each function in the library
is discussed in the following sections.
Note that each function name uses the following conventions:
_8112XX_function(). Where XX is will be substituted for the particular 8112
model. For example ACL-8112DG, ACL-8112HG and ACL-8112PG.

C Language Library • 53
7.1 _8112_Initial
All ACL-8112 cards are initialized according to its card number and its
corresponding base address. Every ACL-8112 Multi-Function Data
Acquisition Card must be initialized using this function before any other
function calls are permitted.
int _8112_Initial(int card_number, int type, int
base_addresss )
int _8112pg_Initial(int card_number, int
base_addresss )
card_number: the card number to be initialized, only
two cards can be initialized, the card
number must be CARD_1 or CARD_2.
Type :there are 4 different types of ACL-8112
cards, they are:
A8112B_ HG: 8112 High Gain card Ver. B
A8112B_DG: 8112 Low Gain card Ver. B
A8112C_HG: 8112 High Gain card Ver. C
A8112C_DG: 8112 Low Gain card Ver. C
Note: the difference between Ver.B and
Ver.C is the Multi-Scan Register. The
control code for each version is
slight different. For details, please
refer to the hardware manual for the
specific ACL-8112 card.

base_address: the I/O port base address of the card

is set at 220 Hex default.
Return Code:

54 • C Language Library
#include "8112.h"

int ErrCode;

Errcode = _8112_Initial( CARD_1, A8112B_HG, 0x210 );

if ( ErrCode != ERR_NoError )

ErrCode = _8112_Initial( CARD_2, A8112B_DG, 0x220 );

if ( ErrCode != ERR_NoError )

C Language Library • 55
7.2 _8112_Switch_Card_No

This function is used on a system that has two ACL-8112 card inserted.
After initializing the two ACL-8112 cards, this function is called upon to
select the default card.

Note: This library only has support for two ACL-8112 because only two DMA
channels are supported by the card.

int _8112_Switch_Card_No(int card_number)
int _8112pg_Switch_Card_No(int card_number)
card_number: The card number to be initialized, only
two cards can be initialized, the card
number must be CARD_1 or CARD_2.
Return Code:

#include “8112.h”

_8112_Initial( CARD_1, A8112B_HG, 0x210 );
_8112_Initial( CARD_2, A8112B_DG, 0x220 );
/* Assume NoError when Initialize ACL-8112 */

_8112_Switch_Card_No( CARD_1 );
/*..... You can perform certain functions
to Card_1 here*/

_8112_Switch_Card_No( CARD_2 );
/*..... You can perform certain functions
to Card_2 here*/

56 • C Language Library
7.3 _8112_DI

This function is used to read data from the digital input port. There are
16 bits available for the digital inputs. Bit 0 to bit 7 of the register is
defined as the low byte and bit 8 to bit 15 are defined as the high byte.

int _8112_DI( int port_number, unsigned char *data )
int _8112pg_DI( int port_number, unsigned char *data )
port_number: To indicate which port is read,
DI_LO_BYTE: bit 0 ~ bit 7,
DI_HI_BYTE: bit8 ~ bit15
data: return value from digital port.
Return Code:
See Demo program . Demo Program 'DI_DEMO.C'

C Language Library • 57
7.4 _8112_DI _Channel

This function is used to read data from the digital input channels (bit).
There are 16 digital input channels on the ACL-8112. When performing
this function, the digital input port is read and the value of the
corresponding channel is returned.
* channel means each bit of the digital input ports.

int _8112_DI_Channel(int di_ch_no, unsigned int
*data )
int _8112pg_DI(int di_ch_no, unsigned int *data )

di_ch_no: the DI channel number, the value is
between from 0 to 15.
data: return value, either 0 or 1.

Return Code:
#include “8112.h”

unsigned int data;
int ch;

_8112_Initial( CARD_1, A8112B_HG, 0x220 );

/* Assume NoError when Initialize ACL-8112 */
for( ch=0; ch<16; ch++ )
_8112_DI_Channel( ch , &data );
printf( "The value of DI channel %d is
%d.\n" , ch , data );

58 • C Language Library
7.5 _8112_DO

This function is used to write data to the digital output port. There are
16 digital outputs on the ACL-8112, they are divided into two categories,
DO_LO_BYTE and DO_HI_BYTE. Channel 0 to channel 7 is defined
as the DO_LO_BYTE port and channels 8 to 15 are defined as the
DO_HI_BYTE port.

