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80 GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO. KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 4 ‘TP HO CHI MINH NAM HOC 2014-2015 MON: TIENG ANH 10 ‘Théi glan lam bal: 150 phat (khong ké thoi gian giao a8) DE CHINH THUC Ngay 04 thang 4 nam 2015 ‘Dé nay gdm 4 trang LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION | Liston to the recorcing carefuty and wnte down the missing words on your answer shet Driving a tax isnt only (1)___ Its bad for a person's health as wel, Taxi drivers ( lot of svess every day out on the street. Of course, we all know they have to drive in (3)__ traffic, but they also have to dive in bad weather (4)__. Think about having to try in a bg ety during a(n) (5)__. In adaion, ta civers have to work on holgays! There isn't much bme for them to spend (6)___wat their ends and families. Al of these can (7)_a diver health I's no (2)_a lt of tal ervers have igh blood (9]_—_and other heath problems. Driving a tax fs (10]_—— a stressful ob. ‘SECTION Il. stent the recording. For questions 11 - 16, choase the opto (A, B, C, or D) which best completes the blank space or Dest answers the question. 41, Atballet school in New York, Eiena ‘A was the only student from Bulgaria 8. found leaming he language hard . sufered trom a rare disease |Dileamed tobe dependent 42, What does Elena say about the Balt called Cindorola? ‘A hleen wey 8, The music was unfamiliar to her. was so move Performing it . She saw it when id. 413. Inher free time, Elena les to, a A gofishing B96 sigtseein ©. goto cubs shopping 14. What does Elena fen dota her fans? 2 ae “A She gave them a flower B. She eats outwith one of them. . She sends them a free ticket. 1. She signs one of her photograph. 41. What does Elena lke best about her job? ‘A geting applause B. appearing on TV C1 éoing something she loves _D. traveling toiferent countries ‘SECTION I Listen to two pieces of radio news. Give brif answers tothe questions. 16. Why di the explosion happen, according to the Gas Board officials? 17. What cracked the gas main? 18. How many goats did Rangers score in the frst ha? 19. When did Franklin start imping? 20. How was the weather during the match? USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, orD) that best completes the sentence. 1. They told me he was home then Astral lace tor foray C.adtancect ——_D.alongway tom 2. Dont you fink they are abe to help ‘A-each other one B. their own | C.one another D. together 3. Up high inthe shy. ‘Ais a plane fying past |B.the plane is fying. pastflewa plane Dis fying pasta plane 4. He doesn't drink much A inthe event 5. He gave me allot of information, police catch him as he dives home, incase C. despite D. otherwise | couldn't remember ‘A them all nothing D. none of it 6. This planis very good sibly. Ain contact with interms of Cin return for D. in addition to 7. They may have ther fight resch A inwhich event ‘8. She seldom goes shopping wit A doesnt she they wil let you know. in which case C. by which time D. at which point ‘mother by her side, 2 joes she Csshe D. wouldnt she 9. Men cause fatal accidents as women do for every mie they drive. A twice more ‘asmany double as much ____D. as double 40, Had we known they 2 road right there, we would never have bought the house, ‘were bulding B.couldhave bultC. mustbe building D. were going to build 411. The government setup a(n), ‘body onthe use of drugs in sport. - ‘a advisable B inadvisable C welhadvised {D. advisory 42. The principal doesnt alow in the auditorium, ‘Aus smoke king ©. to smoke D. us smoking Tim not them staying 3s long as it's onl fora couple of days. a egerowan B. looking forward to ppased to D. objected to Scanned with CamScanner ©. solaxy D. much any ! | | a Tatwerteris_—— PANS aay \ Sacer Serta aah prohers | se'Hesve aayassconastbelgiis—— 9" changed D.grew | Tietaenates_—_atpntoca stents sors ee. i 12 ia s_ Herboeveanyting Yous c.belevabie © D.gutble | 12 eager alan ba sappy te —— "eb D. sat down i ze ifecatdzy. tem seem = 1st. D.aninen | eee cee a2 arse ts 29 — Be tee mid nldapariatrPes98* so agn camera broke sway 2 igre aes eS econe O,nave done as coaipay ba pew |___ asa a oe erepacone Owes bce ‘Kimayravebecone 25, We cant best ——_ rating. sreundtodo _C. siting around doing _D. to sit around without doing Pee ae to take part in the peace demonstration in Washingtor eatcioe piven cee 7 Peed andra 'B. out and about C. there and back D. far and wide SAE ame aan whe odcbawee A are submitted Boe submitted C. should submit D. will have been submitted ee eater te Drom epletan LER Aetna, Reet a yr C. so you will be sacked immediately D. and you'll be fired right away | Se et sescmconasmaiarse ad ras rcmccon er —o etd op | a teen cea | Doms pape etme malta SA ee ee mon anktern Dad arcs a hetenoee Oe, akon ere pnt vs nage ee See eee ee oy mas tate dese (Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, orD) that is incorrect. 56 Neral he eect ering use ast comes fom large generators ven by steam tins. B c D 57. The clas leas, on behalf the chess, promises ot come to he shod ate apn any re c D 28. Wl saul inzease the usage af atematve energy snc hep edie the emission of carton conde c a 0 39, There ar 2 some trating hanaome Soaneh al exchange stuerts paving nour hese 3 D 40 Pinata te gene term for arumbazof processes, hich wood and engraving ar wo prime exams ¢ D WORD FORMS. (4 pi) | 1A Filin the blank withthe appropriate form of the word glven in brackets. | ieee ee See Cee! as ie ene aoe" | yant isreenertet ees {They rade coral ——sbeatire are" assure) NN SO RHORIRE AEA. (INCREASE) 4 ar Ene frye haw 8 medical, (CHECK) ey are discussing the of the effectiveness of the system. | ‘RRSaSeaae muatmaaeronaeec Mg = | Scanned with CamScanner ‘wander plenty case se tarve Peon eased on SRE escape att trom pace © place, On te SEB eaope inthe Stone Age ved onthe edge of (12) —__, in smal groups (18)_———_ ound am Pac lace. On tne canary, reer (14) "of erehaeatogcal tos haven fact Sow ate was a eat el) rere lige rene arn Communes, Aer he Te Age the weather was warmer than its today and food was (16) There Stew in the forests fish could easly be caught in rvers and the sea, and a huge (17)__ of plants nd berries During the Stone Age or Mesolithic Per 16)_ife Large hic Period, as tis known to archaeologas, men and women led an active cocal and ‘ {(19)_____ where up to 200 people may have ved, have been found in several pars of Europe, in adetion to {he FSTaS of communal sed to take part tombs and temples. Making stone tools was (20)__ seen as a communal activity in which even children GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 8) ‘ead te passage ond choose the best opdon (A,B, Cor D foreach blank space as 5 bo earned See Es (1 mearing = isa kind of human action. Like any oher repeated acton speaking Ae far ae ca e's eared, & Becomes @ general (2)__and apparent automatic process. of. 0 we co cetemine, Hunan Benge 60 ft need to be] to pea, most Babies eum 1 posses a sat of fom a pareular sowety (8) Kee noises. How to speak and what (@ are another mater altogether. These are leamed Npeinanscened oy — Dy i orn: so tha, ike al congucl Hats leamed fom a society — from the people arcund us meandenng (6)____ and chatter of young child are eventually channeled by imitation into a few orderly grooves that ___ the pattem accepted as meaningful by the 1 ‘people around him. Similarly, a cits indiscriminate (6)___of puting arss iis hs modh becomes imted fo puting food ino his mouth in a certain day. The sounds that a hid can make are more Coon ws than the sounds that any prtcua language utes, However, acid bom into a society wh a pater of language S encouraged to make a smal (10) ‘of sounds and to make these few sounds over and over unt tis natural for him 4. transmit B. describe c. convey D. reveal BA unconsious B. unknown C.insensibie D-irational explained B forced ©. directed D.leamed 4A tik B.teling Cito say D. speaking 5 A into where B.into which ito this D. into that BA baabter B. chip . babble . coon ZA represent Benes Cte D. give routine practice custom D. habitat 8. changed B. distorted C vanes D retected™ 410. A. gathering BB. accumulation C.gettogetner D. selection READING COMPREHENSION | (10 ps) Choose the Item (A, B, C of D) that Best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. Large animals that inhabit tne desert have evolved a number of adaptations fr reducing the effects of extreme heat. One adaptation is fo be ght In color, and to reflect rather than abso the Suns rays. Deset mammals also depart from the normal Tarmatan practice f maintaining a constant body temperature. Instead of tying to Keep down the body temperature deep inside the Day whch would involve tre expenditure of water and energy, desert mammals allow ther temperatures to rise to what would Pocfaly be fever height snd temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius have been measured in Gres gazes. The overheated touy then costs down gun the Cold desert igh, and indeed the lemperature may fall unusually low by dawn, as low as 34 degrees Cee the conc Ths an advantage since tie heat ofthe frst few hours of dayight is absorbed in warming up the body, and an texcessve buildup of neat does not begin unt wel ino the day. Seotsa? salegy of arge desert anmas 1st tolerate the loss of body water to a point that would be fatal for nonadaptes animals Pe ear hse opto 30 percent ofits body weight as water without harm to self, whereas human beings die afer losing srr ad ta ta percent ther body weight An equaly important adaptation f the aby to replenish ths water loss atone eink. Desert ae re ee yous volumes a short ime, and camels Rave been known fo ibe over 100 Her ina few minutes. Avery sara ce sere on he otter and, cannot drink enough water fo reyrae at one session, because the human stomach i not esis fy on because to raid caution of te body fhids causes dest rom water irtxcaton The tolerance of wate loss fof a eee efceon, oe animals do rot have to remain neat a water Role Bi can obtain food from grazing sparse end far fans Sactures, Deer adapted’ manmals have the further abit to feed normaly when extremely dehydrated, i's @ common ‘expenence in people that eppette is lost even under conditions of moderate thst 1. What is the main topic of the passage? (A) Weather variations in the desert (8) Adaptations of desert animals (C) Diseases of desert animals {0) Human use of desert animals 2. Rowording tothe passage, why is light coloring an advantage to large desert animale? (ithe bem fice fom presets, (3) thes em see tre young aight 2. GalwcrdSnaotoang ie carestn mening (measur imertna « Semtor oes ol Grants gala a ane of (yan anal th oo verge tempers (nar animal at can wiheanatigh boy tempers {@) it does not absorb sunlight as much as dark colors. {D) It keeps them cool at right (©) preserving (0) delaying (8) an animal that s not as well adapted as the camel {(O)a desert animal witha constant body temperature Scanned with CamScanner ‘5, When s the intemal temperature ofa large desert mammal lower? (A) dust befoe sunrise {@)inthe middle of the day ——_(C) Justater sunset (©) Just after erinking iclerate" fs closest in mearing to : Gyendure (8) replace (©) compensate (0) reduce What ter Intoxication? * r A) ‘inking too much wate very qUCAY (8) Drinking polluted water (C) Bacteria in water oly about desert — (0) Lack of water. the author imply a vodapted| 8 They do ot ned to et much fod. (8) They can eat larga quanites quickly (C) They easily lose their appetites. (D) They can travel long distances looking for food. 9. why does the thor menton Rumans inthe second paragraph? (A) To show how they use camels. (8) To contrast them to desert mammals. {(0) To show how they have adapted to deser ite. (6) To ge rsructons abou desert survival so\vinatvor te fetowing is NOT mentioned as an adaptation of ange desert animals? (A) Vanaton a body temperatures (@) Eating while dehycrated (C) Drinking water quickly (0) Being active at night. OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) Pirin each blank with ONE sultable word to make a meaningful passage. PASSAGE A For years, concem has been (1)____by parents and teachers about the elect of computer games onthe moral and 2,__‘“ndkeup ofthe nex (2). - > Some have wamed thal a relenfese et of whiz-bang shoot‘emups' fosters atsocal Scheer 4) playground violence (6) believe thatthe age of the zombie is upon us. BuapeR opriens ()_- redcaly:Peyehotogiss in America and Brain now suggest that 7)___ computers games hold some dangers fe chidren, hey abo provide opportunites thelr parents (@)__- enjoyed to amply powers concentration and mmonory. Researchers (@)_-— ato highlighted te postive (10, of Gilden to the way computer games reward success, thereby spusng (1). on look for greater chalenges ~a boone same attude ls epptied to schoo (12)_—_. Aleadng case othe Unvesy ot Vlashigton has even clad tat ren tink (19)__---— when they play computer games learing to Goal with problems in paraliel rather than in sequence. In (14) ‘ciren are being trained to tackle problems in a (15), wien not ony more rapid but alco mare elective. PASSAGES “Te geographical (1)__of county ants physical characteristics are vry important ots (2)_an progress. The United states very forunste TSO), ist ofa has a good cimaté- TH @]_____all sectons of ne courtry itis possible to ve comfortably during tho (5) Year. tis te bat nthe sou f sometimes ges yeH/@)_- andin the nor very cold But he people who hve in tese (7 Eeeime accustomed tothe climate and neve sufer), ——when the weathers ether very hot of very cal tna large county @) usualy a great varaly of ferent phyla characters, nthe Uned States, thre are wide plans and Nigh (10) © ToUSands of takes and ters ofa ses, cool forests end hot (11). and a coaeUine several Fousand mies ong ‘The many fakes and vrs, 2s wel as the long coastne, have been of great (12) __ tothe development of the county since they have made (12)_— the easy transportation of people and all tne things they need. Transportation by water i si esesaar and portant In7D0dai (14. "> howevel, tains, automobles, tucks and aplanes are doing much of re work which ae 19) done by snips and boat SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) Rewrite each sentence In such 2 way tat K means almost the same asthe one printed before It. Use the word n brackets trtvout making any change fo {LHe tok te nce cttne man siandng atthe gate. (WAS) Site gant poy 2 She burst no Teas Ted afer saying FAD) 3 Nosooner 3 Theaters paverance aivaced sucha big Gowda nado iartate. (SHOWED) 5 Someny 2 should have Dough te car aa weeks auclon. (AUCTIONED) Sir The arpa ands cieron used to do most ofa farm work WELL) 3 Master the atendance at teal math was vey ow, SEE) 3 Hardy 7, Athougie poTapETES Sone Tals, ReannessTe atone eM. (INCLUDE) Sinnatever 8 Everyone Feard abou The aocdert beers Tai NFORMED) 3 Iwas, 8: SomeGne Fas Hggested Daning ars Forney enka (AUTHORITY) St {o. You cannoli that precious Book anjuere age xcept her pivate Koray. (RATHER) Sis ‘THE END OF THE TEST Scanned with CamScanner $0 GIAO DYC VA BAO TAO TP HO CHI MINH LISTENING (20 pts) KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 1 NAM HQC 2014-2015 MON: TIENG ANH 10 KEY SECTION I. (0.5 pt each correct answer) (1) dangerous (4) conditions (7) affect (2) experience (5) snowstorm (8) wonder (3) rush-hour (6) relaxing (9) pressure (10) indeed SECTION I. (1 pt each correct answer) 11. D. leamed to be dependent 42. A Children will enjoy it 13. D. go shopping 14. A, She gave them a flower. 45. C. doing something she loves USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 4. D. a long way from 2.C. one another 3. D. is fiying past a plane 4... incase 5.8. itall 6.8. interms of 7. B. in which case 8. B. does she 9. B. twice as many 10. A. were building 11. D. advisory 12. B. smoking 13. C. opposed to 14. B. more lazy 15. D. others WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. (2 pts each correct answer) 1. sociability 2. cooperative 3. deserted 4, negotiators (nos > 4 pt) 5. independence B. (2 pts each correct answer) 14. misconception 42, starvation 13, wandering 14, studies (nos > 1 pt) SECTION III. (2 pts each correct answer) 16. (due to /! because of) leaking gas 17. vibration from i road works 18. 2/ two goals 19, towards the end of // the second half 20. appalling (// bad (1 pt)) 16. B. tumed 30. D. and you'll be fired 417... abuse right away 18. D. gullible 31. D. well-informed 19. C. went back 32. A let alone 20. B. a wink 33. A. had an influence on 21. B. fake him 22. C. tender 34, A. nearly tripled 23. B. fell through 35. C. brainwashes 24. D. have done 36. 25. C. could have become 37.C 26. C. sitting around doing 38.8 27. D. far and wide 39.6 28. B. be submitted 40.C 29. D. Either will do 6. increasingly 9. maximizing / 7. assumptions (nos > 4 maximization pt) 10. bird-watching 8. check-up / checkup (no - (hyphen) > 4 pt) 45. easier 49, encampments (no s > 46. plentiful 4 pt) 47. variety 20. probably 48. spiritual Scanned with CamScanner GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) rrect answer) : {Emp 5,8 into which 2. A. unconscious 6. C. babble 3. B. forced 7. A represent 4.C. losay READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 4, (B) Adaptations of desert animals 2. (B) It does not absorb sunlight as much as dark colors. 3. (C) preserving : 4, (C) a desert animal that can withstand high body temperatures 5. (A) Just before sunrise OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) PASSAGE A (2 pis each correct answer) (1) expressed (2) mental (3) generation (4) even/ and (1 pt) (5) Others (6) shifting / changing (1 pt) (7) while / meanwhile / whereas (8) never PASSAGE B (2 pts each correct answer) (1) location (2) development (3) respect (4) almost / nearly (5) whole (6) hot (7) regions / areas (1 pt) (8) much SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (2 pts each correct answer) (20 pts) . > Most of the farm work’ ©@NOgsens 8. B. practice 9. C. varied 10. D. selection 6. (A) endure 7. (A) Drinking too much water very quickly’ 8. (D) They can travel long distances looking for food, 9. (B) To contrast them to desert mammals. 10. (D) Being active at night. (9) have : (10) response / attitude (1 pt) / reaction (1 pt) (11) them (42) work (13) differently (14) effect (15) fashion | way (9) there (10) mountains (11) deserts (12) significance / importance (13) possible (14) times (15) formerly > He didn't pay much attention to the man who was standing at the gate. 5 No sooner had she said it than / before she burst into tears. > So many people showed up at the artist’s performance that it had to start late. > Ifonly | had bought the. ag that was) auctioned last week. a fone by the farmer as well as his children. . > Hardly anyone came to see the football match. > Whatever faults he perhaps has, they do not include meanness. > Iwas the last one to be informed / who was informed about the accident. > Ithas been suggested that the authority (should) ban cars from the city center. 40. > It is (only) in her private library that you can find that precious book rather than anywhere else. THE END Scanned with CamScanner rrr ere rere ere rr pec sree caresses eres crete ures ttcgpee eta cere cece “SOGIAQ DUC VADAO TAO ~—_—KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 1 TP HO CHI MINH NAM HQC 2014-2015 MON: TIENG ANH 11 7 ‘Thdi gian lam bal: 150 phist (khéng ké thdi gian giao ai BE CHINH THUG Ngay 04 thang 4 nam 2015 BE nay gdm 4 trang LISTENING (20 pts) ‘SECTION |, Liston fo the reconting carvfuty and wrtto down the missing words on your answer shot How does Nathan Sawaya make his (1)__? When he starts a project, he looks at photos of the (2)__he is going to ‘make. He sometimes looks at hundreds of photos. Me then draws (3)_____to help him picture the sculpture in his mind. After this preparation, i's on to bulking For this, he needs bricks, time, and patience. (4)___with LEGO materials is a slow (8)____. Qute often, he has to change his orginal idea of the ecuipture as he builds. Sometimes, ho has to (6)__down pat ofthe sculpture he has already done in order to rebuld i ina better (7) ‘What's the (8)__ thing about LEGO Sculpture? Sawaya says ts using straght ines to represent (8), ‘As aT LEGO bricks are straight and square, it takes a lle (10)__ to use them to make round object. ‘SECTION Liston tothe recording For questions 11 - 15, choose the option (A, B, C, or D) which best completes the blank ‘sp0c0 or bast answers the quesbon. 