int _8112_DO(int port_number, unsigned char data )
int _8112pg_DO(int port_number, unsigned char data )

port_number: DO_LO_BYTE or DO_HI_BYTE
data: value will be written to digital output port

Return Code:

#include “8112.h”


_8112_Initial( CARD_1, A8112B_DG, 0x220 );

/* Assume NoError when Initialize ACL-8112/DG ver.B
card */
_8112_DO( DO_LO_BYTE , 0x55 );
printf( "The low byte is now 0x55.\n" );

_8112_DO( DO_HI_BYTE , 0xAA );

printf( "The high byte is now 0xAA.\n" );

A more detailed program is provided in this software


C Language Library • 59
7.6 _8112_DA

This function is used to write data to the D/A converter. There are two
Digital-to-Analog conversion channels on the ACL-8112. The resolution
of each channel is 12-bit, thus the digital data ranges is from 0 to 4095.

int _8112_DA(int da_ch_no, unsigned int data )
int _8112pg_DA(int da_ch_no, unsigned int data )
da_ch_no: D/A channel number, DA_CH_1 or DA_CH_2.
data: D/A converted value, if the value is greater
than 4095, the higher 4-bits are negligent.

Return Code:

#include “8112.h”


_8112_Initial( CARD_1, A8112B_DG, 0x220 );

/* Assume NoError when Initialize ACL-8112 */
/* if the hardware setting for DA output range
is 0~5V */

_8112_DA( DA_CH_1 , 0x800 );

printf( "The output voltage of CH1 is 2.5V \n" );

_8112_DA( DA_CH_2 , 0xFFF );

printf( "The output voltage of CH2 is 5V \n" );

}A more complete program is provided in this software.


60 • C Language Library
7.7 _8112_AD_Input_Mode

This function is only used with the ACL-8112 ver. B series.
The ACL-8112 offers either 16 single-ended analog input channels or 8
differential analog input channels. If the ACL-8112 ver B card is used,
you have to call this function to initialize the A/D operation.

int _8112_AD_Input_Mode( int ad_mode )

SINGLE_ENDED: the analog inputs are single-ended
DIFFERENTIAL : the analog inputs are differential.

Return Code:

#include “8112.h”

int j;

_8112_Initial( CARD_1, A8112B_DG, 0x210 );

/* Assume ERR_NoError when Initialize ACL-8112 */

_8112_Initial( CARD_2, A8112B_HG, 0x220 );

/* Assume ERR_NoError when Initialize ACL-8112 */

_8112_AD_Input_Mode( DIFFERENTIAL) ;
/* set analog input mode as “differential” mode */
/* if this function is not called, the default input
mode is single-ended mode */

C Language Library • 61
for( j = 0; j < 7 ; j++)
_8112_AD_Set_Channel( j );

printf( "AD channel %d is now selected.\n“, j );

_8112_AD_Input_Mode( SINGLE_ENDED) ;
for( j = 0; j < 7 ; j++)
_8112_AD_Set_Channel( j );

printf( "AD channel %d is now selected.\n“, j );

/* the following A/D's operation is based on channel
3 */

62 • C Language Library
7.8 _8112_AD_Set_Channel

This function is used to set the AD channel by means of writing data to
the multiplexer scan channel register. There are 16 single-ended A/D
channels for the ACL-8112, so the channel number must be set to
between 0 and 15. The initial state is channel 0, which is the default
setting for the ACL-8112.

int _8112_AD_Set_Channel( int ad_ch_no )
int _8112pg_AD_Set_Channel( int ad_ch_no )

ad_ch_no: Number of channels to perform AD
for single-ended mode: 0 -15
for differential mode: 0-7

Return Code:
#include “8112.h”
_8112_Initial( CARD_1, A8112B_DG, 0x220 );
/* Assume NoError when Initialize ACL-8112 */

_8112_AD_Input_Mode( DIFFERENTIAL) ;
/* set analog input mode as “differential” mode */

_8112_AD_Set_Channel( 3 );
printf( "AD channel 3 is now selected.\n" );


/* the following A/D's operation is based on channel

3 */

C Language Library • 63
7.9 _8112_AD_Set_Range

This function is used to set the A/D analog input range by means of
writing data to the A/D range control register. There are two factors that
will effect the analog input range - Gain and Input type.