11. What does Sarah say about her job? ‘A. She enjoys the spirt of teamwork B. She sometimes has to work at night. . She works ten or twelve hours a day, D. She enjoys getting up early. 12, When Sarah does a weather forecast, ‘A she prepares tin advance. BB. She has to do some rehearsal C. She sometimes forgets her words. 0. She worries about making a mistake. 18, Sarah's husband. ‘A. works on the same days each week. . wants to move nearer his work. C. expects to get a promotion, D. spends alt of time traveling. 14, Sarahis pleased because she ‘Achas got her pts license, B. taught her husband to play tennis. is going to have a vacation. . took patina ong race. 15. Aman in Inia wanted ‘A to invite Sarah Out. 8. to meet Sarah's family. C. a photo of Sarah. _D. to receive a letter from Sarah, ‘SECTION Ill. Liston tothe recording. Give brief answers to the questions. 15. Why doesn’ the fest woman download music from cheaper websites? 17, What can the man do when he has become a member ofthe website? 18. How mach was the membership? 19 Whats the name of the website the second woman found? 20. Why doesn't she want to buy DVDs? USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentonce. 1 1 stated to rain ‘K Hardly when he stepped out 8. No sooner had he stepped out before CC. No longer cid he step out when . Barely had he stepped out than 2. Helen is said ‘amilionaie, ‘A.to get married B. to have got married with © to be maried to D.to have been married with 3 ‘the teacher decided to punish him severely. Rserious mistake was made by the student 1B Making a tertile mistake . The student having made a serious mistake 1D. Altiough the student had made a terble mistake 4.Do you really understand all he said? A what Bewtich . that D. of what 5. Ifyou can win his attention, it's for you ‘Aso better much Bthe bettersomuch _C. somuch the better __D. the better so much 6. He looks familiar. | him somewhere before. ‘A. should have seen B. had to see C.musthave seen. would have seen 7. Give her a telephone number toring she gets lost. A. whethe B. incase . unless D. athough 8.We. al the way tothe meeting; it had already been put off because ofthe absence ofthe director. ‘A. didn't need to un B. shouldn'thave run. can'thave run D. needn't have run ©. can't concentrate! I wish they that annoying noise on the upper floor. ‘A.all could stop had all stopped . would al stop D. are all stopping 10. It seems that we are having ‘assignments this term. ‘A. twice more B-two times many . double number D. twice as many 11, Asa student, you should ‘whatever your feacher tels you to. ‘A. come across .resutt in . carry out D.nun away 412. The tooth was so badly that it had to be pulled. ‘A disturbed. Bi. decayed C. decomposed D. disordered 18. After the football match the crowds ‘out ofthe stadium into the nearest bars and cafes. ‘A. poured B. tickled C. leaked D. dripped 14. Many trouble-makers were__ from schoo! last month. ‘A. moved B. removed C. expelled D. evacuated 16. Ihave all the proof of purchase here; m sure you__me dfferenty otherwise. "A, must have treated B. will weat C. are treating D. would be treating Scanned with CamScanner tribute tothe valuable contributions to society made by voluntary organizations. ‘entrant Pane able cont rae 17a my lea have © on cat damon D. catch upon A getaway * Pw rad job in the exam yesterday. 18. You don't look happy. You seem __@ o ‘Aas if you had been doing ee ‘C. having done D. to have done 10 mis nvr good _—_ Br .inretum or D.inaddiionto petal questen Boltia __oet. : ee mee 8 SoG Comet tbowoht wort oink 21, Tm gory to form you that youre __ ieee oo rn eientncatis to yes ogo Tra ot ear, haan Zanes Biccrod, ‘C smashup D. check-in Sl ee by contrast D. above at manage two weeks 3, idan Bros over tio ©. put away oA Clanens egurements cbvcuay over personal request noe crt B get eet take proty D.do favor 28 Werestedon curideas ___ seriously. . one be taken taking D. being taken zr'sha vaste ___win amazement A onpeaat B speeches ©. outspoken D. speechless 2"Usiess be Pre Meister __" the wang infaton wil ise rapid, ‘Arora Trees applies D. attends 29 The Prana i a(n)___fsh which avery dangerous for eter creatures Ivng around Avestentesh 3 C:eaingfesh D.tesh-eaten so Tm ated tit agurent realy doeent hod Atm water Coons ©. meaning 31. Snow blindness is impaired vision caused by from snow surfaces. ‘bat wan reteesng te rebecion —Creeaed D.isretected 32 Wayouplose encase me? lamfecingattie”__ear, Nn win by oof 2a When ey fst met, Kato was qutetaken dm, ‘A away oh Bi wih . rough su ina oyou__ a he mai svg afecing he sho? ‘Neston Speco Croce deceive a5 See ty on these shoes place : ‘That get ee 3. by al means, 6. Why not? D. Fd love to, st Choose te word or phrase (A,B,C, er) iets Incorect. 3 Sees om steal orca, Bia Trpomde ru al uve dckcrains i 2 57. ary hae reed he fie nan he raed hal had ii walt tome a 3 0 28. The easter sign he students atta sis te ake eam wth one anther « 39. Most of societies have to do without some conveniences to prevent environmental problems. a 8 c D 40, Suid yo iat exerene any tecnica tee, ou ea eson wi be mre han hap ep you a D WORD FORMS (40 pts) A Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets. 3 4 {just love this kind of communication. (ACT) 5. Some _believe hat tie nucear family is rapily becoming a thing ofthe past. (SOCIAL) 6. What aminferested inis the cof your English. (GOOD) 7. The. ‘campaign seems To be achieving some encouraging results. (SMOKE) 8. 'm afraid your bike is_damaged. (REPAIR) Berson who never stops work until very late. (WORK) help you with any problems you might have with the TV. _ (TROUBLE) B. Put the words given in the correct Blanks. You have to use thelr correct forms to make a meaningfl passage. ‘There are two extra words that you cannot use. look deaf polite long sea please avail bad know sleep wide board Last year | won a competion in a newspaper and the prize was a holiday for two in a (1), Mediterranean ‘resort. It tumed out to be an extremely (2)_experience and one which my husband and | would nol ike repeat Our room (3)___ the road, which was unfortunately being (3 at that time, and the nolse from the | machinery wos (9) © Fc soe sane reason te oad wats wen oF Ro a erase fom the ‘suffered several (5)__ nights. Unable to put up with the constant noise, we decided to ‘complain to the manager. We (@)____ expressed our dissatisfaction withthe room and asked if we could possibly change. H ot SuGEEnS asthe hotl was fully booked and there were no spare rooms, = Poss chande. However, our request was 2 Scanned with CamScanner The situation 6)__when my husband . 32 local (9)_ By a sufered food poisoning a resi of eating som fide to thrtan eur stay ond eaten to st (10.___ fight home, They 67 Wat Wave Stioes clots tes Sl poly narew ou horson ths year and enjoy a ween ou ow back garden Read the passage and choose the best - ‘option (A,B, C orD) foreach blank space. = osing sc anke enthusiasts can now enjoy their Tometines perros (1 tafe in the knowledge that they are at least ing some weight. Thanks to Tokyo-based Daichinosho, which sele and (2). out karecke equipment, karaoke machines can now (3) ___how many calories the singer has burt whl singing S079. Over 40,000 uses of is karaoke song broadcasting service Uivoughout Japan have now (4) up fr the companys * Karaoke Git. Such factors 08 the volume and pc ofthe singe’ voice and the tempo and engi aT ne song were ()-—_ io consideration before asining ams sad Soapary mare than 1,000 favorte tunes, ‘Naturaly, te longer and Wel one sings, the more clones aro According to Daiichikosho, the Beatles’ Let it Be burs up 11.4 kcal; but for those interested in (6). 2 litle more woth, « ()__ of Frank Sinatra's cassie My Way wil esl inte loss of 16 Kel A average Ta wil Dum wp nae nat in luring a ten-minute walk, suggesting that karaoke may not be the ideal (8)__ program. In fact, a karaoke (literally ‘empty orchestra’) can be counterproductive to any diet as the singing of such songs usually (10) drink — causing the singer to get back on the tame calories they may have just lost. 1-A-pevommances Be repsanatone, eae th veaeatons 2A borows Bohwes C hanes D. spends Satine B come across © put down D.workot ene B taken ca Yined D reiteres SA taken 8 bout chee Dae B.A sheding B. spreading €. abandoning D releasing 7A ting 8. moaning C endton chanting SAweghtloss weighting = loomgweght alos weight 9. A. engrossing B. absorbing C. indulging D. involving 10.4 suggests requests C.inures D.requres READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) Choose the tem (A,B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. ‘Archaeological records paintings, drawings and canings of humans engaged inact invohng the use of hands- indicate tat humans have been predominantly righthanded for more than 000 years. In ancient Egyptian artwork; for example the ight hand is depicted as the dominant ene in about 90 percent ofthe examples. Fracture or wear pattems on tools also indicate that a majorty of ancient people were ght handed. ‘CroMagnon cave paintings tome 27,000 years el commonly show outines of human hands made by placing one hand agains the cave wal and applying paint wit the ether. Children today make similar outines of ther hands with crayons ‘on paper. Wh fow exceptions, let hands of CroMagnons are displayed on cave wal, indicating thatthe paintings were usualy done by right-handers ‘Antropological evidence pushes the record of handedness in early human ancestors back to at east 14 milion years ago. One important ine of evidence comes fom faking pattems of stone cores used in tol making: implements faked wih a clockwise motion (indicating right handed toonaker) canbe distinguished fom those flaked wih a counter-lockwise {otto (ndicating a lef-nanded tooimaker) Even scratches found on fossil human teeth offer clues. Ancient humans are thought to have cut meat into stips by holding it between their teeth and sicing it with stone knives, 23 do the presentday int. Occasionally the krives slip and leave scratches on the users! teeth. Scratches made wih a le-toright stroke diecon (oy ighthanders) are more common than scratches in the opposte cretion (made by left-hander) Sul ether evidence comes ftom cranial momhology: scents think that physical differences between the right and left sides ofthe inter of the skul indicate suble physical differences between the two sides of the brain. The vareon between te hemiapheres corresponds to which side ofthe body is used to perform speci activites. Such studies, as well as studies of fol use, indicate that ght or le-sided dominance is nt exclusive to modem Homo sepiens. Population of Neandertals, such as Homo erectus and Homo habils, seem io have been predominantly right-handed, as we are. 4. Whats the main idea ofthe passage? (A) Human ancestors became predominant right-handed when they began to use tons. {@) tis atfeut to interpret the signticance of anthropological evidence concerning tool use. {©) Humans and their ancestors have been predominant right-handed for over amilon years. (0) Human ancestors were more skiled at using both hands than mederm humans. 