The Gain can be any of the following factors 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500,
and 1,000 for the ACL-8112HG card.
The input type is either Bipolar or Unipolar.

The initial value of the gain is '1‘ and input type is bipolar, which is pre-
set by the ACL-8112 hardware. The relationship between analog input
voltage range, gain and input mode are specified in the following tables:

** this table only applies to the ACL-8112HG ( high gain) card.

Input type
(Bipolar or
AD_B_5_V 1 Bipolar ± 5V
AD_B_0_5_V 10 Bipolar ± 0.5V
AD_B_0_05_V 100 Bipolar ± 0.05V
AD_B_0_005_V 1,000 Bipolar ± 0.005V
AD_U_10_V 1 Unipolar 0V ~ 10V
AD_U_1_V 10 Unipolar 0V ~ 1V
AD_U_0_1_V 100 Unipolar 0V ~ 0.1V
AD_U_0_01_V 1,000 Unipolar 0V ~ 0.01V
AD_B_10_V 0.5 Bipolar ± 10V
AD_B_1_V 5 Bipolar ± 1V
AD_B_0_1_V 50 Bipolar ± 0.1V
AD_B_0_01_V 500 Bipolar ± 0.01V

64 • C Language Library
For the ACL-8112DG card, the gain values supported are 1, 2, 4, and 8.
The relationship between analog input voltage range, gain and input
type are specified in the table below.
** this table only applies for the ACL-8112DG ( low gain) card.

Input type
AD_INPUT GAIN (Bipolar or Input Range
AD_B_5_V 1 Bipolar ± 5V
AD_B_2_5_V 2 Bipolar ± 2.5V
AD_B_1_25_V 4 Bipolar ± 1.25V
AD_B_0_625_V 8 Bipolar ± 0.625V
AD_U_10_V 1 Unipolar 0V ~ 10V
AD_U_5_V 2 Unipolar 0V ~ 5V
AD_U_2_5_V 4 Unipolar 0V ~ 2.5V
AD_U_1_25_V 8 Unipolar 0V ~ 1.25V

For the ACL-8112PG card, the gain values supported are 1,2,4,8,and
The initial value of the gain is '1'. The relationship between gain and
input voltage ranges is specified by following tables:
when input voltage range is set to ±5 V (JP9),
Gain Code Gain Input Range (V)
AD_GAIN_1 X1 ±5 V
AD_GAIN_2 X2 ±2.5 V
AD_GAIN_4 X4 ±1.25 V
AD_GAIN_8 X8 ±0.625 V
AD_GAIN_16 X 16 ±0.3125V

when input voltage range is set to ±10 V(JP9),

Gain Code Gain Input Range (V)
AD_GAIN_1 X1 ±10 V
AD_GAIN_2 X2 ±5 V
AD_GAIN_4 X4 ±2.5 V
AD_GAIN_8 X8 ±1.25 V
AD_GAIN_16 X 16 ±0.625 V

C Language Library • 65
int _8112_AD_Set_Range( int ad_range )
int _8112pg_AD_Set_Gain( int ad_range )
int ad_range: the programmable range of A/D
conversion, pleas refer to above tables for the
possible values .
Return Code:
#include “8112.h”
_8112_Initial( CARD_1, A8112B_HG, 0x220 );
/* Assume NoError when Initialize ACL-8112 */

_8112_AD_Input_Mode( DIFFERENTIAL) ;
/* set analog input mode as “differential” mode */

_8112_AD_Set_Range( AD_B_5_V );
printf( "The A/D analog input range is +/- 5V \n" );

for( j = 0; j < 7; j++)

_8112_AD_Set_Channel( j );
printf( "AD channel j is now selected.\n" );

/* all analog input operations are based on

analog differential mode,
input range is from -5V to +5V */

66 • C Language Library
7.10 _8112_AD_Set_Mode

This function is used to set the A/D trigger and data transfer mode by
means of writing data to the mode control register. The hardware initial
state for the ACL-8112 is set as AD_MODE_1 software( internal) trigger
with program polling data mode.
A/D Mode Description
AD_MODE_0 External Trigger, Software Polling
AD_MODE_1 Software Trigger, Software Polling
AD_MODE_2 Timer Trigger, DMA Transfer
AD_MODE_3 External Trigger, DMA Transfer
AD_MODE_4 External Trigger, Interrupt Transfer
AD_MODE_5 Software Trigger, Interrupt Transfer
AD_MODE_6 Timer Trigger, Interrupt Transfer
AD_MODE_7 Not Used

Note: All analog input modes selection should match with the hardware
settings, which is described in the hardware users manual.

int _8112_AD_Set_Mode(int ad_mode )
int _8112pg_AD_Set_Mode(int ad_mode )
ad_mode: AD trigger and data transfer mode
( please refer above table.)