2. What does te author say about Cro-Magnon paintings of hands? (A) Some are net very old {C) Many were made by chidren 3. The word “implements is closest in meaning to (@) tis unusual to see such paintings. (0) The artists were mostly right-handed, i examples (0) pieces (A) tools (©) designs (example © 11a caren nloners edn occur snes rsa, ane eres Pampers fed tha “Anoccnman eRe (Che cepts oer 5. The word "clues" is closest in meaning 0 (A) solutions (@) datas {© samage (© Information The fac tat the iri cut met by holding t between ther teeth i significant Dersie — {2h therlatonship between handedness and catches onfsst human eh cay be veto {@)itemphasizes the diferences between contemporary humans on esto : Scanned with CamScanner ves per round snes ty ont fon ator pend by ode eg treotes mecreren tort eee : ebgeee re ae Cnt cyan 2 SE arrears gece peor Atoms eens See eer erie Sheena af ree eee etna orcas Coeeraet ie eo eee ere ecco erence ae a enene See eerie Baise eine ees oe oan nc OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage. PASSAGE A ‘Do you think (1 ‘songs are popular because they are great songs? Ifo, you need to thnk again, For most listeners, the (2)__of the song isnot as important. A recent online study locked at (3)__we choose our music. It showed that a song's popularity influences. our io In ther words, we tke to fsten to the music that our peers enjoy. In the study, researchers gave a (5) of 48 (61 songs to 14,000 teenagers. The students istened to some of the songs and (7)____them. Participants gave one star fo ‘songs tat they din’ lke. They gave fv stars to songs that they Uked very much. ‘The researchers (8)____ the participants into two groups. The fist group saw only the song (@)___and the neme of the band. They rated songs because the name ofthe song or the name ofthe band (10)_____ interesting. AferTsfenng fo the song, Dartcpants rated t with stars. The second group of teenagers received extra information, This group could also see the number of ‘Sownlcads fer each song. The songs with many downloads looked lice they were very (11 The teenagers thought that these ‘Songs were favorites with their (12) However, the researchers (13) ‘up the number of downloads for each song. The ‘Songs showing the (14) ___ downloads weren't realy popular. In fact, ese songs werent very good, (15) to music experts, PASSAGE B Loneliness fsa curious thing. Most of us can remember ({)___most lonely when we were not infact alone at ll, but when \we were (2)____by people. Everyone has experienced, at some time, that utler (3). ‘of isolation that comes over you when ‘you are at apary, in a room (4) ‘ot happy laughing people, or in an (5). ata theatre ora lecture. It suddenly (6) {o yous if everybody knows everybody (7) ‘everybody i sure of himself, everybody knows what is going on; everybody, that is, except you. This feeling of (8) which can overcome you when you are in a crowd is very dificult to get (9), ot. People Wing alone = dvereee, widowed 6 single people ~ are advised to tackle the loneliness by (10) — a cub or soci y going out ‘and meeting people. Does this really help? And what do you do if you are 11 ‘surounded by people? There are (12) 8) solutions. Your first day at work, oat new school or univers, i atypical situation in which you are (13). ‘feel Tonely. You fee! lonely because you feel lef out of things. You feel thal ether people are full of confideros sod know what To do, (14) you are adrift and helpless. The fact of the matter is that, in order to survive, we al put on a show of ‘self-confidence to (15) ur uncertainties and doubts, SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word in brackets without making any change to it. 1. Your trying to help is pointless, as they will reject your suggestions. (TURN) itso. 2, Hardly anyone tumed up to watch the football match, (CAME) > Almost 3. His behavior may occasionally be unprediciable, (WHAT) > Sometimes you 4. twas to be another six months before Sally met Rim again, (LATER) > Not. 5. The Completion ofthe work was scheduled for last week. (ACCORDING) > The work was to 6. They'l soon find Out what she fs doing for money, (LIVING) > Itwon't, 7. His efforts to finda solution didn't deserve such savage aiticsm. (SO) > They shouldn't 8, Didn't you realize that he was only pretending? (BELIEVE) 3 Didirt it, 9, Whatever happens we must avoid adverse pubICly. (COSTS) 3 We've. 410. When he was small, Jimmy used to collect stamps, (MAKE) —————————— ‘THE END OF THE TEST Scanned with CamScanner 80 GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI OLYMPIC Le aaeE HO CHI MINH LAN 4 " NAM Hi - mow MON: TIENG ANH 11 - KEY LISTENING (20 pts) : ‘SECTION I. (0.5 pt each correct answer) (1) masterpieces (5) process Chamnss 7 (2) object (6) tear (10) creativity a (3) sketches (7) shape (4) Sculpting (8) hardest SECTION Il. (1 pt each correct answer) SECTION III. (2 pls each correct answer) 11. B, She sometimes has to work at night. 16. (because) not all of them are legal 12. A. she prepares itin advance. 417. He can download all the games (that he 13, A. works on the same days each week. wants.) 18. $35 / 35 dollars ; 14. D. took part in a long race. 19. MoviesNow / Movies Now / movies now 15. C. a photo of Sarah. 20. She can take her laptop anywhere (and watch a movie anytime.) // She can use her laptop (1 pt) USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 1.B.Nosoonerhadhe 12. B. decayed 27. D. speechless stepped out before 13. A. poured 28.B. heeds 2. C. to be married to 14. C. expelled 29. B. flesh-eating 3.C. The student having 15. D, would be treating 30. Aim B. waler. made a serious mistake 16. A paid 31.€. reflected 4.C. that 17. D. catch up ori 32. D. off 5. C. so much the better 18. D. to have done 33. C. with 6. C. must have seen 19. B. in terms of 34.B. perceive 7. B. in case 20. B. worth thinking 35. B. By all means, sir. 8. D. needn't have run 21. B. suspended 36.B 9. C. would all stop 22. C. smash-up 37.B 10. D. twice as many 23. A. hence 38.A 11.6. cany out 24. B. took over 39.8 25. C. take priority 40.4 26. D. being taken WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. (2 pts each correct answer) 1. disagreement 5. sociologists 9. workaholic 2. handfuls 6. betterment 10. troubleshooting 3. unscrupulous. 7. non-smokers 4. interacting 8. irreparably B. (2 pts each correct answer) 4. well-known 5, deafening 9. seafood 2. unpleasant 6. sleepless 10. available 3. overlooked 7. politely 4. widened 8. worsened Scanned with CamScanner GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 1. A. performances 5. A. taken 9. C. indulging 2. B. hires 6. A. shedding 10. D. requires, 3. D. work out 7. C. rendition 7 4.C. signed 8. A, weight loss READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 1.) 5.(0) 9.(0) 2.(0) 6.(A) 10. (B) 3. (A) 7. (B) 4.(A) 8.(C) OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) PASSAGE A (2 pls each correct answer) (1) hit (6) unknown (11) popular (2) quality (7) rated (12) peers (3) how (8) divided (13) made (4) choice(s) (9) title / name (1 pt) (14) most (list (10) looked / were (1 pt) (15) according | PASSAGE B (2 pis each correct answer) (1) being (6) occurs (11) already (2) surrounded (7) else (12) no | (3) sense / feeling (1 pt) (8) loneliness (13) likely (4) full 5 (9) rid (14) but | (5) audience (10) joining " (1) hide SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) - > It's nof@Se"trying to help, as they will turn down your suggestions. 2, > Almost no-one came to watch the football match. 7 3. > Sometimes you cannot predict what he may / will bebavé. [io behaioe t . 4, > Not until six months later did Sally meet him again. 5 6 > The work was to be completed last week, according to (the / their ) schedule. > It won't be long until they find out what she is doing for a living // how she makes / earns a living. 7. > They shouldn't have criticized him so savagely for his efforts to find a solution. 8. > Didn't it occur to you that he was only making believe? 9. > We've got to avoid adverse publicity at all costs. 10. > As a small child / boy, Jimmy used to make a collection of stamps. THE END Scanned with CamScanner ‘$0 GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 2 1 eer nal NAM HOC 2015-2016 MON: TIENG ANH 10 i ir Thai gian lam bai: 150 philt (khdng ké thai glan glao dé) DE CHINH THUC Ngay 2 thing 4 nm 2016 LISTENING 203) SECTION | Listen tothe recording caefuly and write down the missin words on your answer shoot Interviewer (1) The along process. ‘Jennifer: iis... R15OK about four years to make my move. i What were the most interesting (2) ofthe process for you? 4: Wel, @)__was realy interesting, Bt can be (3). eo, Ifyou want for and get a wellkncum Holywood actr, it can mean a lot of walling for each person's (6). ‘We ended up choosing an (8) tress for my movie because none of the ‘araus ones could work with our (7) —> sol tink Fd wat 1: What was the best part ofthe process? ‘5: Oh, deity the movie. Its extremely (10) — we worked 12 to 14 hours a day for four weeks on my moxie = butt’ aso very exiing Iss diferent fom any other kind OTB ‘SECTION IL. Listen fo the recording. For questions 11 - 15, choose the optien(A..B, C, or D) which best completes the blank space or best answers the question 11. Vint program isi? ‘don't think fd do it that way again. a famous actress can make a big (8) , Be nay gbm 4 trang AfeshioncnTV ——B.musicen he radio, TVmusie show D. music fr fashion shows 12 is probably the oldest among the people who ere suggesting songs, A jeany B.Andy Cc Fels Di Mark 13. Wich of be fotowing counties Is where Andy from? A. England 8, Scotand ©. tetas D. Wales 14. The presenter realy wants something about ‘A fashion models |B, memories 6f@id times C. fashions D. university days 15. The least sutabe song tobe suggesiedis A Voque 8 Feshion ©. Dedicated Fatowers ot Fashion D. Freedom SECTION Il Liston othe recording. Give brit answers othe quessons 46. What are the speakers taking about? 17 Scotiand, how wil they travel, and where wil they stay in the mountains lathe fee days? 18, To compare with tat onthe last camping tip, how is the aocommodation n Greece this ine? 49, Vint wil th weather be kein Greece during tek sy? 20: Who wil ge the special trophy atthe celebration? USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) ‘Choose the word or phrase (A, B,C, oD) that best completes the sentence. 4. Without the eun, there nie on the earth, A.would be 8.13 ©. cout be D.hassit been 2. Vito was theft person the South Pole? ‘A reaching ®. reached C.toreach D. who reached 3 ready forth test, the boys felt very nervous. Being ot . Hadnt Been C.Nottohavebeen —_D.Netbeing 4. Tepe nobody wil hurt Ahimseth ', themselves ©. herself D. oneself 5. younger brothers are engineers ene” ®. Some ©. Both O. Nether 8, She crit stand afer asf she was a chil Ato look “B. tobe looked ©. looking D. being looked | 7. Misheps sometimes come 80 son, ‘A one and another ‘oneafer another —_C. oneaterthe others D. one or another 8. Tdrather ___ television; the programs seem to get worse. | ‘A tead than watch Bread to watch . reading to watching. reading than wetching 8. cant do my werk! wish they. that lousy musie next door. ‘ABl could stop B-fad al stopped——C. would all stop D. are all stopping 10, Gosh! Ourkids things they have leamt | ‘A forever forget 8. abaays forget C. are forever forgetting. ehvays have forgotten 11. Wh my new computer, ean work than before ‘A agreat deal more efictvely 8. by far more efecvely ©. much efecively 1. more end more effectively 12, The cost offving is geting ‘A the higher, thefigher ——Brimore and more highly. higher end igher the more high than ever 19, Michael asked me.—__the term paper tothe teacher. : “A-when hed! submited 8. when was submiting| C. when had submited. when did submit : 1 Scanned with CamScanner 114. The principal will declare the ceremony open as soon as all the graduates and quests ‘A.willhave sat B.have been seated C. willbe siting D-have seated 15, Of the ten beauty spots my brother visited, {ef a lasing impression on him, ‘A none of which B. not one of them . which none D. and nene of them 16. Taking photographs in this world renowned museum is. forbidden, ‘A absolutely B. highly CE setiously D. stictly 17. They managed to all the men fiom the collapsed mine. A sunive B. sacrifice C.rescue D.save 18. Adam tipped over @ rock and his ankle. ‘A twisted B. sprained stuck D. wounded 19. The heel on Jane's new shoes, ‘A. scratched B.erumbled ©. damaged D. broke 20, Some enduranco evens may be rescheduled if suc ih paiion lvels_a health isk to mos ath ‘A create B. present Coun D. face 21. He promised his daughter a dof, and, to my great joy, he___ his word. ‘A. stood by B. stuck et , went back on D. held onto 22. They just with each other. They used to be a dream couple ‘A. ended up B. putup C. got along wel! D. broke up 23..'m wom out. | could ‘acup of tea ‘A. put up with B. call for . do with D. come in for 24. Tim is staying with a(o)__family while studying in Austra, A. adopted ~~. host C. unofficial D. fake 25. During the__, someone tried to call he police. A hold-up B. outbreak ©. checkin D. get-together 28. She is row in the public attention ‘after her appearance inthe fim series. B. arm Cee D. notice 27. She 2 few clothes into a case and huried to the airport. A scattered : B. shoved C. plied D. heaved 28. AC Milan afr) story of a football club in 1990's. ‘A successful B. successive C. unsuccessful D. success 28. Television came into ‘and became a competitor with the metion pictures. ‘A practice . enforcement C.use O.life 30, The teacher gave him ‘smile to encourage him to answer the question, ‘A trusting B. worthy . considerable D. pleasure 31. My sisters dont, ith me about the arrangements. A. see eyeto eye) B. tum their hand C. tun theirnose up. aiscuss 32. These days Ihave my. {ull with organizing workshops. ‘A face B. neck C. eyes D. hands 33,_A: B:*OK, Hl take it” ‘A Nobody wants to say anything. : B. That biscuit is going begging Old habits die hard! D. Please don't takeitto heart. 34, Our favor player Dove once egan ——__his arch ia Nada nh at Roland Gas fat Alostio 8. defeated by C. beat with . triumphed 35, _A: "Why would he bothertolie about it” _B:*_ ‘A There's no doubt about it. —_B. Not so fast! © Search met D. Liars bother him! Choose the word or phrase (A, B,C, orD) that fs incorect. 56. Gina poeesena Stale, jo get ugh py aac se econ ned. s1.the lg tuteln atuagztar cng meray apr wna pressure. 28, oer can oe om tains, testy maybe med a atch use. 29, Bata edn te so ya vata ning te carton nd ine need yan 40. we anton wing ener ai te. st ope mine woud be ured unin See WORD FORMS. (40 pis 1A Flin the blank with the appropriate fm ofthe word given in brackets. {The sche is very proud of heung ts cami sete research (exper) 2. The man commited a thet and was sonaraed To Breesmonth om 3, Ereryone inthe neighborhood looks upto fim ad cl him haan of 4 Inte lat teste poperresatwas.—~—__salsfocor. "Gurrse) E:T is evry important event and WaravlTbe the presence ofa great umber t___(ooabrate) &:thon cames the stage youloseomaich youl be etinated. (oR) The colocon ef BOTT te oral sty a ease of — va. (etmate) 2:The tondeny now's fo have schol fr young cian stead of segregated ones. (educate) 6. They cant travel anywhere bj Boator ship because efter (eK) {or Tove tle more money, siden can Spl for wan the depatrent store. (season) Scanned with CamScanner 4 eon ate Satya eaarcctTeet blanks. You have to use thelr correct forms to make a meaningful pastage, There are system diverso—=—specullar’ sie vary water ee iy peoular e Allbirds have feathers, and al animals i feathers oe ear group of aims is so eas to categorize. Al brava igs. ob wns are nate) acetal ee a any a found in both feathers and wings of bids. Feathers frm the soft dow of geese and ducks, the lng ({9) umes of exces, and the strong (14)_~ “feathers of eagles and hawks. Wings Vary fom the shot, broad ones of chickens whieh seldom yt the long sim ones of albavowies, wich sped smoot al i (19, soang on ai cuenta Beguis, wings have been modified ito tppers and eahers io (16), = cavelng, nk howgs ar almost Inpocle fo Yet (1n___ among birds isnot s0 sking a8 ifs ame ingbird and ; SUiking asi s among mammals, The dileence between a hummingbird and a Cee ata patane terior ant (18). ani as that between a bat and a whale. It is (19)_ in details rather than in GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) vn” a42080n of ids to many kinds of 20 Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space. Elzabeth Blackwell was bor in England in 1821, and (1 1 New York Cy when she was fen years old. One day she ent at ae Pe ee bi oo ate ae wa ene Oe ne wating many leters seeking (2)_to medical echools, she was final (3) by a doctor in Philadelphia, So determined was sheath ia School ag @)—__— musi sso to ean mane] fF fer grad Tedial school, Pars. She.wanled tobe a surgeon, beta serous ee teionovesherio()——heten,s "et monuen Pans 8 . pen returning to the United States, che ound it dificult to stat her own (7)___ because she was a woman. By 1857 Etzabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor (3), {o open & new hospital, the frst for women and efiéren, Besides Being the frst (9)_ physician and (10), ther own hospital, she aso established the rst medical school 41.4 evacuated 8. migrated C. emigrated D.exied 2.4 permission 8. recognition C. edmittance D. admission S.A received B. accepted C.rojected D- achieved 4Ahad 8. made Cave Dad 5.A futher B. made . started Diran B.A dowithout 8.tum away C- give up Dirunout 7A business B. cause Cade D. practice A succeeded B. managed C. coped Deenabied 10. A. making B. finding : producing 0. founding READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. ‘Scientists have discovered that forthe last 160,000 years, atleast, there has been a consistent relationship between the amount of carton dioxide in the air and the average temperature ofthe planet. The Importance of carbon dioxide in regulating the Earth's temperature was confirmed by scientists working in eastem Antarctica. Dring down into a glacier, they extracted a mile-long oyiinder of ice from the hole. The glacier had formed as layer upon layer of snow accumulated year after year. Thus dling into the ice was tantamount to driling back through te. ‘The deepest sections of the core are composed of water that fell as snow 160,000 years ago. Scientists in Grenoble, France, {fractured portions ofthe core and measured the composition of ancient sir released from bubbles inthe ic. Instruments were used to measure the rata of certain isotopes in the frozen water to gel an idea ofthe prevaling atmospheric temperature atthe fine when that particular bit of water became locked inthe glacier. “The result is a remarkable unbroken record of temperature and of atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide. Almost everytime the chil ofan ice age descended on the planet, carbon dioxide levels dropped. When the global temperature dropped S*F (5 "C), carbon dioxide levels dropped to 190 parts per milion or so. Generally, as each ice age ended and the Earth basked in a warm interglacial petiod, carbon dioxide levels were around 280 parts per milion. Through the 160,000 years of that ice record, the level of carbon, ‘doxide in the almosphere fuctuated between 180 and 280 parts per milion, but never rose much higher until the Industrial Revolution beginning inthe eighteenth century and continuing today. ‘There is indirect evidence