Return Code:

C Language Library • 67
#include “8112.h”

_8112_Initial( CARD_1, A8112B_HG, 0x220 );
/* Assume NoError when Initialize ACL-8112 */

_8112_AD_Input_Mode( DIFFERENTIAL) ;
/* set analog input mode as “differential” mode */

_8112_AD_Set_Range( AD_B_5_V );
printf( "The A/D analog input range is +/- 5V \n" );

_8112_AD_Set_Mode( AD_MODE_6 );
printf( "Now, disable internal trigger.\n" );

/* All A/D conversion will be trigger by internal

timer pacer, and the converted data should be
transfered in the interrupt service routine. ( ISR).

68 • C Language Library
7.11 _8112_AD_Soft_Trig

This function is used to trigger an A/D conversion using software trigger.
When the function is called, a trigger pulse will be generated and the
converted data will be stored at base address Base+4 and Base+5, and
can be retrieved using function _8112_AD_Acquire(). Refer to section

int _8112_AD_Soft_Trig( void )
int _8112pg_AD_Soft_Trig( void )


Return Code:

#include “8112.h”

_8112_Initial( CARD_1, 8112DG, 0x220 );
/* Assume NoError when Initialize ACL-8112 */

printf( "Now, AD is triggered.\n" );
_8112_AD_Aquire( &data);

C Language Library • 69
7.12 _8112_AD_Aquire

This function is used to poll an AD conversion. It will trigger an AD
conversion, and read a 12-bit A/D data when the data is ready ('data
ready' bit becomes low).

int _8112_AD_Aquire( int *ad_data )
int _8112pg_AD_Aquire( int *ad_data )
ad_data: 12-bit A/D converted value, the value
within 0 to 4095.

Return Code:

#include “8112.h”
int ad_data;
int ErrCode;

_8112_Initial( CARD_1, 8112B-DG, 0x220 );

/* Assume NoError when Initialize ACL-8112 */

/* Set to software trigger at first*/

_8112_AD_Set_Mode( AD_MODE_1 );
/* then trigger the AD */
/* wait for AD data ready then read it */
ErrCode = _8112_AD_Aquire( &ad_data );
if( ErrCode == ERR_NoError )
printf( "The AD value is %d.\n", ad_data );
printf( "AD conversion error happen\n" );
Also see deme program 'AD_DEMO.C'

70 • C Language Library
7.13 _8112_CLR_IRQ

This function is used to clear an interrupt request which gets requested
by the ACL-8112. If you used an interrupt to transfer an A/D converted
data, you should use this function to clear the interrupt request status,
otherwise new interrupts will not be generated.

int _8112_CLR_IRQ( void )
int _8112pg_CLR_IRQ( void )
Return Code:

C Language Library • 71
7.14 _8112_AD_DMA_Start

The function will perform an A/D conversion N times with DMA data
transfer using the pacer trigger (internal timer trigger). It takes place in
the background and will not stop until the Nth conversion has been
performed or your program executes the _8112_AD_DMA_Stop()
function to stop the process. After executing this function, it is
necessary to check the status of the operation by using the function
_8112_AD_DMA_Status(). This function can only be performed on an
A/D channel with a fixed analog input range.

int _8112_DMA_Start( int ad_ch_no, int ad_range,
int dma_ch_no, int irq_ch_no
int count , int *ad_buffer
unsigned int c1, unsigned int c2)
int _8112pg_DMA_Start( int ad_ch_no, int ad_gain,
int dma_ch_no, int irq_ch_no
int count , int *ad_buffer
unsigned int c1, unsigned int c2)

ad_ch_no: A/D channel number
ad_range: A/D analog input range, please refer to
the Section 7.9 to find the possible
dma_ch_no: DMA channel number, DMA_CH_1 or DMA_CH_3

Note: Make sure your hardware configuration is set to the correct DMA

irq_ch_no: IRQ channel number, used to stop DMA

Note: Make sure your hardware configuration is set to the correct IRQ
interrupt level.