that the link between carbon dioxide levels and global temperature change goes back much futher than the glacial record. Carbon dioxide levels may have been much greater than the current concentration during the Carboniferous period, 360 to 285 mnilion years ago. The period was named for'a profusion of plant life whose buried remains produced a large fracton ofthe coal deposits that are being brought tothe surface and burned today, 41, Which ofthe folowing does the passage mainly discuss? (A) Chemical causes of ice ages (6) Techniques for studying ancient layers of ce in glaciers {C) Evidence of a relationship between levels of carbon dioxide and global temperature (0) Effecs of plant life on carbon dioxide levels inthe atmosphere 2. The word “accumulated” is closest in meaning to (A) spread out (@) changed (©) became denser (©) buitt up 3. According to the passage, the driling ofthe glacier In easter Antarctica was Important because it (A) allowed scientists to experiment with new cling techniques {@) permited the study of surface temperatures in an ice-covered region of Earth (©) provided insight about climate conditions in earier periods (©) confirmed earl findings about how glaciers ere formed , Scanned with CamScanner 4. The phrase “tantamount to is closest in meaning to ) ‘) practically the same as. (C) especially well-suited to (0) untkely to be confused sain” componente {complements © ged elope fom he water a tee orto dlemine wich oolong? ‘5. According othe pa (A) The amount of ar (8) The temperature ofthe at (©) The date at which water had (0) The rate at which water hod been mosphere when the ice was formed ‘become locked inthe glacier frozen in the glacier 6. The werd ematabl” cose in aning : Decne ‘ey pomanent (©) etraorinary The werd ns closet mening 0 ee ae {@) connection (C) attraction that had bubbled fo the surface since the ce had formed (©) continuous (0) distance: en (lier ‘that the warmest temperatures among the periods mentioned occurred 8. The passage implies (@) 160,000 years ago fin eth cant (A)in the early eightes ” (0) between 360 and 285 milion years ago (C) at the end of each ice age 8. According othe passage, te Carboniferous prod was characterized by nociyar eine num (8) the buming of a large amount of coat ia) areducion inte nomber foal Gepests 8 (0) an accelerated rate of glacier formation (C)an abundance of plants 410. The passage explains the origin of which of the folowing terms? (A) Glacier (8) Isotopes: OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) Fillin each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage. PASSAGEA CCildren have been wrongly assumed to have poor sense of proportion {C) Industral Revolution (0) Carboniferous period when it (1), to painting something. When drawing human (2)__, children often make the head too: large for the (3) of the body. A recent study offers some (4)___into this common 3), in children's ilustrations. As (6), of the study, researchers asked children (7) 4 and 7 years old to make several drawings of men. When they drew @ Views of male figures, the size‘of the head was ‘markedly enlarged. (9)___, when the chidren drew rear views of men, the sizeof the head was not (10). exaggerated. The researchers suggest (T1)_____ children draw bigger heads when they know they must leave (12). for facial deta. Therefore, the odd head (13) (15), of scale. in chldeen ilustratons is @ form of planning (14), ‘and not an indication of @ poor PASSAGES: Imagine you're driving down the highway one spring day and it begins to ain. You hear the sound of the rain on the car ()___ Sudeenty, it 2 ‘28 if small stones are pounding on the car, and you see (3) of ice bouncing on the road. tones can (6)____ Vehicles as well as gardens and Youre in @ hailstorm, and youd better get your car under (4) ! farmers (5) youll see it has (8 just Uke an onion. A hallstone begins its If you pick up a hailstone and cut it in (7) ‘existence 23 a snowflake, high in the atmosphere. The snowflake comes in @) ‘ih what is called ‘supercooled water’ = water that exists at temperatures below (10), ‘but is stil in fiquid (14), Thi and it becomes a hallstone. As the halstone falls, the layers of ie (Fi ‘supercooled water many (13), and more layers of ie forms unt fo a ca earth Halters (15) _____most often inthe spring. Some halstones are as big ‘SENTENCE TRANSFORNATION (20 pts) Rewrite each sentence in such a way that i means almost the same as the on without making any change to it. 1. We were al supriced when she suddenly came back, (once) >To 2. Because of her boyiends lack of punclualy, she Teh, (unpunctual) 3 The fact. 3. It seems 35 there I 8 Sight deterioration in his physical condition, (slightly) > bs physical 4, Success depends on your hard work. (become) > The harder you 6. Itls sald that our boss has Waveled o many diferent counties now. (number) > Our boss: 6. Inall probably, we wil fish the projec on Thursday, —(inished) is water forms a coating of ice around the snowflake, up. Alr currents may lit the hailstone back into the rents can no (14), old it up. Then it falls to ‘as baseballs and may weigh over @ pound. 1e printed before it Use the word in brackets > There is every, (despite) 7. He may have some weaknesses, but he fs sulted tothe job than anyone else. 3 Heis by 8, No one else in the class's as good at al chess as Timis. (second) 3 Timis- 9. How long have you Been playing badminton? (lake) - > When 10. He is soinleligent a student that his Gassmates admire him. (Took) > Such ‘THE END OF THE TEST Scanned with CamScanner $0’ GIAO DYC VA DAO TAO TPHOCHIMINH =, {kines LISTENING (20 pts) cctv SECTION |. (0.5 pt each correct answer) (1) sounds (2) parts (3) casting (4) frustrating (5) response SECTION Il. (1 pteach correct answer) 11. B, music on the radio 12. C, Felix 13. 8. Scotland 14. C. fashions 15. D. Freedom USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (1 pteach correct answer) 4. A.would be 2.€.to reach 3... Not being 4B. themselves, 5.C.Both 6. D. being looked 7. B. one after another 8. A. read than watch 9. C. would all stop 10. C. are forever forgetting 11, A.a great deal ... 42. C. higher and 43. C. when |had submitted WORD FORMS (40 pts) {i vec} A. (2 pts each correct answer) 1. expertise 2. imprisonment 3. wisdom 4, surprisingly B. (2 pts each correct answer) (14) peculiarity (12) adaptations (13) decorative (14) flight as Sly a 5e Bid to GV 4 Aue 4 She ¢ i? - “Huss ee } KY th ‘OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHi MINH LAN2 NAM HOC 2015-2016 . MON: TIENG ANH 10 a Ngay 2 thang 4 nam 2016 Low ae (am bew we qiay “’ KEY ~ chic thin ph&e one Aekae dain eSedence » Angel (6) unknown _ © nyt dat cliscus (7) schedule ee (8) difference bdGna #8c Long (8) shooting . g 10) tiring Pet, cach che Akin : ngfiedly Ee a (ie :| SECTION II, (2 pts each c correct answer)" 16. hockey team I/ trip Cac Mee 4 | 417. by bus / in a (mountain) lodge 2 (6 18. more /f luxurious 2c, 19. extremely / hot het | 20. best player // on the tour a ~bfen cleze + nude , 14. B. have been seated 28.D.success + oh fis xe 45. A. none of which 29.6. use ta 46. D. strictly 30. A. trusting aul Aap od 47.6. rescue 31. see eye to aa 18. B. sprained 32. D. hands + ‘hay nye 419. D. broke 33. B. That biscuit... riled 20. 8B. present 34. A lost to ny nh 21. A. stood by 35. C. Search mol 22.D. broke up ae madp an le 23.. do with 37D hest 24. B. host 38D ee 25. A. hold-up 39. ~ ww tte luda 26.C. eye nate 44 27.8, shoved ate 5. celebrities 6. knockout 7. inestimable 8. co-educational (15) lives (16) waterproof (17) diversity (18) startling 9. seasickness 10. seasonal (19) variations (20) ecosystems Scanned with CamScanner GUIDED GLOZE TEST (10 pts) (1 pteach correct answer) 4, C. emigrated 5. A. further 9... female 2 De admission 6.C. give up 10, D. founding 3. B. accepted 7. D. practice 8, B. managed 4.C. gave READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) (1 pteach correct answer) 4. (C) Evidence of a relationship between levels of carbon dioxide and global temperature 2 (0) built up 3. (C) provided insight about climate conditions in earlier periods 4. (B) practically the same as 5. (B) The temperature of the atmosphere when the ice was formed 6. (C) extraordinary 7. (B) connection 8. (A) in the early eighteenth century 9, (C) an abundance of plants 40. (C) Industrial Revolution clink = 4 honk, OPENCLOZETEST (60 pts) © ‘ PASSAGE A (2 pts each correct answer) ty Sindy Che (1) comes (6) part = (11) that (2) figures (7) between (12) room (3) rest (8) front (13) size (4) insights (9) However (14) ahead (8) disproportion (19) 20 (45) sense PASSAGE B (2 pts each correct answer) (1) roof (6) crops (11) form (2) sounds (7) half (12) build (3) balls (i! pieces > 4 pt) (8) layers (13) times (4) cover (9) contact (14) longer (5) damage (10) freezing (15) occur SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) 1. > To our surprise, she came back all at oncey, 2. > The fact that her boyfriend is (often) unpunctual made her leave him. 3. > His physical conditions seem to be deteriorating slightly. 4. > The harder you work, the more successful you (will) become. 5. > Our boss is said to have travelled to a (great) number of countries. 6. -> There is every likelihood (that) the project will be finished on Thursday. 7. > He is by far the best suited to the job than anyone else despite his weaknesses. 8. 9. 1 > Tim is second to none at chess in the class. |. > When did you take up badminton? © & 0. > Such is his intelligence that his classmates look up to him. They Mak Thay Wary THE END d we AS ae ev Que Scanned with CamScanner ‘80 GIAO DYC VA DAO TAO. KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHi MINH LAN 2 ‘TP HO CHI MINH NAM HQC 2015-2016 MON: TIENG ANH 11 . ‘ ‘Thoi glan lam bal: 150 phat (khong ké théi gian giao a’) BE CHINH THUC. Ngay 2 thang 4 nam 2016 8 nay gdm 4 trang LISTENING (20 pts) ‘SECTION L Listen to the recording carefuly and write down the missing words on your answer sheet. Good evering, and here is the Eight O'clock News Five thousand people marched through the streets of Chesivorth today (1)__ against glans for a new eternational airpon. ‘pear the town, Athough there were such a large number ef demonstrators, tneve was fo (2). The daronstatars marched 19 the town hall, where @ (3)____ enquiy into the plans was taking place, and handed 7 @(é)____ to te charmman of the cenguiy. A new aypot is needed Because the other arports inthe London area are (5). Several(@)_____ for anew airport have been suggested, and Chesiworth was (7)___ because itis near both a majar motorway and a (@]__—_ line. Atbough w38 a protest march, there was almost a (6)___ atmosphere, and both demonstrators and police (10)__—— geod-humored SECTION I. Usten fo the recording. For questions 11-15, choose the option (A, BC, of D) which bact complates the bank space orbest answers the quastion on tv. 41 The mo speakers ore fhing bout ‘Cars gare 8 some muse bands anand ceremony D. program on te muse ind 12. Wnenthe woman hears rahe favorite band won some an . ‘eiemreanoipy. B.she ls nlc ta. Rapes they meow te muse D. she qute beng afan ef that band 13, The man and the woman seem bis ee i tohave he sume dea sECa good at 8 tohave diferentes about good spot C.to confit win each ater on god atcriera. _B.teeney wating he same hss ogra. 14. Thewaman does NOT agree sh unch al he elowingopincne ‘Award eoremontes are good eleaoment "tis Gears say who is beter in spo. . usp ante the gin sper Baris sect 15, According oe woman ‘A evatds encourage TU bands 8. the ruber of CD sli an eco fa goad CD. ©. he Grammy Anas a great event D moneys pron a quay nine sic nasty SECTION Liston te ecing. Give biel answers oti qvsions 1 Vinatca they won to asverice? 17. Winatcoes tha tag window tow to the oom? 18 How ae thes onthe eaing? 19. Wy ithe oeaton af he house good? 20, What does herent of 60 pounds nie? USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A, B,C, orD) that best completes the sentence. 1. The teenager. stamps for3 years by the end of 2016. ‘A. willhave ben oolecing B. wit have colacted Chas collected willbe collecting 2 There's no point the protiem will soon sor se out A forus worry B.toworry worried Di worying 43. Eitheryou, orl, or your brother_____responsite for the damage. Aan ca Care D. being 4.1 could hardly understana he saie? Acallwhat nothing which ©. anything that D. everyting ef what 5. He reall looks worried. He his homework yesterday A should have done Brdidn'tneed todo C.musthavedone___D. would have dane 6.“Btary has a lite dificult fting in" "Wel, [guess she_to this type of work ™ . ‘A ddatuse B hasnt used C-isn't used D.isgetting used 7.\Fonly!___ then what know now ‘Ahad Known B knew C. gould know D. was known, {8 He plays an important role inthe company he isthe diving force behind every projec. ‘A. despite the fact that Biinthat C.incase Das though 8 this workshop, you wil know how to analyze large amounts of numerical data A carpieted B Youhave completed C. Being completed —_D. On completing 10, Tom could play basketball ealy wel, He ‘a professional player, but he decided to become a businessman instead ‘A. may have become 8 would Become C. could have become D. was becoming ™ 11, ve just been introduced to som ‘A. many energetic rice boys B_ energetic and nice boys C. nice boys vary energetic Dboys nice and enengetc 12, The points that you have tobe able to work a8 2 group to successtuly carry out the project. ‘A. yourselves B. each other together D. forthe other 13, These days, people who do manual work often eam, ‘money than clerks who work in otfoes, A faralotof B. quite much T.alot more 1D. farmuch 14 | could not putt down unt | ished it, ‘AThw aici was such interesting that B. twas 80 interesting an article ©. Soinleresting the article was tnat . Such an interesting article wast that Scanned with CamScanner 15, It was not unt she had arrived home remembered her appointment wih the doctor. eae Sham cee a ee a ene Te pak col a Te kane oo TAS ean note EE cat Sign wus ba gh eee cat ees nates, Tran end pasa cee torn legs ean ore ae i re nia Si pense tates eee aden __oecerntra en Oe OL, rane SAratromananteetia —_wetnanbes mabwrisnaptens Keon ae eteetan cle 2h escanen tnon Phere pumettoeg A eS nen == 22. I dontknow what fight fm coming by. I'm fying on 2_t ‘A giveaway iS B second-hand C. standby D. checkout ieee conven _ anne one ties a a i aS 2 eect "and oda in to Seton eteateaes ta eens oo Fe cn bad aoe ete scnatn Gattans capstone aoe a, ee ee ce 1 a ieee cated ner cee Seay momma by pot nme ate aera ery ees eae earn feet be eee Ss teeese aaa ghigateranesiotorale eee, een cs eer eae iaces oo pga eee ae ee — eS ‘32. A gang of tueves broke into the gallery ang paintings worth $5,000,000. | “A ohaet Beet REEL ayton eee eet here 3 wan °'—Eeicgentok Weve rettone and yt AS aol ethan ene ic Charaa intl FA nasntatene? i Sees Etats be paanes ea nae eerie ees rips CASE Ossian | CaS mania nip tt bere 136. It is han tme the government helped the unemployed people to find some job. x tomato ampatoa ioe etnpetin tn ni ae 29. sustnecase of he ovrsments pay, soe fing ress have Sbndoned ° cnt a pent Sob iw tegen on ce WORD FORMS (40 pts) {A Fill in the blank with the appropriate form ofthe word given In brackets. 1 Crows are probably the most easly _____morbers of the naive fauna ofthe United States. (Identity) 2. ‘tganizations help lo preserve te Geology of an area by Keeping rack of endangered species. (conserve) ‘3 Tilresignit you continue to___ everthing say. (regard) 44 The inedent et him wih feeings f anger and___._(itter) '5 There was a sudden ‘of Gapping and cheering 2s he rose to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. (burst) 6, The new sales is Very noe, ecient ana polite tothe customers. (fall) 7. Famous though he may be, he is an actor with @ private hfe. (scandal) 8.1m affaa t's nat fair when her achievements are aways, ‘wt) 9. That director always tres to painta picture of working this company. (sugar) 410. He was accused of being fis chien. (ealet) 8B Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use thelr correct forms to make a meaningful passage. There are two extra words that you cannot use. ingtil Passees tant utter oom need popular surprise ence each ie el oly former nary day, ol cose te nation, a mary a3 {in chen reline to got scool. But whle the feasons can ange rom & (in__ eae on irplaced pnp, “ahoa usa: (2) kan as schol phale, 6 an scl wnustrbased Gea “tora roe prevlont han sane Fe Known ch Goatees he AUTON eae Denon reer Uy Lagie tele complaints and (14). to verbalize whats making them anxious, fee sometimes camssed 26 2 Scanned with CamScanner typical (5) _ However, the eects of eu ibe (16)____for your chigs education So, whe’ thane Between whats nomal and whats nati "Vou hese to ok at whetver Kv Afing tho chad 0” Tomly’s dy fuetonng* Weer were fa code qrades ae (7) vcr parents fo sn oopaay rom frequen beens. tie 10 lk dosly a the isue, Pants shout be tong CATT fo ehcron who sa Mey eant go to schoo! becuse of "age (18) kinds of things like stomachaches or headaches ~ While thes® somatic complaints alone don't (18)___ indicate ‘che rar, tare maybe deaper pros f canines with genta comple ab0dt tooo. tof brea AT woo! and cron GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, Cor D) for each blank space. ___ Ina world increasingly fearsome and fragile, TV commercials represent a(n) (1 minutes in every hour, viewers know that they willbe kept away from this cruel word int of cal and reassurance. For six sn Wealzed welhordered land. You and | will experience real ife as (2)__ harassed and chaotec bu in the world of TV commercials happy families may be relied upon {o gather at breakfast-time for(@)__ bowls of comfaker, their teeth free of decay, thelr shirts whiter than snow. ‘TV advertising in Britain, (2)____ with the symbols of good le, exploits, a (5)__ for evidence of old-fashioned security. Things were better inthe old days: Broad was crusty and beer was @ man's drink. Butin seling the idea of a better ie, it (6____ me that most British commerci's fal in their priiary function. I eannct be alone among those who usually remember leverying about TV advertising except the product tis desired (0 (7). In one superb commercial, a buter drives a car headlong iat Vast dining-hallo serve champagne. What on earth was ft seling? The champagne? The car? No-one ean tell Pecple (8), in the medium and forgot the message. American ‘advertisers don't make such mistakes. A fypcal U.S. commeroal (9) a woman in a kitchen holding @ highy-visile botte of something or other and seling it (10), No art, no craft just the message. | 1A space ‘Secalty ©. atmosphere D oasis 2A absolutely B largely widely D- highly BA stutled B weathy C.beggng * D. convivial 4A filed B satisfed obsessed D. disappointed 5.A yeaming B. wishing finding D. searching BA gets B sinkes C euggests D- insists TA make B. purchase ary D. publicize BA reveled B. enjoyed © enlightened D. fascinated 9.A-expresses B views features D describes, 10.4. big B.hard © eneap D. quick READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) ‘Choose the item (A B,C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. Pemaps tne most stking quality ef sale Itratue iss freshness, its orginally of perspective. Sate rarely offers vigil ideas, lstead it presens the familar ina new form. Sats do not fer re word new phiosophies. Wht they dois look at fantar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem folsh, harmful or affected. Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many ofthe values we unquestioning accept are false. Don Quixote takes chivaly seem absurd, Bove New World iicules the pretensions of science, Modest reposal dramatizes starvation by _adveeatng cannibalism. None ofthese ideas is erignal. Chivalry was suspect before Cervantes, humanists cbjcted to the claims of pare stience before Aldous Huxley and people were aware of famine before Swi was not the ognaliy of re idea that made these satis popular. It was the manner of expression the sais method that made them interesting and entertaining. Satires are read because they sre aesthetically satisfying works ofa ot because thy are morally wholesome or ethical insrucive. They are simulating and refreshing because with commonsense biskness they bush away iusions ané seconchang opinions. With spontaneous irreverence sate rearranges perspecives, srambles familar jets into incongruous jntapositon an speaks in a personal ifom instead of abstract plaitude Satie exists because ther is need for it It has lived because readers apprecate a refreshing stimulus, an kreverent reminder that they lived in a word of platitucinous thinking, cheap meralzing, and foolish philosophy. Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of tut though rarely to any action on Beha of tush, Satre tends to remind peop thal much of what they see, hear, and readin popular mesa is sancimorious, sentimental, and only paral tn. Life resembies in only a sight degree the popular image of . Soldiers rarely hold the ideals thet movies atrbute to them, nor do ordinary cizens devote their ves to Unsefish service of humanity. Ineigent people know these things but tend to forget them when they do not hear them expressed, 1. What does the’ passage mainly discuss? : {A) Difficulties of writing satiric iterature. (8) Poputar topics of satire (©) New philosophies emerging from satiric tterature (0) Reasons for the popularity of satire 2. The word "realization" is closest in meaning to (A) certainty (8) awareness (©) surprise (©) contision {3 Wny does the author mention Don Quixote, Brave New Word and A Modest Proposal in lines 457 (A) They are famous examples of satiric iterature (8) They present commonsense solution to problems. (c) They are appropriate for readers of al ages. (0) They are books with similar stories. 4. The word “aesthetically Is cdosest in mearing to aristically (8) exceptionally (C) realistically (0) dependably 5. Which of the following can be found in sate iterate? {A) Newly emerging philosophies (8) Odd combinations of objects and Ideas (©) Abstract diseussion of moral and ethnics (0) Wholesome characters who are unselfsh, sae] Scanned with CamScanner 6 According to the passage, there is @ nied for satire because people need to be (A) Informed about new scientfic developments (8) exposed to orignal philosophies when they are formulated (C) reminded that popular ideas are often naccurste _—_(D) told how they can be of service to their communities. 7. The word “rereshing" is closestin meaning to (A) poputar (8) ridiculous (C) meaningful (0) unusual 8.As a resul of eading sac Iterature, readers willbe most ikely to (A) teach themselves fo write fiction (8) accept conventional points of view (C) become better informed about current aftaies (0) reexamine their opinions and values 8, The various purposes of satie include all ofthe folowing EXCEPT (A introducing readers to unfamiliar situations (6) brushing away ilusions (©) reminding readers ofthe truth (0) exposing fase values. 10, Why does the author mention “service of humanity” in line 187 (A) People need to be reminded to take action (8) Readers appreciate knowing about it (C) Itis an ideal that is rarely achieved. (0) Popular media often distort such stories. OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) Fil In each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage. PASSAGE A ‘Anta Roddick’s The Body Shop was enormously successful. Customers voted it the second (1)__ trusted brand in Great Britain, and it was (2|_26" best-inown brand in the word. As The Body Shop grew, Rodsick became an (3)_ for several environmental and ( ‘causes, These included protecting the rainforests, helping poor farmers, saving whales, and vwerking 10 end sex (5) Tn 1880, she founded Children an the Eage, a (6 ‘that help orphans in Europe and Asia. She also helped estabsh & magazine (7)___ The Big issue, which was produced and cold by homeless people. Her volunteer work @ Rodsick many awards and honors. n 1991, she received the Word Vision Award (9)__ Development and Iniatve. Th 2007, Roddick told the (10)___that she had hepatitis C, an incurable (14). he had gotten it from a blood transfusion in 1871. During the (12)_—— three years of her Ife, she campaigned to false public (13)__ of hepatitis C. Roddick God in 2007 when she wai 64 She did not give (14) of her mney to her daughters seed, she gave it to charities, PASSAGE B. Robots are being installed in many hospitals around the world. They have (1)_ been used fora varely of operations @, heart surgery. (3)___to surgeons, the work robots can do is more accurate than the work humans can do. Robots Cant als0 lp people with (4) For example, robotic arms have been used by people with missing libs for many years. Now ‘anew robotic arm has been (5)_____ whichis convolled by thought. For the frst ime (6)__-_, somebody with a false robotic. ‘am just naeds fo think about a ThoveTient like (7)____up a book, and the Neuto-Contralled Bianic Arm wil do #. The arm has. aady ben sucess bl dots ar (@)_Gevorng They ret hat a (6|___ aster and stoner version wi be in afew years time. Th South Kerea, the robot Olympics takes place every year. It (1 together groups sround the world who are (2) with robots. At the event, children as young as six buld and program Tobotc creations that can do all kinds of things such 85 run or kick a football, Robot Wars is (13)____form of entertainment fr robot lovers. I's @ TV show that (14) remote-controlled robot vehicles taking pat in games, The most popular game is when teams of people cause the vehicles To Rght teach other (15)___ only one rabet survives. Other games include robot races and robot football SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word In brackets without making any change fo it 1. The harsh westher prevented us from going to work this moming. (made) 3 Itwas, 2.1 admire fis Courage, ButT Tink he Ie Gus foolsh. (consider) > Much 8 Ikis evident hat he hasnt Grecly been involved in the rau. (complicity) 3 There 4. twill be anathar four months before they take the inal exam. (underway) 3 Not. 8, He gambled and had to borrow money from lots ofhis ends, (ran) > Due. 6, Olive” apologizes or taking hor call phone unintentionally. (mistake) > Olivers sorry to 7. Armstrong should Teal io Wh about what he knows. (whole) Fits about 8.1 couldn't ep Taughing at his Bundaring efor. myself > I coulen't 8, He is very ich Thanks fo the money he Inherited from his uncle. (eae) > Had it 40, Scientists Bogan To conduct research on AIDS Ih T980, (out) > itwas ‘THE END OF THE TEST Scanned with CamScanner KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 2 80’ GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO 1A ‘TP HO CHI MINH NAM HQC 2018-2016 MON: TIENG ANH 11 Ngay 2 thang 4 nam 2016 KEY LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION |. (05 pt each correct answer) (1) protesting (6) sites {Q) trouble (7) considered {@) public (8) rallway (4) petition (9) carnival (10) remained (8) overcrowded SECTION Il. (1 pt each correct answer) 41. C. an award ceremony 42, D. she quits being a fan of that band. 43. C. to conflict with each other on good art criteria. 414, C. Judging artis like judging sport. 415, D. money is proof of quality in the music industry. SECTION Ill. (2 pts each correct answer) 46. a spare i! room 17, natural light 18. old /! and not (very) bright 48, close toi transport 20. electricity #/ household bills USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (1 pteach correct answer) 4.A.will have... 45. C. that she 2D. worrying 46.C. let alone 3.Bis 47. A augmented 4.C. anything that 18. D. called forth 5. A. should have done 419. C. brainwashes 6. D. is getting used 20. B. owe 7. A had known 21. C. leasing 8.B.in that 22. C.stand-by 9. D. On completing 23. A. put them off 10. C. could have become 24. C.on 11. D. boys nice ... 25. C. fully 42.C. together 26. D. worn-out 13. C. alot more 27. B. place 14, B. Itwas 50... 28. B. dedicating WORD FORMS (40 pts) A. (2 pts each correct answer) 29. C. scrutiny 30.8 deadly large 32.8. made off with 33. A It's not my bag. 34, B. What's the point ... 35. A. Me, neither! 36. 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.B 41. identifiable 6. unfailingly 2. Conservation 7. scandalous 3. disregard 8. belittled 4, bittemess 9, sugar-coated 5. outburst 10. neglectful B. (2 pts each correct answer) (16) far-reaching (11) looming (12) formerly (13) Surprisingly (14) unable (15) willfulness / wilfulness (17) suffering (18) untestable 1/ (untested) > 1 pt (19) necessarily (20) absenteeism Scanned with CamScanner GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 4. D. oasis 2.B. largely 3. D. convivial 4. C. obsessed 5. A. yearning READING COMPREHENSION (1 pteach correct answer) 1. (D) Reasons for the popularity of satire. 2. (B) awareness (10 pts) 3.(A) They are famous examples of satiric literature 4.(A) artistically 5. (B) Odd combinations of objects and ideas 6... strikes 7.D. publicize 8.A. reveled 9.C. features 10. B. hard 6. (C) reminded that popular ideas are often inaccurate 7.(D) unusual 8. (D) reexamine their opinions and values 9. (A) introducing readers to unfamiliar situations 10. (A) People need to be reminded to take action OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) PASSAGE A (2 pts each correct answer) (1) most (6) charity (2) the (7) called (3) activist (8) earned (A) social (8) for (5) discrimination (10) public PASSAGE B (2 pts each correct answer) (1) already (2) in (for > 4 pt) @) According (4) disabilities (6) developed (introduced / used > 1 pt) (6) ever (7) picking (8) still SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) (11) disease (12) last (13) awareness (14) any (15) all (9) much / far / way (10) launched (/ introduced / used > 4 pt) (11) brings (12) fascinated (13)a/one (14) features (45) untit 4. > Itwas the harsh weather that made it impossible for us to go to work this morning. 2.9 Much as / though I admire his courage, | consider him (to be) quite foolish. 3. > There is evidence that he has had no direct complicity in the fraud. 4, > Not until four months later will their final exam get underway. 5, > Due to his gambling, he ran into debt to lots of his friends. 6. > Oliver is sorry to have taken her cell phone by mistake. 7. > It’s about time Armstrong told the whole truth about what he knows. 8. >| couldn't stop myself from laughing at his blundering effort. 9. > Had it not been for the money he came into from his uncle, he wouldn't be very / so. rich. 10. > It was in 1980 that / when scientists began to carry out research on AIDS. THE END Scanned with CamScanner

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