72 • C Language Library
count: the number of A/D conversion
ad_buffer: the start address of the memory buffer
to store the AD data, the buffer size
must large than the numbers of AD
c1: the 16-bit timer frequency divider of
timer channel #1
c2: the 16-bit timer frequency divider of
timer channel #2

Return Code:
See Demo Program 'AD_Demo4.C

C Language Library • 73
7.15 _8112_AD_DMA_Status

Since the _8112_AD_DMA_Start function is executed in the
background, you can issue the function _8112_AD_DMA_Status to
check its operation status.

int _8112_AD_DMA_Status( int *status , int *count )
int _8112pg_AD_DMA_Status( int *status , int *count )
status: status of the DMA data transfer
0: AD DMA is not completed
1: AD DMA is completed
count: the number of A/D data which has been

Return Code:

See demo program 'AD_Demo4.C'

74 • C Language Library
7.16 _8112_AD_DMA_Stop

This function is used to stop the DMA data transfer. After executing this
function, the internal A/D trigger is disabled and the A/D timer ( timer #1
and #2) is stopped. The function returns the number of data’s which
have been transferred, no matter if the A/D DMA data transfer is
stopped by this function or by the DMA terminal count ISR.

int _8112_AD_DMA_Stop( int *count )
int _8112pg_AD_DMA_Stop( int *count )

count: the number of A/D converted data which
has beentransferred.

Return Code:

See demo program 'AD_Demo4.C'

C Language Library • 75
7.17 _8112_AD_INT_Start

The function will perform an A/D conversion N times with interrupt data
transfer using the pacer trigger. It takes place in the background which
will not stopped until the Nth conversion has completed or your program
executes the _8112_AD_INT_Stop() function to stop the process. After
executing this function, it is necessary to check the status of the
operation by issuing the 8112_AD_INT_Status() function. The function
can only be performed on an A/D channel with a fixed analog input

int _8112_INT_Start( int ad_ch_no, int ad_range,
int irq_ch_no, int count, int
*ad_buffer, unsigned int c1, unsigned int c2)
int _8112pg_INT_Start( int ad_ch_no, int ad_gain,
int irq_ch_no, int count, int
*ad_buffer, unsigned int c1, unsigned int c2)

ad_ch_no: A/D channel number
ad_range: A/D analog input range, please refer
to section 7.9 for the possible

irq_ch_no: IRQ channel number, used to stop DMA

count: the number of A/D conversion
ad_buffer: the start address of the memory buffer
to store the A/D data, the buffer
size must be larger than the number
of A/D conversions.
c1: the 16-bit timer frequency divider of
timer channel #1
c2: the 16-bit timer frequency divider of
timer channel #2

76 • C Language Library
Return Code:

See demo Program 'AD_Demo2.C'

7.18 _8112_AD_INT_Status

Since the _8112_AD_INT_Start() function is executed in the
background, you can issue the function _8112_AD_INT_Status to check
the status of the interrupt operation.

int _8112_AD_INT_Status( int *status , int *count )
int _8112pg_AD_INT_Status( int *status , int *count )
status: status of the INT data transfer
0: A/D INT is completed
1: A/D INT is not completed
count: current conversion count number.

Return Code:

See demo program 'AD_Demo2.C'

C Language Library • 77
7.19 _8112_AD_INT_Stop

This function is used to stop the interrupt data transfer function. After
executing this function, the internal AD trigger is disabled and the AD
timer is stopped. The function returns the number of data which has
been transferred, no matter whether the AD interrupt data transfer is
stopped by this function or by the _8112_AD_INT_Start() itself.

int _8112_AD_INT_Stop( int *count )
int _8112pg_AD_INT_Stop( int *count )

count: the number of A/D data which has been

Return Code:
See Demo Program 'AD_Demo2.C'

78 • C Language Library
7.20 _8112_AD_Timer

This function is used to setup Timer #1 and Timer #2.
Timer #1 & #2 are used as frequency dividers for generating constant
A/D sampling rate. It is possible to stop the pacer trigger by setting any
one of the dividers to 0. The AD conversion rate is limited by the
conversion time of the AD converter, the highest sampling rate of the
ACL-8112 can not exceed 100KHz, thus the multiplication of the
dividers must be larger than 20.

int _8112_AD_Timer( unsigned int c1 , unsigned int
c2 )
int _8112pg_AD_Timer( unsigned int c1 , unsigned int
c2 )
c1: frequency divider of timer #1
c2: frequency divider of timer #2,

Note: The A/D sampling rate is equal to: 2MHz / (c1 * c2), if c1 = 0 or c2 =
0, the pacer trigger will be stopped.

Return Code:
int ErrCode;
_8112_Initial( CARD_1, A8112B_HG, 0x220 );
/* Assume ERR_NoError when Initialize ACL-8112 */

_8112_AD_Timer( 10 , 10 );
/* set AD sampling rate to 2MHz/(10*10) */
_8112_AD_Timer( 0 , 0 );
/* stop the pacer trigger */

C Language Library • 79
7.21 _8112_TIMER_Start

Timer #0 on the ACL-8112 is freely available to be programmed by the
users. This function is used to program Timer #0. This timer can be
used as a frequency generator if an internal clock is used. It also can
be used as an event counter if an external clock is used.

int _8112_TIMER_Start( int timer_mode, unsigned int
c0 )
int _8112pg_TIMER_Start( int timer_mode, unsigned int
c0 )
timer_mode: the 8253 timer mode, the possible
values are:
c0: the counter value of timer
Return Code:

See demo program 'TMR_DEMO.C'

80 • C Language Library
7.22 _8112_TIMER_Read

This function is used to read the counter value of Timer #0.

int _8112_TIMER_Read( unsigned int *counter_value )
int _8112pg_TIMER_Read( unsigned int *counter_value )

counter_value: the counter value of the Timer #0

Return Code:
See demo program 'TMR_DEMO.C'

7.23 _8112_TIMER_Stop

This function is used to stop the timer operation. The timer is set to
'One-shot' mode with counter value ' 0 '. That is, the clocks’ output
signal will be set high after executing this function.

int _8112_TIMER_Stop( unsigned int *counter_value )
int _8112pg_TIMER_Stop( unsigned int *counter_value )

*counter_value: the current counter value of the
Timer #0
Return Code:

See demo program 'TMR_DEMO.C'

C Language Library • 81
Appendix A. Demo Programs

In this software diskette, there are 8 example programs provided. It will help
with programming applications using the C Language Library. The
description of these programs are describe below:

A/D conversion using software trigger and

AD_DEMO1.C: program data transfer.
A/D conversion using interrupt and program
data transfer.
AD_DEMO3.C: A/D conversion using DMA data transfer.
A/D conversion using multiple channels and
input range programmable, trigger using the
PC timer, and saves all data to a file called
DA_DEMO.C: D/A conversion
DI_DEMO.C: Read data from digital input channels
DO_DEMO.C: Write data to digital output channels
TMR_DEMO.C: Handle 8253 Timer/Counter

82 • Appendix A Demo Programs

Warranty Policy

Thank you for choosing ADLINK. To understand your rights and enjoy all
the after-sales services we offer, please read the fo llowing carefully.

1. Before using ADLINK’s products, please read the user manual and
follow the instructions exactly. When sending in damaged products
for repair, please attach an RMA application form.

2. All ADLINK products come with a two-year guarantee, free of

repair charge.

• The warranty period starts from the product’s shipment date

from ADLINK’s factory
• Peripherals and third-party products not manufactured by
ADLINK will be covered by the original manufacturers’ warranty
• End users requiring maintenance services should contact their
local dealers. Local warranty conditions will depend on the local

3. Our repair service does not cover the two-year warranty, if

damages are cause by the following events:

a. Damage caused by not following instructions in the user’s

b. Damage caused by carelessness on the users’ part during
product transportation.
c. Damage caused by fire, earthquakes, floods, lightening,
pollution and incorrect usage of voltage transformers.
d. Damage caused by unsuitable storage environments with high
temperatures, high humidity or volatile chemicals.
e. Damage caused by leakage of battery fluid when changing
f. Damages from improper repair by unauthorized technicians.
g. Products with altered and damaged serial numbers are not
entitled to our service.
h. Other categories not protected under our guarantees.

Warranty Policy • 83
4. Customers are responsible for the fees regarding transportation of
damaged products to our company or to the sales office.

5. To ensure the speed and quality of product repair, please

download an RMA application form from our company website
www.adlinktech.com . Damaged products with RMA forms attached
receive priority.

For further questions, please contact our FAE staff.

ADLINK: service@adlinktech.com
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Computer & Communication Product Segment: NuPRO@adlinktech.com ;

84 • Warranty Policy

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